The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 01, 1904, Image 4

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I Your doctor will tell you that
Your doctor will tell you that
thin, pale, weak, nervous chil
dren become strong and well
by takinjj Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Small doses, for a few days.
The chance is very prompt
and very marked. Ask your
doctor why it is. He has our
formula and will explain.
"Whni II yrin nlil. fur ininy nwntlu no
nnrtlimiilit I r nM ll" lw.iininf UiIiiIiIimnI
Hut, In a frw wrekt, Ayr'. nun
oltl rut'irert tin1 t IhmUIi "
M nc K III'lKMINKTKII.VInrl.llllI N .1
fOn liolll
All 'Ifuirrl.f
l.ntW'1' Mn
The Children
Biliousness, constipation provont re
covery. Curo thoso with Ayer's Pills.
P. C. Piiaiikh, Editor.
One year tl 00
Ixmonlht 50
I Die red at tno poit office Rl Kcd Cloud. Nob.M
ccondclMito!! tattler.
furnished on nppllcatlon,
I hereby utmmmeo tlmt I am ncand
Sdato for tlio otlleo of county ii ttornuy,
-subject to tlio action of tliu Republi
can voters of Webster county
A. I). RlTl'IIKV.
To the Electors of Webster County.
I take tliis method of announcing
4 lint, nftor a systematic canvass of tlio
.county in the Interest of my candi
rfliuiy for the tioiiiiuatlou for the ofllce
of county attorney at the ensuing
Republican county convention, I feel
reasonably sure of such noiniirition.
,As most of you are awaro, this is the
.llrst .time, after a residence of 'JO years
in the county, that 1 have asked for
.anything 'J he Republican party owes
ino nothing. I owe the party every
thing. I trust, that, if successful in
Alio convention, and at the polls, I
tuny prove myself worthy of the con
idoncoof you all. Sincerely yours,
John M. Cii.utin.
For Mayor 10. V. Ross.
For City Clerk L. II. Fort.
For City Tieasurer .1. O. Hutlor.
For Police .Indue .1. S. White,
For Councilman, First ward W. R,
For Councilman, Second ward C. F.
For Councilman, Second ward, to 1111
vacancy George. I. Warren.
For Members of School .Hoard V.
41. Fulton and T. E. Penman.
L II. Fort will make an ideal
It looks as though there would bo no
-opposition to tlio city Republican
Stato politics are (piloting down
riinco tho withdrawal of tho opposition
Jlo Governor Mickey V renotnination.
E.J. Hurkett seems to be the only
.candidato for tho soiiatorship who
.aim succeed in getting indorsements
from county conventions. '
While wo have not been authorized
4 o announce his candidacy, we beliovo
lliu Republicans of Webster county
-can do no bettor than renominate
f represent two of the
Jbest companies doing
business In Nebraska:
Have more than NINE HUNDRED POLICIES in force in
company with all your neighbors? Look up your policy today
L4&4t&Ufcftf &t.
Hon. Charles Hunter of Inavnlo to
Bticeod himsolf in tho stato legisla.
Senator Hurton of Kansas has been
convicted of tno chargo of using his
senatorial inllucnce with the postolllco
department to prevent the prosecution
of tho Kialto Grain and Securities Co.,
lit St Louis Uurton's opponents in
Kansas fieoly predictel that ho would
disgrace himself and the state should
he ever be sent to congress.
Kx Congie-Miiiiti W it. Andrews has
sprung his candidacy for the senate at
an inopportune time Mr. Dietrich
has things so that any candidate
claiming Hastings as his home will bo
looked upon with disfavor for some
time to come. This is rather hard up
on that enterprising city, but it is big j
enough and strong enough to stand it.
The nomination for secretary of
state lies hot much Addison Waite of
Otoe county and A. (iiiliisliu of Web
ster county Taking into considera
tion the matter of location, ability,
party service and every thing that goes
to make up a winning ticket, the
chances seem to favor tho man from
Webster. (Jet together, boys, and see
that southwest Nebraska gets a place
on tho state ticket.
