j-whwv.-Vi W-i nr MRcd Cloud, the Geographical Center of the United States, a Good Place to Live In. If 'i VOIAJME XXXI- RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. I) ICC KM HER L l!K).'if ' NUMBER li -, a - ; - T k K. M k,y It! ft: w- . . & K r vs v m .. J A, GhFistmas Saggestions I Some suggestions that will aid you in solving the problem of suitable Christmas gifts to members of your own family and your friends. r s Queensware. Haviland China and Austrian China, extremely dainty and delicate. $35 Haviland China, 100 pc. set, $27 50 $22.50 Austrian " " " " 18 00 $20.00 Semi-Porcelain, 100 piece sets, 6 patterns, $14, $15 and.. 1600 Handkerchiefs! A beautiful assortment of these use ful Christmas gifts, ranging in price from dainty child's handkerchiefs at 5c to the rich embroidered all linen at $1.50 each- ,t 100 doz. linene and pure linen em broidered, 5c each. Accordion Plaiting. Accordion plaiting, sunburst, Sedl plaiting are again very much in vogue. A skirt of any material suitable for plaiting, plaited and finished ready to wear in 5 to 7 days. Price $3 to $4, according to material used. Petticoat Pleasure means dress satisfaction sure. For what is more helpful to the fit and look of a pretty gown than a well made petticoat? That is the Success Story of our pet ticoat, a yoked petticoat that sets the skirt so gracefully in the correct lines, straight front and fashionable flare. Every seam strapped inside and out, and an elegantly trimmed flounce that will please the most fastidious woman. tO DOZ. NEW PETTICOAT. 7 stylos at 1.50, special $1. OO each. IO stylos at 93.00, special 92. SO each. Others $1.50, 2.00, 3.30, 4.00. Cloaks. American Woolen Mills Kersey, full satin lined, with capes in laid with velvet, Castor color only $ 8.00 Americdn Woolen Mills Kersey, lull satin lined, collarless, no capes, black only 7.50 42-inch Cloak, collarless, loose back, satin piping, special 12.50 Gloves. We are safe in saying that you get more than 100 cents on the dollar in style, wear and satisfaction in every pair of Ladies' Kid Gloves purchased of us. 91.90 values for 91.29. All gloves guaranteed when fitted. Golf Gloves. Strong line of fancy colors and plain effects, 30c to 75c a pair. ladles' Mittens. Kid and Mocha, wool lined, 60c, 85c and $1.25 per pair. w Belts.' 5 doz. sample Belts. We have just received two sample lines no two alike. Eiderdown Dressing Sacks. All wool, plain eiderdown, appli qued, each $1.00 All wool, ripple eiderdown, appli qued, each 1 .50 All wool, ripple eiderdown, appli qued, frog fastening, each 2.25 Furniture. Jardinieres, Desks, Fancy Rockers, Center Tables, Screens, Ladies' Desks, tend to beautify the home and cause pleasant memories of Xmas, Screen frames, 75c to $4.00. Fancy stands, $1.00 to $10.00. Fancy Rockers, $1.35 to $12.50. 50 new Iron Beds, $5.00. 5.50, 6.00, 10 patterns, in 3 shades green, red, blue, pink, white, yellow. A good cotton felt mattress, worth $9. Special, $7.50. Rugs for Christmas. 30x60 all wool reversible Smyrna $ 2.10 -36x72 " " " 3.00 48x84 5.00 6x9 ft. " " " 12.00 9x12 ft. " " " 22.50 Why pay rug peddlers $4.00 to 5.60 for Rugs that we offer you at $2.10? BLADEN. Tho Hist snow if the sens m foil Mon. day. D Rniillor of Cauipbcll win doing bushier in ibis city Wednesday. Floyd Williams 1ms gone to Oinnlia to learn tliu barber trade. Mils Mny Ivocler received the pr zo rIv.h by tho conceit company for lin ing tho most popular young Imly of this city. It consisted of 11 twonlj-sevt-n piece silver stt. Webster Woodsido was a passonger for Lincoln lastTiiutsduy morning. Mr. and Mrs. Frunk W-lllo arc tho proud parents of u baby boy, bom list Saturday. Tho tolephono has boon removed from M. A. Hood's millinery store to Frank Waffle's placo of biiHinvss. Miss M-ry Souchcck lias lolurned from Denver, wboto she has been visit ing ber parents. There is an epidemic of hog cholera in this neighborhood. J. A. L'tokhatt's son got his leg badly cut by his b rse running into a wiro lence with him. Quite a number of cattlo have died around hre from boing turned in among the corn-stalkB. ...Eye and Eye Glass Care... w It) b Of JJ grnut you tho pr EYE KT us pilot you out oft ho misery anil danger of overworked and improperly treated eyesight. Into the