q? W VV ,:- '4 te. ffi' ' ' " t. ".-. M -4 TS? "iTjM ' v."! t n1 . ,-"" r frj j Bkh tx yirm 'I. " iw 'I'1 flK a?J&iu Mi io man- FAustrlan ucau oi B. committed llflll lll hiirTeihjjg bit) "V'.Hf .-"iVO renchfnan .may i)ronouncflnnilU Rl' l&USeIrutrbut you wlUnoVer $7 tbe clMf tb tbetter It wilt ltteu'bugs ' a ,1a. ". la . 1 J . S" ; 7b6 woVlds overloaded ivlthnpoo- ' -f& nln wtin 4af Aln. .i ,1 tirt-A i'4,thlbgt Kyhen omejljodyelse got ,f v, auuuu UI.IUUHI. f ;.i FhKd!;yrce. la' i'turtr. :rS!K3ii ASu . Asrs, tho heroine was named Abby Spruggs, instead of Violet Tremalne. Cotton raiscra of Texas aro to bold another boll wcovll convention. The boll' weevils have held theirs and ex press a strong hope of carrying tbq utate. As Malno editors and fishermen always tell tho truth, It Is an establish' ed fact thai a cod caught off KIttory Point had a six-pound flatiron In Its midst ,i --rV SW.T . .. TflPJLrjfiiCUr'7iMaulation , (ho 7puUtlon of .B47.4l!.000. nml vol vmi wAitHDtlly hear n yournr man say lii lkAMAa .ti1 nMn nli1 In 41.n ihaI.1 -ji:7rJTT?TRT5T,'H?r".?.,''. ..ijiLriE:A-cri.,?;-,",awn'.;? sr" :mm&s?w ' smmt xassssMSaaEv, ji- t j-J7 invvawi. : 2 - ri tw .ri -Ti yir. j'''-vT -.' ? ibv ciwi;Ti. 'wwaw .aiWi.W"m.Pir aaxoiuraryjtOv.MK- DriRciniea:.&iii inwi raMMrMbiMr.Md'tk0 Heal h.M-- T&&mrxiti7i siA&tmnVSJZmm mm;:H? 'nimmm asfw Mviiae v;HMpMMiH-Jd aiMWUiim: ITKr-?"? JW'ioi'iwSlHE jPri-2-. feii i ' V-" Ujs stated that, John Wnnamakor V '?gan llfo wlthout a dollar In his it '-packet." Thorp Is also ground for the Jgia pockot. - npveuei joun ucgan me wunont even The irritated and exasperated Jap- ane8o aro now calling IlURsia "rokoku" and ;ono doesn't need to know Japan ese to see that it doesn't mean "you old darling." Budd Doblo says Lou Dillon will trot In 1:C5 or lens next season. If Oliver Weudoll Holmes wcro still allvo he would probably suy Budd Is tulklng through' his nose. Tho Toronto World warns Uncle Sam that in'llrao Canada may think seriously of. forcibly annexing terri tory utolenr,from her by tho United states. This is alarming. Mario Corelll has been awarded damages of half a cent in her libel suit ngulnst an English editor. As a matter of simple fairness Mario ovight to uho the monoy for advertising pur poses. Pi of. Xangley wants tho world to understand that ho hasn't been rrushed, clthor by his bad luck with bis aerodrome or by tho newspapers. Here's hoping Jiiat ho'U fly by proxy this time. The thoughtful Burlington Hawk eyo counsels its Sunday readors to "aold pdsslmism in prayer." No mat ter how down-hearted you may be, don't give tho Almighty any Inkling of your wal feelings. The Chicago physician who de clares that wo would bo a healthier piopla It wo bathed with water less 'frequently apparently forgets that wo are not all comic opera prima donnas nnd can't afford to batho in milk. If the Dowager Queen of Italy has married an engineer sho probably did It becauso Hho liked him and not bo eaiiHc ho was the only fellow sho could get. Her fortune amounts to kcveral million dollars, mid she might even havo hud nn Kngllsh lord If sho had wanted one. v luf. rtiti-1 ' . ' JnitedStaWlAt bw m ., ! sr .Wrong L Pl'rortocol II IU in fhelll'Uc ('Mi?Tft,1, lm--. fcft Pi.-liiiA AdCAl .A' 72iTT-?iWa . vJoW.i V Luis Catloff ncofjnteteteriot i affairs, auMgotaflKealflAl . rrai HQycs' vwasMngioB'B-iQi . ', . . ........''