The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 15, 1904, Image 4

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P. 0. Phauks, Editor.
Bat year...
. 60
Inured at tno post ofneo at Ilod Cloud,
eoond cImi mtll matter.
furnished on application.
'No man is nbovo tlio lnw nnd
mnn is below it," declares tlio iirosidcnt
In BpofikhiK In his iiuiiuhI mosuiRO to
conRross of tho rolutlons between capi
tal nnd lubnr.
SoniitorTlHMiiiBiiysthiitho is tired
of denying reports of ill fooling bc
twoon hlmsolf and tho president. The
democratic papers nover tiro of print
ing thoso reports.
American women hivvo ndvnntngos
of which tliolr English cousins nro
doprlvod. Tho Uritish Houso of Lords
has just decided not to allow womon
to prnctlco law.
A domocratlo dnlly papor of Now
York says that tho contlnuod nbuso
t)f "Billy" Bryan should coaso, as ho
hns turned out to 1)0 a Bplondld adver
tising agent for ids weekly paper.
Former Governor Chandler of Goor
gin says that Gorman is tho best man
for tho domocrats to nominato f r tho
prosidonoy, but that ho is for "any
Yankco who cau lick Koosovolt."
Tho Kusso-Jnpanoso imbroglio is
still cauBlugconsidornblo worry among
tho powers. It now seems likely thnt
war cannot bo averted unless Russia
"knuckles" to tho domauds of tho
Flowery Kingdom.
Charles Murpby, tho Tnmmnny
loader, is n powor in tho domocratlo
pnrty and Senator Gorman is doubt
less much dlsappolntod to hoar thnt
ho favors Judgo Parkor ns tho demo
cratlo presidential nomlnoo. Tho
Senator's Jim Crow policy did not re
colvo tho approval of tho northern
V. J. Bryan is home from his Euro
pean trip, but rofusos to make public
hU opinions of things ho heard and
Baw across the wnter. The idoas ho
gained during his trip will be mario
the basis of a sories of locturos, and
articles in tho Commoner. Ho does
not proposo to lot the "doar people"
onjoy tho benefit of his experiences
without paying for it.
Genornl Johu B. Gordon, ono of tho
last of tho horoos on tho confodorato
Bide of tho "into unpleasantness," diod
a fow days ago at his home in Geor
gla. His death, following so closoly
that or uonoral Liongstroet, was a
sovoro blow to tho ranks of tho voter
answho fought for tho confederacy.
General Gordon was a man of genius
and a gonorous foo. From tlio timo
of tho organization of tho Confodor
ato Veterans' association until his
death, Goneral Gordon was tho prosl
pont of that organization.
The sudden ondlng of the Dlotrich
trial was a rosult unsatisfactory to
bpth sldos. District Attorney Sum
timers fulled of an opportunity to in
troduce the mass of testimony that he
had taken weeks to accumulate, and
tho dismissal of tho suit on a techni
cality in no way clears Senator Diet
rich of tho charges preferred against
him, from a moral standpoint. Then,
too, the conviction aud sontonco of a
Now York Congressman, who had to
spend a night in jail and pay a flno of
110,000, undor circumstances similar
to'thoso of tiio Dietrich case, causes
ono to doubt tho correctness of tho
docisou in tho latter case.
Candidates for city ofllcos nro al
ready being discussed This Is tho
proper course to pursue, aud It Is to
bo hopod that between now and olo -
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
quiets tickling throats, hack
ing coughs, pain in the lungs.
It relieves congestion, sub-
dues Inflammation. It heals,
strengthens. Your doctor will
explain this to you. He knows
all about this cough medicine.
"Wo hava usl Aysr's Cherry rector! In
our isinuj ior ia tpam lor inront una iudb
m ' irvuuiei. ami wo iiiiiik norneuicinoequHiiii,
j.R. Mlia. A. 1'omkuot, Applotou, Mluu.
I V 26c., Mo.. PI. 00. j.o.ATxnco.,
J! Weak Throats
Si r .
B i Ayer's Pills greatly aid rocovory.
Purely vegetable, gently laxative.
Loss of Flesh
When you can't cat break
fast, take Scott's Emulsion,
When vou can't eat bread
and butter, take bcott s .
