' aaaiasEWwisffie" T .JU 1U W1 j(.- - 41 ' A J t -t-1 KMUbJoffP!!!eElCeter of tho -et;-... ;A'yA'?irjrT,-'r.;i3j. VOLUME XX xr. 1878 6G0 Sf(. Feet of Floor Space. 1903 18,000 So.. Feet of, Floor Space. Underwear. &. " .. '' '' v r wr nfi n r fi irf- 111 m mi . Infants', all-wool Rubens Vests, ; to 50c. Child's Sleeping Garments, all-wool fleeced, knit garment, for 2, 4, 6, S, 10 year old, 60c. Children's wool fleece Underwear, 15c for size 16 and 5c rise per size. Walstlngs. Fancy Mohair, white in fancy pat terns, stripes and dots, 38 and 44 inches wide, 60c and $1.25 respectively. Silk Ginghams, per yard, 25c. All-wool Challies. oer varrl. enr Panama VVaisting (with ing), per yard, 20c. Kemnant 25c VVaisting, Outing. Remnants Outing Flannel, for Night Robes, regular 8 and 10c, at 6c yard. Notions. We are showing the new Pompadour aN'wvwv INSURANCE Ml Over Million H DOLLARS DAMAGE I DAMAGE I JJ in Adamscounty, Muy21th. J m n - m , r 'T - r m f p For first-clnss insurnnco, " J call on or address 5 m - I O. C- TEEL I f BED CLOUD, NEB. $ J. . HALE RED CLOUD WEIiSTBR COUNTY NEBRASKA DEAL ESTATE -AND- fTARM jOANS Somo of tbo finest farms and city property in Wobster Coun ty, Nebrasku, for Biilo. Prices i &&$ g por noro' J. P. HALE, Rod Cloud, Nebraska. 'WWW'W'WW'WV' t TfS'-J? g?j -.' '"RWuM'"F-S -;j- - -T2l"v"' i 'Wi,,. . -iyft, 'f'.tJr'l,-inf .., I .ttrti .gIJTr' ' .... r " - -.-".-ff--rif.y ---'" v-v-w V-V-V-V "Satisfaction or Money Back." MINER BROS Red Cloud, Neb. Comb. This Comb does away with hair rolls and old-fashioned rats. They are antiseptic, practical and comfort able, preventive of headache. 30c. Carpets. Scotch Linoleum, 12 feet wide, hand some pattern. Superior to narrow widths for covering kitchens and din ing rooms; no seam in center to show wear. Ingrain carpet pattern, 75c square yard or $2.75 per running vard. bpecial, 9.12 all-wool reversible bmyrna Rug. instead of $27.50 to $30, first quality Rug, $22.50. heavy fleec- Ribbons. 15c. 1,000 yards Ribbons, now, crisp, washable, Taffeta and Fancy Novel ties, suitable for neck and hair ribbons, instead of 20c and 25c. we make the price 15c. Dress Goods Section. 50c black Novelty Goods, 374c. 75c black Novelty Goods, 60c. $1.00 black Novelty Goods, Sdc. BLADEN. W. B. Householdor drovo to Uoo liinii ono day this week. Mrs. Win. Baker of Holdrodge is vi-itingin this city. Mr. Kico, who lived on his brother's plnco the liiRtyo.tr, moved back to his old homo in tho oastern part of tho statu. Mr. and Mrs. L. Clark havo returned from a month's visit in Michigan. Wash Keod went to Hastings Mon day on business. Miss Bianoho Cox lias clmrgo of tho store during his nbsjnce. M-s. I). O. Bonnott and Mr. T. J Riggins havo returned fr.mi their visit in Indiana. Dr. Koohler received a telegram from Lincoln stating that bis brothor was not expected to livo. J. C. Hartman wont to Hasting Saturday, reluming Monday. B. K. Bowtrsox hud charge of his storo dur ing hU at'simce. Dr. Weguiiinn wont to Kansas City last Saturday on business. Ho expects to ho gouo about a work. Wayne Reed and family were visit ing in vt homo of J. W. Davis last Suntliy. Mr. Moor.) moved into his proporty which hu purehiisud of Mrs. Cramer. GUIDE ROCK. Robert (Jnrris-on has r turned from Illinois, whoro ho was culled hv ih serious illnos of his sistor, who wan injuiod in a runaway. Ho reports her recovering. Dr. Fisk has been sick, but is somo better. W. II. Barcus still has some