--jaBtL4aPSSS? R,4&:3j TtmA ' rr " "! JESaim Carbollized Witch Hazel and Arnica Salve o nmko it. Wo lo not know or a hotter salvo or ointment. This is tho ono that euros. It should ho kept on hand constantly, so thai it can ho npplicd promptly in omor floneies. It relievos quickly tho pain from hums and scalds, heals cuts, cracked hands, ote ; a thor oughly roll hlo ointment that many people "swear by." Price, 'i.'i cents. If not satisfactory, your money refunded. Chas. L. Coding, The Druggist. Dressmaking Plain and Fancy Sewing at Reasonable Prices. MRS, J. A. TULIEYS MISS 1NELLE ENERTON Parlors at homo of Mrs. Tulloys. . 'WWWWW Bowling is a ploasant recreation, is invigorating and is a healthful pastime, and for a pleasant hour's amusement nothing is moro interesting than a game or two at the : : : Apex Bowling Alleys w. l. momillan, Proprietor. Choice Tobaccos and Cigars Always on Hand. illiHlMKHIftfk -if LOCALETTES m m Mrs. A. Koats is seriously ill. Stock Baddies at Joe Fogel's. Light harness at Joo Fogel's. Vena Dyer is on tho sick list. Miss NottolFort is visiting in Or leans. Aaron Conover is home from his trip to Utah. Mr. Harfoy was down from Inavalo 4he week. The football boys' have postponed their dance. Infants' all-wool white sblrt, 50c. i Newhouse. Mrs. Vic Manspeaker is visiting in Moderly, Mo. Tho senior class will give a social in tho near future. Oharlev Moore was up fronGuide iiRock yesterday. E. M. Hollingsworth of Wymore was in town this week. Dr. D. Ureenledgo of Alma was in town Wednesday. Try Ward Hayes for a first", class .jtiavo or hair-cut. A. A. Framo went to Blue Hill tho the first of tUe week. If you want tho host and cheapest harness, go to Fogel's. Furnished Uooms for Kent Inquire of Mrs. J. A. Tulloys. SeeJooFogol for anything in tho tiarncss or saddlery liuo. Place your ordors for noxt car Sheri dan co.il. J. O. Caldwell. John Nowmun of Alnn has taken a .position at Johnston's barn. J Captain F. Houchin is homo from a trip to Siloam Springs, Ark. Ed Waltors is "holdlug dowu" a job in a livory ntublo at Lincoln. Alfred Hadell wont to St. Joo tho first of tho week on business. Lafe Hotburgor Is working in the oflice of tho Minden Gazette. Miss Nolllo Marsh left yesterday for Hastings for a visit with friends. . Moranvlllo's Perfection Hair Tonic for sale at Sohaffnlt's barber shop. Quick service and first class work is the motto at Sobaffnlt'd harbor shop. Mr. and Mrs. I. Walker of Inavalo wcre In tho city tho tlrst of tho week. L. B. Tait took in the mooting of tho Uobraska Press association at Linooln. GefAgo F. Uouso is homo from Denver, whoro ho has boon for soveral weeks. Skating i9 BEftiu good and tho young (air will next oivo a social at Huntley's hall Tuesdav night. Tho G A It. nioniumont fund noods a little more boosting, llavo you bought a button? Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McKlmmoy of Holiiri'RO nro the guests of Mi, and Mrs. Onus. Grout. Will Parker is homo from Suporlor, whoro he hud a contract for putting in a hot w.Uer plant. Kd Harm in, who Ins boon visiting his mother, Mrs. I. B. Hampton, left for Omaha yostorday. John Hrittin, who has mado his homo at DoUwick for sotno time, has returned to Red Cloud. OctoOrtmanof Bluo Hill is sorvlng a thirty-day sontonco in the county j ill for steal ng a revolver. Tho ladies of the Congregational chun'h will give a social at the homo of Mis J. S. Gilham tonight. O. C. Tool is homo from Lincoln, whoro he attended tho meeting of tho Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co. Miss Hattio Morrison and Miss Myra Grlffi-th, witn escorts, attended a loap year party in Cowlos last night. F. H. Morris of Hastings, represent ing tho International Corropondonco Schools, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Turnuro loft Wednesday morning for Maryviilo, Mo., whero eho was called by tho death of a nieco. Mrs. A. A. Swam and two children camodown from Alma Friday to spend Saturday and Sunday with Mr.Swnrtsr. Services at tho M. E. church Sunday, morning and evening. Morning sub ject, "Prayer." E. L. Hutchins, pastor. Mrs Cora Kidd, who has boon visit ing ber mother, Mrs. Charles IJefso, has returned to her home in Sednlia, Mo. , Kellar Coplen, son of L. E. Copten, who has charge of tho county poor farm, is vory ill with typhoid pneu monia. MisFlo Palmer has quit hnr jib at the Argus office and Art MoArthur hns resumed his former place as "devil" in that shop. Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Bruer of McCook have moved their household goods hero and will make this their home in the future. Miss Harriet E. Ranney, formerly of this city, was married Wednesday, January 10, to Oicar F. Langley, at B lyonne, N. J. The young ladies of this city will give a swell leap year party at Potter's hall next Thursday evening. It will be the society event of the year. Thornt Foe has established a real estate office at Cowles, taking charge of the business formerly ban lied by County Judge A. H. Keenoy. The little son of Will Larue, ongineer on the switch engine at the depot, had his arm broken Thursday while play ing at the South Ward school. Charley Stout, who has been work ing at Johnston's livery barn, has re signed his j b and will go into tho real estate business with J. P. Hale. Mips Beulah Harm an and Miss Ella Cook and Mr. Ed Harman and Mr. Adair Galusba spent Sunday in Bloom ington with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Waldo. Miss Charlotte Worley has resigned her position as principal of the high school. Rev. J. M. Bates has tempo rarv charge of the Latin and German classes. Will Koon bas purchased the meat business of Robinson St Burden. Messors Robinson and Burden will continue tho grocery business as formerly. Mrs. Nat Ayres was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rust tho first of tho weok. She was enrouto to her homo in Beaver City from a trip to Siloam Springs, Ark. The young people of tho M. E. church will givo n social at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Albright this evening. An effort will bo mado to rcorganizo tho Epworth league 820 Acres Ono of tho host farms In Webster Co., $27 por aero, long ttmo on part payment. Owner bankrupt; must bo sold. Box 108, Red Cloud, Nobr. feb.13. Jennie Stltzor, Omaha "I have gained thirty.flvo pounds in two months. Nothing did mo any good un til I used Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea." A blessing to sickly woman. O. L. Cotting. Do tho clti.ons of Red Cloud want the interstate reunion this fall? Tuoy can havo it if they want, it badly enough to put up a suffioiont guaran. tee for tho oxponsos. Undor favorablo weathor conditions thoso gatherings attract large crowds of visitors and are a good advertisemont for a town. Now is a good time to begin consideration of tho matter. Mrs. Anna Bomford of Wostorn, Nob., has purchased tho millinery stook and fixtures of Mrs. B. R. Mc Brldo and will tako possession In tbo near future. Mrs. 'Bomford will also carry a full line of ladies' furnishing goods, Mrs. Mulirldo, who retires from tho busiuenH, has boon a resident Mks are taking advantago of tho weather. Tho Ladies of tho M iccaboos of Rd Cloud for moro than thirty years and during tho grcator part of that timo has buen in tho millinery buMni'cft, and her in nv old friends and custeuiors will bo sorry to hear of her decision to rttlio. The dato of the I. O. O. F. drill con tost has bt on definitely fixed for Fri day, Fobitary 20. A hanilsomo gold mounted roso wood gavel hns been ordered as a pi 1m for tho winning team. Tnero aro twenty-six Oiid Fellow lodges In tho district and thn majority will undoubtedly sond tennis to contest for tho prizi. In our pre vious artiolo on this suhjfot wo said tho binquct would ho under tho super vision of thn Indiesnf tho nrdor. This was an error, as this feature will he under tho direction of thn W. 11. C. and the proceeds will go tho soldiers' monument fund. Two Plonkers Dead. Death has again takan two of tho oldest and most prominont citizens of this county, In tho persons of John Hnrdwioke, who diod Wcdnosday, and Williiim llurd, who passed away Thurs day. JOHN IIAKDWICKK. John Ilitrdwicke, who died Wednes day, w.is about 72 yenrs of ngo. Hu camo to Wobstor county over twenty II vo yenrs ngo, ntid settled in Walnut towrship. southeast of Innvalc. Mr. Ilardwickr, was eccentric in his habits and ho and his son lived alono on their farm at tho mouth of BuiLilo creek. They Foldom mingled with their neigh bors, mid very Hi to is known of Mr. Hardwicke's