The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 19, 1904, Image 1

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f Miner Bros. ( Mirier Bros.
HEW flflflMliS
fleekoieaf, Dress Trimmings
and Embroideries.
Venise Lace Stocks, 35c each.
Embroidery Wash Stocks, 30, 35. 50, 60c to $1.75.
Fancy Persian Collar and Cuff Sets, 60c.
Venise Lace Collarettes, 75c to $3.00 each.
The New Dress Trimmings show some of the most
n.ntrv nnd pxr nsive natternS.
wV00l Silk Band Insertions, 10c to 75c yard.
t - V. a 1 IT .1
-Jfcjrsian liancls, 30c to $1.00 per yaru.
rt. . KPnn wp i.ari; i iisi-rLiun. u lu suu.
S't.,..r. .imfU 111I Tonpr!i(fp wllff1 pffprtQ at Vlp
fj&ng&oi prices, suitable patterns by the running yard
lvji urcuuiiiuus.
Swiss Embroideries in sets, with insertioos to match,
from idc to $ 1. 00 per yard.
Motncnnlf in cpre frnm inr tn Si.nn npr vnrd.
Special job of 4 length Embroidery, by the piece
t5niyjniuiiy wunu u yum, at v. jjicc.
l He tnouenttui prepare tor tne nuure. .
The new Oxfords for spring are here. Selling
agents for the Green Wheeler line not the largest
factory in the United States, but makers of the best
fittincr and best wearing shoes for ladies, in the most
'stylish and up-to-date styles.
..(1 .,. .
brlUtb, 15 styles, 52.25 to 94.00.
OXFORD'S, 10 styles, $1.75 to $3.00.
&A "Satisfaction or Money Back, "
c ?
n t
J r yF
' v - W
f E
- vw
. w- - . r-,- . f
a m I T - 1 v
y i , 11101 DivJ,
Do you know thnt It will pny VOU, us
woll as US, to buy your Building Mn.
toriiil and Conl at ourynnls? Not only
vtbat our prices averaok lower, or at
least as low, as thoso of our competit
ors, but because wo tako ospccinl euro
"of aud protect all can bo classed as
Coat. Lumber.
Lumber and Goal,
Red Cloud, ' " Nebraska.
Tho lino wonthf r wo wore hnving
last Sntutulny hits caught cold.
Dr. Win. Wogninn drovo to Blue Hill
R. C. Chnvnlior of Campbell wns in
this city last Wednesday.
Omer Gonon has purchased tho J.
Moore propcity which W. L. Bennett
occupies with the postoflleo.
A McCoy and wife of Blue Hill wore
visiting at llio home of W. A. Brady's
one day this week.
Fred Reed and family wore visiting
m this city one dny this week.
Miss Bui tie Woodsido drove t Blue
Hill Monday.
Joe Widd- rshlm and wifj of Not mm
atteiuled the wedding of his biother ut
tins place.
MissGiaco Boyd and Miss Huttio
Ct.iuierdiovotoR d Cloud S.ituulny.
V. Widdersliim diovo to Blue Hill
Mrs. Hush Spilngor and little daugh
ter have lotut nod fiom South Dakota,
wheio she has been visiting her
brother Cnatles.
A very pretty wedding occurred at
the home of Mr. sun I Mrs. II. B. Bojd
i'ii Wednesday, February 17, when
their daughter, Grace Boyd, vns united
in nmrringo to Mr. Vet Wiildetshim,
Rev. Hummel oilicating. A largo num
ber of relatives aud friends were pre
sent. After the ceremony and congrat
ulations all partook of nn lceant wed
ding dinner. Tho you n ij couple wcro
tho recipients 3f many useful and hand
somo piosents. At a lato hour tho
guests deputed for their homo, wish
ing Mr. and Mrs. Widderthim a long
anu uappy me.
Mr. Henry Parsons bought a pony
Llewellzn KlDg wns ougaged Inst
Monday in "breaking in" Mr. Parsons'
new borso, . ,
John Fox who hns bcon ill -Tor somV
time died Wednesday evening,, The
particulars will bo found clsewhero in
tho paper. " '
1 Miss May Taylor is seriously sick
witj diphtheria.
Charles Amack is buy hauling bis
hay and farm implements to hia new
homo east of Guide Rock.
Tho party at Mrs. Ailos' last Satur
day night was well attended. Tho
young pi oplo report having a merry
tiino, t
Eugono Smith hns moved onto the
John Street farm, which ho will culti
vate tins year
Mr John Stieot, ono of Garfield's
oldest soltlcis, has moved to his now
home in Kansas. Wo are sony to lose
him from our community, but our loss
will bo their gain.
daughter Miss Minnie. 'J ho evening
was spent in pliiinir eames. af cr
which a lunch was forved. Thno
I" ropor; a very pu aiitit evenii g.
