J ! ! ):! ( 1 1 ; THE CHIEF nED CLOUD, NEBTlASKA. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. P. C. Piiaiies, Editor. SUIlSCBtl'TlON KATES. OQB yfiAT... ...l limotun IMMIKl lino Bntored t tno pout offlco at Hod Cloud. N'eb.ai eoondnlnMianll matter. advkhtisi.no katks: Fiiriilnticd on Hipllcntloti. TELEPHONE, SEVEN -' TWO Nebraska's senators captured committee ehulinianshlps. Hvo MeHolidjjy Sonntor Dietrich still maintains his innocence and declares Unit public trlnl will roiiiplotoly exonerate him. It Unbuilt time for tlio Good Uoads Association to vido up, ir anything U to bo done boforo bad weather sots In. Tlio lecepthm accorded Mr. Hi. van In England should bo gratis ing to alt Nobraskans regatdloss of political af filiations. Tlio validity of tlio now revenue law has boon sustained by tho supremo court commissioners, with tlio excep tion of tlio clauses relating to foreign insurance, companies. It is rumored lu eastern society cir cles that Miss Alice Roosevelt, daugh ter of tho Presldont, Is to marry Arthur Iselln, son of C. Oliver Iselin, the famous yachtsman. Senator Morgan i9 still harping on tlio subject of tho Nieatagua canal. Ho joins tho Colombians in accusing tho United States government of fos tering tho Panama revolt. Hoports from Washington indicate that United States Distiiet Attorney W. S. Summors will continue to hold his otllco, at least until after the Dietrich case 1ms been disposed of. Congressman Burkott's senatorial Imotn is assuming largo proportions, and should tho members of the legis lature be as liberal with tholr votes as the newspapers aro with their support, his election will be unanimous. Tlio rapidity with which tho reports of strained relations between Ktissia and Japan aro received and denied Is only equalled by tho slowness of tho Russians in carrying out tholr prom ises regarding tho evacuation of Mau-churia. Senator Now hinds' resolution invit ing Cuba to como into tho Union as a stato, Porto Rico to form n county of tho stato of Cuba, is taken seriously by no ono lu tills country and is tho cause of much mirth among tho Porto Ricnus. r?j-i vf? Wz$ ?yi TK " ames 6o different games all new ono in each package of Lion Coffee at your (Iroccr'n. one man to block legislation by ob jecting to a measuio coining to a vote is pernicious and should be abolished. Just because Senator Morgan's pet measure, the Nicaragua canal bill, has been pigeon-holed by tho senate com mittee on lutcr-occanic canals, should not give him the light to delay action on other important matters. d tribute American tlio most who ever day, was jealousy With a tri-weekly, two soml-wceklies and a couple of weekly papers, Hod Cloud would seem to bo fairly well) supplied with nowspapers Howovor, tlio fools aro not all dead, and it is not altogether unlikely that some follow with more money than souse will soo in Red Cloud a Hold for a daily uowsj paper. It is hinted that Mark Hauua's re mark concerning tho position of a cer tain plcturo on tho walls of his otllco was misquoted. Ho hid not say "bo- tweou tho pictures of Rosewater and McKlnley," but "between tho pictures of McKlnley and Roosevelt." Someone was evidently endeavoring to "jolly" Editor Rosewater of tho Boo. Tlio game law passed at tho session of 1000 protecting quail until Novem ber 1 of tills yoar was a wise moasure, as is shown by tho largo inereaso in tho number of quail to be seen in a trip through tho country. The quail season closes on tho 110th of this month and w 11 not again be open until November I of next year. Tho vuto on tho Cuban reciprocity bill will go over to tho tegular cessoin ofCongiess. Tho absurd rule of the United States Senate which permits AjerVj Tardy Justice to Paul Jones. Senator Lodge's resolution to pro vide f r the discovery of tho gravo of John Paul Jones and mark It with a lilting monument is a bclnt to tho most remarkable of naval commandors if not daring tight r on tho sea lived Paul Jono", in ids own crushed and impoverished by in tlio naval department. After winning, under tho most ad-vor-o circumstance, tho most brilliant victoribs ever gained on tlio seas, ho was forcod to turn to Franco and t Russia sor recognition John Adams of Massachusetts ap pears to have beon bittorly opposed to Jones, characterizing him as ambitious and intriguing nnd referring to him as a foroiguor from tho south (Virginia), arrogating to himself tho merit that