The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 20, 1903, Image 4

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P. C., Alitor.
On, year...
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Rntored at trio pout office at lied Cloud, Nob,a
cootklclMitnnll nMie:.
Piirnlnhcil on niiilc(tlon.
1 ( TJip lalust tltlo onriiuil by tho Our
man emperor is Wllllmn tho Restless,
Hpiltl) county, Kansas, is rapidly
giiliijng nit unenviable reputation for
iiriincs.oniio blood thirsty, sort.
We'siilont Rossevolt will receive tlio
liciirty support of Congress in Hid
matter of earring out President Mc-
,-, Klnluy'H plans in regard to Cuba.
Three Now York papers the A titer
Van, tbu Journal and Das Morton
Journal aro booming William Ran
dolph Hearst for tlio presidency
Hearst owns tliein nil.
V. J. Bryan lias gone to Europe,
His last words before sailing wero a
part frig .sbot at President Cleveland,
who "niiulo tliu White house a rondo.
vou1 of bjdicates and exploiters."
A colored barber at the national
capital .said business had boon bad
everHinco tlio Cleveland administra
tion. When asked to explain, he said:
'Tho democrats don't shavo them
selves." Congressman E. J. Burkctt's sona
toriarboom bids fair to laud him a
seat in the upper house of congress.
Ho is a highly accomplished gentle
man, of pleasing personality and un
questioned integrity.
It is said Dryan had promised to
make his friend Bennett ambassador
to England when he becamo president,
Ah Bonuott never got the position,
Bryan is hnrdly entitled to tho JTiO.OOO
which ho claims from tlio Dennett
Somo of tho leading agrarian papers
of Germany have started an agitation
.against that country taking part in
tho St. Louis exposition. Thoir hos
tility is duo to tho fact that wo do not
Permit them to send thoir products
hero free of duty.
Tho Hastings postofllco scandal, re
uniting in tho indictment of Senator
Dietrich and Postmaster Fisher for a
misdemeanor, has placed the senator
in a rather embarrassing position. He
flatly denies tho charges and demands
nn immediate trial.
Two hundred sailors from tho navy
wero recently served refreshments in
tho state dining room at tho White
House. Thoro wero tlvo negroes in tlio
party. Had Gorman boon president.
bo would have requested those negro
seamen to oat in the kitchon.
Senator Morgan is still unablo to
moo anything but disastorto tho United
States should his Nicaragua canal pro
ject bo replacod by tho Panama routo.
Ho may as well sco tho futility of his
light first as last, as recent events havo
forever put tho Nicaragua routo out of
thp question.
Tho govorment of Colombia has
lodged a protest with tho British gov
eminent against tho action of tho
United States in tho matter of tho
Panama revolt, laying tho blamo of
tho entiro matter on this government.
Tho Colombians will get littlo satis
faction from our British cousins.
The Investigation into the manner
of thoappointmonts of tho postmasters
nt Hastings and Alma which was con-
fltifiXl t Omaha ly the federal grand
juryrtrvu!s uuicpio system of dis
tributing patronage. Tho charge is
iniulo that Senator Dietrich sold tho
puttollloe appoint at Hastings to Jacob
You can depend on Ayer's
Hair Vigor to restore color to
your gray hair, every time.
Follow directions and it never
fajlsto do this work. It stops
Hair Vigor
faliingofthehair.atso. There's
qreat satisfaction in' knowing
,you are not going to be disap
pointed. Isn't that so?
" Mr Iialr fail cil until It wai about white. It
took juit oiio Ixitllu of Ajer'a Iialr VlKtir to
rettore It to lit former tlarlc, rich color. Vour
' Iialr Vigor certainly dnri what jrou claim for
tt." A. M. llouo A M, Itocklugliuni, h. C.
jF.00 a bottle,
J. c. AVicn co.,
liwwll. M...
leading Hair
Fisher for W,n00, and tho ovldonco be.
foro tlio federal grand Juiy points1
strongly to tho guilt of tho senator. I
Senator Dietrich has denied tho charge
and claims that, tho Investigation is
the result of pure malice on the pint
ol United States District Attorney W.
B, Summers, who is a candidal o for re
appointment, and whom Senator Diet
rich refused to tocomiiioiid for ie
appointment. It is also said that
Postmaster Fisher repaid himself for
part of his outlay by assessing' tho
employe's In tho olllce, Tho outcome
of tho muddle will bo awaited with in
terest by tho cntlro state.
Indictment of n Senator.
