If '" " ' " '"""",""WM',W,MM,IWMll,B""W'"MW"WW'aMaWWMSMSSMMi -'- 'i .i i , . j. VZ???'mi''m'imwmmmBmwimMm volume xxxi r. red cloud. xekraskaVjaxuauv S, 1001. rauSjiTb -VVvWvWw'SA-'v' JM Sale Commencing Wednesday, December 23, we will give a discount of 20 per cent on CloaKs. Ladies 42-inch Coat, loose back, Skinner satin lining, military capes, silk strapped, a very handsome garment. Regular, $25; Special, $20.00. Ladies' 32-inch Jacket, made of American Woolen Mills Kerseys, in blacks and castor, military cape, loose back, inlaid with velvet, pleated, heavy satin lining, imitation collar with stoles. Actual value, $18; Special, $13.50. Ladies' Jacket, wool kersey, satine lining, imitation collar, tan only. Regular $6.00; Special, $4.80. Ladies' Jacket, satine lined, black, French Montenac. Price on $5.00 regular, special $4.00. Price on $5.50 regular, special $4.40. Ladies' black Zibilene, loose back, mili tary cape, satin piping, satin lining; regular $12. Special, $9.60. Misses' loose back, fancy colored Zibilene, Kersey imitation collar and straps. Regular $6; Special, $4.80. Misses' long Cloak, green Zibilene, fancy stitching, imitation collar with stoles, military cape.regular $7.50; Special, $5.50. "Satisfaction or money ba.ck." MINER BROS, 'VAWWvA WOMEK. Hnpny Now Year to nil. Onco mora wo want to lot ppnplu know tlint Woiiut is still on tliu map. Tim now school honso west of Wo. mur Ih tlm linost country school Ijoiish in i hu county. Tho hotol lias onco moio (manned hiiiuli ami Mrn. Arinisiotil in again in possesion. Tho Uvory stabln lun been t-oUl to n Mr. Hurr Johnson, but is still iiiunuKtiil by Mr. Hilton. Woni'tr has ono of iho bo khioiiiI stolen in tho county, opcratctJ by Kil Mathes. Five clerks) uiu oniploycil constantly. S. Nu'l of Hollalro has pstnhllshrrl u hard win o s'.oro hero and Kit Supper is in charge. In addition to tho huril- m ware stock a complete lino of uutfuioJ and carriages is curded. Dr. Morrison is still operating his drug store Imre. IIo is a practicing phvsicl:in ns well as a competent drug gist. Mrs. Ayors has built a line residence a milo west of Wotner. More now buildings havo been built AAuring the past yoar thnn in the pre "vious five your?, and they are all good, substantial buildings. Tho creamery will bo under the same munagfiiHUt as last year, aud Tp1' v$wtj!w73!"- . ' in - x..- v-,vvvvvv. cial Cloak gives piomiso of doiiiu , largo hum. mm. It docs not belong to tho cream ery trust.. There arc a largo number of cattle on feed in tint Miighborhood aud tho feeder have kept up tlio price of corn, to tho joy of ih i.so who havo torn fur s:ilo. Mis KHlo Williams, the youngest daughiirt.f Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Wit liums, tiled on D.tceinOnr 2!), from an ntniilc of tj phoid fever. .She was 10 years of ago and was a b, iglit aud lov able chilil. W. S. Cark is oonlined to his homo by growth on h.s hand, something liko a oncer Mrs. Pounds is very much improved in health, after a sojiuiu at Sulphur Springs, Ark. Wo expect to bo on tho list fiom now on, to watch oui for us. BLADEN. Alight snow fell here Sunday night. Miss Cora Davis returned to Grand Island last Monday. Krnust Uend has moved in tho O. A. Wheland propeity. Mlw Grace Hall returned to Lincoln last Monday. Mrs. Will Bannott returned homo from lied Cloud Siturday. John aud Mnmio O'Nell returned to their homo t llutiklt innii, Ntbr., aftor it nok'a visit at the homo of II. I). Boyce. MUi Oi'aro Hick', who hat been visiting hr giainlpanirs. Mr. and Mrs. Whetlt-r, returned tulicr homo at Lincoln. Mrs. Miller Adams and children have returned to their homo in Hustings. Mis Klsic lit IVinin n-id Miss Pearl Ilito have returueil to Giuml Island to attend collogo. Ernest Spenco wont, to Upland Wednesday ovoning to visit his brother (J. Sponco Mr. J no. Crall went lo Heatrico Wednesday to visit her son George. Mr. nnd Mis. Uncd and daughter Grace, drove to ltluo Hill Saturday. Miss Delia McCallum returned to Liucoln last Monday. Dr. Wegnmu was in Blue Hill Init Monday to visit his father, who is quite sick. The young pcoplo havo been enjoy ing themselves lately skating on tho pond. Dr. Tammen nnd family moved to Prossrr last Thursday.. J. Alderson and family left Thurs day night for California, where they intend looating. GARFIELD. Mildred S:anser