MS1 -,l " 1 I Do You Sir Eat Meat? When you nro hungry mid want sotnothig nice in tho meat lino, tlrejp into my market. I havo tho nieost kind of Home-made Sausages nnd moats, fish, nnd gnmo in season. I think, and iilmosS know, tliat I can plcuso you. Givo mo a trial. W. L K0ON, Successor to ROBINSON & BURDEN B I INSURANGE! Over lA Million i DOLLARS S i DAMAGE w 5 w $ in Adams county, Mayith. m ! m m m J For first-class insuranco, J call on or addross 5 I 'FETETM 5 I rm 0m a mmSmmmm IPC o cloud. Men. m . P. HALE RED CLOUD WEBSTBR COUNTY NEBRASKA -AND- gTARM LOANS Somo of tho finest farms, and city property in Webster Coun ty, Nobraska, for salo Pricos ranging from $15 to 125 por aero. J. P. HALE, Red Cloud, Nebraska. OYSTERS IN EVERY 9TYLC. Tho Bon Ton is prepared to sorvo 0 store iu every stylo on short notico. All kinds of Hot Drinks for cold weather served at tho soda fountain. Catoring for parties aud dances. The Bon Ton W. S. BENSE, Proprietor. .VAA'','' Dressmaking Plain and Fancy Sewing at Reasonable Pricos. MRS. J. A. TiLLEYS HISS NELLE EMEBTON Parlors at homo of Mis Tulloys. W I m INSURANCE o ugalnst Firo, Lightning, Cy 9 clonos and Wiudstorms, soo JNO. B. STANSER, Bcont for tho Farmors Union Insur aiico Co., Lincoln, Nob., tho best in surance company in tho stato. 5 L0C4LETTES g Light harnoss at Joo t'ogol's. Try tlint cnlf moal at Caldwell's. Elmor Kaloy is homo from Denver. Dun Garbor was ovor from Nolson Sunday. Warren Longtin was up from Nelson this week. J P. Winlors of Lincoln is in town on business. Tho Dolincator for March at F Nowhouso's. Mtas Josio Igou hns roturnod from Topoka, Kan. Try Ward Hayes for a first; class sunvu or hair-cut. Anson Garhur has resigned hi posi'.ion at Hadull's. If you want tho host and cheapest harness, go to Fogel's. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Foo were down from MiCook Sunday. Sue Joo Fogol for anything in the harness or saddlory lino. Link Skaggs win ovtr from Lebanon, Kan., tho first of tho week. Mr. E. Stover of Edgar is visiting Mr?. J. A. Tulloys this week. Mrs. Bomford was in Lincoln and Omaha this weok on business. Moranvillo's l'erfoction Hair Tonic for salu at SchafTnit's barber shop. Quick sorvico and first class work is tho motto at SchafT nit's harbor shop. Mrs. Mabel Thompson has returned from Lincoln nnd her health is much improved. Mrs. J. B. Wright gavo a rocoption tho first of tho wook for Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hale. Miss Helen Hoover of Namaha City, Nob., in visiting with her aunt, Mrs. T. C. Hacker. Boyd Smith loft for Havelock Satur day night, wbero ho has a position in B. & M shop. Miss Minnie Smith enmo homo from S tit Lake, Utah, to attend Hit funeral of her father, J. H. Smith. Ed Amack has resigned his position with James Peterson and is now em ployed at Johnston's livory barn. Jesso Buell hns severed his connec tion with Will Shouso's tailor shop. The operation was not very painful Dona Oyer, who has been continod to his homo for several weeks by an abscess on his hip, is ablo to be out again. W. H. Fishburn was over from North Branch, Km'. Wednesday, to tako tho initiation in tho A. O. U. W. lodgo of this cily. Ed. McCrillis has purchased a farm in Jewell county, Kansas, noar North Branch, and will move on to it in tho noar future. Mr. Leslie E. Burwell and Cula F. P. Stickney, both of Inavalo, were gnted a marriugo license Tuesday by Judge heenoy. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Stnelser of Keystone, S. Dak., were in tho city thin week to attend tho funeral of Mrs Milton Lostnr. Will Ward arrived homo Wednesday morning from Omaha in rosponso to a telegram announcing the serious ill ness of his father. Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Jack Rennacker, former ly ot this county, at Siloam Springs, Ark., on the 12th. . Rev. Ilauptroann and family will leive tho first of next week for Alma, whore Mr. Uauptmann has accepted the pastorate of the Congregational church. The members of the A. O. U. W. will glvo an entertainment at thoir hall next Thursday evening, March 1. All members and their ladies are invitod to attend. Ed Seaton's wagon, with a big load of hay, broke down at tho idtorseetion of Webster street and Fourth avonuo, and blockaded tho street for a short time yesterday. Charley Moranvillo and wifo of Salt Lako City, Utah, accompanied tho body of J. H. Smith to this city. They will remain for a short visit beforo re turning to thoir homo. Pretty Miis Nellie Haecomb, Omaha: "I owomy good looks and health to Hollister's Rocky Mountain tea. Havo fully regained my health." Tea or tablots. 