The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 18, 1903, Image 1

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' " ' ' ' ' ' " ' "" ' " HHIMll II I M
.- . . .
Just six days more remain in which to do your Christmas
shopping. Our purchases were very heavy in anticipation of
tins great event, and we are still able to present unbroken lines.
Each of the following items contains a suggestion for Christ
mas. Study it it may be for you.
pieces isc
wide, 12c yard.
Flannelettes, yard
Black Dress Goods.
29 pieces of November goods placed
on sale at special prices for four days
only, December 21 to 24 inclusive.
Regular values 90c to $2.50 yard.
For a days only, 25 per cent discount.
Everything marked in plain figures.
Knitted Petticoats, plain and fancy
colors, 75c, $i.oo, 1.50, 1.75.
7 styles black Satine, $1.30 each.
No. 94 The handsomest Petticoat
ever shown in the city. Accordeon
pleated, paneled flounce, appliqued
with silk braid, best quality, Satine
bound, finished seams, drop skirt, $3.50.
Ladies' 32-inch Jacket, made of
American Woolen Mills Kerseys, in
blacks and castor, military cape, loose
back, inlaid with velvet, pleated, heavy
satin lining, imitation collar with stoles.
Actual value, $iS; special, $13.50.
Ladies' Jacket, wool kersey, satine
lining, imitation collar, tan only. Reg
ular 6.00; special, $5.00.
Ladies' Jacket, satine lined, black,
French Montenac, $5.50.
Misses' Long Cloak.
Green Zibilene, fancy stitching, imi
tation collar with stoles, military cape,
regular 7.50; special, $5.50.
Eiderdown Dressing Sacks.
All wool, plain eiderdown, appli
qued, each $1.00
All wool, ripple eiderdown, appli
qued, each 1 .50
All wool, ripple eiderdown, appli
qued, frog fastening, each 2.25
Special Christmas Linen and Nap
kin Sale, commencing Monday, De
cember 21. and continuing up to and
including December 24.
All $1.00 Linens at $ .S5, 4 days onlyj
'' i-25 " 105, "
-50 " 1.30, "
2.00 " 1.6:
Cotton Marseilles, 18x36, 20c pair.
Cotton Honeycomb, 17x34, 10c pair.
Other prices, 10c to $1.25 each.
A special display of these useful
Christmas gifts, the largest display
ever shown in this stock. The best
values, the best patterns, direct from
America's largest importers. The range
of prices brings them within the reach
of all. Ljnene and all linen handker
chiefs 5c each. Other grades 10c to
Jardinieres, Desks, Fancy Rockers,
Center Tables, Screens, Ladies' Desks,
tend to beautify the home and cause
pleasant memories of Xmas,
Screen frames, 75c to $4.00.
Fancy stands, $1.00 to $10.00.
Fancy Rockers, $1.35 to $12.50.
50 new Iron Beds, $5.00, 5.50, 6.00,
10 patterns, in 3 shades green, red,
blue, pink, white, yellow.
A good cotton felt mattress, worth
$9. Special, $7.50.
Rugs for Christmas.
30x60 all wool reversible Smyrna $ 2.10
36x72 " " 3.00
48x84 " " " S.oo
6x9 ft. " " " ,2.oo
9x12 ft. " " " 22.50
Why pay rug peddlers $4.00 to 5.00
foi Rugs that we offer you at $2.10?
"Satisfaction or money'
ayjlma T - V-Y JL0Mr M. M. M JL M!kJ
Mjntlc Cure for Ulieummlmi iiml Netircluln
radically cure In 1 to .lilajs. It action upon
ttie tyUra Ik rcmarUIno and injMi'rloiit. Ii
remove at once iliocauso ami the dlwue Im
mediately dltai l'l'nrc. 'Die tlrtt done Krcutly
LeuefliH. 7ft cente and i.w. sold by U.K.
Once, DniKitUt. Ited Cloud.
To Cure A Cold In One Day.
