The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 11, 1903, Image 5

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Wlieii this paper ronclios
you tlio most of our largo
holiday stock will bo (lis
pliiviMl. A visit to our storo
will oiror many suggestions
for Christmas Gifts. Wo
havo a largo variety to se
lect from sml many novel
ties never before shown In
this market. It Is impossi
hlo to enumerate. Come in
and see us. No trouble to
show goods, and all are
Chas. L Cotfingp
The Druggist.
15.25 coal at Caldwell's.
Light harness at Joe Fogel's.
Stock saddles at Joe Fogel's.
Dol Turnuro was in Chester Tuesday.
Mrs. B. Perry Is reported to bo very
Ed Glllard was on tho sick list this
Will Kenkel was down from Ioavalo
Dr. Myers of Ioavalo was in towu
Mrs. L. H. Hust was on tho sick list
this woek.
Mrs. N. S. Hants is on the sick list
this week.
George McCnll was up from Guide
Bock today.
Cream white Henrietta, 15c per jard.
F. Nowhouso.
Coal, eoall Soft conl for baso burners
at Caldwell's.
Infants' all-wool white shirt?, 50o.
F. Newhouso.
. MoFarland is very ill and his con
dition is critical.
W. V. Bealo wont to Lincoln Mon
day on business.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnston ro visit
ing in H ddrego.
John McCallum was from
Bladen Tuesday.
Mrs. H. A. Howard is home from
Stromsberg, Neb.
Try Ward Hayes for a first class
shave or hair-cut.
Ualph Foe was down from McCook
the first of tho weok.
iiert Green was over from Lebanon
the tirdt of the week.
Mrs. Dwight Jonos was up from
Guide Rook Tuesday.
Georgo Bense has gone to Colorado
to spend the winter.
Mrs. Corwin hat returned to her
home in Guide Rock.
If you want the best and cheapest
harness, go to Fogel's.
. See Joe Fogel for anything in the
harness or saddlery line.
A brother of W. S. Bense of this city
died in Arizona last Saturday.
Moranville's Perfection Hair Tonio
for sale at Sobaffnit's barber shop.
Jerome Vance and Albert Horn of
Guide Rock were in town Tuesday.
Quick service aud first class work is
the motto at Sohaffnit's barber shop.
If you noed a now hair cloth or
shaving brusb see Cutting's new stock.
Mrs. Wtatborland of Hebron is the
guest of her mother, Mrs. S. F. Spokes-
Rev. and Mrs. Hutchlns are now
cuuifoitubly locatod in the M. E.
Tho little daughter of Mr. and Mrc.
John Pegg dkd Satuulay aud was
buried Sunday.
It warms tho hoart like sunshine,
cheers tho soul like anciont wino, gives
hope for the future, blots out Iho past.
That's what Rooky Mountain loi, does.
A.'J5 cents. C. L. Cutting.
6o different games all new
one in each package of
Uon Coffee
at your Orocer's.
Arthur Hatitn, manager of the Rose
most lumber jant, was in Red Cloud
Tuosday, on busliitsi.
I Mrs. C. H. Crone U in Lincoln vlit
ing this week, and Mrs. E nior Clone
is visiting in Guide Rook.
I UeoignOveriug left Tuesday morn
ing for Wrav and Akron, Col. on a
two weeks' business trip.
Tho ladles of tho Christian church
will havo a Christmas b iznr in the old
postotllco building Siturday tlio 10th.
Miss F oronce Ogdon, a niece of Mr.
anil Mrs. K. W, Ross of this city, was
married to a Mr. Scott of York lucent-
Lucius Frishlo will entertain tho
members of tho twelfth grado of the
high school at his homo in Atnuoy to
night. The father and mother of W. K.
(ieor of this city were visiting him this
week while enroute to their homo in
Republican City.
E. O Scott, n new brakenian on the
H & M., has arrived from MoCook
with his wife. They will live in the
old Konyun property.
Mrs. John Chamberlain and daugh
ters, Miss Lulu Chambetlain and Mis.
Bruce, from Illinois, aro visiting nt the
hanie of G. W. Saunders.
Tho ladies of tlio Baptist church, will
give a haudk rcliief bazaar tho 12th,
In the old postofllco building. Diuncr
and supper will be served.
There will bo pioaching regularly
overy two weeks at tho Baptist church
by R"T. W. II Willahan. Sunday
nt 10 a.m., preaching at eleven.
Presiding Elder Piorson will hold
the quarterly conference in Iho M. E.
church noxt Saturday at 7:80 p. in. and
will proach tuoining and evoning and
on Sunday.
Makes assimiliation porfect, healthy
blood, firm muscles, stroug nerves.
