M 5 i H THE CHIEF nED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. 1'. C. Phaiies, Editor. sunsontPTio.N hates. On yoar... It mouth .11 00 . 50 Entered at tne pout nfflre at Hod Cloud. Neb. at eeonil clans inatHmaUor. ADVKHTISINQ KATE9: Puriilnlied on application. TELEPHONE, SEVEN - TWO Tho crop of gubsrnatoriiil timber Is tmuMinlly largo this your. Tho good roiuls inovciuoiit is just now receiving attoiitlon nt tho hands of congress. Whnt him boconio of tlio Dietrich investigation which was to huvo been hold by tho United Status senate? Laying nil jokes iislde, wo would much rathor hco Alfred Sorenson in tho United States Senate than nnyono so far mentioned. Six hundred Russian soldiers froze tn death while crossing a frozen Si berian lake. Ever tlioso hardy soldiers can not stand tho rigorous Siberian ell tna to Tho Port Arthur fleet suffered another loss from carelessness on tho part of its officers. Tho second class cruiser Boyurin ran in o a submarluo in hie and blow-up. all on board perish ing.. It seems useless for tho Japs to risk their lives and thoir warships, when, if lot alone, tho Husslan navy will destroy Itself. Senator Burton of Kansas will have to stand trial on tho charge of accept ing a bribe from tho Hiulto Grain company in exchange for using his senatorial iiilluinco in keeping tho postolllco dep rt incut from Issuing a fraud oi dor imuinst Unit company The St Louis judge overruled Uurtons demurrer to the evidence and thu case was set for trial March '.22. ion, '1 he Husslan Medito ranean squad under command of Admiral ltojdostwcnski is reported in tho lied sea on Its way eastward. They hope to terrify tho Japanoso with their high sounding, jaw-breaking names. Should that admiral's namo happen to got jammed crosswlso of tho harbor at Port Arthur, it would ttiko moro than Japanoso torpodowcuski flotllluwowski .to jar it looso. Tho death of Senator M. A. Hauna is a blow tho stato of Ohio and to tho nation that will be felt for a long time to conio. Mr. Han a lias probably been maligned and Blundered moro than any man. In public lifo for many years. Now that ho is gono, oven his political enemies acknowledge his greatness. During his lifo Mr. Hauna employed a vast number f laborers in his various Industrie?, yot thoro never has been a qtriko among his employes. This alouo shows tho kind ness and liberality of tho man to othois. Homado William McKlnley president of tho United States, and was known particularly for his stead- fast friendship and untiring energy. .. ..... , . I wusiungioti ast montii, return) u 10 th s city much enthused by tho pros pers of national aid in building roads When Interviewed by our reporter among other interest in things said. 'As a preliniitil ary, I want to say something of my feelings as I journey ed. As wo lett lied Cloud I was much Impressed by tho catlh comfortably mid lazily lying around In bunches in tho pastures, enjoying tho warm sun shine in this, what 1 call tho Italy of America Tho uoilher was warm, calm and Invigorating. Pass ng on through Omaha In duo thuo wo reach ed Chicago and a strange traiis'onna tlon had taken place Everything was covered with Ico and sn.nv .Sidewalk, ami streets icprescntod ono great skating pond and thu snow was piled upliko ricks of alfalfa in Nebraska In another twent) -four hours wo ar rived in Washington, tho cap! ml of our commonwealth Wo Immediately registered at tho Kaleigh hotel and for todays enjoyed tho feasts for cyo and ear in that wond- rful city Hut that is iriolovnutaikl I will not bore you with iny personal affairs, "You are doubtless nwaro that the calling together of this national com mittee was for tho purpose of present ing the groat necessity of good public r-ads to iur Congress, and surolv tho work was ilono with push, cnthuiasm and determination. Each statu was entitle'! t one delegate and every one was in attendance when tho secretary called tho meeting to order. President Moore was unavoidably detained at St. Louis and upon his request Mr. Harper presided Senator L.illiuior and Representative Brownlow, both of whom have iti'roduccd t ills toappiop rlato $21,000,00J for building good roads, were in daily attendance with our committee After appointing various committee wo listened to many earnest speechos, among them ono by Secretary Wl son of the depart mont of agriculture, and ho certainly is the right man in the right place and is iloiug much for the farmers all over the United Stntos II" gave his hearty approval to our project and revealed a close iiitlmmacy with the subject by tho muster ul way bo p e- sented nrgumonts and reasons for establishing good, passablo country roads. Ho believed that the only way to accomplish th s was to invoke the aid of tho g neral govormout "Wo wont to tho White Houso to meet tho piesident by nppointnio t We were ushered Into tho cabinet room and in a few minutes tho folding doors woro oponed and President Ilo sovo t stopped briskly in II entered into tho discussion without doltiy. Ho expressed hlm-olf very forcibly und said that ho was very much iutorostod in tno movement and pledged us Ins cordial support. He would do everything in his power to bring mutters to u successful couolu .