Tiiko Laxative llromo Quinine Tub
lots All drngglsts refund tho moiiuy
if it falls to euro. E. W. Grove's signa
turo is on ench box. 2Tjo.
It Keps the Fett-Warm and Dry.
Ask todny for Allen's Foot-Easo, u
powder. It cunts chilblain?, swollen,
sweating, soro aching, damp feot. At
all druggists antl shoo store?, 25c. 12 4'
Mi, and Mrs Joe Denton woio Uiuo
Hill vislton l,tt V, dneday.
Mr. Nellie N'ewhoiiM! returned In me
t; KimI Cloud Tuesday, after visiting
hot- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wa-li Heed,
for a fow days.
Tho tnliitstur has moved into
Mrs Richardson's property in the oast
pan of town
Miss Mabel Solomon nnd Miss Cora
Franco spent Sunday at tho home, of
Mru. Win Searles.
Mrs. Wm. Thome and Miss Lena
Hoist) woio Itltiu Hill nisitors last
There will be a Christmas tree at tho
M. E. ohtireb Christinas ovo.
Wm. Huffman is haviug a new tubu
lar well put down.
R. C. Chevalier of Campbell is in
Dladon this weok.
Wayno Ueed and wife and Miss
Grace Boyd drovo to blue Hill last
H. B. Uoyd and William Bennett
drovo over to Campbell Thursday.
s Everett Franco drovo over to Camp,
bell one day this week.
Howard Dow is husking corn for
James McCartney. '
Frank Ailes has his corn all husked.
, vvqi oiiiiiu is iiuBBiuir corn lur mr,
8lmonu'8, on tho Kaley farm.
Mrs. Pearl Ailes was visiting with her
parents labt Tuesday.
Rev. Tavlor preached at Ash Creek
M. E. church Sunday nioiuing.
D Tho basket supper in district 85 last
Fridav was a success, netting about $2T.
Born, last Friday, to Mr. and Mih.
Win. Fisher, a girl.
Charles Amack was hauling corn to
Guide Hock Monday.
Otto Shippman shelled corn last
The cold weather froze out tho
Methodists Sunday morning.
Presiding Elder Pearson of Hastings
held quarteily meeting services at Ash
Creek M. E. ohurch Sunday afternoon
Llowellyn King butchored a hoof
last Wednesday.
Jack Barnes took a load of lino hops
to market last Wednesday.
xumkek a:
.. )M Hi III inlU
Prepare yourself for
your chosen profession
Through the original system of
training by mail as designed and
successfully conducted by the
Correspondence Schools
Of Scr&nton, Pa.
You can master the essentials
of a trade or profession during
your spare time. We make the
processes and principles so plain
by every device known to teach
ers and writers that no stu
dent need fail to master them.
Cut thli out mill II It Ihi Ucl Reprt wnUtltt wkeM
tdirtii I f iTtn tlMwbm la thli inaounceratnt.
International Correspondence Schools.
Gentlemen Pleeao explain bow I can qualify
for position at left of which I have marked X.
Mechanical Hntcliictr
Machine Dolgncr
Mechanical Draltaman
I'oteraan Machinist
foreman Toolmaker
Foreman Patternmaker
Foreman ntackamlth
Foreman Molder
Oaa Engineer
RcfrlRcratlon KiiRlnter
Traction RhKincer
I'.lcctrlc Hnclncer
I'.lectnc Machine Designer
KlectrlcUolitlnc Supt.
I'lectric-Knltwov Sunt.
Telephone lingftiecr
irirKrapn I'.UKlutcr
nynnnio Tender
Stciun iiKlneer
Hiii:inc Kutnitr
Marine Engineer
Civil ljnalnrer
Hydraulic KiiKlneer
.. Municipal HiiKiueer
.. Bridge Knglneer
.. Railroad linglnccr
.. 9urveyor
.. Mining Ungineer
,, Mine Surveyor
,, Mine Foreman
.. Cotton-Mill Supt.
.. Wcoleu-Mill Hupt.