is ill with lung trouble. Miss Dora MtC.irtnoy is suffering from an attack of la grippo. Mrs. Kmma Smith was stopping in town tho Hi .st of tho woek. Mr. Harrirgton had his nrm nnd shouKtcr seriously injured ono day last woek in a runaway. Thero is a now dishwasher at tho home of Llewellyn King. Tho young stranger is a "star boarder." Mrs. Abboit of Chapman camo lnt Saturday for a visit with her brother, J. C. Taylor. KlvaJMcCorluey was tho guost of Mjrtlo Smith last Sunday. Mi--s O:on Throne was visiting in Gartield the first of tho week, saying good-by to ol'l ri lends and neighbor before her dopurttiro for Dodgo City, Kansas, where lior parents expect to make their future homo. Tho Kev. Crumpackor closed the series of meetings which ho Inn bntu ouiiliictiiig at tho Bret In on church in-" Sunday night, and has gono back to MoPherson, Ki n-ii', where ho will complete his course of studies. Tlie liulo son of Goorgo Amack had tin,' iiiisloi tniiD to break oil' a needlo i 1 his '04 mar tho knro joint Tuesday. Tho eye of iho ueedlu and sntnu thread wore left in tho wound. The Utile fellow uastnkon to tho oflho of Dr. Creightoii in Hud Cioud Wednosday, whoro tho pioce of motal was located with the X-ray machino. . STATE CREEK. Tho linest winter weather we ovor Haw, nnd ciriihuslutig is iilnnt done. Wnces fur corn-husking range from Si t- 4 ecu's pur bushel, unit hands source. There aro iiuskcrj in this iioinhboihood who nave ttvtr.iged from 100 to 108 bushels per d..y. unit Stevens lus loiurned to tho Grand I-lund luihintm collego afior spending iho holidays hoi 0. Jess Sapp of Sheridan county who spent the holidays here, has relumed o his Ih inn. Prof. J. W. Gnynor, tho popular teacher of Mt. Hope, has had two weeks' vacation and has hern on the sick list most of tho time with neural gia. Otto Stovens was on the sick list last week. George Mountford's family dinner was attended by tho whole family. Chas. Arbuckle's houso warming in his now residence was largely attended, AH went homo happy and wishing tho Arbuckle's would havo a utw houso to dedicate every Christmas. Some of the chronic grumblers aro complaining of tho nice, open winter wo are having. Th'jro is time enough yet for a lot of cold, disagreeable TTT ' vv """i""" ij -&lW "M" weather bjforo line again. sum crosses WILLOW CREEK .MAN'.TOIIA.. Kliner Brunei-, ulu has been very 111 with HI mint itor.y rheum uImii and is under iheea-ti of Dr. Crolghtun of Bed Cioiiil, is fast legaiuing his usual health. Miss Kdith Peterson, who came homo to spoad tlm holidays Willi her parouls, returned to her studies at tho Lincoln business collego Saturday. Tne Iinhof brothers shelled corn for Mr. Cuilds an 1 1 Harry Brub.ikor tho lirsiof tho week. Akin Z.iclnny is visiting on Willow creek. The MIssos Mary and Hattio Smith aro visiliug an aunt in Aurora this woek. Miss Dona Potorson, daughter of Charles Poterjou, Is at homo after a stay of two years in Kansas with her grandparents. Joe Brub.ker is through shucking his corn crop on Mrs. Boyce's farm. Miss Dollio Lacey (received a hand some organ as a Christmas present from her father. Every member of tho family of A. C. Bon has been numbered among the sick for tbe last two weeks. All are better now. Mr. Ben Bruner has boon visiting in this Vicinity of late, while convalescing from a slight Bluets. All tho old pio noeis are happy to give him a hearty handshake. GUIDE ROCK. Junius B. Colvin went t on his bicyclo Wednesday. 11)1.1 Clou Miss Elllo Hngau is on tho sick list this week. J. B. Buchanan was in the vicinity of Lincoln during tho holidays.- Ho returned Monday. Grandma Shuliz died Saturday night at the homo of her son, Job u Shut iz. Tho funeral was from the homo Mon day. Mrs. Shullz was very old. Mr. Biker of Divs Moines, la , was hero on business with 1. B. Colvin the first of tho week. Edna anil Lnolla Watt returned to school at Lincoln last Monday. It. Garrison and K. O. Cnristy have formed a copartnership in the imple ment and Inirae.