s n Holiday Gifts When tliis imper reaches you the most of our law holiilay stock will ho dls pluved. A visit to our stoic will oiler ninny suggestions Tor Christmas (Jilts. We have a lame variety to se led lioin siiil many novel lies neu'i" before shown in this market. It is impo-si hie to enumerate. Come in and sec us. No trouhle to show goods, and all aie welcome Chas. L. Citing, The Druggist. 2 Iftr.AIFTTFS n J. 1. Halo is in Oin.tha $.r.'J.' coal at Caldwell's Light harness at .lots Kogi'l's. Stock saddles at Joe Fugel's. Clrtrloy Foil i- in town ibis week. Midi Hi I C meet Co. Monday night. Mis C. B. Crone is home from Lin coin. 11. E (trice went to Lincoln this wrok. S'O the I. C. S. advertisement in this issue. C. V. Kaloy was in Lincoln this week. It. It Pay no was down from Bladen Sunday. Mrs. Rich returned fiom Guide Hock Monday. Sherwood Albright is on tho sick list this week. Mrs. Josoph Graves is reported to be quite sick. A. H Keenoy was down from Cowles Wodnesday. G. It. Chancy has gono to Siloam Springs, Ark. G M. Castor was from down River tou this wok. Cream white Henrietta, 13c per yard. F. Nowhouse. ft rn, Monday, to Mr. and Mrs. I'eto Hansen, a girl. Infants' all-wool whito shirts, GUc. F. Nuwhouso. Coal, coal! Soft coal for base burners at Caldwell's. J. F. Winters was down from Lin coln th'n week. II. A. Howard is critically ill at his tiomu in this city. Try Ward Hayes for a tirst class ahavo or hair-cut. Mr. and Mrs. Holt of Cowles wore in tho city Thursday. Mrs. Busic of Cowles was in tho city the tirat of tho week. Mrs. Gould ot Alma wai in tho city tbo tirst of tbo weok. Don't miss tho concert at tho opera tiouso Monday uigbt. Frank Nelson and Will Bobror are homo from Colorado. A. A. Swartzof Alma visited with Ur. Damcroll Monday. Mrs. George Nowbouse is homo from a short visit in liladon. There will bo a danco at Fireman's hall Christmas night. If you want tho bust and cheapest harness, go to Kegel's. Fred Uortfeld is in the westorn pint of the state on business. See .loo Fogel for anything in tho harness or saddlciy lino. Mr. and Mrs. W G. Black of Alma woi'j in tlio city Monday. Sain Temple bin s'''l I''"' 'i""' nortl1 of town to Frank L. Smith. A M Wallois was down fiom Blue Hill intending couit this week. !'. A Swoe.i" was down front Hast ings Tuesday attending court. Mis. Thonuis En igh and Mrs West are visi ing in Am dim, III. Fred Win ton of Webster, In Will was visiting relatives hero this week. The A. O U W. lodge will give a dance at tin Ir hall Tuesday night. Morinvillo's Perfection Hair Tonic for salo at Sclmllnii's harbor shop. Ben McFarland came homo from Utah to attond his father's fur oral. Quick sorvico ami first class work is tho motto at SchtilTnlt's barber shop. Duko Tompkins and Lawrence Sabin woro up from CSuhlo Rock yostorday. Miss Cliarlotto Worloy has gone to Crawford, Neb., to spend tho holidays. Education by mail through the I. C S, Soo our advertisement in this issuo. K.1 M-itoalf, who has been quite ill, is icporloil to lie on tho load toiecov cry. Kd Wnite, who pulled up and went tos!hillips county, Iviii3:, eaily this fa I, has all eaily had enough of it and i back again Fred Hedge Is home fiun Grand Island, vheie he has been attending school. Mis Gimco Wiles of Orleans is U. lug with her patents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. II Foil. Kd Gill'itd's father came down from Niipoiu-i' Siindnj for 'i ihott vMt with his (iii. l'rof 11. L S'une, formerly inpcrin tendeiit of the Red Cloud schools, is in the city. Mrs. Ward Hayes has gone to Wet cm, Nub , to spend Cht 1st nus with her patents Mis Mabel Howaid is home from S'romsherg, win re -he has been teach ing school. Tbcie will he a dance at lVfot's hall tonight, given h, the younger so ciety folks. The lew lumber yard is mpidly a"M m ng shape and will soon be ready for lucdiiess- Call Wan en tptnlncd bis wrist and tli-located his thumb while plajing fo ithall Momhiy. J Dojlo lot a pickethook ill Bed Cloud hist Hiturday which containetl about ill in money, Leopold Hot huger has g me to Hasting-, wliete he expects to follow bis tinde as a ptinter. Mis Fl ri-itco Cottirg his tendered her rc-igautioti as a teacher in the Fir-t Ward school. See he International Ourespon deuce Schools ' udvertis mont else where in this issue. Mrs. Turner of Alma vMtcd with her daughter, Mis Charles Stout, last Situtday and Sunday. Mrs. McNeerof Bluo Hill, the Grand Associate Matron of the Eastern Stir, was in the city Monday. Geo. Hutchison is down from Cowles tils woek, posting up on his duties as e'etk of tho district court. J S. White, commander of tho G. A. It. post, is seriously ill at his homo with an attack of pneumonia. Tho ladies of tho Christian church will havo a Christmas ba.ar in tho old postotlico building Saturday tbo 10th. The Red Cloud football team haB arranged for a game with tho McCook high school team, to bo playod in Rod Cloud Christmas dy. I would liko your subscriptions for papers nnd magazines. Will meet any prices ollercd by other agencies. Call or send for my catalog. C. L. .Cotting, tho druggist. S20 Acres Ono of the best farms in Webster Co., 827 per acre, long tinio on part payment. Owner bankrupt; must bo sold. Box 109, Red Cloud, Nobr. feb. 13. It warms tho heart liko sunshine, cheers tho soul liko anciont wino, gives hope for tho future, blots out the past That's what Rocky Mountain toa does. .13 cents. C. L. Cutting. Makes insimiliutkm porfect, healthy blood, (Inn muscles, strong norvos. Qulckons tho brain, makes and keeps you well. Great modicino, Rocky Mouctain tea. C. L. Cotting. PleiifO bear in mind that the Inter natim al Correspondence Schools of Scrauton, Pa., arc making 10 and 15 percent discount from their regular prices during December. Enroll today. A faded out care-worn w iraan of 40 with a spruce up-to-date husband, should take Rocky Mountain toa. Brings back tint youthful, girlish beauty. Keeps tho old man from go ing to lodge. 35 cents C. L. Cotting. Lucius Frisbie entertained tho senior class of tho high school at his homo in A in boy Friday night. An accident to one buggy load of young folks somo what marred tho pleasure of tho even ing, but asido from that nil enjoyed a good tune. Theto will be services at the Baptitt church Sunday December 20, both morning mid evening. Morning sub ject. "Tho Standing By of tho Divine Presenro." F.veniug subject: "Crises in tho History of n Soul." Hov. Wil luhan, pastor. Have you seon tho I C. S advertise ment In this issue? '1 hey arc making 10 and 15 per rout discount from their ngular pi ices during December. Don't fail to tako advantage of this golden opportunity to obtain a better educa tion, nnd qualify yourself to earn moro money. James lv. Harroyton, who was ar rested a few weeks ngo for stealing a grip from n traveling man named Hol lar, was discharged Tuesday by Judge Adams. Marshal Kinsol hadj another warrant for his arrest, issued from Nuckolls county, but Harroyton was too fast for the marshal and made his "got-away." Monday night tho Eastern Stnr con forrcd degrees on a numbor of canl dates, several of whom were- from out of town, among them being