ti ' Vi? VWJK5J. agr AJMmtau. ir5; 4iL - GREETNG ! Wo wish n happy Now Year to our friends nnd patrons. Wo thank you for the trade you havo given us tho past year and through continued fair and Hanaro dealing, glvlning a dollar's worth for ovory dollar, wo hono to still on joy your patronage. To those who aro not yet our regular pa trons wo wish to say that wo oiler tho host drug servieo to he found anywhere, and tho most complete stook In tho county. Wo wish you to givo us a tt ial Chas. L. Cotting, The Druggist. j I LOCALETTES $5 2.) coal at Caldwoll's. JclT Myers is in Lincoln. Stock saddles at Joo Fogel's. Football today. Ladies free. Light harness at Joe Fogel's. lied Cl-md is to havo another harbor shop. The county commissioneis mot this week. Misi Vernon Storey is in Platts mo.uth. Goo. R. Chanoy is homo from Ar kansas. S. H. Lowton wasTtbwn froiH-Btodon Tuesday. Miss Laura Hedge was in Suptrhr Monday. MUs Vanco Too spont tho holidays at home. Gpo. B. McCall was up from Guide Saturday. , J. F. Branshaw was up from Super ior Suud.iy. Frank Quigloy was in town the first of tho week A. D. MoNeer of Blue Hill was in the city Monday. Miss Nettie Van Cleave of Ashland is in the o ty. Mrs. McClure of Blue Hill was in tho city Tuebdty. R. S Proudtit was up from Qulde Rock Sunday. Robort Fortune was down from Ho bron Tuesday. John Storey of Cowles was In tho city Tuesday. Miss Sadie Overing spent the holi dayi at homo." -X, . Infants' all-wool white shirt), Cl'o. F. Newhouse. Ralph Greenha'gh of Ciwles was in town Tuesday. Coal, coall Soft coal for base burners at Caldwell's. Dr. Moranville wai up from Guide Rock Wednesday. Miss .Tullft Galusha returned from Nelfon Tuesday. George Overing has returned from his western trip. Q3 admaster Ibson has been trans lerred to Lincoln. Warren Longtin returned to Nelson Tuesday morning. Try Ward Hayes for a first class shave or hair-cut. Leila Von and sister of Denver were in tho city Tuesday. E. II. Cox of Bladon was In fie city tho first of tho week. Herbert, Conover came djwn fiom McC ink Wednesday. William Vandorfecht was up from Guide Rock Tuesday. If you want tho bast and cheapest harness, go to Pugel's. SeoJooFogol for anything in tho harness or saddlery line. Fifty Years the Standard mifa &&r laifTOves th flavor md adds tf thi hiaithfulnm of thi food. r,HOR AKINO rOWOEH oo. CHIOAOO BAKING POWDffl Football To-day. Lnvors of football will bo given nn opportunity today to witness n first diss gnmo. I.'ito Wcdacsday evening word was received from Superiur thnt tho proposition for a gamo with lied Cloud hnd been iiceip'.ul. Snp'rior hns one ot tho strongest teams '-' tho stu'.o. Como out nnd "root" 'ftr the Ik mo team. Ladies ad-nitted free. I; Writo it "11)01" Happy Now Year. Leigh Popo is in Lincoln, Walt Kiloy was up from Chester t'lh week Jim Mitchell was down from McCook this wick. Jtidgo Duffy was up from Guide Itock the tlrslof tho week. O E. Walker and wife of Inavalo wuio in town tho first of tbo week. Mrs. Onier Doling of Lincoln visited villi hor parents this week. Miss N. Ho Warren has returned from hor vlhit in Tacoma, Wash. A Galusha and daughtor Juliet visited in McCook this week. Mrs. Tony Clark of Oxford was in tlie city tho til st of tho week. An on Gai ber and sifter Ethel came homo from Kearni y Monday. Hariy Beal returned to his homo in McCook tho lht of tho wcok. Superior vs. Rod Cloud on tho foot ball held today. Lndlrs fieo. Mor.invllle'd Perfection Hair Tonic for sale at Schaffnit's harbor shop. Quick servieo and first class work is tho motto at SobatTnil's barber shop. Miss Jessio Duckor U homo from Alma to spend hor holiday vacation. K E. Burr and daughter Jewel of Guldo Rock were in tho city Wodnos- W Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Arnold oi 4tose tuont were in town tho first of the wcok. AlWn Tulloys and Bruce Robinson give a party tonight for their little frisnds. No use to "turn over a new loaf" un less you havo read the lesson on tho old one. Will Letson came Jown from Dead wood to spend the holidays with his mothtr. Charles Barber of Altnena, Kan., spent the holidays with his parents in this