The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 04, 1903, Image 2

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Red Cloud, the Geographical Center of the United States, a Good Place to Live In.
Vfi - . . . rz .
'm volijm:e xxxi.
Suggestions !
Some suggestions that will aid you in solving the problem of
suitable Christmas gifts to members of your own family and
your friends.
Haviland China and Austrian China,
extremely dainty and delicate.
$35 Haviland China, ioo pc. set, $27 50
$22.50 Austrian " " " " 18 00
$20.00 Semi-Porcelain, 100 piece
sets, 6 patterns, $14, $15 and.. 1600
A beautiful assortment of these use
ful Christmas gifts, ranging in price
from dainty child's handkerchiefs at
5c to the rich embroidered all linen at
$1.50 each.'
100 doz. linene and pure linen em
broidered, 5c each.
Accordion Plaiting.
Accordion plaiting, sunburst, Sedl
plaiting are again very much in vogue.
A skirt of any material suitable for
plaiting, plaited and finished ready to
wear in 5 to 7 days. Price $3 to $4,
according to material used.
Petticoat Pleasure
means dress satisfaction sure. For
what is more helpful to the fit and look
of a pretty gown than a well made
That is the Success Story of our pet
ticoat, a yoked petticoat that sets the
skirt so gracefully in the correct lines,
straight front and fashionable flare.
Every seam strapped inside and out,
and an elegantly trimmed flounce that
will please the most fastidious woman.
7 styles at SI. SO, special SI-OO oach.
to stylos at S3. OO, special S.SO each.
Others $1.50, 2.00, 3.20, 4.00.
American Woolen Mills Kersey,
full satin lined, with capes in
laid with velvet, Castor color
only $ 8.00
Americdn Woolen Mills Kersey,
tull satin lined, collarless, no
capes, black only 7.50
42-inch Cloak, collarless, loose
back, satin piping, special 12.50
We are safe in saying that you get
more than 100 cents on the dollar in
style, wear and satisfaction in every
pair of Ladies' Kid Gloves purchased
of us. v-
SI. SO values tor St.2S.
All gloves guaranteed when fitted.
Golf Gloves.
Strong line of fancy colors and plain
effects, 30c to 75c a pair.
Ladles' Mittens.
Kid and Mocha, wool lined, 60c, 85c
and $1.25 per pair.
5 doz. sample Belts. We have just
received two sample lines no two
Eiderdown Dressing Sacks.
All wool, plain eiderdown, appli
qued, each $1.00
All wool, ripple eiderdown, appli
qued, each 1 .50
All wool, ripple eiderdown, appli
qued, frog fastening, each 2.25
Jardinieres, Desks, Fancy Rockers,
Center Tables, Screens, Ladies' Desks,
tend to beautify the home and cause
pleasant memories of Xmas,
Screen frames, 75c to $4.00.
Fancy stands, $1,00 to $10.00.
Fancy Rockers, $1.35 to $12.50.
50 new Iron Beds, $5.00. 5.50, 6.00,
10 patterns, in 3 shades green, red,
blue, pink, white, yellow.
A good cotton felt mattress, worth
$9. Special, $7.50.
Rugs for Christmas.
30x60 all wool reversible Smyrna $ 2.10
-36x72 " " ' 3.00
4SX84 " " " 5.00
6x9 ft. " " " 12.00
9x12 ft. " " " 22.50
Why pay rug peddlers $4.00 to 5.60
for Rugs that we offer you at $2.10?
TI10 Hist snow if tlioscitsm foil Mon
day. 1) Itoulicr of Campbell was doing
busiiioiJ in iliiicity Wednesday.
Floyd William litis gone to Uinnhii
to learn tho barber trade.
MUt May Ivecler received tho pr zo
glveu by tho conceit company (or lin
ing tho most popular young lady of
this city. It coiiHibtuil of a twontj-
seven piccu silver stt.
Webster Woodnidu was a passenger
(or Lincoln last sday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W-lllo aro tho
proud parents of a baby boy, born list
Tbo ttilophono Ima boon removed
from M. A. Rood's millinery store to
Frank Wutllo'fl placo of business.
Miss Miry Souchcok lias returned
from Denver, whoie alio bus been visit
tag her parents.
There is an epidemic of hog cholera
in this neighborhood.
J. A. Lockhait's son got his leg badly
cut by his h re running into a who
fence with him.
Quite a number of cattle have died
around hre from being turned in
among the corn-stalks.
t:ftf t(t(t(t
...Eye and Eye Glass Care...
