I V1 Often Tho Kidneys Aio Weakened by QYor-York. Unhealthy Kttlncys Make Impure Blood. It tthcil to bo considcied tht.t only uriimrynud bladder troubles were to bu trnctsu w uiu kiiiiiuvh, but now modern I .science proves Unit nearly nil disc-as is have their behi'iini; in the disotdcr of these most important organs. Tlie kidneys filer nnil ptr.ifv the blood-- lUIll W meir wurK. Therefoie. when your hidneyn.ue wettii or out of onier, you can itiidet stand h.ns quickly vour rutins body in directed and how every organ cc.iw to fail to do its duty. , If you nrc siel: or " feel badly," be;nii Ijiklnir the j;rl kidnoy remedy, Dr. Kiltucr'n Swamp-Root, because tiij won n.4 your kidneyn are wull they will help till the other ory-ma to hetdlh. A trial will convince iinyouc. If you nrc Elck you can make no niie tnke by firtt doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the exlrnoidltmry e fleet of Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Uool, the i cat kidney teniedy, is mkjii realized. It btfimls the hmhest for its woinkt ijil cures of the most distressing caser., and n.holtl mi its merits bv all fi" til ilniKKlsts in fifty-cent flEEMBgl hnvea Miniplc bottle lronwotnwcmp-r.oot, by mall free, also a painiihlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writiiiKto Dr. Kilmer & Co., l!mg hamtou, N. Y. Don'tmnke any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Itoot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Uoot, and the ad dress, lliiighamton.y. Y.. on every bottle. HAD BACKING OF CONGREQO. Story Illustrates Chlldlshneas and Cro dullty of the Ncnro. Prof. Hall, tho noted psychologist and president of C'ark Univorslty, tolls tho following st y Illustratlvo nl tho childlike faith and credulity of tho negro. It appears that Prof. Hall by Invita tion vlaltod a negro church. Tho preacher was most earnest and Im pressive In his eulogies of tho Daptlvt religion. He was bent on lnstllllug In tho minds of the members of hln flock the Idea that the Baptist religion was the only religion. With the recital of each tlrtue of that denomination be waxed more elo quent. Finally, toning forward and with bated breath, he closed with this forcible argument: "Brethern and slstern, I now tell you why do Baptist rollglon am de best First, because It am; second, because dere ain't no odder religion, and, third ly and lastly (with emphasis), my brethern, It am de only religion be cause It am entered according to do act of Congress!" This last assertion aroused and Im pressed his congregation complete!?, says tho New York Times. But It somewhat astonished Prof. Hall, who found later upon Inquiry that tho min ister Justlftod his declaration by tho fact that on a Baptist tract that had found ltd way into his hando were tho customary words, "Entered according to tho act of Congress." THE RETIRED BURGLAR. Of the Deathlike Stillness Following the Stopping of a Clock at Night. "Evor hear a clock Btop In tho mid dlo of tho night?" said the retired burglar. "I did, onco, and I never wus much moro scared by anything, for mlnuto, In my life. "I'd Just picked up a watch that was layln' on tho top of a bureau In a houso that I was lu when all of a sud den there scorned to drop right down, comohow, n stillness that was like death; and I found myself standing there holding tnnt watch and looking around in tho dark lu all direction expecting something terrible to hap pen; and scared? "Why, for n minuto 1 was scared al most out of my senses. And thou a!', of a sudden It struck mo that a clock I'd been hearing ticking away good and strong up to that rulnuto In tho t "-. ! . .:! . ' '?.".,!"' 