history. Besidos tho son who mado his homo with him, Mr. Hardwicko has another sou living in Ohio. Mr. Hardwioko was successful as a farmer and stock raiser, and amassed a fortuno by strict honesty and untiring work. At ono timo Mr. Hardwicko lost a small fortuno by the failure of a bank in this city, but bo was financially ablo to stand tho loss. Funeral sorvices were held at 2 o'clock Friday, at Hummel school bouso, con ducted by Rev. Wm. Hauptmann of this city. WILLIAM HURD. William Hurd, of dwlcs, who died Thursday, was one of the early pioneers of Webster county, coming here in tho ?0's and locating near Cowles Ho was past 80 years of ngo, and death was due mainly to old age. Mr. Hurd is survived by his aged wife and five children, William, F. A. and R. L. Huid, Mrs. A. A. B irenof this city and Mrs. LVL Borec of Alma. Funeral services were held at bis late tome at Cowles at 2 o'clock this afternoon and interment will be in the Cowles ceme tery. Mr. Hurd was well known and highly respected, and his death will be regretted by all who knew him. Owing to the lateness of tho hour when we learned of Mr. Hurd's doatb, we are unable to give as full or accu rate an account of Mr. Hurd's lifo as we would have like to. Twa Accidental Deaths. Last Friday thero occurred two deaths near Eckley under circum stances unusually sad. On Tuesday, January 10, Thomas Howard was kicked by a horse and his injuries proved fatal. On Friday, January 22, George B. Henderson was thrown from a horse and received injuries which resulted In his death a few hours later. The young men were full cousins. Funeral services for both were held at the Eokley M. E.cburcb, 7 miles north east of Cowles, at the same hour Bun- day, January 24, conducted by Rev. B. F. Hutchins, and their bodies were laid to rest in the Eokley cemetery. Thomas Howard was born in this county April 22, 1880, and was 23 years and nine months old at the time of bis death. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Howard. Georgo Birten Henderson was born in Wobster county Marsh 10, 1883, and was 21 years, 10 months and 8 days of ago at tho timo of his death. Both young mon wcro well and favorably known, and leave .a large numbor of frlonds and relatives to mouru their untimely den'.h, Tho bereaved parents and relatives havo tho sympathy of tho ontiro community. Real Estate Transfers. Tran9fors for week ending Wednes. dny, January 27, furnished by J. H, Bailoy of Wobster County Abstract company. A J Guy and wifo to Wobster county pt n2 nw4 1-210 wd.... 75 Obas M Smith and wife o David L Groat loti 19 and 20 blk 15 Smith & Moores add to R O wd 150 Lincoln Land Co to Ralph Cure lots bk 11 Rosomontwd 50 Henry Greon and wife to Andrew Stroh nw4 81-40 wd QlOf Frank Jiskra toNellioK McClure 86410-2-11 wd 5200 Max Baum to John C Delay lots 4 and 5 blk 10 Vanoes add to Guido Rock qcd 55 Total Mortgages filed 90800. Mortgages released $1475. 18750 It Keeps the Feet;Warm and Dry, Ask today for Alton's Foot-Easo, a powder. It cures chilblain?, swollou, sweating, soro aching, dump feet. At all druggists and shoe store;, 20o. 12 4 4s& w $ ft ft ft vl Vf Our ft l K 0 to Hi it J W t to to THE C0WDEN-KALEY CLOTHING CO., to to vVi First Door North of Postoff Ice. -VI - $ Rev. Hauptmami Reslftns. Last Sunday morning Rov. Win. Hauptmann, pastor of the Congrogn tlonnl church, tendered his resignation as pastor of tho church, to take effect March 1. Mr. Hauptmann did not publicly givo his reasons for asking his releaso, but it is understood that tho fiuances of the church eocioty aro not in a very flourshlng condition, and Mr. Hauptmann has not boon paid as promptly as he should have boon. Tbo resignation of Rev. Hauptmann will cause a seiious loss to tho church workers of this city, and his place will be hard to fill. He.ls a brilliant and forceful speaker, and bis sermons have the merit of being sincere. Red Cloud can hardly afford to lose a minister of Mr. Hauptmann's ability, and it is hoped some arrangement may bo made whereby he can be induced to with draw bis resignation. ' A MMteal Treat. Tho next entertainment in the lecture course of the Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church will bo the Madrigal Ladies' Quartet, an organization com posed of Mrs. Fanchon