apples to sell. Counnty Clerk K. S. Oarber was down from the county seat the Hrst of the week looking af:or tho fence on his farm. This tlmo his political foncos needed no tixing. Partios from Franklin, Neb., Bnd from Hartley, Neb., were hero looking at farms with I. B. Colvin last week. Lots It to 10, Roberts' addition, and lot 10, blk 1, Vance's addition, havo changed ownership this week. There Untied States. . Good UEV CLOUD, NEBRASKA, NOVK.HKER 1:1, ti)();." wwwvv The Daylight Store is quite a movement in resldenco pro pertyhore. A Mr. Baker trom Iowa is here on business with I B. Colvin in regard to tho purchase of a farm. C. T. Sherbachnr is Rettinir his now building up on his lots, north of the Christian church, which ho purchased recently. S. B. Nowmever is on tho sick list. K. E Burr is in tho west buying cattle. STILLWATER. Good woathor for husking corn. Threshing is about at an end. W. 1). Hitgan has his now houso painted. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Uoeve, November 5. a son. Dr. Frauklln of Blvo Hill was in nttondanoo. Rev. Prio.stloy will preach at Eeklnv on Sundays nt a o'clock until a pei inuiiont pastor Ins boon secured. Mr. biehrass and his HH-dRinnt ri Blue Hill wore down last Friday and Saturday renairinifthe thrmlmr ..imlnn owned by Messrs. CW.ier, Fishel and iiowaru. Grandma Crozior's childorncathored at tho homo of hor dauarhtor. Mrs. David Fishel, in honor of her birthnay. THE&LD MUABLE Absolutely Pure. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE c : ,.BB h. Uveltn. A very pleasant tnno was Im.l mid the tabic was loaded with an abundance of K-.m. u.i.,9 u, ,., 'I'liino present were. I. R. Cr i.ier and f.unily, Mrs. I.Tnlm K ii-ru.iL- .....I ..i.n i .. ... .. ,. . zler ami family and Miss Gnuo Mender- (on. WALNUT CREEK. A good many will feed cattlo this winter. Mr. Hawkins and son Hon nm build ing a now barn. G. V. Hliinkonbaker raifoil lfiO bushels of potatoes this toil-. MiFsMnry MnCall and Miss .Tnsio Nonis called on friends here last week. Mrs. Guy Tonnant visited in rank lin last week. Tom Jones and Rob Mitchell each raised a lino crop of potatoes this year. Ivan Blankonnakerhnd tho mlsfor tunelo havo a flngor-nail taken off in the brake of a wagon. Elmer Robinson has lumber on ihn round for a now barn. GARFIELD. Merle FUher visited the sohool in dis trict 30 Tuesdny. The cold, freezing weather has hoAn helpful to the gathering of tbo corn. Jasper Smith is assisting S. (;. RfBn. ser in gathering bis corn crop. TheweeKly family prayer meeting was held last Fridav nloht at thn hnm of J. C. Taylor. Mrs. Emma Qtnith was quite ill with a cold tho" Hrst of the we"ek but Jb better. Thero was a good attondnuco at tho Wednesday evening prayer meeting at tho M E. church. Mr. Honry Parsons led tho'.)rclses. Tho word selected for tho noxt Scripture toxt was 'Truth." The Danftllnft Veil.' Havo you noticod tho way women aro wearing thoir voils now-ndnys,and how, as a feature deigned to cover the face, they havo lost their signiU canco? Years ago, tho veil moaut some thing. It meant a filmy lexturo of boium kind, worn as a protection from wind and cold Thero wore veils and veils, but they wore all worn as a covering for tbo face. But now ono is obliduod to ask tho conundrum: When is a veil not a veil? and tho uuswor comos back: Whon it is a drapery. A year or so auo,somo bright, keen thoughtod woman discovered a littlo while before tho ond of tho season, that