The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 08, 1904, Image 1

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St. '
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mj it, pj
win t ii i ii it Him fciaMit ! i
i iiuufeawimia
? Miner Bros. Miner Bros.
Dainty, stylish, designed on porfoct linos, which gives a slender,
pretty look to tho foot, without nuy mcrlflco of comfort.
Fits to Perfection at the Hollow of the root.
Ladlos' Kid Oxford,: put
cut tip, regular 92.50. . . .$2 25
Southern Tie Kid, patent
tip, a very protty shoe.. 2L25
Misses' Kid two-strap San
dnl, patent tip 50
Doautiful now Embroidery. Our complete stocks of new Em
hroidories for Spring and Summer aro ready. When you have a little
time to spare, come iu and soo them.
Nainsook, Muslin, Swiss, embroidery
Edge and Insertion Bets to Match.
You will find tho styles more beautiful than wo have shown any
previous season, nnd assortment sovoral times as large.
Price lOc to QOc Yard.
Special job of 4 yard pieces of Embroidorios at 30c ploco.
Many 10, 1H and 20c per yard values iu this lot.
Wash Fabrics.
They are a tantalizing lot that is, they frustrato our efforts to
describe them, beautiful weaves and pretty color combinations. To
bo satisilod you must boo them, THEN PRICE THEM.
Swisses, Mulls, Moussolino do Soio, Barege, Pongee, Liborty Silks,
Mercerlzod Etamines, Voiles, Poplins, otc.
Just a Flyer from the
Queensware Department
Just Think of
A 100-piece Dinner
100 pieces of Johnson Bros.' Semi-Porcelain, in plain whito, iu tho
now silver shape. These aro ENGLISH GOODS AND WILL NOT
100-piece Decorated Dinner Set, a very protty roso pat
tern, gold traced. Spouial
'Satisfaction or
k 4-tW
.Have a
Cup of
The Day fffe
Starts tfHt
Us mvsBm
Mocha. COFFEE jt-
; with your breakfast. It has a flavor that's
its own you don't get it in any otner nrana.
. ,$ (J)
!t l told by all rrocer In I and .-pound can. only.
Packed ana sealed by us and guaranttad full wtlghb
To Cure A Cold In One Day.
Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
;y if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa
ture is on each box. 25o!
SeeJoeFogel for anything in tho
harness or saddlery line,
v."11"- -
, v
w jiid . i j
Ladies' Patent Leather,
dull Mat Kid, Goodyear
welt 3 00
Missoj' Patont Leather
sandnl, ono strap, 4 to
2iu si.o I 40
Set for
money back."
For Sale
& Burden
Staple and Fancy
The undersigned wants about fifty
head of stock to pasture, on the O.'W.
Kaloy place, 2 miles west and 4 miles
south of Red Cloud.
aprl5 T. H. Ubuneb.
Try that calf meal at Caldwell's.
RED CLOUD, NE Jill ASK A. APRIL 8, 1901,
Lincoln Letter.
Lincoln. Nkh., April 0.
Governor Mickey has commuted tho
sontonco of throo years imposed upon
John Patterson of Hall county to 2
years, i months nnd 0 days, nnd Pat
terson has been roloased. Tho Gover
nor took this action bocauso tho wlfo
of tho prisoner was in feeble honlth
and dostltuto circumstances and Pat
terson, who has boon a model prisoner
and ono of tho best workers in tho
penitentiary, promisod solemnly to
care for his family nnd keep oat of
trouble He was sent up for a small
robbery. The judge 'who sentonced
him and tho attornoy who prosecuted,
joined in.a plea for his reloaso.
Though for somo unaccountable
reason Governor Mickey has beou ad
vertised as astern and unyielding exe
cutive, tho fact is that ho has issued
about thirty pardons, paroles and com
tnutntions iu less than two years.
However, theso olllcial favors havo
not been distributed right aud left
but oach application has boon given
enroful considoratiou aud fow if auy
pnpors havo boon issuod boforo tho
govornor had acquainted himsolf with
every incident conuoctod with tho
crime, and hold ono or more interviews
'with the applicant. That his judg
ment has not been faulty is proved by
tho fact that but ono of tho successful
applicants has boon roturnod to pri
son, and as ho broko parolo aud ran
away to marry a charming widow it
must bo admitted that his conduct
t t
Sixty residents of Dawes county
uavo petitioned the stato commission
to plant a fow thousand brook and
rainbow trout in Whito rivor. Tho
stream was stocked with (10,000 fry
last year, and indications aro that
they aro doing well. Tho prosont in
tention is to rostock the rivor this
i t t
In response to nutnorous sugges
tions that ho name tho brands of cat
sup nnd canned goods which aro ab
solutely pure, Doputy Food Commis
sioner Thompson expluins that the
stato cliomist has not yet examined all
of the brands on tho market, conse
quently could not recommend ono
good articlo for fear of doing an in
justice to tho mnkor of another brand
of equal merit.
