The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 27, 1903, Image 2

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Red Cloud Chief.
nun cloud.
Minn Ooolot gotB 11,000,000 worth of
lft. "Thorn n lian gift."
Trust rcctpo: To a lnrgo lunotint of
water Add it llttlo stock nnd norvo hot.
Any girl baby horn on tho IsthtniiH
now In eligible iih n Daughter of tho
Lou Dillon iiiiikI have qlilto nn car
for music, iih iiho bents I lino with
uronl regularity.
From prom.'nt Indications II will
tnho Mr. Hurry Lohr a long tliuo to
llvo himself down.
In cnnoH wlicro tho HohIoii iiiiiii
"nlilvorn with apprehension," tho Chi
cago inmi "throws n lit."
All tho world lovos n lover mid
especially tho Inllor who makes u po
t'lnlty of croiiiiliig IroiiHcm,
A literary connplrncy between r
NIcholnH mid King Onear limy ho
looked for. Doth write poetry.
Tho U. H. marines tiKt'd cotton bales
for bulwarks down nl Colon, JiiHt iih
If cotton didn't com anything this mm
non. Duchess Mny rnn toll tho other lrlrt
to no nod get thoin n tluko apiece bo
foro thuy criticize her tiiHto In core
uotn. llownro of emptying tho contents of
tho rold water pitcher on tho pot
pooiltn. It IuiiiIk to litigation and no
toriety. A loarned Nclentltle man nayH that
tho earth will last at leiiHt 100,000,000
yearn longer nnd doubtless ho tlilnlui
ho Uno wn.
It docHn't worry a girl nearly
much to ho courted hy the wrong man
tin It doos not to bo courted by tho
right uinn.
Tho Philadelphia dog who lnlfitoolt
n ntlek of dynaiultn for u bono will
novor bo caught doing that foolish
thing again.
Tho poBtonico at Schuyler, N. Y
linn boon destroyed ly llro. Wo nro
not Informed whether ll caught trom
u lovo letter or not.
You can't east off troubles like laht
yoar'H garments. You lmvo to dip them
out from tho tnsldo or your brain for
that Is whero they arc.
A Denver mnn eloped tho other day
With tho hired girl. It wan a menu
trick to play on hl:i wife, with girls
as scarce as they aro at present.
Just ns wo wero boeoming proflclcnt
with tho Jnwbroaklng namen from tho
far cast (ilium: eonum a fresh variety
of tongue twlstorn from South Amor
lea. D. M. Parry is afraid this republic
Is going to Btunsh. Wo would re
Hpectfully prescribe for Mr. Parry a
brisk walk, a shower bath and a good
rubbing down.
A year or two ago J. Plorpont Mor
gan was supposed to hold a mortgage
on tho earth, hut It looks now ns If ho
had lost tho document, beforu lie had
time to foreclose.
Onr champion football team should
challongo tho Hungarian diet for a
gamo after tho season Is over. Judging
from their trainlug tho two bodies
should bo well matched.
Prizefighter Corhott says that foot
ball is too rough for him. "Wh, in
this game n man hasn't a chance to
defend himself," ho adds. Nut what a
lovely clinnce ono has to hlug ouc's
It's curious how moderate an ex
pense n dollar a day for drinks seems
when you pay it out In quarters, and
how extortionate a water tax bill of
$24 for n year when you pay it out In
n lump sum.
It is a wonder that no great finan
cier has thought of tho possibility of
organizing tho eligible noblemen of
Kuropo Into a trust nnd forcing Amer
ican heiresses to get their coronets at
mouopoly prices.
Tho Now York Sun's editorial on
tho MassachUbCtts supremo court de
cision denying a mnn liberty to get
drunk In his own house Is headed
"Domlclllnry DruuKenness" which
sounds llko Boston.
Schwnb'fl vnlet, dressed In hcllotropo
livery, Is so nttontlvo thnt tho young
millionaire doesn't havo to do any
thing but think. It wouldn't bo sur
prising if ho wore doing a good deal
of thinking Just now, too.
