? h I VOLUME xxxir. RED CLOUD, XEKKASKA. 3IA11GII 1, 1001. NUMBER lO Miner Bros. C Miner Bros. HEW BHHMtS JleekaieaF, Dress Trimmings and Embroideries. SPRING NECKWEAR. Venise Lace Stocks, 35c each. Embroidery Wash Stocks, 39, 35, 50, 60c to $1.75. Fancy Persian Collar and Cuff Sets, 60c. Venise Lace Collarettes, 75c to $3.00 each. DRESS TRIMMINGS. The New Dress Trimmings show some of the most natty and exclusive patterns. Wool Silk Band Insertions, 10c to 75c yard. Persian Hands, 30c to $1.00 per yard. Repousse Lace Insertion, 30 to 50c. Drawn work and Tencrielfe wheel effects at wide range of prices, suitable patterns by the running yard or medallions. EMBROIDERIES. Swiss Embroideries in sets, with insertioos to match, from 1 dc to $1.00 per yard. Nainsook in sets, from 10c to $1.00 per yard. Special job of 4A length Embroidery, by the piece only, many worth 20c yard, at 35c piece. SHOES. The thoughtful prepare for the future. The new Oxfords for spring are here. Selling agents tor the Lrreen Wheeler line not the largest factory in the United btates, but makers ot the best fitting and best wearing shoes for ladies, in the most stylish and up-to-date styles. SHOES, 15 styles, $2.25 to $4.00. OXFORDS, 10 styles, $1.75 to $3.00. "Satisfaction or Money Bach. " MINER BROS. i r . Newhouse Brothers Jewelers 8 Opticians Satisfaction Guaranteed i .: A Jaunt to Old Mexico. On February 18 tho Burlington will run a personally coudtwti'd excursion from Lincoln to 0 Mexico and re turn. This is a rni. opportunity lo sto tho "Egypt of tho Wosteru honii- Stillwater. M rine has been going on nil week. 1) ivo Fishel anil wife visited ut W. A. Howard's on on Tuesday. Huit Kei-vo shollid corn on Wediies dav. The K'ip is almost mi epidemic at piOSl'Itt. Mrs (r M. Albin is repotted to bo quite slrk. Mis Chas. Shnlo was under tho doi't it's care lint. .week. J H Il'uvo moved to Nelson on Monday. Mr., Harthnio moved onto the fit in vacated by It-eve, (tho J. H. Haugh plaee,) having bought tho same. V II Lrol-ch moved on Monday to a place ni'itr Uot mont, J hn Knigge ninvtd l'ttesday to tho f tun foimuily occupied by Lootsuh, having pm chased it some liuieuu. 1$. F. Hudson will now asstimo pos"OSsion of the Kniggo farm. Geo. Henderson and family moved to the Faiqtihar place on Monday. Poter Wardlow ano wifo will also live there. Died, at the residenco of his mother, on Monday, February 22, 1001, Wil linui Clarenee Sholton, aged 37 years The deceased was formerly a nsldent of this vicinity, but had lived for tho past eight years in Indiana. Ho had been in poor health for some tituo and came west to recuperate, but lived only week. Tho funetal services wero conducted by Ituv. H. F. Hutching on Friday, February 20, lioing delayed pending tho arrival of his wife from Indiana. The remains wero interred in the Miplo Grove cemetery. He leaves a wife, daughter, mother, ono brother and two sisters to mourn his departure. Ing in Lincoln, returned home last Thutsdny. Hev. lteeeo is holding protracted nit otnijs at Ni,:. Crowds gathr to listen, as ho is a forcible and eloquent spoiker. Miss .S'lia Ann son is viliif with her sistci, Mrs .John Sutton. Mr. Wartliun had his corn Miolloil TtieHilay Kd Jones and Keith Points li'ive been quiio successful in shoo'ing wild ducks nnd geese. J C lldeoinb was in H'ld, C.nud Tuoidiii ealllug on old fiiends. Kirl Hurwell has vouchers on his npplicitiou for catiiur on the rural mail lout'. Guide Rock. Gtaue Meiiiuun, daughter of Mr. and Mis h. 1. Mirriiiiau, died last Fiiday. She utu taken to Smith coun tv, Kansas (or btitial. Miss Minnie Hajin accompanied her cotiHin, Miss Moote, to her bomu in I'awnee Mr. nnd Mrs. llnldwi.i and son of Fairpurt, Kim., nre guests ot the fami lies of I N. Smith mid F. A Dicker. son. Mr. Waldo F. Crnwrll and MissEs- tolla F. Baity wore married at tho home of the bride's patents lust even ing. Born to Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Crow Monday, a daughter. Mrs, Schouborg and son Fred de parted this week for Holdrege, whero they expect to niiko their home. Mrs. Clyde Hodges is improving. S Boyles went to St Jou this week, Mrs. E. Hampton is reported to bo much butter. I