Mrs. It. S Proudfit, Mrs. A. J Haje, Mrs. J 11. Crary, Mrs. K K. Burr and Mrs, N. M. Dotulna of Guide Rock. After the initiation a banquet was served which was enjoyed by those present. Well, now! this is just what I huvo been looking for. A chaiico to get an lelucntioii nt homo during my iipnro time I' 1 do it. I'll enioll today, while the International Correspon dence Schools arc makii their s-peclal 10 and 15 percent discount (mm their regular pi U Yes sir, I'll mo Homer A. Curtis,' tl oil" lo'iil lopresentntlve, and enioll this month sure. M indj I Whore'o my hat? I'm going to sou Cm lis. Tho Intcrnatloml Correspondence S.honls of Soninton, Pa , a in to ich you any trade or profession you wish to learn, witln it' loss of time from jour prisi'iit position. Kuril while jott 'o'tin Now Is the Umo to propnio vnutsolf for jour chc-on pro'osslon, whi'e wo nro making special discount of lOniid 15 per cent from our r'gular prices, See our advertisement in am t' or part of this isuo Humor A C irli", local tepioioat'itive. Ti.o ladies of tho ChrMlaii church have recoil o I from the Cm lis Puhli-h-ing company all the inateiuils neci sary for the erection of otic of their aitistic "lliiiue Jnurnal Booths." The In o'h is a beautiful conception of red Mid black crepe papei; when put up it stands eleven f i ot hiih and eight fei t Mpitro and produces ono of tho most s liking olleotsiitrigiimblo Tney als sent twenty repioductioasof some of the b"-t Join nil pictures for deeo luting the booth nnd for sale, Subset ip tinns will be louelved hero for the Journal nut! Situtday Evening Post. This will be ono of the attractions of the bit, tar ' be held in the oltl post ollice building Saturday, December ID. m m Real Estate Transfers. Tiunsfors for week ending Wedno day. December Hi, furnished by J II. Billey of Webster County Abstrncl company. Victor Detour ant! wifo to Liand- er Detour nwl 12-1 0 wel Cutis E Vaughn and wifo to Leon iir.l I Tompkins lot 18 blk ! Tal hot s add to G It wd G00O 275 Thomas T Tobin nnd wifo to Cas per Wegman pt lot 2 Buschows ndd to Blue Hill wd GOO L M Tock and wifo to Lester W Sqiiii o s w4 2 2-10 wd 1000 tlanuah Current and hush to Fred Dolohny lot 3 blk 18 Bluo Hill wd Trustees M E church G It n Harriot Shuman lot 15 blk 1 Vances add to (J It wd Grant Usher to Mnria Comorton lots 18 lfl nnd pt 20 bio 25 Red Cloud wd Stephen A Redden to Mary V 175 G75 1200 Redden lot 10 blk 1 Vances ndd G R wd Joseph Hunter and wife to W Richard et al lot 15 blk 1 Vances aetd to G It wd Geo W Scott and wife to Li.zio E Rownds t-2 nr4 28-2-11 wd COO 00 1200 Total 113425 Mortgages tiled $3075. Mortgages released 9500. Death ofE. N. McFarlaiid. Last Saturday morning occurred the death of Edward Marshall McFarlandi one of tho oldiHt and most highly re spected citizens of Red Cloud. Mr. McFnrland had loen in ill hoilth for a long titno, and his death was not un expected. Mr. McFarland was born in Now York statu April 25, 1830, and was 07 years, 7 months and 17 days of ago at tho time of his death. Ho came to Rod Cloud in 1878, and lias been er gnged in business hero since that time. Mr. McFarland was married a short tinio prior to his removal to thin city from New York, and his wifo and t-vo children, Mr. Ron McFarland of Salt Lake City and Mis. Ralph Foe of Mc Cook, survivo him. Tbo funeral ser vices were conducted at the residence Monday afternoon by Rev. William liauptmaun, and burial was in the Rod Cloud cemetery, wbeie services were conducted by tho Masonic fra ternity, of which order Mr. McFarland had been a lifelong member. The business