!MVBarj!ww ?i -w iv:,vMft!? TS JU- aiJw-WttaTSET-r-TI rTWi-vl-a s i . i - aaaaa a a- MT-aan i i .5-. - w V" I, cim'CI"' 'V"'j.i '(-t"- v i jijUilJi w -') r !!,,., ,fv' It " C-vA,,AVN-Av-vvvv, Embroidered Collars Wo have this week received an elegant line of the very latest patterns in Embroid ered Collars, which will be sold at honest prices. To make room for our new spring stock of Laces and Embroideries we quote the following prices on embroidery and lace Remnants and Odd Pieces: 2c Luces ami Embroideries lit 1c Sc Luces and Embroideries at 2c lOc Luces and Embroideries lit Sc 2Sc Lack's and Embroideries at 13c SOc Luces and Embroideries at ZSc 1.00 Luces and Embroideries at SOc fancy - Combs - and - Hairpins of the latest styles, and at lowest prices. F. NEWHOUSE. City Dray and Express Line. V. BTl'DKlJAKKlt, IMIOP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Residence52. Office 119 1 C A V nicTRDl I 6- fr fr PL ATT FREES CQ, 1! 4 4, . 5 SAY, niSTER! Do you know that It will pay YOU. as well as US, to buy your Building Ma terial and Coal at ouryards? Not only that our prices avehaqk lower, or at least as low, as those of our competit ors, but hecause we take especial care of and protoct all can be classed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. BURIAL CUSTOMS. The VnrlutM Method I'aril In the DUr.onnl ' the l-il. The disposal uf tin' dead among civ ilized nation lias usually consisted of one of the following three ways: Firstly, of closing up the body lit earth or Hto'nc; secondly, of burning the bod nnd committing to earth the ashes. and. thirdly, the embalming of the hotly. The earliest form of Interment of which we have any account was that of the paleolithic cave dwellers, who hurled their dead In natural mot toes and crevices In the rock similar to those In which they had lived. When we come to the later stone ago we llnd that the people throughout Europe hurled In chambered ImrrowH and calms. Next comes tne uronr.c ago, with Its changes, and anion; oth orj the burial of the dead. The cham bered barrows passed away, and In their places tinrrows wen1 frequently used without chamber, nnd cemeteries of stone clsts set In the ground were largely employed. Frequently a nat ural eminence of sand or gravel was the place assigned for burial, and around it were circles of standing atones. During these prehistoric times cremation was also practiced sine ny side with the simple interments of the people. In pagan times it was custom ..rv whether the dead were burled with or without cremation, to put In their graves such articles as urns or vessels of clay, bronze, gold or glass, clothing, personal ornaments. Imple ments and weapons of warfare. Cremation was largely abolished when Christianity spread over the country, and the Interment of grave goods " was restricted to kings and priests, who continued to be burled In their royal and sacerdotal robes and with their Insignia or omce. Down to the tenth century cremation was customary among the tribes locat ed along the Volga. Here also human Bacrltlces In honor of the dead pre vailed. Records of eyewitnesses of tho horrible ceremonies have come down to us. Charlemagne prohibited tills usage among tho conquered Saxons under pain of death. In India tho living wld ow was In many instances down to 1829 burned with the corpse of her husband. YANKEES OF THE SOUTH. 1 1 Tin- ArKcntlnr Henulille l Knrrnctlo mill rronroNi.lt r. Cold winds come from the south, and winter Is In .luly; otherwise the Argen . tine ltepublle is like Yankeeland. j The Parana, the chief river, Is liir larger than our Mississippi; Its annual tlow of water Is double that of the (hinges, three times that of the St. Lawrence, live times that of the Nile. Argentina has the longest railway tangent (straight line) In the world, 18(1 miles. Its wheat plains are like those of our west. The climate Is similar. Argentina's imputation grows 10 per eeut in ten years, the 1'nltcd States 'JO per cvnt, Ucrniauy 10 per cent. Of the 2.000,000 of immigrants received In Argentina in forty years more thiiu half have been Italian. In 1807 there were hut !ITm miles of railway In Argentina: in UKH) there were 10.001 miles, Home 11! per cent belonging to the government. Argen tina is ninth among the nations in rail way mileage. Argentina has 11:0.000,000 sheep as against the 0,',(KXMKK In the 1'ultcd States. All Argentina Buffered from the Bar- lhg crash In IMK). but recovery Is now , complete. Imports during IMi'.l were j $117.