MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustanq Liniment Mustana Liniment Mustana Liniment MEXICAN .. MaTtC fO 4 11 1tlaUat 1 tHl limn "W . 4 fl A T.,u T t mw a T).in oaV &u final t ! . . . . Hri' ..vnvMln,u,HnB,un luuHoiui-ovcrsaiyycn. i1,rm..)Uu. auu.h,, lieBt lor liornc auuieutH. iimi,w cttreH I-roHlblti-H nti.1 ChllhlnlMa. ' limbers tip StliTJoluts. MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Best thing for u lame horse. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment drives out nil inflammation. cures Sprains and Strains. cures Spavin and I hipbone heals Old Sores quickly. Ilest fur Cattle alltncntH. penetrates to the very bone. f MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Is a positive cure for Piles. cures all forms of KhetimatlHitt. cures Caked Udder In cows. uCHt fol. Sheep ailments. always gives satisfaction. MEXICAN MEXICAN -Mn-V'TOAiM MEXICAN mpttan frpgrrtpg. sCy&r A (WrTXS Tffvi; "f ,ATu J. riT I Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it. How To Find Out. I'ill n bottle or common kIiw with your water ami let it hlnud twenty-four hour.s ; uctlimcntorpct- t)illJ,'ill(licillC!lIUI , unhealthy con dition of the kid neys. ; if it Minna your linen it in evidence of kid ney trouble ; loo frequent desire to pass it ortuiin in the back in also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. Wlint To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge ho often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, the fjreut kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder anil every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water nnd scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times duriiiL' the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon rcniicd. It stands the highest nor its wonderful cures of t lie niot dis tressing pases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug, gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sues. You mav have a sample bollle and ft book that tells all nlwnit it, both sent free by" mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., lting- haniton.N. Y. When tlomoof Bvcmi-noot. writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, bul remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, and the address, lliughaiutou, N. Y. Wit Lincoln Letter. Lincoln-. Nkii.. Feb. 10. The right of tlio Hunker's Union In fiuranco company to do business in No hriiskn is being disc-assort boforo Kobort Ryan, roforoo. Insurance deputy ;ilereo of tbo auditor's oilico niulntuiiiH that tho compuny Is prao tically insolvent, having moro than tCO.000 in ilooth and disability claims now outstanding with but a nominal sum in tho treasury with which to pay. It is chargod, too, that Prosidout Spin ney controls ovory act of tho company officers, names tho board of directors, draws whatovor salary pleases him, pays an o.xhorbitant salary to Mrs. Spinnoy, vice president of tho order, sud duos many other things indolluuco of tho stato law. It U charged also thut tho company bus obsorbed many other organizations, eighteen or more, nd through thorn has secuaed u few hundred mombors who are past tho legal ago or are plusicnlly dofcctlvo, no medical examinations having boon mado at tho tlmo of tho transfers. Export Accountant Wiggins has ex amined tho books and papors of tiio compuny and his report is most un favorable, but tho officers oxplnln that it is most unfair and that thoy will bo Hblo to show u oloau business reoord as well as establish thoir right to con tinue Lusinossin Nebraska. Treasurer Mortonson's oxpanslro smilo has grown oven broader this work, for it has boeome apparent that by tho end of tho current month at least 200,000 of tho btiito dobt will bo wiped out. Ono call for JoO.OOO has boon mado, another lias been pre pared and it is conlldently oxpectort that at least two more such calls will bo publishod boforo February ends. Treasurer Mortonsou points out, that, while wo are in tho habit of saying that tho stato is badly in dobt, it is a