i II jawtha. - VOLUME xxxir. VVvavvVvx'vVvv Special Sale Commencing Wednesday, December 23, we will give a discount ol 20 per cent on Cloaics. Ladies 42-inch Coat, loose back, Skinner ;nttn Unincr. militarv caDes.silk strapped, a w... .-....-. -.....---- - very handsor p aui2L mm.jse Si icial, Ladies' Woolen Mil Kersevs. military cap pleated, heai 'atnt VvU.loe- Lrt ialtvaIue.iH' Sleciil, Ladies' imitation cc ir,1 tan only.. Regular $6.00; eoial, Ladies'l Montenac. M: Price Price on on Ladies tary cape, lin piling, special, Missei Kersey imiti speoiairrcscjr .Vw Misses' long Cloak, green Zibilene, fancy stitching, imitation collar with stoles, military cape.regular $7.50; Special, $5.50. "Satisfaction or MINER i-WVvsAWAAAW BLADEN. .Too Bnkor and sister returned from Ho'drrKHlun Saturday. Mrs. C n rio Adams and hildi on at o visltitiR nt the homo of her parent", Mr. and Mi-J. Wnh lifted of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Gnatli" B -stare vldt jug at tho homo of B.C. Host south of town. k Mrs Will Johnson's father and mother, frun Salino county, nro ,idt inghoiothis wodc. John Onenl and sislor Mitmio of Bcukelnmii, Nobr., are visiting nt the homo of II. B. Bojd south of town. Mrs. BlRRlos of Rivet ton i vititinir her sistes, Mic J. C. Harlmann. Mrs. Will Bonnott is visiting in Bed Cloud at the homo of l.or brother, George Boyd. Mhrriod at tho homo of tho bride'd sister, Mis. C A.Easterly, Mlis Maty Soucheckto Mr. Juhn Kropp, Do.; ember 29 Miss Ethel Cmwson is visiting hor paronts. Jnuics Egolton and daughter drove to Btuo Hill Inst Wednesday. OVJrles Sponce and family spont FrhW with his brother Ernest at this place. MIb Martlndale, who has been vitlting Mrs. Geo. Solomon, returned if sT vv'vv'AAvAvvvv' Cloak . - -,. ' -"?" wr, 2jj jwBrtmJ ". ' imimi $20.00. linchljacket, made of American in blacks ana castor, loosl back, inlaid with velvet, hninflf, imitation . . collar - . $13.50. LckeK' wool kersey, satine lining, $4.80. lac kef. satine lined, black, French ,00 reiular. special $4.00. 50 reiular, special $4.40. .V lack Zibilene, loose back, mili- satin lining; regular$i2. $9.60. : tooseback, fancy.colored Zibilene, tic :, . .fSTTKnasTjaps.'" KSMm-f shwwvw w?i-rt3 money ba.ck." BROS. t hnr homo in Bed Cloud last Thurs day. John, Antononnd Christina Soucheck cam') up ft m Dowoeso' to attend their sUtir's wadding. K II. Cox has loturnod homo from Sholton, where ho wont to attend his rithePri fiinernl. Doluyed Coi i raponilonoe.l J o Baker Ik h tvin vacation of a wcfrlc iltniriK holidays. MVh. Dnllit MuCallum returned homo from Lincoln to spend Cbristmas with hrr parents. Fran and Chailes Fussier lit ve go no to Ohio on n visit. John Bay returned homo from Peru to spend the holidays, Mr. Uubhs has rented the Wilson Bico place for the coming year. Mrs. Hartman's mother is visiting her at this place. Mullio Williams is visiting her sister, Mrs. Clark, at Cimpboll. Eli C x and son Elmer aro visiting friondu up at Shelton this week. Floyd Tooker left Wednesday for Genoa to visit his mother, Mrs. Clark. Tho entottiinment given by the Iittlo folks Wednesday afternoon wns vory niooand tho tioo thoy had nindo it attractlvo for tho lltllu folks. RED CLOUD, NEUltASKA. JAXUA11V 1, 1004. DUTCH FLAT. On ChriitiiiHH night about slx'v pen plti ntsimbiud at tin homo of F 1) Hutchison to culebriite the occasl ui hy a unrwniis tree mil iiiihic, utter which u'l partook of it supi er inch ih on i) roads of in fnlrf lo'o. Au:nng th so present fiotn al r.md wore Mr. Snthcrlnnd and family fiom Bostwick nnd Louis Aubushon ui.d family from Womcr. Neighbors nnd fr'or.ds to tho numbi r of seventy tit mb!ed lit tliu homo of Oiant Cluisty on Saturday night nml holpcd him colebirto his wooden wed ding anniveis try, ami presented Mr. and Mrs. (Jhri.