t t t
Stato Vortorinarian Thomas has ro
commended a limo and sulphur dip
for cattlo infected with lice, mango
nud other troublos of that nature and
Insists that tho same shall bo applied
tho moment tho ailment is known to
oxist in a herd. Tho statutos gives tho
votorinnrlan authority to proscribe
treatmout aud fixes a $50 ponalty for
refusing or ueglecting to follow his
A short tlmo after tho promulgation
of the ordor roprosontntlvos of llrms
engaged in tho maunfacturo aud bale
of patont dips nppealod to Dr. Thomas
aud Governor Mickey asking that tho
ordor bo roscindod or modiliod for this
season at loast, as thoy had sold thou,
sands of pounds of thoir preparation
for spring dolivory.
Dr. Thomas answered that his ordor
was written for tho purposo of pro
tectiug tho Nobraska stockmen in
whoso welfare ho was chiefly concern
ed, that tho formula proscribed was
tho most offectivo of auy known, aud
was endorsed by tho agricultural de
partment after years of practical ex
periments, and that as the ingredients
wore inexpensive and easily to be pro
cured be could not see why his order
should be rescinded, evon if a few
manufactures should suffer some loss
through it.
It is understood that Governor
Miokey uphold Dr. Thomas' coures.
t t t
Tho state banking board, through
Secretary Roys'e and Attorney General
Prout, has served notice upon all
agontsfor tontine, and so called "home
investment" companies which aro not
authorized to do business in Nobraska
that tho collection of mouoy on con
tracts already made is'construod to be
"doing business" and that agents who
persist in violating the law will be
prosecutod. Tho stato law give tho
board a groat deal of discretion iu
donliug with such companies nud
thoro is no appeal from its decision, if
Its officers correctly understand tho
i 1
Commissioner of Labor Hush is
mniling out lottors of inquiry to
county nssessors requesting statistics
aud 'information coucoruimr tho
amount of land sold iu thoir respec
tive counties nnd tho total value of
land sold with the nvorago prico por
aero. Those statistics aro dosirod bo
causo of thoxionstaut demand for such
iuformatlou from prospective iniinl
t t t
Mrs. Harriot MacMurphy of Omaha
will conduct a restaurant at tho St.
Louis exposition in which will bo
served nothing but puro, unadulterat
ed Nebraska products. Mrs. Mao
Murphy will visit Lincoln next wook
and consultiho records of tho state
food commission in ordor to assure !
horsolf as to what brands of goods
manufactured within tho stato aro
deserving of a little froo advertising
at tho big fair.
Nobraska has had two presidential
candidates within eight years, and
may have another this fall. Mr Dry an
nud Mr Dontly have been honored
with presidential nominations aud
now Mr A. G. Wolfonbargor Is spoken
of as a worthy loader of tho Prohibi
tion forces,
t t t
Tho opou season for all fish other
thau trout commenced April 1. It
will be lawful to capture trout after
Juno 1. Tho duck season Mill be
closed on tho Kith, to romaiu so until
after the breeding season.
t t
On April 10, six of tho uino supremo
court crmmisHionors will bo "legislat
ed out of olllco," Commissioners Ames,
Lottou and Oldham remaining.
t t t
Gamo commissioner "Nick" Cartor is
in buoyant spirits theso days bocauso
ho believes that ho has snared tho king
of all tho sandhill poachers, A. E.
Urigham, of Oconto, merchant, ranch
er, gunuor, nnd alleged pot hunter and
market shipper has boon arrested
chargod with having shipped 800
prairio chickens to Chicago last
Decombor. Tho birds aro said to havo
boon concoalod iu a canyon until ready
for transportation, thou packed into a
car of baled hay aud consigned to a
commission firm at Chicago.
AtchlsoMjtebe Sights.
Duy tho boll cow, and you can lead
tho other politicians away.
Any man who has mouoy can havo
lithographs printed claiming a big
Don't gossip,, don't spread poisou
with your tonguo; don't bo in a weiuor
wurst. "
Tho troublo with having a good word
for wooks, ho begins to find opportun
ities to tako sidos in hor quarrols.
Now will tho women fool sorry for
tho poor ovorworkod drossmakor? A
drossmakor faintod in church Sunday.
Thoy say there is nothing now; wo
deny it. Wo hoar somothing new ovory
day. A farmer told us today that wheat
are pretty good.
Speaking of mlsfortuno of rlohos,
there is the woman who ia a good cook,
but who is risk) enough to engago a
hired girl, win, is a poor one.
