The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 06, 1903, Image 6

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1 JS MtfPjto '
Red Cloud Chief.
kd cloud,
Bulgaria Hcctln n llttlo cracked lc.
Alas for Cnniuln, no Alaskn for Can
ada. Somo mnrrlcil couples llvo happy
over nrtor they uro illvorcod.
Men who suo for dlvorco and wlvot
who Invito It Hhotild never wrlto let
ters. Japan 1h apparently tired of speak
ing softly and Ih nervously fumbling
tho big Btlclc.
Llfo'fl fltfnl fever over, tho Ooorgln
negro woman who twisted tho inulo'a
tall nlcepH well.
Tho sultnn Ih all ready to reform,
but ho tlocHn't seem to ho able to find
any good placo to begin.
Extravagant Now Jersey hn been
filling railroad waRhoutx with pea
coal. How different from 19021
Tho successful poet Is tho ono who
curbH bin flno frenzy and earns n good
Hillary keeping hooka In n bank.
Unforttinntely for Individual human
ity, no ono knows his best days mill,
they have been added to tho past.
"A nursery thermometer costs 20
cents," says tho Now York Times. Hut,
alas, that Is not tho solo expense!
Ono of tho universities has estab
lished a chair of dressmaking. Excel
lent! Now for u chair of dishwash
ing. And when tho 8th of October wns
duly past tho Hear rolled over for
another hibernation with ono eyo
Dr. Robert Collyer says a man's
best friends nro his ten lingers. Wo
nlwnys thought two of them wero slm.
ply his thumbs.
A womnn never goes traveling with
out dressing In such a way that In,
cas of an accident her clothes would
bo a credit to her.
Japan Insists that Russia shall
leavu Manchuria. When Russia does
Manchuria will know how It feels to
bo a squeezed lemon.
Tho Sultan of Turkey has levied n,
heavy war tnx. Thought tho old bird
hadn't oven a plucknblo pin feathery
hut Abdul knows how to uso tweez
era. When magnates get to quarreling
over their stock tho public Is permit
ted to find out how It Is called upon
to transfer Its cash for their green
An albino deer and a flvc-leggcd
"deer havo been shot In Maine this
fnll, but prizes of this kind cannot bu
promised to every buyer of a JIE
If tho Yankeo lake fishermen nro
wlso they Avlll glvo tho Canadian
shoro a wldo berth until tho men
across tho border havo had a chanco
to coo) off.
If tho Improvement of great guns
tnd smokeless powder continues tho
nnvy that wins thu next great battle
on tho sea will bo tho ono that doesn't
sink Itself.
Tho nnnouncemont that tho back
fcono of tho Macedonian rebellion Is
broken would bo all right If tho rebel
lion didn't got along Just us well with
out n backbone.
With southern Cnllfornla turning
out moro than a million gallons of
wlno In a slnglo season, thero should
bo no continued scarcity of "raro vin
tages from France."
Tho Huston Globo has decided thut
an nngorn goat is worth moro than an
angora cat. Well, whllo admitting that
thero Is a strong nrgumont In favor
of tho goat, most women prefer to
carry the cat.
The Toledo lover who cried flro nnd
secured a proinlso of inurrlago In the
midst of tho excitement might huvo
known that tho girl would suffer n
revulsion of feeling after tho all-out
signal was sounded.
Tho MInnosota dog who has been
appraised at five dollars by tho board
of equalization must feel quite supe
rior when ho meets up with a hordo
of men who nro not down on tho tax
rolls for even a dollar.
After eating four beefsteaks nt a
meal, a man In Ansonla, Conn., be
came despondent nnd cut his throat.
Ho probably concluded that It was
hopeless for ono mnn to try to knock
out tho hoof trust nil alone.
Tho Ancient nnd Honornblo artillery
tompany of Hoston has given tho Hon
jurablo artillery company of London a
ianquet thnt cost tho snug sum of
160,000. Wo didn't suppose that thero
ivero that many bonus In tho world.
A man In tho Adlrondacks, mis
taken for a deer nnd shot In tho thigh,
undo bandngos nnd stopped tho flow
f blood. Thon ho Btnrtcd to crawl
ut of tho woods, and had gono two
lilies when ho fainted, whero bo wns
Sound. Now ho has somo Idea how
1 wounded deer must feel.
