' . svw.. -w-. T5T r . w SV BW V .jjii'ii " ,-, Vv VOLUME XXXI r. RED CLOUD, NE11KASKA. MAUOH 18, 1001. NUMBER 12 t? f 7 f Miner Bros. Miner Bros. j ? C4ao AJAro (nm Da fP.lrkiirlVc Tifi Store. w uiui v iicrro iiuiii v -. w. - - W Mt- m . -k. . . m m r "VrTk W ? vt. ILiUUIIUlllY VClllCl f lB " C c Economical buvers luiDrcclnto such lists as this, t 5 JTJ, C S. W PETTICOATS. 5 y ::1 t V- f t .".. .,0, ecsftc?f 1 raspi w-w. ? k-Wlx ., .... ...... r v i I riete 11 is uie vurv i-huk ji t vV, , ... . ,-. r . " 7 " -' Petticoat penection. p C f....i: ttwt ftifilmut niitriWM'ivod. I'lit I n-niii llvlnir models: the yoke which does J A away with all wrinkles ami fullness at C s. l' tin. waist: and a variety of trimmings, 5 I V; ..i.iiM-ltwru rullloi mill nlulthiL's that Vim J - I ' will appreciate. 5 S vPfntxs9ti&- Tne ,rico 1S our HUri,r,S1'' S b mmmrw ? i v&7iS- 1.00 to $4.00 s r swsr-c RIBBONS. 0 - MM V ? Boys' and Girls' Shoes The "Bailable" hind for school or dress. Hero it is possible to get moru shoo worth, shoo stylo, shoe comfort and shoo quality for the outlay than at any other store. Children's, .".0 to Jl.'io. Misses' and Boys'. 800 to S2.."0. Ladies' Shoes, 81.11) to frl.00. Ladles' Oxfords, $1.10 to ill 00. Collars and Stocks l.'idoz. new Collar Stocks, 7c to 81.00 each. Veulso point laco Collrrs, 'ioc 81. (X) each. Embroidered Stocks, 15c to 81.7.". Culf and Collar Set, 00 to 73c. Klhbons lower than elsewhere, Just tho kind you want at less than you expect to pay. "0 pieces 5 to 10. all Silk Taf feta No. fi, 4c yard. No. 7, (ic yard. No. ft, 8c yard. No. 12, 10c yard. No 10, l'ic yard. This Nil', inches wide. No. 40. loo yard. This is IP,, inches wide. Leather Goods. Belts and Wrist Bas. New Belts, UOo to 8t.2T). Black and gilt Girdles, crushed leather, all silk. Many new pat terns. Two siiinplo lines. Wrist Hhks, .'lite to 1.50 each. If you can not come to tho store send in your or der by phone. MINER BROS. Sutisfactioi or vw 1 j Money Back. ArWW K!Z 1 'XSi0:Vi '&;:( ; 4 t:l...: "tJmfi Newhouse Brothers Jewelers fi Opticians Satisfaction Guaranteed To Core A Cold In One Day. j Tnko Laxative Bronio Quinine Tab lets. All druRgtsta refund tho iuonoy if It fulls to euro. E. W. Grove's signa ture Is on each box. 25o. Bladen. W. A. Brady drove over to Blue Hill Momhy. Krnest Keed'd hnvo moved in their new store. Farmers hnvo commenced workinp; in the Held.. Curt anil Lloyd Meed drovo over to Campbell Stimlny. l)r Wi'Kmnn mnde a business trip to Blue Hill TucNilay. Mr and Mrs Win. ScnrU drovo lo Blue Hill one day this week. II C. Chevalier of Cninpbrll was hero on business last Friday. Dick Beck and wif will move In his property vacated by Krnest Becd. Wayne Kncd anil family visited at the homo of II. B. Boyd last Holiday. Mrs Springer and Mrs. SenrU spent hist Wednesday with Mrs Kinerson. Cornie Horrigan is home from Chicago and expects to farm the home place this year. Joe Widder.sheini has accepted a posi tion in the Uoulier imphninnt shop at thi place and oo.iimeneed work there Monday. Lewis Chirk, livine southwest of own, died Wednesday morning, Marcli i. He leaves a wife, four s'jus and one daughter to mourn his loss. Wallnco Ilay-of Grand Island and James Hay of Strang came homo Sat unlay and spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. A. Hay, returning Mon day 11101 ning to their homes. - ban. Nellie Cockrell entertained n nuin her of ti lends last Tuesday evening. A large number of now phones are being added to the Ambov rural line. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frisbie weie pleasantly surpnsed Tuesday evening by a number of their young marritd friends. A' Lincoln Letter. Lincoln. Nkii., March 10. In order to to eliminate factions in the guard, rid the organization of 11 useless and expensive attachment and give, tho state troops a touch of real uriny discipline should they ever bo assembled in brigade formation, Adjutant General Culver lias honor ably discharged Brigadier General Dairy, the hitter's term of three years having expired February 2.'!. The order discharging Gen. Barry was preceded by one amending the TRADEMARK like a salesman is valuable in exact proportion to the goods it will sell. No salesman who makes false promises can be permanently successful. So with a trademark. No hat bearing the Gordon trademark has ever promised falsely. $3o Normal has learned a lesson from tho lecent small lire in that. Institution ami besides drilling a volunteer llro brigade composed of students tho hu porintondedt will reluctantly part. with a few hundred dollais of his scant up 'preprint Inn for new lire lighting up paritus. At present there is but 75 feet of hose in the .building and u llro .1 . .1 .. !... 