rrR.w&'tfc WofMUie" Stock Foods and Remedies Wo sell the goods tlmt lmvu proed to bo just as reptcentul: International Stock Food International Fattening Food Dr. Hess' Stock Fctl CottluS's Animal Healer tlio host on earth for wlro cuts. Satisfaction or money refunded. Call and hoo 1110. Chas. L. Cottin, The Druggist. - -m-? LOCALETTES Stock saddles at Jon Fotrel's. Al Galustm t-pent Sunday in Red Cloud. Coal, coal! Soft coal for base burners at Caldwell's. II iv. Dixon camo down front Trum bull Monday. Infants' all-wool whlto shirt, 5Uc. F. Nowhouso. John Fulton of Rlverton was in the city Tuesday. Rots Pylos of I'rostou, Nub., is in the city this week. it. T. Potter was in Uonkoltuan tho first of tho week. Mrs. J. V. Warren spo .t Thanks giving In Lincoln. Dal Turnuro was in Cnester this week on business. Misa Daisy Hunter of Inavalo was in tho city Wodnosday. f you want tho best and cheap est harness, go to Fogel'8. Tho Misses Stonebreakor aro homo from their w,s em trip. Miss Woiloy of the high school spon Thanksgiving in Lincoln. Misa Grace Anderson of Superior visited her mother Sunday. Tho ninth grade of the h'g'a school had a half holiday Monday. Rev. Hutchins, tho now M. K pastor, will preach Sunday morning. Boit Hatfield camo down from Omaha to spend Thanksgiving. Miss Georgia Gard came up from Superior to spend Thanksgiving. Mormvillo's Perfection Hair Tonic for sale at Schaffnit's barber shop. Miss Mabel Gravo went to York Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving. A. B. Rohror and B. E. Negly of Canton, III., aro tho guests of D. 11. Whiltaker. Ivan Dickenson has left tho employ o( IheB. & M. at McCook and returned to Red C.oud. The twelfth giadoof the high school rendered an excellent program Tues day afternoon. Miss Nello Warren left Tuesday for Tacoma, Wash., where she will visit with Mrs. Lois Holdbn. Cut prices on portraits until Nov 21. Don't delay leaving that order for C hristmas. Argnbright. E. O. Scott is a now brakeman on tho Red Cloud-Orleans divisipn and will make his home in this city. D. J. Myers and family will soon re movo to Boulder, Col., where thoy ex poet to make their future home. ir you tako your photograph to Argnbright, in tho Totter block, it will bo enlarged light and bo "made in Rod Cloud." It adds spico tc dreary lifc.cncouragps tho human heart, lifts ono ..out of de spair, breaths now life and confidence. Thats what Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 conts. C. L. Cutting. fifty Years ihe Standard &Ynifefi ?2&r if: " BAKING POWMR Liglit harness at Joo Fogel's. Lew Walters U lioino .from Donvor. Mis. l)ald Motrison is homo f i cm Iowa. John Tul'oys was In Guide tho first of tho week. Cream white Henrietta, 85c per yard. F N'nwhouse. Mrs ,7 dm Rjberlsm left Monday night for Denver. Try Ward Hayes for a tlrst class shave or hair-cut. Mrs. Thomas Eiuiith has returned f i oin a visit in Illinois. George Iladell camo in otT tho road to spend ThnnksgUing. Tho Nation has changed to a semi weekly, nil homo print. See .Too Fogol for anything in tho harness or saddleiy line. Leon Marsh ennui down from Krar nuy to spend Thanksgiving. Tho Knlgliis of I'jthlas gave a danco at tlit ir hall Weilncsd ty night. Mis It. A Howard is visiting her daughter Mabel in atromhorg. O'liuk sorviro and lb'st class work is tho motto nt S.'hnffnit's harbor shop. Miss Josiio Duoker eanio down from Alum to spend Thanksgiving nt homo. Ed Dyor camo homo from Denver S.iturday for a visit with his parents nnd ft lends. J Q. Potter cimo in from Colorado last S ttui day for a visit with relatives and old fi lends. Mrs. J. M. Sf'llnrs and son Linn leavo for Moulder, Col., tonight to spond tho winter. Tho llncst nssoitmont of protiy frames ever shown iu Rod Cloud. Argabtight's studio. Chas. Muhngen of Chicago, formerly manager of tho Chicago Clothing storo in this city, was in Rod Cloud this week. Dr. Riddilo of Hastings who makes frequent trips to Red Cloud, was mar ried in Hastings Wednesday to a Miss Faxon. Miss Emmaline Warren, who has been visiting with her parents, re turned Tuesday to hor homo in Wash ington, la. