h- 'r&w&uwWv jftxm&Z$itt jpl Often The Kidneys Arc Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered tlmt only rinriry and bladder troubles were to be traced 10 me Kiuneyss nut now modern I science proves that ' nearly nil diseases linve tbeir beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filler and purify the blood Mint ia tlii-ir urirL". Therefore, wlicn your Kitiucysnrc wciik r out of order, you can understand how cftiickly your entire body is affected and liow every organ seems to fail to do its If you are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, lr. Kilmer's Suanip-Uoot, because as soon H your kidneys are well they will help II the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis lake by first doctoring yllr kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realied. It . i.. 11... I.l.i1...i.t f.r itu urmntirftil niri'i of the most distressing cases, and is sold mi its merits uy an druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sic bottles. You may It ( ra Cflttf 1tt ltH If e.MKti, by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you nave kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writinglo Dr. Kilmer & Co., lling hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Hoot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, and the ad dress, Hinghnmton.N.Y., on every bottle. Iv'ft- Lincoln Letter. (Concluded from Fiist Pago.) This paragraph replies to tlio repented insinuations by an Omulia paper and based upon the purchase of curtain lots adjacent to the university cam pus. Last winter the legislature was asked to appropriate $8,000 for the- purchase of real estate near the university, nei ther the number i or the description of tho lots being given Later it was discovered that but 5,000 was expend d in this way, and while no direct ne tmsation was mado, the public was led to bolievo that tho chancellor had re ceived 18,000, oxpondod f.r,000 and placed tho balance where ho thought it would do tho most good. It is explained that tho 18,000 was asked for with u view of picking up stray lots hero and there noar tho campus, that 15,000 has boon so in vested, and that tho remainder of tho appropriation remains in tho stato treasury and will remain thoro until tho board soon fit to invest it in othor property. Tho regents nlso explain that tho constitution of tho state, as well as acts of tho legislature, leave tho board no option but to receivo all donations mado to tho institution Tho board's interpretation of tho law in this re upcct is hotly disputed by thoo op posed to accepting tho odor, and tho verbal war goes merrily on, but with tho charges of fraud in tho real estate dull eliminated. Atchison Globe Sights. You probably halo abuso, but it does you. good. Why is it that a reformer so soon becomes a foolT If tho children keep well a mother is usually u full-Hedged philosopher when othor tioubles attack lior. When a baby cries on a train, overy- CATARRH mti&vfc i&$m&jBPs -oi'xr HE! FEVEO),g& Mfc ? A rtf' S$y tyy Ely's Cream Balm This Romody is a Spoclflc, Sure to Clvo Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects tlio disMVd membrane. It euros Catarrh ami th-ivi'M away n Cold in the Head quickly, Jtostores tho Reuses of TivtQ and Smell. J-jwsy to mo. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed. Xnrgo Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by wil; TriulHizo, 10 cents by mull. LY BROTHERS, 66 Warren St.. New York. Do yoti boro people with your trou bles? If you do, rest assured that they complain about it to othors. ono is perfectly willing to look tlio other way, if that is tho reason tho mother lets It cry. This morning wo saw n man eighty years old going into u doctor's olllco Ithconistous that if wo were eighty years old wo would have enough Tho theory of u dress with a train is that it should drag, lint you never fee u train dragging, for tho reason that it is tho ugliest thing Imaginable A woman may bo too old at .'15 to slug on tho stage, but If sho is willing to sing for nothing, sho is not too old at 70 to sing in tho church choir. It is more important to embroider an anchor on tho llttlo boy's collar than to how a button on tho old man's shirt, and fathers are too slow in learn ing It. Tho Shannon Times makes n roar in its last Issue because twelve church women recently spent an entire after noon selling eight pies at a ' church fair." A. W. Stovens is tho on'y man wo over know who didn't apologize for using tobacco. Hut wo never know a man who didn't apologize for using whisky. About the only lesult of u restau rant or boarding house keepor serving strawberiies to his (nitrons is tlmt mniothati tho usual fault is found with tho cream. Prof. SI i lighter of tho Chicago uni versity says that the crying of a baby is nothing but tho sweetest music, This is true, and the unselfish un n are willing their wives should have a mon opoly of it. Wo would liko to see a ton twen y thirtyshow without Cardinal Riche lieu showing up in a robo of rod calico. A fifty cont show will have a llttlo ermine on Richelieu's rod robo, but ti ten-twenty-thirty uses plain red cal ico. Tho story that Oaltimoro Christian Scientists saved their homes during the lato conflagration by tho oxorciso of faith is not so surprising; an Atchi sou Christian Scientist deelaro-t sho chased tho mice out of hor homo by tho oxorciso of faith. Two Atchison nion aot into a immo of pokor recently and ono of thorn hold llvo aces. This is such an unusual oc currenco tlmt many old pokor players novor know it to happen. It is ox plained by tho fact tlmt tho man's wife is a Christian Scientist, mid sho sat in auothor room giving him an absent treatment. When thoro is nothing olso to say against a man who works, they say ho Is "tho hardest working man in town," an intimation tlmt ho i so avaricious that ho never lots up cfmssng dollars As a matter of fact, a man who lourns to work never gets out of tho habit; ho would rather work than remain idlo. Pooplo do a good many mean things without thinking. Ono of tho meanest is to tell a man what others suy about him Everyone should know that, someone dislikes him and abuses him. But it is thoughtless, if not moan, to tell him about it. People abuse you; if you don't hear about it, it is because your friends mo too genteel to tell you of it. Mother Gray's Swtet Powders for Children. Successfully Hied by Mother Gray, nui so in tho Chil Iron's Homo in New York, ouio ievi'rNhnos, bad summon, teething disorders, move and loguluie the li'iweN and destrov worms. Over :U),000 testimonials. I'hey never fail. At all druggists. 25 . Stimple free. Ad iir.-ss Allen S Oliiis:od, Lo Hoy, N. Y i'J4. Don't forget our free buggy offer No ono in any way connect d with th iffli-.H will bo allowed to compete for i he prize. Notice to Non-Resident. IN THE MSTHRT Clll'ItT OK WKIISTKH COl'NTY. NKIIItAbKA. Corn Goodwin, 1'JhImIH, I .. V .Imiiet. O ochrln, Defeii'lrtiil, J To .lnini: (iomluln. not renlilout duluoilniit: You will lnke notice Unit Cora (looilwln, llu I; iHlaillt tierclii. Iihh nieil lmr petition In tiic ilUtrlcl court of WoljMcr county. vliniNkn, HKHlimt yuu. tlio nl.Jeet hii.I iraer of which sru to utilnlii ii Oeuree of ilhorcu from tho bond of niiilrlmonynatlit' grounds, of cruelty Hint non Mii.jHitt, ounru mmlrtsl tonmmerraM pell Hon on orheforu llie'.'Mli rtn of April. 