The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 26, 1904, Image 6

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6lgnlfie3 Her Intontion to Local
ize War Against Japan.
rIU Inlo Mini Willi Nrcretiirr !'
Haggtatlon nl Will Conduct War
Agnlnit tlnpan Only.
"Russia Kindly and willingly favored
the suggestion of Secrctnry May thnt
iu far as possible, the belligerents In
ttss far eastern war lornlle hostilities
and respoct tho noiitrnllty (if China In
the InlorcsL.of a continuance of pencc
ful Intercourse of tho rest of the world.
My Government expressed the convic
tion thai Mr. Hay's suggestion was
promptod by motives of tho highest
humanity and wan mutually udvantage
ous to tho belligerents."
This Btntoment was made hy Count
Coastal, tho Russian amhassa. ir. In
the couth o of a conversation with u
representative of tho Associated press
Mt Washington, D. C. The utssbassador
spoke In goneral on tho far eastern
altuatlon. Although the negotiations
oa tho neutrality proposition haw been
carried on almost entirely between tho
several foreign governments addressed
and tho American envoys accredited to
them, tho weight of tho work of the
Ruaalan ambassador at Washington In
th counsel's of his majesty was strong
ly Influential In the shaping of Russia's
As coon as the unto was addressed to
the Russian government. Count Casslnl
was advised of tho fact by Secretary
Hay and a long and earnest convcrsn
UoaCollowod on tho motives of tho
Washington government In initiating
this move, unique in diplomacy. To
the frankness of this conversation, a
frankness mado possible by the cordial
and Intimate relations which Mr. lluy
and Count Causlnl have enjoyed at
Washington, la largoly due, It Is said,
the prompt response of the Russian
government, which is naturally con
cerned with many matters of the grav
est Importance and some demanding
the moat speedy attention, such as war
Her TenclieM Vrepure Theiiisol for
Nrhuolwork tlm Ht Wy.
Tho compilation of tho reports of tho
meetings of tho stato educational as
sociations of eight western central
states this winter Is considered by Ne
braska educators to bo Indicative of
tho reason for tho superior educational
standard of Nebraska and tho remark
ably low pcrccntago of Illiteracy In tho
The report shows that Nebraska
tpachcrs aro progressive and prepare
themselves for school work In a much
moro thorough manner than In tho ma
jority of tho other states considered.
Fivo of theso states havo more touch
ers cngngeil In school work than has
Nebraska, but of tho entire list of
eight, Nebraska heads tho list In tho
mntter of attendance of teachers nt
tho educational association meetings.
Tho table of comparison of tho num-'
bcr of teachers anil tho number In at
tendance at tho meeting Is na fol
lows, in the order mentioned:
Iowa 29.073 980
Wisconsin 13,150 1.800
Minnesota , 12,005 l,G7fi
Kansas 11.709 975
Missouri 10.785 851
Nebraskn 9,029 1,810
South Dakota 5,052 400
North Dakota 4,583 258
Nebraska not only leads tho list In
the actual number In nttendanco, but
In the proportionate attendance. Iowa,
with tho largest number of teachers
of any of tho states, has the poorest
proportionate showing of attendance.
Jeweled Figure of the Virgin Sold for
$25,000 Discovery of Ita Value an
Accident Had Been for Years Com
paratively Unnoticed.
Otuorne Mud. AiliU. Mini (in.
Tho postofflco department has begun
a crusndo against the printing of objec
tionable advertisements unci sloilcs In
newspapers and perlodhnls through
out tho country. The action Is based
on section 3893 of the seviscil statutes
which Imposes a line not exceeding $5,
000, or Imprisonment for not over live
years, or both, for any person depos
iting In tho malls or aiding In imitat
ing through tho uialhi. of any obscene.
print, pamphlet, etc. It Is proposed
to amend this law to Include vulgar
advertisements and other printed mat
ter. Under the new policy a number
bf papers containing questionable mat
ter have been thrown out of the malls
under telegraphic orders to the post
master and a campaign will bo
waged against objectionable medical
advertisements, which are being widely
rimm for Having High Premura
' UOO.OOO OhIIoiih l'r Minute.
