The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 11, 1903, Image 4

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P. C. Phaiiks, Editor.
4 eVI
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Out yer.t
viz mo nun .t...i......i
.... ...
Inured t ine pout office at Itod Cloud. meitor.
Furnished on Riillctlon.
mot in regular session
Tlio Durkott sunatorliil boom scorns
to havo petered out.
Ed Butler of St LoiiIh, who was
convicted of hrihury in tlio lower
courts, lias l)cen released by tlio Mis
Hourl supremo court.
President Roosevelt was compelled,
on Tuesday of this week, to ordor tlio
too InsiHtont ambassador from Colom
bia to stay away from tho Wlilto
United States Consul Davis, at
Aloxandrotta, Asiatlo Turkey, has had
trouble with tho police authorities at
that place, has hauled down tho ilHg
over tlio consulate and Ko to Beirut
to bo unilor tho protection of tho
United Htates authorities at that
place. Tlio troublo arose over tho nr
rost of an Armenian who was a nat
uralized American citizen. Tho state
department has ordered a thorough
Investigation of too alfair.
John Alexander Dowiu is again in
control of tho airaira of Zlon. His
financial showing tnudo before his
creditors was mo satisfactory that they
immediately peotltlonod Judgo Kohl
sant lo dlschargo tho receivers ap
pointed a weok ago, which was done.
Dowie showed assots in excess of 118,
000,000, whllo his total liabilities were
in tho neighborhood of 91,000,000.
This is indicates a ''graft" in compari
son to which tho Grand Rapids water
doal sinks into Inslgnlflcauco.
Feed pale girls on Scott's
Wc do not nccd to give all
the reasons why Scott's
Emulsion restores the strength
and flesh and color of good
health to those who suffer
from sick blood.
The fact that it is the best
preparation of Cod Liver Oil,
rich in nutrition, full of healthy
stimulation is a suggestion as
to why it does what it does.
Scott's Emulsion presents
Cod Liver Oil at its best,
fullest in. strength, least in
Young women in their
" teens " are permanently cured
of the peculiar disease of the
blood which shows itself in
palencss.weakncss and nervous
ness, by regular treatment
with Scott's Emulsion.
It is a true blood food and
is naturally adapted to the cure
of the blood sickness from
which so many young women
Vc will t j(M (e mh4
umple to any iirffero.
Senator Dietrich has given out a
statement in regard to the Hastings
postoillco affair which has the ring of
truth and which, if substantiated in
court, will oxonorato him from the
chargo of bribery uow hanging over
him. Ho admits that D. E. Thompson
was allowed to control a number of
appointments, but assorts there was
no agroomeut betwoon Thompson and
himself in regard to appoints prior lo
his election as sonutor His indorse
ment of Fishor for tho appointment of
postmaster at Hastings dates back to
the timo when ho was governor.
Tho Nation is going after tho city
administration with a sharp stick, and
hints at mismanagement of tho city's
tinancos. It docs look as though tho
tax rate Is abnormally high, In view
of tho very limited public improvo
monts, but tho present deplorable
condition of tho oity's financial affairs
is 'the result of a sorios of blunders
of former administrations. There aro
always plonty of pooplo ready to criti
cise the doings of public officials, but
when they aro askod to suggest a rem
edy for existing evils they aro nevor
able to point "the way out." The
greatest drain on the city's fluances in
recent years has beon the water works
system, but no one scorns to be able
to suggest a practicable plm for
placing it on a solf-sustuining basis
The columns of The Chief aro open
to anyone who thinks ho can form a
plan wheroby tho water works may be
kopt running and tho other obliga
tions of the citv met, and at tho sam
tlmo keop tho tax levy down to the
legal limit. It is tho opportunity of
a lifetime for tho man of brains.
Twr Wife and Your Poekctboek
Tiie season is coming near when wo
aro supposed to thaw out a l ttle.
You will buy skatos for the boy
(which ho cried for a mouth ago), may-
For hard colds, bronchitis,
asthma, and coughs of all
kinds, you cannot take any
thing better than Aycr's
Cherry Pectoral. Ask yout
own doctor if this is not so.
