raEE5tiaWiSB!K" -Afci - i - m - " W' . jiUw- v -,. 8HYL0CH It feeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body. ror nearly uurty years Scott s Emulsion has been the great giver of human flesh. We will send you a couple of ounces free. SCOTT & DOWNE. Chomlsts. 400-415 Poarl Stroot, Now York 50c. and f 1.00 ; all druggists. ft m ?4a4334a3tEttttttef: LOCALETTES W ill I'm kt-r s in Superior this week, whole ho ha plumbing contract. Mrs. Shi pp.inl of Guide Iloek visited friends in tl.u city ill llist of t!io wet k. Tom Lanudtovo nil tho vny from I Campbell thrnugu the intui in ortlor to Shylock was the man who v,tt! vjunted a pound of human Mr' Kw ,K'"r of Franklin n ,, wore visitors in tho uity tlio first of t..u flesh. There arc many w,,,k. Shylocks now, the convales-j Mrs. Eti.oi Pvio is vuiting hor per cent, the consumptive, the '"""NMr. nmi Mrs t. v. iiatiieid, of sickly child, the pale young "'JJ, M Wnivot. si9tcr o Mrs woman, all want human flesh Frml Bottfeid, has returned to inl and they can get it take .o in iniuoU. Scott's Emulsion. , n- J,10J,,1"nI of NolIs county is visiting wlh her paroirs, Mr. aud Scott's Emulsion is flesh Mr. v. a. iirown, and1 blood, bone and muscle.' Homo fori out, 1 block uorhtenst of S hi n Wnnl school It quire at Henry Dicderieli's shoe store. Mrs. Allio Albiiglit entertained the Simple Siisnii Cub and their liusbnnds nt eat lis Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tunnant drovo to Franklin Friday to vllt with tin ir sou Karl. returning Tuexl ly. A license to niairy was Issued on November 0. to D.ivid Frey and Ida Soininorhukler of Guide Rock. Mrs Carrie Adams and two (laugh tors, ft tint Ilistings, aru visiting wlih Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Nowhottso. 'I'ho lied Cloud baskot ball girls have arranged for a game to be played with the Frauklin girls, at Franklin, on the 21st. A football gnmo between Ditto Hill and lied Cioud has been arranged for Tnanksgtvlng, to bo played on the home lit !d. Tho Ladies' Guild pnsponed their entertainment nt Mrs. Van Camp's on account of bad weather, until Novem ber tho 1.1 h. L. L. Uoion has formed a partner h p with W. G. H'aok of Alma in the teal estato husine.-e and will leavo for that place soon. The Ladies' Baptist Aid Society will open their handkorchlof bazar Satur day, December 13. Notice of location will appoar latter. Geo Mollister is slightly dlstlgurod by having been struck in tho face by a piece of timber while cleaning away tho wreck at Franklin. Mrs. C. E. Roberts, Sin Francisco, Cal : Would not not bo with R'H-ky Mountain Tea in our house. It's a great family remedy. Makes and koeps us well. C L. Dotting. Mrs. E J. Uvering.Ji1., and daughter are in Omaha this week, visiting Mr. Overing, who is recovering rapidly from the sugical operation which ho recently underwent. Bishop Bouacttni of Lincoln con ducted continuation services nt the C I'holic church in this city yesterday. A clnss of about fifteen received tho rites of the church. homo will no doubt be tided to "stand ing room only" to hear this old but pop ttlar play. The specialties between acts are new and stumpy, and tlivte ato no tedious walls. Tho spielal scenery ranied by tho company adds greatly to the sttpetior manner in whhhtho productions are minified. Tomorrow aftornr.on there will In a matinee and tlio week's engagement will oloo with tlio entetttiutucnt in tho evening. (6 t Will You Wait Until i Hi It's Freezing Cold Stock saddles at Joe Fogel's. Light harness at Joe Fogel's. Al Galusha wtnt to Lincoln Wednes day. Hugh bonl is homo from Om aim for a virit. Will Smith of Filloy was in tho city this week. Charlie Fort of Omaha was in town this week. Miss Lois Pope is home from Omaha (or a visit. Miss Hazel Potts has returned to Red Cloud. Will K'znr camo down from River ton to vote. Jim Padgett left Wednesday (or Downs, tvnu. Ed Qillurd was in Naponco tlio first of tho week. Miss Mma Leggett has returned (rotu Kansas. Mrs. I. H. Hampton is homo from Oloomington. Coal, coall Soft coal for base burner? al Caldwell's. Bud MoCuno came homo from