-ion. Each member of tho committee was pors. nully introduced tothoprcsi dtnt "Wo also met tho sointo committee and aftorwards tho Houso committee and I want to assuro you that thu speakers of our Oood Roads Associu tiod wont right aftor tboso legislators snd demanded fmrn them tho passago of tlioso bllU. "Summing up tho whole situation, I can truthfully my Mint tlioo was not ono slnglo voice raisod in objection to this movement and I am very contl dent that wo will in tho near future be blossod wi h publlo highways that will moot i bo necessities of our ptesent day civilir.ati n Oood roads are in Highland I am willing to do what little I can to help them to bo estab lished Good rortds will vastly in crease the value or our lands imu pro perty, nmko us plcusont abodes and do velop our rosourcos." When asked what direct honoQt this community would receive, Mr. Miner excucd lilmseH and said that was a subject ho would bo pleased to discuss at some tuturo time. National -Good Roads Meeting. Mr J L Miner who wis tho No braskiniolegutoto tho National Good ltouds Association nioethg hold in I 1 Ayers Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only Hair Vigor hair food you can buy. For 60 years it has been doing just what we claim it will do. It Will not disappoint you. " M j hlr uin! to 1 Tory ihort. llut after u.Ii.k Ayttr'a lUIr Vigor iliurl time It lii-n to crow, mid now It l fourteen Indies lonir. Thli ittiiii a splendid remit to mo after bolug almost without hiijt Iilr." Una. J. II. Vimu, Colorado Springs, t'olo. f tt a bnttlo. J. c. AVBii oo A'l ilriiifBUts T.owhII, Ma... Short Hair Lincoln Letter. Lincoln, Neil. Feb. 17. Tho Peru Normal is to have her long wished. for chapel building within it fotv months. Tho board has given - J orders for tho plans to bo drawn and tho sumo will no suumlitotl for appro vii 1 on March 2. Prof. Clark and all of tho instruc tors In tho Peru Normal tiro out of favor with Treasurer Mortonson and ho has introduced a resolution boforo tin statu board of education asking fur tho resignation of thu offending pedagogues Treasurer Mortonson charges thorn with being careless of tho wolfaro of tho fund which sup ports tho educational institutions, as well as tho teuchon Uiomsolvos. Tho troublo is tho outgrowth of tho ' lrttlo battle betweou iho troasuror and the bunkers for tho possession of tho stato warrants. Mr. Mortonson alleges that, notwith standing his persistent and earnest uppeuls, tho touchers invariably send thoir warrants to local bankers who nro competitor with him in tho bid ding. Lust mouth somo $2,000 worth of stato pupors went across tho counters of Peru banks at a time when a portion of tho pommnont school fund was seeking enilpoymout This, In tho opinion of i ho stato treasurer, consti tutes a flagrant disregard for tho In terests of tho state, and ho bollovcs that tho tcachors should bo asked to rosign. ' (Jthor members of tho board do not look at tho mutter in s serious a light. While they ugreo with Mr. Moitensen that not only teuchors but overy stuto employe dionlo glvo tho treasurer tho preference, they also boliovo that tho teachers huvo the iiiullonublo right to transfer thoir own hold ngs as they may seo lit. Mr Mortenson's resolu tion wits tabloil for further considotu Mon, it being I e loved that thu touchers would readily comply with tho treas urer's demands In future, now that thuy havu been informed that they may do tho stato it service in that way Tho 'tato board of public lauds and buildings has asked for sealed bids for' on engine and pump at the penitenti ary Tho board will lot tho contract at its next, meeting. i Troasuror Morteusen bus made his word good, having succeeded in cut ting down tho state debt just $200,000 so fur this month. In all probability $50,000 moro will be hew d off boforo tho mouth ends ( Auditor Wos'on isconfronted wl ha problem. Tho last legislature