-ty with a lino extension tabic, o spii o cabinet, a rolling pin, a butter outtit, an easel and an enlnrgod picture of their boy. A sumptuous supper wnj served and the guests de parted for their homes at a late hour. Mr. Honghtallng is 1'. at present in very poor health, owing to o'd army wounds and the hardships of army mrvmse W. W. Hick, and bride and Mr. nod Mr. Charles Beard.lee spent Sunday afternoon with Bea UibBoa and fam Uy. , . Archie 8iaaBoa spent Sunday and Monday la Jtwell county, JBUiJnjotook a flying trip 4o smitn center on Tuercuy. unreport. uoit or ibe'cora gttneteu along turf way and the" surplus ;Med around ready for the .heller.. Wm. Orchard busy .helling in thH neighborhood for the second tine, He sheKs and stacks the cobs in snoh a tine way that they cannot get along without hiin, Charles B ard.lep, James York and Douglas D.ivis have .helled this wtek Etna Honghtallng i chucking corn in Jowfll county for Mr. Gillette. GUIDE ROCK. H. 0. Mitnson oim'e so near being oaught by the fast train g"lng west the other flioining, while going over the west section on Mr. Lambert's little tha' ho lust escaped by jumplag. oui (ueiicnv jour -w- ujiiiij nivutfHr J.b. Colvin camo home for Clirnt mas. Ho has beeu away nearly two ycais. The now pastor ot tho B iptUt church hasunived with his goods and will ociupy the W. J. Hairis ptoperty. If . F. Coopei's brother Martin and his little gills, from Uborlln, Kans., are spending tho holld-iys here. J Ferguso'i has rented tho Drink wator farm for iIih comiug yoar. D. Columbia has nuted tho W. II B irciiH farm. F. Lano was over Sunday from Burr Oak, Kan. O. J. Buchanan has accepted the ollleo of village marshal. II V. C oporN brother, W. Cooper, Is hot oon a visit. J. H. Bailey is down from Red Cloud today. S I). Wales, S B. Hockott's son-ln-law has touted tho old M E. piiami. age. 11') recen'.ly tamo from lowu. STILLWATER. i ill -ti Mr-, i - i -rj Fiuo weatlior. Will Hagan shelled corn Wi 1 Isnin, Jr , is hu&kiug Flavo Rhrltor. this week. Monday. rQrn for John Ri so of Bluo Hill was looking . aft r land deals iu these parts Monday. Tho Schilling boys aro hufng corn for Birt Reeve this week.Tj''"' ' Samurl ForquabarJjjhjjiioyci to bis placn In Beaver Creek this week. W. A. Howard is putting up a new windmill. Will Ciozler, John Buster and Dave Flshet were hauling wheat to Am boy Monday. Ross Hubbard and child of St. Joe are visiting his parents and other relatives this weok. , Gilbert Uunney, who is attending school at Hnstings,is spending the boll duyi athouie. Carile nnd Jonnio Higgln1 of Stella, Nobr , visited with their aunt, Mrs. I. R. Crozler V .'iiasJay, WILLOW CREEK. MAN TO II A. Hippy Now Your to all. Charley Diek rion nnd sister M ifftflo of HuiiRry cieek visited with Fred and Nellie Bou hist Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Bo ois u gavo a tin key roast for n few ol tliclr near neighbois C iri.stinas day. Mis. B ub.iker and Mrs. Jackson wont to Valley county last Thursday to visit relatives. A beautiful Culstmas at Mt. Ilopo soh ol house wiih hi;li'y enjoyed by both old and young. Mrs. McPnciti'fsof Pawnro rounty is visiting her faihor, Mr. Biubaker. FreilBmis sliucking corn for Mr. NorrK Mr.. John Hngnu and obildren of Noit'tn conn'y, KanB a, aro vMiing at tho homo of hor father, Bev. Black well. Cloyco Jaikion has returned to Wabater cauntv after a sojourn of two JtTTntMtnMt"Mf iijit i urn Tt Vi yiSiL Mr. Soott and Mr. Blackwell bare both built new konses this fall, which add reatlyto the appearance of the neijthboradod. M WALNUT CREEK. Mostoftke the faraera are ready (muI anxion to hare their core shelled while this wCwfather lasu. A crowd gathered at NoVa. wJlri a the Cnrl.ttoae 'trea'aerelsea. 