. . .. -. m: i. V 'tfAV53!,A,; 3T P'lf tho cxplanatUwwhicfctheUiHed Atca governWenrba81irefa"'trt"thQ iress is oi a aipiomaii.cnn.rucior: an? iwer- cieany mo iouowing:poiMa: ."By the treaty-of I8'4g thest) itntcfi did not acaulrn fnhfroli' 'intorooanld, tfaiwlty but entered,' -fnto ouiiguions oywnirn. rqr compenM' ." "Vt"tW United etafca tfEbrrrnnont Wolds ;iccstiof ltf'Njt 41 ran I. Mew. iur iHTurn jyu Kuuraniecu ihq npuiraj Jty, pjroMtt' ,n'dl sovereign! oi the 'Istbirawthe feoVcrolKnlV beliwTnWviHl- ' -j ta. ( t provonthe',Kdvornri(Snt"of ColbmblaUpilnty of- Tfoyd, in.th rfrom BubduInK B'tjio ib6ltbPivvlto"ghtpraHjArhfid!i.tho com to subpaU-thOHi to Colombian jmhta 'Sft0' Un,tcd J?)" ,!."' itPtv)3r' prgg MtCm) Colombln,. aRnipnt rforpji(iic InYa- Interfered t prqvcntthlc'lncriJpMii uw naiub iv hub m-vii ucvuueti oi ine rlKbta iRrantd ot- at Cotombl&'ii rr. quest. OnIy-tn this. Infitunco-'baK. M f Interfered, on Jta'wn Initiative; wltuj ibbi HWBiTjuieci jr proiecunif ,tne "If thefguSraptrq of n5utrarityrwere to ,bo Rooked.' unoniu 'pVIvUegc, It ou!ih praveatthe Sovereign" goVoril- mtmt rrora Heeptaic pnterwot tho tqtb mug, vhlchjs aalnit;tb .rtoclple'B of icfcesa tlUrvi Ltodif rhir Hay-HerranTcanal treaty did noL iodlfy-Hie-'obirgBtlonB Vhlch the unUH sBt&ies . contracted by .treaty of .1846 to' 'guarantee tha Jl,1 v'Hfoou . intnDi hv rii.fl the netip relgnty'iina. oriy rpif la n Ut.A's j. V.-M-iLy & i muc.7. r nri-i.i jlb;.v. .; - ,-, V'TrOrdftr.Bltfn' 'liv thA .TTnltcil SUtpBgovfern Mmtfr Us navy Wld TERRIBLE RAILROAD WRECK Uty PaoplQ Killed atLiturel Iluu, l'ann jrlraula Whllo rushing at topmost speed through the darkness along the bank of tho Yoiighioghcny river, tho enst bound Duquense limited train on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad dashed Into a plia of lumber at Laurel Run, Pa., killing Borne slxty-thieo porsons, and lnlutlnj: More than thirty others. befor u topp:etr-o-.JJfltf Voral R' m0flt ,nt0 tUe ,ey watm of . Knglneer "William Thomloy was mailing up time when he suddenly saw a diarlc object on the hack. Ho Bhut off ttcam, opened the sand valve, ap plied the air brakes and reversed tho engine, slacking the speed of the train so suddenly that passengers and train men were rolled fiom tho seats In a mass. Tho train, composed of two baggage cais, two day coaches, one sleeping car and a dining car, almost Immediately truck the lumber pile. The train lloughed along for a considerable dte tane, tearing tho cars to pieces under the tevoltlng forces, passengers Jump ing, screaming, falling from tho wreck aa It dragged along. Suddenly the locomotive swerved to the left and the con'.-hes plunged over tho embankment down to the edge of tho Voughloghcuy river. den. Vfoort Tf III Tnke II t Tarn To some of the senators who have paitlcularly Interested themselves in the pending Wood nomination with nn eye especially to tho protection of somo of the veteran officers of the army, the presiaeni nas expressed hlmsolf very plainly to the effect that these officers havo nothing to fear In the Immedlnte future. As It was pointed out to him that tbero was considerable annrchen- Ion among the friends of these army otneers lest upon the retirement of General Chaffee with the rank of lieu tenant general, the president might ap point Maj. flen. Leonard Wood to be Ileutenaut general, Involving tho "Jumplug" of a, number of dlstln gulshed general officers jvho never wouiu nave a chance to attain tbe h ch eat rank by reason of General Wood's Incumbency in the place for the Jfteen years, the president has explicitly det ciarea mai ne pas no sucn intention By gaining round after round-of ap plause the orator cllnbs the ladder of fame. Antboujr Comtock Oangarontly III" Anthony Comstock, secretary of the Bupprcsson of Vice, is seriously 111 ai his home In Summit, N. J. Two mouths ago he was tbroun down stairs in Bridgeport, Conn,, whllo attempting to arreet a plyslclan who was charged with circulating obsceno literature, Several ribs were broken and he waB badly bruised, but bo attended to his 'business until indications of Internal Injuries developed. le.iavw.tneeeceMioa.goveraMieMt.and .'rwaica- " ; l - - r. n 1' II !! I. ,. . .