War in tho Far East Drawing
Dangerously Near.
China CknU Mliy (Ilimrm nt tho tlnltoil
Hlntrff, Hut tlnrli) Sum Will Only
l'rutrct III I'niiillr IntroU.
Cabling from Cho Foo, tho corre
spondent of the Morning Host, London,
Fays tho majority of Russian warships
In Chinese wnters are between Tnllens
vnn and Hayangton. Threo Chinese
cruisers havo loft Clio Foo for tho
north of the Yalu river. This consti
tutes an Infringement of Korean rights.
Tho St. Petersburg correspondent of
the Dally Mall says the Russian gov
ernment docs not expect wnr with
Japan, In any event before next spring,
even should tho negotiations fall.
Tho correspondent at Snnnghnl of
the Dally Telegraph Fays from a roll
nblo soureo In Toklo thnt although the
negotiations helwion Russia and Japan
continue, Jnpan Is Inflexible nnd a
combat Fooner or Inter Is regarded ns
Tho Toklo correspondent of tho Lon
don Dally Mall reports a serious af
fray at Chemulpo, Korea, between Rus
sian hluo Jackets belonging to the gun
boat Hohr anil Japanese bluo Jackets
from tho cruiser Chlyoda and n num
ber of Jnpnncso residents of Chemulpo.
Ten Jnpanese nnd several Russians
woro Injured.
Tho St. Petersburg correspondent of
tho Dally Mnll says the Russian gov
ernment baa decided to expel all Jap
anese living along tho routo of the
Manehurlnn railroad, having discov
ered, It Is alleged, that many of them
were spies.
A conference of high ofllelnls with the
dowager empress nt Peking concerning
the icoccupntlon of Mukden by Rus
sian troops was held at tho summer
palnce. Yluan Ski Knl, governor gen
eral of Chill province, wus summoned
hastily from Tien Tsln nnd proceeded
directly to the pnlace. Tho Russians
havo tho Tartar general of Mukden
province In custody In his ynniune.
It Is officially reported at Toklo from
WIJu. la Seoul, that the Russians are
withdrawing from Yongnmpo, on tho
Yalu river, nnd dismantling their fort
ress there, leaving only a small guard.
Tho reoecupatlon of Mukden by the
Rlsslans Is olllclally confirmed nt To
klo, whero It has created great con
stcrnntlon. Eighteen warships repre
senting various' nations are now gath
ered nt Yokohama, In anticipation of
tho nnnlvcrsnry of tho Jnpnnese em
peror's birth, which will bo celebrated
Sir Chentung Llnng Cheng, the Cht
noso minister nt Washington, nctlng
under Instructions from his govern
ment at Peking, has been particularly
nctlvo recently In tho effort to inter
est tho United Stntcs government In
China's behalf In her Mnnchurlan
troubles. Ho wns at the state depart
ment in pursuit of that object, the di
rect purposo being to seo If any wny
can be found by which tho United
States government may bo able to
serve China In this emergency. It ap
pears, however, that Secretary Hnv
has not been enblcd to hit upon nn'v
plnn of action thnt would promlso to
servo China in this matter. Thero Ih
no question that tho events repotted
as having happened at Mukden re
garding the reoecupatlon of thnt town
nro not looked upon by friendly eyes
by the olllclals at Washington, but so
long as tho United States government
secures and retnlns trndo In Manchuria
It will not bo drawn Into the polltlcnl
complications of tho present situation.
Trouble Ahrml for thn United Ship
tiilltltnir ('oiiitmnjr.
Sensational allegation of willful mis
statements, falsification, swindling nnd
fraud In tho organization of Ilotntlon
of the United States Shipbuilding com
pany, of uttempts to mislead and de
ceive tho investigating public by er
roneous prospectus statements and of
a dcllberato plnn to wreck tho com
pany by withholding the earnings of
the Hethlehcin Sioed .'nmn..,,,. -
- -.---. w... M,,, j (liij lull-
tnlned In tho report of Receiver .Tumes
Smith. Jr., of tho United Stntcs Ship
building company, made Tinhiin in kw
ork. The report concludes with tho
recommendation thnt suit be brought
against all persons who received stock
of tho company without paving full
vnluo therefor. Including tho promoters
of tho consolidation, the vendors of tho
constituent plnnts nnd Charles M.