A young mnn was arrested for mak
ing eyes at n young woman In a
Chicago park. Tho fact thnt ho kept
It up for half an hour and that tho
maiden was observing tho animals all
ttho time leads us to suspect that sho
did not notlco tho dlfforonco between
tho insldo nnd the outside of the mon
Key cage.
If n man Is n chronic kicker it
shows in his countenance, nnd he
grows uglier every day. 1-ook nt tho
frog. Isn't ho ugly? And he's always
Wcklns ahout tho water he is in.
Detall3 of Unitod Statos Troaty
Witn Panama
Aa Agreement Vf hlch Mean That Other
Nations Cuiinut Dictate Management
of lathmaulau t'lil
Tho Panama commissioners, Dr.
Amador and Mr. Fredcrlco Doyd, con
ulted MinlHtor Dutinu-Varllla and Mr.
Frank 1). llnvoy of Now York, tho legal
adviser to tho legation now In Panama.
It is iinilri Blood that they read over
tho treaty signed nnd discussed Its
tornui and provlnloiiH In detail. It met
their hearty approval.
Under It tho United StntfB guaran
tees nnd ugroeu to jnalntnln tho Inde
pendence of l'amunu. It l undurstood
thnt thin clause whk Inserted In order
o not at rest all uuoatlotm as to tho
recognition of l'nuamn n nn Independ
ent tuition by tho other govcrnmontn.
Panama grnntB to tho United States
tho perpetual uho and control of a 7.0110
of territory ten iiiIIcb vrldo across- the
IsthmtiB for tho canal, with tho right
to acquire by pttrehaso or by tho ex
ercise of eminent domain any other
landa In Pnnnuin whoroior situated,
which In tho Judgment of tho United
States may bo nccesnary for tho con-
Btructlon of tho canal, the provision of
Its supply of water nnd tho proper
sanitation of tho cities of Panamn nnd
Colon, and other territory adjacent to
tho canal route.
With tho r.ono of territory for tho
canal nnd within the limits of tho
other landa acquired by tho United
States, tho United Stntes will havo tho
came power and authority as If U10
territory wrro ceded to the United
BtatCB and tho republic of Panama will
cease to excrciRo any power and au
thority within that rono. Tho Unitod
Btates tindcrtnkcfl to construct modern
cystoma of Bowers and waterworks for
the cities of Panama nnd Colon and
haa the. right to collect tolls for tho
period of fifty years In order to repay
tho cost of their construction, with In
terest. At Lite end of fifty years the
sowers nnd waterworks becomo the
Property of tho cities of Panama and
Tho republic of Panama undertakes
to compel tho cities of Pannma and
Colon to comply with the sanitary or
dinances of tho United States, and If
they fall to do bo tho united States
haa JLho right to enforce Its rules and
regulations In regard to sanitation.
In addition to there general provi
sions, which constitute tho foundation
of tho treaty, thoro nro many articles
of an admlnlstratlvo character which
provldo for tho exemption of tho ma
terials and supplies for tho construc
tion of tho canal from custom duties
and for tho neutrality of tho canal and
the entrances to It.
Panama Is to receive $10,000,000 nnd
an annual payment of $250,000. begin
ning nlue years from the data of the
Trial of .lenUh .Students a MockrT
Private advices received at Imilon
from Russia unlto In the opinion that
the trial of the perpetrators of the ter-
rlblo massacre of Jews at Klshcneff Is
to bo a mere mockery. According to
official announcement tho trial begins
Boon at Klshcneff. The arrangements
for the trial all tend to show that the
Russian government docs not Intend
light to bo thrown on Its responsibility
In connection with the outrages. The
minister of Justice has ordered that
tho strictest secrecy regarding tho tes
timony shall bo maintained, thus ex
cluding all reporters from the cottrt
toom. No report or the proceedings
will reach tho public except through
official channels, whllo tho Judges will
all be dependents of tho government,
and tho examination of witnesses will
be under tho Influence of tho adminis
trative authorities.