houses of tho city closed their doors during the time of tho f littoral out of rcspout to the deceased. Midland Concert Company. Next Mudtiy night, Dt cumber 21, thu Midland Concert Company will ap pear at the opera house in this city, and lb iso h i fail to intend will miss araretieat. This is the tliiitl en er tiiiiuii'Tit iu tho series given by tho Latlle h' Aid Society of tho M. K. church, and eleserves a better patronage than has has been given tho previous enter taiumtiits. Sho company is composed of Miss Rao Steimmun, violinist, and a pupil of tho late Jacobsohn; Mrs. Alice Drcnnen Robinson , soprano and di roc tor, who has g tilled a high roputati ju; Miss Emiiy A. Watorman, reader and impersonator; and Miss Lu lino Logan, tnozv (.soprano and accompanist. Re served seats are on salo at Grico's, and those Holding season tickets miy havo seats toerved the ro. Tho company is highly spoken of, and should be greeted by a crowded houso next Mon day night. The Christmas Football Game. The Red Cloud boys will piny tho s'rongMiCook team on CluiHtinas day in lt'id Cloud. Itty Garber wbl ho out of tho game, but the loss will be mont than m tde up for by tho ptoteimo of Frt el lleiilgn at eentor, who has returned hmnu finiii Grand Mind and wlilbuiii .geeceseeee IL W A Boy's Christmas cfl.UI Did you ever notice the enthusiasm with which a little fellow hunts for pockets when lu: puts on a new suit or overcoat? liver notice the satisfied it it i l if) ii ) (i k) it il) l i) li ki vii id Hi Hi i D h i smile that spreads over hi found them? , UL'C TAKE Nothinir so satisfies a hoy on Christinas as te find himself the proud possessor of something new in the way of clothing. He'll play with toys awhile and then then throw them asitle, hut he always struts around in his new apparel. '' tn xi'"' k t i,ti, if nty for you to present your hoy with a new suit of clothes by giving you 20 per cent Discount from our plain figure prices on all knee pant suits in our house. Give the boys a uselul gift. Special low price for holiday buyers on Men's Suits, Chercoats and pants. Kverything useful for a man or boy. THE COWDEN-KALEY CLOTHING CO., vVf First Door North of Postofflce. '5? 2 - d '-5 '-5S A '-2 '9l V t 4 VS "-S va IS "4S 4 UK A 4 '. tho game. Tho lliie-ii) of dm Rod Cloud team will probably bo as fol lows: JoffriiH, right end; l'oterson, right tackle; Bert Garber, left guaid; Hedge, center; Walters, light guard; left tackle, Lano; Ritchie, left end; Brown, right halfback; Roby, left half back; Dickey, fullba k; Smith, quarter back; Smelsor, substitute. m Verdict for Mrs. Howard. The jury In tho disMict court yoster day, after having been out for more than two days, returned n verdict in tho enso of Mia. H. A. Howard against tho city of Red Cloud, awarding her $10 damages. Over a year ago Mrs. Howard fell upon tho steps leading from tho Holland Houso to tho stteet, brea ing her arm. Sho sued tho city for $.1,000, with the result mentioned. 9 m Mother Gray's Sweet Powder (or Children. Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in tho Children's Homo in New York, euro feverishness, bad stomach, toothing disorders, movo and regulate tho bowels nnd destroy worms. Over 39,000 testimonials. I'liey never fail. At nil druffKists.250. Sainnlo freo. Ad dress Allen S Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y 12 4. m Low Rates tor the Holidays. On December 24, 25, 31 and January 1 tho Burlington will sell tickets to points within 200 miles at greatly re duced rates. Return limit January 4, 1004 tor particulars ask tho agent. Farai Leans. I