Emulsion. When yOU haVC
been living on a milk diet and
Want Something a little more
nourishing take Scott's
To get fat you must eat
fat Scott's Emulsion is a
great fattener, a great
strength giver.
Those who have lost flesh
want to increase all body
tissues, not only fat. Scott's
Emulsion increases them all,
bone, flesh, blood and
For invalids, for con
valescents, for consumptives,
for weak children, for all
Who need flesh, Scott'S
Emulsion is a rich and com-
, . , , i '
fortable food, and a natural
Scott's Emulsion for bone,
flesh, blood and nerve.
We will send
a free sample.
Be lure that this picture
in the form of a label It on ,
of Emulsion you buy.
scon & BOWNE,
chemists, -
409 Pearl SL.N.Y.
50cjh1$Ii lUrujjMi,
tion mon can bo found for tlio various
position to bo flllod who will bo able
to form somo plan for gotting tho city
out of its present doop' financial mud
dle Thoro are plonty of competent
mon if thoy could only bo induced to
exert their onorgios in that direction.
It is poor policy to nbuso the officials
in power for tho high taxes and the
mismanagement of tho city's business,
and then whon tho timo comos refuse
to placo mon in ofllco whose business
ability is a gunrnntoo that something
would bo dono to relievo tho prosont
doplorablo state of affairs.
Tho older citizens nnd attorneys re
momber Judgo William Gaslin, and
how ho usod to mako things hum in
this judicial district, over which ho so
long presided ns judgo. Ho probably
was cursod as heartily and as often as
any judge wuo tvor sat upon tuo
bench, and his manners woro blunt
and uncouth to the last extromo. But
no ono ever doubtod his honesty. He
was ono of tho stockholders in the
dofunct Alma bank, in which tho state
lost 140,000, and, although Judgo Gas
lin is not a rloh man, ho recently bor
rowed $2,600, which ho paid into tho
state treasury in settlement of his
share of tho losses of tho bank. He
was the only stockholder who has thus
far made any effort to do anything for
the creditors of tho bank.
Jaiaa mi Russia.
Tno London Times is perhaps tho
best authority respecting the relative
fighting strength of Japan and Russia.
The Timos correspoudouts aro exports.
Allowing for a bias in favor of Japan,
their conclusions may bo ucceptod as
tho host opinion attainable.
Tho Times says Japan has much tho
bettor chanco on son, nnd as to laud, n
fairly ovou chnnco.
Japan hns six battleships to Russia s
olght, but tho formor aro much tho
siporlor. ThoJnpanoso ships nro of
ono grade and cau therefore bo moro
easily handled. A fleet of warships is
liko a chain it is no stronger than its
woukest link. A floot of vossols must
adapt ltsolf to tho capacity of it poor
ost ships. Japan has six armored
crnlsors to Russia's flvo, In protected
crulsors Japan has fourteen to Russia's
Anothor advnutago for Japan.
Sho has four fluo dock yards "cap
able both of constructing aud repair
ing vossols of any class." Russia's
docking facilities nro totally inade
quate So groat is tho propondornnco
it is believed Russia will hardly ilsk
an opon fight on tho sea.
As to tho army: Japan has about
200,000 mon with a rosorvo forco of
430,000. Russia's forco in tho east is
about 200,000. Her rosorvo, of course,
runs into millions.
Japan will win on tho sea, say tho
exports, olthor by dofoat of the Rus
s'nn fleet or its blockade As to Ja
pan's fighting sliow on laud military
authorities disagroo. In tho long run,
It would soem, Russia must win. Jap
nneso velocity can not ovorcomo Rus
sin's momentum, Tito Jnpauoso sold
iers aro superior In brnvory, discipline,
iultlntlvo nnd ontlmsliistn,lut thoy will
ko iiKiilnst n stono wall.
' Tlio cost in lmmnn lives, tcnrs, ruin,
BulforliiK exports do not flguro thoso.
Atchison Globe Sifthts.
Doth nro culled "doc," but you enn
always toll ii dentist from n doctor.
,,,, ,. ilftnmn r n, nt,i fn,,v
loncd woman who used suuir for weak
Just now, whon a girl is working
on n turn-over
If thoro Is danger in a crowd, all tlio
, moro reason why you should go to
Tlio flight of wood in a heating stovo
in winter, is almost equal to tho illght
of timo.
