SSKS i f-. . - - S&fira&rWK's r M ' V'' sSto ESMri&ai-St 5---E?il. W3. 1 Wlw ? v&Bgjfe : rw$l l2Lw8S3C M ? .SsMKiVWpilii VOLUME XXXII. RED CLOUD, NEKRASKA. JAXUAUV 22, 1M)I. NUMBER I aWWWVW" v-nv'vv-nsaav'vv- Miner Bros. Miner Bros. RADICAL PRICE REDUCTIONS. It is Hearing the time for displays of the new, bright Spring Merchandise. For the balance of January we are making some very interesting reductions in various departments. KNIT GOODS. Golf Glovos, 50 and GOc grndos, per pair 39c Golf Gloves, 30 uud 25c grades, por pair 19c Fascinators and Shawls, 50o grudo for 39c Fascinators and Shawls, 30o grado for 19c Fascinators and Shawls, 01 25 grapo for 82c Knit Underskirts, 75o grado for 60c Knit Underskirts, 91 50 and tl 75 grado for. . .$1.20 500 yards ioc Flannelettes, fitf per yard If V CALICO. Standard Chocolate Prints, 10 yards for 40c RIBBONS. Neck Ribbons in fancy and plain colors, 22 to 80 wide, worth 10 to 25c, yard 15c WAISTING. 27-inch Mercerized Wnisting in plain and fancy weaves, in Panama, Etamlnes. Voiles, Madrases, Challics, Oxfords, etc. Instead of 81.25, prico now 95c Instead of 1 1.00, prico now 80c Instead of 75c, prico now 55c Instead of (50c, prico now 45c Instead of 50c, prico now 40c Instead of 3Tc, prico now 23c DRESS GOODS. Colored Dnss Fabrics. 27 inches wide, a wido range of patterns, yard 10, i2Ht 15, 18c Colored Dress Fabric Novelties, .18 in. wido, pur yard , 25, 30, 35, 40c Drlllantines in blacks and colors, per yard 50c, 75e, $f , $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 Black goods in Novelty patters, .'IT'e, 15c, 05c, 00c, 81 yard, worth 15 to 25o por yard nioro Lincoln Letter. Lincoln, Nkh,, Jan. 21. food products, coal, clothing and every other articlo tlio vnluo of which flue- In answer to a call issued by Sooro-, t,ll,t-'s 01"14 "H'ectod by industrial con- mtlons, all have been ovcrconio by tlio present olllcials, yet tho reports provo that eauli 0:10 of tho It.tHil state bono Notaries is maintained for six months for 8(5.75 loss than under tlio Poyntcr roign. This means a saving of $82,017 per bienuium. A still greater discrepancy would bo tary Bennett of tho stato board of as-1 sessmentaud equalization, tho county assessors mot at tho capltol Wednes day aftornoon for tho purpose of dis cussing tho levenuo law and tho du ties which it will force upon them. Tho board is perfectly well awaro of tlio fact that tho now law will succeed if it is enforced to tho letter and tho , shown if it wore possible to get some SEWING MACHINES. Our INVADER Sowing Machino at 810 is ono or the best values to bo found. It contains all tlio latest improvements and looks as well as any 825 machino. They aro mado by experienced and skilled workmen in ono of tho largest factories in tho world A complete set of attachments fl with every machino. Written guarantee... pH The FIELD machino, a regular 8-'J5 to tJC? $15 machine in most stores, but hero JJftXj UliUAJlb. Every garment marked in plain figures. When we advertise 1-4 or 1-3 off, that is what we mean. Prices are not raised for the occasion, but remain at the same price marked earlier in the season. During balance of January we give 1-3 off on every article in our stock. $15 Garment $10 $6 Garment $4-$12 Garment 9B 5 last season's garments at 1-3 of their marked price, or $21 garment for $7, a $12 garment for $4. FLANNELETTES. For Waists, Kimonos, Wrappors, etc. Some splendid values. 18c grado 15c 15o grado 12 l-2c J2o grado 9c ' . S "Satisfaction or money TMINER BROS. iyxvywysAAW naxAaAaAaAaA same methods of assessing aro prac ticed 111 all parts of tho state, and that tho law will fail in a mcasuro if any oilleer is partial or incompetent. Tho board expects Secretary Dennett to keep close tab upon all of the county nssessors and if ono relapsos into tlio old slipshod methods or assesses prop erty at too low 11 ilguro in ordor to "make himself solid" with tlio taxpay ers of his district, ho will hoar from headquarters. Tho board has tho power to removo any otllcor who fails to do his duty, and this particular phase of tho revenuo situation was talked over in a friendly way Wodnes day. t t t The St. Louis exposition authorities have offered to grant special privileges to tho cadets of tho Nebraska' uni versity und in all probability a com pany will go, in uniform and under discipline, to admiro und bo admired, t t t Labor Commissioner Bush has promptly taken advantage of tho pres ent state of public sentiment and is ordering flro escapes placed upon nu merous public buildings over tho stato. Mr. Bush states that before tho Chicago llro enmo as a torrlblo object lesson his suggestions about escapes and othor safoty devices were not well received, but now that is all changed and local ofllcors work most zealously to assist him in every way within their power t t t An articlo which lately appeared in tlio cdi orial columns of n democratic daily, wherein tlio immense superior ity of tlio former fusion administra tions was tot forth "at great length" (referring to tlio typo used) attracted