It will be safe to ask your kin from
the east to visit iu Atchison whllo at
tho St. Louis exposltiou. Prices in
St. Louis aro going to bo sp high thoy
will not have money to got hero.
Bort Cirtwell sold a blind borso to
an Atchison man. Two or three days
after tho trade, the man wont to Cirt
well, and aaid: "Why that horso you
Bold me Is blind!" "I know it," Clrt-
WHAT'S inside a man's head
sometime shows by what's
To wear a Gordon Hat is not a
guarantee of cleverness, but it indi
cates that the mind inside the hat
knows what it's about. $3.00.
woll replied. "Why didn't you toll mo?'
tho indignant purchaser asked. "Well,"
Cirtwell said, "tho nuiu 1 bought the
hourso of, didn't say anything to mo
about it, and I thought moby ho didn't
wnnt it known."
There is a good joke on an Atchison
grocer: As an easier attraction, ho
flxod up a lot of nests aud oggs iu his
front window. Tho idea was a good
one, but ho put roosters on tho nests!
Treat a boy with tho samo consider
ation aud politness you would treat
a grown porson. Every man has recol
lections of unfairness aud lncousidora
tlou to which ho was subjected when
ho was a boy. Ilring up tho subject,
and every man will relato wrongs of
his youth which cut him dooply, aud
which nevor ceased to rankle iu his
bosom. No doubt somo of tho mean
ness iu men got its start iu the bad
blood gormluatod iu thoir youth.
"My God, my wifo and myself know
that 1 am innocent," said Senator 13ur
ton. No ono doubts that ho has fooled
his wifo aud himsolf, but wo doubt tho
other part of tho story.
About tho worst thing about the
grip is that the patient claims for tho
balaucoof his life thai he has never
been well since ho had it.
Notice Is served on tho women that
the men aro showing more ingenuity
iu naming new cigars thau tho women
show in naming their babies.
A first-class church workor can size
iin a crowd at a church social, iu tho
middle of tho evening, and tell what
thoy havo made without counting up
tho recoipts.
Tho only tlmo a boy doesn't slam tho
door is when ho doesn't wnnt his
mother to know ho is going out.
Probably ono roason a woman out
llvos hor husband is that hor children
novorglvo hor a chanco to eat too
Freddy Goolzeman at Vladivostok.
At Vladivostok, snobownd, and wil
ing to cluing two a warmur klimoight
Door Edlturo; Evroo waro I go I
soam two find Jap kuoos. Tharo is
hnm bore. Evroo inornou thay thro
$2 milyum dolars' wurth off shollz
A baking powder of highest class and
highest leavening strength. Makes the
food pure, sweeter and more wholesome
Tested and Approved by the Government
..- .4.
iutwo the town. Wo get thare bnm
bard men moor roglnr than hott roolr
fur breakfas.
"Wo will hav enuff amonlshum sun,"
so Gen Stringomalongsky, "two repll
two tharo flyer. Hurral"
I will toll yu a grate sokret. The
ltushon fleet is hear, but it is iu colsd
stow rago.
First Ward, Red Ctowl.
Tho Republican doctors of the First
ward of Hod Cloud city aro requested
to moot iu caucus at tho olllco of C.
P. Cather on April 21, tit 8 p.m., ts
elect 10 delogatos to tho county con
vention to bo hold at tho court house
in Hod Cloud on April 22, and for the
transaction of such other busluoss as
may lawfully come boforo tho mooting.
Clakence Reed, Committeeman.
Tho Republican electors of GarQold
precinct aro requested to moot at Popo
school house, Tuesday, April 10, at ft
p in. to elect G delegates to tho county
convention nud transact such othor
business as may com boforo tho meet
Fiiank Amack, Committeeman.
Tho Republican electors of Lino
township will meet at tho school house
iu district No. :t0, Saturday, April 16,
at 10 a. in., to olect 0 delegates 'to the
county convention, aud to transact
such other business as may cotno bo
foro tho mooting.
J. W McIntyhe, Committeeman.
Elm Creek.
Tho Republicans of Elm Crook town
ship will moot at Center school bouso,
Monday, April 18, at 8 p. m., lo soloct
0 dolegates to tho county convention,
and to transact such othor business as
may lawfully como boforo tho mooting.
O. E. Putman, Committeeman.
Walnut Creek.
Tho Republican olectors of Walnut
Creek township will moot it A. R
Davib'inipleinunt hoiuoon Wednesday,
April 20, at 10 a. m,, to soloct .1 dole
gntesto the Republican county cjnven
tion ami transact such other business
hs may como before the mooting.
E. II. Palmrii, Committeeman.
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