3 "' ;.;';.:.. i'4 Mow IVftoa AMU TT A M S 0 $s . .a' ifl US W) p o fiS2glLPP I have purchased the stock, fixtures and good.will of the market formerly owned by E. K. Shererand by honest treatment hope to retain all old patrons secure many new ones. When in need of Fresh or Salt M eats, Game, etc., give me a trial. C. E. HARRINGTON. City Dray and B. W. ROSS. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Residence 52. I To Cure a Cold in One Day rTake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Seven MSMon bait soM in past 1 2 months. ThU Signature, room tinctt of tho 0110 1 wan in lint stopped. "That's nil, but that was enough fc uip, at d I Jmt rlld out. "I 11' u quiet houso, hut I don t liko ono wUH tint kind of Htlllncw. I.-. It; ami then, so:nctI"io3 fcllts aru wo!.t up by a clock stopping just about : quirk ci they could bo by tho J!: I... jf a Kim." ,iui; inn mnrrl'iir mm. How few of tho!o that talk of tho "marriage knot" rcallus that tho knot was over nnylblng more than a more figure pf speech. Among tho Uabylo nlanw tying tho knot was part of thn ninrrlnso ecitmony. Them tho pi lest took a thread of tho garment of Th brlilo and nnoMicr from that of the bridegroom ami tin) thorn Into a knot, which he gave to tho bride, thus nyni bollzlng the hlni'lng natuio of tho un ion between horaolf and hor husband. TViti '" Niirllifirci Mlrhlsni. Wolves aro becoming so numerous In tho woods of the upper penlnmila ot Michigan that about ns many deer nrc killed by them In the closed season tu there arc by hunter In tho open sea son. It Is suggested that tho bounty bo made $25 por head, no men would then mako It a business to kill them for tho money thcro would be In It, and before long tho species would bo prac tically extinct, as far as Michigan was concerned. Wninrn Won from Tight ClothlnK. Ill his opening address as prcsldlnv oftlcor of the twelfth annunl confer enco of tho Physical Culture associa tion tho other day In New York Dr Dudley Sargent of Harvard declared his belief that "Inwn tennis, golf ant! cycling have done more to win women away from tight clothing thnn all the past rcntury'n lecturing and writing.' About 150 delegates from all sectlonr of tho country applauded tho Idea. Women In llrltUti IMnll Farvlcx. Tho British postal service finds em ployment for a 1,000 women out o! 167,000 ofllccrs, and over 19,000 of these women are engaged, chiefly In the provinces, as assistants to postmas ters. There are not many ranks closd to women. No fewer than 145 head postmistresses are to be found In the provinces, and moro than ono-thlrd of the sub-postmastersblps are In trusted to women. FarU QltMoa'a tlnaaat. Montana's new senator, Paris Gib son, Is a popular man In Minneapolis, Minn. He started the first woolen mill in that city, but failed In the pan ic of 1877, owing his employes nearly $10,000. Soon after Gibson went to Montana and a decade later returned to Minneapolis and paid off every cent ot his Indebtedness, with inter est at 7 per cent. Homo lotrn Klorlliia t'tgnrf. There arc few socialists in Iowa, but Eugene Dobs polled 1.G43 votns In th Hnwkeyo fttate last year for president. Of these 510 were cast In Scott coun ty, which Includes the cltv of Daven port, with a considerahla Gernia-i population. Tho vote for Woolloy. Prohibitionist, In Scott county, waa CG only. i:ity I'rou I of C'rMnntnry. There was recently openod at Hull, England, a municipal crematory. It Is the first Institution of Its kind to be built and operated by n municipal undertaking. Tho mnyor of Hull, in opening the new crematory, spoko of It as an Institution of which tho city had good reason to be proud. To Ccie A Cold In One Day. Take Lnxative Uiomn Quinine Tab lot.". All druggists iff iiml the minie it it ftiiU to cure. E. W. Grovii'fi signa ture i- on caeh box. .".: It Ket$s the Fett'Warm and Dry. Asktodiyfor Allen's Foot-Enu, u powdiT. it elites I'ldibhi'i)'', swollen, hea inif, mim nebinv!, d'inip fi'et. At all itruggiM-Miud Im tsuii(-f, 'J5e. 1'2 4 '.:lW? ".." , .;' '.;,!V'" ''!? ' Mlrf . MSkX JTSs. IkS V, '.If; , .