?H&fWmmsmmmwmKeMtxmmn sarvrsr: ftrvfrj t.T ji j i IK li u U. TIT IL UN V! I! "I iJmi JEiJA$m 1 1 Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only urinary nnd bladder troubles were to be trnceu to tlie kidneys, but now modern science moves Hint nenrly nil diseases hove their bculiiuitiK in the disorder of these most important ornnns. The kidneys filter mid purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, when your kidueysnrc weak tr out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected nnd how every ornn seems to full to do its duty. If you nre nick or " feel badly," bexin taking the ureal kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, because as soon as your kidneys nre well they will help till the other organs to health. A trial will convince nuyottc. If you are sick you can m.ike no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild nnd the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swiimp-Root, the great klilnev remedv. is soon renlied. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, nnd is sold ... It.. nn 1... nil VAT 111! 11(1 lliutltfi .1 .... druggists in fifty-cent nnd one-dollar b1?c bottles. You mny Have a sample uottie itomnofow&mp-rtoot. by mail free, nlso a pamphlet tilling ou how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Iling humtoii, N. Y, Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Uoot, nnd the nd ilrcss, hiiighnmtoii, N. Y on every bottle. BRITAIN TO BLAME. Brain Power Falling Behind in Building Up Sea Power. Fallaro of Govarament to Aid 1st Kd. atloaal Advancement D ""v aonnca-4 Dtnger aui Poller. PKJ J Jlu. '""""' HSU usMtaco KlflKfiM y ""til 1- Has stood the test for over 60 years. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment FOR MAN OR BEAST. Cures sprains, bruises burns, cuts, sores, lameness, piles, rheumatism, stiff joints lame back, etc. That ths British goTcrnmcnt must pend moro money on education In building "brain power" or fall far be hind the United State and Germany as a nation u the theme of the address of Sir Norman Lockyer, president ot the British Society for the Advancement of Science, at the society's meeting at Southport recently, reports the Chicago Tribune. There Is no use, the speaker said, In building up a "sea power," unless there is to be "brain power" behind It, and he advocated large grants by the govern ment to aid In higher education. The waiting for private endowments, he de clared, has proved a failure, and It Is plainly the duty ot tho nation to take hold. The contrast of $200,000,000 of private girts to universities In the United States In the last few years with only $20,000, 000 In the last 00 years In England, Ire land, Scotland and Wales was dwelt upon, and It was held to Bhow why Brit ain la falling bJok In the race of nntlons. "Tho Influence of Drain Tower on History" was the subject of Sir Nor man Lockycr's nddress. The president referred at length to tho struggle for existence In modern communities, showed that British Industries were suf fering from Intrrnatlonnl competition, dwelt on the necessity for a body such an the British nssoclntlon dcnllng with the organization of science, nnd said: "Wo In Ormt Britain havoll untvcrsl ties competing with 134 stnto and pri vately endowed In the United States nnd 22 state endowed In Germany. The Ger man state gives to one university more than tho British government allows to all tho unlversltlcn and university col leges in Enplnml, Ireland, Scotland and Wales put together. "Theso aro tho conditions which reg ulate tho production of brain power In tho United States, Germany nr.d Great Britain respoetlvnly, and the recuse of tho government Is that this Is a mnttrr for prlvato effort. Do not our ministers of state know that othor civilized coun tries grant efllelrnt state aid. and. fur ther, that prlvntn effort has provided In Great Britain less thnn ten per cent, of the sum thus furnished In the. United States In addition to state nld? "In depending In our country upon this form of endowment wo arc trusting to a broken reed. Wo find that private effort hero during CO years has found less than $20,000,000; that Is $10,000,000 tor buildings and $200,000 n. ear In come. This gives us an average of $SM, 000 for buildings and $18,500 for yearly Income. "In tho United StatPS durlrg the Inst few yoara universities