Ouiaha-t.liiroln Suburban Iload Sara Uo
Word has como from Omaha that
construction will begin ot that place
In less than .1 week on the Omaha. Lin
coln & Beatrice Electric railway. It
Is expected that the whole lino will bo
In worktng onlor in less than a year.
Ex-Governor James K. llo)d has been
offered the presidency of the company
but he has not yet decided whether or
not ho will accept It.
It Is the Intention of tho company to
handle both passenger and light
freight, and a fast schedule will be
made between Lincoln and Omaha.wlth
cars leawng every hour. Tho report
comes from Papllllon that a man will
be there some time this week to hire
grading outfits and to push tho pre
paratory work as fast as possible.
Federation of Women' Clnbi Meet
The biennial sessions committee of
the General Federation of Women's
cuius met in st, Louis to raako prep
arations for the meeting to be held
next May ln St. LouU. Committees
were appointed and the work for tho
meeting throughout the week was out
lined. Amonc tho members of the
committee and board of directors now
In the city are Mrs. T. S. Dennlson. of
New "Vork. president; Mrs. Robert J.
Burdette. ot Los Angeles, first vice
president; Mrs. Emma A. Fox, of De
triot, second vice president; Mrs. Win.
T. Coad. of Rapid City. S. D.. record
ing secretary, and Mrs. Emma M. Van
vechton, of Cedar Itapids. la., treas
urer. Will Hot Sand D. R. Troop to Colorado
President Hoosevelt has received a
dispatch from Governor Pcabody of
Colorado, asking that Oeneral Baldwin,
commanding tho department ot Colora
do, be instructed to sunnlv such itrvn
as may be necessary to preserve order
in tho Tellurlde mining district. After
a consultation between tne president
and secretary of war. Governor Pea
body was advised that it did not ap
pear that the resources of the etntn to
keep the pence had been exhausted and
therefore the requtifor troops was
lnenrnblc Taken I" Hasting
Ono hundred and twenty-five lncnr
ablo from tho Inrtnno asylum at Lin
coln wero taken to Hastings over tha
Northwestorn railroad and placed th
Institution for Ineurnblo nt tho latter
city. This Is considered one of tho
most dlfilcutt tniiltn undertaken by ft
railroad In tho Btato because of the
many acldontu that may occur In the
transportation of Incurablo Insane pa
tients. The Inmates wore takon to.tho
Northwestern depot on special carB of
tho traction company and left Lincoln
atatlon on Train No. 8 nt 7 o'clock.
Special coaches were provided and the
railroad company took every possible
Tim Jap anil Itiiaslana Quarreling
A dispatch received at St. Peternbure
from Port Arthur notes n ronowal of
the bellicose tone of tho Japanese pa
pers. It naya Japan's agents appear
to have met with some success In
China, reiterates tho report that tho
Chinese viceroys and govornors hnvo
been Instructed to collect funds and
troops with nil hasto, becauno of the
possibility of 11 rupture of tho diplo
matic relations with Russia and adds
that Bomo of the viceroys hnvo been
ordered to tnko precautionary meas
ures for tho protection of the const,
"so ns to avoid tho mistakes of past
Grand llabn-orr far Lawyers '
Tho Fair heirs continue to occup
a great deal of attention tin the San
Francisco courts and big foes aro still
being paid. Tho following awards of
fees for services to tho Charles Fair
cstato wero made by Superior Judgo
To Joseph Harvey, for money ad
vanrcd to Charles I Fair, and for
services rendered, $112,000; to Charleu
S. Neal, for services rendered, $50,000;
to Captain John V, Seymour, for ser
vices rendered, $25,000.
Rcaldcs these awards the court or
dered that $14,503 bo paid to tho Crock-cr-Woolworth
bank for moneys ad
vanced, and about inty small claims
wero allowed.