-. . 4 T i ' ? LlfXNt0R-fHE' LANDLESft' tttt Moibeifeaiiinv MCokftf'man-Klwicl'fi bill to'rwMora v.i'tZi a tipiHrwwiacrB.on in(j, jortitanaaii tVyj4Bl ". tu i i r'r .t ' : illWiHfaUioie'WfldtMarte.cntry, tin fandi.byj vlrttfa it 'UieBontestead JaVrBt5llie'UnlteirV!atea 'uuon .the '-.lli.Mi.-'i.t V;j-r. ... e.i..i Vi.. minrtryrewrvatloV 5 t.hV.Bttea i(urRHK.,Rnr .-sqihii ukck,- a Dan DperfcdtQ ,MttWhti ,$ - Barn ''and ar JcqwWt.Ib drdeto acqtilre,tltlp' thery-j .tSM&oUttcombly Hh vlhe JhpjnsTeW lawaioMWtfaltod, Sttft and' to .pay hoime of "icprtsenUUfl 'f Uie;Unlte4 nwes1 ot -Ainricww jfaagress aBe td;.thAt all pct-MMfifho-under, JB by',vlrtuevof thoLbGAlicadjRvB tro oier;5tWuU of tbe jUnlk ..Btatea 'liaVoNfhadeTlentry, and parfectW,Utlo to .jifyVof tho agricultural lands "upon th6 -ForCKandall "Unlte'd qtatoa military reservation, abandoned .as aucb an4 opened rlojuettlcmcnt, altuated In"Uia Ul 1C igoryi k Um. state, of SouthrlHRAkmt all" lerarn'who so rajW?lBWttpbn any! or .saldJlaBda. bur hav67nov?perfcctd ineIrv,Utfe;.therWa'hd wno",inar, here' .1itfit4pecfct hrtltle1therjte, ahd lnRhewby,glveVt.''5'8ht,,'!0 taiw'ahothpr hoiilrstcad" under the laws f .th Uiilted' yStateti,'knd; perfect tl(le wiereio, na ninorejQmcaieau'riniB had not been exercIstiV upon any, or the lands' aforesaid. Provided ,, tbaticont mutdtlon twder' section. twenrVLhM' UYmdrejfVand pno'of tha re vised-sttittrtea,; lit nu aiiiTiJtiiiiviii. imcivuj uaj fin niiu- liar Ktntu(oiphalhInot.bft! ncrmttted of ffh entry mIMo uTer;thIs act Pjcoyldei .further", thatuny petprtyde9rljrg'ta shall raalJifHdavlt,0btfan4pHted, wUUthq 6hcrflllng' paperaC're 11I!V WliUlHVl-VHlJ;" lW. kf UJj fcVI quired' -ly law, glviaaxthe 'ef tho tract tnrmprWpftter&t'Ajtitl' iilimtiAi,1r AtWrv oitl ttArAr.TiA'lMnA ofllco Avherd mado, or oVljiwr'sufflcleiil; uaitv io numit .oi, icaaiiy laenuiying H on tho offlcfal record'.!. .' ' I ill naMW II asreasoni Is bill will' not- encounter tbe 'slahLjBb opposition and 4nayr' reason- ttry?e i duo.tlme. Be expected .titpMS'congreMJa '. ,.i . -?' K JVk- - WUt b0 Morf;ClrrB-BtliMttr ol V a Arreaifatr AartSr- Comblaln !", i - . Vi.j." n.fj ia navjng reacnea-.ine,! rfmeniaroK) aaar. j.-fv .. .- ij duvliV IBIBIO Mcvr yearstnat' uiiAaviA4u2rrl6mr, '"iS!! xft roadi.of JkCta! MMn1.lln) amV ll.' ilia. f' nr'ii.lln i rf.a IUMIUIIV. UUIUV. Uia,t WvVtflBTljBUU negligence in rapr6ad7yrecko4JiOteU rides, etc., and held .for loM5Mbdji without trial, tho United -SUte aat- baasailor to Melxqo Was dlreLedVjlWr aocreiary Jiny to examine mio inese cases and bring the subject to'.iheaty tentlon of the Mexican government. with a view to ameliorating the c'ofij: dltlons which appears to exist, At-fc consequenco of Mr. Clayton's represen tations to tho Mexican foreign office an'lniDortaut circular letter haa'been' Issued by the Mexican department, of I justice and sent to tho district ana avMb nBint ihiTSJ33inSnd7rtR prlsonnVent of such railway employes except on a strong presumption of guilt nnd directing them In all cases to oxpedlte tho Judicial proceedings aa rapidly as possible. Another Rockefeller Gift It was announced at tho forty-ninth comocatlon of the university of Chi cago that donations amounting to $1, 8&0.002 had been received from John D. rockefeller, founder of the univer sity. Of this amount $1,500,000 Is in real estate, Improved and unimproved In the Immediate vicinity of the uni versity, which was formally trans ferred by Mr. Rockefeller. For cur rent expenses of the university during tho year beginning July 1, 1904, $245, 000 was given: $55,000 was donated for tho completion of the power plant and Improvement of tbe grounds and $50, 