He uses it. He understands
why it soothes and heals.
" I h4 terrible cough for weeks. Then I
took Ajer'i Cherry l'ectnrul m only ono
bottle completely cured inf."
tins. J. B. IHsKOimi, St Joseph, Mich.
2M.,MIO..VI.Dg. j, p. AYnn CO.,
All 'Iriienlin.
Be tort that thta nfctort la
the form ol label to on the
wnmcr of every bottle el
Kauliiom you buy.
409 Pud St, New York.
You will haston rocovory by tuk
Inpc ono of Ayer's plila at bccltlmo.
bo a sot of furs for tho wifo (who has
nooded thorn Hvo years), a dollar pipe
for a f rlond, who you know will give
you a dollar's worth of something in
honest oxchaugo; and this you call
Christmas giving. You think you have
properly thawed out.
But you havon't. No, bloss you, the
genial warmth of the true Christmas
spirit hasn't thawed through even the
frost rind on your heart.
If you want to have tho satisfaction
of realizing what it moans to thaw out
cloar through, and yet cannot separ
ate tho Christmas idea from money,
turn your pocketbook over to your
wife for tho noxt two wooks. Mako a
mighty sacritlco for just tho onco.
It may enablo hor to liavo tho hap
piest Christmas sho has had sinco she
married you. And you, if you won't
learn how to givo, may ut least learn
how to rocolvo.
You would havo-dono it onco. Thoro
was a timo when lovo for her mellowed
your hoart and you wished you had
tho wholo world to lay ut hor feet.
You said a lot of such stuff and meant
It You havo forgotten, but sho hasn't.
A woman nover forgots such things.
Sho has obsorvod, of courso, that the
little portion of the world which you
have manogod to make your own is not
lylu,' at hor foot, but Is jammed into
Into your own pockot, with your hand
always on It.
JIt's yours, you think just as sho '.is.
Possession mukes a big difference.
Truo, you'ro a good follow. You
menu well, but you moan to bo the
main thing yourself don't you?
If any mau wore to toll you that you
act tho brute uud tho bully toward tho
pationt woman who has brought you
niuo-tcnths of your joys and shared all
your sorrows, aud whom you lovo noxt
to your monoy, you would got florco
I about it.
But in strict contldonco now, be
tween you aud your conscience, don't
you swell up to think that you'ro tho
boss, that a look from you is u com
mand to her, that she must beg of you
piecemeal what you promised to lay at
hor feet? You know you don't treat
her as well as you did the day sho was
your bride. You lied to her. You'ro
a bully toward hor every day. You
(ion i no a louiu lor nor that you
oughl to. And if you'ro any man at
all you know it.
Sho asks you now for money to get
Christmas gifts for tho children
asks you apologetically, as sho must,
and maybo aftor long waiting to catch
you in a good humor.
You crouch aud growl and sneer:
"Much good did these knickuacks over
do anybody!"
You forget your own childhood; yes,
you forget your manhood, too.
You givo hor something, of courso
you'ro a good follow but tho thing
you givo her Is ono part money aud
ulno parts heartach".
And you think you've thawed out!
Of courso you know your own busl You havo expenses to be mot;
you havo debts to bo paid and there's
little money left. That's good busl
uess heuse. But don't forgot that your
biggest debt is to tho patient woman
who lias consigned to you oil that Is
nearest lo your happiness and has
trusted you far beyond your rating lu
Bradstrcet's or nnywhoro else. Pay
your debts, of course. Out make her
a preferred creditor. Integrity It be
gins in justice to her.
True, you havo given her n nice
home; you dross her good enough; you
provide well for her yes, you treat
hor as well as you do your horse. But
do you think she ought to bo content
with that? Don't you know she has a
soul tiiat needs nourishment?
Bo sordid and tyrannical aud grum
py toward hor all tlio rest of tlio year,
if you must be, but for tlio next two
weeks thaw out that muscular pump
In your left breast aud see if it is still
a heart.
See if a little kindness and affection
aud self-deulal can (low from it.