1U0I lly A. M Waltkiu, Jler Attorney. Try Health 222 South Peoria St., Ciucaoo, 1m, Oct. 7, 1002. Eight monthi ngo I waa ro ill that I wan compelled tolioorsit down nearly all tho time. My stomach was bo 'weak and upset that I could keep nothing on it nnd I vomited fremiontly. I could not urinate without great pain and I coughed bo much that my throat mitt lungs wcro raw and Bore. Tho doctors pro nounced it Bright'a di3er.so and others naid it was consumption. It mattered little to mo what they called it and I had no dc sirotolivo. Asister visited mo from Ht. Louis and niked mo if I had ever tried Wino of Cardtii. I told her I had not and sho bought n bottle. I bclicvo that it saved my life. I believe many women could save much Buffer ing if they but knew of its value. Don't you want freedom from pain? Tako Wino of Cardui and make ono supremo effort to bo well. You do not need to bo a weak, helpless sufferer. You can have n woman's health and doawoinan'aworkinlifo. Why not secure a bottle of Wino of Cardui from your druggist to day? WINF CARDUI M PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clrtmri and tvlutlflci the h.lr. rriiiiiuici a lumilnnt gromlh. Nrver Falls to Ilcstoro Gray irnli tn Its Vntilhfnl rjrtln- Curei K-lp liwit & hair UlUiig. m"i;.iiu i. f iiniggmi PCMICHCSTCR'S CNQLISH ENNYROYAL PILLS KV Oriclnal ami Oiilf Ornulnr. aArf.i jnw.T.r.ii.Di i,aaif, ui iirocfin lor UlIIVlIt.STKll'.S KNUI.I.SII In MKII an I liold mtiallle toi. f.la v-tthblatrlklxa. Txkea other. ItrfuM Baaceraaa Nnb.tltatlona and Imlta tlaaa. Rut of joar Orutf lit. or .roil 4e. la Umii. for Particular. TeatlaaaalaU ast "Raller for I.adlra." m ln-, bj r. tara Mall. lo.OOO Tmim.oln. 8.11b Draft lu. frki.h..!.. rk.Mi.i f' 414 MaalMB ctaaara, 11I1 LA VA. w ?3 "N- aU ISAAC B. COLVIN, EAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Look IJoi S3. Guide nock. Nob. Ml kinds of property bought, sold and exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TKIIM REASONABLE fDoiM'T Be FooledF Oenulne ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Is put up In wMte packages, manufactured exclusively by the Madison Mtdlclna Co.. Madison, Wis. bells at 35 cents package. All otherj are runk Imitations and substitutes, don't rUk your health by taking them. THUOENUINU makes sick B tuple Well, Keens you Well. All Honest ealers sell the Oenulne. MOLUSTEK DKIIO CO, Madison, Wis. T ME TABLE. Red Cloud. Neb. .INGOI.N LVAIIA 1IJCAOO "1. JOE CANS AS CITY .2. LOUIS and 41 points east and outh. DENVEH HELENA UUT'lE SAL1 LAKE O' PORTLAND SA, FRAA'CISCb and all point' west. TUA1NB LBAVB AS rOl.I.OWB! 'o, 13. 1'ntiKCiiRcr tifilly for Oburlln and ht. KmiicIn braticheii. Ox ford. McCook, Denver mid all points weM... . .. 6-.Va.m 10, U. l'HKBCiiKCr dnlly for St. .toe, KniiBHK City, AtohNini, St. LouIb. Lincoln vln Wymote and nil polnlN i'Ut mid couth 2-0 tt.ic 'o 15. t'aHhcnper. dully. Deavur. hII polntB In Colorado, Utah and California . ... s:i5 p.m o. 18. TaiiiciiKcr. dnlly for St. Joe. Kati(B City. Atchison, hi Louis nnd all point eautaud south . ll):3.ri.in to. 174. Aecommodatlou, dally exreiit Sunday. MaUlniin. aritnd ! land. Ulack IIIUs and all points lu tho northwest 2n)p.tn HleepltiR, dlnlriK. nnd rccllnliiK chair ran scats free) on throiiKU trains. Tickets sold aod 'aggage checked to any point lu the Uultoc tatcs or Canada, For Information, time tables, maps or llckoti ill on or addreKH A, Conover, Agent. Ited ;loud, Nebr, or J. fraud. Uiuoral Passeugei Atrcnt Omsha. Nehranta INKLAMMATOKY KIIKlMATIhM (I KI) IN 3 DAYS Morton L. HIM. of Lebanon lnd . shjh; "M wife had Inllninniiitorv ItheiuiiHlKm lu eery mmcle anil Joint, her MiiVerltiK w terrible nnd her bt.dy and faro wt ro kitoIKmi iilinott be. yond recoKiilMon-, had Urn In lied xlx weeks and had eight phyrtelaiiH. but rrcehod no bcnctlt mull kIii tried tho MmIc Cure for KheumntUm, It tinti Immedltite roller and sho ' utile to walk