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Overing and daughter Lillian left Sunday for San Dirgo, Cal., whero thoy will reside in the future. Tho littlo son of Will Galbralth lost a linger yesterday by having it acci dentally cut off. Dr. Croighton dressed tho wiund. J. W. Wallin left Wednosday morn ing for Texas, having received a telo giam announcing the death of his son, C. G. Wullin. Dr. J. C. Mosshart of Lincoln, spe cialist in diseases of the eye, ear, and throat, will bo at Dr. Klines' ollice on Thursday, December 10. Rev. Hauptmann of the Congrega tional chuich has inatiguaratodaEOties of cottage prayer meetings which will coutlnuM during tho winter months. Mrs. Frank Tennant and sin Charles have gone to Denver, where Charles is attending reboot. Mr. Tonnant whl also go to Denver in tho near future. The supreme court commissioner! have sustained the validity of tho new revenue law. The matter his yet to bo passod upon by the supreme court Prof. Steidly, Held secretary, and Miss Mamie Hines, a primary worker for the State Sunday School Associa tion, will be here next Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Fredonburg, who has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Levi Moore, and hor sisters, Mrs. Alden and Mrc Douglass, roturned to her home in Iowa today. Cnarley Uarber drove over from Ksbou, Kan., a distant o of 25 miles, Tuesday to see if he could get a load ot haul co il, a there was muo to bo had in bis locality. The quail and prairio chickon open toaion clones on the 30th of this month. Persons who shoot quail and prairio chickens after that date art liable to hoavy penalties. Mrs. C E Itoborts, Sin Francisco, Cal.: Wquld not not bo with Ricky Mountain Tea in our homo. It's a groat family remedy. Makes and keeps us well. C L. Cotting. Al Rerd camo down from Bladen Tuosday and brought a load of house hold goods for Charlos Fit., win will move to Red Cloud ami will enter tho service of tho B. & M. It's like a "dip in tho fountain of youth." Touctioj tho cheek so gently that "youth lingers on tho faco of old age." That's what Rocky Mountain Toa does. 35 conts. C. L. Cotting Ward Hayes will horoafter run three chairs iu bis barber shop, Ralph Van Cloef, who formerly worked for him, has returned to Red Cloud and will occupy his former position. 820 Acros One of tho best farms in Webster Co., $27 per acre, long titno on part paymont. Owner bankrupt; must bo sold. Box 108, Rud Cloud, Nobr. fob. 18. lloilgo and hor pupils. Aftor tho en tcrtaiumont the baskets were sold, tlid proceeds nmouiitii g to $35 30. Tl o money received will go toward an or gan f ir the school. The G. A. R. nnd W. R. C. tako this method of thanking nil tlioso who took part in their entertainment, mid also the public for their liboral donations for tho nipper nnd llielr pitionage. The supper and ontertnininont given by the G. A. R nnd W. R C atPottei's hall last Satin day night was well at tended and about ?50 was indued, which will go toward tho soldiers' moniitueiit fund. A. B.Piercp.wlio ncently returned to this city fioni (Jaiiu'tt, Kan., has pur chased a half Interest in the real estato business of D.J. Myers. Ho has also purchased Mr. Myers' mhlnneo prop erty nnd will occupy it as soon at Mr. Myeis vacuNB it. Next Wednesday evening a series of revival into Inps will bo commenced at tho KpUopiil chuich, to last for a petiodof ten days or longer. Rov. 0,io. A. Hi'oclu r of Kearney will ussist Rev. J. M. Bates in ihu woik. Every- bodi is cordially invited to attend. Red Cloud 13,'muc Hill 0. Rod Cloud won an ovy victory fiom Blue Hill on the gridiron j Oiturday. A largo and enthusiastic crowd witnessed tho g imp, which was a rather one sided affair after tho early pait of tho first half. Red Cioud kickodoff lirst. Swerzy caught tho ball and carried it to Ditto Hill's 25-yard lino, whero bo