Qulckons tho brain, makes and keeps
you well. Great modicine, Rocky
Mouctain tea. C. L. Cotting.
At the Congregational church neit
Sunday night I will preach on "Grind
ing for the Ebemy." Life is a grind, a
great grist-mill. Come and near about
tho grinding. Wm, Hauptmann.
Rov. Molvin Putnam is conducting a
series of rovival meetings at tho Chris
tian chnrch this weok. Tan attendance
has been fair and considerable inter
est in the meetings is manifested.
120 Acres One of the host farms in
Webster Co., 127 per acre, long time
on part payment. Owner bankrupt;
must be sold. Box 101, Red Cloud,
Nebr. feb. 18.
See the window display of the Inter
national Correspondence Schools of
Scranton, Ph., at 10 and 15 per cent
discount from our regular prices dur
iug this display. See our ad elsewhere
in this issue.
A faded out care-worn woman of 40
with a spruce up-to-date husband,
should take Rooky Mountain tea.
Brings back tbit youthful, girlish
beauty. Keeps tho old man from go
ing to lodge. 85 cents C. L. C tting.
Have you seen the window display
the International Correspondence
Schools of Soranton, Pa. are making
at Hadell's Cash Bargain House. Mow
is the tune to obtain an education.
What i your chosen profession? See,
call on, or write Homer A'. Curtis,
local representative, and get our prices
on any course; 10 and 15 per cent dis
couut from our regular prices during
this display. Now is yonr opportunity,
improve it.
Mrs. Juliet Jones, aged 74 years, 7
months and 10 days, died Monday at
the home of her brother, G. W. Fran
cis, in this city. Juliet Francis was
was born in East Durham, N. Y.,
April 27, 1819. She was married to
Alvln Jones in Ootobor, 1831. She
lost her hnsband about eight years
ago and came to Nebraska in 1001,
since which time she has lived alter
nately in Edgar and Red Cloud. The
funoral services wero hold Wednesday,
Rev. Wm. Hauptmann conducting the
Graham Net a Wife Deaerter.
i.asi wcok j iik uiiiEF published nn
article stating that a warrant had been
issuod for the arrest of Ed Graham of
this city on thechargo of wifo deser
tion, in which it was statod that Gra
ham had deserted bis wifo here. The
information camt from a source which
wo considered rollable, and no further
investigation of tho matter was mado.
It appears, however, that thoro was
another sido to tbo story; nnd that an
injustice was done Mr. Graham, which
was wholly unintentional on our part.
From tbo facts as told to us by a near
relativo of Mr. Graham, it appears
that he is tho doserted party, and not
his wifo. Graham is a stopson of C. E.
Harington of this city and was married
to a Miss Williams at Tecumseh.
They afterward removed hero and at
tho time of their separation wero living
with Mr. and Mrs. Harrington.
About two months ago Mrs. Graham
took It into her head to go and live
with her folks in South DakotH, despito
tbo protests of her husband. As stated
by our informaut, she packed up mid
wont to llvo with her parents, and
after ai riving thero wroto letters to
parties in Red ClouJ stating that she
was having a good timo and that shu
would never hgain llvo with Graham,
Slio kept writing to Graham for mono v,
however, nnd upon his refusal to send
It tolior ho decided to romo back to
Red Cloud, evidently with tho Intui
tion of making trouble for her husband.
She was accompanied by her brother,
Arthur Williams. Whou they nrrlved
hero they made an effort to got hold of
some household furniture s ored at the
Harrington homo which Mrs. (5 1 ah a m
claimed belonged to her. Mr. Harr
ington refused to turn over tho goods,
claim ing that he himself had paid for
Hum and would hold them until he got
tho money out of them.
Graham had been in tho employ ot
his stepfather until two weeks a&n,
when ho got a job husking corn over
in Kansas. When ho loft towu ho re
quested his ft lends to Inform, him if
his wifo returned to Red Cloud, ns he
thought it probablo that she would ho
accompanied by one cr morn of her
brothers, or her fnth'r, nil of whom
had threatened to kill Graham on tight,
and it was for this reason that Graham
did not want to return to Red Cloud,
and not from any fear of prosecution
on tlio chaigo of wifo desertion.
Graham incurred tho enmity of his
wife's rolntivoB wMlo thoy wore resi
dents of Nomaha county. From all In
formation obtained, It seems that tho
Williams family nru a bid lot, nnd
Graham refused to join them in their
cussedness. Tho parting ot tho ways
came when tho Williams boys planned
to rob someono in Nemaha county nnd
Graham gavo them away. Trouble
followed, and tho nffair ondod in tho
stabbing of n man in tho buck. The
Williamses lied, nnd it issald thoro is
still a roward of $500 hanging over
their heads. It is claimed bv tho
friends of Graham that Arthur Wil
liams, who accompanied his sister to
this city, was implicated in the stab
bing afluir in Nemaha county and that
ho was hore in dlsgulso.