Cubans Itnjolra Over Iteolproolty litll
Great satisfaction is expressed at
Havana over tho news that the United
States hottbo of representatives had by
a big majority passed tho bill for reci
procity with Cuba. Recent reports of
the progress of the bill practically re
moved tho more or leas settled nppre
henstou that congress would not carry
out what tho people of Cuba under
stand to havo been due them from the
United Statos.
Mrntt Have 1'ny fur 1'anmnt llnndf
Tho cnunrll of foreign bondholdora
at London has received a communica
tion from Amsterdam raying that the
chamber of conlmcrco thoro will re
quest tltn government of The Nether
lands not to recognize the republic of
Panama until some arrangement Is
arrived at whereby the new republla
assumes an cqultablo share of the Co
lombian debt. The majority of tho
bonds urc held in England and Hoi
land. Nel n Schoul Will let 30O
Superintendent Thompson of the
Nelson schools hnn received a letter
from a Boston art company snylng
thnt Nelson is second in the list of
contestants for tho $300 offered by the
company for tho town sending in the
largest order for pictures. Nelson had
tho company':! exhibit last spring and
secured a largo number of handsomo
pictures for tho school. This number
can bo duplicated It the town keeps
its place in tho list.
Kitty Tlmuianil Sheep In Cold Slurac
A special to tho Denver Post from
Sydney, Neb., says: Passengers on
enstbound Union Pacific trains report
50,000 or more sheep freezing to death
in deep enow drifts north of Cokeville.
on the Oregon Short Line. These"
sheep had been fitimmer grazed in tho
Idaho and Wyoming mountains north
of Cokoville and wero being removed
to the winter ranges of the Hod Desert
in Wyoming when overtaken by the
Natal Architect In Annual McmIob
The eleventh general meeting of the
society of naval architects and marine
engineers was held In New York. Many
interesting papers wero read and dis
cussed, among them being one by C.
H. Hansome on tho design and build
ing ot tho 21,000-ton steamships Min
nesota nnd Dakota. Another paper was
notes on the performance of tho tor
pedo vessels of the United States navy
at sen by Lieutcnaut Floyd II. Chand
ler, U. S. N.
San Doiuleco Inpreguable
Another severe attack has been made
an tho crty of San Domingo without
effect. The rebels had many killed
and wounded, but the government
losses were small. The llrlng con
tinued, tho Insurgents using heavy
cannon. Tho situation thoro Is des
perate. Tho poor aro suffering for
necessities and prices of provisions
are rising. Tho sanitary conditions of
the city, however, are good.
Dynamite Kill Three Mlrhlsander
Ry tho explosion of dynamite in a
burning store at Sharon, Mich., three
persons wero killed and one fatally
injured. The dead'.
Roy Dimes. - v
August Wanglan. . "
William Sharp.
The Injured
George McCIellan. ""
The men were trying to extinguish
the fire.
Thirty-Una TLaborort Killed
Thirty-one men were killed and at
least fifteen Injured in a head-end col
lision between & westbound freight and
a work train on the Big Four railroad
between Mackinaw and Tremont, Illi
nois. Up to the present tlm the
bodies of twenty-alx victims of the
wreck have been taken from the mass
of debris, which Is piled thirty foet
high on the tracks, whila five yet re
main burled unaer a huge pile ot the
broken timbers, twisted and distorted
iron and steel.
Tho Toacher3 of Kansas Enjoy
Considerable Notoriety
Hence Thejr Laugh (Har the Story that
Tbar Carried 8000 Out of OOOO
Hchoul Districts
John MacDonald, editor of the West
ern School Journal, makes a few corn
meats In his paper concerning tho
newspaper fako that went tho rounds
of tho caBtern newspapers a few weekB
ago, stating that the women of Kansas
had organized a secret campaign to
capturo control of tho nnnunl school
meetings in Kansas whllo tho men
woro In tho harvest fields and had
elected women as school officers on tho
issue of doing away with tho alleged
provision of school contracts prohibit
ing teachers from being courted.
