The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 01, 1904, Image 3

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Embroidered Collars)
e have this week received an elegant
line of the very latest patterns in Embroid
ered Collars, which will be sold at honest
prices. To make room for our new spring
stock of Laces and Embroideries we quote
the following prices on embroidery and lace
Remnants and
2c Laces mill I'nibrolderios at f c
Sc Laces and Kuibfoidories at 2c
10c Luces and Kinbroiiierlos nt Sc
25c Laces and ICinbroldories at 13c
SOc Laces and Ktnbroiderics at 25c
$ I.OO Luces and Knibioiileric-. at SOc
Fancy Combs and Hairpins
of the latest styles, and at lowest prices.
City Dray and Express Line.
r. w. KTi'DKiiAivKi:, ruor.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Ohariies as low as the Lowest
Residence 52.
V ill Ik lb it L kh U it it Ik ) ik 0. lb vb it lb vb b b lb b tb vi lb lb lb
Do yon know that it will pay YOU. as
well as US. to buy your Building Ma
terial and Uoal ut our yards Not only
that oar prices avekaok lower, or at
least as low, as those of our competit
ors, but HKiwt'sE we take especial caro
of and protect all can bo classed as
U B ( U L A 11 C U S T O M E It S .
Coal. Lumber.
-iipnMpmniitinniin(PM'nniTTiT 'f ttttitiv mnnmiiiiwi"pi'
Lock Hnx 3. Oulile Itock. Neb.
All kinds of property bought, sold and
' r- ,
Is put up In uMtc packatfes, manufactured
excliul.clv by the fitadison Medicine
Co.. Madison. Wis. tells nt 35 cents a
package. Ml (it herd are rank imitations
and jitbMltutes, don't risk ur health by
taking them. IrlKOtiNUINIi makes sick
Beople Well. Keeps ynu VVII. All Honest
ealers sell the Genuine.
HOLLISTI-R 1)KU(1 CO, Madison, Wis.
ECHICH tai n a tnuunn
yVv OrllinJml llnlr (ll-nulm-.
Mt"VHAKE. AItmIii.i I.R.IIr..rtlrnli
lor blllliii...'..n .. -
In KKII nl ISnltl lnlUlo tan wl
iUit.lutriMKn TuLoioothrr. liMii.i.
llunrrroua Hublltullcin und linltn
Hun. Ituynf your !runtlt. or "ttl 4c. m
urop, fr l'rtlrulnr. TmllmonUU
d 1 ItrHr f Ladlrfc tn Utiw. b r
turn . Mall. lO.UHO Trtllmiilli. Koilbj
1lru..l... tf'klnhj' fhritllPAl (0
UA14 Madjtgn huuarv, 1'IIILA., 1'A.
CloanM-f mil Lmulifici t!i" hw.
l'ruui.ii't limirlMit Rroatn
Never PiiU to Ilostoro Oray
Hair to ita youthful y),r
Curi falp ilKr-a"! U linlr ialUB
pii-.aml$lju at DrucgltU
lHlc C'urufor Khi'iitnntlMii ami Ncurnkln
rHUlVnllycurihliil to :ilnjs. lt nctlmi upon
tlienMcm Is reinnrknlile unit mysli'rlnun II
iKMiellls. "ft rcnlk ill"! 00. olll li) II. b.
Once, PriiCh'lst. I!',(' ""
Red Cloud, Neb.
87. LOUIS ami
all points east and
and all point'
PaMenger lIIy for Obcrlln
....i ut KrmipiH brRiiphen. Ox
No, 13.
ford. McCook, Dcu?ernil all
pollUB went..
. fl'3'. a.m
No, H.
I'aaaciiRcr aally for St. Joe,
KailMS UIIJV Aicuiuu. oi,
i mi i u l.iunoln via Wymore
aud ail polnta east and souib 2'tOa.rx
11. pasnenirer. dally, uenver, an
point" In Colorado, Clah and
(:Mlfornla BMSp.m
No. 16. I'asKoimcr. dally for St. Joe.
Kantai. City. Atchison, SI.
Louis and all points east and
nouth 10:3fta.m
No 174. Accommodation, dally oxcepl
Sunday. HaHlmta. Grand Is
land. Ulack Hills and all
points, m tlo northwest 2:00 p.b
KlponliiK. dluliiK, and reclining chair rar
(seats frcoi on tlirouKh trains Ticket sold and
baRKHKO checked to any point In the Unltec
States or C'auada. , , ...