'Tali young folks did well With tattr speak ing and singing. HantaClaus wade a good deal of fun. Mr. mor Sutton of Norman la visit ing hi unjle, Oliver Button, Mr. Fred Gray, who has been visit ing his couiin, Mrs. Araeton, left for Hardy M )hday morning. Besslo and Minnie Whitely have been homo for a ftw days. Mrs, Sltbart has been the guest of Mrs. Arncion. " Wallace Jones will leave for L'ncoin Sunday morning. He intends talcing a courso at the Agriculturrl collfge. ' rnrinVT afaliiss'' irif-fi'T spuui vjui niiu is uay wt John Sutton. Miss Ola Diwitt and Mr. Houry Meyors ofNtlson havo boen visiting with Mi. Tom Whitely and family. GARFIELD. Mrs. N L. I). Smith was ilio guest of Mrs. Curio King this wouk. Will Smith butchered n boof list wtek. . The Christmas tioo nt Ash Creek church Touisdny niglit was a huccpps. Santa Clam came through tho chim ney and scattered good cliot-r quite profusely. Kvctfrjno present had n good tiino. ( G iindnia To'ry, formerly of tl is place, was bulled in tho Martnm ootit otery lastTuoiday. Thn little child of Will Fisher is quite sick. Ed White is homo on a visit and wo aro glad lo so him Setting Bounds to America. Wliitoluw Hold of Now York stands u cliiinco to llud hlnibolf among tho Just what ttiuisfoimiitioiis limy tnko prophets "who nro denied honors in placo theio in tho noxt conturyor two. tholr own country. Bald Mr. Hold, at When Josiah Quiney, about ninoty n dinner of tho Now England society: ' yours ago, was tolling congress and tho "I vonturo to predict that tho thno ' country that tho Union would bo dis will como within tho lives of many ' solved If "tho wild men on tho Mis who now hoar mo whou tho man who sourl" or tho '-mixed, though inoro ro shall proposo tho incorporation as a ' spoetablo, raco of Anglo-Hlspiino-Ga-state Into this government of any lo-Amorlcuus who bask on tho sands island of tho sea tho Philippines, tho in tho mouth of tho Mississippi" wore Sandwich Islands or Porto Rico or Cuba will be buntod from publio life, whether bo may bo animated by merely llngorlng reminiscences of tho ought to havo dono But what judg filibusters and tho slavery propugan- ment has history passed on that de do, or whother ho represent a sugar llvornnco? The "wild men on the Mis trust in Wall street or a sago brush sourl" nro getting up a celebration to trust in tho United States Senate." which Quinoy's stuto, tho entlro Union Of courso, neither tho "slavery propa-' and nil tho rest of the world have gandu" nor tho sugar or sngo brush bosn bidden, and which all will attend, trusts will hnvo nny influouco iu any Tho predictions which are setting up way ou this issue of tho possiblo creu- bounds to United Stutes' absorption tlou of now states from America's iu sulnr possessions Slavery, is dead. Tho sugar trust will not euro whothor tho sugar producing islands enter tho ! Newhouse Jewelers & Satisfaction ss Union as states or not, Territories are good enough for the trusts, for sooner or later they can get the free entry of their products kito the Unit ed States, aa in the oaae of Porto Rleo now, which baa not yet reached toe full territorial stage. The talk Jabot 4.'"" i . 4 ., ! Jill a aage vnm 'tram in w unnew B&CK.genaU Is a floarish which means nothing: Jwe I no "1 trust. UBU - I 'rha nynntiArfl wnn navn iiirnprui hl .. . i tit i i tempted to assign bounds to the Unit' :jr;:r :3 " u" ". "t;- tu ed States' expansion or sphere of in fluence have fared badly at history's hands. Bald a very groat nnd very wise American, in recounting some of the things which bo bad seen and in attempting to tuko a glance prospect ively at some of the things which somo othor persons would like to have come pass: "The Union already embraces discordant elements enough without adding others. If tny life Is prolonged alatBcaSlT ..ll M. nil r nan t arid in thn iTi ""--vl"" .