- THE CHIEF IED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. P. C. Piiaues, Editor. 80US0ntrTION HATES. One year ! oo lxmnutht ... so Bntered at trio pot offlce at llod Cloud.Tleb.as eoond class mull matter. AuVKItTlSINO IIATKS: Furnished on application. TELEPHONE, SEVEN - TWO Ilully for tho Japs 1 What is tho Roosevelt club doing? How would you like to bo a Russian just now? Tho Japs hnvo at lust wonrlod of Russia's doublo-doaling and procoodod to give tho hour 11 lesson. Tho oflleinl call for tlio Republican Htnto convention, to bo hold lit Lin coln, May 18, has boon issued by tho Htnto central committee. Tho serious Illness of Sonutor M. A. Uiinnii lias caused considerable appro honuion in tlio ranks of tho Republi can party. Senator Ilanua will bo n powor in tho Republican party as long as ho lives. Tho sympathies of tho American peoplo, and of all other civilized na tions except Prance, aro with plucky littlo Japan in hor fight against tho ag gressions of Russia Franco lias been unfortunate in her friendships. Tho dignity and wisdom displayed by Judge Keeney in his conduct of tho preliminary hearing of Frank Darker Hhowcd that tlio voters of Webster county made no mistake in electing him to tho olllco of county judge. In many respects the Haltimoro tiro was remarkable. The property lo'-s has never been exceeded in tills coun try except by tlio great Chicago dis aster; tlio rapidity with which tlio Hames spread was thought to lie im possible under modern conditions, and tlio remarkable abscncb of fatalities in a conflagration so great is astound ing. Not a single lifo was lost, and the severely injured wore few in num ber. JohnOtho Yoiser, formerly of this city, now of Omaha, has nnuouced his return to tlio ranks of tho Republican party after having been in outer dark ness since tho Populist crnzo sprang 'into existence. This announcement is probably duo in somo measure to tho statomont nindo by Alfred Soren son (who is booming hlmsolf in his paper, tho Omaha Examtnor, for tho United States sonutorship) that when he in elected to tho senate ho will havo Yoiser appointed attorney general of the United States. Fruuco will probably docllno to join tho movement inaugurated by tlio United States and concurrod in by tho othor powers, tonding'.to malntaiu tho integrity of China, no matter who wins in tho prosont contest. Franco is still soro at tho United States ovir tlio result of tho Spanish-A nioricaii war. Thou, too, tho miserable failure of tho French in their efforts to build tho Panama canal, which work will bo carried to completion by tlio United States, lias arousedunreasonablo jeal ousy in the breasts of somo French men. Ayers Take cold easily? Thro at 1 tender? Luncs weak? Any relatives have consumption? Then a cough means a great Cherry Pectoral deal to you. Follow your doctor's advice and take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It heals, strengthens, prevents. " For 0 years 1 tiara depended on Ayer's Cherry 1'ectoral for countis and coldi. I know It greatly strengthens weak lung)." Mm. 1'. a. ltuniNsoN, Blluo, Mich. 2Se.,80I..il.OO. AlldrugKtiti. J.c. ATinco., ljiwfll. Mute. for Weak Lungs Ayer's Pills Increase the activity of the liver, and trus aid recovery. PROFIT The matter of feed is of tremendous importance to the farmer. Wrong feeding is loss. Right feeding is profit. The up-to-date farmer knows what to feed his cows to get the most milk, his pigs to get the most pork, his hens to get the most eggs. Science. But how about the children ? Arc they fed according to science, a bone food if bones arc soft and undeveloped, a flesh and muscle food if they are thin and weak and a blood food if there is anemia? Scott's Emulsion is a mixed food ; the Cod Liver Oil in it makes flesh, blood and muscle, the Lime and Soda make bone and brain. It is the standard scientific food for delicate children. Send for free sample. lit lure that tills ntcture In the form ol a labtl is on the wrapper ol every bottle of Emulsion you buy. Scott &Bowne CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c. and $l 1 all druggist. Atchison Globe Slfthts. Laugh when a friend tolls 11 joke; it is one of tho taxes you must pay. If a brakomnn speaks the language ho refers to his caboose as "the