15 cents. C. L. Cotting. Services at the M. E. church noxt Sunday: Morning subjoct, "Christ Viewed by Men," Matt, xxxii, 8G; even ing subject, a book roviow, Goorge E'lot'H "Romola," by Newell Dwight Hillis. You are invited to attend. A. Bruner has reopened his black smith shop, first door south of city laundry, and would bo pleased to havo his old customors, and now ones aa well, call on him when in need of blackmithing, or wagon work, etc. 4 'IH.. Uolt l.alrn Plf.t- ITf.h flilrt Vol I fill UU - .-J, w. , wM M. u. lows havo adopted extended resolu tions of rtgrot and condolonco at tho death of J. 11. Smith, copios of which wero forwardod to tho lodgo herb and to tho relatives of tho deceased. We rnorot that lack of spaco f oi bids our I publishing tho sumo. Stock, saddles at Joo Fogol's. Car best Colorado coal at Caldwell's. John Gratis Is puits slik with rheu matism. Charloy Port was in town the first f tho week. A. L. Funk of Lincoln was in town this week. Infants' all-wool whito shirts DOo. F. Nowhouso. Rev W. T. Taylor was down from tnavnlo Saturday. Al Galusha was in town for a couplo of day this wotk. Furnishod Rooms for Rent Inquire of Mrs. J. A. Tulloys. Place your orders for noxt car Shorl ilancoal. J. O. Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Conovor of M Cook spent Sunday in town. Tho Epworth lenguo of the M. E church has been reorganized. F. V. Taylor of Wichita, Kan., is in tho city on business this week. Cook wanted at tho Hon Ton; $20 per month, board, room and washing. Mrs. George Riekottl was taken to tho insane asylum at Lincoln Tuesday. Mrs. R. S. lVoudlit of Guide was visiting friends in the city this wrok. Somo moro of that cream whito Henrietta at F. Nowhousu's, at 15c a yard. Hugh Miner wont to Chicago Satur day in the interest of Minor Bros' big store. John W. Tulloys camo down from Lincoln Saturday to spend Sunday at homo. Mrs Graco Wiles of Orleans is visit ing with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. L II Fort. Henry and Ben Boyco, from Frank lin county, wore in town Sunday for a short time. T. J, Ward is stiff oring from a stric ture of tho stomach and is in a very critical condition. Loon Lester t Connecticut arrived Friday to attend tho funeral of his mother, Mrs. Milton Lester. , A. II. Gray of Norton, Kan., was in town this week. Ho is now work ing for tho Bankers' Llfo of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. A. O..Bon of Willow crock will Boonretnore to Phlllipsburg, Mo., to make that thoir futuro homo, J, A. Hnstner, who has been visiting with his brother, A. C. Hosmer, has n turned to his hatno in Des Moines, Iowa. An orrorin Morhart Bros', advertise ment last wefk makes thoir prices on hog fencing look rather high. Tho There are two kinds of hog fencing, American and other kinds. The American HOG Fencing has stood the test and is today the best fencing made. It is of larger wire and better woven and stretches over un even ground to a better advantage than other makes. We are making a Special Price for a timo on tho American Ponco. No'v is tho timo to placo your ordor and got tho bost fouee miulo. 20 in. high, 12 in. mesh, for hu go pastures, por rod.. 22c 20 in. high, 12 in. mesh, for largo pastures, por rod.. 28c 2G in. high, ( in. mesh, for small pastures, por rod 32c Don't buy an off brand of fence when you can get the American at these prices. MORHART BROS. Hardware Co. fir l ' W" OUR SPECIAL SALE Of Men's, Boys9 and Children's it it it il it it M tf Suits, O VBRCOA TS and Pants Hit is drawing to a close. We have a few very desirable Suits and Overcoats left that it will pay you to see before this sale closes. Our NEW SPRING GOODS it it v Hi it 0 it Hi itt 0 it) it) it) 1THE COHDEN-KVLEY CLOTHING C0.,i it iki it vVi First Door North of Postoff Ice, VI i prices should havo road "per rod" in stead of "per yard." A number of relatives and friends gathered at tho homo of Mr. Fred Fearn Monday and gavo him a surprise. Thoso present enjoyed a good dinner and report