It Eccms thnt this story has oven
been taken seriously by soino of tho
educational papers of the cast, and this
Is what calls forth Mr. MacDonald's re
marks. Ho says:
"The unquestioning faith of our east
ern brethren ln newspaper stories fills
im with mirthful emotion, and adds
years to our life. Listen to our crcdu
Ioub brother, tho editor of tho Penn
sylvania School Journal:
" 'The Btato of Kansas Iibb had a
Burprise. . . ; Tho women of this
great state have elected a. majority of
the members of tho school boards ln
tho 2,000 Bchool districts.'
'Kansas has nearly 0,000 school dis
tricts; but let that pass It Ib purely
incidental. Sllonco again, listen:
" The platform on which tho women
conducted their campaign for control
of the schools was kept a secret until
tho day of balloting. It declared for
wiping out tho objectionable provisions
of tho teachers' contracts, which forbid
tho women teachers to receive atten
tions and calls from their gentlemen
admirers during their term of school,
and provide for tho forfeiture of a por
tion of their salaries If the women mar
ry before tho ond of their terms.'
199,000 for Ft. I.eaTetmorth BolldlngS
A telegram received from the war
department Instructs Major D. . Mc
Carthy to award the contract to Vin
cent A. Koliy to construct several new
buildings at Fort Leavenworth. Kan.
They ,wlll coBt $10J 000. The delay in
awarding tho contract after bids wero
forwarded to Washington Is said to he
duo to some changes In the plans for
tho new buildings. Mr. Kelly will
erect a largo officers' rrcsa bulldlne;. a
commissary storehouse, quartermas
ter's storehouse, two double sets of
captains' quarters, five double sets c
lieutenants' quarters, and five small
additions, ono to each of tho cavalry
Etablo to be used as stablo guard quar
ters and workhouse. Mr. Kelly was
not the lowest bidder on remodeling
bnrracks No. 4G, for tho signal corps.
New bids will be received for this.
The ofllcors' mess building Is to be
finished early next summer. All the
new buildings aro to bo completed in
eighteen months. Nearly all the other
new buildings at Fort Leavenworth
are completed, and Mr. Kelly will be
able to get nnd the stono nnd brick
masons nnd mechanics necessary to do
the work without sending to other
cities. Most of tho work now ln prog
ress at the fort is in tho nature of
grading, erecting electric light poles
and digging ditches for the new sew
erage system.
KtIIi ut tlie Vonar of Wealth.
In a sensational statement made In
the Harlem, N. Y., police court Magis
trate Crano denounced the wealthy for
their cold indifference to and disre
gard of poor people. Magistrate Crane
made the statement In holding In $200
bail for trial Jackbon Gouraud on a
charge of runulng an automobile over
the speed limit.
"Tho power of wealth," he said, "is
becoming ono of the grentest evils
ln this country. Men, when they get
rich, have no kindness toward others
as a general proposition, and especial
ly when they aro ln automobiles.
Wealth Is becoming so powerful that
there will have to bo some legislation
enacted to curb It. The state of things
is becoming terrible when rich people
can ride over poor people In the streets
and escape without punishment. Rich
people generally don't care for any
body.' Another Patentee In Trouble
Simpson L. Gedes of Wellington, has
brought suit against E. P. Curry for
$12,000, tho nraount of one-hnlf the
stock of n self-sharpening plow. Geddcs
alleges that Curry conceived tho idea
of tho patont but did not have tho
money to get out tho patent, bo he
gave him one-hnlf interest in tho pat
ent for tho money necessary to secure
it, Geddcs alleges further that the
Curry Plow company was formed pur
suant to an agreement botween them
that Curry should hold one-half of tho
ctoclc for them as partners. Curry dis
posed of the, said stock for $25,000.
Gcddes hns be'en foreman for the Cur
ry Plow company since its organiza
tion. Another Tarlatan Alrnhlp niiaiter.
