3IP , ',",?lM"'l",,' " t"'?1 "''-swf fjV1.. ' '. lvv ,-iumwwoi RwfiMwrr- m- -r;?" "" U t - .v7r r r Red Cloud, the Geographical Center of the United States, a Good Place to Live In. ' . . . . i : 'f""'',?S'yy"' f.-y.j-rj-f -J. yr!'!":'-''.-'M'T'."f -ss-afflSj? ?... & --is Br.- -'"f'g'-gi-- ' :. .. y- '-- m -2l " VOLUBLE xxxr. RED CLOUD, XEliRASKA. NOVEM1JEK 0, 1!0U. NUMJIEIt 15 rcc I W1& i sCGO So. Past ofS F!o:r Space. ic,ooo .street of j Flocr Space. Underwear. all-wool "Satisfaction or Money Back mm k m Tar c Neb. ) The Daylight Store Red Cloud, Rubens Vests, 35 Infants to 50c. Child's Sleeping Garments, all-wool fleeced, knit garment, for 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 year old, 60c. Children's wool fleece Underwear, 15c for size 16 and 5c rise per size. Wmlstlngs. Fancy Mohair, white in fancy pat terns, stripes and dots, 38 and 44 inches wide, 60c and $1.25 respectively. Silk Ginghams, per yard, 25c. All-wool Challies, per yard, 50c. Panama Waisting (with heavy fleec ing, per yard, 20c. Remnant 25c Waisting, 15c. Outing. Remnants Outing Manuel, for Night Robes, regular 8 and 10c, at 6c yard. Notions. We are showing the new Pompadour Comb. This Comb does away with hair rolls and old-fashioned rats. They are antiseptic, practical and comfort able, preventive ot headache. 30c. Carpets. Scotch Linoleum, 12 feet wide, hand some pattern. Superior to narrow widths for covering kitchens and din ing rooms; no seam in center to show wear. Ingrain carpet pattern, 75c square yara or $2.75 per running yard. Special, 9-12 all-wool reversible Smyrna Rug, instead of $27.50 to $30, first quality Rug, $22.50. Ribbons. 1,000 yards Ribbons, new, crisp, washable, Taffeta and Fancy Novel ties, suitable for neck and hair ribbons. Instead of 20c and 25c. we make the price 15c. Dress Goods Section. 50c black Novelty Goods, 37c. 75c black Novelty Goods, 60c. $1.00 black Novelty Goods, Sdc STATE CREEK. Cl'tH, Ai buckle mill Iim crew of cur- , pentirs liuvo ubotil complete 1 hU lii.c new retideneo. l.uf Kiiznilil, ' (J hurley Lctizlo:' mill Will Soiilincr luvo been doing tlii! will;. Tlii' latter two nro Bed Cl-md eniiir.ietui.s ami builder, am! Ii:tvu done In go amount of work ill. j past Minnm-i-, including tht) bun key Bros, bi barn twid tsi.o nt Auiboy. I.. L. Do Hurt of Bed Cloud visited wiili Ins daughter, Mrs. J. W. Cor bit, tlio latter pari ot lust week Joan mill Frank Witwer put up a now windmill for Mrs. Kiuli Dttvis. Tuey nlo niadu a well lor Uiorgu MuumforU and will cicct u w 11I111UI for li ui. Property fold well nt Fr.ink Smith's salt). jM.A. Ciiloof White Hock ami James Adaius of L luiion weiu tho auctioneers. V. H. Uosencians sold twenty bend of cattie nntl some bogs to a man ou Wuluui Crotk. Allen Cnrpcti ter bought several bead of cattle at Frank Smith's sal-. Char. Barrott si Id some of bis stock hog tor 7o a pound and has ouougb left io eat up quite a good crop of our 30 cent coru. Corn busking bas begun In earnest. Some hunkers are getting 185 a month, instead of busking by the bushel, as is customary here. tttttcetttc-tttt 4444 f ...Eye and Eye Glass Care...! L' HT us pilot, vou nut of the misery nnd iliiiiiter of overworked and a, improperly treated eyesight. Into tlio rest and sntlsl'iu't Ion of nt- i stored vision. Wo understand Eyes nnd Eyo Glasses our busl- J ness to tit tlio 0110 to tlio other. Wo know tlio K.vo mid its needs - u. i wo know tlio dangers that, follow in t ho wnko of defeetivo Eyes and strain- 0 Jr ed vision. Our knowledge of tlio Hyo and practical experience in tlio JJJ lining ni liliissus Is ut yrur service. Wo oxmnino your eyes thoroughly, seleutilleiilly: tell you their oxuc.t condition, advlso you what to dcuuirt i grunt you tho privilege of doing us you please. v v tJ lb lb lb ib lb lb lb lb lb TliA rkHitA uttllt fnma tl tlln kk a In hid kiiuiikd nuivu wuiiiq m inw ujd aid ua T vond the Dowar of tho Individual to remertv. JJJ Neglect to rIvo eyes proper and timely caru l T responsible (or much ol the president day eye J5J trouble. 