The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 04, 1903, Image 6

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W liun tills mi(;r tenches
you tho most of our hirgo
holiday slock will bo dis
played. A visit to our store
will oiler many suggestions
for Christmas Gifts. Wo
have a large variety to se
lect from Mid many novel
ties never before shown in
this market. It Is Impossi
ble to enumerate. Come in
and seo us. No trouble to
show goods, and all are
Chas. I. Cot ting,
The Druggist.
Light harness at Joe Foaol's.
Rob MuHride was in town this week.
Miss Nolle- Nisbitt is homo from
Mr. Corwin wrs up from Guide Hock
Tho first snow of tho soason foil
(Jus. Clack of Edgar was in town
this week.
Coal, coall Soft coal for baso burners
at Caldwell's.
Mr. McElry of Naponoo was in town
Cream whito Henrietta, 15c per yard.
F. Nowhouso.
Ed Uohannan of Lincoln was in the
city Thursday.
Ed Doylo of Guide Rock was in
town Tuesday.
Elmos Hinos was up from Guide
Hock Tuesday.
A. J. Moans has purchased tho Mrs.
E. Rife property.
Herbert Conovor was down from
McCook Sunday.
Try Ward Hayes for a first clan
shave or hair-cut.
W. G Black of Alma was in town
the ilrat of the week.
G. U. Throne is in southern Kansas
looking for a location.
See Joe Fogel for anything in tbo
harness or saddlery lino.
Hhv. Coons of Edgar preached at the
Cnristian church Sunday.
4 Goorge Smith camo up from Guide
' Rock the first of tho week.
C. W. Fuller of Bothany Heights
was in U id Cloud Wednesday.
Mrs. G. G. Unit and Mrs. Bustck
wero down from &vles Thursday.
C. B. Crono is able to bs around
again aftor his recent severe Illness,
M. Reynolds of Hebron visited with
Mr. and Mrs. L II R ut this week.
Bernard McNeny and R. T. Potter
were in Lincoln the first of the week.
. Joe Blair was in town Thursday. He
has been suffering from a s prained an
kle for several weeks.
Dr. J. C. Mosshart of Lincoln, spe
cialist in diseases of the eye, ear, and
throat, will be at Dr. Raines' office on
Thursday, Docember 10.
Makes aislmillatlon perfect, healthy
blood, firm muscles, strong nerves.
Qulekons the brain, makes and ketps
you well. Great medicine, Rocky
Mountain tea. C. L. C tting.
AIDS and
Find tfie watch fob
Ino vogue.
Th fashion frabers
proclaim ilswear
centers it is uni
versally worn .
The dainty beauty of
Watch Fobs
appeals to the eye and
their moderate prices to
f he purse.
Cut Glass Art audboauty nro
aro promlnont In ovory bit
of out glass wo have. Tho
prico is moderuto enough no
Como in nnd look over our
Jowolors and
Red Cloud,
Em mmmtmtami
: 21 coal at Caldwell's
Stock saddles at Joe Fogel's.
Miss Xello Fort l visiting In Orient ?.
Alfred Hadell was in St Joe this
L. 11. Blackledgo was in MtCook
Mi's Mrtboi Graves has returuod from
Vol k, Neb.
The 1. O 0. F. elected ollicers Mon
day night.
Infants' all-wool whito shirt, GOo.
F. Xowhotise.
C. S. llob-on of Hardy wis In town
Leon Marsh has toturncd to 9ehool
at Kearney.
Mih Chas MeKclghnn his returned
fr in Lincoln.
Mrs. L II. Blackledgo visited in Me
Cook this week.
W. Brethut win up from Guldo
Rock Wednesday.
Giis Pundt of Guide Hock was in
town Wedti onlay.
J. W. Tuiloys and K. S. Garbor weie
in Cowles Mondtiy.
Tho purest spices nnd llivoring
extracts at Cntting's.
Mrs. Kublek of McCook is visiting
Mrs, Jus Mornnvillo.
If vou wunt the host and cheapest
harness, go to Fogel's.
Will Greonlco of Guide Hock was in
town the first of the wook.
Moranvlllo'a Perfoctlon Hair Tonic
for sale at Schnffnit's barber shop.
Misses EdiihEyre and Grace Ander
son wero up from Superior Sunday.
Quick serviro and first class work is
the motto at Suhaff oil's barber slnp.
If you need a now hair cloth or
shaving brush see Cotting's new stock.
