! ! ! f ; I OH VERGE Of WAR All tho Powcr3 Are Landing vTroops in Koroa WAR CdNNOT BE AVERTED Jinan lletleve ItnMlit Will Sink Con tention In One direction Imposing 0ipriHli Condition Instead fThe Loudon Dally Mnll'.i Yokohama correspondent says Hint Russia's id ply 4o Japan practically removed nil hope of peaceful settlement. Th Dally Mall'n Toklo correspond ent loarn3 Uiat Rus'ila has made new ifcmmnds which It will be impossible or Japan to oiitcrtnlu. 1 The correspondent says Hint nil tho onwors aro lauding troops In Korea and that tho llrlttsli bluejackils Innd wlr at Chemulpo nro oxpected t go to frkviul immediately. Gonntnnt telegrams nro pas :g be tween M. Pavlorf, the Itusislun mlHtcr to Koroa; llarou tie Rosen, I Rla aUn mlnlstor to Japim, and iroy AleKleff. Th attitude of Japan townrd Hie rc nponto of Iliuvsla In Rt (II nndollncd. Premier Katmira, tho minister of for eign affairs, the milliliter of wnr. tho mlulnlcr or finance and tho nilnlRtcr of ntU'sU affairs held a council. It wn V;lded that tho cabinet confer with the older Ktntosmon before deciding on a courao of procedure. It Is mnnlft'st hat the Russian proposals nro unsnt JalV'lory. It Is believed that Russia will make conceimloun In ono direction and Itupoiio now conditions In another. Tho Japanese, nation Is deeply it tiered. Public nuntlmcnt favors the abandonment of negotiations, believing thorn to bo useless, and urges a resort to arms. General Yuan Shal Kal, rommnndcr-in-chlof of tho Chinese army nntl navy, wnt Ida foreign ndvl.icr. Charles Don by, Jr., to Peking to Investigate tho report1 an to tho prollnblllty of war. Wr Dcnby has reported that according to tho lcst opinions ohtalnuhle, based on diplomatic Information, war cannot bo avortod. Major Nathan, nn olllcer of tho tlrlt iflh army who wa.i Hecond In command of rallwny transportation In tho Trans vaal during tho Door war, lias ar rived at Pelting. He traveled over tho Silurian railway with tho speclnl vlow of ascertaining tho possibilities of tho road, for tho transportation of troops nntl Rupplloa In tho event of wnr. Ma jor Nathnu made careful observations and collected n great amount of data. I Kit opinion, based on his- observations, hi tho railroad would break down and that IJjj administration would And It self hopeloaly confused within n week under tho stress of war emergencies. Will (live Ilryuii ICoyal Welcome Pinna hnvo boon arranged to give William Jennings Hrynu n royal wl conio homo when tho Ccdrlc arrives In New York. A committee will meet him down tho bay and escort hi in to tho hotel Vlctoiia. There a recaption will 1m held to which thousands of invita tions have been lanucd. Mr. Urynn will bo naked to shako hands with tho gjneral public. Senator McCorren heads tho rom anltteo in charge. It includes Polico 'Commissioner McAdoo nnd n number of other gold domocrntB, such ns Comptroller Orout. Republicans, Tnm niAtiyltCH, Henry Oeorgo philosophers, mul prominent nltverllca are upon the committee, which Is a distinguished jioa-pnrtlsan one. The Iteply to Colombia General Rafael lleyoa, the Colombian special envoy, lias rocelvcd tho answer of tho Washington government to hla nolo charging the United States with open violation of the ttcaty of 184C. The answer which was prepared by Sec retary Hay, though couched in tho moAt diplomatic terms and expressing Oio wish of this government to deal jti.it Ir with Colombia, is an emphatic rofusal to rcopon the Panama question. Prlir to ,the receipt of tho reply, cnocal Reyes, wroto tho ntato depart ment requesting that tho correspond unco bo transmitted to the scnato for ilx cousldorntton. Pending an answer to Uila request the correspondence will not bo made public. Printing Comlilno nit lUrrt Tho nupromo court decides In the cane of Woodruff against Georgo Wel toa and tho other county commission ers of Lancn3tor county that in adver tising for bids for county printing tho ndvortlsnicnts must be specific in re gard to books, blanks and stationery. Tho court holds that unless the statute in regard to tho advertising is strictly -compiled with the contract entered into in