For Information, time tnhi.raaps or tlckon
call on or address A. Conover, AL-snt. Hee
Clond, Ncbr. or J. Francis, Ouneral Passeni;ci
Agent Omaha. Nebraska
Jrt sin Xi&
il .11
Odd Pieces:
Office 119
b lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb til lb lb lb tb tb lb It-
Tlio Don Ton is prepared
to hcvo ()sters in every
stylo on short notice. All
kinds of
Hot Drinks
for cold weather served at
the soda fountain Catering
for parties and dances
The Bon Ton
W. S. BI3NSE. Proprietor.
is u pleasant recreation,
is invigorating and is u
healthful pastime, and
for u pleasant hour's
amusement nothing is
more interesting than a
game or two at the : : :
Apex Booilinq Alleys
W. Li. SI c M I li Ti A N,
P r o p r i o t or.
Choico Tobaccos and Cigars
Always on Hand
Of tho Kansas City Veter
inary College. Ollice at C.
M. Smith'H Livery Unrn.
Telephone IH.
At Dine Hill first Tuesday in each
Plain and
Fancy Sewing
at Rcasonablo Prices.
Parlors at homo of Mis 'Pulleys.
The Mrlliinl In it llnllirr Cnatlr One
III (Jri-ut llrlluln.
Many people change their names
without asking ponuisMon ftnui any
one or paying any fees whatever. This
Is certainly the simplest ty of get-j
ting rid of a name you do not appro-
elate, hut It Is apt to prove u.ponsvo.
Tor Instance, Mich a course Is strictly
Illegal, and the government cotild step
in nt any time and demand the pay
ment of a heavy line; and. further
more, If the Individual who changed
his name without consulting anybody
happened to come In for a large sum
of money unc.pcetoilly the aulhorilles
would decline to recognize his claim
If he hud failed to pay the fees due to
the heralds' college for assuming a
name not given In baptism.
There are two ways of changing
your name, and the, are both rather
costly, one method Is to lane a pri
vate act of parliament passed Tor your
benellt. This course Is generally tal
lowed only by peers and people to
whom money Is no object, for It costs
7."0. This nearly all pies In fees to
minor olllclals for bringing your ease
before the legislature, Inasmuch as the
actual passing or the bill costs prac
tically nothing. And the only adian
tap you will pilu from this expensive
way of pdnj: to won; is nun inquiries
will not be made Into your past history,
which by the other alternative ale un
avoidable. The usual method adopted for lepilly
fhiiimiii the name Is somewhat te
dloiis, If less eostlj, and ,ou nnist have
very substantial reasons for m doing
or your claim will not be allowed. If,
for Instance, you Inherit property
which makes It conditional that you
clump' jour name you cm do so on
payment of about l'.i In fees.
In the llrst place joti must com
municate with the home secretary,
who. If he considers your claim valid,
will refer you to the heralds' collep
and the king f arms. These olllclals
will make lull Inquiries Into your his
tory anil satisfy themselves lie.voiul
question that your reason for wishing
to make the clump1 Is In every way
legitimate. This done, they will again
coininunlcate with the home secretary,
who will lay your claim before the
king, for he alone has power to au
thorize the change being made. Kven
tually, after some months of waiting,
you will be Informed by the heralds'
college that his majesty has approved
of your claim and the change of name.
Is published in a remote corner of the
London (iaxette.
Klnally It Is worthy of mention that
no one can hold a public appointment
under government who has changed
his name without the consent of the
king, however brilliant may have been
his services to the country. The reason
for this Is nither curious. The name
given you at your baptism is In theory
ratified by the sovereign as head of the
church, and by assuming another on
your own responsibility you are delib
erately breaking a law of the laud.
Loudon Tit-ltits.
On llii liiKttillint-iit Plan.
Mrs. Itrowne -Oh. what lovely wed
ding presents! Such beautiful silver
ware and such rare china: Wasn't It
nice to get such presents?
Mrs. (Jreene Yes. It was. but we are
now beginning to pay for them on the
Installment plan.
Mrs. r.rowne I'ay for them? On the
Installment plan? Why. Mrs. Creene,
what do you mean?
Mrs, (ireeue Why. the young people
who gave us wedding presents are get
ting married, ami we have to send them
wedding presents. I.lpplncott's.
Another Wnril I'nr It.
"Henry." said Mrs. Siuudgers, glanc
lug over the front page of the newspa
per, "what do they mean when they
hay that one train telescoped another?"