about lu three day I am miro It haved her life." Sold by II. K. 0 rice, DruggUt, lted Cloud. $100 Buggy Given Away ! ' Tub Ciiikf takes plenstiro fn an noiiriciiiK that someone of Its Hub srribei.s will In tho near futuio bo pre sented with a SKX) (MiKfO. Wo linvo deterniiiied to inereaso our stibsctli tion list, and at tho Name time olfer an indncenient. to old subscribers to pay tip. Here is tho plan: For every dollar paid on subset ip tlon, Ijy either now or old subscribers, tho person paying tho sumo will bo entitled to four pie ses on the total number of admissio h to the World's fair at St. Louis i n opening day, April .'!(', 1(K)1. Tho poison milking the near est eorret't kuoss will bo presented with a handsome $100 biiKKJ') abso lutely freo. Tho buy will bo on ex hibition at Peterson's Implement house. To enable subsoribers to form an estimate on tho probable attendance, we kIvo tho following figures on pre vious similar events; Number of admissions on open in day at Philadelphia Cen tennial, 1870 180,!7'2 At. opening of tho World's Fair, Chicago, 18!):, i:i7,r:7 At dedication day of St Louis World's Fair, April .'!0, ltRXi. .10:,:W7 Real Estate Transfers. Titinfoi for week ending Vetrio ilny, M-ireli 2.1, furnished by J H Utiley of Webster County Absttaet eompiitiy. L K PeislRer anil wife to Atigut lluseliow, qi-d, pt ik-1 4 1103. 12."i Kr.uik A Sweizy and wife to O K S idlregeti, wd, lot 8 blk 7, (Ji iispPh mibdv Hutu Hill 15 Thoiiins IJurr to Lueas K Burr, wd, w2 in i :jo-:j-io 1500 Siinford Cioxtnu and wife to Jno 11 Iticmuifson, wd, n4 ami u2 in -limit n2su4 4 and m 1 ''. U l'JUOb Libhie H Potts lo C Fussier, wil w2 sw4 and 2 e2 w4 7 4 II.... !W00 C Fussier to F T Hopkii and C F (iiind, W'l, 8IUI1U 3300 Ui eh a til Greenhalgh to John It (ireenl.algh, wd, half block 11, Cowles 1GIK) Henry Stuinpcnhnist io CIhiis Uose, wd, lots 2 and 0, bloek y, KoKoinont 10 John 1) Fulton to Uobt B Fulton, wd, thim pt n4 s4 2 1 II.... 100 Uly (i Knight, t. Hinoliiie B Knight, qed, pt lot 10 bloek 12, In.ivale 1 FrackF Walt to Krnel It H.iiii(i. ton sw4 IH'4 ih4 .vit xi4uvv4 and nw4 si-4 JIM 9 3.WD Kriwst Hiiinptoii tinil Hif to Fiank F Wult.wd, e2 net .'12 1 !) 2H0 Ifti'.'li B Hunter nnd wife in (i.n L Clmnbia et. i, e2 Jlt-l-0 2000 J K (ireonhnlgh to Homy (iiniil, lot t hihI ti uik 0, Onwlex, nnd w4 J12 2 10, vvtt 25(10 Chus K Bhsh and wifi to .Intiies Melntos ,wd,sel 292-11 2000 Total IJ15081 Moitifiiges tiled jyClK) Mnr aligns leloni .ii $7100 a a ItllKUMATIhM t CKKD IN A DAY Mjstlc Cure for IthenumllHiii and Neuralgia radically rures lu I lo .idnjs Ita action upnu the aynlem Im remarkHbie and miterIouN It removes at onco the causo and the illM'HM Itn medlaiely llhUfLeur. The tlmt dure greatly benetllx. "."i cents and t,.O0. bold b II. if. Once, Drugglm. lted Cloud. . Cajolery bunt It. "Why did you let that girl cajole you Into subscribing for her book'" "Cajole me! She didn't cajole me. Sho Just looked Into my eyes and drew one or two long breaths." Chicago Record-Herald. - w w w r w -r ytr yj 10 --f Embroidered Collars'? We have this week received an elegant line of the very latest patterns in limbroitl ered Collar1;, which will be sold at honest prices. To make room for our new spring stock of Laces and Embroideries we quote the following prices on embroidery and lace Remnants and Odd Pieces: 2c Luces and Embroideries at.'