The Chicago city council commlttco
on high water pressure for tho busi
ness district-has completed Its report.
Tho plan recommonded provides for r
capacity of 30,000 gallons per minute,
with a pressure on the pumps of 300
pounds par square Inch. Tho trunk
mains and latercl conductors will be of
sufficient size to give a hydrant pressure
of 200 pounds per square Inch after
being forced 9,000 feet through a 30
Inch main nt n velocity of nlno feet
per second. As an Illustration of the
results expected It Is estimated that
under the proposed plan, with forty
four streams discharging 220 gallons
per minute surrounding a given block
at an elevation of 335 feet above the
street, this being Hio longest dlstnnce
that water would have to be forced
through tho mains and hose In the
down-town district from the pumping
station. The plan lt to make the high
pressure to cover i territory about
two miles long and one mile wide. It
Is strongly advocated by fire and In
surant e experts. The estimated cost
of installing the plant will be about
three and a quarter million dollars.
AdrUrt Against Was Reduction.
President John Mitchell of the min
ora' national organization, speaking be
fore tho Illinois miners In Chicago, ad
vised the minors not to accept any re
duction In wages.
"Tho present condition of the coal
markot entitles the miners to expect a
renewal of the old scale," said Mr. Mlt
choll, "and I for one will not consent
to any change to the disadvantage, of
the workers. We must admit the wages
are of right governed to a ccitaln de
gree by tho condition of the market,
but thoro Is nothing in the piescnt state
of affairs which would justify any at
tempt to lower the scale."
In a genoral discussion of the labor
problem Mr. Mitchell advised the work
ers to rid their minds of the Idea that
the Interests of tho operators were
Inimical to those of the wage-earners.
ChuikiI Ilu Illinium! on Sltte.
The house committee on postofilce
and post roads have completed the
portofilce appropriation hill, which
carries $109,997,588. The appropriation
last year was 1153,500,000.
The total appropriation for rural free
delivery service Is $21,000,000. Last year
this Item was $12,000,000. The salaries
of rural free delivery carriers Is In
creased from $00 to $720.
This provision regarding rural car
riers Is Inserted In the bill: "On nnd
nfter July 1, 1904, carriers shall not so
licit business or receive orders of any
kind from any person, firm or corpora
tion, and shall not during their hours
of employment, carry any merchandise
for hire,"
A curious discovery ban Just boon
mado concerning nn Imago of tho Vir
gin In tho chapel of the Coluglo do las
Vlzcalnas In the City of Mexico.
Ouo day, In 1732, thrco Spaniards
while rambllrg through tho city notlc
od n number of poor children playing
In tho street, apparently uncarod for
and with no school to attend. This
meeting Inspired them to erect at a
cost of $000,000 tho groat, gloomy
red stono building occupying an on
tiro block nnd known as' tho Colcglo
do las Vlzcalnas, or do San Ignnclo
or do la Paz, for girls, chiefly orphans.
Tho Intention of tho generous trio,
nntlvos of Biscay, was to limit the
benefits of the school to children of
Spnn'ards, but long ago this was
found Impracticable.
This ancient Institution is conducted
under tho supervision of somo of tho
foremost ladles of Mexico, Including
tho wifo of President Diaz. Recently
somo of Uiobo women received permis
sion to renovnto tho robes of tho Im
ages In tho collego chapel. To do
this they unlocked all tho cases, In
cluding one of wood nnd gluss In which
a figure of tho Virgin stood for many
years undisturbed.
To their amazement tho apparently
humbly clad Imago proved to bo of
wood, beautifully and artistically carv
ed, covered by n sheet of silver stud
ded with gold and precious stones.
Competent judges say the Imago
represented orlglually tho Virgin of
tho Angels nnd was later transformed
Into the Virgin of the Conception, as
shown by tho mutilation of the group
of angel heads on which tho feet rest
ed. At ono tlmo there wcro seven
heads and thrco had been severed. A
sliver crescent, now In two pieces, hnd
been nailed over the head and faco'
of one of tho angels.