"They mean, my dear, that It rushed
right into It. It Is a bad hind of colli
Finn." Collision? Then why don't they call
It a collldeoseope Instead of a tele
hrope?" Kansas ( 'Ity .lourual.
! :i ll.WS
i Morton I.. 1 1 111 of l.i'biinoii Iml , .ns; "M)
wife lui'l liillmniiuilorv lllii-iiiiiiilNin In ecr
miei'li- iiml Joint, her mll'tilnu was lurrllilc
mill Iiit bpily iiihI fare wcii- swullcn almost be.
'join! riToKtilllon: lunl b(ra In licil i-lx wirVi-
hihI Inn) t-Ixti l i'h tclHiit-. but rtrcluMl no
I bcui'tlt until slu- trlnl I lie MMlc Cure for
lllii'iituiitlxn. II uiii iinuicilliile relief hihI
( Mio k tiblo to m til k nlioiil In llirec Iii;n I am
mre It srtVfd her life. ' sold b II K (Jrlce,
1 DruKKlst lied I Imul
lrrtvuf JJJS7&
Ely's Cream Balm
This Romody is n Specific,
Suro to Civo Satisfaction.
lb cloniiso-, hoc t lies, heals, and protect! tho
disjmseil ineaibruiio. It cures Outnrrh and
drives away a Gild In the I loud quickly.
Restores tho Son-sw of Tusto and Hint'Il.
J-jisy to use. Contains no injurious drugs.
Applied into tho mtrils and uliMirbod.
Ijiirgo Size, PO couts at Druggists or by
nmil; Trial Sizo, 10 cents by mail,
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St.. New York.
,n n... ....'
Defeat Russians, but Victory
Costs Mikado Dear.
General Kouropatkin's Flr3t Report to
Czar Is One of Defeat to Russian i
Arms Engagement Takes Place at
Town of Chongju.
St. Petersburg, Mutch 30.--The cm
reior has received u dispatch fiom
(ieiieral KotiiopatKlu giving a lengthy
report I nun (icaeral MIshtchetiKn,
dated Mnich 1!8, which says an import-
nut engagement took place near the
town ot t'hoagju. in which the Rus
sians wete (leieated. retiring In per
feet order. Tho Japanese suffered
hoall, lint the Hiisslau losses are
not stated. Cavalry and Infantry on
both sides were engaged. The litis
f.latis occupied a cotuimindlug posi
tion The Japanese tought gallantly,
hut owing to their !ionv losses were
umtlilo to occupy the position aban
doned by tin1 Itusslans.
(Jeneral MIslitiheiiKo's repoit Is as
follows "Kor tlllee etillRecutiM1 days
our small nutpn-tts iittcmpteil to draw
the JiiManeae cavnliy Into action, but
their patiols, after coutacl was estab
lished, ret li ed bonitil Chougiu. Hav
ing learned that lour sipiiulions ol the
enemy were posted be,oiul Chongju
rlx companies man lied towaid Choug
iu. As soon as our moiiIs approached
tho town the enemy opened lire fiom
behind the wall. Two sipiadions ills
taoan'ed anil occupied the heights tint)
anls distant. An engagement ensued.
In the town a companv ot Infant i ami
a sipiiulrou of cavaby uric l.vlug In '
ambush. Our men were lelnlorced
by three companies ami attacKed tho
.Tapanese with a cross fire. Nolwlth-1
standing this ami our commanding po-1
Fit Ion. tin1 Japanese gallaully held '
their ground and It was only alter a
florco light of half an hour's duration
that the Japanese ceased Ilie and
untight refuge In the houses. Soon
nfterwards three sipiadroas of tho eno-1
my wore seen advancing nlong the
Kazan toad at full gallop toward tho
town, which two of the sipiadions sue
coeded lu entering, while the third
fell hack In ilisonler under repeated
volleys from our troops. A number of
men nnd horses were seen to fall. Kor
an hour afterward our companies con
tinued to lire nn the Japanese In tho '
town, preventing I hem from leaving
tho streets and houses. An hour and
a half after the beginning of the on
Rngetnent four companies wort1 seen
on the Kazan road hastening to attack.
I gavo the order to mount ami the
entire force, with n covering squadron,
advanced In perfect order and turmoil
In line behind the hill. Tin1 wounded
wore placed In front and tho rotlio
ment was carried nut with the deliber
ation of a parade The Japanese
squadron which was thrown Into dis
order was evidently unable to occupy
tho hill which wo had Just evacuated
and tholr Infantry arrived too late.