Schwab to recover from them such
nmount as Is necessary to pay tho
debts of the company In full.
Receiver Smith also recommends tho
snlo of the Crescent ship yard plant In
Now Jersey nnd tho Hnrlnn & Holliugs
worth plant nt Wilmington. Del. sub
sidiary plants In partial operation, to
avoid further loss by depreciation, and
tho enforcement of a receivership for
tho Hethlehem Steel company to In
sure tho payment of dividends In tho
Hethlehem stock held- by tho United
States Shipbuilding company.
In tho words of tho report, tho or
ganization of tho company Is character
ized ns an "artistic swindle." Receiver
Smith stnting that tho vnluo of tho
plnnts. their earnings nnd working cap
ital, given In alleged thorough reports
of accountunts vnrry so much from tho
actual figures "as to Impel tho bcllof
thnt the flirurps worn wiifnii,. ,,!,..
oil," that it Is extremely doubtful If
such accountants' reports woro submit
ted at tho reorganization of tho com
pany; thnt tho organization wns nf
fedcu by "dummy" stockholders, di
A II Iff Men I Neented.
A sensntlonnl trial Is pending at St.
Petersburg as a result or nn Investiga
tion Into tho engineers who built tho
Southern Mnnchurlu railroad. The in
vestigation has rovcnled tho defalcation
of several million roubles.
Andrew Crtnioclo Deellned u.
J-ord Strnthconn, of London, hns ac
cepted the nomination of tho chancel
lorship of Aberdeen university. Tho
nomlnntlon was offered to And row Car
negie who declined It In favor of Lord
Strnthconn. '
rectors and officers; that stntcments In
tho prospectus Issued on Juno 4, 11)02.
wero Incorrect; thnt for property worth
$12,411,516 tho shipbuilding compnny
( paid In stock and bonds $07,097,000;
thnt "tho tiecommodntlng dlrectorr of
tho United Stntcs Shipbuilding com
pany, in acquiring these companies, de
liberately gave away millions of dol
lars In tho stock and bondB of their
company," "wholeBalo plunder," the re
ceiver terms It, to n few persons, und
that so far ns tho Hethlehem Steel com
pnny Is concerned, "Itn earnings have
been withheld In a dcllberato attempt
to wreck tho United States Shlpbuldlng
Tho report deals fully with tho name
of CharlcB M. Schwab und tho nature of
tho Hethlehem transaction says Mr.
Smith "Is such ns to Justify him (Mr.
Sehwnb) In saying thnt ho did not sell
tho Hethlehem Steel compnny, hut took
over tho United gtntcs Shipbuilding, tho
directors of that company giving him
$30,000,000 In stock nnd bonds for tak
ing it off their hands."
Tho United Mull' Itiinki AmuMC the
World' I'rniluror.
Following Is the npproxlmnte distri
bution by producing states and terri
tories of tho product of gold nnd silver
In tho United States for the cnlcndar
year 1002, ns estimated by the director
of the mint:
Cold Coining
Stnto or Territory. Vnluo. Value.
Alabama $ 2,500 $ 129
Alaska 8,345,800 118,513
Arizona 4.112,300 3,934,513
California I;,7!t2.100 1,164,071
Colorado 28,467,700 20,207,960
Georgia 97.800 517
Idaho 1,475.00 7,509,842
Maryland 2.500
Montana 4,373,600 17,123.297
Michigan 257
Nevada 2,895,300 4,843,572
New Mexico 531,100 591.127
North Carolina .. 90,700 27,022
Oregon 1,810,700 120.C30
South Carolina ... 121,900 388
South Dakota ... G,9G5,400 439,855
Tcnnesso 15,903
Toxns 576,905
Utnh 3,594.500 14,001,022
Virginia 3,100 728
Washington 272,200 800,323
Wyoming 38,800 0,400
Totals $80,000.00 $71,757,575
Number of fine ounces of gold Is
given ns 3.S70.000, nnd of silver, 55,500,
000. This Is an Increase of 04.500 ounces
of gold, ns compared with 1901, and an
lncreiibe of 286,000 ounces of silver.
Tho commercial vulT of the silver
product Is $29,415,000, as against $71,
757,775, ns coining value.
Following Is the estimate of the di
rector of tho mint of tho world's pro
duction of gold and silver for tho cal
endar year 1902:
Silver Coin
Gold Value Value.