000 Is given by Mr. Rockefeller for the work of excavation and exploration In oriental lands. lol mailer Mint Maka flood. Tho ntidltor for the postomco depart ment made an Important ruling today affecting a Nebraska postoffice, that all postmasters are responsible for every dollar of public money received at office. This covers a.11 shortages or em bezzlements by subordinates who may have been employe. ough the opera tion of the civil service law. In other words, the postmaster is not permit ted to employ his subordinates, yet must stand responsible for their acts. It will require an act of congress to reimburse Postmaster Crow of Omaha for the $2,000 embezzled by Stamp Clerk Olcon. Ohio Hirer In Dangerons Caadltloa With the Oblo river frozen over and great gorges at many places, tbe rise of nearly three feet threatena danger for all kinds of craft. Several ateamera are Icebound, at Cincinnati and vicin ity, and If a thaw cornea and. tuddea rise, great damage will be done. Typhoid in FMUbarc Typhoid fever is rapidly increasl in Pittsburg, Pa., and threatens to take on the character of an epidemic. For the first twenty-two days In De cember there were 410 cases and dur ing the last twenty-four bqurs nine new cases were reported. This breaks all previous record?, The disease Is virulent and a large proportion of those taking ck aro dying. Some men make enemies Instead of friends because it'ls less trouble. -uiiiry, reeervMion ,, mcir nomeaiea rfghtBHlH behead Trtth t)nt6reat by dent, tit Bovd coHtv Neb.7 A . ' r V. ' ' Uie apph!e vaiuo ot BUI liinqs-io tut R6vernJnentthcreforft, , -;y ,4-3'De It enacted'. bys the aenate' arid" aa mar mm jawu.piv fredtiaiy?had tftEtffAX O.REaU.Nl.0 U T '' 'i " agsaggMgpjMatefaWB1 ," m. By A. L. MarrM'AurWK-fMlne Own Imlllar Friend," etc. - - - - (TopvrAtMt '91 i 6 jr oa $ tot, CHAPTER Xl-Contlnued, Cnow me? Of course ho do wasfhereply. ''Didp't I bily hi a. dnAkefo' old Irish woman, nnd i hJsiaWlcs fo him? "And do ' .thlnlifc'fl 'going to.forget that,lhougb iiu io umj i ujitnji They.rfeinlned pacing tip, and down tpPfgardeVpaths unttjl.-llt , flatf quite dU8K;UieVfocl6r persistently- con- vrslngrori'heerfill nublcctB! aUd re fusing Ap oi ivy ino convemauon. o taka mjbrbidVtarn', y '&" k . r .jv . .. . - i . i v. iAt, nlii,'ilfflakt8uppor..-vas 'Served, consiHungsoi. yejiou iowi ".ami sail' sago7 in ,dny beford,youUenoriwAStfi'' 4 W li's .'' . ynnr i ir a-. rf- t motlon.nf Hocial Thejtame robtlno liavl rig .been qb flori'cdason "th'PBrevrous oecnulnn. .t 71 I a n l -iJrJere'JBnin-'Cartwrfgl wWcallod remoYfllr'kfl'afie )f'",the "old 'ShuWMli: atlon of -tha IhVidlseovery. gge?iihqwinf: iHw - tausciT - lf - "ii.k riimr - - U?1&Z&!r?iL .cpjnpletely. ' Woluwcd ctaufuCaliTr" father. 'Xtr .Wiwcl-'aWof Timber thal itftrit s-ntllt rlttat Virto. Be8setinyiHi'ir)B., Inline shapo of fire' t A J&V'frj'r. Jfc:. t "Know me 7 Of , arms, but ?iatf-irfwayBU:e romiirJi - r able for an unusual amount of nei v- oii'iiCBS, almost Amounting to horror, with rcgnid to an thing of the kind. In consequenco of an accident, with n tragical termination, which ho had onco witnessed Dr. Jeicmlah Cait wright, recalled at this Juncture, hero btated hh firm conviction that the wound had not been self-mtllctod, which ho proceeded to prove, to his own satisfaction and tho entire be wilderment of everybody else present, by the old of a groat many polysylla bic expressions and n torrent of pro fessional phraseology, which swept everyone off their feet, but which, on being filtered down for tho benefit of tho unlearned, merely amounted to tho following facts, viz., that tho edges of the wound, by which the bullet had made Its 'entrance, were torn and lacerated, ns Well as blackened and burnt by