Mrs. Graham and hor brother loft
Rod Cloud soon after the Issuing of
warrant for Graham's arrest nnd their
present whereabouts are unknown.
Arthur Williams asked Marshal Kinsel
to occompany him to the dopot the
night he left, claiming that he feared
Graham would be at the depot and
that there would bo trouble.
HMver Divorce Decision Kevemi.
The divorce secured by John S.
Hoover of Blue Hill from his wife,
Va'oncla Hoover, has been set asfde by
tho supreme court. Mrs. Hoover was
a cigar girl in an Omaha hotel when
Hoover became acquainted with her
and married her. Mr. Hoover brought
his young wifo to his home in Blue
Hill, and, according to Hoover's story,
the domestic wheels did not run
By having a newwqll
put down and cased
with a heavy galvan
ized tube, made by
us in any size, diam
eter, of heavy iron
something that will
last a lifetime and be
a source of comfort
and health. We have
That work easily and
give satisfaction; also
pipe in any size or
quantity at the right
prices to interest you.
A pump complete
with cylinder for
Good, heavy goods
and properly fitted.
Galvanized iron and
Wood Water Tanks
carried in stock. Let
us fit you out with a
complete outfit.
Hardware Co.
, && G? && 4 & tP& .40 &&& 0fr Gr 'GfF f ?SSf 'Sff 'C '''P'U' ?P.SffS 'ST
nP 7 T S Z v.. V ? C T SJ h T K - Vo - - W V V tS V. v?. V V 7 Jl
Th he-f Rgs AifAnAfc
$5.00 you
vJj Suits to go under them.
vfc ft
a Jgk
vM First Door North of Postofflce, Red Cloud, Neb. m
smoothly. Mrs. Hoovof pined for tho
cup that cheers, and Mr. Hoover was
somotimos forced to pay as much as 50
conts a day for boer and whisky for his
wife in ordor to keep poaco in tho
Hoover got tired of it, and Mrs.
Hoover went to Omaha to llvo with her
parents. Mr. Hoover ontorod suit for
a divorce, and when tho time of trial
came his wife was not present to pload
hor side of tho case. Mrs. Hoover nnd
her attorneys started from Omaha in
order to be in Red Cloud in attuudanco
at tbo trial, but thoy stopped in Hast-
Inos to consult another attorney, and a
railway accident delayed their arrival
in Bed Cloud until after the divorce
had been gracted. Mrs. Hoover's at
torneys mado efforts to havo tho trial
postponed until they could reach the
city, but the district judge refused tho
request and granted the divorce. Tlio
supreme court has now set asido tbo
decree on the ground that the lower
court erred in nut postponing the trial
until the arrival of the defendant to
present her sido of the case.,
ReaiThtoTMtliiMytT h I. C S.
; ScMar.
Red Cloud. Neb , Dec, 7, '03
To Whom It May Concern:
The undersipned has been a student
with tbo International Schools of
Scranton, Pa., for some time, enrolling
about a year ago, and, although study
ing in my spare moments, have made
very satisfactory progress in the
course. 1 he schools are very thorough
in their instruction. The methods
used by the schools should certainly
commend them to aoyone seeking pro
fitable employment for spare hours.
In many respects, I deem the schools
superior to the regular polyteohnic
schools and well worth the considera
tion of anyone desiring to better their
educational acquirements.
. JchkW. Tullkts.
Mrs. Tssleys' at
Mrs. J. A. Tulleys gavo an at home
Monday afternoon to a large number
of her lady friends, and it was a very
enjoyable affair. The feature of the
afternoon was a "smelling" contest,
which created considerable amiuoment
among the participants, Mrs. Tulleys
had a number of bottles filled with
liquids and each lady was givon an
opportunity to smoll them nnd numo
their contents. Mrs. S. F. Spokosliold
won tne prlzo for having tbo most
acute sense of pmell, Mih. James
Gllhain nnd Miss Wurley cut for tho
booby prizoand Mrs. Gilhnm was suc
cessful. Mrs. Tulleys was assisted in
onteitaining by Mrs. Charlts Robinson.
John Tulleys Gees to Lincoln.
John W. Tulleys gavo a farowell
party to bis ''gentlemen fiionds Mon
day evening, prior to his departuro for
Lincoln Tuesday morning, whoro ho
has accepted a responsible position.
Whist was tho amusement and there
wore eight guest tables, (ieorgo Over
ing was the star player of the evoning,
winning overy gaino in which ho play
ed, and was presented with a hand
some deek of cards as a souvenir of the
occasion. After a dainty lunch the
guests departed, wishing Mr. Tullojs
success in bis new position.