appro priated $80,000 Tor steel ctdls und soworugo at the statu penitentiary, tho intention being to purchase 210 cells for that amount. Iiufore the end of tho session it was discovered that satisfactory cages could not bo procured at tno liguro named and an attompt was made to amend the bill, but it seems that It was only partly successfull Tho stato board lot tho contract for 15(5 colls and tho sowago for 8(i!),000, which was well within tho appropriation but did not provide tho number of colls culled for in tho bill. Members of the legtsluturo contend that tho understanding was that tho (ill had been amended to allow tho piirchaso of 'JlOcugos but tho record does not so read Pressuio was brought upon tho board to let tho full contract and creato a deficiency which could bo corrected at tho noxt session but this proposal found no favor. Now tho audi or is in doubt about tho claim as ho is inclined to tho opinion thu' tho legislature intomiod not only to fix tho maximum sum which could bo ex p ndod upon tho contract but the price per cugo At any rate, tho stato has tho colls and all but a half dozen ot them are in place and occupied, so the warden and tho board are c ntent o allow th" contractor and tho nidi tor to squabble over tho mutter to the! heart's content. Tho llftu nth nnnual l.unquot of tho Young Men's Republican Club of Lincoln occurred at tho Liudoll, Frl- day evening, Congressmuu George W. Princo, of Il'inois. Govornor Builoy, KuuHus, and Judge Robertson of Nor folk, being tho principal speukors Governor Mickey and D. E. Thomps u vero guests of honor, tho Republican members of tho Supremo Court hav ing boeii inuted but were unable to at' end. Judge P James Cosgravo prosidod as toastmuster, and a dozon or moro of tho most prominent and active Liu coin republican s sorvod on tho com mittccs Judge W M Roboitson delivered a most eloquent eulogy of Liucoln, praising him for his love of country and of humanity, his earnost patriot ism, his devotion to duty whilo in pub lic lifo and his houosty and straight forwardness in politic. "Kansas and Nebraska. Historical and po Itical" was the thomo of Gov ornor Hailoy, who, by the way, is a great favorito horo, notwithstanding tho fact that ho has just been turnod down by tho republican convention of his own stato Descriptions of pio neer lifo in tho two states and a his tory of tho gradual chaugo from bur ron pra rio to populous and thriving farming region, comprisod tho groator part of Govornor Duiloy's address and in closing ho devoted a fow minutos to present dity politics including it eulogy of Roosevelt which wus heartily up plauded Congressman Prince, whose subject was "Our Nation," onton d a broader Welti, sketching the history of tho re public from its infancy to tho timo of its moturityuud rec 'guition us a wotld powor. 'Iho succoss of tho coun'ry wus attributed to tho fact that 'ho majority of its citizens aro piogro.ssf.ve, ambitious for their uaMon as well as thoinselvos, and willing to pu: u shoulder to tho wheel at all times Tho halting, whining, irresolute, bu ky, skeptical possimlstio (lenient is hero as olsuwhf ro but is in tho minority. Such an olomout never assisted in building up this or any other country OUR OVERCOAT AND HEAVY WEIGHT SUIT SAL& has cleared our tables of a majority of these goods. Our Pant sale has been a surprise to us sold more trousers than we expected. Still have some desirable patterns and exceptional bargains in these lines, and we will Contirrue the Sale Until the 1st of March Spring goods are coming every day, and we need the room You need the goods. No rea- son why we can't trade. You will save 20 per cent now, and maybe it would be a greater saving than that you might save a doctor's bill by buying a good a good warm suit or coat. BeGkwith, Wescott 8 Storey "One price and no monkey, business." commence to got poor thoy hit the bot tom in a huiry. Is you should conclude t sell your self to tho devil, you couldn't get half us much us you think you could. This is tho season whon tho foolish and weak minded send auuoymous letters culled comic valontluos." A sick woman thinks sho is taking euro of horself if she rofuses to do any work, uu ess it Is in tho socioty line. Sympathy Is a dangerous thing. Somoono recently told a woman ho wus sorry for hor, and sho cried for a week. Wo huvo noticed that tho women who huvo nervous prostrution uro UMiu'ly tlioso who havu timo und no cuu so. '1 hero seems t bo moio effort ex pended these days in keeping n stiff pompadour than in holding a stilf up per