the action of the gunpow der, that tho skin In the vicinity of tho wound wns blistered, the bleeding slight, and chiefly from tho oilflco of exit, and tho two openiugs In tho scalp nearly opposite each other. Dr. Cartwrlght. having brought his evidence to conclusion, now gavo placo to nnoHior wltneBs, and one in whoso power it might bo to help to unravel tho mystery. This last was the guard of tho 4:30 train an in telligent looking man, who, with a bandage round his head and one arm In a hllng, bore tokens of the Injuries ho had recoivod In Jumping from tho train whllo It was In motion. On being questioned as to what he know of the matter, ho replied, with out .any hesitation, that he romcm boreT,tho fourth carriage from tho 'cnVvell, and the passengers that It iraskiijed. In that particular com- P,l Comt'rs flga'res tnat tn" wa8 n,oro jTrrlage referred to?" tdcortaln he was. "There .A if them. He could swear w. r LIT1 91 yt one of them, tho taller v "ifv. lUP him handsome to iock thtAwfcjat they might have tho - W ... - ney?" "And did you lock them In, nnd aro qulto sure that thoy wcro both to gether In the carriage when tho train started?" "Certain suro ho was. Ho see them both together In the compartment as tho train passed him, just before ho swung himself Into his van." Being asked whether there was any- y .(U ... (m lf,lw nlcnihl U(l .' - 1!A , .. , '"You'll -tako n-10k'Rnfl'a"w nt Jim a jfrlt.jof tlioalf said? the ho piUbTo'iltt(ian;im;li6 "piled bis visitor's pktM'iYotWgoti-trylng SJ'It ,12. : v '.'.t- , t J L ,-' a"--i7 ' T,rje other1 paeaepaer.r HriArU-ln,r l'lJl.-.!. ' If. .Silas urritaihjefdflt-tfiriWheat-alieafAJpJae .lo'nglcjwraem usually dedicated Jo tho Jtowlng bowl ami tho '.lirornotronrof, hocI&I -IntercoliVso m& wtKMm FKW&aZKS?- inerTjUfiraiiCTrjWfK ,WCIKlfjypKOSWWJV, . v , rM:wenivinroHgnurloriH or' uent - tyWtkeydt aJln'H-ffiirrJt III aaai umE 3 ssr- .in-iMM, -sssr f HI SEP --L 'SaFEfLfV I vi UJll-sJaT w TMMn-dWmmMtAiJ7-ttMurm " Wl'I'MVlfcl taLWavK, mmk iiWiarT W iflii life jm'srmmlttOjmnAiitMfKBKVMtWtXfwIKM & Ani isli: m-- w-m t v&grimrb r --aw :. frMWIBTM"m.trTbL--.wfc-' mWrt.3. & fcwm MmnWSKm & vriHll ' ill V '"' --.ryisSt-. -T?UW i JF&fMwm "tagff''iBnir iiTnii ' wr i t . rv "vrr-- y?T 'ZfFWi l I Publliitng byMrtt b S tit I t A . ut cltlicr of them that helped attention upon them, he an- d ihaf(bo taller nnd thinner of two though they wero uotn oi hem, tall -and woll-growcd seemed uncommon pcrtlcisier auoui pici.ing out a carriage to bis mind. Ho no ticed him looking Into several before he fixed upon that identical compart ment! nnd when he had, ho beckons to him (tho guard) and says, 'Look herd' ho says, 'mo and my friend, wo don't want nobody elso getting In hero. Wo want this hero cnrrlngo to ouruelvcs till wo get to London. Tnkc this,' Jio.eays, 'and don't you lot no body qlse In whatever So I nays 'AH right; air,' and locks the door, nnd thinks to myself, 'Anybody would think ns It was n couple of honey niooners instead of two elderly gents.' ' "Could ho Identify tho body of tho gentleman who bud been shot as tho companion of tho other7" He both could nnd would; except that thero had been a sort of a smllo on lilg face then nnd he looked very different now. In fact, bo had struck hlni (the guard) In spite of tho tip wlilch Ihff other paity gavo him ns bqlng by fnr tho agreoabler and most pleasant-spoken gentleman of the two; and lie had been most uncommon sor ry that he i had, on recognizing the body,-because, you see, he had quite mado. up Ma mind that ho had cs- nned nfl well as the other oae. Being; asked to explain hlniBcir, snld JJ'e didn't seo much what there wns explain. What he meant was that iiu inougiii. mni u ouo gone goi on bcqt free, "tho other