havo just prepared myself to make farm loans at a low rate ot Interest either in Jewell. Smith or Webster counties; can pty off at any time. J. H. Bailrt, Red Cloud. The Party Line. A neighborhood not far from horo, Put in tolophonos last year; Farmers built a rural lino, Instruments all talked up flno, All you had to elo was ring, Every boll went ting-a-liug, Ono for Swanson, two for Boggs, Long and short for Mr. Soroggs Every neighbor had hit call; Twist tho crank and that wit's nil. Mighty iiicowhen wo k wits thru' To gossip for nn hour or two With your neighbors, ono by ono; Mighty uico, but lots of fun To eivorhear somo other two Tolling what wits not for you. Every timo tho signal rang To the phono i nch fanner sprang, Slyly grinned and s ftly took Tho receiver from tho hook; Othor people's secrets dear Pourrii into his largo red ear; Slapped his log and said, "I swum Tolophoiilug's lots of fun." Somehow in a woolc or two Troubles elti' k began to brow. Fa nn or Jones got lighting hot; Heard Scroggs calling him u sit. Farmer Sorogs grow angry too, Heard Smith tolling what ho know; Smith heard Johnson tolling lios, Paid him olf with two black eyes. Johnson dioard young Ezra Boggs Undorbid him on his hogs; Boggs overheard a sneaking churl Making lovo to his bost girl. Wonion too woro in tho muss. Raised a mosttromondous fuss, Every ono from Scroggs to Jones In glass housos throwing stones, Now tho lino has silent grown, Wires rusted, poles o'erthrown, Twonty ft lends uro cloatlly foes, Each one full of grlotn and woes, Each to mad toospoak a word, 'Cause of things thoy overheard, E.. ace when he has .:: i int. Kan ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS. .Holiday !L ' fe iSSjl- y7()iiii'!iiiiniiiiijij'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim ames 6o different games all new one in each package of Lion Coffee t your Orocer'a. Avoid Typhoid Fever By having a new well put down and cased with a heavy galvan ized tube, made by us in any size, diam eter, of heavy iron something that will last a lifetime and be a source of comfort and health. We have PIMPS That work easily and give satisfaction; also pipe in any size or quantity at the right prices to interest you. A pu m p complete with cylinder for $4.00 Good, heavy goods and properly fitted. Galvanized Iron and Wood Water Tanks carried in stock. Let us fit you out with a complete outfit. M0BHART BR9S. Hardware Co. ft m (in ( to to to to to to to XMAS THINKS FOR HIM NEGKVVEAR GOLLARS GUFFS GLOVES It SUSPENDERS HATS SHIRTS NIGHT ROBES BATH ROBES MUFFLERS HOSIERY UNDERWEAR UMBRELLAS &6 &6Jac to to to to to Red Cloud, Neb. m &" x((fr4444444A '.. INSURANCE Over Vi Million D9 LLARS DAMAGE in Adaniscotinty, Mitylth. For first-class insurniico, call on or address O. C. RED CLOUD, Mfff. 'tfrfr444!v J. P. MALE RED CLOUD WEUSTBR COUNTY NEBRASKA REAL E" STATE -AND- fTARM LOANS Somo of tho finest farms uud city property in Webster Coun ty, Nebraska, for sale. Prices ranging from ?1G to $;'. por aero. J. P. HALE, Rod Cloud, Nobraska. IN EVERY STYLE. Tho Bon Ton is prepared pre in to SO.'VO (Jtstors In every stylo on short notice. All kinds of Hot Drinks for cold weathor served at tho sodit fountain. Catoriug for partios and dances. ThelBon Ton W. S. BENSE, Proprietor. ft9ttnWttWHHt0lMt0HWIItttMtfHt0ftr0tMt I'or InfnU and Children 5 THE FRANKLIN BREAD li tho belt l'ooil In tlioworliL k 3 Almir ntk for rruiKllii JIHU I'lno I'lour ui uiu i.imru iini"n. 'in iMimtK elricur toll It. FqANWH Mills Co., - Lockport, N. Y. ft t'40 ' A Ml Ml Ml m m m m m m m m m m aML :II"T '