., Textile Uealguer
.. Architect
. Contractor and HiilUler
,. Architectural Draftsmnii
. Sign Painter
. . Show-card Writer
.. ChemUt
. Shcet-Metat Draftsman
. Ornnineutnt Dctigner
. I'nMprctlve Uruftsman
. ltK)kkeeper
.. Stenographer
.. Teacher
.. Retail Ad Writer
..ICotntnirciat Uw
Occupation .
Address .............. .... .
City Stato.
It is because our
instruction papers
so fully meet every
requirement that
our system is
universally recog
nized as the best
means for the home
study of technical
If you have a
desire to learn
further particulars,
and it seems
natural that you
would, use the
accompanying in
quiry blank and
full information
will be sent you.
Address all
communications to
Oiu.i:ans, - Ni:n.
Mr. and Mrs. Fiddler, who havo
boon visiting with T. J. Jones and
family, havo gone to Hiverton to visit
at John Fulton's.
Jon Vntighaii returned to Pueblo,
Col., the lirst of tho week.
If you want to kbo snmo big corn
piles como up on Walnut creek.
T. J. Jones and sons havo finished
husking and shelling their large coin
J. C.IIolcomb is still suileriEg from
No. If! will havo a Christmas treo.
Preaching every Sunday nigh'.
Mrs. Fiddler, Mrs. Arneon and
daughter Sara called on Mrs. Frank
Coupon and Mrs. John Sutton.
Mr. Points lost a loeoed Ipiriin and u
heifer in the stalks and Nick lilnuken
baker lost a steer.
Mr. Kooni. has been .helling um
for Mr Hawkins and Karl Mru.
We are making a 10 and 15 per cent dis
count from our regular prices during this
Frank Bear is horo from Hall county,
E. L, Traubert was down from Mc
Cook tho lirst of tho week.
Ileal estate is still moving in Guido
KocK. Throe or f-ur transfers hivo
taken place at the oflleo of Isaac II.
Colvin this weok.
11.11, Hunter shipped cattle the lirt
of tho week.
C C. Dunbar and wife had an add
tinri to th"ir family list Tuesday, cf
a line daughter.
Several from hero are attnndinc
court at tho county MMt this weok.
Word was received hero of the deaih
of Chirles Fish, formerly a resident of
this vicinity.
G M Hmpou is out again after his
spell of pour health.
It. Gairisoti Irts tendirod his re.ig
nation as villain) unr-lnU.
Erasmus Sterner bought a nice $in
clo drivei Tuesday.
Freeman Eriekson flnislioil shucking
corn for J .ijdiek last week.
Waller Lockhiirt has h'dd his mule.-',
Cbtftey Sorgeson bntchend a beef
Kudy Streit has purchased n now
Tho strong wind last week blew
Tho carpeuteis have Frank Sadilok's
new barn about completed,
three sectious out of Frank Mean's
.Ion Pavlicek purchase! several head
of cuttle at tho sale Tuesday.
Haiph McKlhcuey shucked 1)0 but h
ols of coin last Friday.
Hnrteil bnitlnra aro in this neigh
borhood shelling corn.
What Position Do You Want?
We can help you earn nnro money,
if you wish to. Propare yourself for a
bettor portion by taking a cour.-o of
instruction with the lutoiuitional
Correspoulenco Schools, Sertinton, Pa.
Wo teiieh men and women everywhere
to become exports in the'r elio-eu
trades or professions. We oiler you an
easy plan by which you cm master tho
principles of a trade or profession dur
ing spue time and at small expense.
During the month of Doeomuor we aro
making 10 and ifl per tout discount
from our regular prices. I.oirn how
wo otn help you.
Write Homer A. Curtis, Orleans,
Nebr., local representative, tting for
what position you wish to qualify.
Do it now I See our ad in this issuo.
Suggestions for Xmas Shoppers!
Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, Picture Frames and Eugs. Special Sale on Rockers,
Easels, Screens and Jardiniere Stands, Ladies' Desks, Music Cabinets, Hat and Plate Racks, at