rest, and satisfaction of re Htorcd vision. Wo undorsUind Evc-j and Eve Glnsaoa our busi ness to lit the (mo to the other. Wo know the Eye and it needs wo know the dangers that follow in the wako of defective Eyes and strain ed vision. Our knowledge of the Eye and practical o.porioncn in tho lilting of Glasses Is at. vrursorveo. We ovamluo vour eves thomuililv. J. scientifically: toll yon their exact condition, advise you what to do and u lb Of L'll )'( rlvllc, ego of doing as you please. yona mo power 01 tho Individual to romedy. Neglect to Rive eyes proper and timely care is responsible (or much of the president day eye CARE. Waiting and hoplntr never belters ailing vision procrastination Is tho thief ot ifood eyesight. The change which come lo the eve are be- ... junu inn injwor ui ine inumuum 10 remea T trouble. 2 A very little strain upon this delicate structure 2 soon eihausts Its delicate nerve force. 2 When the eve lirst troubles, the man ol sense T knows there Is need ol help, and stralghway 2 gets It. T Let us aid you to better vision or the preserva- 2 tlon ol what remains. s EYE GLASS CARE. A little way from right Is a great way wrong with eye glasses and spectacles, Wo make a study ol Individual needs and fix tt Irames and lenses with exactness. Every appliance science has devised Is at our command. Pvftrv rulr nf oIaccj.. mti.t nrl.lu snlf tl. V wearer and us. Each lens, each Irame, Is thoroughly Inspected, tl Ik... ta fla.u mm ktl,l. I. 1 .11. -a...... .1 iiraio i. liar, ui uionii.il II I. uiMaiunu. Your eve crlASsei are as Imnortant si vour W eyesight Is Important. Hera the skill, the will and the facilities to make them so. K s EYES EXAMINED. GLASSES FITTED. NEWHOUSE BROS. I t Jewelers and Opticians. RED CLOUD. NEB. S GUIDE ROCK. George Pioudflt relumed from Den ver .'odajf, where he has been the past week. Uev. Priestly and Oeoigo 81nipson attended quurtorly meeting at liust wick last Saturday and Sunday. Hnrry Hooves has built a tine new house on bis farm near town. J. L. Dunbar is stepping high these days. It is a boy. Corn is worth 20 cents at Guido Kock. Mrs. Dickersou has a foundation laid for a new houso. J. A. Iir.ioks is shelling corn at the east elevator this week. Bert Van Horn tholled corn last week. Quite a number of new buildings will oo eioutod in Utiido Kock soon. Subicribo for your paper at Colvin's ollice. O, I.. Dunbar and wifo aio vliitlng in onstern Kunsus. Tliero is tnlk of moving tho M. K. ehurcli north and building a parson age on the south side of the lot. Catfali Carter' Cue. Oberliu M. Carter left the federal prison at Leavenworth, Kan., Satur day morning after serving tho sont enn Imposed upon him by a court martini of Ids former army associ ates. Uom mid bred a gentleman, an asso ciate of tho very ilower of the land by his mental brilliancy, his inatinors, his education and his tastes as well as by birth, Carter lias suffered for four years and eight months tho tortures of hell, inteubilled as they were by his firm declaration that ho is innocent. Every convict, it is said, believes himself unjustly convicted, Vmt few can mako such showing of justness of to talk about? Where Narriifte is a Jtke. Why go to Dakota for quick divorces. Why spoud weary weeks acquiring a rostdouco iu the jutnplng-olf district of creation . when the homo courts uro obllgitig and familios can bo dist up ted for noxl to nothing? The Kemp caso inspires sarcasm. Mrs. Arthur Kemp is u New York society woman mid a beailty. Sho whs tired of Arthur Kemp. Under tho sur faco there may have been more than weariness. She sued for divorce. Tho littlo matter of dotuostia tragedies no longer bars iimn or woman from jmow xork society U thore ts no hcaudnl iu the homo what is tho "400" s "Satisfaction or money ba.ck.' MINER BROTHERS. vAWVNvvv' Mother Gray's Sweet Powdm for Children. Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse In tho Children's Home in New t York, cure fevirishnoss, bad stonmch, teething disorders, move and regulate tho bowels and destroy wovni". Over 30,000 tpotiuifiniitla rin-y never fail At all druggists 25 1. Saninln free Ad ilp'xs Allen S Oiimr.ed, Lo Hoy, N. Y. 12 4. Say what you ploaso about patriot ism anil lovo, the greatest thing iu tho world is peace. Farm Loans. I hnve just prepared mj&olf lo mako farm loans at a low rate of interest either in Jewell, Smith or Wobster cotinttoo; can pay oil at any time. J. H. IUII.KV. Ued Cloud. WILLOW CREEK MAN.TOIIA.. Hon Bruricr, an o'd pioneor of this neighborhood, is visiting friends and relatives horo. A. C. Hon and wifo entertained a few of tut ir fiionds on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Je;so ILtycs visi ed in Hastings last week. Nate PIhU of Red Cloud was a plea sant caller on this oreek last Sunday. Chailoy Itrubakcr lun been doing sonio cai pouter work iu liluo Hill, Perry Norris' hoiscs took n lively spin on Tliaiikfgiving day at CovvIch, snnsl.lng tho btigcy top. Mr-i. limner and Miss N llio Hon were shopping In Ued Cloud TudmIuj'. Mr. Cliilds mado a business4 trip to Nuekolh county this week. Chiuioy Norris has bought the b0 aero faun notth of A. C Hill's fi out Mr. Sajlor of Nelson, It is known as iho old Henry Drubaker placo. Corn is cribbed on till sides now, and is a good yield. their sides as Carter can Freedom to him moans not as much relief from the terrible associations behind the bars as tho opportunity to prove to his fellow clti.ens that ho was unjustly convicted. In the federal court at Chicago Car tor's fortune of cs77'2,000 is tied up. Tlo government did not seize it until after Mr. Wescott, Cutter's father-in-law, a millionaire, had (lied. Carter says Wescott gave him the fortune as the share Mrs Carter would have received had death not taken her away. Tho government claims this fund is tho proceeds of fraudulent collusion be tween Carter, as supervising engineer, and tho contractors Gnynor A- Greene, on the Savannah harbor government work. Carter says ho will be able to prove tho history of every bond in tho fund and to show that Wciteott bought many of them even before ho know Carter. Every dollar will bo traced by tho ox-ofllcer to show that not a cent of It is stolen money His statement, issued by his lawyer, reads well und promises success. Tho civil tiial will permit Carter to intioduco testimony barred by tho arbitrary manners of a military court. "To err is huiiuui" and It is by no means Improbable that Carter will win the suit and thus vindicate lilm solf in the eyes of tho people. Courts martial aro notoriously all'ected in their judgments by'issues which have no direct bearing on the caso thoy aro trying. Is it possiblo that Carter was tho victim of a horrible mistake? Tho is no lack of money in tho Kemp family. Thoy havo lived iu an ntmos phoro of cut flowers and hothouse delicacies. Tho grounds of hor suit wore neglect and refusal to provldo the necessaries of lifo. Judgo E. C. Dubois granted a decree, Eulor Ilollis H. Huuuowell, who at once secured a inarriago licenso und thou hied himself to Groor cottage, where bo becamo tho husband o' Mrs. Kemp, Judgo Dubois performing tho inarriago ceremony. 1'hero were eleven guests present at tho wedding, five of , whom had been through the divorco court How soon the .-est will air their soiled linoti the Lord only kuows. One of the most serious charges against tho fashionable life Is that It iu no way tenches or holds that marri age is a permanent contract Iu tho humbler homos tho separation of a man and woman is a tragedy. In "society" it Is ofton tho result of a. whim. In tho cottago a divorco means tears and bleeding hearts, and somo timet a deep and lasting sonso of dis grace. Iu tho palace, madam intro duces her new husband to the cast oltf ouo, and there Is much merrymaking and laughter. Do you wonder that humanity sneers at tlio wisdom of courts and at tho in tegrity of somo of tltoso who wear judicial robes V WIEU.MATISM CUJIKn IN A DAY. Jljutlc Cure for Klietimallmu and Neuralgia rmll rally cures In 1 to ! (Ihji. Hi action upon the feyatem In remarkable ami iii)t,ti'rlous, U removes nt once Hie causo tuul the (IIkchkb Im mediately (HtHMeHri. Tho tint do.e Rreallr be net! is. ?r lint and i 00. bold by U.K. (luce, Drug-Klit. Ited Cloud. r Suggestions for Xmas Shoppers Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, Picture Frames and Rugs. Special Sale on Rockers, Easels, Screens and Jardiniere Stands, Ladies' Desks, Music Cabinets, Hat and Plate Racks, at 'KLBRIGHT BROTHERS, - - RED CLOUD, NEBRHSKR n m iv