United States ..$ 80.000.000 $ 71.757.600
Mexico 10.153.100 77,804,100
Canada 20.741.200 G.504,500
Africa 39,023.700
Australia S1.578.S0O 10,377,100
Russia 22,53.'l,40O 205,200
Austria- Hung'y 2,171,300 2.432,200
Germany 02,500 7,399.000
Norway 2,000 200.900
Sweden 62,500 59.500
Italy 5,300 1.240,800
Spain 10,100. 4.7S4.10O
Portugal 1,304,900
Greece 1.409,100
Turkey 30,000 021,300
Finland 1,300 11,200
France 49G.O0O
Great Britain .. 116,300 223.900
Argentine 30,000 48,800
Hollvln 4,700 16,798,600
Chile 575,200 4.611,600
Colombia 2,522.600 2,297,000
Ecuador 20,000 10,000
Brazil 1,994,000
Venezuela 433,800 2,400
Guiana (Hrlt.). 1,808.100
Guiana (Dutch) 422,00
Guiana (Fren.). 2.420,200,
Peru 2.236,100 5.313.70O
Central Amor. . 32.001,900 l,2.r.5,S0O
Japan 1.2S7.000 505,500
China 8.731.S0O
Coren 3,500.000
Hritish India .. 9.5SS.100
East Ind. (B'sh) 1,027,100
Bust Ind. (D'h) 564,600 152,900
Totals $29.",SS0.0U0 $215,861,800
As compared with 1901 these llgures
show nn Increase In the production of
gold of 1.722,414 ounces nnd n drereaso
of 8,012,934 ounces In the production of
silver. During the yenr Africa ln
crensed Us gold production from 439,
704 ounces to 1,887,773 ounces and
Australia Increased Its gold production
to $81.57S,000. which Is over $1,500,000
In excess of tho production of tho
United States, which again takes sec
ond place.
The Unlvcrilty Temple. Fund Commit
tee. Worklnc llurd.
The committee In chargo of the won;
of raising tho balance of tho University
Temple Fund havo begun work In
earnest. Circulars hnvo been prepared
setting forth tho need nnd ndvnntngcs
of such n building nnd they will shortly
bo sent out to tho business nnd pro
fessional men of the stnto. Altogether
It Is expected thnt 40,000 people will
bo reached by correspondence. Tho
commltteo has been very busy In pre
paring plans, but now thut nil Is ready
they expect to push thn undertnklng to
success. Tho sum nlrendy raised lias
mounted up to $12,000. Of this nmount
tho faculty hns contributed upwnrds of
$3,000, n sum which bids fair to he
come nearer to $4,000. Somo of tho
alumni hnve responded liberally, send
ing In sums ranging from $5 to $50.
Tho building will contnln reception
nnd rest rooms und will bo built
strictly for tho convenience nnd nc-
ommodntlon of tho University pub
lic. It will be built on tho same plnn
ns the Lincoln library building nnd will
bo nn ornament to tho campus and
n source of pride to all who have como
Into contact with tho intlucnces of tho
I'limlly KlnUheil III .lull.
.Ins. J. Rogers, an nttorncy of Boise,
Idaho, shot nnd killed himself. About
a year ngo Rogers nttempted to drown
himself In Chicago, Jumping Into tho
Chicago rlvor.
By A. L. llnrrlw Author of "Mine Own Familiar Friend," etc.
Copyright, 1 1 , by U a 1 1 1 1 I Vubllthlng Company.
Copyright, 1 0 a , bystreet cfc Smith,
"We Shall Find It Out Some Day."
About the beginning of tho month of
April, 1884, tho fnmlly of Mr. Silas Hur
rltt observed n certain alteration In
that gentleman's habits and demeanor.
It appeared to those who studied
him that Ho become Imbued with un
air of anticipation that ho started
when a knock was hoard nt tho door,
and that tho ndvent of tho poslmnn
wns awaited by him, If not with anx
iety, nt any rato with an nmount of
eager expectancy which was, In a gen
eral way, quite foreign to him.