The racket over tho change in post
masters at Hastings about the time
of Hie last senatorial election, lias been
a loud one and has Dually culmiuat'd
in the indictment of a United States
senator, by tho federal grand jury at
Omaln. Within a week after liiselec
Hon, it lias boon persisentiy charged,
Mr Dietrich wont to Washington and
induced (lie poslolllco department to
rent a btiildiiigiu Hastings belonging
to him for a postolllce, and the order
for the removal of tho olllce from tho
previously rented building, belonging
to tho G. A. R. was issued. At tho
request of tho senator, Fisher, the
newly appointed postmaster, bought
the llxtures of the postolllce from the
Grand Army boys for ?."00 anil took
them over to tho new building. It is
charged that the contract with tho
government required the owner of tho
newly rented postolllce to furnish those
llxtures himself and that tlio senator
saved tho WOO by the generosity of tho
now postmaster, Fisher. It is said
that evidence was presented to tlio
grand jury showing that in addition
to tho purchase of tho llxtures and
furniture by Fisher, ho made a further
contribution to tlio senator in mono'.
Thcso charges havo been in tlio air for
tlio past twenty months and it is pre
sumed that United States Attorney
Summers after an investigation
brought sufliciont evidoitco to tho
grand jury to establish a prima fncio
It has been protty generally under
stood over since tho sudden fix-up that
resulted in Dietrich's election to tho
senate, that he had a contract with
tho loading senatorial candidate beforo
tlio legislature who withdrew In lib)
favor, whoroby the retiring candidate
was. to fully control all tho patronage
that Dietrich fell heir to upon super
seding Senator Allen, who was ap
pointed by Governor Poyuter, upon
tho iloath of Senator Haywood. It
was a protty fat horitago, as many
changes wero possible upon tho re
tiracy of Allen, who had no pull with
tho administration, being a fusionist.
Everything camo his way,nppartontly,
but nobody seemed to owe anything to
tho senator but thaukod the othor
follow who worked tho lover from his
olllco in Lincoln. Even when Mr.
Thompson was himself taken care of
by an appointment as minister to
Brazil, his cup of gratitude did not
run over, as ho had merely inisted on
tlio execution of tho bond. All tho
federal appointments from tho south
Platto country mado since tho election
of Dietrich havo been duly credited up
to Thompson, and tho statesman from
Hastings has had littlo satisfaction or
glory except from tho enjoyment of u
soat in tho senate and his pay and
mileage. Aud now theso are put lu
jeopardy by tho action of tho the
Omaha grand jury, incited, it is alleged,
by tho only remaining fodoral officer
whom tho Thompson iufiuenco has
not bo o. nblo to oust. Tho situation is
a Humiliation to thb republicans of
Nebraska but is tho natural outcome
of tho uuatural tie-up botweon Thomp
son aud Rosowntcr which succeeded in
reducing the legislature of '01. to a
condition of abject serfdom, unparal
leled in tho history of tho state, up to
that time.
The explanation or tlio transactions
botweon Dietrich and Fisher made in
Mr. Kosowators paper, yesterday
morning, are to the effect thattho pay
ments made by Fisher in tho matter
of tlio llxtures aud furniture and in
cash, were merely to repay tho loss
that tho senator had to submit to in
the reduction of tho rent of tho build
ing, upon representations from othor
people who had olllces to rent in Hust
ings. But of course nobody not pretty
well demoralized by to much practical
familiarity witli graft, can see any
defense in that lino of argument. Lot
I us liopo that the Beo speaks from its
own moral standpoint and does not
ethically represent Mr. Dietrich, lu
this version of the alleged money
transactions botweon the senator and
tho postmaster. Stato Journal.
Somethlnft Doing.
The tlmo seems to havo arrived for
decisive) action in that groat projoct
of an isthmian canal. Ii iuvolvos
work of world-wldo interest. It has ' its foe for floating the corporation,
been iu tho mind of the world fori Tho Morgan gang realized long ago
threo centuries, For two decad s it ' ou their plunder. Thoy aro not dis
has boon within tho contemplation of turbed. Thoy have sold tho gold brick
practical finance aud tngiuooriiig I and got away with tho good cash.