was down ed by Jeffrie Rod Cloud got the bnll on downs, but was iinnblo to gain tho necessary live yards. Tho ball changed hands throo times within a radius of ten yards, neither side boln able to mako good gains. When Red Cloud linally had tho bull on Ditto Hill's 20 yard line, Captain Garbor stopped back and attempted a drop kick for goal Blue Hnl touched tho ball and it foil behind the goal posts with Jilmcs on top of it, scoring a touch down for Red Cloud. Garbor tuis'od goal. Score, Red Cloud 0, B. H. 0 Tho balance of tho tirst half was a series of line bucks and short end runs, neither sldo boing able to gain and with tho ball In Blue Hill's territory all of the time. In tho second half Blue Hill kicked off and the ball was returned to her 35-yard line. Bluo Hill got the ball on down, but was pushed back on every attempt to get through Red Cloud's lino. Red Cloud got tho ball on B.ue Hill's 10-yard line and Qiirber was sent throug tho lino for a touchdown and kicked an easy goal. Giirber kicked off and Koehlor Warm Hearted listers ifc obliged to JrflV Are here waiting for the man who is be out of doors during severe weather, Our Zero Collar, Ulizzard-l'roof Ulster is no mistake the best Overcoat on the market. $10.00, $12.00 and $13.50. Cheviots and Frieze made with wide collars and all the comfort attachments known to the art of Ulster making. Ulster prices, iMprovis thi flavor ind adds te tbt hialthfutniss tf tha food. ., rmoK BAKINQ POWDKH oo. ' CHIOAOO Last Friday evening tho school bouso in district 41 was tho sceno of a fostivo occasion. Tho ntidionco was p'oasnnt ly ontortained for over an hour with music, rocitatious, etc., by Miss Laura Avoid Typhoid Fever By having a new well put down and cased with a heavy galvan ized tube, made by us in any size, diam eter, of heavy iron something that will last a lifetime and be a source of comfort and health. We have PUMPS That work easily and give satisfaction; also pipe in any size or quantity at the right t prices to interest you. A pump complete with cylinder .for $4.00 Good, heavy goods and properly fitted. Galvanized Iron and Wood Water Tanks carried in stock. Let us fit you out with a complete outfit. MORHART BROS. Hardware Co. $4.50, $5, $6, 87. $7.50, $8, $8,50, $ $9, $10, $12, $13.50. m m m m m Ml Red Cloud, Neb. m The best Boys9 Overcoats for an even $5.00 you ever saw. Plenty of nice Suits to go under them. THE COWDEN-KALEY CLOTHING CO., YOUR CLOTHIERS. vM First Door North of Postof flee, w sssa-ar caught the bull mid h.'hl it for a fieo kick. By aseiios of short gains Red Cloud carried tho ball to Bluo Hill's 10 yard line, when Hluo Hill made n totiohhack and tho score wus 13 to 0 in favor of Red Cloud. Tho teams lined up tor tho linnl struggle. Red Cloud gradually gained ground on ond rum, and nt tho 30 yard Hue Garbor e-swyed another diop kick for goal, but missed it, and tho game ended with tho score 13 to 0 in favor of Rod Cloud. lIDSnd ffRONS 8000 1000 Real Estate Transfers. Tramfors for week ending Wednos- day, November 25, furnished by ,T. H. Bailey of Webster County Abstract company. J H Milton and wife to Mariba E Olmsted, wd, n2 nwl and n2 n4202 12 3000 Edna E Coates to H Elizabeth Coates. wd, sw4 31 8 12 Mary Redden to Stephen F Reddon, wd, lot 1G, block 1, Vance's add to Guide Rock... Mariba E Ulnuted and wifo to Jacob II Miltan, wd, lots 20, 21 and 22, block 11, Smith & Moore's add to Red Cloud .... Edith L McKeighan to Lois E MeKeighan, wd, lots 17 to 20, block 15. Red Cloud 1500 State of Nebraska to Andrew Stroh, deed, ne4 30 4 10 1120 O F Moranville to C T Ely, wd, b.kG, Talbot's add to Guido Rock 000 Win O Southwick to Jennie E Campbell, wd, lot 7, block 0, Guide Rook 25 Guide Rock Cemeteiy lo LI) Thompson, wd, lot 1, blk DO, Guido Roo cemetery 12 John A Bat ber and wife to Ed ward D McCuno. wd, w2 iw4 342 11 C V Gund and wife to Chris J Blerhaus, wd, si4 15 4 12 3200 Mariba E Omitted (and husband to A A Ronkol, wd, d2 ne4 and u2nw4 2G 2 12 David M