Tho Lebaudy airship, on descending
sear the ballooning grounds at Meu
don, Franco, struck a tree and blew up.
The whole airship was completely de
stroyed, but the occupants, a pilot and
an engineer, wero uninjured. Mr. Le
baudy was not aboard.
Big- Meeting: of Sallna Oun Clab
At the annual tournament of the Sa
llna gun club the attendance was not
aa large as was expected on account of
the cold weather, which has also had
a tendency to reduce the scores.
W. H. Hcer of Concordia, Kan., won
the high average among the profes
sionals with Charles G. Spencer, of St.
Louis, Mo., a close second. Heer lost
only fifteen targets out of 200. Spen
cer lost nineteen. E. W. Arnold, ot
Larned, Kan., got high money among
the aaaateurs with 21 lost out ot XM.
Yha Government Wilt llo Ankod to Help
The Be"cnteenth annual convention
of the nBuoclntlon of American agri
cultural colleges nnd experiment ata
tions hold In Washington, D. C, camo
to nn ond with tho election of Dr. W. O.
Thompson, president of tho Ohio Btato
university, as president Methods of
teaching ngrlculturo formed, tho topic
of mnny of, tho papers read. The re
port of tho oxccutlvo committee on tho
work of the graduato schools in ngrl
culturo wan mado by Dr. H. C. White.
It suggested that arrangements bo
mado to sccuro tho establishment of
n graduato school In Washliifcti'n 1a
tho summer of 1904. President W. 13.
Stone of Purdue unlvers'ty, Lafnyette,
Ind remarked on the abience in thla
country of tho agricultural engineer,
to whoso credit, ho said, is dun tho
continued fertility ot the farm lands
of Europe.
The convention adopted a resolution
presented by Dr. Ii Hcnjnmtn Andrews
of Nebraska, calling on the committee
having tho matter ln charge to urge n
modification of tho war department or
der abolishing tho fixed five hours per
week requirement for military Instruc
II la rinnllr Killed According- tu Law
at Cheyenne, AVyomlnc.
Tom Hor,n was hnnged nt Cheyenne,
Wyo. No attempt nt rcscuo was mado
and tho execution passed off quietly.
Horn mado uo confesRton and no
speech on tho scaffold. Tho execution
was witnessed by forty porsons includ
ing the guards, friends ot Horn and
newspaper men. Tho spectators wero
admitted to the Jail at 10:45, ono by
one, and searched for tire arms. Men
armed with Winchester rifles stood at
the door watching Horn's friends.
Tom Horn was born in Scotland
county, Missouri, November 21, 1S60.
Ho was a celebrated army scout, Indian
fighter and cattlo detective. Ho was
the scout in charge of tho party that
captured Gcronimo and was chief ot
scouts under General Miles in his Por
to Rico campaign. In 1802 Horn par
ticipated in tho raid against the cattlo
rustlors of Johnson county, Wyoming.
Horn wns a self-educated man. He
spoke German, Spanish, Apache nnd a
number of Indian languages fluently.
I,u te Kaniaa Incorporators
Tho Nelson Morris Packing com
pany has been admitted to do business
in Kansas. It is chartered with a cap
ital Btock of $a,000,000, and with its
subsidiary companies, it paid into tho
state treasury ovor $1,200 In fees.
Tho Topeka Uridgo & Iron Manufac
turing company has also been Incorpor
ated for the purposes of manufacturing
bridges, structural iron work, and to
deal in Iron and steel. It 13 capitalized
at $25,000 and its Incorporators aro Geo.
Skene. P. V. Price, C. O. Knowles, D.
A. Mulvano and W. C. Stephenson.
Another glass company is coming to
Kansas from Indiana. It is tho Pioneer
Flint Gluss company of Coffeyvllle, and
It is organized by Indianapolis parties
with a capital of $::5,000.
Among the church charters Just
granted is one to "The Church ot the
Living God," ot Clianutc.