fact, and a most gratifying ono, that tho amount of doliiuiuout taxes owIng to tho stato practically equals ho stato dobt Under tho provisions of tho net passed by tho last legisln turo I lie back tuxes are pouring in rapidly nnd wo may expect to see tho state indebtedness dwindle gradually and eventually bo wiped out entirely, mid at the present ratethe time when Nebraska can rtccbiro herself free from money obligations of any sort will not be long in coming The fact that not a dollar of state mouoy is being wasted at present, and tho still more important circumstances that tralllcking in stato warrants with monoy on deposit in state banks coupled with tho diminution of tho cloud of debt which for years nud uudor nil admiuistra'ioiis litis over hung tbo commonwealth siilllclcntly account for tho satisfied look which is worn by Mr. Morten on, tho man who, assisted by tho legislature and backed by tho executive doparpnent, has brought about the present happy con dition of affairs. Tho call for tbo republican stato con vent ion was issued by Chairman Lind say last week. '1 ho con vein ion will bo hold at tho Audit"! linn in Lincoln, at 2 o'clock on tbo afternoon of May 18. Ill addition to a full set of state officers there will also bo choson eight prosi- doutul electors, nud tho and numbered senatorial districts will select members, of tho stato committee. With rofo--enco to the choice of a candldato for United State senator the call states tho action taken by tho stato com mittee, as follows: "In tho mooting of tho Nebraska republican stato committee, at which said state convention was authorized to be called, the following ves lution wns regularly adopted: "Whereas there is a general demand by the voters for a direct voto on candi dates for United States souators, and boliviiig in tho justieo of such demand. Therefor be it Resolved, That wo horoby rocom mond to tho stato convention, now called, that when convonod it nomi nate some candidate for United Stato-t Sonator; '1 hat wo recommend to each county convention thoy give said subject fair consideration; That wo shall recommend each county convention nominating its legislative tlckot boforo said conven tion is held, to plodgo suid nominees to support tho nomiuoo of tho stato convention fur Unitod States sonator, if any nomination bo mado." and popular tucked model that is particuhiry in evldenoo among well dressed women The tucks tiro deep and four in number, the lowest about six iin lies in depth, and the others are ' graduated, the top ono being about three Indies deep. Soft and rich, but not too dressy, silk kr.tsh Is a suitable fabric for all practical wear The girl or woman who wishes to appear well-dressed, no matter how much individualty sbo introduces in to hor gowns, must always carry an undcrtono of tho modes that bo, even 50,000 AMERICANS Were welcomed to 1 i t'j '? 1 1 Wii 1 ERRn I (2 l-y Apparel for the Young Girl. Afternoon and evening toilets for young girls differ little from tho modos prevailing in tho adult world, and tho quaint models pattomod af tor thoso of hor grandmother do much to en- chance hor girlish charms. And with tho wide scope of tho pre sent stylos, homo dressmaking is much loss difficult than with tho severe modes of a fow seasons ago. Moro than out) ravishing toilot is pnsslblo to tho girl of limited means, and uover wus ho wide a scope for ludividiility of tutto. Hut lot dainty bo tho koy noto in tho young girl's apparel. Tho really well dressed girl Is novor ovordrossod. of hunt! work there o-uinnt bo too much and the material may bo lino, but never gorgeous Tho exquisite white gown I havo depicted for you in my illustration is mado of washable l'eau do Crope, it's yoke hand tucked, and is prettily trim mod in a scroll doslgn In white- satin ribbon, appliquod on by fagot, stitch ing in heavy silk. , Tho dark bluo silk krash skirt on my socond tlguro exemplifies tho now to lior smallest accessories, her boots and gloves carefully selected, mid her peifumo refilled and delicato. And as the fashions chango