K. W. Dixon Inlured.
K. W. Dixon, agontfortho Now York
Life Insurance Co., who has boon
working for tho company in this vicin
ity for soveral weeks, making his head
quarters in Red Cloud, was badiv in
j u red in a runaway Miuday night.
Are here waiting for the man who is obliged to fo
be out of doors during severe weather. Our 2
Zero Collar, Blizzard-Proof Ulster is no mistake jfi
the best Overcoat on the market. ft
$10.00, $12.00 and $13.50. ft
Cheviots and Frieze made with wide collars and A
all the comfort attachments known to the art of ft
Ulster making. Ulster
$4.50, $5, $6, $7.
$9, $10,
ever saw. Plenty of nice $
. .
Monday ho hired a toam from John
ston's livory barn and, accompaniod by
AI Serlvner as drivor, went up west of
Inavalo on business. On the return
home, about 10:80 at night, tho toam
became frightened and ran away,
running into a fense post and break
ing the neckyoke. Mr. Dixon was
thrown from the buggy and severely
injured about the head and shoulders.
Medical aid from Inavslo was sum
moned, and after his wounds had been
dressed Mr. Dixon was brought to tho
Holland House in Red Cloud, where he
is now being cared for.
DkMm hi JafcNCMfc
The supreme court has handed down
a decision in the Judson case sustain,
ing tho decision of the lower court.
The suit was brought by C F. Gather
as administrator of the Judson estate
to recovor money alleged to have been
obtained from the deceased by Dr.
Damoi ell through influences unduly ex
erted by hm while ho was acting as
Jndson's physician. The district
court gave a verdict in favor of the de
fendant, and upon appeal to the su
premo court tbis-vordiut has boon sus
tained. A Uilcie AMrest
Carl M Porson, tho second hand
man, who has the misfortune to bo
minus ono hand, received a lotter the
other day with the following odd ad
dress: .... j
2 Hand Stoke,
1 Hand Man,
: Red Cloud, Neb.
MvorttM Utter Ikt.
List of letters remcining uncalled
for at postofflce at Red Oloud, Neb.
for the week endingDecember 10, 1003:
Fnrgison, C F Hobson, Claude
Hallett, B MeCoon, Mary
Smith, Willie Waisley, Pamella
These will bo sent to the drad letter
ofllce December 24, 1003, if not called
for beforo. Whon calling for abovo
ploasosay "advertisod."
T; C. Hackeii, Pos. piaster.
Mi. Fred Kubick, agod 20, and Miss
Leola Galbralth, aged 21, both of Red
Cloud, wero married last Saturday by
Rev. T. F. Sohlosjor. J.uuos H. Wit
ham of Supoiior, Nob., and Lydia L.
Witham of Decatur, Kin , woro mar
ried last Satur lay by Probato Judgo
Krison. Mr. Fiederiok II. Fearn nnd
Miss Lulu Sours, both of Red Cloud,
wero united in marrlago Monday by
Judgo Kdson.
A. 0. I). W. Officers.
Tho Workmen lodge has elected the
following offlicors for tbo onsuiti ;orm:
Frank Huffer.'P. M. W; Kd ' mok,
M.W. Cecil McCall, forenuu Win.
McKinnoy, overseer; C. H ( tone,
rccordor; Paul Storey, financier; O. E.
Reigle, rociever; W. K Goer, guido;
Chas Huffor, J. W..; R. G. Rntiuhoy,
O. W.; Drs. Crolghton, Riintw and
Dameroll, physicians; J. P. Hale,
Low Rates lor the Holidays.
On December 24, 25, 01 nnd January
1 tho Burlington will sell tickets in
points within 200 miles at greatly re
duced rates,. Roturn limit January 4,
1001 For particulars ask tho ngf in.
$7.50, $8, $8,50,
$12, $13.50.
frt an aiam ft
in Adamsjcounty, MnyfMth. $
For first-class insurance, j
cull on or address
Tho Don Ton is proparod
to sorvo Orators in ovory
stylo oh short notice All
kinds of
Hot Drinks
for cold weathor served at
tho soda fouutaln. Catering
for partios and dances.
TheBon Ton
W. S. BBNSB, Proprietor.
Is Delicious for Breakfast Hush.
Sold n 3 lb. pickaue. by all loading arocer.
r "rcari
. t
W ar
I Some of the finest farms and
f city property In Wobster Coun- i
ty, Nebraska, for sale. Prices J
I ranging from 110 to 125 per acre, f
S J. P. HALE, )
Red Cloud, Nmltrankm. i