hack." No mau can go hunting or llsning without making an explanation alter wards. Tho trouble with sympathy is that if it is not given to you, it is so apt to bo misplaced. Wo liavo remarked 1 hat when wo ro coivo a letter from Washington, wo 111 0 referred to as "Hon " Thoy say of a cortain man that ho is so badly shaped that ho can wear noth ing rcady-mado except uu umbrolla. V hen a woman dies, tho papers say sho was a tocioty woman, thinking it 11 gro it compliment. Hut it's not. Don't worry about tho falluro of the ico crop this winter. You can keep the butter in the well next summor, and get along. Somo pooplo straighton their arms up and out u few times, wa.k around tho block and imoglno thoy havo ouough exercise for tho day. As soon as a woman marrios shegots hor toetli ilxod. As soon as man is oloetod to a good big olllce, ho bog ins to lay oir woiks at u timo, owing to ' illness." An old fellow is makiug a fool of nimsoir in Atchison over a woman. That sort of thing should b-i laid asldo at thirty or forty; oarllor If possible An old follow should bo able to defend himself. About all tho dliforonco botwoon a g.iobt from New York and ono from Smith's Cross iionds is that thoformor refers to the servant girl as a maid, and tlio latter wants to sit in tho kitchen and visit with her. Onco a thing is pronoucod propor it goes on forever. In tho ilaya of bar barism, it was nocossary to watcli tho j bodies of tho dead to keop wild anl 1 mals from getting at them. Wo still watch tho bodios of tho dead at night. A boy took his teacher a half on app'e. Tho toachor thanked him for his thought fuluoss, and offered him u part of It. "As a niattor of fact," tho boy ilnally confessed in rofuslucr. "I ute my apple, and half of yours " . . It Ketps the Fett'Warm and Dry. Ask todny for Allen's Foot-Easo, a powder. It cures chilblain?, swollen, sweating, soro aching, dump foot. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. 12 4 w I'rottyMNs Nelllo Hnsoimb, Omaha: "I owe my Rood looks and lualth to Holhster's RocKy Mountain tea. Havo fully regained my health," Tea or tablets. 35 cents C L. Cottlng, JE-arsssW $ m I IM:AI - m m m Stock saddles at Joe Fugel's. Light hurncss at Joo Kegel's. Joe Itlalr was in town this week. Try fiat calf meal nt Caldwell's. Car best Colorado coal at C ildwell's Li on Marsh wont Im Hastings Tues day. Mrs. J. L. Minor wont to Bluo Hill Tuenday. The tenth grade had a Imlf holiday Tuesday. Wrtlt Kaloy was up from Chester this week. O. W. Black was d-iwn from Alma this week. Mis. Charles Kobinson is rop'irted to bo very ill. J. W. Wallin is homo from Sour Lako, Texas. Infants' all-wool whito shirt?, COc. F. Nowliouso. Herbert Conover was down from Mc Cook Saturday. Try Ward Hayes for a first) clues shavo or hair-cut. P. A. Williams was down from Hivortnn Sunday. Ed Gillard nrido a short trip to Napnnoo this week. Mrs. Fred Turutiro has returned from Muryvillo,Mo. G. W. Hito was down from Campbell this week on business. Furnished Rooms for Rent Inquiro of Mrs. J. A. Tulloyj. If you want tho host and cheapest harness, go to Fogel's. Sco Joo Fogol for anything in tho harness or saddlery lino. Place your ordor? for next car Sheri dan coal. J. O. Caldwell. Shippon's big horse sale Wednesday 24:h,;don't foiget tho dato. Miss Mary Po torso n was in Guide Rock the first of tho wook. Miss Moody of liluo Hill visited in Red Cloud tho lirst of tho wook. Cook wanted at tlio Hon Ton; 920 per month, board, room and washing. Morauville's Perfection Hair Tonic for sale at Seliaffnil's barber shop. Quick sorviro and first class work is the motto at SchiilTnii's linrber shop. Charles (Just went to Kansas city with somo cattle tho lirst of tlio week. Grant Turner, who last week quit tlio dray lino is now working at Johnston's. Mr. J L. Minor and daughter Irene havo returned from their eastern trip. Mrs. tlralick visited in Franklin with Mrs Nellie Moore tho first of tho week. Mr. and Mis G A Latta entertained their neighbors and friends last Tues day. Ed Walters came homo from Lincoln o attend tbo funeral of his siator, Mrs. Alice Barker. Hev. A. A Cressman of Grand Island and Hev. Wm. Iiauptmann will ex chango pulpits noxt Sunday. Mrs. Charles M Cord arrived from Denver Monday to attond the funeral