in dross, so do they in perfumes, and in the; o days of 18.10 modos milady do icatoly sconts hor ovory garment with now and subtle bouquet of old timoquaiut ness kuowu to tho fastidious as Enigma a creation of tho great Lubin of Paris, whoso fame began in our grand mothers' timo. With euro in tho selection of hor hat?, avoiding all outre styles, a fashionablo, thoiub not oxageratod model in hor corset and any ono of the t ho C 13. a la Spirito models is an oxcollont ono to chooso any blouso that leans toward simplicity rather than showinosH, and sho will present a charming picture of our much-ad inirc d American womanhood. leelng LHectrlcltjr. The phenomena of electric discharges In vacuum tubes give the nearest ap proach to seeing electricity that are likely to be made. Tho streams of cor puscles propelled along the tubes sug gested to Crookes In 1870 the idea of a fourth state of matters, and these cor puscles smaller than atoms, and tho same In all kinds of gases were named electrons by Stoncy, and have come to be regarded as the electric parts of all atoms, or even as making up matter Itself. When torn from Its groups or from matter the electron travels with a speod comparable to that of light. A body charged with electricity, If at rest, presents the phenomena of elec trostatics; If In motion, those of elec tricity and magnetism; If In acceleration or change of motion, those of light and radiation generally. W. Western Canada during past Year ThciMiro settled nnd Rcttllnot on tho drain nnd Grazing Lnnds there, and nrc healthy, prospermia nnd sntltfiul. Sir Wilfred I.nurlcr, speaking of Cr.nndn, recently snldi "A new star hns risen upon tho horizon, and It Is toward It that every immigrant who leaves the land of his ancestors to emtio and seek a homo for himself now turns his gnzo" Thcro Is ni j, (?? Room for Millions. FltRKHomeatendato every hrnd or n family, Mchooli, Vliurcliri. Itnllumya. Mar ket!. Cllmnte everything lo be Urtlrrd. For a descriptive. Atlas and other Information, apply to Superintendent Immigration, Ottawa, Canada; or authorized Canadian Government Agent V. BENNETT, 8oi New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. CATARRH liy? rSMffikm SiSSaffBl ES "O gpFEVER : soj fYRT Ely's Cream Balm This Romody Is a Spoclflc, Suro to Give- Satisfaction. OIVK8 RELIEF AT ONOE It cleanser, soothes, hunls, and protects tho diseased mombrnno. It cures Catarrh and drives awnv a Cold in the Head quickly, llostores tho Senses of Tusto nnd Smcil. Ijisy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed. Largo Size, GO cents at Druggists or by mull ; Trial Sizo, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren St., New York. fvvvAVWy, IThe Day j tarts ff ight v& For Sale by R.obinsorv & Burden Wonderful dork. The Grand I'alals In Paris possesses a wonderful clock, which was shown In the Paris exhibition of 1855. ItwaBtho work of Collin, and has Just been over ruled. It Is claimed for this chef l'oeuvre, says tho Dehats, that It does lot vary more than the hundredth part 3f a second In a year. It Is four and a half meters In height, and Indicates tho ttmo In the 12 chief cities of the world, each city ha Ins Its own dial. The clock not only marks the year, month and day of the week, hut Its pendulum forms a barometer of singular precision. r ; BLACK - DRAUGHT STOCK a POULTRY MEDICINE Stock ana poultry ha70 few troubles which are not bowel and livAr irregularities. Black- Draught Stock and Poultry Medi cino ii a bowel and liver remedy for stock. It puts tho organs of digestion in a perfect condition. Prominent American breeders and farmers keep their herds and flocks healthy by giving them an occa sional doso of. Ul-ck-Draugkt Stock and Poultry Medicine in their food. Any stock raiser may buy a 25-cent half-pound air-tight can of this medicino from his dealer and keep his stock in vigorous health for weeks. Dealers gener ally keep Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicino. If yours doce not, send 25 cents for a sample can to tho manufacturers, 1 ho Chattanooga Medicino Co., Chat tanooga, Tenn. WHITE HOUSE GR.OCERS mcu. COFFEE "" BUTCHERS. witk your breakfast. It has a flavor that's all itfl own you don't get it in any other brand. : c:. It iMoldby allsroccn in l and i-pound cant only, Packtd ana teled by ui and guaranteed lull weight. DWINELL-WRIGHT GO.