void nnd non-effective. Malt Quit Te of Tolmrro When students at Ohio Wesleynn unl vcralty returned from their holiday va CHtjou thoy were required to sign a pldgo to abstain from tobacco during (he term, before they were permitted ( ivftumo work at tho university. Many uf the students accepted tho condition, Imt many telegraphed their parents for -advice. Ciwiltler Held for Fore cry Oinhlcr J. 13. Marcell ot the bank of Highland, ICos., charged with forgery, haa released on bonds and was re-arrested on a charge of uttering forged taper, which, It is cald, will nggrcgato $W,000. He Is under guard at his homo to, Highland. Friends ot the accused tii.i a say Mnrcoll will pay every dollar too owes. Tho bank's doors were closed. Fir Drill Hacceuful nt Suit Lake It took exactly one minute and fifteen tsecoudv? after an alarm ot flre had been .Klmi; to'inarch 750 school children out of t'n'lon lidiool, Salt Lake. Tho school, ii lhcee-story structure, was partly de titroyoa about throe ynnra ago. Since thai time a flre department drill has lieou part of tho regular exercise, A fli' wn's discovered in the basement. The flre drill was Instantly called, nnd to the Rounds ot music tho hundreds of rhililren were marchtd from the bulld im', Iq p:rfCrt order, 'TJuo Arc Ioes was w muni GENERAL VIFQUAIN DIES Pioneer of Lincoln, unit I'romlncnt la Civil anil Military Circle Ocn. Vlntor Vlfqunln, soldier and statesman, died at his homo, Kloventh nml i streets, Llnroln, after u long lllnens. Ho wns sixty-seven years of age, and n native of Uelglum. Ho re coiled n military education In Europe, but early In life ho became a pioneer of Nobraskn. From tho then unsettled prairies of this slate he went to tho east nnd offered- hla services to hla adopted country. After serving with distinction, having been twlco pro moted on the field of battle for meri torious nnd gallant conduct, and re ceiving n medal from congress In rec ognition of his services, ho returned to bin new homo In Nebraska and was among the foremost of Uiojo who helped build up tho commonwealth. Later In life ho served his country as consul In Colombia. (lenernl Vlfquuln had been growing III grndunlly for more than a year. For poveral mouths ho haa ben a pa tient sufferer. His ailment was llrst supposed to hnvo been a hi caking down of the nrtcrlal tissues centered nt the liver. A physlclnn recently gave It nn his opinion that ho was Buffering from cancer of the pmincaa. An Krrnr hi Drurrtlon f.nw An error lin? been discovered In tho ncGslon laws nnd In the Wheeler stat utes, In the section of the statutties ap plying to wife and child desertion. Rep resentative Kennedy, the author of the bill, was In l.luroln and Investigated tho matter. In the printed statutes an Indeterminate sentence is provided for by tho ommlsslon of the word not. Tho Incorrect version makes the penalty read: "Moro than six months in the county jail, or more than ono year in tho penitent Inty." The correct version nn contained in tho enrolled bill rends, "Not more than nix months In the county Jail, or not moro than one year In tho penitentiary.' By tho Incorrect version It would bo poslblc for a JuJge to Bontencc nn offender to life Impris onment, but tho courta are required by law to follow the enrolled nnd en grossed bill, which Is doposttcd with tho secretary of state for safe keeping. Tho now law has been a terror to evil doom nnd so far not a enso hns been carried to tho supremo court to test I in validity, offenders- prefcirlng to com promise rather thnn give tho court nn opportunity to Inflict the penalty pro vided. Ruth Cletftlmiil, Agril in, Die Ruth Clovclnnd, the eldest child of ex-President Grover Clevelnnd. died nt tho Cleveland home very unexpectedly, tho Immediate cniiFe of death being n weakening of tho. heart action during a mild attack of dlphthcrln. Dr. Wick off, tho attending physician, said that Miss Clevelnnd hud been ill with a mild form of diphtheria for four days uud that thn heart affection was not an ticipated. Sho was 15 years old. Wliiili'tmne Sin, 00 1) n Ton A new recoul price of 510,000 n ton has been