Tho attitude of tho body Is extreme
ly natural nnd correct, and tho work
manship of tho silver tunic and tho
veil, hanging in rich folds and grace
fully caught at the waist, is highly
praised by artists. From crown to
base tho height is 1 metre and 15 cen
timetres. Tile Jewels consisted of 192 dia
monds, 342 emeralds, 20 rubles, 1,947
pearls, with four stones said to bo
hyacinths. Notwithstanding tho caro
taken to protect tho Imago nfter tho
discovery of its value, somo thief was
able to steal from the ense seventeen
gold chains, ono gold and emerald but
terfly and hcvcral diamonds and
An expert from tho Monto do Pie-
dud, national pawnshop, estimated tho
I value of tho figure nnd decorations at
$20,(1(10. An offer from a jeweler of
$25,000 was accepted and the Imago
sold lo him. It is rumored that tho
Imago will be sent to Paris.
The purchase money will bo used
In providing for nn additional number
of students who, nfter receiving an
education, desire to remain in tho
school Instead of going into the world.
The right to this home, "lugar dfl
grncla," ceases only w'th marriage.
Estimated Cost, Exclusive of the Value of the Exhibits, Is from
Forty to Fifty Million Dollars Miles of Wonderful
Displays in More Than Twenty Buildings.
It Is now a little more than two
months beforo tho gates will open
upon .tho World's Fair at St. Louis and
tho public will bo invited to sco the
greatest exposition that has over been
created. Tho vast exhibit palaces aro
comploto and many of them have been
finished for several months. Within
tho next two months all of them arc
to bo brightened with new coats of
paint so that, on tho opening day, tho
magnificent array of palaces will ap
pear as fresh as a newly blossomed
No one, no mntter how vivid hlB Im
agination, can picture to himself tho
Bccno thnt will bo presented when tho
Exposition Is complete. Tho more ono
seos this great collection of exhibit
palaces and countless other buildings,
tho moro deeply Impressed he be
comes with tho grandeur of the under
taking. As tho days grow longer and
tho air becomes balmy with tho
breezes of spring, tho Exposition will
tako on far greater activity than It
has seen during tho boisterous days
of winter. In splto of the severe
weather, work hns not censed tfpon tho
construction of tho World's Fair for
moro than a day or two at a tlmo and
there Is every expectation and prom
iso that It will be complete oa tho
opening day.
Tho buildings and grounds, mngnlfi-
been loth to believe such a statement.
Dut such is tho fact. Tho exhibit, pal
aces of tho Louisiana Ptirchnso Ex
position avcrago much larger than
thoso of Chicago nnd aro greater In
number. About 130 acres of floor
spaco are provided In tho various pal
ucos of tho present World's Fair and
moro than twenty bulldlugs will bo
used for exhibit purposes. Tho larg
est of these Is tho Palace of Agricul
ture, which covers twenty acres. Tho
next In elzo Is tho Palace of Transpor
tation, covering fifteen acres nnd con
taining four miles of railway tracks
for tho exhibit of locomotives nnd
cars. At tho Chicago Exposition
there wore practically no outdoor ex
hibits. At this World's Fair about 100
acres nre given up to outdoor displays,
supplementing In n most pleasing
manner the hundreds of thousands of
Indoor exhibits. At tho Chicago Ex
position ono building was used for
no less than thrco Important depart
ments. At tho World's Fair In St.
IxjuIs four buildings, covering forty
flvo acres, aro given up to tho samo
four departments.
Tho total cost of tho World's Fair
Is estimated at from forty to fifty
million dollars, exclusive of tho vnluo
of tho exhibits. Tho Palace of Ma
chinery alone will contain exhibits to
the value of eight million dollars.
Exposition season, thousands of birds
representing many species and climes.
Tho largest hotel ever built, contain
ing 2,300 rooms, Is within tho World's
Fnlr grounds. Tho largest statue ever
cast will stand In the Palnco of Mines
and Metallurgy as the exhibit of tho
Iron Industries of Birmingham, Ala.
Tvvolvo acres are devoted to a mining
gulch containing nil manner of mining
mnchlnery and exhibits. A floral clock,
112 feet In diameter, tho hands of
which weigh moro than a ton each,
will tell tho tlmo of day upon tho slope
north of the Pnlnce of Agriculture. A
map of the United States, six acres in
extent, planted with cereals and other
plauts common to the various states,
Is an interesting display by the United
States Bureau of Plant Industry.