of hor sister, Mrs. Alice Barker. County Clerk E. 8. Garber has pur chased the residence of D J. Myers in this city and will soon taito possession. Arthur F. Kuhlmann of Republic Kan , and Miss Matilda Bargtield of Guide Rook were licensed to marry Monday. Roscoe Sellars will leave tomorrow tor Denver, Col., where ho will be in the employ of D.J. Myers, formerly of this city. The Schubort Mandolin and Guitar Club will render some very bewitching selections at the Schuborl's concert on Thursday, February 25. Llewellyn D. Qeorgo of Broken Bow, Neb., and Miss Avvio Lirrick of Bladen were married nt Bladen Tues day by Rev. E. L. Wolf. Tho entertainment givon by tho Do Moss Lyric Bards at the M B. church Monday night was well attended and those present report au enjoyable time. Charhs Alios, living over in Garlield township, had iho uiitfortunu to break one of his tone Tuesday, while handling some logs. Dr. D.uncroll droned tlio injured member. Roy Garl'or camo up from Guide Hock Thursday night. Ho has a job as timekeeper for a gang of H. & M. con crete workers and has hcon at Hum bolt, Neb , for somo timo past. Drs. Weiriok and Riddilo of Hast iugi will meet oyo, car, nose and throat patients and those needing glasses Qited. In Red Cloud Friday, robruary 19, in Dr. Creighton's oflice. The Rod Cloud footb.tll team will givo a social danoo at Potter's hall Friday night February II. Yourself and ladies are cordially invited to at tend. Good music ami good ordor Danciug 6O0. It isn't how much cold cream a woman puts on hor f.ico but how muoh Rocky Mountain to sho takes insldo that brings out real beauty, Hollister's llni'kv Mrmntnln run iminnlnrlnnD at.,.. 3 conts, Toa or tablets. C. L. dotting. At tho mooting hold last Saturday 'those interested iu establishing a This is the proper time to buy an OVERCOAT if you wish to save money. This is the proper place to buy it if you wish to get good goods, correct styles, honest workmanship and all around guarantee of satisfaction or money returned. 20 Per Cent Discount on Men's, Boys' and Children's OVERCOATS and HEAVY SUITS. Beckwith, cnntial for tho rural phones in this city decided that all rural lini h should build to Red Cloud, where they will consolidate under tho namo of tho Farmers' Mutual Telephone Co. Tho great populatity of tho Schubert Lady Quartette is not only their grand voices, but also bocauso thoy study to please tho ponple. All their encores aro either amusing, or artistic arrange ments of thnso sweet old melodies so dear to nil American hearts. Hoar them on Thursday, February 25. It is some years since I hoard Rov. A. A.CrcsMUin's lecttiro on Lincoln, but there remains in mind a pleasant recollcetion of tho force, power aud personality of tho speaker. I should adviso all admirers of Lincoln and those who rnjoy anintollccMial treat to hoar Mr. Cressman. Mrs. Win. Iiaupt mann. Just as Lincoln's birthday draws near wo havo a chwico to hear a lec ture on his life and chiraelor. Rev. A. A. CiTs-tn in of Grand Island will de liver the lout me at tho Congngitional church on Monday night. Proceeds go to Youug People's Christian associa tion. Come, hear a good lecture and help u worthy cause. Admi sion lru. Tho conceit of tho Madrigal Ladies' Qnartotto at tho M. E. church lat night was well attended and everyone oujoiod the entertainment Owing to a misunderstanding it was 0 o'clock when tho entertainment began, but the crowd win well repaid for waiting. 'Ibis is tho last entertainment in the Ladies' Aid S leluty lecture course. M. S. Marsh, p oprietor of the Royal hotel, was obliged to ejret a traveling man from tho ollloo of tho hotel Tues day. It seems that tho party "had it iu" for tho U. C. T., thetravoling men's union, aud wns "roasting" tho order. As there wore toveral numbers of the ordor present, they took exceptions to the remarks of tho belligerent. To avoid a row, Mr. Marsh "tirod" the offending person from the hotel. For fifty conts yeu can buy ton yards of calico or ton pounds of sugar; a plug of tobacco; ten cigars; a circus ticket, a ticket to the theater, when we got tboso liro escapes, or five diinks of ohoap whisky, or a bottle of patent medicine, but bestof all with fifty cents you can buy a soldiers' monument button, 01 namont yoor coat and