1. ...!,1 1 1... codosouim 111 iiiiuro it win 1101. .. iM t in, upper lloors or Uion some por- uiwinuLiii i' tit null 11 ti nlimttmi fill tint. .... .. . 1 1.. IIH ly.nUI.I I W III 1 till V.II.Ut-11'll " .." nuriiose of .select Iiil' 11 brigadier. All be spent on Walnut Creek. Mis Cora Landus is 'home for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs, John Sutton Sunday with Mrs. Arnraon. We hope to sco a church built Walnut Crook in tho near future. Mr. Cirtwright of Mnnkato, Kansas, is visiting with his undo Mr. Fariuun. Mr and Mrs. K. B. Smith and Mrs Burnett of Mc.Cook spent Monday at Tom Jones'. Wallace Jones, who has been attend ing .school at the State University, has returned home. Dmlnp the meetings held lieio a number proffessed their faith in Chi 1st and were baptized at Inavnle. Walter Martin, who has Ixon in Taconui, Washington, for the past year, was calling on old friends Tuesday. Mrs Waddell and children have been visiting with her brother, Charlie Kinker. 'I hey will makn their home in Hfd Ciotiit, where Mr. Waddell has bought a butcher shop The funeral of Dolly Milili-jd, little daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. John Mitchell, was held at the school house Sunday morning, Hev. Heesu conduct ing the services. Thev have tho hjih pathy of the entile community. All know how it grieves us to give up our dear ones. of tho members of General Barry s Blair were dismissed with him. Brigadier-General Aaron S. Daggett, (retired), U. S. military olllcer detailed to borvico in Nobraska.will have charge of all future brigade encampments in Nebraska and will fulllll any and all dutlos which In the past have been discharged by tho brigadier which to say truth have not been either num erous or onerous. t t t County assessors are requested to observe that tho credit doclsion of tho attorney gonoral upplles to nil annui ties, bonds, notes secured by mortgage, book accounts due, all moneys loaned and not outorod olsewhero on tho schedule, cortitleates of purchase at tax sale, building and loan stock and all credits not otherwise listed. 1 I T Lincoln physicians have decided that tho state liouso has been a breed ing shed for typhoid germs for many yfnrA and are of the opinion that In- suillo out soworago is tho causa. Threo cases of fever were reported among tho clerks last week and for years thoro has been a great deal of tho disease among those who inhabit tho state houso. Tho state board of public lands and buildiuL's has decided to have tho sanitary dovicoscarofully inspected, it being thought that a now system will bo unnecessary but that tho present one will have to bo overhauled and en larged. t t Dr. C. V Baston of Kearney has been appointed chief physician at tho reform school to succood Dr. 11 S Bell, resigned. tious of tho ground lloor could not, drenched. t t Warden Beeiner's monthly report shows that the 287 convicts in his in stitution have been fed during Febru rry at an average dally cost to the slato or soven cents and six mills per capita. Bread, moat and colfeo is tho regulation iiiotui at tho prfson and each prlsonor is supplied with a gon erous ration of a good quality and well prepared. It Keeps the Feet Warm and Dry. Ask todny for Allen's Fo'nt-Kaso, a powder. It cureu chilblains, swollen, sweating, sore aching, dump feot. At all druggists and shoo stoi of, 25c. 12 4' Guide Rock. A. Lathrop is 011 the sick list. Fred Sehouberg has moved to Wahoo, Neb. A.J Haves is out again after a sick spell' W A S"eley has heon on the sick list, bin is better. O J. Buchanan is in Lincoln this week on business. Mi. Million litis moved onto tho John Dunbar farm. Mr. Ciilllns sold but few of his horses last week and drovo tho rest away. Mrs. Hioh hns moved her millinery stock from Hod Cloud to Guldo Hock, K. W. Fowlor has moved his barber shop into the south sido of tho Duudna building, in the same room with Oli via's real estate oflice. Mather Konzick, while dilvin? along tho street with 11 stalk-nutter, 1 aii off the end of a culvert, throwing him from the machine and breaking his leg. Lester. Mumps are prevalent In this vicinity, Virgil Law has fluiauod rooOug his The largest warrant drawn during Auditor Weston's torm was issued and paid Thursday morning, it being in favor of tho Van Dorn Iron works and representing the tidy sum of 11,418, tho same being a payment upon the i ow cells at tho penitentiary. I I I Chancellor Andrews Is coulldeut that t,ho "Rockefeller" Tomplo to be erected at tho University will be a reality boforo uuotheryear has passed, t t t Governor Mickey wont to his homo