KT us pilot you out of tho misery and danger of overworked and
improperly treated oyoslght. Into tho rest ami Hutlsract Ion o ro
Htored vision. Wo understand Eves and Evo Glasses our busi
ness to lit the 0110 to tho other. Wo know tho Byu mid h needs
wo know the dangers that follow in thu wako of defective Byes and strain
ed vision. Our knowledge of tho Kyo and practical exnorieiioo In tho
fitting or CJIasses Is at yrur service. Wo oxamino your oyos thoroughly,
KI'ietlt.llllMlllv toll Villi tllull- iiviii'I (nmlltliiti mli'luii vnii ttflmf tii mill ii
Jjj grant you tho privilege of doing as you please. v V- Jjj
Wnltlnff find hoping nover bettors ullinc vitlon
-procrastination Is tho llilel ol tfood eyesight.
The Changs which come to tha eya ara bo-
A Mils way Irom right I a groat way wrong
yond the power ol the Individual to remed
.t. tiBKICbi u MITC dvqi uroutir nnu iirnniv rjira
T responsible (or much of tho president day eye
rr uouuie.
W A unru Ittfla air In Imnn fhla A tmt atrdlnt.
T toon exhausts Its delicate nerve force.
T When the eye first troubles, the man of sense
T knows there Is need of help, and stralghway
T gets It.
T Let us aid you to better vision or the preserva-
Jf tlon of what remains.
with eya glasies and spectacles,
We make a study ol Individual needs and fix tt,
frames and lenses with exactness.
Every appliance science has devised Is at our
command. v
Every pair ol glasses must precisely suit the j
wearer and us. - JC
Each lens, each Irame, Is thoroughly Inspected. T
11 mere is naw or ciemtsn it is discarded
Your eve o)ahi Am A Imnnrfant nt vnur W
eyesight Is Important. Hera the skill, the will
end the facilities to make them so.
Jewelers and Opticians.
George Proudflt relui ned from Den
ver ;oday, where he has been tho past
Itev. Priestly and Geoigo 8lmpson
attended quarterly meeting at Host
wick last Saturday and Sunday.
Harry Reeves has built a lino new
house on his farm near town.
J. L. Dunbar is stepping high theso
days, It is a boy.
Cora is worth 25 cents at Guide
Mrs. Dickorsou has a foundation
laid for a new house.
J. A. Dr.ioks is shelling corn at the
east elevator this woek.
Bert Van Horn thelled corn Inst
Quite a number of new buildings
win ue cioutou in uuluo nock soon.
Subicribo for your paper at Colvin's
(), li. Dunbar and wife aio viiiting
in eastern Kansas.
Thore is talk of moving tho M. K.
church north and building a parson
age on tho south side of the lot.
Cantata Carter's Case.
Oberliu M. Carter left tho federal
prison at Leuvcuworth, Kan., Satur
day morning after serving tho sent
en; inuioKed upon him by a court
martial of his former urmy associates.
Horn and bred a gentleman, an asso
ciate of tho very flower of tho laud
by his mental brilliancy, his manners,
his education and his tastes as well as
by birth, Carter has Hulfered for four
years and eight months tho tortures
of hell, iutensillod as they were by his
firm declaration that ho is innocent.
Every convict, it is said, believes
himself unjustly convicted, tint few
Where Narrlafte Is a Jtke.
Why go to Dakota for quick divorcer.
Why spoud woury woeks acquiring a
residence in the jumplug-oif dUtriot of
creation, when tho homo courts aro
obliging and families can ho distupted
for uoxi to nothing?
Tho Kemp cmbo Inspires sarcasm.
MrB. Arthur Kemp is a New York
sncloty woman and 11 boatity. She was
tired of Arthur Kemp. Undor tho sur
faco there may have been moro than
weariness. She sued for dlvorco.
Tho littlo matter of domostlo tragedies
no longer bars man or woman from
New York society If thore is no
scandal in tho homo what is tho "400"
can mako such showing of justness of to talk about?
"Satisfaction or money baLck."
Mother Gray's Swett Powders for Children.
Successfully used by Mother Gray,
nurse in tho Children's Homo in New
York, cure fevirishnoss, bad stomach,
teething disorders, move and regulate
the bowels and destroy worms. Over
80,000 tpetimoniitla Vuy nover fail
At all druggists 25 1, Sanudn free. Ad
l !'.) Allen S Unus;ed, Lo Hoy, N. Y.
12 4.
