if VOLUME XXXJE. VVvyvrAv,xwvvs MINER BROS., Red Cloud, Neb. Store News from the "Bfe Store" CLOAKS. Every garment marked in plain figures. When we advertise 1-4'or 1-3 off, that is what we mean. Prices are not raised for the occasion, but remain at the same price marked earlier in the season. During balance of January we give 1-3 off on every article in our stock. lff Garment ?rO-$?s? Garment $4 912 Garment 98 5 last season's garments at 1-3 of their marked price, or $21 garment for $7, a $12 garment for $4. EMBROIDERIES. 4 yard pieces Embroideries, splendid values. This lot con tains many sett. Embroideries in this lot vary in price from 10c to .'Wc yard. By the piece only, special price, 38c. WAISTING. 27-inch Mercerized Wnlstlng in plain and fancy weaves, in Panama, Etumines. Voiles, Madrases, Challios, Oxfords, etc. Instead of 81.2.1, price now t5c Instead of 81.00, price now SOc Instead of 7rc, price now 55c Instead of 00c, price now 45c Instead of 50c, price now 40c Instead of IKo, price now 23c FLANNELETTES. For Waists, Kimonos, Wrappers, otc. Somo splendid values. 18c grade 15c 15u grade 12 1-2C 12c grade 9c HOSIERY. Somo big values in HONEST HOSIERY. Cowboy, splendid heavy ribbed Hose, very good for school use 15 and 20c A goodvaluo in Ladles' fleece llued 12 l-2c DRESS GOODS. Somo big values in colored novelties at 25, 30, 40c. Brillnntiue Is a very fashlonablo cloth lor spring. A big lino at 50c, 70c, SI, 1.50, $1.75 por yard. Broadcloth Suiting, 51 mchos wide, at 90c, $1,25 und $1,50 P 38-iuch Zlbllono, Venetians, Meltons, etc., 50, CO, 70c, por yd. "Satisfaction or MINER yAvAWWA DUTCH FLAT. Charles Tin oikniot ton is much im proved In the liwt couplo of wiokp, and may ho still keep on improving is tho wish of all hisfiiunds Thomns Brown, an old sottlir of Logan township, Is back among tho old nolRhora for a Wt. To Ju lg from Appearance's tho world has bioo kind to him. Ho lopoitsWm. Luwis and family well and prospering, which thoir friends will bo pleased to learn. Breaking colts or wild horsos is a thing of tno past, tho horses being very easily bundled and provu to bo of excollont quality. A number of our young people nt- tended tho Davis Frnssior wedding on Sunday. We wish tho young couplo a ong and happy life, as thny ate among the esteemed of our joung friends. Mr. Iloughtallng Ip somewhat Im proved in health. WALNUT CREEK. Many of tho farmers are busy hauling corn to markot. Mr.-riold bad teams hauling corn from Mfis. Marton's last week. Mootinge will bo held at No. 3 this week. 'J. O.Holcorob Is recovering from tho rheumatism and is quite himself again. ' Newman Jones, who has been visit NvAvsvvvvvv money bat-ck." BROS. ing witlj relatives at.McCook, returned Immu Monday. Mrs. John Sutton and Mrs. Arneson visited nt Mts. Will Uosoneruns' last Thursday. Frank Cotilson bought a lino team from Eimtr Robinson; consideration $2r,o. LESTER. Mrs. Charles Fi'hbui eiitorlniued tho Bichclor Girls club 'J'uesday evtning. Muido Miller rutin tied Sunday fiom a visit with fikmU in luavale. Ed Raster Im moved with his fnmily to the farm which ho recently put chased of Ed McCuno. The now Farn ors Mutual tolophone liuo is nunring completion. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children. Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Homo in New York, cure feverishnes?, bad stomach, teothing disorders, iriovo and regulato tho bowels and destroy worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. They nevor fail. At all druggists, 25o. Sample free. Ad dross Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y. 12 4. - To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Qulniuo Tab lots. All druggists refund the money if it fulls to cure. E. W. Grove's signa ture id on each box. 25., ""W.