It wns nlso observed thut the nearer
they drew to the out! of tho month,
tho moro these symptoms became ex
aggerated; nnd, us day nfter dny
went by unmarked by nn unusual oc
currence, ho wns observed to shako
his head with a hulf-smlle nnd a half
sigh, nnd mutter, us ho thought to
hlmBolf, "Dead or forgotten?" ' After
which, ho romnlned plunged in reflec
tion for n considerable tlrno.
It was his son Edward more gen
erally known ns "Ted" who happened
to overhead theso words, and they
caused him no small nmount of be
wilderment. Ho stood with his sister May In the
hall of Mr. Hurrltt's large, old-fashioned
houso nt Dulwlch. It was about
Boven o'clock In the evening that, as
tho brother and sister wero talking In
low voices, the former wns Interrupted
by the sound of nn abrupt, loud, double
"There's tho seven o'clock post."
said tho girl. "I wonder If there's any
thing for father this time? If thero
Is, I'll "
Hut ns she turned townrds tho direc
tion of the letter box, the study door
was thrown hurriedly open and an
elderly gentleman rushed across tho
hall, and extricated from Its receptacle
ono letter In n thin, foreign looking en
velope, tho direction on which wns
written in a large, scrawling hand,
He rccrosssd
which barely left room for tho stamp.
There was n slngulnr loo): upon his
face, on which astonishment seemed
struggling with some other emotion.
Then ho drew a long breath. "After
nil these yonrs!" he snld to himself.
' So ho has kept his word, nfter all."
Ho rocrosHcd tho hall, re-entered his
study nnd closed tho door. As ho did
so both the young people heard tho
key turn in the lock. Evidently their
father was anxions not to be disturbed
In the perusnl of tho mysterious mis
sive, whntever It might bo. Neither
of them said any more on the subject
nt tho' time, but their minds were full
of it ns they each turned to go their
different ways; the ono to the billiard
room for a llttlo private practice, tho
other to tho drawing room to try over
the last now song.
"I wonder what It was?" soliloquized
tho former, "and what mado tho
guv'nor so queer nnd unlike himself
at tho sight of It? Howover. It's no
good troubling myself about It."
Mr. Silas Hurrltt remained shut up
In his study nil tho rcmnlndor of tho
evening, nnd only encountered his
son nnd daughter nt breakfast the
next morning being Thursday when
ho nppenred to hnvo regained his or-
dlnnry manner; notwithstanding to
two pairs of Inqulsltlvo young eyes
thero still seemed to be a certain nb
jont expression tho expression of n
man (not thnt they described It to
themselves In any such words) who
has been reviewing tho past, and
whoso thoughts still linger behind him
nmung tho years thnt hnvo gono by.
Thero was nlso a slight suspicion of
ncrvousnnosB about him, anil sevoral
times he seemed on thu point of saying
something, which ho put off from ono
moment to another. At last he mado
up his mind to speak.
"My dear," ho said, addressing his
v.ifo, "I am thinking thnt Is, I havo
mado up my mind nt nny rate, I am
going nwuy for n day or so. At least
" Hero ho found thnt ho hnd by
no means miscalculated tho effect of
tho announcement, for his volco at
this Juncture wns drowned by a fnm
lly trio
"Whero to? Whnt for? How long
shnll you stay? How strange."
This Inst rcmnrk, omnnatlng ns It
did, from his son und heir, scorned to
causo tho object of It somo llttlo annoy
ance. "Strange, Ted!" slightly knitting his
brows ns ho spoKo. "Whnt do you
mean? What Is thero strango In my
leaving homo for n day on business?"
-, M Ml -T II. .
Tho Inst words camo after a barely
pcrcoptlblo pause.
"Oh, then, It is business, nfter all!"
broke In his dnughter Mny, with nn nlr
of hardly repressed triumph. "I knew
It wns. I said so directly I saw tho
letter didn't I Ted?"
Her fnther turned round upon her,
rather shnrply. "What letter?"
"The tho letter that camo lost
night," alio stammered, disconcerted
by tho unusual tone. Then, reassert
ing herself, "I wns In tho hall, you
know, when It came, and I thought It
looked like business."
Her father's frown relaxed ns ho
patted her on tho shoulder.
"Inqulsltlvo llttlo girl," ho said;
"what does It matter to you what my
letters nro nbout?"
"Hut It was business, wasn't It?"
she persisted, secure In her position
or spoilt child.