Ralph Foo and wife of McCook spont
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. MoFar
land. ,
Mrs. Bert Lindley and children woro
down from Rlverton the tiist of the
D. J. Myers and family left Monday
night for Boulder, Col , to spood tho
Mr. Goo. F. Bonse, father of our
gonial restaurant man, is homo from
Rev. Melvin Putnam will hold a
series of meetings at the Christian
church soon.
Ernest Welsch will open hU new
restaurant at the B. & M. dnpot eome
time next week.
Mrs. I. B. Hampton has returned
from Oklahoma and is much pleased
with that country.
Ernest Graves has removed from Mo
Cook to Red Cloud and will make this
his borne in future.
Garfield Ludlow and Ms Pearl
Lidlow loft Sunday night for Califor
nia to join their parents.
Born, Wedneslay, to Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Witwer, a boy. Grandpa Beard
idee i feeling rather jubilant.
R. D. Swnin, who has been visiting
at t to homo of J. D. Crans, has re
turned to bis homo in Kansas City.
A full-grown, long-legged boy wear
ing a ".ntockinp cap'' is about as ridic
u ous a sight as one would care to seo.
The Red Cloud boys are endeavor
ing to arrange a football game with
the strong Superior team for Christ
mas day.
William Sullivan of Orleans was in
the city the first of the week making
arrangements to start a new lumber
yard here.
The K. of t'a. held their semi-annual
election Wednesday night and con
ferred tho Page rank on a canidate
from Riverton.
The ladies of the Baptist church, will
give a hatidk rohief bazaar the 12tb,
in the old postofllce building Dinner
and supper will bo served.
'Elijah" Dowie's Zion City was
placed in the hands of receivers by
Judgo Kohlsaat of tho Uuitod States
court at Chicago Tuesday.
It warms tho heart like sunshine,
cheers tho soul like nnciont wino, gives
hope for tho future, blots out tho past.
That's what Rooky Mountain to.i does.
35 cents. C. L. Cutting.
Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Salaiion of A in boy entertained a largo
number of gtioUs in honor of the tenth
anniversary of their marriage. A
pleasant time was had.
320 Acros Quo of tho best farm in
Webster Co., $27 per acre, long time
on part payment. Owner bankrupt;
must bo sold. Box 108, Red Cloud,
Nebr. fob. 13.
W. J. Howard, representing tho
Western Mutual Life and Accident
Association of Lincoln, was in town
this week in tho Intoro9ts of his com
pany. L. H. Fort wus mado the local
"Challenger," a grade Heroford steer
from tbo Stato Agricultural college
farm, captured first pri.u iu the grand
championship steer contrst at tho
International Live Stouk exhibition at
Chicago Tuosday.
A faded out caro-worn worn n of 40,
with a spiuoo up-to-riato husband,
should tako Rocky M uintiln tea.
Brings buck that youthful, girlish
beauty. Kcops tin old man from go
ing to tho lodpo 33 cents.
Mo utiiy evening G vornor Mlekoy
honored the requisition of tho governor
of Kansas for tlio livo men in jdl nt
Itlootnitigton charged with the ban
robbery at Agra. Tiny wero turned
over to the Kansas authorities Wednes
day. Prof Steidley and Miss HhIiios, the
Sunday school workers who ho d meet
ings in this "ity M mday and Tuesday,
left Wednesday morning to continue
their work elsowheio The meetings
woro very intorestitg, though not well
The j oting ladies' basket ball team
has died from laek of energy on tho
part of it- members. Tno liltle town
of Franklin has two or three basket
ball teams, and it is surpiUing that
(ho Red Cloud girls cannot "get to
gether" on Mm qiiostion.
A "bent" switch caused tho derail
indiitof thico frieght ears in the H. &
M. yards early Monday morning, and
the yard and trackmen were called
from tlit ir beds before daylight in
order to clear away tho wiock and al
ow thuiutly m Tiling passenger to
The Mesdnmes Divonnd Bert Kaloy
ontcrtulued Tuesday ami WednoMl-iv
ovonings of thh week. Whist was tho
amuscm' nt, nnd refreshment woro
served. Tuesday evening Mrs. C. J.
Piatt won tho ladies' prize nnd Mr.
Dave Kaley won tho gentlttmn's prize.
Mrs. Paul Storey and Mr. Sum Temple
wero the aicky ones Wednesday even
ing. Tho changes in timo on t ho B. & M
aro very flight. A rumor bad boon
curront that tho evening train would
arrivo about two and a half h urs
earlier, but this was an error nnd tho
train arrivo nt tho same old time, 8:05
The meriting tinin from the west
arrives at 10:130, or about 40 minutes
later, which is the only material
Sunday evening, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Martin, near Amboy,
occurred the marriage of their daugh
ter Ora to Mr. Roll Ackersnn. The
brldoand groom aro well known young
people of that neighborhood, and Mr.