(100,000 and exports $1S.",000,000. From the I'liltcd States came but ?ir, 000,000 of the Imports, and only $8,000, 000 of exports were to this counutry. Montevideo Is in area the largest city In the world three times the size of New York, ttuenos Ayres, growing faster than New York, London or Her tin, Is the biggest city In the world south of Philadelphia, except possibly the Chinese cities. It will reach tho million mark in 1000. Argentina is building one of the fin est dry docks In the world, n model of which will probably bo seen at St. Louis. There is energy In South Amerlcn-lf SHORT STORIES. The cost of taking the llrst census ;ns a little over a cent per head, that of the last census 17 cents. Tourists returning from abroad can now bring through the custom house free of duty all articles to the value of fliK except cigars, cigarettes and liq uors. Hear Admiral Walker estimates that It will take the steady work tif I0,(H0 men who can stand the climate eight years to unlsh the digging of the Pan ama canal. A funeral In Mlttlneague. Mass., wns postponed a day because the gruvodlg ger from sympathetic motives refused to dig a grave for ttie hotly of n de ceased friend. .lames Mouther of (Ireen HIdge. in Aroostook. Me., followed it track tlilr-ty-nlne miles on siiowhIiocs In a snow Btorm tho other day only to tlnd tho fox to he a pretty badly fagged dog. There are three houses In Manonict, Muss., that were standing wnen George Washington was president. The oldest is owned and occupied by Mr. nnd Mrs. C. I). Hurt let t. The next Is the old Clark house, owned by 11. 11. Taylor, and ttie third Is owned and occupied by Mrs. Sarah M. Itrlggs. DO YOU GET UP WITH A IyAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everylxKly who reads the news papers is sure It) know 01 u: wu !. .1 t cures made by Dr. 1 Kilmer's Swamp II Hoot, the great kid L ney, liver and html- f 1HJI Itlliv,.. It IS inegrcaiim:ii ical triumph of the "mr'J jM iJzr - II 1 n VI HORSES AND HORSEMEN. Champion Lou Dillon at Memphis has wintered splendidly. Look out for a new trotting record. K. 11. Similiters, owner of Lord Der by and Major Delmar. has given up Ills proposed auto tour of the world. C. W. Huberts of Crab Orchard. Neb., has sold the two-year-old lllly May Call, by limeade, 1!:1W, to a Colorado buyer. Gilbert Harrison, of (luy Cnton (2:10i) fame, thinks of opening u pub lic stable at Woodland park, Sioux City, In. (3. II. Green of El Dorado. Kan., has Bold the stallion Vaecaro. 71200. by At lantic, 1MM, dam Maud, by Hull, 11830, to John Dimton of Anthony, Kan. Haclng events of the past season of nineteenth century ; discovered nflcrycam of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kldlicv and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame hack, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and Plight's Disease, which is ttie worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not Rec ommended for everything but f you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It hit been tested in mi many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and luu proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been niade by which all readers of this taper, who have not already tried it. may have a mtnnle bottle sent free by mail, nlfion Iwoktcjl iug more about Swamp-Hoot, and how to fiiut out i f von have kidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this gcncrousolTcr in this paper and semi your address to Dr. Kilmer I Xj Co.. lliimhainton.i N. Y. The regular