"Well yes that Is, partly so," ho
answered. "At least. It was from an
old " Ho seemed to remember
something nnd stopped short. "At any
rate,'' ho continued, "I have to go to
"Dover!" reechoed tho family.
"Yen," ho nam, rumpling his hnlr,
and apparently taking somo caro In tho
choice of his words; "I find I shnll
.,ave to go thero. It Is rnthor Incon
venient Just now, but It enn't bo help
ed; though It will not be moro than
a couple of days at tho outside. By-the-by,"
turning towards his helpmate,
it Is not unlikely that I may bring a
friend back with me. No; It's no ono
yon know," responding to the question
ho saw trembling on moro than ono
pair of lips. "At any rate you had
better have a room prerared In case
of that event."
Half an hour later Mr. Burrltt took a
hasty but affectionate farewell of his
family, who as they watched his de
parture and waved their hnnds to him,
said to themselves thnt he would soon
bo back again among them. In spite
of this belief, however, they craned
the hall.
their neckn to seo tho Inst of him.
A llttlo Inter, when his sister, who
hnd again had recourse to her piano,
was practicing scales like n Trojan (If
tho expression Is allowable), the young
man put his head Inside tho door of
the room in which sho wns, nnd tho
following brier conversation ensued:
"I say, May, do you know, it has
Just occurred to mo thnt tho guv'nor
never mentioned tho nnmo of tho
friend ho was going to bring back with
Tho scnlo of C innjor camo to nn
abrupt conclusion. "To bo sure ho
didn't. How funny! Hut then, you
see, we forgot to ask him."
"I know wo dlu; but you would havo
thought that ho would havo told us
without that. However, of course It
doesn't matter, nnd I suppose wo shall
find It out somo day. Ta-ta! I'm
"After All These Years."
Mr. Hurrltt arrived at his destination
between six nnd seven. Alighting,
ho gave u hasty nnd comprehenslvo
glnnco round; as though ho thought' It
half possible that ho might bo met by
someone. Then 'ho left tho stntion nnd
proceeded in the direction of tho "Lord
Arriving nt that famous hostelry ho
mado a certain Inquiry of tho waiter
who camo forward to meet him. To
which the reply was, that tho gentle
mnn referred to hail crossed by tho
boat that morning and had engaged n
prlvnto sitting room, leaving word that
ho expected a rrlond from town, who
was to bo shown up Immediately on
giving his name.
"My name is Hurrltt," was tho reply.
"Thon please to walk this way. sir."
Tho nuin ushered him up a flight of
stairs and along a corridor, then. In
dicating a particular door, said: "This
Is tho room tho gentleman has taken."
"I will announce myself," said Mr.
Hurrltt, und tho mau withdrew.
Then, after n pause of a few sec
onds, ho tapped lightly nt tho door. A
volco from within cried: "Como In!"
nnd nnswering tho summons ho tnrnnd
tho hundlo nnd entered. Tho occupant
or mo apartment, a tall, lean, olderly
man, who wns looking out of tho win
dow, turned round sharply uud con
fronted tho visitor. A look n strango,
wondering, Intent look passed bo
tween thorn. Then, the strnncor.
Imade a stop forward. "Silas!" he
cried. "At last!" and the men grasp y
ed hands. 'V
Thon followed n brief nnd Imprest
slvo Bllcnce, during which each eager
ly scanned tho features of tho other
and which Mr. Hurrltt was tho first to
to brenk.
"James," ho snld, nnd thoro wero
traces of conaldernble emotion In his
volco, "you nre much chnngod. ' I
should hardly havo known you."
"Changed," exclaimed tho other,
somewhat bitterly; "and In twenty
yenrs! Is It to bo wondered nt?"
Thon, with nn alteration of tone, "Hut
I should havo know you anywhere.
f Silas."
"Twenty years!" repeated his friend.
"Ah, well, so It Is! How quickly the
yenrs havo flown. It seems nothing
like thnt to me."
"It Is thnt, nil tho same," said the
other. "It Is twenty yenrs to tho very
day. This Is tho 21th of April, 1884.
It wns the 24th of April, 1864, when
you said 'good-byo' to mo on board tho
vessel In which I wns to sail to a now
"It Is a long tlmo to remain nn
exile n voluntary exile," said Mr. Hur
rltt; "you might have returned years
ago, had you chosen."