your money will bo crystal zod in a thing of boauty, to bo soon and admired for ages to como. For salo at all stores A Jaunt to Old Mexico. On February 18 tho Burlington will run a personally conducted excursion from Lincoln to Old Mexico aud re turn. This is a rare opportunity to see tho "Egypt of tlio Western bond sphere" at minimum cost. Early intimation of your intention to Hucompiny this party is necessary. For full information write t G. W. Bunnell, city passenger agent, Bur liugton touto, Lincoln, Neb Farm Loans. I havo just prepared 1113 solf to make farm loans at a low rate of interest either in Jewell, Smith or Wobster counties; can pty off at any time. J. II. iUiLKV, Rod Cloud. To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Brotuo Quinine Tab. lots. All druggists rotund the money if it fulls to cure. E. W. Grove's signa ture is on each box. 2oc. M INSURANCE ngninst Firo, Lightning, Cy clones and Windstorms, soo JNO. B. STANSER, agent for tho Fnrmors Union Insur ance Co., Lincoln, Nob., tho host in surance company In tho stato, Wescott "One price and no monkey business. Newhouse Jewelers S Satisfaction v-i....9 n.v.."r ......v. ;......; 1 SAY, niSTERl I 3 J Do you know that it will pny YOU. as 4 woll as US, to buy your Buildiug Ma- f terial and Coal at our yards? Not only 4 flint mi. .llrta .vwn. I... -. .- that our prices avebaoe lower, or at luuai. ua mw, hj moso oi our competit ors, but because wo tnko especial euro of and protect nil can be classed ns REGULAR CUSTOMERS. PL ATT & Coal. wwwvvnnvminn,,,,,,,, TRADERS LUMBER CO. DEALER 9 IN lumber and Coal, BUILDING MATERIAL, ETC. Red Cloud, - - . Nebraska. Order to Show Cause. IX TIIK COUNTY COUHT. Stnlo of NebrmiLn, j. W'cbMcr C'otiuty. j At n county rotirt lirld nt the rnnnlv couit room In niiiJ for mid comity, fcbruiiry Stti. A I) 10OI In 'the matter ot the eMttto of Stlne Erlclmou, ilrccHscd. On rprtdliiK niul lllliiK Die pet Hon of r.corpe W. Hutchison, irn)liiK Unit the Instrument ll!ed on the Slti day uf Kebnmry. I'.kh, mid imp partita: 10 bo the Intt wit and lestnment of tho aid deceased may bo proved, approved, probated, allowed mid recorded an tlu HKt will and testament of tho t,ald MI110 Krlckson, deceased, nud that tbo execution of the Instrument bo committed, and tbo administration of ald enate mnv bo grant ed to U, II. Croue and William II. 'l'homiin, as oxecutora. Ordered, that Monday, tlio MUh day of February. A. D. IU1H, at id o'clock a. m la aetlEued for bearing said petition, when all persona Interested In said mat ter may appear at a county court to be held Iu and for mid county and show cauee why Iho prayer of petition should not bo granted; and that notice of tho pendancy of said pctl lion and the bearing thereof be given to all persona Interested In said matter, by publish' Ing n copy of this order In- tho ed Cloud t'uiKr, a weekly newspaper published In laid county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, Isealj A. II, Kkzmy, telM County Judge. Creamery Meeting All persons interested in establish ing an independent creamery in this vicinity aro requosted to moot at tho court bouse 111 Red Cloud to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock' for tbo purpnso of thoroughly discussing tho matter, K-' ' o,..'('.dj ?r"A','.'i P5?!' -'v' (.'"'; fnv3' 'l 8 Storey 99 Brothers Opticians Guaranteed &4.. .-... ::.....?...... ;....". ..It. FREES CO. lAimher time table. Red Cloud, Neb. LINCOLN OMAHA v Oil I (J AGO SI. J OK KANSAS CITY S'J. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVEH HELENA IWT'lE SAL7 LAKE O'T PORTLAND SA. FHAXCISCO and all point west. TBAINB LtAVI AS TOLLOWa; 13. Passenger dally for Obcrlln J?d.bh Jftncls branches. Ox-J0"?- -McCook, Deuveraud all poluts west . , 6-35 ra M. Passenger dally for St. Joe. ?a !,"", VU5 Atchison. St Louis Lincoln via Wymore and all points cast and south 210 a m U. Passenger, dally, Denver, all po ntsln Colorado. Utah 5d No. No, No No. 18. PaBonger.dMly"forstrjoe Kansas c tv. Aii.i,unA u. iaiiiorilift ' ,.-. W..W fM I.ntllft a.t.1 ". .H M4 I All hA - w- 1 points east and' south.. NO. 174. Accommatjoiiep, -10:35a. land. Ulack ifiila and in points i ,o nonnUuLi1 2:00 p Cloud, Nebr. or J. Fr'I1ei,nom,ri,.AgSnt' Rt Agtini Omaha, Nelraiia ' Uer1 rMen