Kearney to vote. . Mr. Fred Tnrnure was quite sick the first of tlio week. Try Ward Hayes for n first clash shave or hair-cut. Chester Pope lo t Tuesday eveniup forTrinidnd,Colo. Born, to Mr. nnu Mrs Grai.t Houcbin October :i0, a boy. 1) J. My era and family have returned from Houldcr, Colo. By S.ioppmdson i f Klvetton was in the city eduoday. If you want tho bnHt and eheapes' harness, go to F igel's. See Joo Fogel for unythiug in tin linrness or saddlety line. Dr. Morauvillo and wlfo of Guide Rock were up Thursday. diaries Putnam and wifo of Cowles were in tlio elvy Tliursday, MissLonoro llatman has retiirmd from her visit in Holdrcgu. Jaek Hayes and sou woro up from Guide Itoek the first of tho week. Found Bunch of kiys. Owner can have sunn bv I'nllirir at Giicos The Election. TiieMlny's election in this county was a remark tblc one, in that little or no attention was paid to patty lines. "Scratching" wn fieoly Indulged in by tlio voters on both sides, and iho estimates and ealeuliitio is if parly lenders went nstiuv. Tltu stirpnvi o( the election was the I'efcnt of Kd Aniaek, reptlblleait noini. nee for shetilV, J A. McAilhtir, the fusion enmlidite, being re elected to the ofllcn by the narrow margin of 0 votes. Tho greatest change in the volo for sherlir occurred in the Second ward f this city, which two years ago gavo Oliver Hedge, republican, J! ma jority, and tills year guvo Sheriff M. Aitlmr a niMJority of M, a gain of 08 votes for tho fusion enndidato. As the ward is ordinarily tepubllenn by an overwhelming mi.joiity, McAilhur's I ig gain is tho more romarkaido County Clerk E S. Gather I'd the lepubli.an ticket nnd was ro-electoJ by tho sp'ondid majority of 400 votes His work in tho ofllco during his first tot in was (vidently more than an is factory to the voters of tho county. Georgo McCrary, tho genial fusion incumbent of tho county treasurer's ofllco, will continue for another two years to unilo across tlio counter of that ofllco at tho taxpayers of the county. His popularity is shown by the fact that he not only led his own ticket, hut nisi had a larger majority thin tho leading republican candidate, 452 McCrary has smilo that won't "jar looso." Miss Elizabeth Marker, fusion can didato (or re-election to the oDlne ol county superintendent, defeated Miss Ada Skjelver by a majority of 101, a gnin o( 170 over her majority o( two years ago. County Judgo I. W. Edion was tbo only candidate for re-eloction to suffer defeat, Albeit H. Keeney, republican, winning by the splendid majority of 215 votes. , Georgo Hutchison, fusion candidate for clerk of tho district court, defeated Thomas H. Quigglo, republican, by a niiij'Titv of 79. James Burden, the present incumbent of tbooflioe, is a re publican. Bichard Turner, ropublloan cand'. b ill Hi Hi Hi i Hi Hi Hi Or will you buy your Overcoat today? Will you buy wool for warmth and color-keeping andshnpokeeping, or do you want cotton in your wool? You can't have cotton here we are too particular. What do we stand for in this community? For high standards or low standards? Where hail you better buy your clothes? Overcoats i for mm Ml We don't brag about the fineness of our $.1.50 and $5.00 Overcoats, but they are strong and good-looking jusi 1 igni 101 inu man muy re lueani 101. atr n& Biir w $18.00 Hi Hi Hi Hi ill $8, $9.50, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16 and fy means Overcoat elegance, elc. but come in for the rest of jj our Overcoat story. Lots of Men's, Boys' and Children's iy line Suits, Shoes, Hats and Furnishing Goods. 6 Asrr MILLIONAIRES WEAR SOLID GOLD WATCH CHAINS.BUT THE GREAT MAJORITY OF MEN WEAR Simmons Watch Chains Just ns stylish and hand somo as all-gold ones, 'wear just as long, and a good deal cheaper. Thoy aro guaranteed to givo entire satisfaction to tho wearer. For salo by NEWHOUSE BROTHERS. Jewelers and Opticians, Bod Cloud, Nob. It adds spico tc dreary life.enconragos tlio human heart, lifts one out of de spair, breaths new life and confidence. i'lia'H what ll'ieky Mountain Tea will do. Jl cents. C. L. Ui tting. It's like a dip tn tho fountain of vi mil " Tone 04 tho cheek fo gently 'hat "iMtih lingi rs on tln faco of old iijn." 