Farmolee Greon, first soprano and reader; Miss Dorothy Nehrbas, second soprano and violinist; Miss Thockla Loatbourg, first alto; and Miss Elinor Flansburg, second alto and pianist, who will be heard in Red Cloud Thursday, Fobrunry 11. The ladies are highly recommended by the press and pulpit whetever they have appeared, and those who attend the concert will be well repaid. It bas not yet been deeided whore the concert will be held. Pfflls Su-trlM Mas Wsrky. The pupils of the tenth grade gave a surprise party at the home of Mrj and Mrs. E.S. Oarber, Monday evening, (or their former teacher, Miss Charlotte Worley. who resigned Saturday. Miss Worley was presented with a band some picture as a memento of thn oc casion, and the young folk 8 expressed their regret at losing their teacher. Miss Worley left Tuesday morning for Lincoln, where she will pursue an advanced course of study at tho uni versity DeNoss Lyric Bards. A musical entortnlninent of excep tional merit will bo given at the M. E. church Monday evening, February 8, whou tho DeMoss Lyrio Bards will ap pear undor tho auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society. Tho company consists of three ladies nnd three gentlemen, and apart from tho vocal numbers thero will bo instrumental niuslo on moro than fifty different instruments. Tho company comes highly recommended. Admission, 85 conts; children, 25 conts; reserved seats, 50 cents. Old Maids' CeaventlM. The old maids of Nebraska will hold tholr convention at Inavalo next Fri day night, February 6. All the old maids, young maids and bachelors will do well to be present. Ths conven tion will bo held at the school bouso under tho auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society. Narrlaftes. Mr. James S. O. Greon aud Miss Louisa Piol, b th of Bluo Hill, wcro marriod by County Judge A. H. Kconey, Thursday, January 31. Mr. Scott Smith and Miss Emma MaiiBhnng, both of Cowles, wcro unitod in marriago Tuesday by Rov. E. L. Hutchins, ptstor of tho M, E, church. Reduction Sale is a Success Dozens of ppople have taken advantage of this very liberal sale. While our line is pretty badly broken, there is still left some good, stylish SUITS and OVERCOATS. r eather has created a demand for good, warm clothing, and when you thinn of this think of our great 20 per cent Discovirvt Sale Men's, Boys' and Children's heavy weight Suits, Overcoats and Pants 1-5 off regular plain figure prices. ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS. Horse Blankets and Laorobes The winter has hardly commenced, but we have more of these goods than we want and are going to dispose of them if the price will do it. Our prices have been the lowest, but we are going still lower to sell the goods. We sold our first stock this winter and bought again. The second time we got too many. We want to move them. Come in and investi gate. M0RHART BROS. Hardware Co. IM INSURANCE ngninst Flro, Lightning, Cy clones und Windstorms, seo JNO. B. STANSER, agent for tho Farmers Union Insur ance Co., Lincoln, Nob,, tho best in suruueo company in tho stuto. ISAAC B- COLVIN, REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Look Uox S3. Guide Rook, Nob. all kinds of property bought, sold and exchanged, OOLLKCTJONS MADB. TKlttt U BASON U LB ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft m ft ft ft ft ft 'm ft ft ft ft m ft ft ft ft ft m s m ft ft ft Red Cloud, Neb. w HIHttlHilliiltl J INSURANCE ft z t lb : i 4 s ft : s ft ik : i s i m m m : Over Million DOLLARS DAMA6E in Adnms.county, May24th. i i t 1 For first-class insurance, call on or address O. C TEEL I i BED CLOUD, NMM. frfrf44 OYSTERS IN EVERY BTYLE. Tho Bon Ton is prepared to sovo Ovstors in every htyle on Bhort notice. All kinds of Hot Drinks for cold weather served at the soda fountain. Catering for parties and dances. Then Bon Ton W. S. BBNSB. Proprietor. WHEATLET Is Delicate and Delicious. TRY IT- Sold in S-lb, package bjr all leading Orocera. m BHMP i i I l RED CLOuh i I WBBSTMH COUNTY I I I NEBRASKA i I R esTATE I I X -AND- I I FARM LOAMS f Some of the finest farms and f city property in Webster Coun- J X ty, Nobraska, for sale. Prices X ranging from f 15 to S25 por acre, f J. P. HALE, Red Cloud, Nebraska. I I rc W PI 'II i:'(i .Ml I n 1 k ,T X '. I, kw, &m it,