Ackerson is a veteran of the Spanish
American war, having served in the
Tuesday afternoon a son of Wm.
Rocher, who lives south of the river
in Lino township, narrowly escaped
aorious accident in a runaway. Just
before starting home from town bis
team became frightened and he step
ped in front of them to quiet them.
He took bold of the bridles, and the
By having a new well
put down and cased
with a heavy galvan
ized tube, made by
us in any size, diam
eter, of heavy iron
something that will
last a lifetime and be
a source of comfort
and health. We have
That work easily and
give satisfaction; also
pipe in any size or
quantity at the right
prices to interest you.
A pump complete
with cylinder for
Good, heavy goods
and properly fitted.
Galvanized Iron and
Wood Water Tanks
carried in stock. Let
us fityou out with a
complete outfit.
Hardware Co.
n I. I .....l. m....- . ... . . -... , . . .
Hearted listers
Hi TMmx h-0" 0af m .-
- w r9 wvo vrcf tvat9
vg 95.00 you
"j Suits to go under them.
VM First Door North of Postoff Ice,
horses mado n lunge aud startod to
run It was too late to lot so, and ho
held on to the bridles and was dragged
for nearly a block in front of tho team.
The team was stopped by Charloy
Winfrey within less than ton feet of a
telephone pole. As Mr. Roohor was
between the tonguo of the wagon and
the telephone pole, Colonel Winfroy's
prompt action probably saved tho
young man's life.
Saeak Thlet Arrested.
A you rig man giving the name of
James K. Harroyton and claiming to be
a miner, out of work owing to the
Colorado coal strike, was arrested
yesb-rday morning at the Ho, land,
House by Marshal Kinsel. Harroyton
was arrested upon the complaint of
Fred A. Kellar, traveling salesman for
a ohemical company. It seems that
Harroyton, -who got on the train atSu
perior Wednesday tvelng at tbo
sarndtime as Mr. Kellar, sat bis grip
down beside that of the traveling man,
and when he got off the train at Red
Cloud he took tho traveling man's
grip. He hired a room at the Holland
House, where ho stayed ovor night.
When arrested he had on a suit of un
derclothing and some other nrtic'ei of
wearing apparel belonging to Kellar.
Harroyton was given a preliminary
hearing before Judge West yoUerday
afternoon, and admitted having ex
changed grips with Kellar, but claimed
tha( he was Intoxicate 1 at the time and
did not notloe the difference until be
went to open the grip at tho hotel.
The grip left in place of the one
taken from Kellar was turned over to
Sheriff McArthur. It contained a com
plete set of dental tools rather a
queer outfit for a coal miner to be tot
ing around over the country It will
be held by the sheriff in hope of finding
its owner, as Harroyton disclaims Us
ownership, and says his own grip has
entirely disappoated.
Kellar's grip and contents were
valued at about 115, and although tho
charge placed against Harroyton was
burglary, it is doubtful if he can be
convicted on that charge. Ho ofTeiod
to pload guilty to petit larceny, hut
wua bound ovor to tho district court
in tho sum of $1,000 on tho churgo of
burglary. Doing unabo to give bond,
ho was taken back to j lil, Hnd will nro
bably bo tnod ut tho December loiinof
court, which sets on tho 14 h.
Narrow Escape.
Will Park or aud diaries Potter
nario-vly escnpod being blown out of
existeuco Monday afternoon. Paiker
and Pottor woro in the buseuient of tho
Potter building examining tho pipes
running into tho cess pool. Parker
opened tho trap to tho ctHi-pool to seo
if tho waste-plpofrom llio boiler was
working all right. Mr. Potter struck a
match and held it in front of Mr.
Purkor to enable him to seo bolter.
Tbero was a blinding Hash and a
heavy explosion, both mon wore
thrown from their feet and sevorely
burned. Mr. Parker says it was tho
narrowest escape he ovor bad sinco he
has boon in tho plumbing business.
The accidont was caused by an ac
cumulation of gas ia tho cojs-pool.
Tho employes in Schaffinit's barber
shop bad been in tho habit of pouring
waste gasoline in tho pipe leading to
the eebs-pool from thu harbor shop,
and this formed a largo amount of gas,
which explodod wtiDn tho trap was
opened and a match n spiled to it.