'i'liat's what Boek.v Mountain Tea dots J) j cents. C. L. Cotting l)rs. Weitii k it Hltldlo of Hastings will moot eye, ear, no.eo nnd throat pttieuts and those needing classes luted, in Dr. Creiglitan's ofllco in Bed Cloud, Thursday, November 10 .J no. Grlffeth's public salo Wed ties day was well attondod and everything bt ought i;ood prices. Mr. GrifTeth had estimated the pioperty to bo fold at about $3,000, and tho sales amounted to over S3,fi0l). Lncinn K Igir Follnnlieo, tho popr. I ir lecturer, will appear ut ilio M. K c itireb Tuesday, November 10th. Th's is tho second of the Nuios of entertain ni'Mit winch havo lieen arrat ged for by t io Ladies' Aid Society and is -one of t'io best in tho serios. You should at tend and givo tho ladies encourage ment. Tuesday aftornom Mrs. J. A.Tu b'js entertained her lady friends with nn at homo. The house was handsomely dooorated with ferns and pottod plants, and tofn Moments were soivod. Tlio feature of the afternoon was a guessing contest. Kieh guest was given a caul containing a numbor of qttesttons, tlio a iswers to which were the names of virions kinds of cake. Mrs. K. S. Gtrber gavo tho largest nninbor of cor wet answers nnd wn9 awarded tl o prizo. In the evening tho hiiBbands nnd gentlemen friends of tho ladies wro invited, and ptogrestivo whist was tho amusement, Henry Clark winning the gontlomon's ptlzu nnd Mrs C. L). Kobinson tho ladios' prlzo. Mrs Tulloys was assisted in entertaining by Mrj. O. I). Kobinson. Arlngt n & Swain's comodlans are giving a series of high class entertain' monts at tho opera house this week, and are deserving of bettor houses than they havo boon favored with. J. T. Forester, leading man, is an actor of exceptional ability, wbilo the sup port of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Swain aud the balance of tho company is all that could bo desired. To-night tho strong drama, "Ten Nlght3 in a liar Roi m," will bo the attraction and tho opera Avoid Typhoid Fever By having a new well put down and cased with a heavy galvan ized tube, made by us in any size, diam eter, of heavy iron something that will last a lifetime and be a source of comfort and health. We have PWS That work easily and give satisfaction; also pipe in any size or quantity at the right prices to interest you. A pump complete with cylinder for $4.00 Good, heavy goods and properly fitted. Galvanized Iron and Wood Water Tanks carried in stock. Let us fit you out with a complete outfit. M0RHART BROS. Hardware Go. w (t m w m w m (t to TO TO TO TO TO $18, TO TO TO TO TO TO Hi . TO ill THE r ftWriEU U 41 CV II (ituimi; rci TO IIIL. WTTIL.ll-llL.L.l VlVlllllltJI Wii TO Hi ill vVi First Door North of Postofflce. saS'aa3aa3-ar ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS. TO TO TO Red Cloud, Neb. m M dato for county nssrasor, is oloctod over Crabill by tho deciivo nmjrity of DO Mr. Turner had an uphill tight for tho ofllco, but wen handsomely. W. H. Anderson, republican candi date for commissioner from the Second distriot, wins over Groig by a majority of II. John W. Tulleys, republican, was olrctod county surveyor by a j;ood ma jority, aud Dr. II. F. Raines, republi can, is elected coroner. Judge J. B. liar nes, republican can didate for judge of tho supremo court, has a majority of about 8,000 in the htato. nnd tho republican candidates for regents of tho Btnte university are elected by about the samo majority. Judge Kd L. Adams, fusion candi date for district judgo, tins a majority of 12 in the county and about 100 in he district. Cuttlni Affray. Henry, Jones, whollviHiip near Hluo Hill, camo into town Wednesday and loaded up on lighting whi-kv. When lie hail secured euongh liquid disturbance to nrottsu hia lighting courage ho statted out on a hui.t for trohblo. tor se vet al yeat h past hero has not been much love lost between Jono4 nnd Cloyd Cummlngs, and when tho two llunlly met troublu was inevi table. Just how tl o scrap stilted no one seems to be willing to till, but Jones began raking up nu