Other charters Just granted by tho
state charter board nre as follows:
The Pugu Drug and Stationery com
pany of Independence; capital stock,
Tho Morrow-Carney Drug company
of Baxter Springs; capital stock, $5,000.
Tho Farmers' Grain, Fuel nnd Live
Stcck company of Pawnee Rock; cap
ital stock, $10,000.
Tho Groenwood Fair association ot
Eureka; capital stock, $10,u00.
Tho Cromack Drilling .company" of
Chanute; capital stock, $15,000.
Tho Vita company ot Hiawatha;
capital stock, $1,200.
The Ualdwln Telephone company ot
Baldwin; capital stock, $7,000.
Teu Convict " Trial for Alunler
Ten convicts aro to be tried in the
United Stntes clrci-'t court on tho
chafg of murder, they hnvlng taken
part ln the mutiny of the lavenworth
penitentiary when Guard Waldrupo was
Killed. They will be brought to To
peka for trial at the November term of
tho court. The trial of the mutineers
will bo ono of the first mnttera for
Warden McClauphry will t.-.tnsfcr
tho convicts to Topeka ns quietly us
possible, nnd it Is probable an effort
will be made to conceal tho t'.roe of
their arrival at Topeka. Word ban
been received from Texas that Hewitt,
the prisoner who is rerving tim thcto
for horso theft, has been pardoned and
will be rearrested nnd brought back
immediately by tho federal authorities.
Hewitt could not be relcirsod from tho
Texas penitentiary until the govern
or's pardon had been secured.
Senator llauna Haa "Nn Ambition."
After tho Ohio election J. Colno ot
Fort Scott, Kan., au ex-Ohloan, wrote
Senator Hannn urging him to becomo
a candidate for the republican nomina
tion for president. Mr. Coluo received
the following letter from tho seuntor:
"Plcaso uccept my thanks for your
letter of congratulation upon tho re
sult of tho recent election In Ohio.
Whllo I am gratified by that clement
in tho result which might bo considered
a personal vindication, it does not Jus
tify tho claims of ray friends with ref
erence to tho suggestions of my nomi
nation for tho presidency. I havo no
personal ambition to advnnco and my
desire to servo my party constrains mo
to ask my friends not to place mo In
thi embarrassing position which would
result from such a movement."
Saeceiifal Telephoning Trial at Soa,
Naval Designer Zopke ot Berlin, re
ported exhaustively on the uses of the
telephone at sea, before the Shipbuild
ing Tchnical society and exhibited n
new stentorian microphono whereby 11
commanded Is ablo to give audiblo
commander Is able to give audiblo
simultaneously. lit is susceptible to the
same Instrument is ousccptlblo to the
faintest sounds, and experiments aro
being made ln tho detection ot chips
not yet visible by placing the Instru
ment under water.
aw a i
v BV
Fold summer gowns and plac
lit scented, cfdnr cheat.
The uti't-n door v;al.i and kirt.
The hose hikI all th rxt!
Hunt mnlly lliroupti the hou;
For furs and heavy wrap,
BhrtUe ttiulh-lmlhi from the fold
And Hud thi- winter aip!
UiIiik on the thread nnd cloth,
The i;en lug Klrl nnd aheart;
tJcl bUMj- with tho sltift
And (ipuiii your hubby's snetrsl
The time of rnr ha-i emtio
When 111t inn? t upend 11 tot,
1 or uhr-n oti come out now
Your clothed must touch tha upotl
lifw onii I Joke nnd hIiik
Of Uil. llt-hl emei make,
Y hen .veij now my punto
1h MuttdUMl llki; 11 (pan; cilco?
Kimr i'tii;lcs for n hat.
Twelve dollurn for somn hr.ill.
I'll'' e.t!ll l('lt! Ht ten--lloiv
can I fdKlid tho raid?
Six twtntliH for tho Bilk.