might havo done tho same. "What did ho mean by tho other hnUug got, off scot free, and what wnslilB uutharlty for speaking ashc in pie cnoitgh. Being the train, ho was con- I hpfnlta lV nnthinir imill In. fntin.1 film. self thrown violently on tho floor. course he does." - IJoeorfrjfir n'mself. he jumped fiom his van nnd alighted on his feet, but was struck by a fragment of some thing and Knocked down. Ho rose to his feet again, though .suffering from wounds in tho head, hand an kneo, and saw a sight the llko of which he had never seen before. With his keys in his hand, he ran up and down the lino, hardly knowing what he was doing. As smm as ho began to get his senses back, which had been pret ty well knocked out of hlui, ho un locked all tho doors of tho carrlagos tint he came to, though they were already unlocked on ono side. After he had dono all bo could, ho went and sat down by the side of tho line, for he begnn to tuin faint and dizzy. Whllo ho sat there he saw a tall, rather thin, elderly gentleman mak ing his way slowly towards him, who limped u llttlo ns he walked. Aa this latter camo neater he rocognled him as being tho samo Individual who had given him tho tip, and told him to keep anyone elso from getting Into tho carriage. Witness noticed that his faco was ghastly, and that he bicathed llko a man who hod been running u race, but naturally put It down to tho ter rible shock and the fright caused by tho accident. As ho came up to him, he (tho guard) spoke to him and said, "Glad to heo you're safo, sir! hope tho other gent is the same?" But he only stared at him In a queer, dazed sort of way, without making any answer, and passed on down tho line. At last, after somo debate, the ver dict agreed upon was: "Wilful murder against some person or persons unknown." Ted Burrltt and his friend the doc tor left tho place together. "What will be your next step in the matter?" asked the latter. "First, to take my father's body home then to look for his mur derer!" CHAPTER XIII. Coming Home. Early In tho evening of tho same day Dr, Jeremiah was bidding his now friend "good-byo" as he baw him off from tho station. Tho train puffed slowly out of the station, and tho last view Ted had of tlm llttlo men showed hint stand ing at tho end of tho platform and waving hU spectacles after him. Ho gave him n paitlng salute out of the F l (." anfl tM to"Jl tlow In his heaVftnTiir.1 JAcir'into his sent with n sigh nnd began to review the ovents of tho last few days. "Wilful murder ngalnut some person or persons unknown 1" . And ho hnd to break this, ns well as all that wont before it, tb tthoso two women at home. A growsotno task! Well, so much tho worse for the man who had been tho causo of It nil. So much the worse for him when tho day came for reckoning up accounts; tho day that would seo him in the criminals' dock; tho day that would placo n noose round his neck. And tho joung man felt that that would bo n day well worth waiting for, oven though it might bo indefinitely pro longed. But ho would never rest, and never give. up, until ho had helped to bring It about; for It Boemed to him Hint revenge would bo Incomplete and robbed of half its sweetness unless it were, his foot that helped to dog tho murderer nnd his hand that helped to hurry him to n felon's dooui. Oh, yes, ho must bo an agent, It not tho chief, at any rato an impoitaut one. He hoped among his father's letters nnd papers contained In a sealed packet, which ho carried about his poison to como upon something which might help to set his feet in the right track. Then tho thought struck him, if ho could find that letter! Tho ono that came less than n week ago! If it had not been destroyed! And why should It have been? Unloss nnd ho re called