ancient feud and finally the two came to blows. Uuriug tho progress of tlio "scrap" J o os sninthed Cloyd over tlio eye uitu a vair of knocks, ctt'titig an ugly gndi. Cloyd retaliated by drawing a knife and using it oi J nies, who re ceived a cut over thy eye, one under tho Hhou'der and another in tho buck. Jones was taken to Dr. Cook's ollke, whore his wounds were patched up, tho doctor declaring none of them to bo dangiroua. Kyowitr.oss lay tho blanio of tho jiffn r on Jonc, who is said to bo voy q inrrelsomo when drinking. Both woro p'tii'ed under nr ro4t htnl on Thursday appeared nefore Judgo Wast. Cloyd pleadid guilty to the chnrgo of distutblug the peace nnd wiik lined $8, hicli ho paid. Jones gavo u couliiiuuuce bond aud will bo tiled 1 iter. G. A. R. Resolutions. Jiimcs A (iarlield post No. 80 has adopted tlio fillowing preamble and resoltt'i ii4 on thodeaih of W.B Koby: UEitKAS, Death has takon from us our esteenu'd comrade, Win. B Iloby, wlio lived tlio life if a good cit.un, a loyal comrade, a good neighbor mid an uptight man; and, Wmkucas, When this nation was d'H'iiscd and in sore distress at the hands of the enemies ofotirgivormout, our diet used comraiio enlisted to up hi Id our Hag, tho prontost il ig in the world, nnd tho causo f humanity, thoreforo ho it. Hesolvki), 'I liit Jnmos A. Gntilold post has lost a worthy comrado, tlio community u good cilizon; nud, bo it further Hesolvkd, That the post charter be draped for tbl ty days in memory of our decoased comrade; and bo it further Hesoi.vkd, That Jamos A. Garfield post extend to tho family of tho de ceased its condolenco and sympathy, nnd that these resolutions bo placed ttpou tho records of tho post. PlillllpS'Martln. Last Wo Intbd iy at 12 o'clock, at tho ollico of tho ptolnto judge, occurred tbo weddlug of M's Uirtha L Phillips Chicago lumber Co. L NEW LUMBER YARD AT ROSEMONT. NEW LUMBER! BEST COAL ! GET OUR PRICES. Arthur Baum, Manager. ,nffrj''ffsSf' J. P. HALE RED CLO UD WEHSTBR COUNTY NEBRASKA K9EAL ESTATE AND- jPTARM JOANS 1 i h J X lit i Xl til I J til lit x ui flNSIIQANtf! 1M i-y- i w Some of tlio finest fitrms mid city property in W ebster Coun ty, Nebraska, for miIo Prices ranging from ?lfi to $2o per ucro. J. P. HALE, r?rH tilnuti. Nnhraikrt. 2Wa 'atw 'W-'W AAAArAsrA ' Over Ml lb and Mr. John Mat tin, Judgo 1. W. E'lson pel forming tho eoroniony. Tlio tn ido is a daughter of M nnd Mrs A, A. Phillip?, southwest of C iwleg, nnd tho groom is ono of Webster county's urosporons younc farmers. After tho ceremony tho bi ido and groom, accom- oanied bv a few friends, drovo to tho Phillips home, whore nn elaborate wed ding dinner wns partaken of by tlio relatives nnd a number of invi'oil guests. Tho wedding festivities ended with a danco in tho ovonlng. Tho happy couplo wero tho rocipients of many useful and valuable prosonts. Thoy will make their home f r a short time with tho bride's parontB, but ex pect to mako i heir permanent homo in Washington. Tup. Chief extends its good wishes to tho newly wedded pair. Land Buyers' Excursion. Bargains in pasture nnd hay land, Improved and unimproved valley and upland farms in Valley, Greoloy, How- Vz Million DOLLARS DAMAGE in Adams county, Mtiy2ltli. ib For first-class insiunnco, call on or address O. C. TEEL HEO CLOUD, NEB. k m m m m m m m m n m m 9999& aid and Shormnn counties. Pasturo or river bottom farm. Excursion will leave Cowles for Loup City Tuesday, Nov. 10, ovor B & M. 11. It. Loup City and return, $4.17, on this date only. Securo a farm now and got landlord rent. Write for particulars to A. 11. Koouoy, Cowles, Nob. ' - Farmers' Institute, Tho Webster County Farmers' Insti tute will bo hold at Cowles Monday and Tuesday, Novembor 23 and 94. Tho program will be announced soon. This will bo tho first moeting of the kind hold in the stnto this year. Farm Loans. I havo just propared myself to mako farm loans nt a low rato of interest either in Jowell, Smith or Wobstcr oountlo; can pay off at any time, J. II. Bailey, Ilcd Cloud. va I war. TTOombo" orowoted?' "" gPffirjw1fM' - .'.'.. t-i r""?" ULWIL7?"ro'"U"i tnwtWBWnH Kiwi