Forty acres aro devoted to the Phil
ippine exhibit and thirty acres aro de
voted to tho Indian display. Six acres
aro devoted to tho garden of roses.
Twenty acres aro set apart for the ac
commodation of airships, which will
participate in tho contests for prizes
amounting to $200,000. Tho Quadren
nial Olympic games will bo hold dur
ing tho World's Fair upon tho athletic
field of tho Exposition Grounds. An
Intra-mural railway, having fourteen
miles of track will convey the visitors
to any part of tho Exposition. Somo
forty restaurants will feed the multt-
llaltlraora Ininrance l.oin S)Ul,iliff,ta'J
Tho Baltimore Underwriter prints
the list of losses of all the fire Insur
unco companies In the Baltimore fire.
Tho total gross loss is $32,08 1.9S4, of
whlci C million falls, upon the local
companies, Tho estimated total of
Balvngo Is $1,709,702. which leaves a net
loss to tho insurance companies of $31,
095,132. It hns been learned that many
of tho large wholesale dry goods houses
formed nn insurance pool among them
selves which 'amounted to nliout 5 mil
lions from which practically nothing
vetll bo realized. Another development
Is that very few of the tenants of the
so-called fireproof buildings carried
uny Insurance.
AcrliMilturci Will Itnnk l'lrnt.
Decision has been made by the fac
ulty of the Missouri university at Co
lumbia to elevnte the study of agricul
ture to a place as a high science, and
agriculture as taught iu high schools
will be accepted as a basis for entrance
of students to the university. This will
havo the effect of placing tile study of
farming on an equal footing with other
It Is proposed by the university to
Introduce the study Into every high
school in the state, and if the plan Is
successful It Is expected that other
states will follow the example.
Where Justice Halts.
Describing some of the difficulties
Attending the administration of jus
tice In Nigeria, a British officer says:
"Tho cases tried by Judicial officers
are often puzzling. How, for instance,
shall nn officer trained In British Ideas
of law deal with the case of a man
who confesses with full conviction and
sincerity that ho Is guilty of trans
forming himself Into nn alligator or
hyena nnd devouring the children of
his neighbors? Common report may,
In a second case, accuse a man of
witchcraft or murder: the local chief
is appenled to, to test his criminality
by tho poison ordeal. He dispatches
his messenger to administer It; tho
accused perhaps dies, but all are con
vinced that ho ran no risk It ho woro
Innouent. Who is to bo convicted?
Tho Inflexible logic of Brltish-mada
law lacks elasticity to deal with such"
View looking east from the Plaza St. Anthony. Palace of Varied Industries on the left.
the right. Palace of Manufactures In the distance.
Palace of Electricity on
Panama luauEiirHtm I'rtililtuit.
Dr. Amador has been Inaugurated
first president, of the republican of
Panama boforo tho national constitu
tional convention. Pablo Aroscmeua,
president of tho constitutional conven
tion, administered the oath of office.
Tho Inauguration occurred In the
plaza In front of the cuthedral the samo
placo where tho net of Panamanian In
dependence was read on November 3,
1903. Thousands of persons were pres
ent, und tho sceuu was most Intel eating.
Tim Tramp Ha Some Itlclila,
The lovvn supreme court has decided
that a tramp hat lights which a train
man must lespect, atflimlug a decision
from Pottavvattomle county. In which
a tramp seemed judgment for Injuries
sustained by season of forcible eject
ment from a moving traits. The lower
coin t hehl that a tiamp had no rights
and that the trainman was Justified In
throwing him from the train, no mat
ter what the results might be. A new
trial was gsnnted and a fnvorable de
cision rendered.
Good Morning.
Cinort mornlntr. my llltln tioy blue.
The HuhIi of the iliiwn'fl In tlm iky.
Tho urai'H of tho meadow Is wet with
tlie dew
And thu ioIjIii Ik.MiikIhk on hleh.
The- huh of ambition not yet eomu with It iillllcwi ray.
To brlnic nn tho Mining, tho pain and
tho sweat
Of tho noontide of passion ablaze.