(Boston. TELEPHONE No. Shave?" You are "Next" at j Oliver SchatTniVs Barber Shop, J Basoment Potter-Wright Building. J I Scissors Ground, Hazors Honed,; noenmin, Qa., Jan. 80, 1902. Black-Draught Stock and roultry Medicino la tho best I over tried. Our stock was looking bad when you sent mo tho medicino and now thoy are gotttnfc bo fine. Thoy nro looking 20 tier cent, better. 1 B. P. BnOOKINQTON. fDoN'T Be Fooled Genuine ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA la put up In white package, manufactured exclusively by tho fiadlson Mtdlclni Co., Madison. Wis. Sella at ja cents package. All other are rank Imitations and substitute!, don't risk your health by taking them. THUOliNUINK makes sick Beoplo Well, Keeps you Well. All Honest isalers tell the Genuine. HOLUSTER DKUO CO, Madison, Wis. YARNS! I his is the Yarn Store. Tho only complete line of Yarns in the city. Fleisher's, Shet land Moss, Zephyr, etc. Dress Goods and Trimmings . i. ai -'jsa-i 'Vi imMM&iJ r U- J.v , 1 i jfo We have a few remnants of dress goods that are bar gains, among them: All-wool Venetian Flake, per yard, 50c. 56-inch wide Re pellant, for ladies' skirts, per yard, 65c. Henriettas, all col ors, per yard, 50 and 25c. Standard Calicoes, remnants, per yd, Sc. Embroideries and Uaces Our Laces and Embroideries are of the latest and standard patterns, and the prices are down to the bottom. Notions, Etc. We are selling Hairpins, Combs, etc., at prices 25 to 50 per cent below "closing out" and other "fake" bargain prices. F. Newhouse, RED CLOUD, NEB. City Dray and Express Line. BOREN & STUDEBAKEK, PROPS. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY Residence 52 AGENTS FOR ADAHS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Office 1 19 I FRESH MEATS I ft".X When purchnsiiiK Frosh and Suit Moats, it" Fish, Ciuino, otc., remember tho old Post- .'45' olllco Meat Market, Shoror's old stand. 1 C. E. HARRINGTON, 5. Successor to Ed Shcrcr. Wim Mi ft ".-. BJBk. CHICHESTER'S ENQLISH Pennyroyal pills r-v Orlslnal mill Onlj ticnulnn. ror'.i r.nuiitaii 11 KKU nj Uold mtullle boi. .1.1 v-Uhblotrlbboo. Tiikeiivotlirr Itrru Dugcrou Mub.tltutlom ud ImlU. !!. Hj or your Urocct.t or wDd4i. in lunu fur I'ariloMlar. TcKtlaonUU ud "Reller ror Ladle." M l.llor'. by r. tan Mdl. lll.OUUT.atimalilAlfl. Holilbr til Dr.nliu. CklthMUr Caemlaal Co. MaaiMa Baara, ruiiA ra. m a 5 AND ALL KINDS OF EDGEj TOOLS SHARPENED I All kinds of barbor work executed! piuuipiijr nun aaiioiauiion J Ruarantoed. RHEUMATISM OUltKI) IN A DAY. Mystic Cure for lUicnmatlsm and Neuraliila radically cures lu 1 lo H days, Ha action upon the aritem U remarkable and nijtterloiu It removcB at once thu cause and the disease Im mediately disappear. Tbo first dose greatly benefits. 76 cents and ti.OO. Sold by H. E. Once, Drugtriit. lied Cloud. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clr.f and beauilflM tho hair, l'roinotrr a luxuriant growth. Nevpr Paili to Jlr.tore Ory llalr to ita Youtliful ColorT Curci laralp Ulwawi hair laJllog. Afc.aiidtljiUat DruwtiU " INPI.AMMATOKY HIIKUMATISM CUHED IN 3 DAYS. Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon Intl., nays; "My wife had Inflammatory Hlieumatlum In eTery muscle and Joint; her suffering was terrible aud her body and face were awollen almost be yond rccognlilon; bad been In bed Mx weekH and' bad elcht physicians, but received no bencllt until she tried the Mystic Curo for Mieumatlsm. It gave Immediate relief anti she was Hblo lo walk about In three dava. 1 am ffaWrss &W" 8ow by-H-'B-orice- To Cure a Cold in One Day Tain Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. (VJ Svw MHonkose wMla port 13 moalkt. This Mgnttore, &' SWZ?Tl Core Grip laTwoDays. , onevtry DOX.350 ...........