The detachment protecting our rear
guard arrived quietly at Kazan, wheie
we halted tor two limits in order to
Klvo attention to our wounded At 9
p. m. our foice icaclied Nnn San. It
is supposed Ih1 Japanese had heavy
losses In men and horses. On our side,
unfoi innately, throe officers woie se-
voioly wounded Stopaiioff and An
droolio In the chest and Vnselevltch In
the stomach. Schllnlhoff was loss se
riously wounded in the arm. but did
not leave tho Held. Throe Cossacks
wore killed and twelve were wounded,
Including live seilously."
I The skirmish will have the effect of
! encouraging tho Russians to retard as
much as possible the advance of tho
1 Japanese army.
I A conospondonl of the NovnstI nt
T.Ino Yang reports that the Japanese
have movod on tho Yalu river nnd
! that n conlllct between ther. and the
j Ilusslnus is expected about April 2.
Much Speculation as to the Size of the
Opposing Armies.
London. March !!H No Japanese ro
port of the land operations in Korea
has been leeoivoil hen1 and there is
much speculation as to the si.e of tho
opposing armies, rcgurdlng which
there is no rollablo Information. A cor
respondent of the Times at New
ChwaiiK snys: The Russians ordered
the American flag on the correspond
ents' ir.ess to ho hauled down. Tho
proclamation of martial luw complete
ly paralyzes tho whole commerce of
this port.
Tho Times prints a dlbpatch from Its
correspondent at Wol Hal Wol, which
flays; I have just returned after a
190-mllft cruise and I saw nothing of
either tho Russian or the Japanese
fleets, though tho watch reported flash
signalling at about 4 o'clock this
morning. I was debarred from running-
elofio to Port Arthur by n heavy
fog and Imagine that the weathor Is
too thick for the Japanese to remain
eloBo to Port Arthur. In vlow of tho
j fltrrnifth of tho Russians In their tor-
fcuu luui urDllilnin.
Situation In Manchuria.
1 Mao Yans, March no. Southern
' Manchuria Is reported to he quint.
Thero Is an enormous movement of
troops In progress and trains aro ar
riving several times dally. In tho
rear of Zlldzevo fifty Cossacks cu
countered a strong band of Chinese
bandits and charged upon them, kill
ing twenty eight nnd cnpturlng six.
Throo Cossacks wore- killed and six
Judge Fallo to Pass on Case of Con
victed United States Senator.
St. Ijiils. March HO. Konti'iieo wuh
not passed upon United Stales Sunif
tor Million of Kansas, who wan found (
guilty In tho United States district
court or having lllegall accepted pay
incut fiom the lllalto drain ami Secur
ities company of St. I.ouls for tho uho
of his Inlltieucc with the postal depart-
meat In behalf of the company's Inter-
Counsel for Senator Iturton filed a
motion In arrest of Judgment ami there
Is now nlso before the court n motion
for a new trial, filed Immediately
after' I n vei-il el wna rem erei . .ItKlm1
Adi'iiiH will Hi Ht have1 lo dispose of
these motions hefoie sentence can ho
The defense Is busily at work prepar
ing a bill of exceptions ami making n
complete t coord of the evidence In
troduced. It may he two or three days
befoto this Is coniptetod nnd tho bill
of exceptions ready for tiling, on
which to base an appeal to t'.ie United
States court of appeals, which Is the
court of highest Jurisdiction In this
It sentence In finally pat sod upon
Seuatoi Itui ton and his case Is ap
pealed he will bo released on bond
pending the hearing of the case hy
the 1 out t of appeals at St. Paul In
Union Officials Indicted.
St. Louis. Mnich :U - Indictments
wen1 retained against six general olll
cen of the International lliolheihood
of Teamsters, charging them with be
ing accessories before the fact In con-'
nectlon with the assault on llasll Ruth-,
erfi rd. a nonunion driver. The men
Indicted are: Cornelius P. Shea, In
dianapolis, general president; Albert
Young. Indianapolis, general organ
izer; Charles Rnbh. Chicago, sixth
vice president; Wllllnnl Rowbolhiun,
Indianapolis, corresponding secretnry;
Daniel Thurinan, Chicago, general
secretary: fleorge Innes. Indianapolis,
one of the geneial organizers. The
latter has boon arrested and wnrrnnts
hnve boon Issued for the arrest of tho
others. It Is also charged In tho In
dlctiuonls ngnlnst the general officers
of the teamsters' union that they "Im
ported thugs from Chlcngo to assault
nonunion drivers."