After Recreant Husband.
Mis, Kil Graham m rived in Red
Are here waiting for the man who is obliged to jfc
be out of doors during severe weather. Our Ji
Zero Collar, Blizzard-Proof Ulster is no mistake fffi
the best Overcoat on the market. Q
$10.00, $12.00 and $13.50.
Cheviots and Frieze made with wide collars and jyy
all the comfort attachments known to the art of W
Ulster making, Ulster prices, my
$4.50, $5, $6, $7. $7.50, $8, $8,50, JJv
$9, $10, $12, $13.50. to
ever saw. Plenty of nice ffi
Cloud from Hurbanks, South Dakota,
tho first of the weok in search of her
absconding husband. Mr. and Mrs.
Graham woro married iu Red Cloud a
fow yoars ago, but Graham deserted
his wifo and sho wont to live with her
parents in South Dakota. Hearing
that hero huiband was living in or
near Bo I Cloud, she camo here and
sworo out a warrant for his arrest on
the charge of desertion, which In Ne
braska it a ponitentiary offense.
Sheriff McArthur ascertained that
Graham was working on a farm over
in Smith county, Kansas, and started
out to arrest him. Some friend of
Graham's in Rod Clond ot on to the
fact that a warrant bad been issued for
his arrest and informed him of it, and
when the sheriff arrived at the place
where be had been working Graham
had made good his escape, and the of
ficers are still looking for him.
Died, November 20. 1003, Georgle,
tho infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Vavarlnka. Ho was born May 25, 1003.
He his been Buffering constantly for
past three weeks of stomach trouble.
Ho was a pretty, intelligent child and
will bo sadly niissod by his loving
oaronts and frionds.
Dearost Goorgie, you have left us,
But, "o know you reign above;
And, although our hearts are broken,
We can say, our Ood it love.
Sadiv do we miss you darling,
But our heatt with Joy o'erun.
When wo tbink of how the Savior,
uleues our dear little one.
Once you were our earthly treasure,
Now in Heaven we know you wait;
Tld the Masterof the Kingdom
Bids you swing the pearly gate.
Then, dear Georgle, we'll all meet you,
Anu yotrii guide us to our nome,
Where with angels we may ever
Sing around the great white thrcne.
Arrestee! fer Atwhiti Murder.
Dispatches from Smith Center, Kan.,
to tho daily papers stato that a son of
Jonn Anshuiz, tho Smith county
farmer who was robbed and murdered
several weoks ago, lias been arrested
for tho murder of bis father. Anshntz
was coifscious for several days aflor
having boon shot, but could give no
ndtquato discriptiun of his assailant.
There is no information to bo obtained
liuru as t tho causes which led up to
tho of young Anshntz, though it
is supposed Hint his being u bencticiary
in the will of his father, who carried
about 813,000 life itiMirnnce, may have
had some connection with his airost
for the crime.
Advertised Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at postotlleo at Red Cloud, Nob.,
for thewoek ending December li, 1003;
Mrs. John Andrews, W. G. Finney,
Goo. Grisson, W. II. Moirls, pastor
Presbytirian church 2, pastor Lutheran
church 2, P. D. Wood 2.
These will be sent to the dead letter
ofllco Docember 17, 1003, if not called
for before. Wuon calling for above
please say "advortlsed."
T. C. Hackkii, Postmaster.
1. 0. 0. F. Electlei.
lion Adhem lodgo 180, I. O. O.
elected ollicers Monday night as
Noble grand E. 11. Nowhouso.
Vico grnud N. II. Morrison. ,
Treasurer Joseph Fogel.
Secretary O. C. Teel.
Trustee F. W. Cawdon.
. . am .. li
iwr cJ C?vc?ri ft
Red Cloud, Neb. ft
7 . iL
rW-a Jmm
in Adamsjcounty, Mnypith.
For first-class insurance,
call on or address
Some of tho flnost farms and
city property In Webster Coun
ty, Nobraska, for sale. Prices
ranging from $15 to 825 por ncro.
. P. HALE,
mod Cloud, Nebraska.
Tho Bon Ton Is prepared
to sorvo Ot&tors in ovory
htylo on bhort notico. All
kinds of
Hot Drinks
for cold wonthor sorvod at
tho soda fountain. Catering
for parties and dances.
The Bon Ton
W. S. BENSE. Proprietor.
I Is Delicious for Breakfast Mush.
Bold in sib. package! by till letdlnaaroccri. I