- JvTWT" I?ED CLOUD, X73URASKA, JANUAllY 15, 15)0-1, STILLWATER. Davit Flshol hnulod a lond of Roods to Cowles for (). O. .Miller, Monday. J It and Win. Crozicr and Will Cling delivered cattle to Mt. Clniu Thursday. ( M Albin and wifo wiro trading in Ited Cloud Saturday. Itov Hutchiu's, who hns lately taken cbargo of Cow hs circuit, prouchul ut Eokley Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p niM and will preach ovcry alturnato Sunday hereafter. Mr. Sliaw of N'urknlls county was hauliug cobs up to Mrs. Carswull'd Tuesday. Peoplo expect t hear the wtddiug bolls soon. O. O. Mil'or loaded his car Tuesday and stated for Sheridan county Kuns., whero ho will mike his futuro home. His wifo nud family will follow him later. G. A. Wells has biutjht an intorest in the hardware storo in Cowles and will move his family to Cowles as soon as he can get a house. Died At the family residenco on Sunday at 10 a m., Jan. 10, after a lingering Dines, Isaac Taylor. Mr. Tay'or was an old soldier, having served his country io the Civil war, and was also an old resident of Web ster county, settling on a homestead near where the town of Rosemont cow stands, in the early 70i. The funeral services were conducted by Elder Headly of Guide Rook, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Ranney cemetery, about six miles east of Blue Hill. STATE CREEK. Thore is n largo number of catllo be ing fed near heio. The Mountford Bros, hauled off hogs lately at 81 20. Corn is being sold in Red Cloud for 25 and 27 cents and also to the feeders. Land values in this neigbboihood havo inci eased rcmarkab y in recent years. A few years ago ono could buy an unimproved 80 or 100 acres for 5 to $8 per acre. The increase in value is shown by somo locent transaction in fat m lands. Mr. Maynard sold 580 acres at 830 per acre, or 810.0QO; Mr. Rocher sold 100 acres for 83,000; Oscar Provalt got 84000 for u quar'.er section and H. Henry i of mod 85000 for his quarter. A suoit description of this pint of tho country may bo of somo service to strangets. The land is high and well watered by numirous crooks which How into tho Republican river. Corn, rye. wheat, oats, millet, cane, I; ft Mr corn and alfalfa all maku good crop", and ihcro is considerable lin young timber. Alfalfa makos about two tons per ncre, and can bo mowed from two to four times each sensuii. Hoises and cittlo can livo on it, whilo hogs do better on It that on tho clover of eastern stittts. Hogs can bo fed out on alfalfa and corn much better than ou corn alone nud are not so liable to disease. Corn makes 50 to CO bushels per aero, though tho soil is uot so wo 1 adapted to the smaller grains. No ono over saw liner melons and potatoes than ate grown horo. LINE. Mrs S. C. SIiuok. who h is boon under tho doctor's caro for somo time, is nolo to bo around again. Will Aubushon is going to Dutch Flat lo niuko that neighborhood his home. John Boauchnmp was tho guest of S. C. Shuck last week. J. E. Fox made a business trip to Garfield this weok. Tho Aubushon bojs shellod core for Will Dahlon Saturday. Miss Mabel Noblo of Walnut Creek was the guost of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Dyko Tuesday. Will Dahlon hauled corn to May nard's tauch Monday. Master Ray Shtiok is attending school at Pleasant Dalo, Will Galbraith finished husking corn for Charles Collins this weok. A burglar entered tbo homo of John Rooher, on Penny creok, ono night last week, and stolo a new suit of tjtaesr " t- !)LaW o'.ot bos, valued at $15, and, smuo otlur artlulrs No ohm to ttiu identity of the thiol him yet boon found. William Il'Hcnoians is talking of ro iug to Illinois to livo. BLADEN. 