A nlco, worthy, ambitious nnd enp
ablo woman, married to a worthless
man, is a pitiful sight.
It was so cold yostorday that many
Now Year's resolutions to attend
church moro regularly got nipped.
Wo havo noticed that whon a man
woars an unusually big diamond stud
his wifo wears no jowolry at all.
Somo pooplo think thoy nro so popu-
,nr t,mt thoy nro 8tiu runn8 to tho
door when they see an express wagon.
A young man in town is considered
such a catch that when ho goes out
calling, thoro nro not enough pillow
cushions in tho houso to group around
him, auda cull is mado on tho neigh
bors. After n man has laid in his winter's
wood, and is informed by his wifo
about tho niiddlo of January that it is
all gono, he roars nearly as hard as ho
did two wooks boforo about Christmas
In most families thore is an agree
ment that tho mother shall namo the
girls, nnd tho father the boys. This
has resulted in Lysander John Apple
ton's family In all tho girls being
named for her kin, and nil tho boys
for his,
Thore are women 09 por cent good,
but who have one nagging little folly
that greatly onrages their husbands
If we were such a woman and had tho
power wo would get rid of that one
per cent and be worshipped.
No editor knows what to print. And
when he writes an artiolo that will
please ono subscriber, it is tho wrong
thing to another. You have observed,
no doubt, that a "show" pleases half
tho people, and disgusts tho other half.
Same way with a nowspapor.
Wo hope whon we aro in trouble that
friouds will not rofuso to come to our
assistance because we don't wear a
button showing that we are an M. G.
K , or can't give tho grip indicating
that wo are a member in good stand
ing of the Sons of M. K. L. of the
There is a good deal of unfavorable
comment because an Atchlxon woman
taught her invalid husband solitaire
Tradition says he should And enjoy
ment enough in reading his Bible and
trying the different remedies suggested
by the neighbors. In the woman's
opinion, a sick man playing cards is a
shocking sight.
Used! Letter.
Lincoln, Nebr.,
JanuabyII, 1904.
Tho Republican stato central com
mittco has boon called to meet Janu
ary 20, at 2 o'clock p, m. in the com
mittee rooms at tho Lindoll, for tho
purpose of arranging for tho state con
vention, or conventions, if it should
appear desirable that two should bo
hold. Thoro still is a great deal of
discussion of this mattor aud tho com
mittee will sottlo It only after giving
tlio quos'lon careful study.
Tlio announcement that Johu L.
Wobstor hns mndo a llat-footod
declaration hi favor of Koosovolt is
received with gratification by loading
politicians who did not wish to seo a
fight of uny naturo in tho coming con
vention, no mattor how ouo-sldcd tho
coutost might bo. Nover for tho frac
tion of a socond has nnyono thought
that Nebraska could bo taken away
from Roosovslt by any man, for any
purpose or under any protoxt, but it
Is liopou that tuo state will give ono
of thoso old-timo majorities for tho
ticket this year, and tho fight now is
to mako it u record-breaker. It scarce
ly need bo said that record-makiug
majorltios aro not rollod up whon
factions in the party are calling each
othor hard uamos.
Brigndior-gonoral Aaron S. Dnggott,
retired, has arrived, and now is quar
tered at tho adjutant-general's otllco,
whero ho will servo as tho connecting
link botwoon tho war department and
tho state militia. Undor his tutolago
tlio ofllcors of tho guard will study
hard this winter, and iu tho spring or
early summer examinations will bo
We find after
We are going to sell them for CASH at a
Tney are all guaranteed goods and every
garment is worth 20 per cent more than
you get them for.
Beckwithp Wescott 8 Storey
"One price and no monkey business."
hold, every commissioned ofllcor being
required to pass or resign. Goneral
Daggett promises that tlio tho threo
"p's" (pull, politics nnd procrnstlnn
tlon) will not bo nllowod to beconio tho
curso of tho guard iu Nebraska, but
that each ofllcor will bol expected to
stand upon his own merits, famlllarizo
himself with his dutlos and exocuto
thorn promptly.
Tho goneral sentimont among re
publicans scorns to bo in favor of hold
ing but ono state convention this year
Tho nowyonr promises to bo a busy
ono,and it is thought that tho best way
to congrogate a body representing
overy district in tho state is to do all
tho business at ono sitting, which of
course would be of sufficient conso
quenco to attract overy man who
could secure a seat iu the convention.