-H business, The Jones farm, couth of town, was sold ncHiitly fur 83,600. J. G. Parsons has rentd Frnnk Hum's farm far tho coming season. Skating parties aro all the go. Mr. B.'igo of Liuco 11 wni in town Sunday. Tliu B. 8. Proud lit Lumber Company was iuciiip Hated tho Hist of year. LINE. Mr. and Mrs. John Shoop of Leba non we:o the gutsts of old friends this week. Wm. Van Dyko spent n few days visiting 111 Guide Ilick ni.d Ninth Bramth. Tho Anbushoti boys .shelled cirn fir J. h Fox inil week. .Mr nnd Mr.s Prank Van 'Jyko spent, tliu holidays with the old foli.s on Wal nut cfook. Tlitiro will bo a number of changes in tint residents of Lino this weui;. Com husking is about ended. Mrs. W. J. Hnskins was the guest of Mrs. b.V. Shuck this week. Fro'd Wildty mado it business trip to B'lfitwlck, Neb , this week. Clark Slovens shipped some fat cows to Kansas City recently. L. A. Haskins was over from Bed Oloud this woek ou bufdness, Mr. H uber shelled corn lor Bubon Kenglo oue day this week. Burt Steven has returned to collego at Graud Island. . 1 Anothrr Excursion to Florida via Burl ington Route. An excellent opportunity for a visit to the Sunny Southland is afforded by tho pc..-)OUitlly conducted excursion .. - .. "..!. . ',?...!. , ! ,',f...r. i . ?...!. J J J-H Nevvhouse Jewelers S Satisfaction leaving Linciln at 2:10 p. 111. and Omaha 5:25 p. to. January 15, 1001. Through standard and tourist sleeping cars wi 1 run to Jacksonville, Floiida, via the Burlington Route to St. L'nils, thence through Nashville, Tenn , and Atlanta, Ga., over the rout: made forever historic by thn drnuiatic incidents of tho civil war. You travel in spicial cars, mi fust trains; do not havo to worry about tlcnplng car reservations, baggage or tho hundred other lilllo dotails that detract so much fiom the perfuct en joyment of a trip; thn excursion's manager attends to all t'le-o muttors. You scape the most unpleasant ttii'l trying part of 11 winter whoro tlsning is excellent, the orangu and leni'iu trios t ho ' - .-.... ,. ., , .. No matter what you are earning now The International Correspondence CITOOnS of Scranton, Pa. Can. train you to earn considerably niore. Cut l!ils oul and null II lo the Local Reprcscalallre wboie tddrc5 it jlun cltewbere la this iDnouncemcol, lutornRtlcnnl Corroopondonco Echoolu. Gentlemen Pionso oxpliUn hov I can fiuntlfy for position at loft of which 1 huve mftrisod 21. 8 Mechanicul l'.ii.inctr Mnthine IH-slciier Mcclmuical DmfUman I'orcmna Machinist I'oremuii Tiitmakcr I'brcinaii I'attrriuiinker I'oteman )ll rksiuith I'orciaau Mbhlcr dan Kiiclncer Utfrk-criiHon I'tieintcr ,Munlcl)nl Ilrldiic Knclncfr Kallioc.d liaeineer jSnrvcyor .iiiiuni; j'.iiKinccr Mine Surveyor Mine I'ort-mau Cotton-MlllStipt.' tvuoicn-;iiiii aupi. Textile Ucslsner Architect Traction Hiik'lnetr Klectrlc luiuliicer Contractor lilcctrlc Machine Deiigner Archllectiinil UralUmau Sl'n I'ulntcr Showard Writer niecirician I!lcctric-l.lKlillni;Supt. Kleetrlc-Uallwav Sunt. Chemist Telephone KiiK'ueer Tclcgrnpli Ungiaccr alieet'Melal Urnamental wireraau Dynamo Tender Motorman Steam KnKlnecr Hngliie Kuuiier Marine KiiLHneer rroipccuve uraitaman Navigator Itookkecper Stenographer Teacher Civil Knulnetr ReUU Ad Hydraulic itngineer Commercial X.ANCUARRH TAUGHT WITH 1'lIONOGRAI'H French Certnan Occupation . Noma . - Addreea City .8tato. ma - wwwwwwwww wwwww-pww. mfwvvwvr - mm .. . . SJffimHSww' Mlfait. .nh ifc-.thWjr.- UfcKMfeuoLJ.a.;iii,ilte:r. OfX'u :,' f...vV. . f ,RI.!,V &.' ' Brothers Opticians Guaranteed in boarlng, tho bathing superb, and the climate as soft and balmy a. a Ne braska dayiu May. Tuu itinerary provides for a twelve hour stopover at St. Louis for a visit to the World's Pair grounds, which ar practically in chnpo for tho opening, wltli tho exception of tho installation of exhibits, and n great many exhibits are in place. The party will return in dlviually, and llber.il stopover privi leges are given on jour tickets. It is especially urged that you glvo us early advice if you desire to join this oxuursion, in 01 dor that, proper reservation may be made for you. For further details ask thn Burling ton azent or wrlio mo. J. Francis, General Puongt;r Agent, Omaln. trM If you desire to know what our' methods are and what tho conditions aro under which you can obtain this Salary Raising Education Till In the Inquiry blank In tbe lower left-hand corner of . tbi. announcement.'' You will In return re ceive full and com plete Information. Address all commu nications to HOMER A. CURTIS, Representative, Orleans, Nebraska. liiiyineer nml Dnllder Drnnaman Dcflgner Writer Iaw Cpanlth ' ti v ft m 1 r. t I 1 j I r I fA v 5!l ) Ml ti A .i.