belonged to Now Englnud sailors, and tho influences exerted by Adams wore sufllclont to doprivo tlio greatest of the lighting sailors of tho revolution of tho honors ho had won. Franco voted Jonos a gold nnd jew oled hllted sword for his niBguiflrout services for tho American colonists, but tlio colonists thomsolves gave him nothing but envy and uegloct. Seems tragical, doesn't it? But it seems to bo typical of tho naval department Tho gallaiit Do cattir shitrod a little bettor fute. Com modore Truxton of tho Constellation was court martlaled. Admiral Schley but overybody romombors how pub lic opinion alono saved him from be ing damned by olllcial envy nnd malice. But Jonos, in spito of tho olllcial ban, has lived in tho hearts of the Amorirau people Every schoolboy rovols in his memory today, while the olllcial favorites who crowded him down aro forgotten. Is It not ou rocord tha overy one of tho thirteen federal ships was cap tured by tho British, while Jones was tho only one of tho Amerlcau com mauders who galnod any victories on tho sea during tho war for Independ ence, all the other distinguished ma rine exploits being achioved by privateers? Llttlo wondor that his memory was not buried with him lu h s obscure grave and that olllcial envy could not effectually cloud his glorious career! Tho Am rican people lovo fair play They look beyond tho gold braid and tho padded reports for leal heroism. And now, 110 years aftor Paul Jouos died In a strange land, in obscurity and poverty, a Now Knglaud senator pro poses that a monument bo built to ids memory Well, no monument is n eoed to at test Paul .limes' greatness But lot us I build ono in attest to the world our appreciation and our worthiness t f him. Let it be a monument not only to him but to oursolves His immortal fame is safe without It. But our senso of justice and fairness needs some most substantial manifestation tell him how you wcro Into at tho ot llco several times nnd so lost out, al though it was entirely the fault of tho unruly alarm clock Don't tell him that you have a habit of sending in wotd that you are sick and can't work every tinio you have a bit of cold or pain lu your stomach. I If you do, he'll bo bored, nnd lin'll set you down as a living, walking hoo doo a man that ho doesn't want about tho place. You'll do well to conceal your faults and register an In ward vow to duo them. j No, tnko oir your hat there is noth ing but courtesy lu the action look the man straight in tlio eye and tell him what you know you can do. Tell him you want an opportunity to show that you can deliver tho goods. An swer his questions truthfully and lei him know that at heart you arc a tiuo man, And don't teaso. When ho says "No!" It, Is time for you to get out. You can always go again, you know. You can keep on applying for that position, and it is almost certain that you will land in some capacity mid tho coveted chance will bo yours. Remember, tho whlnor Is a beggar. Ho may get alms, but seldom consider ation or respect, and rarely a position. There aro mighty fow employers who will not glvo a frank, decent, aggress ive and courteous young man a hearing. Overcoat Pleasures These Kuppenhoimcr Overcoats are real pleasures. It's a pleasure to buy them. It's a pleasure to sell them. It's a pleasure to look at them. It's a pleasure to put one on. It's the greatest pleasure to wear them. If you haven't tried a Kuppenheimer overcoat you haven't really known overcoat excellence. They cost a trifle more than the no-name cheap kinds, and about one-half as much as tailor-made. Our showing of the new fall styles will educate and please you. If you buy them they'll please you more. Bcckwilh, Wescott 8 Storey mmA m L. WJMir VAlV' fVPpfi'? l'r We know what all good doc tors think of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doc tor and find out. He will tell Cherry Pectoral you how it quiets the tickling throat, heals the inflamed lungs, and controls the hardest or coughs. ,r Ajcr't Cherry Pectoral U well known lu our family. W e think It It tha butt moJicluo In the world for rouchi and coldt." Kati l'iTKitON,l'eu!um, Cl. 5V..Sic..fl W. J.CaYKRCO. All druifnUU . l.owi.11. Miti Don't Be a Vihlncr. A writer in tlio Saturday Evening Post tolls of an applicant for a jhisI ttou who approached a politician and detailed at length ids misfortunes and troubles, after tho politicl m had al ready given him a promise