The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 11, 1904, Image 1

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B--.--gw;grrg S5s5g0Twiwrjflr(
fXM& J' '-'-y-"'p,'gyLY TljdBBkBj MjjjlrM "ijiTt JnVTi r a i iMjIl jfcT -" S' Jy 'ii'JMnfilBWffliTMThffi
Miner Jiros.
- r- .
Store News from Red Cloud's Big Store,
he Economy Center
Economical buyers appreciate such lists ns this.
C f ifiL,rirA
I'-lll t
Hoys' and Girls' Shoes Tho
"RoUablc" kind for school
or dress. Hero it is possible to
got more shoo worth, shoo style,
shoe comfort and shoo quality
for tho outlay than ut any other
Children's, 50c to M.25
Misses' and Boys', 85c to '2.."0.
Ladies' Shoos, Sl.ll to $.X).
Ladies' Oxfords, $1.10 to III 00.
Collars and Stocks
irdoz. now Collar Stocks, 7c
to 11.00 each.
Voniso point laco Collrrs, 25c
$1.00 each.
Embroidered Stocks, 15o to
Cuir and Collar Sots, GO to THc.
If you can not
come to tho storo
send in your or
der by phono.
Jewelers S
A Jaunt t Old Hexlco.
"f On February 18 tho Burlington will
'Y run a personally conducted excursion
from Lincoln to Old Mexico and re-
turn This is a rare opportunity to
see the "Egypt of tho Western homl-
Miner nros.
1 ,r rt
Here it is the very pink of
Petticoat Perfection.
Quality tliu richest mercerized, cut
living incxlols; thu yoko which does
away with all wrinkles and fullness nt
the waist; and a variety of trimmings,
shirrlngs, rullles and plaitings that yon
will appreciate.
The price is our surprise,
$1.00 to $4.00
Ribbons lowor than olsowhoro,
Just tho kind you want at. loss
than you expect to pay.
50 pioces 5 to Hi, all Silk Taf
feta No. 5, 1c yard.
No. 7, e yard.
No. 0, 8c yard.
No. 12, 10c yard.
No 1G, 12'Ko yard. This is :P..
inches wide.
No. 10, 15c yard. This is :i'
inches wide.
Leather Goods.
liolts and Wrist. Bags.
Now Belts, :$0c to S1.25.
Black and gilt Girdles, crushed
leather, all silk. Many now pat
terns. Two sample lines,
Wrist Bas, We to SI. 50 each.
Money Back.
)!., .; i!-:, ..i.'.f. '"'.;:
f. ;.,'. .. .v. ; -f ;j.v. ; r.T.v.'i .
sphoro" nt minimum cost.
Early intimation of your intontion to
accompany this party is necessary.
For full information writo to G. W.
Bonnoll, city passenger ugont, Bur
iugton route, Lincoln, Nob.
The wind storm last Wodnrslny
afternoon eausodJonas Williams and
Win. Strieker to put up new windmills.
Jon Widilornhim returned toNormnn
lnt Monday after spending a weok in
this place looking up a location.
Mrs Henry B lydnnddaughtorGracc
drove to Campbell last Monday.
The dance given Monday night in
the Kouiior building was n sue irss.
Vet and Joe Wiildcrsheiin drove to
Hustings last 1 1 iduy, returning homo
Win. Anderson has moved on the
Beetow nlace.
Mrs. Springer and Mrs Serls visited
at donas Williams' last Tuesday.
Miss Nclle Williams drove to Camp
bli lust Ttiostlny.
Boyd Letnrrhim moved into tho Biu
ner property, south of the railroad.
Mr. Bi uiier has moved out. on the Zoph
farm, whero he will work for Mr. Zoph
tti is year.
Frank MMlicnio of listings came
down M unlay ami is plastering tho
Ernest Beed building.
Mrs. 1). II. Clark of Cuupbell is
.viMting her parents, south of town,
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bootow and John
Hi i) i's unit family left last T uisday for
Fiaak Wrntton shelled corn for
l)oiino'.H this week.
Oincr Gonon of Campbell moved in
to his building, which ho bought of
.Take M oronnd which was vii'-atml by
Win. B nnelt, they having moved into
tho Hollimin property.
State Creek.
Tin lino weather has caused soma to
commonco talking of begin ing their
spring work.
Property sold woll at Itoenonns'
salo and amounted to about. $1000
They .vill soon loavo for thoir now
homo in Illinois. Wo don't expect
thorn back much hoforo fall, though
they will bo all right when they do
come, for thov still on n farm hero.
Conquerable enthusiasm his boon
aroused hero over tho telephone lino.