I fiftv.riMit unit one- dollar sie bottles ate H ' ". sold bv till good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Hoot, Dr. Kilmer's Swatnp-Hootr and the nddress, llitighamton, N. ., on every bottle. agflMU IJ IIIM J A TATTOOED FILIPINO. Ilia Bkln llrlrnyril lllm nnd CnBe llln Arrmt. A man was taken to constabulary headquarters ttie other day wliosv body was an art gallery. Ills breast, back and arms had been rendered com pletely antlngautlng by Uttooersyt working under the skillful guhluncc of antliiKiinttng priests. He was vihiuiik, Coal, Lumber, I lnin(nif(fififit(tif1t1,'VVtVV11111 ISAAC B COLV1N, REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Lock Uox 23. Guide Hock, Neb. All kinds of property bought, sold ond exchanged. COLLECTIONS MAM. UBAS0NABLB Don't Be Fooledi Oenulne ROCKY MOUNTAIN TCA U put up InwMte packages, manufactured exclusively liy the JUudlson Medicine Co.. Madison, Wis. hells at 35 cents a cackaite. All other are riiuk Imitations and sutxtltutes, don't risk your health by taklnc them. THKuUMJINU makes sick people WeT Keeps you Well. All Honest Uealers sell the Oenulne. HOLLISTliK UKUC1 to, moaison, wis. . . ..wma puoi inu ENNYROYAL PILLS TrZr OrliilnaT ntitl Only Ornulno. ViTKHAKK. AI.rrlLU l.uillr. "W Ururtlit (C S ClIIthlKSI Hll KNtJMSII tln 11KII ml 1. 0111 ron.uio ,. . JI ..k 1... .iku.n TnLniiiilh.r. ICcrilll.. :l Itanccroua ultltu0na nnd Imltn V iumi.1 for I'Brtlrulnrifc TMllmonlaU OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Tho Bon Tou is prepared to se.'ve Ovsters in every stylo on bhort notico. All kinds of Hot Drinks for cold weather served at tho soda fountain Catering for parties and dances World. The Bon Ton W. S. BENSE. Proprietor. V Aw- nj Itcllcr ror Ladlrm" i" '"'' J'l .'.: turn Mall. l.0(TntlronnlU. M.I4M Bill MadUva ui all UruMliu. ChlehMlrr rhrmljai J a. a rauar.. i-..m. liPl PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clf ainri mid l niilllcJ tlii lulr. rminiitri n , luiuilant erolh. Never Fails to llfntoro tlray llatr to 1U Youthfn Color. Cur, nilp illwaif, hair lulling. V v. amUH' Druggitf Bowling is a ploasiint rctireatiou, is invigorating and is n healthful pastime, and for n pleasant hour's amusement nothing is more interesting than u gamo or two at the : : : NAME8 OF FABRICS. a. Muslin Is named for Mosul, in Asia. Serge comes from Xergo, the Spanish for a certain sort of blanket Bandanna Is derived from an Indian word signifying to bind or tie. Calico la named for Calicut, a town in India, where It was flrut printed. Alpaca is the name of a species of llama from wbose wool me genuine fuhric is woven. The name damask 1b an abbreviation of Damascus; eutln is a corruption of Zaytown, In China. Velvet Is the Italian "vellute." woolly, and Is traceable farther back to the Latin vellus, a hide or pelt. Shawl Is from the Sanskrit mila. which means floor, shawls having been tlrst used as carpet tapestry. Cambric comes from Cumhrnl, gauze from (iiizn, baize from Ittijac. dimity from Dauietta and Jeans from Jean. Illnnkct hears the name of Thomas Blanket, a famous Kngllsh clothier who aided the introduction of woolens Into England in the fourteenth century. Philadelphia Bulletin. I'll u ui ou lu unit Con Kill n sr. Coughing as an aid in the cure of pneumonia was tho Idea advanced by Dr. Charles II. Francis before a recent meeting of the Chicago Kcleetlc Med ical and Surglcnl society. This was one of the many means suggested for the treatment of pneumonia. "Cough If you want to live," was tho advice of the physician. "I have found in my practice that those without the cough almost always succumb to tho disease. I have seen strong men who did not cough fall to recover from pneumonia. To me it seems tho ln I variable rule that persons who lutvn 1 pneumonia and do not cough nvo thosa ' thnt never reeover " No Now, feat SlcU All the Yer. "The Islnnd of Madeira 1h one of tho most interesting portions of ttie globe," wild a traveler. "Little has been said and less written about the primeval