Deny Presence of a Guard,
TUnno. March an. Tho report ca
bled to the United States that the vat
Iran has for days been guarded by a
lnrge force of Italian soldiers and po
lice, owing to tho discovery of a plot
ngnlnst tho life or tho pope. Is ridi
culed by the vatlcnn authorities, who
any that the number of carbineers and
policemen on duty at the papal pal
ace Is no larger man usual.
Race Troubles Quiet Down.
Houston. Tex.. Mnrch IK).- The man
ager of the lumber mill at Sllsbeo
stated that the tace trouble at that
point had quieted down, most of the
negroes having fled when warlike dem
onstrations were made. The man Hub
lock, who was ambushed and shot by
a negro lootpad. tiled 01 ills wountis.
Tho other two wounded men arc get-
ting along well.
Alarming News of Kaiser's Health. 1
Paris, March 30. According to the
Iindon correspondent of the Matin a
dispatch was received from Herlln I
during the night, coming from a high
quarter, which says that alarming j
news has been received concerning
rno health of Kmporor William, owing
to a lociiitloRconco of the threatened
trouble lor which tho emperor was
opcrnted on last year.
Mob Falls to Get Prisoner.
I.nCrosso. Wis.. March HO. As the
result (.f an alleged assault by
Charles Powers, a Milwaukee road
brakeiunn. upon Inez Drake, nged ton
yeais, at I.anesboio, Minn . a mob of
200 infuriated citizens stormed tho
village jail in an attempt to lynch the
prisoner Tho mob was lopulsed by
Marshal flalllgen and a hand of armed
Bars Card Playing on Trains.
Diiluth, Minn.. March ISO. -Officials
of tho Diiluth ami Iron Range railroad
hae issued an order forbidding the
plnying of cards on nny of Its trains.
Tho icason lr. that so many com
plulnts have 1 cached the company's
office of woodsmen being victli.ilzcd
by caul sharps who ride lo and fro
on trains In seuich ol victims.
Work of Train Wreckers.
Ashland. Wis.. March .'10. Engineer
1.-..1 1 II W.H ...,.t l.llll.t .1.1,1 I.!.'...
r.unuiu liuiliiwil wnn lutiut win, -.iv-
man Thompson and Hrakeman White
rntrc Jlllilliy IIIJIIII.-II III m "inniuii
of a fast freight train on the Mllwau.
train ran Into an open switch at Fo-
-.. Ai,.i.t,m. ..., nnl flirt innlnn
khh niiiii iiv uiikiiunii iiiTinuiic iuu
lUUil, riKUiri'll ItMB dllU ItlU VH(jlUU
being derailed.
Bindery Girls Strike
Chicago. Mai eh 30. The strike of
bindery Rltis in several of the largo
JIllIlllIlK Ullll lllUil.illlllK iiuiinun nua
given the support of the men's hind -
cry union, resulting In the shutting
down of the "hard" blading depart-
ments. The men aro sari to have re-
fused to work on material handled by,
nonunion girls.
Are In
a Deadlock.
30. Tho commit-
tee of United Mine Workers nnd tho
coal operators of the : Pittsburg dia-
trlet, appointed to adjust tho sltua-
tlon for tho coming year, hnvo dead-
locked. Neither side, It Is said, will
yield to any point and no progress has
been mndo during tho Ave days of con-
I fercncCB.
' i
a ,'... pi --. - ............
Women as Well as Men Are Mafc
Miserable by Kidney and
Bladder Trouble.
Kidney trouble pre. a upon the mind,
discouracsandlcsscnsanibition; beauty,
vigor ami cuccrim
ncss soon disappear
when the. kidneys are
out of o'-lcr or dis
eased. Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that it is not uncom
mon for a child tule
born afflicted witlf
weak kidneys. If the-
,,1,11,1,1, !ii,,ii.toooften. if the urine scalds-
tt, Hesli.or if, when the child reaches nit
Xffi when it should be able to control the
tiasSML'e. It is vei lllllicieii wmi
iliiif.ilciieiiiln'tiontt. tliccauseof thedifli-
cullv is kiduev trouble, and the first
step' should be towaids tlu treatment of
these important organs. Plus unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of
the kiduevs and bladder and not to ir
habit as most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made miser
able with kidney and liladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the Immediate elfect of
Swnmn-Uoot is soon realized. It issohl
by druggists, in fifty- f?K-rr-
ccut nnn ouc-iioiiuri
sie hollies. You iiiav
have a sample bottle
by mail flee, also a Home of Bwaniltaol.
jiimiphlct telling all about Kwatup-Uoot,
including many of the thousands of testi
monial Icltcis received from sufferers
cuicd. In wiiting I'i- Kilmer fi Co..