1 VI J tlltlW H fVI II UHWltU 4IIWVIHIU EYE CARE. WallinR nnd hoping nivor belters aillnc vision -procrmtin&tion IS the Ihlel ol Rood eyesight. ui f soon exhausts Its delicate nere force. T When the eye first troubles, the man ot sense Tf knows there Is need of help, and stralghway JT Rets It. T Let us aid you to better vision or the preserve- y lion ol whM rHmitlni. EYEGLASSCARE. A little way from right Is a ureat way wrccc with eye glassos and spectacles. Wo make a study of Individual needs and fit names and lenses witn exactness. Every appliance science has devised Is at our command. Every pair of glasses must precisely suit tht JJ, wearer and us. SI Each tens, each frame, Is thoroughly Inspected. T If there is Haw or blemish it Is discarded, 7 Your eye glasses nro as Important as your J eyesight Is Important. Here the skill, the will T. and the facilities to make them so. tv EYES EXAMINED. GLASSES FITTED. NEWHOUSE BROS. I J Jewelers and Opticians. red cloud, neb. V Winter is Coming and you will want a warm pair of SHOES. 1 have what you wan in cither Ladies' or Men's sizes. Warm Shoes Felt Slippers All sizes, extra large or extra small. Now is the time to buy your Arctics. I have now a larger stock of Arties, Rubber Boots, German Socks, etc., than 1 ever had before. I make a specialty of extra large sizes of SHOES sizes up to ii, 12 and 13. Mann DiPiVh v m m ' mam jr aw m r am sr- m mr m m i J-Arrf' GUIDE ROCK. Alvn Minors now lions i is about com pleted. Mr. mid Mrs. Rilph Petora hnve moved to a furin n'Jtir town. Tho 1) of II niuotH for prnctico on Monday ovenitiB. Mrs. Curt Evans, who has linen visit int; with hor sister, Mrs. J. V. Kobln- s in Ikis leturned to lior homo in lied Cloud. Mr mid Mrs. Wllhnr Hamiltou will ni-k'i tli'dr hoiiin in Guide Hock. The numbers of tho Chi istnln church will oHebratn the minivorsmy of tlieir oru.'tni. ttion loiuoirow. A dinner will he served to tho membors nnd their invi'cd gnosis. Tho lliptist indies pavo 11 supper olection liny antl uniio a tulce littlx sum of nionoy wus added to tho church I fund. .VJLLOWCREEK'. ; MANITOBA. Mrs. Ciilds hns gone to Nuckolls county to visit ftiinds and relatives. Mf. Uruner litis pureh ised a farm in Jackson county, Kunsiin. Mr. lintbakor is tinishiiw np a lino njw rcsidoico for Lon Higan, A, C. Uon hid tho misfortune to lose four head of yearling steers, by the cornbtnlk route Fred Bon hns sold his farm on I'onnry creek to Mr. l'eteron forSl,8,0 We aio sorry to havn Mr. Peterson mid his exeellout family leave this neigh borhood. Mrs. A. C. Hon was called to Jewell county. Kansas last ivoik to attend tho fuuoral f a liit'o3-yar-old grand child. She was the youngo it daughter of Mr. nnd Mis John Siuuderson. U'ho Saladen brother's hnd to stop ihejr UiiO'ihinK work at S.imuel llrttner's lint Friday owing to tho rain. A. C. B'Hi W siifl'oring from a nervero attiut of rheiimiitifm. The other day a man brought in for reoair 1 Cordon & Ferguson Raccoon coat tnat he had Douont 20 years affo- $ wear a long time. Buy of your dealer! If he cannot supply you we will ' tell you who can Gorton tergujsanst.yaw.iwnn. vfc m Qfcl v 1 K Bowling is n pleasant recreation, is inviorHtlng and is 11 hoaUliful pastime, and for 11 pleasant liour'n iimuseniont notliing is more inturebtiug limn u gtuno or two ut the : : : flpex Bouilinq Alleys W. L. MoMILLAN, Propr lotor. Ohoico Tobaooos ond Cigars Always on Hand Pmtnmatma f- BLADEN. Mr. nnd Mih I. MeNuIr were in lUue H 1', TiuifMliiy. Miss Anna Biiiovv is liniiio from Cdiforniii. llev. Willi' Ih eonduetin' n-vival meetings at New Virginia thU w:uk. Mr. nnd M's. Cutis. Spunco visited hero this week. Dave Tammeu nud wifo wero called to Prosor tlii 4 vvchk on iicenunt of tho illiM si of Mr. Tamnioii'd