her hat was gotting uncommonly shabby, and to hllo tho ravage mado upon it by tho Rummer suns mid rains, sho covered it up with a veil, and let tho ends float out. nt tho back, and that is tno way tbo fashion originated. Tbo hit and tho veil today aro simply wonderful Tho voil, from its Hrst use or boing simply twined uround tbo hut. In h grown into tho most voluminous pro portions. As soon on tho hat of tbo un tu-dido girl touoy, it Is tho paramount foaturo of that most alluring adornment of rair women, and to seo a lot of tlmm tripping down PottUoat Lane with thoir voils streaming out in tho air makes ono think or n clothes ino filled with clothes drying in a brisk breeze Thoso dainty tissuos aro put upon the hat in ovory conceivable manner, but tho very latest takes tho cake. In somo doxtorous ninnnor it is so arranged that it fulls in n straight lino down tho direct sides of tho faco, and somehow, insensibly, brings to the mind, dismal thoughts of weeping willows, and tombstones with wido winged angols depicted thereon, and all sorts of uncomfortabe, chilly feel ings. Fashionable woman has decreed that the voil is tho thing, and any ono of them, who can not rako uo a bit of something, from a Brussols not down to tho draggled end of a laco curtain, might as well keen olf the street. for they can not hope to bo in it or if it If they havo not somo sort of n dangl ing curtain to enchanco (?) tho charm of sparkling oyos and piquant foatu. i 1. 1 " "" '" -- - - - , ' ' ' m .(((((((( ?--.Eye and Eve U "Ml"" ET us pilot .you out of tho misery and danger (,r overworked nnd TltirW.WW . ' .ai.dsatisracimnor're! ......... ."... ..u iiii.iuinuiiiii K,yos i mi tiyo (J nsscs our bus - ness to lit the ono to tho other. Wo know the Kvo mill IU ... k . wo know tho dangers that follow i the wako of derectiv, E ves ami straln- Mi.h!H,0lJ7-iO,lr ",Mw,"Ko of tbo Kyo and pracll I oxporiS cc In tho I. M.I,)Slv.8T. Sllt J'""' '-vico. Wo e.vamil.o your "yes U ,n, ,g y, urn t vo . the nSliC ,ff,0iIPi 0XIW,t w,l""t,. 'h'l you what to do . iu giaui j on mo privilege of doing as you pleaso. - -y. v v EYE CARE. waiiing nnd hopinu nevsr botlers Blllnif vision J .t "" whlch como ,0 tho ea nro b y, yond ha power ol tho Individual (o remedy. y, Neglect to R0 oyes proper and llmely caro Is V 8'Ponslblo lor much oi the president day eye y. .. .-.j. ....iu ..iu.li uiuil IIIIS UOIICHia y, soon exhausts Its delicate nerve force A very little itraln upon this delicate structure When the eye lirst troubles, the man of tense knows there is need of help, and stralshway Let iis aid you to better vision or the preserva tion of what remains. EYES EXAMINED. NEWHOUSE BROS. t Jewelers and Opticians. red cloud, neb.' S HIHiMMlMMMtttr4tMHttMfttWHtti What Were SmH T the Plain. What wore tho words uud the musio to them, in which tho creators or tho west, between 1850 and 1880 suug thoir k?j!LH njjd foni-8, their fuu nud jokos, their joys and sorrows, their loves nnd hates? What were tho songs or tho oarly pioneers of tho Argonauts or Mil, ortho gold seekers or "Pike's peak or bust," of tho sheep herders, tho cowboys, tho rangers, tho cattlemen and horsemou, of tho Indians and tho half breeds, of the frontier settlers, their women and children? . If you know any of theso old songs, eitlior words or music or both, please send same to me, In part if you can't remember them all. No matter how tiivail the snatch, rhymoor ditty, joke, story or wit, let