a pleasant timo. It Isn't how much cold cream a woman puts on her faco but how much Rocky Mountain ton sho takes inside that brings out real beauty. Hollister's Rocky Mountain tea complexions stay. 5 cents. Tea or tab'ols. C. L. Cotting. Birds work for man from tho first glimmer of light, Rocky Mountain tea works for man kind both day and night, That's why It Is famous tho world o'or and o'or, It will not lot you turn ovor and tako another snoro. O. L. Cotting. A week from tomorrow evening, March 5, will occur tho drawing for tho lot to bo given away by tho G. A. R post. An open meeting will bo bold at Potter's hall, to which ovoryono is invitod. Thero will bo speaking and music, and, asido from tho drawing for tho lot, ovoryono should havo a good timo. Don't fail to attend. In tho Franklin county district court this wook Jamos W. Whito of Campbell was acquitted on the charge of mayhem. Ttiu caso grew out of a personal en counter botweon White and Goorge W. Hite, in which Mr. Hito had an oyo gugedout. There is still a civil suit pending in which Mr. Hite is suing for $ lt.000 damages for the loai of his eve. The Schubert Lady Quartette and Symphony club delighted a largo and appreciative audience at the opera houso last night. The solos of Miis Anna B. Rosemire, second soprano, and Miss Saidee Spaulding, stcond alto, were especially fine. The mana gemtnt of the opera houso took pre cautions against Ore by.having a line of hoso laid from tho bank cornar to tho rear entrance ot the opera house. m DtaMe Wefdlmi. Mr. Charles B Halo and MIsb Nannie R. Wright, and Mr. J. W. L ndloy and Mies Ullio Carr, all well known, Red Cloud people, drovo over to Smith Center, Kansas, Saturday and wore marriod Sunday. Tho wedding cere mony was performed at tho homo of Mr. aud Mrs. A. A. Burdick, formerly of this city, at 9 o'clock Sunday morn ing, Rev. Brown, pastor of tho M. E. church at that placo, ofllciatlng. Tho ceremony was witnossod by only a few intimate friends of tho hostess of the brides.' Tho nowly wedded couples remained in Smith Center until after noon, and then drovo back to Red Cloud in tho evoning. Mr. Halo is tho genial and adipose foreman of tho Rod Cloud Nation and ' his brido is the daughter of Mra. E. J. Wright. Mr. Lindloy is associated with his father, J, O. Lindloy, in tho rcstau- i rant business in this city, and bis brido is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Josoph Carr. Sbeisanativo of Red Cloud, I having been born and reared hore. TmcCuisr extends congratulations. IM-Dysti. Married, at tho homo of tho bride's ) parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bon of Willow Crook, Mr. William Dyson of Nuckolls county and Mies Nellie M, Bon, tho ceremony boing performed by Rev B.F. Hutchins of tho Cowlos M, h. church, at 7:30 p. n Thursday, Fi-bruary 18. After tho coremony a light wedding supper was greatly on joyed by tho wedding party, which in cluded Rov. Hutchins, Mr. and Mrs. are arriving daily and we must make room for them ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, A. C. Bon, Mr. and Mrs. Dyson, Miis Edith Edson, Roy Wolf and Fred Bon. A pleasing feature of tho wedding ban quet was tho tact that tho' guests par took of oranges grown on 'ho farm of tho brldo's fathor, in Webster county. Tho nowly wedded couplo will soon leavo for their future homo in Nuckolls county, Nebraska, where Mr. Dyson owns a farm. Tin: Ciiikk aoknow. ledges a liberal supply of the wedding cake, and wtshis tho happy couple a ploasant Journey through life. The 1. 0. 0. F. Contest. To-night Bun Adhem lodgo No. 18'1, I.O. U. F , will entertain a largo num ber of visiting Odd Follow. Thore will be a prize drill contest for a hand some gold mounted gavel, following which tho W. R. C. will servo a ban quet at Woodman hall, to which all aro invitod cover. Among tho prominent Odd Follows who will attond aro Grand Master C. H. Ellis of Fremont, Past Gtand Master Loomis of Fremont, Grand Reprosantivo Hoagland of North Piatt and Orand Chief Patriarch Davis of North Plalto. Tomorrow evaning Wobster encamp montNo.25, Patriarchs Militant, will havo a big mooting, at which all. of tho prominent Odd Follows montionod will bo present. After tho work in tho lodge room has been completed a ban quet will bo served at J. O Lindloy's and covers will