No sIkii of the cloud -nu'lc appears.
No hint of the wild afternoon.
Its liKhtnliiK of loss und Its tempest
of tea i'k
And tho darkness thnt f.vllcth too noon.
Then follows the bow of tint pence.
Which palms Hio ilPiuittliiK of llKht.
When iil'NiMiU'.s and labors and wiriows
must eeafii
In tho Inllnlto calm of tho ulRht.
Ciooil morning, Ihen, little boy blue,
The lluMi or the dawn's In the ky.
Tho Brans nf thu meadow Is wet with
tlin ili'iv
And the lobln lx slnjilnt; on hlKh
-Kiiderlck A. YVrlKht In I"" Ciltlc.
No .Minor rli!-r lloreiifler,
Tho report of the special gsand Jury
which Investigated the Iroquois thea
ter disaster will bo submitted to Judge
In tho report will be included a rec
ommendation that legislation bo en
acted forbidding thn employment of
theater ushers less than twenly-osio
years old. Tho Jurors found thnt the
Irociuols had enough ushers, but that
they wcro boys who deserted their
posts at the Aral alarm
Russian Honeymoon Car.
Tho Kiirsk-'.arkoff railroad of Rtts-
sla. advertises a special car for honey
mooners, designed nnd furnished with
tho very latest luxuries. A famous
engineer and architect were called In
to plass It. Tho decorations aro In tho
best Pnrlslau stylo and pollto femnle
attendants look nfter tho comfort of
tho happy couple. None but tho newly
wed nro allowed to uso this magnifi
cent enr, which, by a stroke of Ingenu
ity Is built to accommodate allko tho
very wealthy and those with a snod-
est purse. Tho partitions aro remov
able, usul tho enr can be usod as a
cries of smull compartments or as
a couple of roomy salons.
cent though they be, aro bat tho sot
ting for a far moro Interesting display.
In all tho buildings tho best products
that tho world can offer will be arrang
ed In the most attractive order and
will convoy to the mind a. better Idea
of what the wldo world is doing than
would years of study and inquiry.
Fifty-one nations of the world and all
of tho states of the American Union
will bo represented In this extensive
portrayal of tho world's present-day
Those who aro familiar with tho
Columbian Exposition at Chicago ha,ve
often aBkcd If tho Louisiana Pur
chaso Exposition would equal in ex
tent or grandeur tho celebrated Ex
position of 1893. When told that it
would bo twice as largo in extent of
grounds and 60 per cent larger in
exhibit space in buildings, they have
It Is Necessary Now to Cut Through
Ice to Get at the Eel Grass.
Tho man who does tho 'marketing
for the Aquarium's sea cow has had to
do sosno lively hustling this winter to
keep that big animal supplied with
Tho sea cow is eight foot long,
weighs 800 pounds, and has a healthy
appetite. In tho first elghteon weeks
after its arrival here from Florida, on
Sept. 3 last, It ate ninety bushels of
ool grass, six bushels of fennoMoafed
pond weed and two bushels of tilvn.
or soa lettuce, maKins mm.!. ..
bushols of aquatic plants in all in
eighteen weeks, or an nvorago of
about five and one-half bushels a
woolc, which Is about its present rate
of consumption.
Tho eel grass and other things for
tho sea cow's table nro gathered In
Gravesend Bay or tho waters there
with connected. Baysncn say that tho
present has been tho hardest winter
hereabouts on tho water" In twenty-flvo
years. On many days it has been nec-
essary to cui inrouKu m .. .
To mention the big things of tho
World's Fair of 1904 would bo to glvo
a catalogue of tho greatest achieve
ments of man In many lines of en
deavor. For example: We shall see
the largest locomotlvo ever built,
weighing ninety-five tons and having
twelve driving wheels. Wo shall hear
the largest organ in the world in tho
most beautiful festival hall evor built.
Wo shall see some of tho greatest sea
coast defense gttns manufactured for
the United States government. In the
Government Building, which Is the
largest exhibit building over erected
by federal authority at an Exposition,
there will bo a model of a half of a
battleship for tho Navy display. Tho
United States Government has also
erected a bird cage so largo that tall
trees grow within tho Inclosure, In
which will be held captive during tho
at tho eel gross required for tho sea
cow's food, sometimes through Ico ten
inches in thickness and often through
ice of five or six inches.