--- - nii.Tiaa nurr ill "''" utlii q stronW?in-nTirt V CU... 1.... nl-lil... A.. nvtnnH If a lllll. I its or to add now dangois by acquisi tions of foroigu torrltory." Tho author of thoso words was John Sherman. Tho words wero uttered In 181K5. Now see what tricks events havo played with that hontiment! Tho John Sher man who, as a senator of tho United Stuloss in 1805, was opposed to till fnr thor "acquisitions of foreign torrl tory," was tho sumo John Shonnnu who, iu 1897, aided in framing u treaty for tho nuiioxntioti of Hawaii, and im noxation took placo justnfcrwnrd. Mr. Bold may llvo to seo history play pranks with his recent prediction Somo of his hoarors will bo certain to llvo to seo this. No event of tho po litical fiituro Is surer to como than Is tho admission of tho Cubau ropubllo ns u stuto of tho Union. Tho sumo is truo of Potto Jtiro. Iluwail Is fnrthor nwny, nnd tho bulk of its Inhnhltiints belongs to tin luferlor raco. There nro htill nunc foniililnblo bnrriors against tho admission of tho Philippines to statehood, though nobody can tell admitted to u sliaro lu the lawmaking powors of tho ! country did not I United States, tho laugh at him, as It in tho Moditorrnnonn of tho West, and to tho political advancement of that region as pnrt of tho Amorican com monwealth, will look us foolish us " f r frVgti&1nT' NUMBER X Brothers Opticians Guaranteed VWWiBaj Qulaoy's doee when viewed In the retr j roepect. St. Louis Glob-Deocr.t.',' , AOOMMaf sSCMwfsM 10 syMfMel ' aVHB jVanMNVe Through standard aad tarlH.'l n.i-4 n - tii .T.AkBiHIy IriMta iK i .. -.. ..'. Ha'.mml 1 i. "--- w-w -... .-r . r LT"?""wri . r a aa i wii lesif si . srsBTisrirsi visas to the SMny.SaMMs feserdi JA 0aTia 5:26 . ml Jtnwyymh.i'M i via -t-iuaia-0", hm w a tLj!Ulnftto Loul, thtnee thropUL NaehTUlf, V,?Mv;i , hiiii nimiiia, ji A.l ill.Nl fl. rout i made ft rever hlstori aramatto incmi nts oi the civil war. You travel in special cars, in fast trains; do hot have to worry' about ileeplng car reservations, .baggage-or the hundred other llttld details " that detract so much f i om the perfect en joyment of a trip; the excursion's manager attends to all' thete matters. You i scape the most unpleasant sat ml "..-v "'. ,! inill) nnfl I in bearing, tho bathing superb, and the climate as soft and balmy as a Ne braska day in Mtiy. Too itinerary provides for a twelve hour atopovbi at St. Louis for a visit to tho Worm's Fair grounds, whioh are practically in i-lmpo for the opening, with tho exception of tho m-tallatiou of exhibits, ii'id a gioat many exhibits nro iu placo. Tho party will return in diviually, and llbcril utopover privi leges nro given on jour tickets. It is especially urged ihit you givj us early udvico if you desiro to join tliis oxuiiitiii n, iu onlor that proper tesei vation may be mailo for you. Fur further details usk lltn Builius; ton aumit or write me. J Fruunif, Genuial Passonger Agfnt, Oiuahi. 820 Acre Onoof tho host farnis in Webster Co , $27 per acre, long time on part pavmuiit Owner bankrupt; mitht bo suld. Box 108, Red Cloud, Nobr. fob. 18. CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy Is at Specific, Sure to Qlve Satisfaction. OIVKS RILIKP.AT ONOK It cleanses, sootheB, henla, and protects the diseased mombrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away a Cold in tho Head qulokly. Restores the Senses of Tasto and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Large Rizo, CO cents at Druggists or by mail ; Trial Bio, 10 cents by mall. ' ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warr.nSt., Ntw Yark. Tonn over the- ; h DJT tOBy, n . l ft r X. A'1 ,A' SI ,t V-Vf zxtx&w . t WAgJw'AV T? j. Wl i.3 S- M , Sty J, ,uLi.t -r-T-