cus toms of the people nnd the quaint man ners that still exist. I was in Kunchal, the capital city, recently, nnd the Eng lish are beginning to frequent the la tnnd in large numbers. There are no horses on the Island, nnd the natives employ no wheeled vehicles. All tho moving about Is done on sleds drawn by bulls. The runners are greased to make them glide easily over the pebble highways. Back of this city Is a moun tain, mid a cog railroad runs to its top. Tho descent Is made In sleds a tils tance of two miles to the city, and guides run the entire distance, guiding the sledit with ropes." Louisville Courier-Journal. 1003 have served to place the name, antlngant n g pries s new '"J" of Cascarllht, 25 high among ; those hi- qucr do to SZSSt or tne uroou mares mat rntim ingiivni as producers of extreme trotting speed. George H. Studebnker of Houtb Bend, " .""""'"""T' Vn. ront rtround' In Id., has bought the tnittlninar to Vo-ed to roam jurid In - .ft. ...I. .. VA.ls I Ala... ft .au. ti .nut tllt.4Ml I you go rar enougn suuu..-i:w au... ol , uiuou "- - " ?" Y .i ,,f ,, hnj1 t(Ml ltmV Incrlrolnat u.i , " ..". . r . . .. . Dora M., trhil 2S4, fmm Alio Horn, merfleld of Lnporte, Ind., nnd the pn cer Tonintor, 2:111. 'rotn Wlllla B, Deal of Lnporte. PLAYS AND PLAYERS. rood AdllltiTiitlon. State Chemist Walker of Nebraska nfter spending several weeks In an- j nlyzlug tomato catchup an'd strawber ry Jam states that only one brand of catchup was found which wan madu from tomatoes and was not artlllclnlly colored. Pumpkin was found to form the tnmls of nil the others, and the col- orlng Is attained by means of coal tar . . . , i ....... ...i. ........ I...., I.. I, tljes. Alleged Niiumii'iij Jin" " " number of eases he found was made chlclly from pumpkin, colored with coal tar dyes and containing a pre servative In the form of benzole. Tim othy seed was also found to be an In gredlent In some cases. The historic Madison Squorc theater, New York, will probably never lio used again. Mnxlnc Elliott nnd Maude Adams are said to have been born In the aanio month. Ben Greet of "Every Man" fame has J above It. played Orlando In "As Yon Like It" more than 1,000 times. Later In this spring Klehnrd Mans field will play In San Francisco for the first time in nine years. Kay Templeton will be tho leading attraction of the New Auisterdum roof garden In New York during the sum mer. Shakespearean productions are mak ing much more money on the road than In long engagements In largo cities. I Forbes Itobertsnn made his star debut In March, 1871, In London. He then appeared l:i "Marie Stuart," play- usplclous character. He gave hM name nB Sylvester Gomex. Ilia nnj tlngnntlngB were above suspicion, an) well na above price; and had they been worked on a garment, na Is customary,; he would have tieen despoiled of It for,, n curio. Over hlB heart he had worked n ctiii-j ventloiml figure of nn altar, with cross superimposed. Tills he snld wni nn antlngantliig. On his right breast was n human heart, Inverted, sur mounted by n cross, with three letters" When asked wliut particu lar brand of antlngautlng this was n It IS bPlll'VMl onlv grinned the wider. that tills fantastic design Is the re minder of some vow that lie took dur ing the Insurrection. Three more tet ters and a cross were tattooed In the, hollow of his hack, lie said ttiat theso were never known to fall to keep olt diseases, and Indeed It must be con fessed that he seemed to be tin extraor dinarily healthy animal. Then there were long disarrange-, incuts of the alphabet across his breast and all down Ills arms. They looked as If somebody had attempted to wrlte n lot of seditious newspaper headline In Tagalog and had run snort or copy. Ing the role of Chnstelard. 1Hr m(1 H0 HIMi Gome?, for itj. Kyiie Bellow Is one of the most ver- .vrmnK tablet. lie explained t.int sntlle actors hi America. On sliort uo- tlee he could star acceptably In any role, rrom Shakespearean tragedy to farce comedy. EDITORIAL FLINGS. UIIEt'MATISM I'L'ltKI) IN A DAY. Myrtle (.lire for HliuiimHtlun iiml Nenriilnlii radically furcMnl to :(lnH. IIh nitlon upon theHVUcm Is remiirkiilne and mMi'rliiii 11 rcraoveH at nneo tla-crtu-o nml the iUm'hh-lin SSufel? lUai'lrH. The llrat doo KtMtlr beiicllln. 