established for whalebone, suy a Tlmc3 dispatch from Ixindon. Two nnd one-quarters tons hi ought thut price In n snln at Dunsdce. The previous high marl; wan $12,000. Ex ports say the visible supply Is now only four tons In ICnglnud and America. Martini I,it 1)1 lrr Out Men Fifty-six men liavo been expelled from San Mlguol county, Colo., by tho military authorities sln.ee the publica tion of the governor's martial law proclamation. About forty-five of these men nre quartered at Melrose, nnd in tend to return to Tollurldo after the troops arc withdrawn. The senrch for flre arms and ammunition has bcen completed and betweon COO and 700 weapons liavo been confiscated. VUlllfiK "Little All Illfflit" Governor Tntt of the Philippine Is lands and his wlfo have bceu granted an audience- with the emperor nnd em press of Japan, lunching with them later. Tho emperor expressed his sat isfaction at tho friendly relations which exist between America and Ja pan. Ho wished tho Americans to un derstand that Jupan was striving ear nestly and patloutly to maintain peace. Kmtz Will He llroiijcht Ilurk A special to St. I.ouls from City ot Mexico, Mcx tayn tho department of foreign relations lina Informed Judgca Rojatt ot the Guadalajnra district court that President I)lnz has conceded to tho United States authorities the extradi tion of Charles Kratz, wanted in St. Louis for bribery. Tlirrntrnert Jewish UprlnliiK A threatening anti-Semitic demon stration ocurrcd at Klshlneff, accord ing to a diHpatch from London, to the New York American. Many persona were clubbed, but so far as tho dis patches lndlcnto. no person was seri ously injured. The polico suppressed the disturbance. Too Von n it for 74vnl Service The Cobbler brothers of Jackson county hnvo completed a bridge which Is far from being tho kind the namo would indicate. The Arkansas City man who had lost a pockctbook and the flndor reached tho newspaper ofllco to tell about it at tho samo moment. Unrrlmnn Elected U. P. Prealrtent 13. II, Hnrrlman was elected presi dent ot the Union Pacific railway com pany. Tho resignation of Horace G. Hurt ns president was accepted, and the election of Mr. Hnrrlman immediately followed, after which tho directors ad journed. redler Have a Free Hand Pedlcrs representing foreign houses will not have to pay a license to do business lu Nebraska, A defoct has at last been established in the revenue law passed by tho last session ot tho legislature and by tho decision ot the suproine court in tho caso of George W. Menko against tho state of Ne braska tho very Inducement for the licensing of pcdlors to operate iu Ne braska Is declared to bo In direct op position to tho constitution of the United States, it not ot tho state, and Is Inoperative. LANDMARK IS GONE Dunning's Opera House at Kan sas City, Kan., Burned WAS A FINE BUILDING IN 1867 Over Twenty Tlioimnnil I'eople of the Tun KniiH( City' Wntrheit the lllf I'rHtne Hlrurlure Hum The old Dunning opera house, a largo three-story wooden structure built in 1SG7. at tho southeast comer of Fourth street nnd State avenue, Kansas City, Knn., around which cluster many mem ories of old Wyandotte In tho latter 'COs and the '70:i, together with tho old wooden building adjoining on Fourth 6trect, In which tho first Bplbcopal sor vlco In tho state of Kansas was held on Palm Sunday, 1837, by the Rev. Rodney Nnbh, u missionary, burned to the ground. An oil stove In Mrs. Mary King's restaurant In the old building long since nbaudoncd an n house of worship, started the flre at a few min utes nftor C o'clock. Tho total lose was $12,000 to $15,000. For an hour nnd a half a crowd or 15,000 to 20,000 persons watched the historic old buildings burn, while nil tho flro companies in Kanwis City, Kan., nnd two companies from Kansas City, Mo., bent their energies in saving tho adjoining buildings. The heut from tho great wooden structures was so In tense that the sides and roofa of the bulldlng 200 to 200 feet nway were scorched nnd smoking, and, though the water pressure was weak, the good work of the firemen mm the absence of a strong wind from any direction prevented n