of employ ment. Tho politician withdrew his promise and said: "1 don't want you. 1 nover biro hard luck people, and especially the kind who talk about It." Thoro is some hard senso in that The Machlnc-Madc World. Tlio conviction seems to bo general, and justified, that this is soon to be come a world of machinery Indeed, it has become such to a marvelous extent alroady, as regards all essential affair-, from tlio manipu lation of politics down to the sowing on of buttons If tho progress of invontion in tho last 100 years bo any indication, no strained imagination is rcqttirod to soo that Hying machinos will some day bo as common as oibs aro now, that books and newspapers will .bo super seded by machines of tho telephonic nnd phonographic species, and that the human anatomy, by distiso of tho physical and dovolopment of tho men tal, will ovolvo a mero brain box. It Is to bo supposed that it will be a world in which everything will bo so perfectly ordcrod that It will run liko a well-oiled machine Thoro will, of courso bo no poverty and no crime, and overybody will be supremely comfortable And uuspoakably bored. Strange isn't it? how wo madly strive for mechanical inventions to secure us further ease, and thou, for our happlnos, revel in the memories of our early days, when these things woro unknown and life was sweetened and glvou meauing by hardships and privations. What priuco of wealth, with all tho now-faugled machine comforts that money can command, does not look back to his boyhood days ou tho farm with tho samo warm corner Ly the kitchen stove in tho fall, as tho only titno of g'-nnlne, sou'-sat sfying com fort lu all his successful life? For romance that api eals to the heart do we not turn to tho rich old days of stage coaches and tallow can dles, of tho spinning whool-and tho hoe and tho sioklo? l'hero Is little doubt that the man who can imagine the machine made world of tho future would rather die than live in It A world where everything is combin od and used for some coldly practical end, where the stimulus of want and ambition does not exist, where plea sure, not being productive, is of course unkuown, nnd where science has total ly eclipsed romance would not such a world bo very soon peopled excluslvel) by lunatics? m A Curious Interpretation. Ex-Senator W. V. Allen, according to newspaper interviews, does not re gard tlio Nebraska election as a dofeat for the populist party, but purely and simply a setback for tho democratic p irty. Tho ox senator, howovor, does not discloso tho mental processes by which ho arrives at tills conclusion, mid his reticence on this phase of tho matter Is prudent. The broad fact is, of course, that tho election is a tre mendous defeat both for the populists and democrats of Nebraska. They were tiultad; they were fused; they made common cause; they supported the samo ticket as fusionists. As fu- slonlsts they woro signally tlefeated by tho iepublicatis. But an even more slugtilnr expres sion of belief on tho part of tho ox senator, that tho Nebraska populists, whilo supporting separate and antag onistic national tickets will noxt year fuso ou stato aud local tickets. It would thus appear that fusion or antl -. . - - - lug ou what the populists may do tin dor Mr. Bryan's manipulations. Lin coln Daily Star. Atchison Globe Sl&hts. How often you hear a man say: wasn't my fault." It If tho people of this country want liberty, tlioy'd hotter move. ATopoka Birdio is tryiug to wipe out tho pa-t by signlug hor namo Birdenia. An Atchison fool Is so intensely dlsa areeablo that no confldonco mnn will talk to him long enough to rob him. When a woman begins to speak of herself as "We mothors and sisters," hor family wants to look out for her. Ono of tho proudest young men in town has reason to be proud. Ho is supporting his mother, and is doing it it well. Most of the wood Mlssourians aro delivering in Atchison Is not four feet long: but we havo to take it, or get licked. We will agreo to tako auy patent modioino that will cure that tired feel ing superinduced by rtadlug of the Fair estate. There seom to bo two extremes and no medium to this rugbuslnsss; either the dust must remain in a rug or it is shaken to piecos in getting it out. There aro no more serious scandals , at any time in Atchison thaa that one woman kept too long the preserving kettle she borrowed from her neigh bor. We have notlred that the very poor, hose