M 1ml ! t .''' I: t .tf Si ri. a)i k fTgii(iunyi !,wiWHi, ;MiihA3sPssiss rzswmmmmm m 7-a ,J.,., . ,,,. - -,---...,, ., ,' 11L 1 . , SM !!! ! . !! !,!, 0 IIIMIM S M 1. 1 1 ! S VOLUME XXXI. KED CLOUD, NEWIASKA. DECHMREl? 11, 190JJ, NUMJJEIt 50 Chf istmas - - Saagestions I Some suggestions that will aid you in solving the problem of suitable Christmas gifts to members of your own family and your friends. r s Queensware. Haviland China and Austrian China, extremely dainty and delicate. $35 Haviland China, ioo pc. set, $27 50 $22.50 Austrian " 18 00 $20.00 Semi-Porcelain, 100 piece sets, 6 patterns, $14, $15 and.. 1600 Handkerchiefs! A beautiful assortment of these use ful Christmas gifts, ranging in price from dainty child's handkerchiefs at 5c to the rich embroidered all linen at $1.50 each. 100 doz. linene and pure linen em broidered, 5c each. Acct rdlon Plaiting. Accordion plaiting, sunburst, Sedl plaiting are again very much in vogue. A skirt of any material suitable for plaiting, plaited and finished ready to wear in 5 to 7 days. Price $3 to $4, according to material used. Petticoat Pleasure means dress satisfaction sure. For what is more helpful to the fit and look of a pretty gown than a well made petticoat? That is the Success Stoty of our pet ticoat, a yoked petticoat that sets the skirt so gracefully in the correct lines, straight front and fashionable flare. Every seam strapped inside and out, and an elegantly trimmed flounce that will please the most fastidious woman. tO OOZ. NEW PETTICOATS. 7 stylos at 9 1.SO, special 9 1. OO each. IO styles at S3.00, special 92. SO each. Others $1.50 2.00, 3.30, 4.00. Cloaks. American Woolen Mills Kersey, full satin lined, with capes in laid with velvet, Castor color only $ 8.00 Americdn Woolen Mills Kersey, full satin lined, collarless, no capes, black only 7.50 42-inch Cloak, collarless, loose back, satin piping, special 12.50 Gloves. We are safe in saying that you get more than 100 cents on the dollar in style, wear and satisfaction in every pair of Ladies' Kid Gloves purchased of us. 91. BO values for 91.29. All gloves guaranteed when fitted. Golf Gloves. Strong line of fancy colors and plain effects, 30c to 75c a pair. ladles' Mittens. Kid and Mocha, wool lined, 60c, 85c and $1.25 per pair. Belts. 5 doz. sample Belts. We have just received two sample lines no two alike. Eiderdown Dressing Sacks. All wool, plain eiderdown, appli qued, each $1.00 All wool, ripple eiderdown, appli qued, each 1 .50 All wool, ripple eiderdown, appli qued, frog fastening, each 2.25 Furniture. Jardinieres, Desks, Fancy Rockers, Center Tables, Screens, Ladies' Desks, tend to beautify the home and cause pleasant memories of Xmas, Screen frames, 75c to $4.00. Fancy stands, $1.00 to $10.00. Fancy Rockers, $1.35 to $12.50. 50 new Iron Beds, $5.00. 5.50, 6.00, 10 patterns, in 3 shades green, red, blue, pink, white, yellow. A good cotton felt mattress, worth $9. Special, $7.50. Rugs for Christmas. 30x60 all wool reversible Smyrna $ 2.10 36x72 " " " 3.00 4SX84 " " " 5.00 6x9 ft. " " " 12.00 9x12 ft. " " " 22.50 Why pay rug peddlers $4.00 to 5.60 fot Rugs that we offer you at $2.10? Growers' association, Nebraska Turk nnd I'oriH'.ty association, Tho Farmers' Cooper.tllto Grain and Live Stock State a'sneiatinu A luro number of distinguished speakers on various agri cultural topics huvj promised to bo in attendance nt these meetings nti'l all members of theso hoclotios arc urged to attonil. "Satisfaction or money ba.ck." MINER BROTHERS. 