tho attention of your correspondent, and for tho purposo of discovering whether or not thoro was even a sus picion of truth in tlio articlo, a care ful survey of tho records in tlio gov ernor's ofllco was mado. As was an ticipated tlio resultant llgures provo beyond doubt Unit tho present admin istration, so bitterly assailed upon every possible occasion, has been much 11101 0 economical than tho very admin istrations so loudly praised as tho best tho stato ever had. In tlio beginning, it must bo remem bered that Nobraska is n growing state. Her needs havo kept step with her resources. If her earning capacity has increased slightly, her oxponso account has boon increased in greater measure, so that it would bo unfair to compare the expenditures of tho vari ous administrations, without allowing for tho growing family of dependents which havo been put upon tlio stato. It Is well to remember, too, that n gov ernor or other stato oilleer is not tlio legisture, and cannot niiiko appropri ations. All Unit 1111 olllclnl can do is to disburse tlio money allowed to his department in tlio best possihlo way and make every dollar do a hundred cents' worth of good to tlio stato. Tho record of tho present administration in that regard is something which tho party may well bo proud of. Roports recently filed with tho gov ernor show that tho avorago cost of supporting tlio inmates of tho state's various penal, charitublo and educa tional institutions has beou just 801.05 per capita for tho six months just end ed. Under tlio Poyntor administra tion, pointed to with prldo by men I WHO are uuujiu in iimiwiiK UKiuea liu- varicato, tho per capita cost is 808.(0 Thoso figures are oloqueut enough of thomsolvos, but witli thorn aro circum stances which add greatly to their force and weight. It nood scarcely bo explalnod that tho increased prico of living, tho higher wage paid to every laboror who works for tho tU i, the advanco in account of the disbursements made by ono of Governor Poyntor's appoint cos, Dr. Benjamin Franklin Lang, tho York physician who sang his way into tho suporlntondeney of tho Beatrice iuslituto and became famous for the lavish expenditures or public money mado by himself and his family of as sistants. Not a report or a column of figures is on, fllo in tho governor's of llco to show, tho extent of; tho depre dations which Lang committed upon tho publlcltroasury whllo ho was pur chasing silk stockings and lino linen for his femalo relatives out of tho fnnds of the institution. In addition to all of this, it may bo said that the institutions today aro kept up, the buildings, the bill of faro, tho sanitary arrangements, tho discip line and instruction being maintained at a high standard, while under Poyn tor there were leaks iu the roofs of nearly every stato building and else-whero. Newhouse Brothers Jewelers ft Opticians Satisfaction Guaranteed Refoni In School Work. reforms seem to como by A Somo ohanco. Thoro woro complaints of over crowded schools nt Batavla, N. V., and tho board secured seven extra teachers. Tho superintendent, instead of sotting them to hearing recitations iiko tho regular toachors, set them to giving in dividual instruction to pupils that wero behind in tho courso and wero u drag to tho wholo school. Tho experiment was, to quoto the report of tho stnto superintendent, a startling and iustantuuoous success. Discouragement, which is tho bano of school lifo, has disappeared from all faces und tears from all eyes. Tho backward pupil's havo becomo forward so to speak, and in many cases havo pressed iho bright lights and leading pupils of the classroom so that theso havo all thoy can do to keep their old standing Thoso seven extra teachers go from room to room in their work, helping along tlio backward wherever found. Thoy aro not assistants or subordi nates, but rank with tho regular teach org and rccelvo the same pay. They do not in any sonso do tho pupils work, but show him how to do it for himself, how to concentrate tho mind, how to study Tho Journal of Pedagogy unreser vedly in proves tho plan thus: 'A rather wido observation of publio school conditions justifies us in saying that thero may bo seen iu Dnttviii a healthier, happier, nioro industrious body of teachers and pupils than aro to bo found in any other public school system in America Tho first impres sion ono gets is that of abounding phy sical and intellectual lifo. Although tho teachers and pupils work as hard iu tlio Bittavia schools as elsewhere, thoro is no complaint about overwork and norvousnoss. and thorn is trust worthy evidence that the health of tho pupils entering school iu a physical condition below tlio normal has shown a decided chuugo for the hotter." Uf courso tho system is not now, ox copt to tho publio schools of this country. Tho privato tutor In British institutions is as old as tho educational system thojqp, and tho olllco is funda mental in continent! education. Its accidental application to tho publio schools seem to havo worked wonder fully well. It is worth