A eotiiile mure for hIio'm
Nn wondei thnt 11 mini
N awn nnd i;ets the hlniM.'
fin ifilil tin and luce.
Put llliny thlnuM auay,
Jiit ppoml nnd new and rip,
Anil 1 lh bills will puyl
s r s
Blngs' Wife.
When Mugs nwoku along about 2 In
tho morning, tho beloved wlfo of his.
bosom wnn sitting bolt upright in bccL
clasping her robo do unit affectionate
ly In tho ftont portion.
Rings' better half was Ukowlso
crooning n song Into which sho was
evidently putting her whole soul. To
Dings' listening ear tho refrain 3cnmed
to begin with "Oh! Oh!" in the lower
register and run tho scale spasmodic
ally to an "O h. O h! !"
crescendo that bespoke masterful
mdor. ,
t Accompanying this was a rocking,
rhythmic swinging of tho body to and
fro, In utter oblivion to loosoned slats,,
followed by a mora affectlonnt hug
ging of tho robo do unit at tho afore
Mild region!
Now, a few nights prior, Blngs and
bin wife hud culled on a friend, a phy
sician. "llu careful of your fruit and vege
tables these days." cautioned tho man
of medicine. "Thoro seems to bo
much Illness resultant of eating over
ripe tomutoes, melons, otc. At thin
t lino of year thoro Is too much acid In
When Blngs saw those ripe, luscious,
uppotlzlng tomatoes on tho tablo at
bis dinner the night previous to tho
2 o'clock referred to abovo, ho men
tally remurked:
"Tho madam has evidently forgot
ten what 'doc' said about toniatoon,"
but being a wise man, ho twanged no
Therefore when Blngs was awak
ened by his wife's extraordinary move
ments of affection for her stumber
robe, ho knew whereof she suffered.
Ho found tho whisky bottlo after
bumping his big too against tho sharp
edge of the mission tablo and a5 ho
handed her a hot one with a lump ot
sugar in It, ho protested mildly:
"Woll. dear. I hoped you would re
member what tho doctor told you
about tomatoes out of season.
"Oh, fudge!" hho ejuculatcd bo
tween "Ohs!" "It wasn't that at all!"
"Well, gee whla," retaliated Bing't
vindictively "things have come to a
pretty pass when a respectable woman
will sit up at 2 o'clock In tho morning,
-ock the bed llk :i cockle-boat In n
storm, hug Iht night robe as a ship
wrecked sailor hugs 11 spar, and sing
Just for a drink or whisky!"
At last reports 110 proceedings for
divorco havo started, but thoro Is a
cold, distrait chilliness in the atmosphere-
of their lint, and tho family
barometer prognosticates storm!
3 3 3
Very Exclusive.
They do strange things out in Wash
ington sometimes. At Harrington two
bachelor chums wont visiting, and
whllo absent one of them, renouncing
bohomi.inlsm and celibacy, was se
cretly married. Tho bride and groom
roached. homo first and rot I red In tho
bachelor apartments which tho two
chimin hnd occupied in common. In
tho night the lomulnlng bachelor re
turned unil entering prepared for rest.
Hearing his friend peacefully sleeping
lie decided to get Into bod without a
tight. Tho results were soniowhat ex
citing, but after tho rtro brigade hnd
.'ospnndi'd and tho town marshal had
calmed tho e:.clted neighborhood, tho
bride nnd groom continued to bo so
fxchiblvo the bachelor had to hunt
another couch on which to court Mor
pheus that night. Now what do you
think of that?
5 3 5
"Golnns-on" In the Country.
A country editor writes of the wed
ding or Charles Scltapperkoettor and
Miss Tilda Skowby nnd bays "Mr. arid
Mre. Sclmpperkoettcr woro admired
by nil who knew them." It this bo
truu. aud there Is no vnlld'reason to
doubt It, Mr. nnd Mrs. Pi Line must
have boon loved for themselves alone,
for surely their names wero a safer
test of friendship.
lAlvife- V7N.,L-J if
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