conflagration. Mrnilea Kplilemlc In Kinporln Tho measles epidemic In Emporia and Lyon county, Kansas, Is causing alarm. The city teachers' report shows that thcro aro 202 cases of measles among tho school children. This Is 12 per cent of all of the children In tho city schools. Aside from these, a num ber ot normal students- are absent with tho measles. The day before tho normal dismissed for vacation seven teen students wero taken sick in one day. Two deaths have resulted from the epidemic. In the family of William Bacon, eight miles northwest ot Kmporla, the father and six children arc bcdfuHt with mcasle?. The doctor gave up two of the Dacon enscs. Every day the county Bcliools bolng closed because of the measles. Don't Wunt Joint lu Leavenworth County Attorney J. II. WcndorfT. of Leavenworth, Kan,, swore out wnr rnnts for tho nrrest of William and Fnnnlo Copeland, charging them with violating the Kanraa prohibitory law. The Copelands run a saloon In con nection with n grocery store In the southwest part of the city. Relatives of a rnllrond man named James Ryan who lost his position becauso of exces sive drinking, warned tho Copilnnds verbally nnd In writing not to sell any moro liquor to Ryan and when no at tention was- paid to this they demand ed of the county attorney that he pros ecute the Copelands. This Is the first nrrest in nearly ten years of any one for violating tho Kansas prohibitory law In Leavenworth. Nearly ratal Aminult Two negroes. .Tube Jordon and Clay Jordon, camo homo to Perry, Kun., on tho train Intoxicated and raised a dis turbance, nnd when tho marshal, Henry James, was going to put them under arrest. Jubo caught James and held hlra whllo his brother cut his throat James then shot tho one holding him, but the ball hit the collar bone and glanced off. Jubo and Clay Jordon escaped dur ing the excitement, but were caught two miles west of town. James may recover, for he ducked his hend nnd kept the razor from reach ing the Juculnr vein. All parties hadhnd trouble years ago and this Is tho first time Clay had been In town for a long time. Reekie Anto Driver Humiliated Two Falls City. Kan., boys hired an automobile nnd mode a trip through tho country. Will running their ma chine they mot a farmer driving a pair of frisky colts attached to a big wagon. Ho shouted to them to stop until he could get by them, but they laughed nnd came on The colts broke looso from tho wagon nnd ran away. The fanner had n loaded shotgun In tho wiun. nna no grauued It and fired both barrels nt tho rear wheels of tho auto. Tho big rubber tires were cut all to pieces, and tho Falls City boys had to walk eight miles to town, biro tho farmer to bring In tho machine and also pay damages for the ruined wheels. IIlBh Triced rorm I.nnit A half section farm, purchased eight yearn ago for $7,000, was sold for 114, 000 cosh nt Abllcno, Knn. It is east of town on tho bottom lands and has, during all tho eight years, paid a big rent. It was bought by northeastern Kansas farmers, who are buying many farms In that county. They pay large prices and usually cash. Farmer Will Hun Own Htore The farmers of tho vicinity of Na varro, sixteen miles south ot Abilene, Kan., have united and bought tho gen eral merchandise store. They haje formed n co-operative company and will conduct tho business themselves after March 1. Hcare In Wichita Theatre Electric sparks camo near causing a possible dangerous flre in tho Crawford opera house, Wichita, Kan,, which was crowded during the annual play given by tho senior class of tho high school. 