Say what you ploaso ubout patriot
ism and love, tno greatest thing in tho
world is peace.
Farm Loans.
I liavo just prepared myself to uiuko
farm loans at a low rate of interest
either in Jewell, Smith or Wobster
oountio.o; can psy off at any time.
J. H. IUU.KV, Hod Cloud.
Hon lirttner, an od pioneor of this
neighborhood, is visiting friends and
relatives here.
A. C. linn nnd wife entertained a
few of tht ir frionds on Thanksgiving
Mrs. Jefso Hayts visi ed in Hastings
last week.
Nate Piatt of Rod Cloud was a plea-
Bant culler on this creek last Sunday.
Chatloy Hrubaker lias boon doing
some cat pouter work in Bluo Hill,
Perry Norrls' hoises took a lively
spin on Thanksgiving day at CowIuh,
smashing the bugcy toji.
Mrs, liruiior nnd Miss N llio Hon
woro shopping in Hud Cloud TuoMlay.
Mr. Childs mado a business trip to
Nuckolls county this week,
Charloy Nnrris has bought the 80
acre faun north of A. C I! n's ft 0111
Mr. Saj lor of Nelson, It is known us
Iho old HrnryDrubakor pltico.
Corn is cribbed on till sides now, and
Is a good yield.
their sides as Carter can.
Freedom to him means not as much
relief from tho torriblo associations
behind tho bars as the opportunity to
prove to his fellow citizens that ho
was unjustly convicted.
In the federal court at Chicago Car-
tor's fortune of 677'2,(XX) is tied up. TUo
government did not seize it until after
Mr. Wescott, Carter's fathor-ln-law,
11 millionaire, had tiled. Carter says
Wescott gave him the fortune us the
sharo Mrs Carter would have received
had death not taken her away. Tho
government claims this fund is tho
proceeds of fraudulent collusion be
tween Carter, as supervising engineer,
and tho contractors Guyuni'tv. Greene,
on the Savannah harbor government
Carter says ho will bo ablo to prove
tho history of every bond in tho fund
and to show that Westcott bought
many of them even before ho know
Carter. Every dollar will bo traced by
tho ex-olllcer to show that not a cent
of It is stolen money. His statement,
issued by his lawyer, reads well uud
promises success.
Tho civil trial will permit Carter to ' one, aud there Is much merrymaking
introduce testimony barred by tho .and laughter.
Tho is no lack of monoy in tho Kemp
family. They havo lived in an atmos
phoro of cut flowers and hothouse
delicacies. Tho grounds of her suit,
wore neglect uud refusal to provide
tho necessaries of life. Judge E. C.
Dubois granted a decree.
Enter Hollis II. Huiiiiowoll, who at
once secured a marriugo license and
then hied himself to Greor cnttago,
where ho became the husband 0' Mrs.
Kemp, Judge Dubois performing tho
marriage ceremony. There wore eleven
guests present at tho wedding, live of
whom had been through the dlvorco
court How soon tho .-est will air their
soiled linen the Lord only knows.
Ono of tho most serious charges
against tho fashionable life is that It
in no way teaches or holds that marri
ago is a permauetit contract In tho
humbler homos tho separation of a
muu and woman is a tragedy. In
"society" it is often tho result of u
whim. In tho cottage a dlvorco means
tears and blooding hearts, aud sotnu
timet a deep and lasting sonso of dis
grace. In tho palace, madam intro
duces her now husband to tho cast oft'
arbitrary manners of a military court.
"To err Is human" and it is by no
means improbable that Carter will
win tho suit and thus vindicate him
self in tho oyes of tho ppoplo. Courts
martial aro notoriously affected in
their judgments byMssues which havo
no direct bearing on the caso they aro
Is it possiblo that Carter was tho
victim of a horrible mistake?
Do you wondor that humanity sneers
at the wisdom of courts aud tit tho in
tegrity of some of those who wear
judicial robes?
Myetlc Curo for lllu'iimsllnu unit Neuralgia
radically rurci. In I lo .'IrtajB In action upon
the y.ttm In remarkable anit mjnerloun. It
remove at once tlm cause and the dlcean-Immediately
(lltapiiearn. The tint do.o greatly
benefits. "r cent anil i,00. bold by II. 1..
Once, DruvKlit. Ited Cloud.
Suggestions for Xmas Shoppers
Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, Picture Frames and Eugs. Special Sale on Rockers,
Easels, Screens and Jardiniere Stands, Ladies' Desks. Music Cabinets, Hat and Plate Racks, at