county convention Saturday, to ro celve tho endorsement of tho republl- can votors of Polk county. t i The state board of assessment and equalization has decided that deputy assessors must report the oxuet aniuut of property owned by telegraph, tele phone and othor like corporations. Tills doos not mean to report so many miles of poles aud wiro, but to state the exact number of linos strung All othor details must bo as conscientious ly listed t t t II. C Lindsay, chairman of the ro publican stato central committee, lias boon sick iu a Lincoln hospital for tho greater part of tho weok, unci whilo his condition is not at till alarming, bis physlcun prescribes coniploto relaxa tion unci rest for a few days longer. t t t Superintendent Clark of tho Peru The Old Horse. Ho is no longer a bounty, Is old BUI. Ho is knock-kneed, as you can soo wliero ho stands there obedient to your will. But fifteen years ago thoso legs wore as neat and trim u those of any thoroughbred. They hnvo been sagged in your service! With a prido in ids going qualities you drovo him pell moll over hard roads and pavo ments. And you let him stand by tho hour at n hitching rack whilo youlal lied. Stamping in summer to keop olf the Hies, and In winter to keep the blood in circulation, pounded over pavements, what wonder ho Is bow- legged now! His old head droops. You remember when thoro was a lordly arch In that neck "clothed with thunder." But you used the over check, causing a painful tension of tho flexor niusclo of tho neck, hindering full respiration end circulation of tho blood, and causing quick fatlguo. Now ho can hold his head up only for 11 short time. Note tho bunch of gray hair on Bill's back. Those are saddle galls made by your hard riding and his willingness to go your gait. You forgot to put a blanket under the saddle when you hurried to ride for the doctor, or to catch up with tho other fo'lows up tho road. He Is ''sweoniod" also. You did that. The collar of 0110 sot of harness failed to lit Bill's shoulders. And tho haines of uuothorHet were not adjusted as well as they ought to have been. The -easons wore dry and dusty and his shoulders wore often soixv though Bill never complained! And his eyes are bad. Ills uorntal angle or vision, us of all' horses, is earthward, but you reined' him up, causing eye-strain. And you' drovo first with and then without blinders. Dust mid luck or sunshado helped. And when bill got uclniler or dust In bis oyo ho never spoko about it and you didn't notice, You seo, tho aulnial simply couldn't wipe his' eyos. Blemishes? Plenty of them. Nolo tho butiipK mid scars on bill's legs. There was 11 tlmo when ho Interfered and you did not huvo hint properly shod. Turned into a Held In winter that was fouced with wire, ho could scarcoly oxorclsu hlmsolf without injury. You hold hi bond so abnormally high with your' check-roln that ho often stumbled when moving. ( Some good iu him yot? Of course. You have not quite suc ceeded iu killing tho faithful old fel low, aud sometimes when his digestioir lias been good and there is a level strotcli or rond something of ills old spirit gots into him. But It la putliet ic to seo how soon ho is played out. Thoro ho stands old Bill. As ho Is, so you have nuido him. Voir have abused him and ho still loves yoir and whinnies at your npprouch. He will llvo for you and work for you till ho dies. "v Tnko good care of old Bill. It may go hard with you some day" somewhere, If you fall to do so. Kuii sasClty World. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Homo in NeW York, cure feverish ncss, bad stomach,, teething disordors, inoveaiid tognlnttr the bowels and destroy worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. They never fail. At nil ilriii'iiHiR . ar.ii. ShiihiIo flee. Ad- dress Allen S. Olms'.ed, Lo Hoy, N. Y, 12 4. w MIKUMATISM CUIIICD IK A DAY. Myntlo Cnro for lIliciirantlMii nnd 'curnlitli radically ruri'nJUi 1 to ilayH. Jin hcIIoii apoi tho MjsU'in in rmarkiitiio ami tnyMerlou It romovoBatonceihticaui-c ami thu i(llcao im mediately dlcHPiHiiiK. Thu Una do;o Rrcatl boneiltN. 7ft ccniH nnd Jl.OO. old by II. B. Grice, DrngKlxi. I ted Cloud. Don't forgot our free buggy otTor, N' one in any way connectsd with liio olllio will bu allowed to compote for the prize. D. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER helps housekeepers more than any other article in the household. Its use protects the health of the children V,' . 1 &, i IMM it p $ n w 1 )' i I 13 4 r' w m ,B V I '- if-y . . .. """ - 1 T , .--.. Av -3 'jtssrv Ti" ?"" - 'feiwVi WAJ. Afejfc. J-l yypSagggggggragfiJfft 1.C1- -J. .Z.r - !. T -" -j- . . ..- ittMHERft r,.w