F you do not realize how import ant vour hat is, out on a straw some Winter day and see whether you attract attention. Gordon Hats are made in all good shapes and cost $2 less than hats that are no better. $3.00. Gartkld. Charles Amaek has moved! to his new location east of Guido Hock. Jamod DoWitt has moved onto C. Schultz's bottom farm. Wm Riborts started last Wodnes for his uew home near. Council Bluffs Iowa. N. B Waggoner started to market last WedtiO'day with a load of fat steers. Chirles Ailes can now walk a little on crutches. jonu uoon uas moveu into ins now homo west of Rod Cloud. J C Taylor's family aro up again, except Mrs. Taylor, who is on tho way to recovery. Thoy have been afflicted with lonsilitis, George Houchin is ablo to sit up part of the lime. Jamos Koblnson "has moved onto John C ion's farm. Tho school in No. 18, oponod again Monday after an enforced vacation of two woeks, the teacher being ill with the grip. Last Stindny nmrnlng about 2 o'clock George Drake's largd pile of baled hay, tjvont-oightlous, was discoveied to be on lire. I', is believed to have been bot on fire. sphere" at minimum cost. Early intimation of your intention to accompany this party is necessary. For full 'information write to' G. W. Donnoll, city passonger agent, Bur iugton route, Lincoln, Neb. Line. Dust stnrm March 2. The series of meetings aU I'onny Creek closed March 1. Moving is tho otdor of tho day. Koscoo Foam planted potatoes this week. Rov. Taliafeiro will hold a scries of meetings at Ash Creek church this week and next. The phone meeting at Pleasant Dalo was a failure Ilev. J. J. Campboll nnd wifo wero tho guests of S. C. Shuck Tuesday. LabanAubusuon is sick and uuder tho doctot's care. Mrs. F. D. Hutchison and son are both sick. Will Holliday is looking for a placo to rent. Thore is.sonio talk of tho farmers organizing a creamory company, over bore. Walnut Creek. Mrs, T, F, Jones, who has boon visit- Don't Like Nlss Gather's Story. Tho Nebraska Stato Journal of last Saturday contains tho following sharp criticism of a story by Miss Willu Cuthor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs C. F. Cathor of this city. At tho tlmo of writing this article the March number of Everybody's magazine had not beou rccelvod here, and we are unublo to state on what grounds tho Stato Journal tukes excoptious to Miss Cathor's production: 'Miss Willa Cather has u story on titled "The Wuguor Matineo" in tho March number of Everybody's Maga ziuo, in which she trios to portray the omotious of nn ugod lady, ouce a pianist nnd teacher in tho New Eug lund conservatory, who goes back to hour a concert after living for thirty years on a "claim" In Rod Willow county, Nob. Miss Cathor, liko most of tho writers who go out from the wost, seems to tako ploustfro in using tho forbidding material furnished by the struggles of tho pioneers, and does not go to tho trouble- to oven hint ut tho comfort und wealth that huvo fol lowed tho toil of theso early ompiro buildors. Aftor reading tho nrticlo tho stranger to this stato will asso ciate Nobraskn with tho aunt's wetchod figure, her ill fitting falho tooth, her skin yollowod by weather and alkaline water and with "tho cat tlo tracked bluffs, tho tall uupainted houso, naked as a tower, with woathor curled boards; tho crook backed ash seodliugs, whoio tho dish cloths hung to dry, the gaunt moulting turkeys picking up refuso about the kitchen door." All through tho tnlo Miss Cuthor piles on her colors with brutal liberality, nnd her pieturo reminds ono of durkost Russia. Mrs. Pouttio never did anything moro dismal and hopoless und forlorn than Miss Cathor's latest "Interpretation" of life in Red Willow county, Nobody would gather from roudiug this pieco that tho brightest skies in the world hang over Red Wil low county, or that the lifo thoro is strong, free und hopoful. If tho writers of fiction who uso western Ne braska ns "matoriul" would look up now and thou und not koop their eyes and nosos in tho cattle yards, they might bo moro ugroeablo company." Drake, who lives four or five miles southeast of Red Cloud, In Garfield township. On Monday Drake came to Red Cloud and swore out a warrant