Mr.. I. M. Chatlln was in Guide Rock
tho foro part of tho week. Ho will be
before tho republican county conven
tion for tho nomination for county at
torney and the Signal hopes ho will
got It. Wo understand that lie is re
coiving strong endorsement all ovc r
tho county, and if ho should bo nomi
nated and elected, thero is no doubt
that ho would give tho people of Web
stor county a thoroughtly business
like administration of this important
ollleo. C.uido Rock Signal.
Mr Challln has boon a resident of
this county for twenty yours Every
body knows his ability, and no ono
can dispute his claims to consideration
at the hands of tho Republican party
For County Attorney.
Elsewhere in this issuo appearw tho
card of A. H. Ritchey of Guide Rock,
in which ho announces his candidacy
for tho ollleo of county attorney, sub
ject to tho will of tho Ropublican
voters of Webster county.
Mr Ritchoy is a joung man, under
tho ago of thirty, and is at present tlio
principal of tho public schools of
Guide Rock Mr. Ritchoy is thorough
ly educated in tho law, having gradu
ated from tho Highland Park law
school of Dos Moines, Iowa, about two
years airo, completing tho full three
years' course Ho also graduated from
the normal deportment of the same
school. Mr. Ritchey was admitted to
tho bar in Iowa whoro ho practiced be
fore coming to Nebraska, and trans
ferrod his membership to tho Nebraska
bar. His law practice hero has been
limited, ho having devoted tho greater
prrl of his timo to educational work
since coining to this county
Mr. Rithchey is a son of W W.
Ritchey, the present postmaster at
Cowlos. Ho is well educated, full of
vigor and promise, and wo believe his
candidacy will bn favorably recoived
by tho Republican voti rs of tho
county, and particularly among tho
younger generation
Will Lose His Eye.
Mrs. John Hassolbaeher want to
Omnhii this morning. Her son, Curtis,
who had his eye injured a short timo
ago, will probably have tho eye re
moved in order to save tho other ee
and Mrs. II issolbaehcr went to Oiuahn,
to bo present at tho operation. Curtis
is but 15 years of age
Fire9 Lightning, Tornado,
Republican County Convention Called
for April 22.
Tho Republican county central com
mittee mot yesterday and decided to
call tho county convention for April
IE!, at 11 o'clock a. m Hut ono con
volition will bo held this year, and at
this convention delegates will bo se
lected to tho stato and congressional
conventions, and nominations made
for county olllcers Township and
precinct chairmen should issuo their
caucus calls immediately.
Mickey by Acclamation.
The withdrawal of Senator Harrison
from his candidacy for governor leaves
the field clear to Governor Mickey for
a nomination by acclamation for a
.second term The governor's adminis
tuition has been a clean one and con
sequently the members of tho party at
large were, from the beginning, in
clined to follow the precedent of a
second term to a satisfactory stato ofll
clal Tho two or three distinguished
gentlemen who concluded to try con
clusions with .Mickey, because of some
local dissatisfaction as to appoint
ments, or because tho pardoning power
had not boon worked to an extent that
Homo thought desirable, have now all
acknowledged that they were mistaken
us to public sentiment and conceded
him the renotnination. It is well for
tho peace of tho parly and tho
welfare of tho state that tho second
term custom bo not broken without a
clearly good and sulllclent cause -Stato
Lincoln Letter.
Lincoln. Neil, March 98.
Judgo W. D McIIugh Ipis been reap
pointed a member of the Omaha lire
and police board. Mr. McIIugh was
appointed a little more than a year ago
to succeed C. C. Wright, who had been
elected city attorney. Ho is ono of
the most prominent domocrates in tho
stato, has been a faithful mombor of
tho board and luu been an invaluable
aid to that body because of his legal
ability and his acquaintance with
Omaha and tho wishes of her people.
His reappointment was a surpriso to
none, as it is in strict accordance with
Governor Mickey's habit of retaining
good public servants in their positions
t t i
Mrs. Edith R Chamberlain, wife of
tho 'Tecumseli bank wrecker," has ap
pealed to tho supremo court in an ef
fort to save a small amount of pro
jnrty which liar husband's creditors
bjliovo should bo turned over to thorn.