that, at tho tlrao, distasteful al lusion of Dr. Cnrtwrlght's unless there wero bomcthlng compromising In It! But he rejected tho idea now, nn ho hnd then. No doubt he would bo ablo to find the letter. It was most probable that it was included among those Other pnpers which wcro even now in his possession. Meanwhile, at Magnolia JvOdge, the days had dragged heavily along. Mrs. Burrltt halng once taken to her bed (n recumbent position being looked upon by her ns the most propor-end-becomlng onejji- -which lo encounter affliction)" immediately upon receipt of tho sad tidings had not slnco suffi ciently recovered herself to leave It again. "Grief," she qpld, "always had 'a peculiar effect upon her spine, and she didn't know whether It was the bllpdH' being down, or tho sight of her widow's cap, but Bho couldn't help fecllngthat she was not long for this world. Anyhow, they must not grieve, but bo sure and bury her by tho sldo of their denr futhor." All this could scarcely bo said to add to her daugh ter's spirits, only, there was so much to bo done, that she had, fortunately, llttlo time . In which to indulge In morbid reflections on hor own behalf. There were letters to bo written, dressmakers to be interviewed, nnd a host of other things, which must be done whether tho Iiouho bo ono of Joy or mourning. It was about half-past seven on Tuesday coenlng when she heard tho sound of 'wheels. She hastened into the hall and met her brother. The first glancri bhowed her tho alteration that had taken place In him. He looked very worn and full of trouble, much older, and she thought, touch sterner. Sho hadjbofu In tho inblt of regardlng"infn ns a boy w ho not barely three years her senior? now he looked a man, every Inch of him. A hasty greeting passed be tween them, and then sbo went to prepare her mother for hla arrival. Mrs. Burrltt was dozing, and her daughter hesitated for a moment be fore rousing her. As she stood, wait ing, she heard heavy footsteps ascend ing the staircase footsteps of men, who were cairylng something of great weight. She knew what it was. They came on slowly past the door of tho room in which she was. Then, after a short time, sho heard thorn descend ing the htnlrs again; the door of the house was closed, and at the same moment her mother woke. (To bo continued.) HIS RIGHTS IN THE CASE. How an Aggrieved Man Might Abolish Cat Concerts. s A retired citizen in tho southeast section has been greatly annoyed by tho howling on his own fence and shed In the back yard oi a big black cat In the neighborhood. Not being able to sleep, ho called upon his ati toincs the other day to discuss with him what could bo dono in the way of -getting rid of tho cats. "There the cat sits every night on my fence," tho sufferer explained, "and ho yowls nnd yowls and yowls. Now, I don't want to get into any irouwe with my neighbors, for I ani a lover or peace, but I would like U Know if I anunot justified In puttlnj a stop to It?" "Certainly." renlled tho lawver. "I am well within my rights if snoot the cat, then?" "Urn, well, I would hardly like say that," answered tho lawyer, "TJ cai uoes not belong to you, as. I derstand the case?" "."so." "And the fence does?" "Yes." ' "Well, then, I think I may safl say mat you nave a perfect right pun uown tho fence." Washlni Times. Standard Oil Branch.. The International Oil Company! Jnpau, which Is a branch of the SP. dard Oil Company, Iiqb a largo rofbf!!ry nt Navetsn, besides owning important wells on tho western provlncos, Six-tv-elght native companies liavf been forced to combine, so that thejc are now two competing companies, neither of whom has one-fourth tho capital of the International company, tvlnilm - A 1 h s ( or """WlKll K .'W33 w.... 8?sm&i" a