for tho unusl of his biothor-lii-luw, .leir Bouuchamp, charging him with having set lire to tlie hay. Drake and Beauchamp have not been on friendly terms for u long time, and it is said that Beauchamp was lustrumeutel in prosecuting Drake on a statutory charge hovoral years ago. The breach in the family relations was never thoroughly healed, and it is reported that recently tho brothers-in-law had had trouble over money matters. Wlion Drake's hay was destroyed by 11 ro during the night ho immediately suspioioned his brother-in-law, Beau chump, of having boon concerned in its destruction. It is claimed that tracks wero found leading from Beuuchump's place, which is just across tho river bridgo south of Red Cloud to tho homo of Goorgo Drake, and on this evidence a warrant was sworn out for Bonn champ's arrest. Sheriff McArthur sorvod tho warrant Monday eveuiug nnd brought his prisoner to Red Cloud Boauchamp nut up n boud of 1200 for appearance Thursday and wus released. I1KAUCHAMI' niSCHAllOKl). Thursday afternoon Beauchamp was arraigned oefnrn CiuntyJuDgt) A. 11. Keeney. The hoaring was very short and resulted in Beauchump being dw charged. There was no evidence to o innojl him in nny wuy with the bmii ot Drake's hay. Hyi'iili J Cut heart mid hush to Samuel Sommnrholder w9nwl and e2 nw-l fi 1 8 wd 400O United States to Chits F W -KritiHt) nel 10 8-U pat Klmer W I'uttlo and wifo to K P Dfintoii nwl2l 1 12 wd 3o0 Robert Dametell ot ill to Elinor A Thomas lots 10-1 1 mid 12 blk 4 RadclifTadd to R C wd fiOO Maud Myers and litn-b to A B Pierce e2 2uel nivl 21-11 wd C00t C K Porkinst'i Arlington J Bragg ti2uwl222 wd 100 Dena Rose and hush to Mary E Bimpson iiSuwl and ptsw-1 nw4 240 wd 880O Real Estate Transfers. Transfers for week ending Wednes day, March 1, furnished by J. n Bdley of Webster County Abstract company. W N Richardson to Prudenco D Moore pi sw 4 sw4 30 3-11 qcd 1 Gerhard Rippen to Dledrich Rip- . pon sw4 0 4-12 wd 0000 Maude M Pope and hub to Alex ander James lot 3 Biifichows add toll II wd 1850 Liz.io Eddy and hush to Clara K Johnbou lots 8 to 12 blk 1 R C wd 33.') Total I22G7& Mortgages filed $18000 Mortgages released 811500. PhMIc Sale. Wednesday, March 0, at 10 a. m., tbe uiidorslgned will sell at publio auction, nt his farm, 4 milos west of Rd Cloud and 2 miles east of Inavalo, 125 head of stock, consisting of 5 head of horses,. 70 head of cattle nnd 85 boa 1 of hogs. Cuttle 9 cows aged from 4 to 0, some' giving milk and umo fresh soon, IS heifers, S to 3 years, all which are heavy in calf, some will bo fresh by day of nale, all from good milk stock and will make lino cows. 18 heifers com ing two yearc, mostly to ciilvo thi spring and summer. All cows and heifers in calf by Hereford bull, IS heifers from one to two years, 3 heifer oilves, 15 two-yt or old steers, 3 steer oilves. Hogs Hogs weighing from 76 to 16 Ins. 1 high grade Poland boar, 1 months old. About four dozen hons. Machinery A completo outfit of farm machinery. fc F. W. Studkiiakkk. Coi C L. WiNPitKY, Auctioneer. m All Atchison woman who is forty llvo years old, und has six children, in sists upon living n higher' lifo by nojlooting her household dutlos nnd spending her husband's monoy by tak ing painting lossons,uud studying Ger man with n teacher. PRICE'S Charged With iRcesdlarlsm. Saturday night or early Sunday mornliu; llro dostroyod twenty-eight tons of baled buy bolouglng to Goorgo fcBabmg Powder Good Health depends upon the food you eat Adds to the hcalthfulncss of all risen flour-foods, while it makes' the food lighter, sweeter, finer flavored, more delicious Exercise care in purchasing baking powder to see that you get Dr. Price's, which makes the food more wholesome and at the same time more palatable. fUtlOK BAKINQ POWDKR OO. OMIOAOO. Notf.. There are many mixtures, made Is imitation o( baking powder, which tho prudent will avoid. They aro lower la Srice than cream of tartar pow er, but they are made from alum, and are dangerous to use in food U I 1 ' f. n i ' u i fi WTt Iw 411 vl fk 1 . 'A r- . V- r il J i a jl-j1 j&sy.wl m ZL2eazzr:r?;iw?!srr' rstrvtvmzz; YT4 wofWAf " ' ""-v" "'"' 'tfH5"'ai4ftssa--,- m, ai.,V.'J.m , . , ..awjju..