Tho homo property is involved, also
tho proceeds of tho sale of some chat
tels which Mrs Chamberlain admits
were sold by her, but only in order to
support her children. She says in her
briet that she has corresponded with
her husband siuco his flight, but de
clares that she does not know where
lie is at present.
t t 1
Chief Deputy Game Warden George
F Carter Issued a license to himself
one day last w ok anil went out to
Phelps county to enjoy tho tlistouting
he has had since assuming tho duties
of his ofllce Simultaneous with his
arrival there prairie fires sprang up all
over the couii'y Now Carter's friends
are wondering whether he played a
mean joke on Phelps county or Phelps
county played a mean joke on him.
t t f
Don. C. Dospain, chief clork in tho
labor bureau, and president of the
Western Association of Free Employ
incut Hureaus, has called a meeting
of tho association to bo hold in Chi
cago, April 7, for tho purpose of ar
ranging a system of reports and
schedules which will bo uniform and
for tho further purpofo of securing
complete co-operation hot ween tho
various states in securing and distil
buting luu vest hands for tho coming
Tho Nebraska bureau has boon ask
ed to advertise the fact that thoro is
to lio an industrial exposition in Capo
Town, South Africa, in November
Decomber, W7. Would-bo exhibitors
are requested to niiiko thoir intentions
German Insurance Company of Freeport. III..
Farmers9 Mutual Insurance Company 22
known to tho bureau,
t I t
Saturday tho stato normal school
board mot and 'accoptod tho plans
drawn by Architect BerlinghofT of
Hoatrlco, for tho Kearney normal
school. Tho board was more than
pleased with tho drawings and tho
people of Kearnoy, and of the whole
state, will have something to bo proud
of when tlio drawings have been work
ed into brick and mortar.
I t i
Secretary Royso of the stato bank
ing board has ordered tho Reserve
Investment company of America to
cease business in Nebraska, because
its plans do not meet with tho appro
val of the banking department
Insurance Doupty Pierco of the
auditor's ollleo has refused to renew
the permit of tho National Masonic
Association I ecaiise in his judgement
tlie expense account lias grown enor
mously within the last year, while
there has been no proportionate in
crease in tho membership roll or gross
Governor Mickey visited Osceola
Jim Abel of Rod Cloud died of acute
appendicitis, at the homo of his sister,
Mis. W. W. Wright, in this city, where
ho wa9 visiting at 5.45 yesterday after
noon. The day previom an operation
was pel formed in hopes of saving his
life, but of no avail.
Tlio death is particularly sail, as the
young man camo here about two weeks
ago for a happy visit with his brother,
A. A. Abel and sisters Mrs Wright of
liebtou and Miss Clara Abel of Chi
cago. After a short service at tho house,
conducted by Rev. R J. Phipps, and
under the auspices of tl o A. O U W ,
for interment ho was taken back home, .
aV Red Cloud, to sleep the sloop that
knows no waking.
For some timo ho had complained of
pains in the region of tho appendix,
and on Saturday was takon ill and
wont to bed Ho grow steadily worse,
until on Wednesday a consultation of
physicians decided that an operation
was necessary. His parents arrived
from Red Coud with Dr. Creighton,
who performed the operation with the
assistance of local physicians. The
day following, Mattic and Frank Abel,
brother and sister of tho doceasod, ar
rived from R'd C oud, and the entire
family whs together at the last.
Tlio bereaved relatives have the!
heartfelt sympathy of tho entire com
munity Hebron Journal.
The funeral of James K. Abel was
hold Sunday at It p. m. from the Con
gregational church in this city, and
was ono of the largest funerals ever
hold in Rod Cloud. Tho funeral was
under the auspices of tho A. O. U. W
lodge, of which Mr. Abel was a mem
ber. Rev Fit, of the llretluen church
opened tlio sol vices, and the sermon
was pleached by Rev. E L llutcliins
of the M. E church, who paid a touch
ing ttiluito to tho memory of the
joung niin andolUred words of solace
and comfort to the bet caved relatives
and friends. There was I aidly a dry
co in the huge audience when the
sei vices were ended At the eloo of
die services those present were eiven
the opportunity to veiw tho remains.