It is needless to say that an isthmian
canal, now that it 1ms como within tho
practical spliore, is of supromo concern
to tho American peoplo, situated as
thoy uro geographically
chilly with roforonco
aud commer -
to tho New
World, ami strategically with refer
m 'i-iTi mm ii
Hl i ii 1 Ky 9
A FREE ganio inside
each package of
Lion Coffee
60 different games.
onco to present and future posslbili
t es To tho broad American concep
tion I goes without saying that tho
United States must dominato tho
Inter oceanic highway whenever con
structed. Its availability lo tho
world's commerco on substantially
equal terms is not denied, but tho
United States cannot tolcrato any
other guarantor thereof than itsolf
alono. That point was not too strongly
stated by the late .Tamos G Blaine, in
ills fnmous letter, whether or not its
promulgation at tho tinio his letter
was communicated to tlio British gov
ernment was discreet or opportune.
This much wo may assumo as the
sober conviction of tho American peo
ple. No less Is It tho'r conviction that,
tho fullness of t mo having como for
tho financial and engineering exploit
nt on of tlio work, and nu opportunity
under favorablo circumstances now
occurring, tlio thing bo now done, that
tho canal bo forthwith undertaken and
compioiou, aim not paltered witli or
on any pretext postpouod to tho in
doflnlto future. Tho American people
aro doors if they uro anything. And
it is a safo prediction that tho present
administration will bo disposed to
arise to tho prosont need and oppor
tunity and do this thing to go ahoad
and havo u canal with embankments
and locks aud water and tho com
morco of tho world using it This is
what the American peoplo want, and
thoy will back up an administration
that vorily does it.
We must, of course, expect political
opposition. Whenever a greut thing
is to bo undertaken, whether it be a
war, the acquisition of vast now torri
tory or a project of national import
unco liko this canal, an opposition
party will always resist and critlciso
it. It is, too, alwas posslblo for such
oppositiou to invent arguments more
or loss plausible, or to find or croato
lioni in tho path. Tho democratic
party may be trusted to turn know
ingly aud zealously to this sort of
thing, for It has neon for half ti cen
tury mainly engaged lu opposing whut
was doing.
Moreover, thoro uro somo interosts
and forces to help in delaying and
frustrating any positive line of actiou
for tho actual present installation of
tho canal. Thoro aro those great trans
continental railroad corporations
which certainly do not wolcomo an ef
fective water competitou, whethor
thoy havo horotoforo done all that
some imagine thoy have to defeat it
They are powerful, they represent un-
numborood hundreds of millions, and
thoy and their allied interests will not
bo forgotten by a partisan political
opposition. Beyond such material in
terests we must reckon upon consid
erable elements of timidity, of the
idealists of all varieties, of tho nar
rowuess and htnallness no less than on
that assortment of political odds and
ends which aro always ready to coa
lesce against any positive nud aggress
ive lino ot action lu any now or dis
tunt tiold
If wo wore to wait for all tlioso olo
monts to consont or to coaso protest
and outcry, wo should wait forovor.
Nothing would ever bo dono. Tho
Amorlcan people- aro not in the habit
of waiting. It Is their record to go
abend in spite of such elements. It
would bo very much liko Prosidont
Itiosovelt to load olf and go ahead -to
do so. in fact, even moro rapidly
than many approvo of, although fol
lowing him therein It would bo vory
much liko tho republican party to do
this thing vory much as it finished up
tlw civil war after tho democratic
party declared it a failure.
And, so far as wo aro concerned, wo
will put u canal dlggor against u
bpoechmakor every jump in tho road.
Lincoln Dally Star.
Capltallicd Imagination.
It is an almost astounding fact that
today tho market valuo of stool com
mon aggregates on tho entiro issue of
that stock loss than tho 'rako-off"
a1 which tho Morgan syndicate took
It is tho enthusiastic, ignorant,
imaginative public, tho lambs of tlio
flock of industrial investors, that
stand aghast and shivering in this time
' of shearing.
And.yot tho slump in this stock was
oiuy a lew aiiuri iiiuuins ngu
These Kuppcnheimer Overcoats arc real pleasures. It's
a pleasure to buy them. It's a pleasure to sell them. It's
a pleasure to look at them. It's a pleasure to put one on.
It's the greatest pleasure to wear them. If you haven't tried
a Kuppcnheimer overcoat you haven't really known overcoat
excellence. They cost a trifle more than the no-name cheap
kinds, and about one-half as much as tailor-made. Our
showing of the new fall styles will educate and please you.
If you buy them they'll please you more.
a "rich man's panic."
Well, when Wall street gets to con
fining its swindling to its own procints
the millennium will surely bo at hand.
Whoio has all this valuo gone?
What becomes of tho value of u gold
brick when it gets-to tlio assayer?
The valuo seemed to bo tliero whon
Morgiiu and Schwab and tlio rest of
them sot up tlio groat steel trust.