. tc Sc Laees and Embroideries nt 2c tOc Laces and Embroideries at Sc 25c Laces and Embroideries nt t3c BOc Luces and Embroideries tit 25c I.OO Luces iiud Embroideries at ... . ...SOc Fancy - Combs - and Hairpins of the latest styles, and at lowest prices. F. NEWHOUSE. City Dray and Express Line. 1'. W. STUJHCISAKlfilt, lKOI Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADArS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Residence 52. Office 119 UkbbihtfctbUiaViakiMbUoaMUiliUifc4diaillitiifc SAY, fllSTERl Do you know that it will pay YOU. as well as US, to buy your HuilditiK Ma torlal and Coal at ouryard.s? Not only that our pricos averaok lower, or at least as low, as thoso of our competit ors, but because wo take especial caro of and protect nil onn bo classed as REGULAR CUSTO M E R S . PL ATT & FREES CO. Coal. Lumber. 9iTiiMmiiiiTiTrifpfriif;rfffiifiriif tr C-K-tr tr tr r s ff tr (-C- tj- K- 50,000 AMERICANS Were welcomed to Ha Western Canada during past Year W, They aro settled and settllnB on tlio drain and Grnzlna Lnndi there, and nro hcullhy, prosperous nnd sallsllcd. Sir Wilfred I.ntirlcr, spcaklntr of Canada, recently said: "A new star has risen upon tho horizon, and It Is toward it that every immlcrnnt who leaves the land of his ancestors to come and seek a homo for himself now turns his garo" There Is . Room for Millions. FIIKK Homesteads to every heud of a rurally, Nchoola, Churchrs, Itnllwaya, Mnr Ucla. 'llinute evcrjthluir to j be drilred. For a descriptive Atlas and other Information, upply to Superintendent Iramluration, Ottawa, Canada; or ituthorlicd Canadian Government Agent V. BENNETT, IN EVERY STYLE. The Don Ton is prepnred to hO.vo 0ster.s in every stylo on short notice. All kinds of Hot Drinks for cold weather served at tho soda fountain Catering for parties and dances The Bon Ton W. S. BENSE. Proprietor. 801 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Dressmaking W-ltMllt tMHU 1 I Fancy Sewing at Reasonable Prices. ,MRS. J. A. TULLEYS NISS NELLE EMERT0N Parlors at home of Mis Ttilloys. Bowling is a pleasant recreation, is invlKoiHtiiiK and is a healthful pastime, and for ti pleasant hour's amusomout nothiiiK 1b m oro interesting than a game or two at the : : : Apex Bomlinq Alleys L MuM ILL AN, Proprietor. Choice- Tobaccos and Cigars Always on Hand ti. B. ASHBR, VETERINARIAN Or tho Kansas City Voter inary College. Ofllce at C. M. Smith's Livery Bnrn. ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED Telephono -10. KBD CLOUD, - NEB. At Blue Hill llrstTuesdny in each mouth. m INSURANCE against Fire, Lightning, Cy clones and Windstorms, seo JNO. B. STANSER, agent for tho Farmers Union Insur ance Co., Lincoln, Neb,, the- best in surance company in tho stato Cures Crip In Two Days. To Cure a Cold in One Dnv TnV I .YAtiA RlVMlin OllitlltlA TaMeta. JS TiJ Seven MTlion boxes sold in post 13 months. Thb Signature, 'WTLs lOX. 25c on every MEXICAN Mustang Liniment ure CntH, liurnu, UraiseM. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment In uho for over sixty ycara. MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment for Man, Ucaut or Poultry. jje8t for Uorao allmvntH. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment limberti up Stiff Joints. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment curvu FroBtbitea and Chilblains. MEXICAN ang Lini cares Sprains and Strains. Mustang Liniment . MEXICAN Mustang Liniment is a positive cure for Piles. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cares Spnvlu and Ringbone. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cares nil forms of Rheumatism. MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment heals Qld Sores quickly. jtet for Cattle ailments. MEXICAN ang Lin cures Caked Udder In cows. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Best for Sheep ailments. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment penetrates to the very bone. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment always gives satisfaction. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Best thing for a lame horse. , MEXICAN Mustang Liniment drives out all inflammation t ML $