Miss Melissa Lamlioi l is on the sick
Mrs Hayes nntei tallied the Kessing
ton, Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Moore, of I'uwnoo is visiting h( r
cousin, Mrs. A. J Hayes.
Mrs Mind Dunbar is on tho sick-list.
Weather still dry.
Piospects not very good for whoat.
Will Ciozlor and wifo visited nt
Warren Dennj 'sat C.wlos last Tues
day. Sinford Croxton has trnded his farm,
consisting of eight quarter secti ns for
a farm of thioo eighties In Urown
county, Kansas. Mr. Croxton expects
miiavo a salo and movo this spiing.
The party who has tradod for tim
Crozton land is John Richardson.
Will Cling Is recovering from an at
tack of measles.
Mrs. Ilattio Wardlow is visiting her
parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Georeo Ilondnr.
son. add other relatives.
John Buster and family movod last
week to a farm near North Branch,
Wairon Vance and wifn mnvmi ia
Saturday to. Mr. Ritchoy's farm on
w mow eroek. That noscitates n drivn
of six miles for Mr. Vanco every morn
ing ana evening to and from school.
Miss Russell and Miss Kellogg, were
up irom superior Monday.
! Mrand Mis. A J, Hayes entertain
ed a large numbor of young poople
Monday evening in honor of their
The sa'o -it Mr Kunko's Inst Wednes
day wns well ntti tided.
Mr. Chatersou has been moving
bis haj the past week.
Mis Ritbett Q ligglo has opened a
restaurant in hui hotel building.
Miss Ilattio Hcndmon anivcd liero
last Fiitlaj fiom Miouri.
The Rose boys s'limk coal at a di pth
of six bundled feel. They pot their
now di tiling appaiattis Satin day aud
began drilling M mday.
History of the Monument Fund.
About twenty joins ago the solriiuis'
of the Grand At my, conceived the idea
of creeling a building of their own in
which to bold their meetings aud as a
sourro of revenue. Ah u beginning to
that end they set aboil', raising money
to buy a lot. It was at tho beighth of
Red Cloud's piof-peiity aud lots weie
held nt extravagant prices. Afti r much
illort and with the help of entertain-
minis arrainged by Captain Jinger
who camo here to holp tho soldiers,
five hundred dollars wero ra!sed nnd
paid for the lot cot net ing on tho Udd
Fellows hall. But h.rd times camo
caused by diouth and crop failures.
Money was hard to get and tho soldier's
have never been ablo to soo their hopes
ot a building fulfilled, and now tho
oldlor'a aro growing old and soon will
need only that "low grten bod whose
curtains nover swings outwaid" the
post will have held its last meeting
and the Grand Army sui rendered to
tho universal foe. What then shall be
dono with the lot nnd small building
fund now on hand. It is thoir wish to
realize as largo a sum as possible by the
sale of the monnment button each buy
or to have a chance on tho lot nnd use
the money towards building a monu
ment thus to place in au enduring form
their plans and bopcf, their toil nnd
money. It will bo their last woik as
an oignnization qn,i! they want to make
it their bit. fe , for
the od fofdiers' Xp &koJtho leiut in this
woik it anould jjfoij fye left to 'them
alone nor considered that it chtolly
concerns them.
A beautiful monument will adorn
our city and show forth the public
spii it of its JnhabtiauU. As during the
war tunny of theso monuments wero
raised to the memory of tho unknown
dead by tho citizens who stayed at
homo. So now it is the citizen who
should hasten to show his gratitudo for
tho peace and prosperity we oujoy, and
which was purchased by tho lives of
those wo seek to honor.
A subscription papor will bo pasted.
Sign it.
A Jaunt to Old Mexico.
On Febiuary 18 tho Builington will
run a poisoiully conducted excursion
from Lincoln to Old Mexico nnd re
turn. This is a rnro opportunity to
see tho "Egypt of the Wostern hemi
sphere" at minimum cost.
Early intimation of your intention to
accompiny this party is necessary.
For full information write to G. W.
Bonnoll, city passenger agent, Bur
lington route, Lincoln, Neb.
Aa Artist.
Lovors of tho violin should not fall to
bear Karl F. Hunter who assists tho
Shubert8on February 25. Although
ho renders the highest class of concerts
with easo, ho is far more modest than
many artists of much less ablility.
Card of Thanks.
Mr.M. L Finkonbindr and daughter
NolHo deslro to return thanks to their
friends and neighbors for their assis
tance during the sickness and after the
death of their beloved wife and mother,
Newhouse Brothers
Jewelersfi Opticians
Satisfaction Guaranteed
'Jl ''."-J .! J SV.) '.' ". 'l .! ', "
Real Estate Transfers.
Trnnsfors for week (tiding Wednes
day, February 17, furnished by J. II.
