,. . IV ..,-..,.. : -.... ;. VVtMwVi1f,wSiV Dragging Bains 2825 KccW St., Cjiicaoo, Iu... Oct,, 2, 1902. I Buffered with falling and con gestion of the womb, with severo pains through tlio groins. 1 suf fered terribly nt the timo of men struation, hail blinding headaches and rushing of blood to tho brain. What to try 1 knew not, for it seemed that I had tried all nnd failed, but I hail nover tried Wino of. Cirdtii, that blessed remedy for tick women. I found it pleasant to talco nnd soon know that I had tho right modicino. Now blood aoomod to courso through my veins and after using cloven bottles I was a well woman. . ..ifW i. BBBBsBBBBJ BBBBBBJ BBBBBbiBBBV BBBBBBbbbBBBBH BBBBBBjpBH BBSBBBBj BBBBBhbBBBBBJ ,BBBBBBbbSBBBBBJ BBBBBBJ 1 "YVrliWJ, CRmaW Mrs. Bush is now in perfect health l)ccau8o sho took Wino of Cardul for menstrual disorders, bearing down pains nnd blinding liuadacbcs when nil other remedies failed to bring her relief. Any uffcrcr may secure health by tak ing Wino of Cardui in her home. The first bottlo convinces the pa tient she is on the road to health. For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving Tmptoms, "The Ladies' Advisor Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Teaa. WlNEtCHRDItl CATARRH Elvs Cream Balm This Romody is a Spoolflo, Sure to Clvo Satisfaction. GIVKS RELIIF AT ONOK .It clonnxofl, BoothoM, heals, and protects tho VUseawnl mombrano. It cure Catarrh and lrirntnwny a Cold in tho Head quickly. -Reslorcn tho Souses of Ttvsto nnd Bmoll. .Vmj to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed. Jrgi fiizn, RO rents at Druggists or by snail; Trial 8izo, 10 conts by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren St., New York, r ; BBBBBm BBBBBh BBBBBfl BBBBBfl BBBBBsl VB I UsTasTsai VWWWW fArA-VNAATA-v-VM -N-N-VNA-V-Vr We are going to make a present of a $100 STUDEBAKBR BUGGY to the best guesser among our subscribers. Every dollar paid on subscription between now and April 30, will entitle person paying same to four guesses at the probable number of admissions to the St. Louis World's Fair ground on opening day, April 30, 1904. The person making the nearest correct guess will be presented with the buggy absolutely free. To assist you in forming an estimate, the following figures on similar events are given: Centennial at Philadelphia, 1876 World's Fair at Chicago, 1893 Dedication day at St. Louis, April 30, 1903 186,672 337,557 103,337 fff0ffjf Shave?" You are "Next" at t Oliver SchafT nit's I Barber Shop, j t Buotuent Potter-Wright Building, j I Seissors Ground, Hazors Honed, AND 1 ALL KINDS OF EDGEj TOOLS SHARPENED J All kinds of barbor work executed J promptly and satisfaction 4 g guaranteed. J DESCRIPTION OF THE BUGGY. , The word "Studebaker" is a synonym for perfection in road vehicles. The buggy that THE CHIEF will give to the best guesser is a perfect sample of this standard make. The timber used in its make-up is the best to be had, the leather work is perfect and the cross and longitudinal springs are of the best steel. Now on exhibition at Peterson's. Take Advantage of this Great Offer Now Remember, Each Dollar Paid Gives You Four Guesses , Created Wealth, iomothing from nothing h garden from a desert. Such is the history of irrigated soctions. Takolaud that sells ior lifty cents nn acre, put WHt.nr on it and it soils for what? There tiro quatcraor land inhibited stetions of Colorado Mint ennnot ho purchased for 420,000 00 nnd which mm a iciiiiinorn tivo interest on that valuation. And yet yon can p'i?. lno Irrigated flauis whfrullio soil is ptrfret. beyond xielicf, whero tho water supply is -plentiful nnd inexhaustible, whore climatic conditions are hmlihful and UKuilarnting, where fuel is abundant nml cheap, for from $15 an noro up. Tito North Platto valluy, extending troni Bridgeport, Neur., to Ouornsoy, Wyo., nnd tho Hig Horn llaln, Wyoin dug, havo been hut lecently nindo available for settlement by the exton won c.f tho liurlington railroad into those sections. Tho irrigating com panics must have settlcis along thir ditches and thoy offer substantlil in ducenicnts in tho shapo of low priced water rights and lands. How long will this conditions con CunueT - Jiaao may my surely, but it won't ho tor long, and the sooner you invest tho feaper will 3011 bo able to do so, for oitfl advvneo is just nx.Miro as has, been the advance in the pice of wlmilir flands in other stoliois Per furthir information wilto 10 J. FranciH, General passenger agfiit, Burlington Hloute, Omaha. ,.". THE BUDLONG DISC HARROW fl I jA 1 ssLjHilRiBissKsssTssmLssssmi M V M VJ ..Vi VrVJs9 MHsssKBsTssElsKsBtVKPKIlsswU W . m i W r Wlll WlP M 1 wEBaaaaaaMaaraajraav ,m "Hb maw WSv i The above cut shows our Budlong Disc Harrow. Owing to several points of construction this harrow will work easier and and more evenly in all kinds of soil than any other: First, because the harrow is FRAME LESS; second, the gangs are attached to the cross-bar and inner draw-bar, which give it direct draught and make a perfect under-hitch. This gives the gangs a bLhAlbLc. movement. The time is here when you will need to cut your these harrows and disc your ground at the same time. stalks. Get one of James Peterson. s m m n m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m I m m m p44444444444444444444444444tf44444444 Keep This Always Before You WHEN IN NEED OF Baled Hay, Corri Oats, Flour Baled Alfalfa, Meal and Mill Feed of every description, don't forget the new feed store. V Prices Satisfactory ! Deliveries Quick I yd m m m I m m m m m m m H. J. CLARK, Phone 51. J ttttiiitttttttititrrittittttitiittmmmmmitF I. ! ! Ked Cloud, Neb. I m