7ft ceiitu and i 00. old li 11. h. mice. DriUMiHt. IteilCUmd. T.M TABLE. Red Cloud, Neb. Apex Bomlinq Alleys W. L. M c M I L. L A N, Proprietor. Choico Tobaccos and Cigars Always on Hand. DENVEli HELENA OUT1E BALI LAKE C PORTLAND SAX FKAXC1SCL and all jioint west. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO SI. JOE KANSAS CITY 81. LOUIS and all points east and touth. ' TA!KS LT 0M.0W: Nn IS PkiieiiRer dally for Obcrlln Ho, is. ',"e87Kr,nclbrancliei.Ox ford. Mccook. Denver and all points wont - D w- ii eBBcnKer dally for St. Joe. V0' l Kaiiaa f C'lty. Atchlaon. St. lSSu. Uiieoln via Wymote aud all liolntB eat and nuutli 'I0 a.tr un is PaaBciiiter. dally. Denver, all 1,0 15, polnwln Colorado, Utah nd .. m fcallforula 8:t5p.B Mo. 1. I,,,c,,cr;,?ally1!,M?ni'i Jset' w Kantaii City. AtcblMiii. St. Louia alio an pomia w ,,. . aoutU 10:3ft a.m in 174. Accommodation, dally except No' !' Sunday. IIbbIIiik". Orand fa- land. Black Hills and all points in tlio norlhweat- - 2:00 P.m iP.nliiK. dlnlnR. and recllulnn chair nark . .!v,op1 on throiiKh tralna. Ticket sold aud Kro enccked 1 ?i" any point In the Unltec Bl5?e.inrfnrmai,o'n. lime tnblci, maps or tlcketi .Viro or nd'l "" A. Conover. A.et. Heo fnond N?br. or J. KrancU.Oancral monger Agent' Orab. Nebraika H. B. ASHER, VETERINARIAN Of the Kansas City Veter inary College Olllco at K. Johnston's, tho Brick Barn. ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED Telephone 1!). RED CLOUD, NEB. At Blno Hill llrst Tuesday in each month. INKI.AMMATOUY HIlKfMATlSM ITW'.I) IN H DAYS. Morton 1. Illll of l.etnimii Ind.. ni)h; "My wife lind InllMtninntorv ltlionmivtlt.ni In every mut'rle Hint joint , tier MitfurliiK was terrible nnd her bnly and fare were swollen almost lie )ond rccigtiltloii : hud htcn In bod hlx weekx and' had clcbt pIiIcihiih. but received no benefit until he Irled Iho Mjktlo Cure for Itlienmnllim. It kiivc Imintdlale relief and htm wnH ablo to walk about la three days. I nm niiro It saved her life." Sold by.H. E. tlrlce, llniRRlat. Hed Cloud. A Jrnt Traveler. Miss (loriloii-Cummlug, the well known traveler, was born with an ad venturous strain In her blood. Slio has rumbled from Cornwall to tho Himalayas, from California to Tibet. .She has spent months on board a l-'ronch inanor-war and more months cruising In Sir Arthur Cordon's yneht In KlJInn seas. She Is the twelfth child of Sir William Gordon-dimming of Altyre (ho married a second wife and had three more children, making fifteen In all). Her brother. Itonaleyne, was known tho world over as "tho lion hunter." CATARRH &M Hunil nml Front. In opening a Keene (X. II.) street to get at a frozen water pipe something like two feet of frozen earth was tlrst removed and under this over a foot of dry sand was shoveled out as easily as it would be in summer time. Beneath tills sand a different soil was found, Admiral Togo acts as if he thought I'ort Arthur might get away some dark night. -Philadelphia Imiulrer. Heir Conrled says the proposed pro duction of "Parsifal" In Hngllsh would lie :i "desecration." For heaven's sake let It go at that! Milwaukee Sentinel. The renewed announcement that the Balfour ministry Is "upon Its last legs" suggests that It must be a ery centl ped among ministries. - Philadelphia North American. The Standard Oil company paid only $44 in dividends on a SUM share last year, and It starts ofT with a March dividend of $1(1 a share, where last year's was if'-IO. Tills must make tho Htnekliolilers feel noor. - Xew York World. ltadlum not only cures (its. blind ness, baldness, cancer, rheumatism, toothache and locomotor ataxia, but It is claimed to be a remedy for wlfo beating. It Is safe to call it a remedy for anything so long as It costs $500,- "set! these would keep off bullets, and tl'eyj looked as If they would.