Builey of Webster County Abstract
Gcoigo W Hnyer and wife to Wm
H Caulk lots 4-Ti and 7 blk 8
and lots 1 and 2 blk 7 Cowlcs
wd l 050
Otto Mairo and wife to Dona Iloso
lots 1 and 2 blk 4 Hoover's add
toBIIwd 1200
Paul S Moon and wifo to Mnud
Myers lots 1 and 2 nnd i w2 ne4
nw4sllM-ll wJ 2750
Prtssunipric Saving bank tojsaao
Taj lor 2 nw4 and n2 sw4 20 1
12 wd 1000
State of Nebraska to heirs of A
H Crnry sw4 nw4 8320 doed;;280
Samuel H Putts to Libblo 11 Potts
a 2 sw4 and w2e2sw47 40 and
nw4184-9wd 7000
Jamie Burgess and hush to Hen
riette Bauer lots 18-14 aud 15
P H wd 1235
M'otal 111475
Moitgngos filed 951G0
Mortgages released 84000.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children.
Successfully used by Mother Gray,
nurso in tho Children's Homo in New
Yolk, cure fevrrishnoso, bnd stomach,
teething disordorflmnvu nnd regulate
the bowels nnd destroy wrum. Over
30,000 testimonials. They never fail.
At all druggists, 25e. Sample free. Ad
dress Allen S. Olms'.ed, Lo Roy, N. Y
12 4.
Farm For Sale.
Consisting of 1(50 acres, 2 miles
south of Rod Cloud. 65 ncros tinder
cultivation, 15 acres of alfalfa, good
stand; 20 acres of lino timber, 15 ncres
meadow, fine grass; rest In pasture,
fenced in, running water In creek tho
year round; good 4 100111 house, built
live yonrs; new gianary, fair bni n, new
cow shed 00 feet long. L. Soilorber?,
Hod Cloud. mclil2
Farm Loans.
I hnvo just piepnred nijaolf to mnko
farm loans at a low rato of interest
either in Jewell, Smith or Webster
ountio; can piy on at any time.
J. II. IUilky, Rod Cloud.
To Cure A Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tab
lots. All druggists tefund tho money
if it fails to cine. E. W. Grove's signa
ture Is on each box. 23o.
It Kreps the Feet-Warm and Dry.
Ask todi.y for Allci.'s Foot-Easo, a
powder. It cureB il ilbla'n, swollen,
sweating, floro aching, dump feet. At
all druggists nnd shoe stores, 25o. 12 4
TnfE""ri ilif8r nrrTr
Order to Show Cause.
State of Nctirnaka, I
Webster Couuty. f
At a comity court licit nt the enuntv court
room In and for kaia county, February 8th,
In the matter of the ccute of Stlno Erlckion,
nt reading and tlllnit thu pet'tlon of Oeorge
V. llutrbUun, prajiim tlmt the Itiitrument
filed on the 8th day of Kobruary, 1901, and tir
portliiK to bo the lait wlli aud tcntaiuent of the
mid deceased may bo prored, approved,
probated, allowed aud recorded ai (he
'ant will and testament of the aald
Stlne Krlckson, deceancd. mid that the
execution of the Instrument be committed, and
(ho administration of said estate may be maul
ed to u. 11. Crone and William 11, Thomas, as
Ordered, that Monday, the 29th day of
Kcbnmry. A. I), luol, nt 10 o'clock a. in.,
In asMKiiea for betrliur said petition,
when all persons liuercsnal In said mat
ter mar annear at a county court tn h l.l( in
and for xald county ami show cause why
the prayer of petition should nutbe irranisrt;
and that notice of the pendancy of said pell
lion and the hcarliiK thereof bo olron in n
liersoiiH Interested In said matter, by publish
Inu a copy nf this order In the lied Cloud
(iiir, a weekly newspaper published In said
co'i y. for three luuesalTe wceki prJor to
wd nay of ticarlus,
Ubal A.I1. Khxket.
lut'JO Couuty Judge,
Don't forget the old man
with the fish on his back.
For nearly thirty years he
has been traveling around the
world, and is still traveling,
brincincr health and comfort
wherever he goes.
lo the consumptive he
brings the strength tmd flesh
he so much needs.
To all weak and sickly
children he gives rich and
strengthening food. ,
To thin and pale persons
he gives new firm flesh and
rich red blood.
Children who first saw the
old man with the fish are now
grown up and have children
of their own.
He stands for Scott's Emul
sion of pure cod liver oil a
delightful food and a natural
tonic for children, for old folks
and for all who need flesh and
acPiXTb BPNBt Chemists. '
40O-4I 5 Pearl Street. NewYorki
60c. and I.OOi all druggists. j
. -
-jljr"-' VM f
sin'Mpy. fctUfi layiiw