mo havo it. Photo graphs, pictures or prints of thoso old times aro also desired, especially folks in their working clothes Instead of Sunday best; also stories and exper iences of those days, clippings from local papers of old settlor's experien ces, etc. Everything carefully returned if requested. Anything unique in tho way of songs among guides and cow- Dragging Pains 2825 Kecley St., Ciiicaoo, Ili.., Oct,, 2, 1902. I suffered with falling and con gestion of tho womb, with sevcro pains through the groins. I suf fered terribly at the timo of men struation, lmil blinding headaches and rushing of blood to tho brain. What to try I knew not, for it boo mod that I had tried ail and failed, but I had never tried Wine .of Cardui, that blessed remedy for Bica woiiicii. i luwiHi u imjiisuia to take and eoon knew that I had tho rigid medicino, New blood seemed to course through my veins and after using eleven bottles I was a well woman. lln. Bush is now in perfect health becauno sho took Wine of Cardui for menstrual disorders, bearing down pains and blinding headaches when all other remedies failed to bring her relief. Any offerer may secure health by tak ing Wine of Cardui in her home. Tho first bottle convinces the pa tient sho is on the road to health, For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, "Tho Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tcna. WlNsCARDUl NUMBERS M44444444 Glass Care.,.1 - a. Ml Mi IK EYE GLASS CARE. A little way from right Is n great way wrote with eye glasses and spectacles. We make a study of Individual needs and fix frames and lenses with exactness. M) M M. Everv annllAnr.A r.lnnri !. HmuI.. u .. ..... .a. command. Every pair of glasses must precisely suit the wearer and us. ,M Each lens, each frame. Is thoroughly Inspected. If (here Is flaw or blemish It Is discarded. Yourvfi olac ar M..... -. Ml eyesight Is Important. Here the skill, (ha will and I l the facilities to make them to. i make them to. GLASSES TITTED. ft Ml M Ml i boys nt present or during tho past 10 years, will also bo wolcomod. Lot us worktogother In collecting tho folk loro nnd music of a poriod uniquo in history that linn gone never to return. Pleaso address immodltntoly, Herbert Myrlck, Editor Orange Judd Farmer, Chicago. land Buyers' Excursion. Hargains in pHsiuro and hay land, improved nnd unimproved vnlley and upland farms in Valley, (Jreoloy, How ard and Shormun counties, l'astuio or river bottom farm. Excursion will leavn Cowles for Loup city Tuosday, Doc. 1, over B & M. K. K. Loup City and return, $1.17, on tliis date only. Secure a farm now and got landlord rent. Write for particulars to A. H. Koonoy. Cowles. fob. W hen you havo been a guest so lorg that tho hostess quits apologizing for tho spots in tho tublo cloth, your, woj como is worn out. Dr. Bojlo, pastor of tho Presbyter inn church, says ho is afrtid to tako olf his clothes mid go to bed at night; his wire is making a rag carpet, nnd ho caught her looking o'osoiy at his everyday suit. Atchison (ilobo. . We are heaJquarters for j b print ing of nil kinds, AND MILLIONAIRES WEAR SOLID GOLD WATCH CHAINS.BUT THE GREAT MAJORITY OF MEN WEAR Simmons Watch Chains Just as stylish and hand somo as all-gold ones, wear just as long, and a good deal cheaper. Thev are guaranteed to give entire BHusiocuon to tuo wearer. For salejby NEWHOUSE BROTHERS. Jewelers and Opticians, Red Cloud, Nob. ""r w - r'-vj.JC A"-. : -.:.. 7.C- !'MK x -t -