'A member of tho cast found two wires on which tho insulation was defective and touched them together, "to see tho sparks fly." ho said. A blazo was started, but was soon extinguished. The nudlence knew nothing of tho blaze. Tho mnnaxroment. nnnnnnriui Hint nr. moro entertainments by students would .ue pcrmiucu in uio House. SENATOR DIETRICH FREE He Uacl Not Taken Oath VTIien Charge Aculnut Him Wan Slatle ( Judges Van Devanter and Munger, of, Omaha, in a comprehensive opinion de livered by the former, held that th Jury should find for Senator Dletrlcfe becauso at the time of the commission of the acts complained of Dietrich wan not a tenator. The many phases of tho caso wero discussed serlntum. When the race at bar was thus summarily dis posed of, tho other cases against Charles H. Dietrich and Jacob Fisher, growing out of the transactions in con nection with the appointment of the latter, followed in quick succession to their irrevocable quietus. Tho court said: 'One docs not be come nn officer by vlrtuo of an appoint ment, or by virtue of an election, either under the governments ot the respec tive states, or under tho government of tho United States. It requires also an acceptance, an assumption of duties on tho part of the officer elected or ap pointed, It Is optional with one who Is merely elected or appointed to public office whether ho will accept. It 1b not usual that such elections or appoint ments nro declined, but it Is in fact true that they are at times. "This defendant, as appears, was tho governor ot tho state ot Nebraska, at the time when he was elected a sena tor. Ono cannot be an ofllcor ot a state and a member of congress at ono and tho samo time. Yet he continued for & time not stated hero to be tho gov ernor of Nebraska, nnd discharged the duties of that office. So long as he did that it was impossible under the con stitution ot the United States that ho could bo n member of tho Ecnate. It, was optional with bim whether ho' would surronder the office of governor of Nebraska and accept that of a senator ot the United States. Ho chose, so long as ho did remain In tho ofllco of governor of Nebraska, to b governor. Ho could have served his entiro term as governor ot tho state of Nebraska. Having been duly elected and inducted into that office, tho elec tion by the legislature of Nebraska did not oust him from it, and could not oust him front it without tho further action in accepting the ofllco of United States senator. Had ho remained asi governor of Nebraska, I tako it from what was said, his term would have continued beyond tho time when the matters hero charged against him oc curred, and it could not, with any plausibility, bo said that during that time ho was a senator in congress as well as governor of Nebraska." Called tn Meet on January Chairman Harry C. Lindsay has is sued noticed ot a meeting ot the repub lican state central committee, January 20, at 2 p. m. Tho object of the moot ing Is to have tho commlttoe express Its opinion regarding tho date of two conventions to bo held this year. Ono of these meetings will bo unusually early, if tho opinion of some ot tho committeemen prevails. The recent executlvo commltteo meeting was called for the purpose of throwing light on this question, but the best it could do was to recommend that tho chairman call a meeting on or before January 15, to discuss it. When the committee getB together it will bo definitely de cided whether one of two conventions shall be held. Union Depot Not Up to Contract Tho representatives of the Union Pa cific and Northwestern railroads who inspected the union station at Fre mont, found oomo details of the In terior finishing which wero sllghUy at varlauco with tho contract specifica tions. They have reported to tho Union Pacific chief engineer's ofllco at Omaha to that effect. A conference was held and if a settlement is reached aa to what the contractors should allow for the faulty features, there may be no delay in opening the depot. Otherwise It is possible tho roads will insist that tho terms of tho contract bo fully com piled with before they accept the struc ture and begin using It. Oliloan Favor Olney At a Jackson day banquet at Cleve land, Ohio, John H. Clarke, the demo cratic nomlneo for United States sena tor in tho last Ohio campaign, spoke to tho toast "Democracy." Regarding a presidential candidate for the demo cratic party, Mr. Clarke strongly urged the nomination ot Richard Olney of Massachusetts ns the man whom all democrats can support and one who will bring victory Burer than any other nominee. Too Much Hunting for Safety County Attorney Eckstein and the AnH.lTnrsn Tli Ipf nssnr.ln.tIon. -which