lip An Atchison family has never boon dnmugod by religion or medicine; tho members belo g to iho Episcopul i hurch nud uro homeop iths. When a husband tolls a joke, his wifo looks us if sho hud heard it boforo whon sho hasn't. Whon others tell It, sho icts af if it woro now to her when it isn't An Atchison man has two sisters Oiw sends word sho is praying for him whuu he gets into t' ouble, and tho other bonds ton dollars und tolls him ho always wus a fool. Tho womon havo a new way of got- tlng rid of unwolcomo callors. Tho Udy of tho houso goes into tho room to ruuoivo hor caller with hor hat on, und, if it is a very undorsirablo caller, the tossoss puts on her gloves while enter ing tho room. Print tho truth about a ihiof moro than twico, and peoplo will say j oil aro "making friouds for him." Why should it benefit a thief to print tho truth about him? Why should tiouost men bocomo friendly to a thief because the truth is brought out, with a view of convictigtho thlof? Somo of tho stuff culled sympathy is dishonesty. Ever tako jour hat off to tho woman who has moals promptly on tltno? When a man gots up a st' oot purudo It is ulwuyssovoriil hours lute, but tho woman who gots up tho meals has threo parados overy dny It Is to her credit whon thoy uro always on timo If a man bus n good positlouuud keeps it, in this way his wife mudo him -sho hud his meals on timo Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing I am prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmithing, Horseshoeing and Repairing. I carry 0 complete line of Farm Machinery and Agricultural Implements of every decription. Prices are right and satisfaction guaranteed. WM. WOLFE. lfl The Day starts jjESlt off mrS RightjffiHE When You Have a Cup of For Sale by R.obinsoi & Burden WHITE" HOUSE grocers nd moco.. COFFEE . BUTCHERS. with your breakfast. It has a flavor that's all its own you don't get it In any other brand. U It li toIJ by all grocers In I and 3-pound cam only. Packed and sealed by us and guaranteed full weight. DWINELL WRIGHT CO..Boston. TELEPHONE No. l- Atchison Globe Slfthts. Pooplo always liko stingy storhs rich men. Say wh'it you ploaso get presouts Wo bollevo that death gots his linos crossed of toner than any ono elsu. You can't, nmko somo mon uiud un less you jump tho town thoy live In. Two shades, evidently of women, met in 11 cemetery recently, und ono, bosido whoso gruvo thoro hud been erected ono of tho mo t costly monu ments In tho cemotery, begun to gram bio and complain about tho niouuno3s of iho mon. Tho other shado defended tho men. "I dou't soo why you should stand up for thorn," growled tho llrst shudo. "Your husband hasn't put a on stouo at your grave though you camo horo two years boforo I camo." "But hn tins not marrlod a train." said tho pooplo liko to 80Cond shado softly Moral: Aco-tly monumout will not pleaso tho doud, if a second wifo goes with It If you hato a man hard ouoiigh, you can ul ways soo holes in his fences. $100 Buggy Given Away ! determined to increase our subscrip tion list, and at the sumo timo offer uu inducement to old subscribers to pay up. Hero is tho plan: For overy dollar paid on subscrip tion, by eithor now or old subscribers, tho person paying the sumo will bo entitled to four guo-sos on tho total number of ndinisslo s to tho World's fair at St. Louis 1 11 oponing day, April .'10, lfH)l. Tho person making tho near est correct guoss will bo presented with a handsome $100 buggy, abso lutely freo. Tho buggy will bo on ex hibition at Potorson's implement houso. To enable subscribers to form un estimate on tho probublo utteuduueo, wo glvo tho following figures on pre vious similar ovonts; Number of admissions on open in day at Philadelphia Cen tennial, 187G " 180,072 At opening of tho World's Fulr, Chlcugo, 1803 137,557 At dedication day of St Louis Vorld's Fair, April 30, 1003. . .103,337 The Chief takes ploasuro in an nouncing that somoono of its sub scribers will In tho near future bo pro- When moa"a at a boarding houso vsontod with a 1100 buggy. We huvo Moritnvillo's Perfoction Iluir Tonic for sale at ScuulTnil's b.trbar shop, Stock saddles at Joe Pogul't;. Do You Eat Meat? Whon you uro hungry and want somothig nice in tho meat lino, drop into my market. 1 huvo tho nicest kind of Home-made Sausages and moats, fish, and game in seasou. I think, and almost know, that I can plouso you. Glvo mo a trial, W. i. K00N, Succossor to ROBINSON &. BURDEN. rurnisiidj Kooms for Uont-Ionuiro of Mis. J, A. Tiilloy ' Light harness at Joe Fogol'g. iffp suwot. rsr. anHWt