Hunter and wifo to Cuas W Kaley, wd, sw4 5 2 0 . . Find tft watch fob! In vogue. Tn fashion pabers proclaim its wear ana in rasnianaoie centers It 19 uni versally worn . Th dainty beauyjtf Simmons WatcK Fobs appeals to the eye and their moderatt prices to inepurav. Tut filaM Art nnd beauty are are prominent in every bit of cut glass wo have. Tho price is modornto enough so that it is not prominent. Como in and look ovor our assortment. NEWH01SE BROS., tttt444 INSURANCE Ir I Ovr XA Million DOLLARS jj DAMAGE in Adnmsjjcounty, May21tb. 30C0 3000 3500 Jeweler and Optician Red Cloud, Nek. For iirst-class Insurance, cull on or address O.C. zero cloud. Nm. fmif(HI4fllllllM ft ft (to ft m 1 i J Total 123551 Moitsfflges filed $1000. Mor.'gages relcas ti $2700. Dolnjs of the County Board. Too county coinnii&sionm wero'.iu session lifct week nnd tinus.icted routine business. Ollioinl bonds of a number of road ovirsoors, justice of llni peace, con stable s and tho following county oillcors wero appoved: E. S. Garbur, county clerk; Geo. W. Hutchison, clerk of tho district court; J. A Me Arthur, sheriff, nnd A. II. Keeuey, county judge. The claim of J. 1. II tlj v.is reduced from $28 25 to $25.25. Claim of I. W. Edson was reduced from $14 45 to $7.45. The consideration of tho road peti tion of A. RoaU and others was con tinuod until the noxt mooting of tho board. The bridge petition of Elzj Piorpont and others wa rejected. Tho board voted to purchase tho surveying Instruments owned by J. W. Tulleys upon their approval by T. E. Penman and R. W McCillum, the pur chase prk'O to bo $80. m The Soldiers' Monument. Tho citizens of Tablo Rock have oiotcd a 8100 nirnum"nt to- their soldier dead, nud it will bo dodicatcd on December 5. Tho old coldiers of Red Cloud are making a strong effort in the same direction, and should receivo the hearty support of everyone who has any regard for the men who fought to preserve the Union, 'ihe veterans, as a rule, are not men of wealth, and can Ill-afford to bear the expense of this undertaking alone. There are enough wealthy man in Red Cloud to build a dozen $.100 monuments and never miss tho money, but for some unknown reason they decline to "loosen up." If the contributions to this fund oontinuo to como in as slowly ai thoy have up to date, fow of the old soldiers will bo alivo t assist at the dedication of tho proposod monumeut. 1. 0. 0. F. Officers. Friday night Websioc Encampment No. 25. Patriarchs Militant, eleo'.cd ollicersfortho ensuing yearns follows: Chiof P.itriiuoh Geo. II. Orering. High Prirsl Ernest Welsih. Senior Warden P.ml Storey. Treasurer Jotoph Fogel. Tiiistous E 11. Niwhoiise, A. J. Moans and U. W. Turnuro. Mother Gray's Swttt Powdr$ for Children. Successfully mod by Mother Gray, nurso in the Children's Home in New York, cure foverishness, bad stomach, teething disordors, movo and regulnto tho bowels and destroy worms. Over 39,000 testimonials. They never fail. At all druggists, 253. Sample free. Ad dross Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. 12 4. i R ED CLOUD WBBSTMR COUNTY NEBRASKA ? EII ( -AND-, X I FARM LOANS I Somo of the finest farms and r city property in Webster Coun- J ty, Nebraska, for sale. Pricos X ( ruuglng from $15 to $25 por acre. ( I J. P. HALE, ) f Red Cloud, Nebratka. ? lorsTE-wsl I IN EVERY BTYLE. ' I Farm 1mm. I bavo just prepared myself to mako farm loans at a low rate of loterett either in Jowell, Smith or Webster counties; can pay off at any time. J. II. Hailky, Red Cloud, Notice N. W. A. December 3, is our regular meeting of eiinip, and oloetinn of nllloerd. A full attendonco is riquestcU. By order V.C. Tho Bon Ton Is propared to sovo Oistors in ovory htylo on short notico. All kinds of Hot Drinks for cold weather served at the soda fountain. Catering for parties and dances, The Bon Ton W. S. BENSB, Proprietor. a Growing Children 4 SHOULD BAT S ! WrlEATLET Sold In 21b. pckge by all leading Grown. aiitB 3 L JilliJUV. .vfc i.Vi Jl U& i &'. ' vfrrTM A ' '