'vAvsAvAvAvA GUIDE ROCK. Lon Tompkins has bought tho Align Inbnugh place. Mrs. Shurman, W. II. Baicus and V. F. Shorbnoher nil moved Monday. Mrs. Dlckorsou has tho duiiiofor hor new bouso up. Guide Hock canio near having a liro Saturd-iy night A9 John Shultz was starting borne ho discovered a liro in G arson's Implement hnuo. The door wns soon broken opm and the fire ex tinguished. It, Is supposod to have originated from a cigar or match that bad been thrown inloasmill box with some waste paper in it and used for a cuspidor, and wuich sat in fr int of tho stove. The box was about burned, and alio a hole through tho floor. ' Preparations are ia progress for Christmas exercists at the churches here. . Nolt is loading a oar to move to Indiana. Attorney Potter was down from Rod Cloud Stturday. Tue German Evangelical association is holding, meetings at the Christian ohurch this week. Rev. Gillette pmached an entertain ing sermon at tho Christian church Sunday evening. J H. Bailey was down from Hod Coud latt week. C. C. Dunbar ha roarranod tho in terior of his re stuurant. Subset ibo for your paper at Colvin's oflii e. m GARFIELD. We had a light snow Tuesday night. Goirgo Barnes shelled threo huu dred bushels of corn last Tuesday and hauled it to Guide Rock. Clarence and Cora Itod were visit ing with N. j. D. Smith last Sunday. Charles Amack hauled corn to Guide Hock lait Friday. John Ushorn is deliveiing corn to A. H. Wiggins. BertJUow is now bucking corn for Htrt King. Harvey Tuylor U nt homu a?ain. Lle-vellyn King ha, finished husking It in c rn. There will bn a basket supper nt the school house in district 85 tonight. There was a full house nt the buke, supptr glvon by Doun Smith in dis tr!ct,30 i'hursday night of lafrtwoek. A good progiam was wtll rendered. Tho spoakiiig and acting wero good, often eliciting iipplau.su. Tho teacher is u graduntn of the Itd Cloud uiitti school, clubs of 1003, and hd invited some of his associate graduates to b present to wiiiKM.s this, bin maiitmi efTort at cnniluctlrg intellectual drama. Too young Indies said thoy weto well pleased with tho entertainment. See oir WINDOW DISPLAY at Hadell's Cash Bargain House. w jf jtf jr j ."r ti j t - " r'f iif iff -ff i ft "f a In the Pay Envelope That Is where our education affects you. It is a vital spot, too. Hero Is tho logic of the situation: 1. The mote you know about any given line of work the better you can do that work. 2. The better you can do your work the more your services will be in demand. 3. The more your services are in demand the better salary or wages you can command. And you can obtain this Salary earning education Through the instrumentality of the International Correspondence Schools Of Qcrsmtea, Pa. The conditions are easy, too. You study at home in your spare time moments znd without interference with your regular daily work. The cost is small. The payments, if necessary, are easy. There are no obstacles, nor any combination of conditions or circumstances that our system is not designed to fully meet. Cst this tat tal mtll II Is lb Ucal IrttnUllr wsom MrtM Is f iTta tlMwbm la mil nnouncccneni. International Correspondence Schools. Gentlemen Please explain bow I can qualify for position at loft of which I have marked X. State A&rlcultaral Mcctin&s. The following oimiuzh'ioih will hold their meetings at ilut university farm, Lincoln, during tho week of January 18, 1001: Tho State Board of Agriculture, Stato Swlno Breeders' association, Ncbrn'lcii Improved Live Stock UreeileiH nHociatioii, Nebraska Duiiymon'.s aso!ititlon,Nebraskn