-...v. m ... .j: Express Line, PROP. Office iiq !'-', i't! ,. Reflections of a Bachelor. From tho Now York Press. You couldn't pet u woman to po on n north pnlo expedition without u low cut gown, In case she had to go to u rccoi tkn ilieie. Jt'n leiriblo tisky to forgot you'io tr.iitricd when your wife Is around. H'ti eiy faolUli for a w- iiinti to luce mi tight that whin she gotn hugged it dui-Mi'l teem m.y dillY'tcnt. It takes more cournro to admit ono Ih iilinid ol hib wife than to ptetcud ui.ttohc. Ittiikis licioiMii to lu n good bun bund when ho has t cubed to ho u lov ing one. L'efoi o hho is in loo n girl bolievo'i slii) tit uld nover be to bold us to go on a honeymoon. It is perfectly mulcbs for u girl to taken mulilwl.in .she gees titling", for she can't uto it whin fcLo dries and if he needed i t ." i L wouid be too lidicu Ions to put a muff mound her waist. Tlio foirH. cup thai cheers tho womuu It is easier f r annuel togothtongh the cyo of a needle than for one to go through tho pockets of a rich man. Tlio slim ti'st road tlie world travels is tho imt.i! to the poorliouf.o. It sums nwful haul to Mto money cno conies by honestly. tho No boy ccr picks cut tho time for feeling to sick ho ci n't get tip lor his bieakfnst enjn day whentho skatiug is good. . Tho only pcoplo I who don't break good i cKolutions in o thoto w ho never make them. Tho only thing that is prouder than a youth who takes his first thne Is the school gill who fhstjdkcoicis it. 6raRd AtnylCffkcrs. James A. Garfield Post, G. A. It., mtl Sntuidny evening ami installed officers for thu ensuing year. Past Post Commander Josepn Gnrber noted as installing ofllcir.rjTbe new officers are: Po6t i omn nnrier J. S. White. Senior vice commander -K. D. Whit tiker. Junior vice comnnmder Samuel Kizer. ' Qunrti rni..ster Joseph G Warron Adjutant F. N. RicbuuUon. OIlleiT f the d; J. A. Kud. Surgeon F. Nowlmuto. Guard E. M.IGhiiI. Tnifit'i.s-J. A. Rted, F. N. Riehard son, I). M. Grout. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders (or Children. Suwsluily ti"t!d by Motln-r (Jnty. ntiiKti in thn ChiMri'ii'.s llomu in New ynrk,cniMfevrishnPS, biul sttnniuih, todihiiiR disordors, niovo mid logu.nii tho bowolj. nnd di-Htrny worm. Ovt 30,000 testiiniinlnli. I'hoy novcr Istil At nil lrin?Kl''t, 2ft;. Smuplo true Ad. dross Allen S. Ulius:cd, l.o Koy, N. Y. 12 4. 820 Acr Ono of thn bnt, ftirm in Vi'b.ti)r Co , 3fi7 por nuri', lout; tinm ou pnrt iiit.vuii'iit. IJwfwr uniikriipi; must bu .sold. Uox IDS, Hod Cl ml, ' Nobr. feb.13. I -yy iiwai -- - -1 I tZ- mnarm.mm bfcptrv im.-A Vi fraiTJIA VKt-Ji.Mlfanjf iyfe arc very mucli inrosmon 'A IS.EVcrj'borii' It seems is wearing" them. There's noilting We know of more suitable frajift. Let us sliov.yoti n A e. & .' i.V h iswr ..? vc fi-. ym aahmo. s (lsicsj 3Sfi I CO I eft Soino nro of delightfully ' qtmint pattQrus.othora most ! gb( (Joliwitely wrought. When yon lmve comimnx von w nnt your tnblo to look! Its niottiest. Snowy linen.nl fow tlowerti unci sonio ot our Hllvorwuro nud cut nhisn will itvn vmir truest h ninny nleua- ttut thouKlits of their visit. NEWHODSE BROS., Jewelers and Opticians, Red Cloud, - Nebr&ska.. CwetCrip It Two Days, s OS on every frmn box, 25c i fllSn , - ' " '. J T4 Z mHwMM.-)in ui.