A coaipany has been formoil and a
twelve miles in length will ho run from
Mr. Pottei's to town. Tim lino will
run down this creek to Sam Shuck's,
oust one mile, north two miles to May
nard's, fast two miles to tho bridge,
thence into Bed Cloud Tho lino to
Womer will intersect with ours, giving
connection witli Bellaire, Smith Center
and Lebanon.
Everybody seenm to bo moving. Will
Aiibmhon takes tho John Wittwer
farm, Ed Moiinlfonl takes the farm
Aubiih n moves from, Al Scrivner
takes Hie .li in Hyitn faun and Frank
Wo'f flu- Win Kosencraus farm.
Zel Stones is building a good barn.
Life KM gondii is doing thu work.
Mr. Fh.joiald win severely injured
by falling from a barn, hut U now
much improved.
Fat cows are selling at 2 to II cents;
hogs at W to 8-"i 10 per 100 IIm.
Corn is selling at .'Hi to !17c.
O.scar Scrivnei has sold out and will
go weft. Ho bus a fi'riii in Norton
coiii tj or Sheridan county, Kansas.
- -. - - .
Guide Rock.
Moving is the order of the duv.
Frank Kent shipped bii personal
elTiMits to Iowa Monday, whero ho ex-
1 pe:t4 to make his home.
The farmoiV tolophone lino has hi on
run into town and iustallod a phono in
Garrison & Christy's implement house.
C. II. Smith was down HoJ Cloud
tho lirst of tho week.
Kay Itecd is moving onto tho Gar
rison farm, near town.
I, B. Cnlvin has moved his offle two
doors north, In the Doudim building,
whero ho has ample room,
It S. Douny and several of his
neighbors will have n joint salo March
I. B.Oolvin sold tho Cuupbell farm
last weok.
Kev. Hoadly and family had prepar-
d to movo to South Dakota, when
their Itttln son was taken sick, p 'st
ponii'g t'clr departure indilliiiti'lv.
A soiies nf nii'i tings are in progroos
at the Hiptist chiir.h.
S. 1). Wales has moved down iu'o
llnry Britten's 8 months old b.iby
wns I'UuimI Sunday.
Mr. liich is moving her millinery
stock from Bed Cloud to (iuidc Rock.
0. A. Eilgetton of II unlmrg, Iowa,
was looking after his int'.'n.sts in this
neck o'-wiiiiils last week.
(J. org" Hoiichiu is sick again.
Ki auk Taj lor bus another atliuk of
Iiilin Mottei'.s little hoy is on
sick list.
Hurry Tay'or stmt d for Stockton, (
Kausit,'nst Moudav.
Ui'iin Smith went 10 TopokiH'ii Mon.
day to woo the goiNxsnf forMine.
School closed in district No 115 last
Friday with a picnic dinner. Every
one present sci nied to enjoy the hitiiut
iful piepanuion of good things.
Mr. Emilia Smith was visiting with
Mrs. Lulu Mutter last Tuesday.
Arthur Shipman is lvpaiiing his
George Drako is building an nddition
to the house on his tenant farm.
Jack Utirii'-H moved Monday to his
new location near Best wick.
The Kev. It. A. Taliaferro is holding
h series of meetings tais week at Ash
Creek M K dhurcti.
Lincoln Letter.
Lincoln. Ni:., March 7.
Tho "scavenger" tax law was urguod
in tho supremo court Tuesday, Gage
county citizons being of tho opinion
that tho law Is unsound. Tho attor
ney general's olllco tnkes n contrary
view of tho statuto and is confident
that it will lio uphold.
t 1
Attorney General Prout insists that
tho present nnti-gninbling law is in
valid because or tho glaring defects in
its title and explains that ho made
public his opinion to that direct in
order to snvo Vork county n groat deal
of trouble and expense, as prosecu
Houh under the act were in progress
down there. General Prout also adds
that he wished tho people to know
that tho law is (weak in order that tho
next legislature may enact another
i I I
Troasuror Mortonson reports that
tho iucreaso in taxes received in Feb
ruary over the preceding month was
soinoting over 870,000.
T' t
Last. Wednesday '200 students of tho
department of aiiitnnl industry of tho1
Statu university wont to South Omaha
to visit tho packing houses in order to
got a little insight into tho moat busi
ness from the packers' standpoint. Bo
fore returning tho students nttondod
an auction of lino beef cattle, whero
they brought thoir science to boar tip
on each animal oirorod lor sale and
gave tho old stockmon who nt tended
an interesting exhibition of their abil
ity to weigh and measure an nniinal
without placing it. upon tho scales or
touching it with a tapo-lluo.