Vot. orinary Aleilloil association, Associa tion of Agricultural Students, Nebras ka State Horticultural society, State farmers' Institute, Nebraska State Poultry association, Nebraska Short horn Breeders' association, obraska Corn Imporvers'nusociation, Nebraska Bee Keepers' association, Nebraska Ir rigation association, Nebraska Stock- STATE CREEK. All is quiul on our creek and gather ing corn U tho order of the d:.y. Alox Bentley, the jolly ImchHor of thU neck of tho woods, is still holding forth on the But lor farm. Thorn will bo n Chris' mas tree at either Pleasant Dale or Mount Hope, and possibly ono at each place. Mih. Eva Hooper of Smith Center, Mechanical Unglnccr Machine Detlgner Mechanical Draftsman Foreman Machinist Foreman Toolmaker Foreman rnttcrnmakcr Foreman Blacksmith Foreman Molder Gns Engineer Refrigeration Engineer Traction Engineer Hlrrtrle Fncfncrr Klectrlc Machtue Designer Kiecirician Klectr1c-IighMng Supt. Itlectric-Raitway Supt. Telephone Rnglneer reiegrapn unginccr wireman Dynamo Tender Motorman Steam Engineer Kiigmc Kunner Marine EnEineer Civil Engineer Hydraulic ttnginrtr Municipal Engineer uriage Knginrer Railroad Engineer Surveyor Mining Engineer mine nurveyor Mine Foreman Cotton-Mlll Supt Woolen-Mill Supt. Textile Designer Arcnucci Contractor and nullder Architectural Draftsman Sign rainier Show-Card Writer Chemist Sheet-Metal Draftsman Ornamental Designer Prospective uraitsman Navigator Bookkeeper Stenographer Teacher Retail Ad Writer Commercial Ijiw LANGUAGES TAUGHT WITH PHONOGRAM! T French Certnan Spanish Occupation . NamuV, -Addroaa City ... ..State. And right at this time also we are ottering A Specially Liberal Discount Do yourself the Justice of at least knowing v.hat we are doing for others ami what we can do for you If you care to have us Send lor Further Particulars Note the Inquiry blank in the lower lcfl-hanil cor ner of this announcement, l'lace an X opposite the position you dttlte to qualify for, frlgn your name nnd addrcs. then cut out the form and mail it to the ndilrcts given nt the bottom of this mivcr tlsemcnt. Voti will nt once receive full and couiolete iuforninllon. Address alltj communications to HOMER A. CtKTIS Representative, Oiileaxs, - Nun. "f krip ir wr tv itr r r ir r r We are making a 10 and 15 per cent dis count from our regular prices during this display. who it it-tl suddenly last, week and was buried at .Mount Hope, wuh tlio only dnimhie. of P. L. Smith. iMr LarKwitnnd wife of Illinois, who have been vNilln in thes paitH, have returned to their homo, Mr. Lai'Kont iIkch NebrasKu better than ho expi'Cl oil to. Wm H. Hosenerans will rent his farm, unless he o.ls It befnto spring, uud have a puhlio mlo of his personal property, prepaiatory to removing to Itoctford, III. The meet lima at Penny Creek school houjii, o inducted by Itcv. .loiins (Jump b'll and Miss Alles lnivo closed with nut any additions to tho class. They nio Wuhley.in Methodists. Tho reports in the newspapers and otherwise eiieuluted in repaid to Wes ley Anshulz having been arrested wero al'Soiutely falH, and so wo have con. eluded to only beliovo half of what wa read in the papers. Suggestions for Xmas Shoppers! Furniture, fcianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, Picture Frames and Eugs. Special Sale on Eockers, Easels, Screens and Jardiniere Stands, Ladies' Desks, Music Cabinets, Hat and Plate Racks, at KLBRIGHT BROTHERS, - - RED CLOUD, NEBRKSKK rvLA JL VX C"NVj -arwgia"i; -i-i L. is-. wtasBBfsf r , -'-!. Tpssg -. 'mmmmmrMijf. 1