Bo a bridegroom to hor again for a
little while.
See if you can't bring tlio almost for
gotten blush of happiness back into
tier check aud tiio old laugh to her
You havo grubbed and scraped to
gether a lot of trash that you call your
fortune, but do not enjoy. You know
in your heart that tlio glint and glitter
of success holds nothing for you half
so sweet as tho simple happiness of
honeymoon, when you hnd nothing but
her and she had nothing but you and
your promises, that you haveu't made
Fill your pocketbook full of tho
trabh you havo sweat for and sacrificed
hor for, give It to hor to buy Christmas
gifts, and learn for trie first timo what
it is all good for.
Real Estate Trawlers.
Transfers for week ending Wednos
dny, December 9, furnished by J. II.
B.illey of Webster County Abstract
J It. Strador and wlfo .to Clark
M Storey lots 3 and I blk 10
Cowles wd
F B. Myers aud wlfo to Joseph
McClelland lots 17 and 18 blk
Francis E Britton to Joseph Dom
ing pt lots 8 and 0 Roberts add
to Guide Rock qcd 100
Savllla C Rife to A J Motas pt '
8w4sw43021t wd 500
James McUuiio to Savilla C Rife
lota 21 to 24 blk 15 Smith and
Mnorosadd to Rt-d Cloud wd 800
A A Swearingnn and wife to Wm
Popp w3 sw4 6 3-10 wd 1G75
A B Martin and wife to Ueniy
Stumponhorst lot 6 blk 10
Rosemrnt wd GO
Austin Riley and wlfa to Henry
Stunpenhorst lot 5 blk 10
Rnsemont wd 800
F W Studebaker and wife to
U Overman no4 GM1 wd
L L Boron and wife to Hezekiah
Johnston lots 7 8 and 0 blk 2
aud lots 8-4 and 5 blk 4 R C wd
V D Baker to Andrew Baker lot
0 blk 2 Moonoys add to B H wd
Trustees M E church Blue Hill
to A D Buxer lots 1 and blk G
Muoneyi add to Blue Hill wd
Clarisa E Dro-bach to Joseph F
Dresbach no sw4 13 1 0 wd
Mtthlai F Paugh and wifo to L
(i Bird n2 n4 29 s-10 wd 4000
Clark M Storey et al to Geo Hager
jot 18 blk 4 Cowles wd 100
Total 120815
Mortgages filed 12750.
Mortgages releasod 110700.
Motfccr Gray's Sweet Powders for Children.
Successfully used by Mother Gray,
nurse in the Children's Home in New
York, cure foverishness, bad stomach,
teething disorders, move and regulate
tho bowels aud destroy worms. Over
30,000 testimonials. They never fail.
At all druggists. 25s. Sample free. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
12 4.
Fara Loams.
I hnve just prepared myself tn make
farm loans at a low rate of interest
either in Jewell, Smith or Wobster
counties enn pay off nt any time.
J. H. I'.AILKY, Red Cloud.
Atchison lm' a sho Sherlock. Sho
is known as S S , and luoks up things
fifty Yiars the Standard
Introvis th flavor and adds to
thi h.althfuliiess of iha food.
A J?
tKlb wJli HB Iff l8&m
1 mw B: -TCf ;; ihif:Fm TO
V74rWt fcilj x.fcfc J-FJ-fcLKl
f.' mmmm (
HHLEfaLBffeh. lAvK' I I T J 1 1 Kr ril I
A Generous
Of Quality, Coloring and Style, 6nbcct to
Yeur Irupectloa In the Greet Variety of
Attractive Designs Shown In
Made by the "P A W" Knitting
Mllls-ProducersoftheOnly Strictly
Hlgh-rjradei Long-Wearing, Perfect
Fitting Sweater Tn the World. All
Sliet All Prlcee-No Trouble to
; Show Yoa the Qood Point.
incy colorings. Also,
GLOVES-all kinds.
A good, warm
sweater'.is the best
thing you can jput
on for cold weath
er. We have them
in men's and boys'
at 50 cents to
$4.00. A full line
of Sweater Muf
flers in new and
Beckwithp WesGOtt 8 Storey
In days of old, when knights were bold,
And barons held their sway,
Folks loved the silver and the gold,
Just as they do today.