Tho other man shook his head
gloomily. "I have kept my word,"
ho said. "You remember my last
speech to you? I said, 'I am
going to begin a new life to raako
my fortune. In twenty yenrs, If I have
none so, I shnll return. Hy thnt tlmo-f
I may hopo that my crlmo will havo
been forgotten. It may bo that In
twenty years somo of those who know
my wretched story will bo dead I may
oven be dead myself; but, If not, I
shall return to tho country I am now
about to leave behind; for surely In
twenty years the dlsgraco which now
tarnishes my name will bo blotted out
and forgotten. Until thon, farewell!'
And now," he continued, "tho term
of my self-imposed banishment Is at
an end. I havo kept my word and I
havo returned."
Mr. Hurrltt laid his hand upon hls
friend's shoulder.
"You Judgo yourself too hnrshly,"
ho snld; "tho word crlmo In too se
vero a one to apply to that youthful
Indiscretion sin, if you will rcpentod
of as soon ns committed."
"Repentance!" cried tho other, Ira
.patiently; "what Is tho good of repent
ance? Will It recover n lost reputa
tion and wipo out a Btaln upon tho
past? The fortune I went to seek Is
mine, but I would glvo It all for an
unblemished record, so that I might
not be nshamed to look any man In tho
face. Ah, Silas! It Is a torrlblo thing
to think that a child of ml no should w
over blush for her father!" '
"You aro married, then?" Inquired
Mr. Hurrltt, gladly seizing tho oppor
tunity thus offered of changing tho
dismal subject. "Is your wife with
"I am a widower," was tho reply.
."My wife died twelve years ago, leav
ing mo with one child a daughter."
"Tell mo all about your daughtor,"
said Mr. Hurrltt, "and how you camo
to make up your mind to part with her
for so long? I have u daughter of ray
own ns well as tho son who wns born
before you left England and though I
havo been threatening to pnek her off
to boarding school for tho last four
or five years, I never could rcconcilo
myself to tho Idea of tho separation.
And now she's too old nlnetcon last
birthday," and her father shook his
head over Ills own weakness and smil
ed, an Indulgent, parental smile.
"Thnt's tho ngo of my Agnes within
a your," said tho other; "strango that
wo should havo daughters so nearly
tho samo ago!"
Ho looked at his companion strango-
"I am In your hands, Silas," ho said;
"you can ruin mo in my child's eyes,
as well as In tho eyes of tho world,
whenever you please."
(To bo continued.)
The Real Thing In Toothaches.
"Geewhltaker! Jumping Moses!
Hut It wns tho worst case of toothacho
I ever bumped against," ho said. "It
was easy In tho early part of tho even
ing, but when midnight nrrlvod It got
busy for fair. Liniment, hot and cold
water nnd nil tho rest of tho standnnl
remedies wero applied without avail.
Seven thousand devils, with Boven
thousand red-hot slodges, hammered,
hammered and hammered away at the
throbbing nerve. That tooth stood1'
upon its head, rolled over tho carpet
and hung out of tho window. It
growled, grumbled, moaned and mut
tered, lnughed, cried, run, wulked.trot-'
ted, gulloped, sailed, How, dug and ex
cavated, and did everything under tho
henvons but quit und go to sleep llko
a decent tooth nnd stop monkeying
"Hut why didn't you havo it ex
tracted?" "Just as soon as Hrown could get to
the dentist's lie "
"Great Scott, mun! Wasn't It your
tooth?" ,(
"No; It was Brown's."
Floored the Englishman.
At a dinner party In London Miss
Hcatrlco Herford was taken down by
an Englishman whom sho discovered
to bo a fellow of tho Royal Geographic
society and who professed to know by
nnmo all tho places on tho map of
England. Miss Herford had long strug
gled with such names as Cholniondeley
iwhumley.) Criehton, (Cryton.) and
tho rest, nnd this struck her as an op- A
portunlty. "As n geographer, nnd especially as
a Royal Geographer," sho said, "you
will bo ablo to tell mo whero Wlnklo
Tho Royal Geogrnphor was puzzled,
and asked If sho was sure sho had pro
nounced it properly, and how It was
"1 pronounced It In tho most English
wny I could,' snld Miss Herford.. i'lt
Is spelled W-1-n-d-s-o-r C-a-s-t-1-e." lrow
J York Times.
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