bo laid for sixty guests m Obituary. Mrs. Eliza J. Zde, who died early last Friday morning, was buried Satur day afternoon from tbo Pleasant Prairie school bouse, services being conducted by Rev. Schlossor. Miss Eliza J. Tabor was born in Henry county, Illinois, April 11, 188G, and was 37 years of ago at the time of her death. She removed with her parents to Cass county, Nebraska, when qnite young, and on November 11, 1882, was united in marriage to J. F. Zade. To this union waro born four children throe of whom survive thoir mother. Mr. and Mrs. Zado camo to Webster county in 1885. J. H. Smith's Funeral. Tho remain) of tho late J H. Smith, formerly of this city, arrived from Stilt Lake City Sunday morning and wero ttken to tho homo of J. B, Stan sor, and afterward were removed to tho M. B church, whore sorvicis wero con ducted by the Odd Follows, of which ordor Mr. Smith had been n member for years. Rev. E. L. Hutchins, pastor of tho church, preachod tho sermon. Tho remains woro escorted to tho Rod Cloud cemotery by a largo delega tion of Odd Fellows, friends and rela tives of tho deceased. The Odd Fel lows' burial ritual was used at tho grave. Workman Entertainment. Tho following program will bo rond ored at tbo A. O. U. W. lodgo, Tuesdny evening, at an entertainmont given to all members of the order and their wi?es: Song Male Quartotto Addross Rev. Hauptmann Vocal Solo W. H. Dungan Address J. S, Gilham Song Male Quartotto Addrt-MS J R. MTcor Vonal Solo Kdytho;Crowoll AddrehB O. F. Gather Music Aiim'I'H'h Clue la the Barker Case. Last Sunday George Matkins, whilo rummaging around in tho barn on tbo Dan Barker placo, found a revolver :&&&&&&&&&&&&. Wi ft m m m m m m m m m w 1f Red Cloud, Neb. m 31 bidden botweon tho studding. In nnothor placo was found a partially omptiod box of cartridges. Threo chambers of tho revolver woro ompty, corresponding to tho number of bullet wounds found on the bodies of tha murdorod couple. Tnis. clue will go a long way toward establishing tho fact that tho Barkers wore murdorcd by someono familiar with tho promises. Advertised Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for at postofllco at Red Cloud. Nob. for the wook onding February 25, 1004: Dixon, W A Ilullott B Hoagland, II D (2) Lo Duo GoiuWm O Richardson L Smith Blanch (pkg) Schulta Leopold Smith Jas Horrid; G O Stanley Arthur Walker B F Thoso will bo sont to tho doad lotter oflico Maroh 10, 1004, if not called for boforo. When calling for above ploaso say "advortisod." T. C. Hackkk, Postmaster. m Farm For Sale. Consisting of 100 acres, 21 mile, south of Rod Cloud. G5 acros undor cultivation, 15 acres of alfalfa, good stand; 20 acres of tino timber, 16 acrea meadow, fine grass; rest in pasture, fenced in, running water in crook the year round; good 4 room houso, built five yoars; now granary, fair barn, now cow shed 90 feet long. L. Soderbnrg, Rod Cloud. molil2 m 9 The liiftfty CMtest. All subscribers who had paid tneir subscription to Tub Cnisr injadvance, prior to the announcement of tha. guessing contest, will be given the privilege of guessing tho aame as those who pay since the announcement was made. Those who aro in arrears will bo allowed four guesses for every dollar paid. Now is the time to get in on tho ground floor. A Saall Blaze. Saturday morning, about 7 o'clock, fire broko out in Harrington's meat market, caused by a can of greaso be coming ignited, Tho wall and ceiling of tho room wero slightly damaged, but the iiro was extinguished without material loss. Funeral of Mrs. Lester. Mrs. Ella Luster, who died Wednes day, was buried Saturday morning, the services boing conducted by tho East ern Star, of which ordor Mrs., Luster had boon a prominent member. Farm Loans. I have just prepared mysolf to make farm loans at a low rate of intorest oithor in Jewell, Smith or Wobster countio.s;,can pay oil at any timo. J. H, Hailkv, Rod Cloud. Card of Thanks. Wo dosiro to thank tho many friends who so kindly assisted us at the funeral of our father. Mrs. Ciias. Mouanvillk. Miss Minnib Surrn. H. E. ASHBR, VETERINARIAN Of thoifKansas City Veter inary Collogo. Oftloe at O. M. Smith's Livory Barn, ALL CALLS PRf NPTLY ATTENDED Tolephouo 40.' RED CLOUD, - - NEB. At Blno Hill every Thursday. I' .' H fl wl B ' ? i J2 l A- .it t JP3BgWgg"iSs KSWi u'swwgym "V"T fss&r