The largo number of people who
weio compelled to remain outside tho
church during tho services woro the
first Hi view tho corpse, followed by
thoso who were already in tho church.
Tho casket and tables surrounding
tho pulpit woro banked with beautiful
floral tributes sent by loving friends.
The pall bearers were Stacey Mor
hart, Hort Morhartl Roy Oatman, Ed
Piatt, Sherwood Albiight and Paul
Pope, foi mor school-mates and friends
of the deceased
Tho A. () U W. lodge, in body, ncted
as an escort to the remains, which
woro followed to tho cemetery by a
argo crowd of sympathizing fr'u nils of
tho bereaved sumily.
At tho neatly furnished homo of tho
contracting parties, In the northeastern
part of tno city, Wednesday evening,
Cyclones and
Webster county. Don't you realize it pays
and let me know when it expires.
"Modern Clothes for Men."
The Kupponheimer system of
clothes-making is a twentieth
century idea. No other clothes
are like them. No ready-to-put-ou
clothe you have over seen
are quite so well put together.
A Kiippetiheiincr garment has a
tnilordluished look and hang to
it that is sadly wanting in the
common run of clothes, The
ready-for-service suit or over
coat made by the Knppenheiiner
system for this season's wear,
has not only style and individu
ality, but shows in every part of tho tailoring a master mind and mas
ter hands. The garments wo havo already sold this season are helping
to strengthen and perpetuate tho Kiippouholmer Idea. Wo want you
to see these now suits. Don't feel that you have to buy. Just drop in,
see the graud showing as it is, complete in every detail, and at prices
that puzzle tho custom tailor and prove that better work by tho Kup
ponhoimer system is possible at prices that havo become popular for
ordinary clothes.
can savo you fiOc on your 8.'$ hat. Our 8'2.r0 hat is guaranteed.
Beekuiith, Weseott & Storey
"Ono price and no monkey business. "
March HO, in tlio presence of a nuiubot
of invited guests, occurred the mar
ri io of Miss Dottie M Wilson to Mr.
Gilbert A. Person, Rev E L. llutcliins
ollliating. Tho joung people are
both residents of Red Cloud, well anil
favorably know, and wo extend con
Henry M.Hansen and Miss Nellie
Burg of Campbell woro married last
Friday, March 25, by Piobato Judge
Grunt Tin ncr of this city and Miss
Augusta Moody of Blue Hill were in ir
ri"d list evening. The event was a
complete surprise to there fiiouils.
A license was al-u issued to Gustavo
T. Iv'irt and Miss Alvio Bichnian of
Blue Hill.
Business Notices.
Light harness at Joe Kogel's.
Try taut calf meal at Caldwell's.
Infants' all-wool while shuts, OUc.
F. Nowhouso.
Try Ward Hayes for a first class
shave or hair-cut.
If you want tho bust and cheapest, go to Fogel's.
Furnished Rooms for Rent Inquire
of Mrs. J. A. Tulloyj.
Moninvillo's Perfection Hair Tonic
for sale at Soltaffnit's barbnr shop.
Some more of that cream white
Hi-nriotta at F. Nowhousu's, at 35c a
Now is tho timo to take a spring
ionic to purify tho blood, cleanse tho
liver and kidneys of all impurities.
Hollistor's Rocky Mountain tea will do
tho business 85 cents. Tea or table ts.
C. L. Cutting.
Farm Loans.
I havo just prepared nijsolf to make
farm loans at a low rate of interest
either in Jewell, Smith or WoOstor
counties; can piy off at any time.
J. H. Bailkv, Red Cloud.
Cloud, Nebraska.
M 1
Your New Hat
is hero. It hasn't exactly your
mime on it, but you will want
to call it yours when you seo it.
Tho now shapes in stiir hats are
beauties. Tho full shapo curved
brims are horo to your heart's
content, and the best thing
about it all is tho price. Wo
In addition to the reg
ular line of Greenhouse
I have put in a line of
Bulk Garden Seeds. All
seeds are FRESH, and
at reasonable prices. Call
at the shoe store.
Mrs. Henry Dicierieli.
Robt. Fortune
Office at Spokesfield's Feed Store.
to be in the same