-a aLi rn tf Jf VKV-kBMUATtJTVl m i a r.o it ii II Sim ... JI NPKi&T!0N (i "I wan trcnMod with ctom ach trouble. Ttiedfonl'Bllhck-Dratit-ht did mo mora good lu ona week than all Ibo doc tor's xaed!rlno I took In a year." MRO. SAUAII B. BHIRriULD, UlUttavlllo, Ind. Th ed ford 'c 15 lack Drnurjlit quickly invigorates tho ac tion of tho etomach and cures even chronic cases o indigcft'on. Ir you will talc a Email lo;o of Thcil ford's Iliad: Praught ocoa siounlly you will keep your stomach ard liver in Ree lect condition. B M LA Moro sickness is caused by constipation than by any other disease. Thedford's Black-Draught not only re lieves constipation butcurcs diarrhoea and dysentery and beeps tho bowels regular. All drcgghtu sell 2S-cont pncVagci. "Thodford's Black Drnunht is tho best medi cine to rcpulato tho bowels I havo ever used." MRS. A. M. GRANT, Sneads Ferry, N. C. consTiPATion Wo promptly obtain V. 8. uml Foreign dond model, ikctcli or photo clImuitloL tor iree report on patentability. lot me book UowtoSccuroTDAnC UADVO wrlk- raienuanii iiiftui. irtHlllXil Qpposito U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D. C. The FREE HomitUtd Lands of western Canada re the Star Attractions for 1904. Millions of ncrcs ol nincnlflccnt Grain nnd Grazing Lands to bs bad as a frco cllt, or by pur chn3o from Hallway Compan ies, Land Corporations, etc. Tlie Great Attractions Good crops, delightful ell mute.iplcnillU ichool tyttein, pcrJVft loetnl cnndltlom, ozccpttonnl mllway nUvnn tuce. nd weulth and nmu enco ncqiilrtid entlly. Tho population of Weitern Canada Increased 128,000 by Im migration durlnetho past year, over 50,000 bclnsr Americans. Wrlto to tho nearest author ized Canadian Government Aecnt for Canadian Atlas and other Information; or address Superintendent Iramlsrratlon, Ottawa. Canada: W. V. BENNETT. 801 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. CATARRH QfMSfik $MBM' m feBW cow b .Hi m IHHBTffl , 50 1SE m JYR Ely's Cream Balm Thlo Romody lo a Spoclflc, Sum to Clvo Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT OflCE It clcanci, soothes, heals, and protects tho dhoiwed membrane. It cures Catarrh nnd driven away n Cold in tho Ucnd iniit'kly. ' ltostores tho Senses of Tim to and Smell. I I'jwy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into tho nostrils nnd absorbed. Largo Hizn, fit) cents at DrugmVts or by mull; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ; ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York. INSURANCE iiRiiiust Fire. LiKlituiug, Cy clones nnd Wlndhtoiins, seo JNO. B. STANSER, ugontfor tho Fnrmors Union Insur nuco Co., Lincoln. Neb., tho best In surance company in tho state. ItUEUMATISM cUltKD IN A DAY. Mystic Curo for nbcnmallun and Neuralgia radically cures In 1 to 3 da)s. Its action upon the system Is remurkable ami mysterious. It removes at onco the cause and the dltcase Im mediately disappears. Tho first do.so greatly bcnoMts. 76 ceti.s nud fl.00. bold by II. i:. 1 liuce, DnitTM. lied Cloud. ir.i r m s TKEDF0Rf'5 fA i wtiA sue V7 C EMM 10 '; y IRStPJ YARNS! Dress Goods and L 1 -,HiMA na w vs. ". ii. m i Jwi-ifWA'" All m s f-iHM, i7ic V SL ''. J I 1 M-i J - M' - f J'i K N K r v- "j-1 e Embroideries and Laces P. Newhouse, RED CLOUD, NEB. ANNAvlVsA Bowling is a plcnsant rccrontion, is InviporHtiiiK nud is u healthful pastime, nnd for ti pleasant hour's amusement nothing is moro Interesting than n gaino or two at tho : : : flpex Bomlinq Alleys w. l. momillan, Proprietor. Cboico Tobaccos and Cigars Always on Hand H. B. ASHBR, VETERINARIAN Of tlioSKimssis City Vetor inury College. Oillco nt C. M. Smith's Livery Burn. ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED Telephone II). RED CLOUD, - - NED. At Blue Hill every Thursday. ISAAC 35. COIjVIX, REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Look Uox 23. (lul.lo Hock, Neb. Ml kinds of property bought, sold oad uxuhunttfd. COLLECTIONS MADE. TISKM ItEAiiONAHLF. PARKEK'S HAIR BALSAM CKanwi sin) Ix'f.'jUH.'j tho htr. l-rdnititci a lutunant erowth. N'vor Fails to Jli'ttoro Ory iralp to ltn Vouthful Colli-. Cuxva totp dl.nrcj It hair lllllr.T. MV,bllU;i4 jinimu SJBk CHICHESTER'S CNQLI8H Pennyroyal, pills WJ7iftSLW- !... t.ll.bl. L.dlt, ut Drolrlil rer jiiiuiir.-iE.ii r..iULIhll U HKO ul tiold m.l.Ulo boiM. w.1,4 UhblMribtMi. Taka aa otktr. KcfaM Bwimai katllntlaa aaa Imlta. Uaaa. Muy or jtr Drucglit, r ml 4c. la "??. fillara,TaUiiaalaU u4 "BaHef fcr Laalaa," at wur, bj ra. tmwm MaII. 1 a.aMia TMtima.Ul.. IUIA hm Jur.niMj... VklckattarCaaajUaJOa. 444 MaaUaa Stun, fUlXA fA. Dont Be Fooledi Oenulno ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Is put up In white packages, manufactured exclusively by the fiatliion Madlcln Co., Madlion, Wit. Sells at 33 cents a packaze. All others are rank Imitations and substitutes, don't risk your health by taking them. TtinaUNUINB makes sick people Well, Keeps you Well. All Honest Dealers sell the Genuine. HOLLISTUK llltun CO, Madison, Wis. fe PsiPil &83iM&r-SJ . ffWi-fc?y &, 1 " Av. p J ai f s We have the only complete stock of Yarns in the city. This is the sea son of the year when hoods, shawls, etc., are a necessity, and they are always in style. Trimming's We have a few remnants of dress goods that are bar gains, among them: -wool Venetian per yard, 5Qc. 56-inch wide Re- pellant, for ladies' skirts, per yard, G5c. Henriettas, all col ors, per yard, 50 and 25c. Standard Calicoes, remnants, per yd, 5c. Our line of Embroideries, Laces, Notions and Dress Trimmings is complete and up to date, and the prices cannot be duplicated in this city. We have a reputation in this line, and aim to maintain it. time table. Red Cloud, Neb. LINCOLN OMAHA cmcauo SJ. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS and ill points east awl wuth, DENVEH BEJjENA UUT'lE SAL1 LAKE O'T PORTLAND SAX FMA'CISCO and all point! west. TBAIM8 UAVC At rOLI.OWC So, IS. rasseiiRor dally for Oberlln and bt. FrancU branclic. Ox ford. McC'ook, Denver and all Iiolnta west 0'M a.m. So, U. Passenger dally for St. Joe, Katmn City, Atchison. St. k.- Loula. Lincoln via SVyraoro P and all points rant and south 2-0 a.m No 15. Passenger, dally. Denver, alt puinis in coioraao, (Jtuti and California UUSD.m. No lo. rasBcimer. dally for St. Joo. Kansas Clly. Atchison. St. Louis and all points east and fouth 10:35 a.m. 171. Accommodation, dully cxeem No, bumtiiy. llantiiiKs. Qrnnd Is. laud. Ulack Hills and alt points In the northwest 2:00 p.m. SleepliiK, dlnlnir. ami recllnlni; chnlr cam (fern free) on thronch trains. Tickets sold nud bjiKKARf cheeked to at.y point In the United dtaiebtirOaniria. For liiforamtion. time tHbUs.maps or tlckoii P.?" J"l,0 llet, A t'onover. Avcnt. Itfd Uloud. Nebr. or J. FnincU, U'merul PatsenKer Airent OmaUa. Nebrassn rassi.in.er "Shave?" You are "Next" at Oliver SchaifniVs Barber Shop, Uusemuiit Potter. Wrlcht nllHlnr ! i Scissors Ground, Razors Jloned, i AND ALL KINDS OF EDGE? J TOOLS SHARPENED J i All kinds of barber work executed! nronintlv uml Bnikinnii,... ! I guaranteed " mmM INFLAMMATortV IUIEUMATISM CUHED IN 3 DAYS. Morton L. Illll, of Lebanon, Ind.. says: "Mr .,.. ...., .Himiuiuniorv iineumatism In every imfiLe,i,lllI(,ll,,,i ,,er 'Ufferlnsr wu terrible ,, , I bort? V'"1 faco wer wollcn limoHtbe. M!l Xsm Wru V b u, yiZZSrx '.m "" no incii no Myst 0 I'nrn fnp henmatlsm. It kbvo lminc.IlaIotaii,i7.;?X iiucnmausin. it save Immcdluto relief she whb able to walk about in tl reo dovs Mire 1 wv,l her life." Sold by I 'e 1 UrugBl.t. He- Cl'i-u, ,u "'" El ' 1 am Orlce, mbMhI 3 ! l im$wmwmmj H5WWV $psts&W&RmmnewmiiHPiHw 1?EE&&mwm aWiajuriww,T-" -L. . ., U-. zzmxi&iMS', i .:xnt v ) l'jv.yi;itXl.A