bnithor. Tho infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Diihhs of Hogarth, win hive been visiting nt tho homo of Kll Cox, died l.iat Friday evening alter it short illnnsH OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Tho Bon Ton is fcovo O'sti stylo on bhort kinds of projiared in ovory notico. All Hot Drinks for cold weather served at tho soda fountain, Catering for parties mid dances. I The Bon Ton W. S. BENSB, Proprietor. I To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. pfejb Seven MDllon boxes sold In past 13 months. This Signature, V-' ' JTV Cures Crif) fa Two Dyg. on every DOX.25C. BLACK - DRAUGHT STOCK an POULTRY MEOIGSNE Stock and,, poultry havo few troubles whicb nro not bowel and u ., irrnnlnrhies. Dlack- ' Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine- is a bowel and liver rcmwly for stock. It puts tho organs of digestion in a perfect condition. U'rorainem Amraiwu ; " V farmers keep their herds nnd flocks ; healthy by giving them an occa rf'sional doso of Blrwk;Draught Stock ''And rouitry Aiouicine iu vuuir .itood. Any swck rawer way uuy tvrAnt hiilf-Dound air-tiuht can vol this medicino from his dealer 'sand keep his stock in vigorous health for weeks. Dealers gencr- ally keep Black-Draught Stock and tOUllry JHCUICIHU. JIUUJO AKjm .nnt. lend 25 cents for a sample Jean to tho manufacturers, Tha ;i Chattanooga Medicino Co., Chat- hUnooga, lenn. IlocuBLLB, Q A., Jan, 80, 102. DUwk-Drught Stock and Poultrr ModlctnoU tho bett I eor tried. Out toek vu '.ooklngbad when you s:nt mo tho modtclno anu now iney r getting so one. They aro looking 39 . ear cent. Utter. I ; T 8. P. BBOCKINQTON. PUBLIC SALE Wednesday, Nov. II, At 10 o'clock a. m. Having Hold my farm, 10 miles south or Hod Cloud nml (I miles north and 1 !j miles east of Lebanon, I will sell at public salo tho follow ing describe property: 82 HEAD of STOCK. IIOKStiS AND CATTLK -.'I work mares, 1 yearling colt, 11 cows, 2 two year old hoifors, 4 yearling steers, I steer calves, 1 bull calf, 5 heifer calves; also 5(1 SIIOATS, weighing from (!0 to 100 pounds. One stuck oats, sonio millet and prairie hay, 1 now wagon, 1 top buggy, !. riding cultivator, 1 walking cultivator, 1 steel harrow, two listers, 1 stirring plow, 1 corn planter, I hay ruck, 1 mower and rake, 1 sot double harness, 1 single harness, 1 buggy harness, 1 sowing machine, 1 bureau, 2 clothes closotK, 1 dish closet, 1 extension table, 20 dozen chickens, household and kitchen fur niture and ninny other articles too numerous to mention. BOO bushels of old Corn Will make good soed. TERMS OV SALE -A credit of 12 months will bo given on all sums over ?.r, purchaser giving note drawing 10 per cent interest, and approved security. Sums of $f and under cash; 2 per cent oil' for cash on sums over $5. There i will bo lunch ou the ground. THOS. CONNARTON. COL. WINFREY, Auctioneer. LINE Election went republican over hero, Mrs. Sutherland was the guest of Mrs. Wlldey this week. Mr. Wildoy iniulo a business nip to Superior Tuesday, Ij. F. Hutchisoi is doing some car penter ivorK forSeuh Hosencrans, Tho roads to Hud Cloud uro almost impassablo, Mr. and Mrs, James Keaglu altmded the stock fate nt the Moon much on Wednesday. F. D. Hutchison, and wifo aro con. tcmphtlng removing to Atkauats foi tho benefit of Mrs. Hutchison's health. Amos Gust has closed tho road on his place. Advertised Letter List. List of letters reinainiiig uncalled for at posaollleo at Bod Cloud, Nob., for thy week ending Nnvombor 5, 1003: MeCiystal, AE Suhegg, Ilelon Thuso will bo sent to tho dead letter olllce November 11), 1903, if not called for before, When cnlliug for nbovo ploaso say "advertised." T. C. Haceii, Postmaster. Get your Job work ut this oflioo r 4 I I I 1 . ' If Mf1WBT1Ul'SIYt ' L J dKJ. 80KJ "41tTt6e' TTV 'y w. w w . yygWKiWffwjs qvwrtrwrerrTrew.rrTOE3Bsw&,i " wvwsh&w-s r.5K s "lJ,'l,,4liWW'''lJ'-W .' i;vx