Secretary Marsh has directed tho nt
tontion of tho state board of public
lands and buildings to tho Tact that
tho priceless records without which
Nebraska could scarcely "keop house"
imi kept In a vault which is n long
way from llroproof, and In view of tho
fact that tho capltol, bocauso of its
poculiar construction, would bo almost
certain to burn in caso a tiro onco got
started In It, Mr. Marsh urges that a
now vnult bo placed In tho soorotary
of stato's olllco ut onco, and that tho
most bulky portion of the state papors
bo deposited in a storeroom soparated
from tho capltol.
t t t
Nebraska is in tho theatrical busi
iiosh. Sovontoen stato charges, In
mates of tho institute for tho blind at
Nebraska City, will tour tho stato glv
lug a musical and elocutionary outor
IF by raising the price to $4.00
Gordon Hats could be made any
better than they arc at $3.00, $4.00
would be the price.
When we say "better," we refer
to Style as well as to Quality.
taiiiuicnt. The manlier in which the
blind are taught to read, write, inako
..., in i... in... i. ..i... i i ....
I ,V ' V, " ,,,,,-,,",,t,1, """ ""
Iho'l'iol. Morey has one or two boy won-
ders in his school, people who put mil-
izo the troupe will be sure to get tlio
full boiiollt of the quarter it, costs
thom. The slate is not interested In '
tho project, Governor Mickov liaving '
.. ... , .."., 7
saiictioiied it only upon condition that, j
no state funds were to be used in II-
tiauciiig the veiituro.Tho company will
open ut Beatrice March 10 and tho
season will close March 1!.
t I t
The Nebraska-Dakota boundary
commission has lllcd a report wit h
Governor Mickey. Nebraska gets all
the territory south of the now river
channel in what was formerly Union
county, South Dakota. By this ar
rangement Nebraska gets about r,000
acres of now territory and Dakota re
ceives approximately l,ftX) acres of our
land in oxchango for it. Governor
Mickey expresses himself as more than
pleased with the work of the commis
sion and believes that the public owes
a debt of gratitude to C. F Swauson
of Oakland, F. O. Kobinson of Hart
ington and A. E. Lundberg of Wiiyno,
who represented Nebraska on tho com
mission. If a similar arrangement could bo
mado with Iowa, giving tho lattor tho
tract near Manawn in oxchango for tho I
Iowa laud on this side near Cut Off
lake tho game wardens of two states
would bo made happy and tho resi
dents of tho isolated territory would
doubtless bo aw woll satisfied.
$100 Buggy Given Away !
Tin: Ciiii:f takes pleasure in an
nouncing Hint someone of its sub
scribers will in the near future bo pro
KontoiPjwith a 9100 buggy. Wo havo
determined to increase our subscrip
tion list, and at the samo time oirer an
inducement to old subscribers to pay
up. Hero is tho plan:
For every dollar paid on subscrlp-
Hon, by either now or old subscribers.
tho poison paying tho samo will be
entitled to four guo.scs on tho total
4 .. ... . ,.
'""'o' ' mlmlssit.. h to tho World
fair at St. Louis n opening day, April
:i(, ItHtl. Tho person making tho near-
)st, ,.,.,.,,,,,, K,1(!SH wil, ho ,.0h0nl(,(
,., , , ilir. , ,
with u liandsomo S100 buggj', nbso-
. ""
lu,(,,-v fn'0, Tll hnW w,n ho " e
hibltion nt Peterson's implement
To onablo subscribers to form an
estimate on tho probable attendance,
wo give tho following figures on pre
vious similar events:
Number of admissions on open
in day at Philadelphia Cen
tennial, 187(5 180,072"
At opening of tho World's Fair,
Chicago, 18l).l 1.17,557
At dedication day of St Louis
World's Fair, April !I0, 1JHV1. . .10U,:t:J7
Teachers' Convention at Aurora.
Aurora is making extensive plans for
the entertainment of tho teachers of
the Central Nebraska Educational
Association on March .10ih and. 31st
and April Int. There will headdresses
by notable speakers such as Fraukr
Hobertson, tho celebrated tiavoler and
lecturer, and W. W. Stetson, stato
superintendent of Maine besides a
a program of good interest and instruc
tion. It Krcpi the Feet Warm and Dry.
Ask today for Allen's Foot-Ease, a
powder. It cures chilbla'n, swollen.
svveai ing, sore aching, damp feet., At
all druggists and sIx'O store?, 2!ic. 12 4
To Cure A Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative llroino Quinine Tab
let.s. All druggists refund tho money
if It fulls to euro. E. W. Grove's signa
ture is on each box. 25c.
Don't forget our free buggy offer.
No one in any way connect'd with tho
olllco will lio allowed to compote for
the prizj.
.-...,-,. -r n-rii I rung