and colleres have received more than $200,000,000 from this Bourco alone, prlvato effort Hipp' led nearly $35,000,000 In the years 1ROS-1000 "Next ronElder tho nmountof Htntenli'. to universities afforded In Herniary The buildings of tho new unlvorsltvVif Strasshurg already have cost nearly a million; that Is, about as much as hns yot been found by prlvato effort for buildings In Mnneheter, Liverpool. Bir mingham, Bristol, Newcastlo and Shef field. Tho government annual endow ment of tho same German university Is more than $245,000. "When wo consider the largo endow ments ot university education both In tho United States nnd Germany It is ob vious that state aid only can make any iralld competition possible with either." PURSER HAS TRYIHG POST. Eittttti m Walkta- Bwvaam f laforaatloa far Sala'a Paaaaacara. The purser of an Atlantic passenger steamer has anything but a happy lot, especially on outward bound trips from American ports. From his title one would think he had only to look after the finances of the vessel, but In reality his office, so conveniently and pic turesquely situated at the top ot the grand staircase (which In boats of less magnificent proportions would bo sim ply termned "companion") Is really as busy a bureau aa any In Cnpul court or Wall street. It Is no doubt legitimate enough to expect the purser to be quite nu fait with the monetary matters, to explain to tho Britisher the difference between a dollar and a crown, or to tho American that tho greenback, that use ful but unsavory medium ot exchnnge, Is treated with scorn and contumely In Europe, but Americans are par excel lence tho Interrogators of tho world and to them the purser is simply a walk ing encyclopedia. He 1b expected to tell them all about tho ship that's right enough but they want to know all about tho passengers as well who they arc, where they havo como from and where they are going, how much they aro worth, and any little tlt-blt of newb about their social llfo. He Is also asled about every hotel, begin ning at Liverpool nnd ending nt Home, tho best shops whereat to purchase dif ferent articles, who will glvo the best discount for cash, where tho question er's wife can best bo rigged up In Eu ropean fashion and tho most lll.ely re sort nt which his daughter might run neross somo Impecunious scion of Brit ish nobility. CATARRH ATfiv rnSm&i &fiC0l? BrafltTliiT iv.mirM ?U4 ii-rfcitrr jjjsfjg? JjflU TIME TABLE. 10 Red Cloud, Neb. vs Ely's Cream Balm This Romody is a Spoolflc, Suro to Civo Satisfaction. GIVK8 RELIEF AT ONCE It cloanncrt, soothes, henls, and protects tho diseased membrane. It caret Catarrh and drives nwuv a Cold in tho Head quickly. Bostorcs tho Senses of Tosto nnd Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed. Largo Sizo, 50 cents nt Druggists or by mail ; Trial Sizo, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO SI. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVER HELENA BUT1E BALI LAKE 0') PORTLAND SAM FRANClSCb and all poinU west. City Dray and Express Line. BOREN & 6TUDEBAKER, PROPS. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest TBAINS LIATS AS FOUAWI'. NO. No, No Prnilnlnp Tlmtillt-. Old Betsey Ii'ahors wnB ono of tho rudoly plcturosquo characters of a larpo rural dlstrlrt In the mountains of Vir ginia, Sho wao a groat, mupculnr wo man, her masculine appearanco being emphasized by heavy boots nnd an lm manse bundle. Mnen the Emtio nomad carried her homo on her haclt. "I should think. Betsey." said ono of tho farm-wives, ''that you'd he scared to death out In the woods all night." "No, I ain't skcored o' nuthln' ex coptln sometimes." sho added with a shaniefnerd air, "I do bo a bit shy of a oar. Judge. iilll PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM rii-AiiMi and bcnutincl t.ie btlr. lnuno(r a luiiulant growth. Mfvcr Fail to licit ore Clray Hair to Its Youthful Color. Cum K-tlp iIImih-i fi hilr tilling. &V.ik1 jnnat jlrumrUu P CHICHESTER'S CNQLISH ENNYRQYAL, PILLS T.-N. OrlTal aad Only Utaulnr. WS'ttrST, I R SAFE. l..;.fU.M. lAdlH. ul mut rial for CIIICIIKSTKH'S KNGLIMI ! MKU ul Uolil mtullla but.. ..aJ.I v-lth llii rlotx. Take aa etktr. Ktftiia Duttrau HalMtUaUaat and Imlla tloaa. Hut or tour lrcctu or ail 4e. la ntmpt tor rartltulan. TfatlaaalaU j4 'llclUr far LalM."i Itllar, r r. U Uruil.u. ChUkulart'heaalealtla. 