Today it lias lo aked out, evaporated,
disappeared, and tlio paper certificates
representing 8100 supposed value,
bringing in $1 eacli in annual divid
ends, can bo bought on tho street for
810 by anyone willing to take chances
of getting no dividends nt all.
But tho common stock of tho stool
trust mind you doesn't roproseut
tho valuo of that concern Not nt till.
Tho valuo of it is roprosentod by somo
8.'MX),000,000 worth of first mortgage
bonds hold by Carnogio, who owns it
n )w us completely as ho ownod it be
fore its shadow was sold to tho public.
This common stock represents tlio
value of tlio shadow. It is capitalized
imagiua ion. It is tho extravagantly
inflated expectations of two years ago.
And that's all.
At last tho truth has leaked into tho
public's head, and now we havo
reached tho point whoro the valuo of
the whole issue of common stock is
less thau the payment made to tho
promoters who worked tho bellows for
this pheuomouol inflation.
And this game has been readily
worked on tho intelligent Amorlcan
public in this twentieth century.
Isn't it astounding?
Atchison Globe Sl.hts.
Talk to any girl of sixteon and you
will decide that the Wurd "swoll"
works overtime.
When it is a bottle baby, it seems a
sort of provision to give the father a
turn at seeing that the baby gets its
Most young people take their wed
ding journey on a toboggan; and they
travel so fast that they can't walk
back in several years.
They aro tolling of an, Atchison
woman who married so young that
tho baby clothes sho woro woro not
too old fashioned for her first baby.
What has booomo of tho old fash
ioned man who inquired of his neigh
bor whon ho wont out ou tho first day
of tho wook to cut n littlo wood, "Don't
you know this is Sunday?"
Last wook tho shrt girls woro in
tears becauso thoy could not wear tho
now long-tailed jackets; this weok thoy
say they do not caro, as tlio now long
tilled jitukots are not vory fashlonablo
An Atchison man finds that tlio
neighbor disapprove of him because
ho doesn't give his daughter an edu
cation in nu art school. Sho oil' o
drew a sccno of a river, a hill, one treo
a houso, and two rustic brldgo, and
thoy think sho has talent.
Thoy say tliero is nothing now. How
is this: A man from tho country ap
proached a Globe rr porter today, aud
said: "I wish you would say a womttu
in our neighborhood U grloving so
much over her husband wh'o died last
April that tho neighbors aro tired of
Farm Loans.
I hare just prepared myself to niako
farm loans at a low rate of interest
either in Jewell, Smith or Webster
countio; can pay ofT at any time.
J. II. Mailky, Bed Cloud.
Seo Joe Fogel for anything in tho
harness or saddlory Hue.
Have a
Cup of
The Day ffb For Sale )
starts Jiiidf by I
I off mma
J ixl&"1' jdBBraHh.
HA-KSaaaB I2JI aM-RaiaMaViaM
Mocha. COFFEE Jva-
with your breakfast. It has a flavor that's all
its own you don't get it in any other brand.
It It told by all (Tocer In i and a -pound cans only.
Pncked and sealed by usuid guaranteed full weight.
Winter is
and you will want a warm pair of SHOES.
I have what you wan in either Ladies' or
Men's sizes.
Warm Shoes
Felt Slippers
All sizes, extra large or extra small. Now
is the time to buy your Arctics. I have
now a larger stock of
Arties, Rubber Boots, German Socks,
etc., than I ever had before. I make a
specialty of extra large sizes of SHOES
sizes up to ii, 12 and 13.
Henry Diederich.
lumber and Coal,
Red Cloud, -
Do you know that it will pay YOU. as
well as US, to buy your Building Ma
torlal and Coal at our yards! Not only
that our prices average lowor, or at
least as low, as tlioso or our competit
ors, but because wo tako especial caro
of and protect all can bo classed as
It Kf eps the FettWarm and Dry.
Ask toiloy for Allen's Foot-Huso, a
powder. It cures chilblain, swollen,
sweating, soro aching, dimp feet. At
I ull druggists and shoe stores, 25o. 12 4
? iP 7
. r1 .'''
, .'.-vi' VkLUr 1
.?.i,'.; "V :V .v.'i
t. I V all 1
! 'imk
'.Til.-' i '.'; ;
8 Storey
& Burden
To Cure A Cold In One Day.
Tako Laxative Bromo Quinino Tab'
lots. All druggists refund tho money
if it falls to euro. E. W. Grove's signa
ture is on each box. 25o.