The leaders of course could be called
togethor twice or thrice or a dozen
times for that mattor, but tho rank
and file havo no time to spare in that
way and could not be expected to at
tend more than ono meeting this
Governor Mickey has definitely re
fused to extend executlvo clemency to
Fred Reno, of Sheridan county, sen
tenced to tho penitentiary for tending
objoctionablo matter through the
mails. Georgo Coil, of Rushvilie, con
victed of shooting one Ryan, a sheep
herder, during tho range troubles be
tween shcop and cattle ranchors about
four yoars ago, has applied to tho
governor for a pardon and his caso will
be thoroughly gone ovor. Ho was
sontoncod to ten years imprisonment
and has served about a third of that
Adjutant-General Culver and Judge-Advocato-General
Erhardt were in
Omaha Friday and Saturday attend
ing tho trial of Private Brlmm, of
that city, who Is being prosecuted by
the government for the theft of forty
five armv blankets, the property of
the guard. Brlmm is said to have
taken the blankets from the company
store-room and sold them to the Omaha
flro department. Before the guard
became a part of tho national forces,
such a crime might have been over
looked or condoned, but that day has
gone by.
As bad been expected, the supreme
court did not soe fit to gladden tho
hearts of any applicants for appoint
ments, last Thursday, but merely
organized anew, Judgo Sullivan rotlr
iug and Judgo Barnes taking his place.
In accordanco with tho rule of senior
ity, Judgo Holcomb becomes chief
It Is oxnootcd, that tho contest for
Loo Hordmau's cozy and comfortablo
borth In tho cleric's ofllco, nnd tho
? 12,000 annual salary attached tlioroto,
will bo sottled tit tho next sitting of
tho court on January 20, but it may
not bo disposed of for wooks aftor that
perhaps not until April or May.
Applicants for tho doputyship and
othor minor appolutmonts also may bo
kept on tho anxious soat for a fow
Order to Shew Cause.
State of Nebraska, I
Webster County, f
At county court bold at the county court
room in auu ior aaiu county, imiiuary mn,
In the matter of tbe citato of Iiaac Taylor,
On reading and filing tbe petition of Walter
Taylor, opraylng; that administration of said
ettate may bo grained to said A'alter Taylor, as
administrator. .....,
Ordered, that Tuesday, tho 2nd day of
February, A. D. VM, at 1 o'clock
p. m Is assigned for bearing said
petition, vrben all persons Interested In
.niii matter mar BDPear at a county court to be
held Iu nnd for said county and show causo
wby prayer of petitioner should nut bo granted :
on. i thnt nntlco of tho tendai)CT of said netl
tion and tho hearing thereof be glveti to all
iwrniu Interi!8ted In said matter, by publish
lug a copy of this order iu the lied Cloud
irniEF. a weeklr nowstiancr iiubllsbeil In said
county, for ihreo coukecutivo weeks prior to
said day of bearing, .
Ikal A. n. Keembt.
JuiiSD County Judgo,
taking stock that
Heavy Suits
and Odd
The Day
Have a
Cup of
starts '-
off ,diL
Right 3E
with your breakfast. It has a flavor that's all
Its own you don't get it in any other brand.
It Is sold by all croeera In t and a-pound cans only.
Packed and acafid by us and guaranteed full weight.
DWINELL-WEIGHT CO.,Boston. tklkphonk
This is the Yarn Store. The only complete
line of Yarns in the city. Fleisher's, Shet
land Floss, Zephyr, etc.
Dress Goods
and Trimmings
i ;"-
-v I
and Laces
Our Laces and Embroideries are of the
latest and standard patterns, and the prices
are down to the bottom.
Notions, Etc.
We are selling Hairpins, Combs, etc., at
prices 25 to 50 per cent below "closing out"
and other "fake" bargain prices.
F. Newhouse,
we have some
For Sale
& Burden
We have a few
remnants of dress
goods that are bar
gains, among them:
All-wool Venetian
Flake, per yard,
56-inch wide Re
pliant, for ladies'
skirts, per yard,
Henriettas, all col
ors, per yard, 50 and
Standard Calicoes,
remnants, per yd,
Mf-A- . . wriMMwrrTTiT