44 SUdlaaa Maar. fUiUU VA. Looking for a Home? Then why not keep In view the fact that the farming lands of Western Canada aro sufficient to support a population of M.OOO.OOOor over? Tho Immigration to Western Canada durlni; the past six years has been phenomenal. FREE Homestead Lands easily accessible, and other lands may be purchased from Hallway and Land Companies. Wostcrn Canada's craln lands produco marvellous crops.whllo tho crazlnrr lands contain all tho nutritive qualities for fat tcnlng cattlo nnd other stock. Murkrta, Mrhuola, ICullxrujra unit ull iilticr rnuilltloiia miiko Wratvin Cmiiiilik m ilrkirnlilo (pot for Ibe home uvker. Wrlto to tho Kupcrlntcndcnt Im mlcrutlon, Ottawa, Canada, (orn descriptive Atlas, and other In formation: or to tho uuthorizud Canadian Government Acent W. V. BENNETT, 8oi New York Life Bldff., Omaha, Neb. IIIIIBiBB. fDoN-T Be FooledF (lenulnc ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Is put up Innhlte packajjes, manufactured exclulvely by the Madison Ntdtcine Co.. Madison, Wis. hell at 35 cents packoce. All other are runk Imitations and substitutes, don't rlk your health by taking them. THliOENUINU makes sick people Well, Keens you Well. All Honest Dealers sell the Genuine. HOLUSTER DRUQ CO, Madison, Wis. To Cure a Cold in One Day tut Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ( svMisvsiiocssoMiiiHrti3aotk. TMi tignttar, S?JCrr CarMCrfB la Two Days. on every ftox.zsc 13. PatoenKer dally for Oberlln and St. Franclabranchen. Ox ford. McCook. Dcuverand all points went .. 0 3.1 a.m 14. PsrueiiRer dally for St. Joe, Rmiisiis City, Alchlron. St. Louis. Lincoln via Wymote and all point! cam and south 210 a.n 15. Pansetmer. dally. Denver, nil points in uoioraao, utaa ana California ..... HitSp.m No. 18. PaKsenuer. dally for 8t. Joo, Kansas City. Atchison, St. Louis and all points east and south 1035 a.B No. 174. Accommodation, dally except Sunday. Hastlnns. Orand Is land, Ulack Hills and all points in the northwest 2:00 p. m Sleeping. dInlnK. and reclining chair cars (eHts f rtei on through trains. Tickets sold anc bagKsgo checked to any point In the United Sutes or Canada. For Information, time tablet, maps or tlckeu call pu or addresn A. Conoer, Agent. Red Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis. General ftuuugei Agent Omaha, Nebraska CITY AGENTS FOR ADAUS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Office 119 Residence 52. FRESH MEATS ! M !,li fa il. fifi 'ik When purchasing Frosh nnd Snlt Meats, Fish, G111110, etc., remember tho old Post olllco Meut Market, Sheror's old stnnd. C. E. HARRINGTON, Successor to Ed Sherer. f. r: fflt Y' Shave?" You are "Next" at Oliver SchatTnit's Barber Shop, i Busenient PottepWriglit IJuilding.J . I Scissors Ground, j Hazors Honed, j AND a ALL KINDS OF EDGE; J lUULb SHARPENED J I All kinds of harbor work executed! promptly and satisfaction J guaranteed. "aaaaAi LAJAJVAI Wo promptly obtain U. U. aul l-oioipn ) Wii dona model, sketch or tihotoJinu tictuor mw.iiwm iiuisuiiiLv. inr lice rxviK U-m4Ia. HiiU 10 J How to Secure TDiflC Ptenu and I K AUfc- Ipposite U. S. Patent Office WASniNUION D. C. RHEUMATISM CUHKD IN A DAY. Mystic Cure for Khenmatlsm and Neuralgia radically cures In 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system Is remarkable and mysterious. It remores at once the cause and the dlscaso Im mediately disappears. The first dose greatly beueflts. 75 cents and 11,00. Sold by II. K. Once, Drj.-ldt. Red Cloud. 4 -" Air Mim,v. AY, HIM JbK! Do you know that it will pny YOU, as well us US. to buy your Building Mil toriul and Coal at ouryards? Not only that our prices average lower, or at least as low, as thoso of our competit ors, but because wo tako especial euro of and protoct all can bo classod ns REGULAR CUSTOM K R S . PL ATT FREES CO. Coal. Lumhcr. TRADERS LUMBER CO. DEALERS IN Lumber and Coal, BUILDING MATERIAL, ETC. Red Cloud, - - . Nebraska. Barred Plymovith Rocks Pure bred Rock Cockrels, 75o and 91, Hens, 75o. Eggs, GOo for 15. IDA M. FOUTS, Guide Rock, Neb. Or inquire of Win. Van Dyko, Rod Cloud. ' aissaiasl H. B. ASHBft, VETERINARIAN Pf thKnusas City Voter- inary College. OUJco at C. M. Smith's Livery Burn. -jk All CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED Telophono 40. RED CLOUD, - . NEB At Bino Hill ovory Thursday. ? v it ft n ft ft ft ft ft ft o ft s ft o IMJ V( ,i