1). O Itnnnott is having tho founda tion laid for hU new rusilouco. Mrs. William Snarls is visiting nt R'iroii tills woik. II. L. Boyd nnd family aro moving into tho.D. P. Kitnmcl property. Floyd Williams returned from Omaha last M nidny ovonlng, whom ho has boen lenrning the burlier trade. Kev. Wolf is hold protracted moot ings at tho M. E. church this week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bonnott and W. 11. Hoffman drovo to Blue Hill Wednes day. Wayno Rood and family visited at tho home nf Fred Reed last Sunday. Mrs. J. W. McCoy is roportcd to bo on the sick list. H. B Boyd and wife drovo to Rod Cloud Tuesday. Elmer McCoy wont to St. Joo with a load of cattle Tuesday. William Morrow It-ft Wednesday for a trip through Arkansas. Dr. Weman drove to Blue Hill Sun day. E. Reed drove to Campbell Wednes day. D. Roullor of Campbell was in Bladen on business Wednesday. Miss Bertlo Woodsido was a Red Cloud visitor ono day this woek. GUIDE ROCK. Tuesday evening after tho business session of tho lodgo bad closed, tho Degioo of Honor lodgo installed oflh-ors. After tho installation cere monies a banquet was served to tho members aud a few invited guests. R. S. Denny is sick. Mrs. Doudua is reported on tho sick list. N. M. Doudna and R. S. Proudiit were in Superior the lirst of tho week. Miss Ethel Burr has returned to her homo in Illinois. Mrs. Howell is ill with tho grip. Mrs. A. Guv nnd Mrs. Virreil of Eukley and Mrs. Clias. Guy and Mrs. A. J. I la) ps spent Wedesday with Mrs. Camel!. Mis. Proudiit attended tho E.istirn Star mooting at Rod Cloud Monday. Dr. Bradshaw of Superior visited in Guide Rock Sunday. WILLOW CREEK. MANiTOHA. Mrs. Bnibaker andeistnr, Mrs. M C. Jackson, returned last Tuesday from Old, Neb , after a pleasant visit. Mrs. Jitko Lacey Is on tho sick lift.. Wnrreu Edson anl wife and Mr. Iloyt and wifo visited at Jako Lituoj's last Thursday. . Miss Nellie Bon is spending the woek vUiting old neighbors ou Ponny creok. Chnrely Brubaker and his nopbov, Dock McPiieelers, aro building a barn for Mr. Sallzmati. Miss Minnie Harrington v lilted with Mits Nellie Boa lust Tuesdny. Mrs. Clio. Laltti and Mrs. Allen Carpenter wero pleasant callers last Friday. Harry Brubaker lost ono of his fine drivers last week. GARFIELD. Claronco and Com Reed visited Mrs. Reed's parents last Mondav. S. C. Munger nnd wifo visited with Mrs. Emma Smith last Tuesday. Arthur Shipmun has purchasod a part of tho old Martin farm and is now stocking it with hogs, Howard Dow has bought a pony from Llewellyn Kin. Tho reception given by Miss Blancho McCartney last Tuesday night to tho members of hor Sunday school cluss was a dooided success. Tho young people enjoyod themselves hugely un til a late hour and each ono was pre sented with a souvenir to coaimomo rate the occasion. s-vwes" WWf Mlfcii .n ...v' -.... rm..l iiOiSL f;i....J l-ltm'sll I .:!i.-ti:'..i- i 4-..i.- Newhouse Brothers Jewelers 8 Opticians Satisfaction Guaranteed szm'mxwmmsmms'mi CROPS ARE BIGGER. Farming on Scientific Principle Proving of Value. ,. iBpnrlut R.ialt. of Carp fa I Inrctl Itatlun by Government ISxpertB Growth tn the Cora States. Not bo many yearn back It was the de light of the granger and tho para grapher alike to poko gentle fun at tb( "scientific farmer." As a patron of hus bandry ho was alleged to bo Id doubt :oncornlng the proper timo to plant en illago and he was urged to Invent nut f his wisdom a process for tho dehorn ing of hydraulic rams, says the New York Mall and Express. Wo have heard less of these pleasan tries as the years have added proof ol tho practical adantage accruing to the farmer from the scientific Investiga tions carried on ejstcniatk'ally by tin government or sporadically by tin ihemlst and amateur of agriculture Tho latest and most important result ol this activity Is brlrlly announced by Prof. I. O. Holi!rn, of the Amos nerl -lt'inl (oHcrii lu three words: "1 -jviry n.nair In the doui jrcat in states give a few winter ovenl..gs to tin task and 480,000,000 bushels will hi added to the annual crop of tho con. jolt." Prof, llolden does not ask for an In crease of tho 48,0000,000 ncrfs In the socn states which grew each otcr 100, DOO.OOO bushels of corn In 1002 namely llllncls, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Mis lourl, Indiana and Ohio he docH not propose any form or method of an ciii f :uIturo; he simply n?surcH results to tht farmer who will p'.nnt 100 "live" ker nels of corn In every 30 hills. Very sim ple, yet altogether new, tho