incomes are so limited as to no comitate old clothes, never give a tackoy party as their form of amuse ment Our heart goes out to the Congrega tionalists: When they advertise, they have to pay for a whole line every time they use the word "Congrega-tionalists." Instead of letting a conceited man run along iu his miserable way, every one ho comes iu contact with should glvo him both barrels. A few weeks of this trea ment would cure him. '1 hero are lots of pangs iu mother life. Ono is when tho baby's foot bo gins to get large, aud is no longer a baby's. Thero isu't anything liner than tho prldo parents tnko in tholr children, or nnvthlnff moro pitiful when tlio childicu don't deserve it. An mini' rried man perhaps may think that tho greatest thing iu tho world is lovo, but tho battle scarred vetorn of matrimony thinks it Ispeaco When a stranger calls on us wo nover drag him around and lutroduco him to tho 'business men." A stranger nover likes It and the business mon don't liko It. f When flgS5gxJlgHik. i yu Mn!ru33uZ3999y Have a flnEBsSv When You Have a Cup of For Sale by R.obinsorv S Burden WHITE3 HOUSE grocers Moch. COFFEE Java with your breakfast. It has a flavor that's all its own you don't get it in any other brand. 4 It is told by all rroccrs tn I and a-pound cant only. Packed and acalcd by utand guaranteed full weight. DWINELL-WBIGHT CO., Boston. BUTCHERS. TELEPHONE Winter is Coming and you will want a warm pair of SHOES. I have what you wan in either Ladies' or Men's sizes. Warm Shoes Felt Slippers All sizes, extra large or extra small. Now is the time to buy your Arctics. I have now a larger stock of Arties, Rubber Boots, German Socks, etc., than I ever had before. I make a specialty of extra large sizes of SHOES sizes up to ii, 12 and 13. He Diederlch, TRADERS LUMBER CO. DEALER IN Lumber and Coal, BUILDING MATERIAL, ETC. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. Hard Coughs IMMMaMMMMMawflMMHEaBw Ono of Ayer's Pills at bodtlmo will hasten recovery. Gently laxative. An Atchison girl is so away up in the world that she finds fault, with tho meals ou a diuing car. Heretofore a meal on a dining car has been regard ed by Atchison people as an event. Nonsense rhymes have bocome tl re- uVj,, SAY, niSTER! fusion is a matter of "prluclple," so There Is something for the young men J fnr as the populists nro concerned, who search for employment to think Or is It possible that this Is tho ex-. about. A smile is an asset for the senator's interpretation of Mr. Bryan's man with ambltlou aud do3lro to do J design for the coming yoar.wheroln something. Tho tear and tho whluo ' bo will himself bo fouud within tho ro should bo left to tho professional beg-! organized democracy? He may reason gur. that lie would thus be ablo to lead a When you want a nlaco and have largor number of his populist follow- ronehert tlm mini uim hires, don't ' lowers over Into tho democracy by ' SOmo but hero is a good ono: Thero bother him with tho story or your past maintaining local fusion, although a j was a young man or Clyde, who at a life. Don't tell him how you vero'separnto populist national ticket woro funeral was espied. When nskod who forcod to work for ?7 a week aud lo-t nomlted. is dead? "I don't know," he said. "I your job beeauso of favoritism. Don't' It Is likely ex"-Seuator Allen is llgnr- only came for tho ride." Do you know that it will pay YOU, as woll as US, to buy your Building Ma. torlal antl Coal at ouryards? Not only that our prlcos average lower, or at least as low, as thoso of our competit ors, but because wo tako especial caro of nnd protoot all can be olassod as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. PL ATT eft FREES CO. Coal, Lumber, mmmwmwmmwwwwifiiftifiiwmmmlfiwifiw ( c- - I c- fr fr I Kfps the Feet'Warm and Dry. Ask todHy for Allen's Foot-Kuso, a powder. It cures chilblain, swollen, sweating, soie aching, damp feet. At I all druggists and shoo storep, 25u, 12 4 To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tab lots. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signa ture U on each box. 23e. A I EM di 1' , ii-";. .L i$L V'J.V- lv4v .... ii Mi to - - lilT imii Td'fa.iMi - i ''iT i n aaf ah a Ma a1tMaffilfaaaaaaBfcaMhihm lMaalaaaM niii mmmt a I ! laaMiMWUll it i ii laaai Tin llaaWiW rnmTIIMTB Twill iMiJMaailalfcai i . I. . K. t '. 2SsWtsWKkswlUsmMswBsmswswsWkWswK vHw" " iaaiaMPyBBSiBMlgwc'i mmsWmikWnmaffBmkW