In all agea Silver and gold have swayed the world and ruled the hearts and minds of mankind. While
gold is of more intrinsic value in the hearts of the people, silver articles of merchandise aro just as much
to be dosired. Our display of
la the finest ever shown in Red Cloud. We have all kinds you will admire, at prices you will regard with
favor Just a few suggestions:
Noth ng is more timely
for this Christmas tide of
love and good cheer and
open heartodness than
ring premutation. The
gift of a ring to a relative
or dear ono is always a
delicate tokeu and a con
stant reminder of your
love and esteem. We have
for this season a most ex
cellent assortment of rings
of all sizes and suitable for all persons, from baby to graudfather.
All of solid metal no filled or plated rings in our stock and at
prices to mako ovory looker a purchaser.
That Wears
No family can havo too much sil
ver for the table, none but have too
little, none that do not want for
more. Wo are showing tho latest
designs and most styles in goods of
of unquestionable morit. Goods
that satisfy both recipient and
donor, and at such mouor-saving
prices as to place dependable goods
within tho reach of all purses.
Cut GIqlSS.
Hero again wo set tho pace, both In
assortment and fine qualities. Rich
American Gloss in finest and most de
sirable pieces and at rock bottom
money-saving prices. Nothing finer
or more acceptable can be found for a
gift for a lady.
Itwmntm, w cut tntfala on
vary ttlmern frmm of chargo.
Cuff Ornaments
Add as much to the ap
pearance as any other
article of jewelry. Wo are
showing an amazing line of
cuff buttons. They are a
surprlso to ourselves even.
Some extra effects in both
link and lever buttons and
nowhere will you find any
thing better or newer at
prices to equal.
PAR.KER FOUNTAIN PENS, the only perfectly satisfactory fountain pen on tho markot. In
price from IliiO to $0.00, and all of guaranteed quality. Cheaper fountain pens if you want them. Also
a comprehensive line of fancy penholders.
Nothing moro attractive in
style, quality and price could
be asked for than wo are
showing in our Holidny stock
of Ladles' and Gentlemen's
Chains. If you nro contem
plating a gift in this lino for u
rolutive or friend, do not fail
to Inspect our goncrous offer
ings beforo you buy. Wo hnve
tho stvlcs. uuarnnteo tho
qualitios and nnnio you tho prices that will make tho purchase of
any chniu In our stock a bargain.
To thoso who foel that they can
not nfford to slight some expectant
ono, aud yot must mako a limited
impropriation "go 'round," we espe
cially recommend a purchase here.
Small articles of morit and wortli
too numerous to mention. Will
you seo them. Hero will ho found
something for tho wholo family,
from tho llttlo tots to tho grand
parents, at prices that will please.
3 Spoons,
a Forks
Aro also horo In almost ondloss assort
ment. Solln sterling silver Souvenir
Spoons of all slzos, patterns and fin
ishes. Fancy spoons for table use,
Cream and Gravy Ladles, Berry, Soup,
Sugar aud Fruit Spoons.
Tablo, Fruit, JJuttor und Pio Knlvos.
Table, Oyster, Pickle aud Cold Ment
Forks. In fact, anything In this lino
you can osk for.
The boy or girl, husband
or wlfo, father or mother,
who gets a watch for
Christmas will nover feel
moro hearty ploasuro ovor
any event of their lives.
As n good and lasting, or
montal and usoful present
nothing equals n good time
piece It is recolved with
equal ploasuro by ono who
has boon promised and tho
ono who is surprised. Our
lino of watches Is most
comprohonsi ve, ranging
from tlio low pricod dollar
article to tho mort expensive and ornamental
down to tho lowest possible prices,
neHL "
Prices aro forced
3 f
1 1903. mssBmm .
3 44444444 rrOyJlCSi"" ' "
Remember, we not only give satisfaction, but we give the most change back.
Jewelers and Opticians, - - Red Cloud.
S k