has 1,000 members near Wichita, Kan., nave oegun a war against ouuuny uum Ing in tho country by city nlmrods. Already one arrost has been made and others will follow. Tho farmors com plain that their premises are invaded without permission and that their stock la frightened by reckless hunters. Hard Up for Policemen Due to the Inability to sccuro a suf ficient number of citizens to Bervo as special officers during the street rail way strike, Mayor Morrison, of Bloom lngton, 111., served notice upon ovory member of tho board of aldermen, numbering fourteen, that they would be required to serve as polico officers It there Is any more disorder. The sheriff has been forced to call in his country deputies to servo owing to the Impossibility of securing the required number from local citizens. Neosho county is to buy trained bloodhounds to track horse thieves. Can Teach Under Reqnlrement Since the recent announcement of a scarcity of teachers in Ileatrlce, Nob., tho board of education has received ap plications without limit. All positions, however, have been filled and those applications which have como In have boon "placed on file." Among letters received from persons in other states is one from a young woman in Illinois who assures the members of tho board that she can be depended upon, If ap pointed, not to create n vacancy In tho teaching force by marryiug berore tho expiration ot the time named In tho contract IN FAVOR Of PEACE Germany to be Neutral Between Russia and Japan. RUSSIA IS GETTING READY At the game Time Hhe I tiling Every Available Mean to Ilonch Pence by Cnrdful Diplomacy It Is learned by the Associated presB on the highest uutlioiity that it has been decided In he event of war be tween Russia and Japan that Germany will maintain n strict neutrality and that other members of tho drelbund will observe a similar attitude. The importance of this decision, which the Associated preen understands will almost Immediately bo announced In some- official manner in Derlln, can not bo easily overestimated. It will in a measure ensure that hostilities will bo confined to the two powers con corned nnd It will bo certain to give a great stimulus to the efforts which Franco and Great Britain nre mnklng in St. Petersburg and Toklo, respec tively, In favor of pence. Tho most rellnble news received nt St. Petersburg Is that tho mass ot Rus sian troops In tho far east are con centrated at VlndlfORtock, or on the northern frontier of Korea. A traveler who has lately returned from the far cast estimates that be tween 100,000 nnd 200,000 soldiers wero In tho vicinity of Vladlvostock. He surmised that the Russians will occupy northern Korea, bub thought that the posslblo collsion was not lmmlnont for a month or moro when taking Into consideration the difficulties of march ing. Russia does not propose to discuss the negotiations now in progress. But it should bo realized she is availing herself of every rcnronablo means to reach an agreement by diplomacy. It will bo nn Interesting bit of In formation to the Russian government to know tho primary object of the To klo negotiations so far ns Japan is concerned is tho protection of Amer ican and English Interests in the far east. Russia had supposed that Japan was Influenced by less unselfish mo tives. SENATOR SMOOT'S FIGHT He I Prepared to Show That HI Pane cator are Ignorant of Fact The response of Senator Reed Smoot of Utah to the charges made against him was presented to the senate com mittee on privileges and elections by Senator Burrows, chairman of that committee. The document was in printed form, and tho members of the commltteo did not go through the for mality or reading It during the session. It was agreed that at the regular meet ing of tho committee to be held next week tho attorneys for Mr. Smoot and for the petitioners should bo heard. John G. Carlisle of New York, for merly secretary of the treasury, and R. W. Taylor, formerly a representa tive in congress, from Ohio, will ap pear for the prosecution, while Mr. Smoot will be represented by Messrs. A. S. Worthington. ot Washington, D. C; Waldcman Vnn