thinking about. . . DolRfts eT the County Board. The board of county commissioners mot January 18, all mcmbirs present. F. II. Gorlaoh was elected ohairmau of tho board for tho ensuing year. The bond of Kilns Lnckharl as road overseer, district No 88, wus approved. Adjourned. January 13 Hoard met pursuaoi to adjournment, all number present. County toaeurer instructed to soil lot 4 blK 8, Hed Cloud, for delinquent taxes, Petition for reduction of asosameut of Union Asurancu company rejected. Theolllolal bonds of several road overseers ana consiuoios wero approved. Tho contract for furnishing blank books and supplies which could not bo obtained in Hod Cloud was awarded to the State Joural company. On montion tho tlio county olllcers woro given tho privilege of procuring their stationery supplies whore vor thoy pleased, so long as tho prico did not exceed tho lowest bid for county priming. h.E Oilco was awarded controct for furnishing supplies not included 'in foregoing awards. Tho contract for publishing tho delinquent trx list wiih awanlod to the Rod Cloud Nation and the Blue Hill Lender at legal rate. The contract for publishing tho pro- ceniliuiH of iho bonrd of county com missioners was awarded to tho Htd Cloud Nation at $10 per annum. In accordance with the now revenuo and salary law, tho salary of tho superintendent of county schools was nixed from 81,000 to 1,200 por annum Adjourned. to as January 11 Hoard mot pursuant adjournment, all mt nilicra present. The appoint moat ot John Gather deputy county cleik was approved. On motion tho board mdo an allow mice for tho pay of a deputy county treasurer. On motion tlio appointment of Sam uel W. Foe as d'tputy shtiillf was ap proved. On motion tho appointment of C. H. Crono as deputy clerk of tho district court was approved. Tho appointments of deputy county nmossois, as published in full Inst week, woro approved. The estimate of oxponsos for tho on- suing year, amounting to $.'17,000, was presented, and tho board adjourned to January 10 to allow tlio committee time to Investigate. January 10 Hoard mot pursuant to adjournment, all members present. Thoollicial bonds of a numbor of road overseers wero approved. Tho county attorney was instructed to appeal to the supremo court in tho case of W. J. Vance vs. Webster county. The usual numbor of claims against the county wero presented and allow ed, following which tho board ad journed to moot February 1. GUIDEROCK. A Mr. Custer.of Oborlin, Kan., was in Guido Hock on business tho forepart of tho weok. Quito a number aro sick, but nouo are considered dangerous, John Coon and Win. Lucae, who have bcon camping at tho livery barn since Saturday cvonlng with tbeir teams and wagons, started for Okla homa Tuesday morning. If you listen you will hear something soon bells, bolls. There is talk of about three new buildings of considerable bIzo being erected in tho spring. Baxter Colvin is now employed ia his father's toal estate, loan und insur ance oflice. Purtios from eastern Nobraska are Inquiring for town property horo. I. B. Colviu has boon troubled with latuoness supposed to bo rheumatism. Tnos. Smith is up from Hiohardson county, shaking hands with old ac quaintances. Mr. Smith used to live two miles north of Guido Hook, 1. U. Colvin has some cattlo for sale. H. S. Denny north of town has been very tick, but is reported better. Mrs. Dlckerson's house is Hearing the tinish. Carpenter Taompkins is crippled with rheumatism. A. L. Drickwaltor, southeast of town has boon on the sick list for hjuio time, but is out again. BLADEN. Charles Spuioo of Upland was doing; business iu this city last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hod drovo over to Uisolund last Saturday, returning homo Sunday. A. McCoy and family of Bluo Hill visited at tho homo of Mrs, McCoy's father, A Brady, west of town. C. II. Heed of Idaho is homo visiting:, his purents, Mr. and Mrs. A Heed. Mrs. Jennie Starlos returned from Hng.m lnt Wednesday morning, whero she lias boon visiting, Fred Heed and wifo moro over to Bladen last Wednesday. O. Chavallor of Campbell was in this city Monday. Miss Marker spent Sunday visiting hor parents, south of hero. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurso in the Children's Homo in Now York, euro foverishness, bad stomach, teething disorders, movo and regulate tho bowels mid destroy worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. I'hey never fait. At all druggists, 253. Sample free, Ad;' dress Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y, 12 4. ; Card of Thaaks, Mr. and Mrs. Frod Hurd of Cowles wish to thank their neighbors and frionds for tbeir kindness in assisting during tho illnos and after tho death of their beloved daughter, Huth Louisa Hurd. . To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxativo Bromo Quinlno Tab lets. All druggists refund tho money, if it fails to cure. fi. W, Groyo's signa ture is on oaoh box. 23j. W T' ?. I .' V ' h M ! ' o m m t ('I t , I' im It. WJP.' I MM ti fc-i m &.. V'. j.. yjk&tfqXjig J iMtiM