Itiiigluinloti, N. Y., be sure and mention
this paper. Don't make any mistake,
but icmcinbcr the name, Swamp-Root,
Hi. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ml
ill ess, Iiinghainlon, N. V., on every
Tlie rmii'r uf I lit Tliiimlerer.
A great change hail followed thu re
form bill, and tlu1 newspaiH'r bad Im
proved as it became the organ of tlur
middle class, which then rose to power,
Delano of the Times had lo be courted
by the statesmen who had professed',
simple contempt for his predecessors,,
and lu the fifties the lutlucucc of the'
paper had culminated till It was taken:
to be the authentic Incarnation of pub
lic opinion. Klnglnko gives n graphk
(I do not say an authentic) account of
the secret of the authority which ena
bled It to order the siege of Sevastopol..
It employed, lie declares, a shrewd, Idle
clergyman to frequent places of com
mon resort and discover what was the
obvloiis thought that was (lulling uo
ccptauce with the average mini. Tlie
tbotight was then put as though It were
the suggestion of ripe political philoso
phy, while the public so delicately flat
tered wondered at Its own wisdom.
Sir IjCsIIc Stephen in Atlantic.
Htnrllct! (lie Clutptnln.
An English clergyman tells many
quaint stories of his experiences us it
prison chaplain. One of these relate
liow he took a reformed burglar out
for a drive lu the country after an en
forced seclusion In one of his major
ty's prisons. The burglar appeared to
enjoy himself Immensely, but wheit
they passed a pretty bouse standing;
back from the road and beniing evi
dence of the taste and wealth of the
owner the burglar fairly gloated over
It and, turning to tin1 canon, exclaimed1,
"What a lovely little crib that would
no to crncK, sir, woman t lif
The U11111I111111I Jiuillor.
Mrs. M0C11II And what did you say
your eldest boy's full name was?
Mrs. jie Cotirsey Michael nrannlgnra
I lo Cotirsey.
Mrs. McCall AVell-cr-thafs rutherj
Mrs. Do Cotirsey Yes; hut, you see;
when he was horn wo wen1 living in
flat and we didn't wimt to move out,
Mr. Michael Itrauulgaii was the Jani
tor. Philadelphia Press.
Tin- s,n(. Hi-mill,
"I really must send the cook nwny
(cargo; she uses such dreadful Ian
gunge sometimes,"
"What kind of language, dear?"
"Well-oli, the same as you use. yotf
know!"-llrooklyn I.lfe.
Till- l'o.-l' Ii-iiIh.
"I'm nearly famished." sighed
garret poet.
"Hut you told me you hud two menu?
a day." said the friend.
"Yes; oatmeal and corn menl." Phil
adelphia Record.
Young Plants
Every farmer knows thai.
some plants grow better than
others, boil may be the sami
and seed may seem the samt
. . - .
but Some plants are Weak an
tJlllUI.I ail UlllI, i
Amj that.g th(J wjtl
- r
Children. I llCV are like yOUHU I
nlinfc Qnmn crA. cinift M"mrl 1
same care but some grow bio
and strong while others- stay
small and weak.
Scott's Emulsion offdrs arl
r k. ( iL i'CC tl 1
; l3 wa uu- "l ,,,,- umn-uiiyi
Child weakness often means
starvation, not because of lacW
c t , , . . ,, f 1
f 0d but because the food
uoes not leea.
scott s limuision really iced!
and gives the child crowint,
Whatever the cause of weak
, t ., ,
"css ,anTJ iaUJ"C to grow
Scott S Emulsion seems to fine
ft and Set the matter right. I
send for free sample. !
Scott&llowne, Chemists, u)l'carl St., NewYoT
tiM nml dt fhri nil Hrtiw tracts '
IWjJI. nt.M-,fKJ
ipiiiiMS,aiMMiiiiiiiiiiMMiiMMMBaMMMMMiiiiMMBMMBM'2gi --j. . ri. ,,