Cott. of Utah, and W. n. Bosah, of Idaho. The attorneys will be heard as to tho merits of tho ease as already presented. Thoy will bo examined to show precedents and authorities and after they shall have mado their presentation the commit tee will decide what to do further In the matter by calling witnesses or dls poso of it on tho showing which will then nave- been made. Colombian Troop Located A dispatch to tho navy department from Rear Admiral Coughlnn, com manding the American naval forces on the Atlantic sldo of tho Isthmus of Panama, says that a sailing vessel which has Just arrived at Colon re ports the arrival of throe hundred Co kmiblan troops at St. Andrews Island. This lslnnd Is off tho coast of Nica ragua, but Is a dependency ot Colom bia. Admiral Coughlnn says this informa tion confirms that which ho had pre viously in regard to tho report of tho landing of these troops. It is believed that tho troops aro thoso which left tho mouth of the Atrato river somo time ago bound for the north. It is believed they went to St. Andrews island to put down n secession move ment which It was announced had as sumed some sbapo there. Government Will Make Fnrra Loan The last session of tho second bien nial legislature of Porto Rico wi.ll ha opened. Governor Hunt's message will be read and It Is anxiously awaited, as It is expected to indicate President Roosevelt's policy in tho Island. uno uetter class has assured the house of representatives that it will support tho measure for a loan or five million dollars to the farmers. The Americans In tho council aro opposing tho mensuro on tho grounds of econ omy nnd tho house thrcatons retalia tion by killing all the American meas ures, Including tho general appropria tion. The biggest convention of coffee planters ever held In tho island was held at San Juan. Nineteen towns wero represented in tho convention. The bankers of tho Island aro back ing the movement to raise a fund of forty thousand dollars for pushing the interests of coffee culture In tho isl and. nig Haclng Stake at Kannat City The stakes for the Inaugural meet of tho Kansas City Jockey club which will begin April 30 are announced. For tho nineteen days of racing there aro ten stakes with a total valuation ot 520,300. Tho cntrlcB for all stakes will end March 1, Tho principal stakes are: Kansas City derby, for thrco-yenr-olda, $5,000, one and one-quarter miles. Elmbrldge handicap, for three-year-olds and upwards, $3,G00, one and out eighth miles. AN HONEST MAN Judge William 0lln Prove HI Delr to Do Illglit by Slate Tho $2,500 paid Into tho Btate treas ury in settlement of the state claim jm $ 10,600 which was lost by tho failure of the First National bank of Alma during J. S. Bartley's administration,, wns presented to tho state by Judge Willlnm Gnslln of Kenrnoy. Tho stato f board ot compromise found that ho was the only bondsman of tho stato depos itory bank who was willing or nble to pay anything. The others are said to Lo cither Judgment proof or have taken advantage of the bankruptcy law. Whllo the- total loss of tho state is large compared to the amount received in settlement, some members of the board ot compromise feel as ir It has own rather hard upon the one man , who offered to pay what ho could of a bis share of the loss. Judge Gaslln seivcd many years upon the district bench in western Nebraska. In his early youth ho was a schoolmate of Justice Melville B. Fuller of tho United States supreme court. He has rendered distinguished service on tho bench, nnd Is now practicing law. FIFTY-TWO DROWN Hteamer Clallan Ooe to TJottotn or 8ea nn Pacific Coast The steamer Clallan, ot the Seattle- 4 Victoria fleet, went down midway be- twecn Smith Island and Dungencss. In tho Straits ot Juan do Fuca. Firty two persons were drowned. Every woman and child aboard the Clallan i.erlshed. Within three miles f shore nnd at a timo when it ap peared certain the Clallan had been saved, a desperate effort was made to savo the women and children In the lifeboats. They wero placed In the first boat to leave tho ship, which Cap tain Lawrence, a Yukon pilot, volun teered