farmers throughout Iowa hao listened to till! ldvlce, and they are reported as belnj: "convince! tint for onco a professor In in agricultural collego has a reform that Is thoroughly practical." To find out how much the farmers ol tho state wero annually losing by not planting corn properly, Prof. Holden last year sent 1,000 litters to nil parts of Iowa asking tho number of stalkn in pnch hill In cornfields. Ho found that tho "stand" was but 75 per cent, of w hat ho had demonstrated will pioduco the largest yield, In making hln tables he counted cither three or four stalks as a 100 per cent, stand. For ten years the average yield of corn in Iowa has bean approximately 35 bushels to tho acre. Such a )i,-fi vlth a 70 per crnt. Etnnd the avrragr In it nurrlur of jnrr. wnuli' become r0 bushels v. lth a 100 per cent, btand. Pi of. Holden put his theory to the test last year, planting several thou sand acres with seed sorted by hand and through planters carefully adjusted to drop the proper cumber of kernels. Previous! the best yield was 58 bushels an acre. Last year the average yield was 72 bushels. Of the gain, 80 per cent, is estimated to bo due to tho stand and 20 per cent, to tho superior germinating power of the seed. In the experimental fields under Prof. Holden's control the yield has never been less than (0 bush els an acre since 1896. There Is something fine anrV tangible In this; something to avraVn the ad- mmftmaW , itffi ' 4trW NUM15EB :J miration of the hornyhandad son of toil, who may still distrust th learning of the coll physicist, but whose common sense is allv. to th fact that It pays to it up a few winter night and sort grains of corn, when, If done every where In the bolt, the result will add 480,000,000 bushels to the crop, or, about 8144,000,000 to the farmers' bank ac count. nirda Eatlnet In "wltaerland. Last year the Bwlss government gave the cantons 10,000 francs ($1,930) for the destruction of noxious animals. Tho sum spont in the cantons for this pur pose was 4,000 franca ($772). Seventy two otters, 188 heronB and 303 crows were destroyed. In tho list published some years before we see the kingfisher, the water blackbird, tbo grebe and the fish eagle, but It would appear that these birds are now extinct In Switzerland. Matter ot Orthosraphr. "Some ttmo ago," said the skeptical boarder, "I consulted a fortune-teller who Informed that a wave of prosperity was coming my way." "Well?" queried the human interro gation point at the end of the mahog any. "It showed up, all right," continued the s. b., "but the old girl's orthography was a trifle lnmo. It should havo beon spelled 'waive.' "Chicago Dally Now s. FEMALE WEAKNESS fil21-2ConRromBt. PotlTtAKD, AlAINU, Oct. 17, 1801. I consider Wlno of CarJul superior to nny doctor' raodlctno I ever used and I rnour uhoroof I speak. I suf fered for nine months -vyltfi Bupprenaod merntruallon vriilah completely pros trated mo. lIns would ahoot through my back and stdoa nnd J would havo mvoll up nnd I would foci co weak I OSUld not stand un. T ri.Ttiirs.llT fnlt cllicourogcd fori soomed to bo beyond tbo huli of physician, but "Wlno of Cardul came ct it Ood-ieml to me. I felt a chango for tho better wlthta a week. After nlnnlncn days treatment I menstmatsd without otifforlntf tho Ronloa I usually did and soon became regular and v!(hout patn. Wlao or Cardut la slmnl v wonder! ul and I wlih 3 that all Hnfturitig womuu knew OX 1U good quilltieo. Treasurer, Portland Economic League Periodical headaches tell of fo mala weakneaj. "Wino of Cardui cures permanently nineteen out of every twenty cases of irregular menses, bearing down pains or anyfemalo weakness. IF you are discouraged and doctors have failed, that is the best reason in tho world you should try Wine of Cardui now. Remember that headaches mean femalo weakness. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Win d Cardui today. WINE" CARDUI fMMjBPHMili' 1 V 1 i M yf i ' M t. J ,. k i t j .11 m m I m u i . r stflk&MA