-Muuiin uni hie Xews. KturtliiK it Humor. A remarkable instance of tho rvny IrA which unfounded rumors get Into cir culation conies from Madrid. A locaf. newspaper was testing some new type Among the sentences which were for this purpose win n iioaiiiintr containing the words "Deaili or u.t Pope." The consentient proof being: satisfactory, the paper on which it wast printed was forgotten and In someway appears to have been carried by a draft out of a window. A pasacrby saw It. read It and within an Incredibly short time Madrid was full of circumstantial accounts that the pope had suddenly!, died after an attack of apoplexy. I up m tto SffiRiuf mjssm -OtJJl HK l a....:?rji :hu trrtvctf y)Js7j& Sd und tills lower stratum was frozen to a deptti of oyer five feet from the sur- 000 nn ounce and you can't And tho face. A layer of dry sand n root or ounce. iirooKiyu i-.ugie, more In thickness underneath a heuvy upper crust Is usually a sulUclcut pro tection from frost. Dressmaking Plain and Fancy Sewing at Reasonable Prices. MRS. J. A. TULLEYS MISS NELLE EMERT0N Parlors at homo of Mis Ttilleys. sq fi: W, m. Ely's Cream Balm This Romody is a Specific, Suro to Give Satisfaction. OIVES RELIEF AT ONOE It clonnscs, soothes, heals, and protects tho diseased liiouibrnuo. It cures Catarrh mid drives away a Cold in tho Head miiukly. Itostorcs tho Bouses of Tnsto and Kincll. Kusy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into tlio nostrils una iinsoruoa Orafrali Pa and Ma. Chinese names when' spelled in Kng llsh letters sometimes give funny re sults, as Hung Soon, a merchant in Ban Francisco. But more striking are two Chinese soldiers, General' Ma, n division commander of the Chlneso nrmy, und General Paua (pronounced pa), a renegade who fought for Agul imldo In the Filipino insurrection. Late ly General Paua visited China and be came acquainted with General Ma, and it Is suld the two are grcn f nonds. GERMAN GLEANINGS. Consumption The only kind of consump tion to fear is " neglected consumption." People arc learning that con sumption is a curable disease. It is neglected consumption that is so often incurable. At the faintest suspicion of consumption get a bottle of Scott's Emulsion and begin VlmlUoMtol., Vladivostok Is described as being from a military standpoint very nearly impregnable, for it possesses so large a gnrrlBon thnt to Invest It properly wnnlil nwmlrn IfiO.OOO men. 1 llO tOWU Largo Hizo, fiO cents at Druggists or by stands at the head of a long, curving mull; Trial Si.o, 10 emits by mull. njet j-now llH the Golden Horn, in ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St.. New York. thc corer 0f which lies the dockyard. There were 0,000 duels In Gcrmuny Inst year, with n mortality of twenty two, us shown by ofllclal reports. More than one-third of Berlin's ex- neudlturo of 141,000.000 innrlcs. last rCCfular doses. pTrpor3 'r 8"nltnry "n1 educnt,onn' The use of Scott's Emulsion On the German emperor's blrthdny at Once, has, in thousands of tho inhabitants of Cologne nre nllow-, caS(.s turned the balance in ed to cross the Rhine bridge free pro- r houh ..i.l.l l... ,., nn fin riii-lnrrnu linv ItlVUr Ul ULailll. as usual. Pleasure launches are seldom seen on German rivers or buggies on Ger mnn roads. The implements used on small farms and In Bome shops are ns clumsy as they were a century ago, mi I..l..l ..,,lnll,.,,U .. ll..ll.. I HIT llllllllt:iHll 11,'KUMUIUIIO Ul llUtllll insist that refuse, ashes and nil thnt is generally though inaccurately sum-1 marlzed by the term "dust" should bo j carried through tho streets iu ulr Ugtit ' receptnclea. . Neglected consumption docs? not exist where Scott's Emul sion is.j Prompt use of Scott's Emul sion checks thc disease while it can be checked. Send (or tree (ample, SCOTT & IIOWNK, Chemliti, 409-415 Pcad Street, NewYofc 50c. and J1.00; alldrujiUti. f ?; & m M : m m m f I!K. ."as! ' t v H f CT I' I'V i ' s v ft; ' i - (i, ! V BV' if. fi f.1 ii .hl .rv ' ViA U ' 1 ! rcnBfi