city. HanceNiekelson, baker at Bense's restaurant, bas gone to Umaha for a short viit. Mrs B. MoFarland was in McCook this week, tho guvst of hor daughter, Mrs. Ralph Foe. J. O. Lindley left Thursday for a short visit with hi daughters at Mc Cook nnd Culbortson. Cloyd Wo ds of McCook visited with his grandparents, Mr. and Mis. J "oLtadley, this week. County Supe'rrrifodueatMarkorjs at, tending the Siato Teacheis' Associa tion mooting in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harman re turned toHoIdrege Monday night after a short visit in Red Cloud. Ed J. ff rles, who has been working for Ollle Suhaffnit, is now working at Ward Hayes' barber shop. A. H Keeney has moved to Red Cloud and is ready to asiume the duties of the office of county Judge. Misses Gertie Coon, Jessie Cather a id Winnie Sherman aro attending the teacheis' meeting at Lincoln. Will Mitchell and daughter Pearl c mo down from Lincoln Saturday for a visit with relatives and friends Tho do.-ks and soaU at the high school building were this week ro moved lo a carpenter 9bop for repairs. Thoro was a danco at Putur's hall last night which was largely attended. The Hastings orchestra furnished tho music. Mis O C. Caso, superintendent of tho city schools, is attending tho meet ing of tho Stale Tunchora1 Association at Lincoln. Mr. nnd Mrs. Suidlor, who havo boon tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs, B. B. Smith, havo returro I lo their homo jn Sicra meuto, Cal. John W. Tulloys has returned to his duties in tho oflico of tho state auditor at Lincoln, after spending Christmas with his mother. L ist Chrislma's day, in Rod Cloud, a pockotbook, containing a 120 and a $10 bill. Finder p'easo return to Ernest Moranvillo Henry Newhouse is feeling swelled up these days becauso of a new girl baby which arrivod at bis houso eaily Wednesday morning. Miss Alice Pope bas been appointed to till tho vacanoy la tho South Ward school caused by tho resignation of Miss Floronco Cotting. Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Cripplo Creok, Col,, aro the guests of Mis Williams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Van Camp, at tho B. & M. hotel. Congressman G. W. Norrls stopped off in thU city M in day for a short con ference with tho local republican lotdf rs. Ho was on his wi.y to Wash ington, I'rotchingnt iIim M E. church Sun diiv iy tho pnsnr, lliv. B L. Hutch Ins Stibj-ct at 11 a. m., a Now Year soi m ; hi 7 :w p. m , "l'ralso." Mr Frances Waldo, who hns been tho guest of her mother and ft lends for a few day, returned to hor homo Dlnomlngton Monday evening. Wilbnrn, whom wo last week in i?o u iic fa wouiti soon roiuni 10 ucn Cicud from Lincoln to Uvc,will occupy e position of trainmaster at this point. ltii'scll West, tho two-year-old son f Will West, had n lingor so badly uiahi'd in tho cogs of a wringer Mot: d.iy that amputation was necessary. Mm. Biidgot Perry, who tins been ill (or a long time, died Monday and was huriod Tuesday, Father Lmighuol of tho Catholic church had chaigoof tho services. I would liko your subscriptions for papers nnd migazlnea. Will meet any prices offered by other agendo. Call or send for tuy catalog. C. L Cotting, tho iliugglst. Mis KHaCi'oV, Mls lloulah H-irntnn nnd Mr Ed Huruian accompinicd Mrs. Chirencn Waldo to Bloomlngum Mon day ovinlng, Muring ti Red Cloud the same night Tho report publish d in u contem porary to tho effect that Ajors & Uailuy hnd sold out was without foundntu n. The stoiy was tho usitlt of a "pipe dio.uu v Jennio Stl'z-r, Omaha "I havo gained thirty-live pouu Is in two months. Nothing did mo any good un til I used Hollhter's Rocky M uiutain Tea." A blessing to sickly woman. C. L Cotting. Henry Cramer nnd Ross Brooks and tho Misses Cora Lockhart, Mabel Brooks and Bertha Wiscarvcr, nil pupils in tho Rod Cloud high school, spont tho holidays at Ihoir homos in and near Campbell. HtTJ4lQili;i22Hcon8l'Pnl'on hoadache, backache, kidnoy trouble? Hollister's Rooky Mountain Tea will mako you well. If it fails get your money bick. That's fair. Tea or tablet form. 85 cants. O. L, Cotting Supposing you're busied haven't a dime, Getting poor isn't a serious crime, Put on a bold front, work with all your might, You'iosuroto win by taking Rocky Mountain Tea at night. C. L. Cotting. At about 3 o'clock CnriMmas after noon an alarm of fire was sent in by telephone from the homo of Sam Temple, north of town. A large water tnk, underneath which is a bathroom, hnd caught firo and fear thatthe llames would spread to the house caused the alarm to bo sent in. The tank and bathroom wero totally destroyed. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Christie cele brated tho fifth anniversary of their marriage Saturday night a', tho home of Mrs. Coristio'it parents. Mr. nnd Mrs Charles Beardloe, in Smith bW roBh tn0 linj,;.t.noi8t V0"1 , Kans. A large mnnhrr 6lf''iea'Sjl6 c0 bt(oro MTsnOjrj Wra-present an"cTMr. and Mrs could advanco the ball a yard. Tne, county, gitestsTwerti Cm istio received presents of wooden ware to last them for years to come. A MMAfct Alam.' Henrv C ark, the marble man, re cently because the proud possessor of a moose-colored, lop-eared Colorado bronco and thereby hangs a tale. Mrs. Clark lb away from home, and on Christmas night Henry itivlted a few of his gentleman f i inds to his home for a social game of whi-t. Sometime near the bewitching hour of midnight there came a hurried knock at the front door of the Clark residence. Mr. Clark answered the summons, and was confronted by a frightened neighbor lady, who br athlessly informed him that "something awful" was .taking place in his barn. With virions of horsethioves and kindrod midnight visitors, Mr. CI irk hastily lighted a lantern and, followed at a safe dit tanco by his Ruett, proceeded can tiously to hisbirn. Tho glaro of tho lantern revciled n wHderneis of de struction. Tho bronco had olimbed over the uiungor, nnd thin kkked it into kindling wood; a largo feed box had suffered tlm same ft to, and a cook stove, which had boon htored in t'ho spaco usually occuplod by a buggy, was boing rapidly reduced to scrap iron when tho risouiug party appeared on thoscono. After an hour's coaxing and hauling with n twenty-foot rope tho disturber of the paco was finally landed in his pr.ipor plnce. bnt tho 7 whist game was not resumed YwthTnl "Tro." Two very BmM Hud giLf May Hadoll and Nithrgnhr)ght, ni ther of whom is 11 jtEw-QXjCgp, mado up their minds Wednesday to pay a visit to an aunt of one of them who resides in Cora, Kan. The days of stage coaches having passed, and having no monoy with which to hho a livery rig, tho young ladies decidod to walk over to Cora, which is consid erably moro than twenty milos from this city. It is needloss to say thoy hid not informed their parents of their Intentions, and it was only by chanco that thoy wt-re pnivontad from carry rying out thoir plan. '1 hoy started nil rljht, bufortunu'ely for thiimelves, J& sr W 0 il tf tf tf tf tf tf We Wish Yoa fit and tf tf tf tf, tf tf tf tf tf Among to buy your Clothing, H Trunks and FurnishinffS Ol tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf is a good . . j tf tf tf THE COHDEIN-KALEY CLOTH tf tf vVi First Door North of Postoff Ice thoy took tho wrong road af t r cross ing tho river bridge, and about four miles f outh hf town thoy wore mot by Will Browr, who carries tho mall on rural rout'to, 1. returning from his dallWries. Ho reoRuffll'd'tllOI onop, who woro contentedly plodding along with thoir dollios in their arms, nnd when they told him where thoy were going he succeeded in inducing them to ride hack homo with him. When they got back as far a Che river bridge they insisted oa getting out and walking the rest of tho way into town. They have indefinitely postponed their Kunas trip. A Tie 6ae. The football gamo Christmas day between Red ("loud and McCook re su'.t"d in no score. The game was close and exciting from the start to the finish, nnd at no time was eithor goal in danger. Most of the playing was neartbo center of the field and in Mo Cook's territory. It seemed .almost impossible for tho backs to get around tho ends with tho hall, and tho. only good gain on cither sido was niauo by Lane when ho wont around McQuok's right end for fifteen yards, licilgo ko through tbo lino in tho last (half only time a touchdown looked possible was in the second half, when Red Cloud bad forced McCook back to the 20-yard line, but Le Hew punted the ball out of danger, and the game soon t n I ed with the ball uear the center of the field, iq McCook's territory. The McCook team was much lighter than the home' team, but was able to prevent Red Cloud making important gains. Oaring to the bad weather the attend ance was not large. The line-up was as follows: MCCOOK BED CLOU Cimpbell.... right half Lane Bishop left hnlf Roby Baibazette. . .quarterback Smith Le Hew fullback .Garber Traver right end Jeffries Fry left end Rltchlo C. Burnett.. right tickle Peterson Jennings .... right guard Walters Wont. right guard. . . . . .Diokoy Burns center Hedgo D. Burnett ) Uubititutes Clark Mid.il. t Ml Timekoepor Sutton, Rofeioe Miner. Marrlajes and Licenses. Tho following marritiRO havo taken place since our last Issue: Saturday, December 2G-Jnhn Mor ton and Lulu C. Van Buskfrk, botbjjf Wobsitr county. Judgo Edton per formed the ceremony. Tuesday, D.;combor 29 Matthew Holan and Auua Kudrnn, both of Web ster ounty, Judgo Edson officiating. Monday, Deoouibor 28 William H. II dschu and Anna K'att of Bluo Hill, Judge Edton officiating, Tuesday, December 19 George E. Q'linn and Katie Wohleb, both of Franklin county. The ceremony was pei formed by Father L mghnot of the Catholio church. Wednesday, December 30 Joseph 11. Thomas and Lela Gross, both of this county, Judge Edson officiated. Tho following licenses wero also issued: December 2 lLo.'a A. Whitaker and Mabol A. Thomif, both of Wcbjter county. Decombcr 20 John P. Oiopp and May Souchok, both of Webster county, Prospi your resolutio one. ONE PRICE CLOTHIER. - 1 I r-- n r $50, Portland, Oregon, and Return. On account of tbo annual convon tton of tho National WoolGrowirsnnd Live Stook Association tho Bur Ington will sull. tickets to Portland, Oregon, and re January 7, 3,'fTand" 10. Liberal ovor privilogo. aitraotlvo tuverso routes, return limit, Jnuuary 31st. You can ineludo San Francisco in thoioturn trip for 911 GO additional. For information as to sleeping car reservations, train service etc., ask the ajientor wiite J. Francis, General Pasongcr Agent, Omaha. Fara Uus. I have just prepared myself to make farm loans at a low rate of interest either in Jewell, Smith or Wobster counties can piy off at any timo. J. H. tUtLsr, Red Cloud. Avoid Typhoid "" Fever By having a new well put down and cased with a heavy galvan ized tube, made by us in any size, diam eter, of heavy iron something that will last a lifetime and be a source of comfort and health. We have PUNPS That work easily and give satisfaction; also pipe in any size or quantity at the right prices to interest you. A pump complete with cylinder for $4.00 Good, heavy goods and properly fitted. Galvanized Iron and Wood Water Tanks carried in stock. Let us fit you out with a complete outfit. M0RHART BROS. Hardware Co. Red Clout uttttttt4444!4. ." s-w iioim a M.ian mi uini .n ,;wi 1 1 Wn1 1 ULV TJA : WJ ISO H i ovr t "aLB I & ITIIIIIVIT: m I DOL LARS J MlM I D A N A 6 E I $ in Adamscounty, May24tb. v Vl lal 5 L ' I ? aH a C V xNaH $ call on or address J "j, j mM o.c:teel 4l 7 ffffD CLOUD, Nm-M. M MM F JH 'Aial RED CLOUD A rtfT IS WBBSTB COUNTY T NM II aS NEBRASKA T !,Wi' !! DEAL WTATt ) ' :J J -AND- W.leJ tPAmm jOANm m falfaw I. Some of the finest farms and VH ? city property in Webster Conn- J f'A" f,H 1 ty, Nebraska, for sale. Prices V yv'.H I ranging from flC to 125 per aore. fv" fllB ) J. . HALE, $ '1 II f Red Cloud, MmbrmBkm. i - H IN KVKRY BTYLK. I ' I f Tho Bon Ton la prepared to servo Otstora in every Gtyle on Bhort uotico. All kiuds'of , Hot Drink for cold weather served at ' the soda fountain. Catering for parties and dances. The Bon Ton W. S. BBNSB, Proprietor. WHEATLET nmmnffMnm 18 AW KCONQltlCAt, VQOBy WDon.eryed.ia Jtreakfait Miub It cot mm lli.n ou cut for etch penoo. Bold In alb. pckage by all leadlog Qron, w .. &f a,tojv , WJfv-O-iSn 11 i 7T. ' r cm - a 4 1 av I II t . t rii. .iworf .J.'ii ' t. MBB -mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm) t! a 7. "-' '-" i, i VkK; ir, J aAf,