to command, and which was manned by deck hands. The frail craft went down within sight of the Clallan, and a second life-boat filled with male ' passcngi rs and In command of Second Officer Currin, wa3 probably lost a few minutes Iater.t Aboard the Clallan watchers saw wave3 sweep passengers from their hold on the seats and hurl them Into tho waters. Mountain Hllrzard at 6nlt T.ake The phenomenon ot a mld-wlnter thunderstorm accompanied by heavy snow wns experienced In Salt Iako City. Vivid flashes of lightning were accompanied by heavy thunder, con tinuing for nearly an hour. A gale which camo with the thunderstorm reached a velocity of over thirty miles an hour at times nnd was accompanied by heavy snow and hall which was -driven lu blinding sheets, making it almost imposslblo to remain out of doors. Telegraph service throughout that section Is prostrated by the storm which raged with bli7.?ard-llke vio lence throughout Nevada and Utah. Heavy snow is reported from a number of places, but the temperature remains mild. American and (lorniun All Itlght No excitement has been aroused In official circles In Washington by tho nttacks of the ar.tl-Amerlcan press in Germany regarding tho statue of Fred crick the Great. It is again pointed J out thnt until the work of construc tion at the war college has progressed further It will bo not only inexpedient but dangerous for tho statue to be erected there. It Is to be located near the main building and the contractors will not be responsible for Its safety whllo building Is going on. There is a thorough understanding between the Washington and Berlin governments on tho subject and tho officials em phatically refuse to be led into explana tion ot acts which they declare are known to Emperor William and all Germans who have taken the trouble to institute an intelligent inquiry. Mr, Mayhrlck to be Iteleaied Referring to the statement published In the United States that final arrange ments were made yesterday at a con ference between Ambassador Choatc and the homo ofllce officials at Lon don for tho release in April ot Mrs. Florence Mayhrlck, tho American woman under sentenco of llfo Impris onment on the chargo of poisoning bor husband, It Is pointed out thnt tho status of the case is Just as cabled to the Associated press March 23, 1903, when it was announced on tho author ity of the home ofllco th' she would bo released In 1904. The exact date ct her release Is not yet fixed. Baroness de Roques says that her daughtor, Mrs. Mayhrlck, Is decidedly In belter health und gaining strength now that she has tho certainty ot being released. Hnlf n Million for Mnnunver A statement prepared at tho war de partment t-hows that the recent ma. neuvers of the regular army and stat militia at Fort Riley. Kansas, and West Point, Ky.. cost the general gov ernment about five hundred thousand dollars. This amount Includes actual ('.Isburscmonts for transportation and other Items of expense in connection w with tho militia organizations which w participated in the maneuvers. Tho expense attached to tho participation ct the regular troops in the maneuvers was only for such extra service as transportation and docs not include cx rense of subsistence, which would have been tho same at the regular station ot tho troops. It makes a woman feel very Immod est to think what her weight is with out any clothes on. MlMonrl Truck raw No Good In an opinion handed down by divi sion No, 2 ot the supremo court, thn "Missouri truck store law" Is declared to be unconstitutional. This law pro hibits corporations from issuing trade checks to employes, The case came from Rlploy county, where tho Mis souri Tlo and Timber company was convicted of violating tho law. The attorney general filed a motion to transfer the case to the supreme court on banc, which was sustained nnd It vlll be heard next week, .XJ' .-. . -tfiJttj&ri. U.,:iik tfl jX '- M.A ;& j-V flu. i , -. v 'aji. ,. .. 4. i't?yjyfwMi tttrT' ?jgffi iaMMMWKawrvKtaiib ri M &. Alt 31. mi" aiifeDia'i mmim " 'ct wiajjaMaMjajagjBSaaBEgi Jjff ULif -w . fc&tl , - - -- isMBBU.i..i.fr'n(n" w .avaaEW. aavaawai