Sometimes when tho ico had moved
out with a shift of the wind, leaving
open spaces, access to tho eel grass
would be easy, but frequently tho Ice
would have closed in, and then It
would bo necessary to cut holes In it
to get at the eel grass below.
So the work of supplying tho sea
cow's table has been so far this win
ter attended by moro or loss difficulty,
but thcro has never been a day on
which tho sea cow has had to go hun
gry. now xorii sun.
Brain Growth.
Brain development is found by Prof.
Soggel of Munich to havo two periods
of acceleration from 10 to 11 and
from 17 to 18 In girls, and frora'12 to
13 and 19 to 20 in boys. At tho period
of most rapid Increase In holght from
12 to 14 years the growth of the
brnln Is loss than one-hiindrodth that
of tho body, but at 17 to 19 It grows
ouc-thlrtlcth ns fast, and nt 20 roaches
ono-soventh of tho body growth.
tude, and an amusement street a mile
long, containing the most novel and
wonderful entertainments, will furnish
diversion to the guests of tho Exposi
tion. All St. Louis Is preparing for tho
World's Fair, which will open on Aprlf
30 next and continue for seven
months. Hundreds of buildings have
been remodeled into hotels, and thou
sands of homes have been listed, upon
invitation of the World's Fair manage
ment, to help care for tho visitors.
Every preparation has been made for
a period of unusual festivity, end 8t.
Louis expects to glvo her visitors a
delightful season of sight-seeing and
Thirty-five miles of roadway hare
been constructed within the World's
Fair grounds.
Amusing Error of Frenchman
Cost Him $5.
A French visitor to New 'York, an
enthusiastic automohlllst, has learned
a lesson as to how things ore done
in America. On several occasions
when speeding a machine through
Central park he Has seen policemen
hold up a hand. The result was an
tncreaso of speed and a wave of the
hand in return. The police have been
in tho hopes of catching him, and
filially ono of them did so by placing
his horso in the auto's track, compell
Ing it to como to a standstill. In court
tho Frenchman was amazed at tho
cause of his arrest. He took the sig
nals of tho ofllcora ns consmendatlono
and congratulations i.nd turned on
more power to bhow thesis what ho
could do. Tho lesson cost hltn $5.
Swiss Industrial Schools.
Thoro nro industrial schools for
clock and watch making In Genova,
Locle. Chaux-de-Fonds. etc.; there nro
art atsd Industrial working schools In
Zurich and other cities for womon,
nnd thcro nro industrial schools for
So land trades in most of the cities
nnd towns of tho country. The sub
lects taught In theso schools aro draw
ing, arithmetic, geography, bookkeop
... n-n-mnn. Fronds nnd practical In-
Ulh, iiu. 1. ,, i... lln ,1
structlon in me truuu c-u. -- --
I pupil. I
Wholesale Marriage,
No fewer than forty-two couples
woro married simultaneously at PIou
gastel (Lower Brittany) one morning
recently. Work In the village and In
nil tho surrounding hamlet was en
tirely suspended for tho day, for tho
excellent reason that there was scarce
ly a living soul in tho neighborhood
not related to ono or other of tho
brides or bridegrooms, for the good
people of Plougastel nover marry out-
their own commune. London
French Taxes Increase.
Returns of tho revenue fsum Indi
rect taxes in Franco in 1903 show that
receipts amounted to $508,380,380, an
increase of $20,557,580 over tho estli
mates, and $30,i75,8G0 over 1902.
How the Starfish Feeds.
A stnrflsh can neither see nor hear.
Nolther has It tho senso of smoll. Is
spite of thoso soosnlng Impedlsnesits.
nevertheless, it seeks nnd dovours ita
prey as neatly as ass ordinary fish. Trlt
staih lies upon Its prey nnd folda
Its "arsns" or lays completely about
It. Tlson, It pushes Its stomach out
through Its mouth and will wrap even
a largo oyster and shell within tho
folds of tho stomach. The mouth of
the Gtnrflsti Is In the center of In