The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 09, 1903, Image 4

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In v
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P. G. I'iiarks, Editor.
? re".. "',,?S
I nte red at toe pout office at iiev. ,.., Neb. as
-oond class mall matter.
Yurnlshed on application.
Republican Ticket.
'For .Tudgo of tlio Supremo Court
J"or Regents of Stuto UnlviTiito
"For District JihIro
J. W. JAMES HnstliiBH
Tor County Treiwurer
W. II. SKELTON Bluo Hill
'For County Clerk
E. S. GAUBER Gttldo Rock
Tor Shoriir
EI) AMACK Gurilold
JFor Clerk of District Court
For County Judgo
A. 11. KEENEY Cowlts
Tor County Superintendent
Tor County Assessor
Tor Coroner
-Tor, Surveyor
JOHN W. TULLEYS....Red Cloud
iFor Commissioner, Second Dlst
AV. R, ANDERSON Glenwood
Ed. Amack, republican cnndldnto for
shorlff, is making hustliiiK cnrnpaln
and is receiving ninny promises of
support in qunrtors whore ho had not
Ihopod for it.
"Tliero is no reason why populists
should support tho alleged fusion
ticket this fall. Every candidate on
tlio tk'kot is cither a gold-detuocrat or
it straight-out democrat. Tho popu
lists tho real pooplo's party advocates
were utterly ignored when tho ticket
was niado up.
Tho only argument tho opposition
lias l)eoii ahle to rako up against A. II.
" Keenoy, republican candl'ato for
county judgo, Is his youthful appear
- unco. Appearenccs aro deceptive, and,
t while Mr. Keenoy does look rather
youthful, it Is duo more to careful liv
ing than to lack of yours or experience
Tlio fusioulsts aro making thorn
selves ridiculous by circulating a re
port In tho north part of tho county to
tho eirect thnt Richard Turner, repub
lican candidate for county assessor.can
noither read nor write. Such rot as
this will neither tnako votes nor
friends for tho fusion ticket.
Miss Ada Skjolver, republican candl
diito for superintendent of public
schools, is at present principal of the
First ward school in this city. Miss
Skjolver has ljt'pn ery successful in
her school work hore.and hot extended
acquaintance over tho county should
make hor a popular candidate for the
' olllco of superintendent. Miss Skjolver
Is tt daughter of Otto Skjolver of
" Cathertou precinct, which precinct is
also tho homo of her populist opponent
for tho olllco.
Tho now otllco of county assessor,
created by tho legislature last winter,
is one of tho most important to bo
Illled by tho voters at tho November
election. Richard Turner of Rod
Cloud precinct, republican candidate
for this otllco, is a veteran of the civil
war and has always been a republican.
Mr. Tumor has had plenty of exper
ience lit the lino of work to bo dono by
an assessor, and his books and reports
to tho county clerk, whllo assessor of
his precinct, were in as good shapo as
To be sure, you are growing
old. But why let everybody
see It, in your gray hair?
Keep your hair dark and rich
and postpone age. If you will
Hair Vigor
only use Ayer's Hair Vigor,
your gray hair will soon have
all the deep, rich color of
youth. Sold for 60 years.
" I am now oyer GO jrears old. and I hare
thick, alotar hem) of Iuhk hair widen It a
wonder to every one who sees It. And not a
gray hair In It, nil due to Ajer't Hair Vliior."
MM. II. It. I1UMTI8, lleclda, Minn.
fl .Ma bottle.
J. C. AYKtt CO.,
1.OW0II. Man.
White Hair
ll-v-rfs1lAV, '
ssasw. . " .-. 1 . kAJL.-U. -lMtf USUI
any turned into that olllco. lie de
serves the hearty support of his party.
V. R. Anderson, republican candi
date for comlsslouor from tho Second
district, Is a well know farmer of Glen
wood preclnt. Mr. Anderson has nl
ways taken ft koon Interest in tho llnntt
cial affairs of tho county, and is a life
long republican. Under tho now law
passed by tho legislature last winter
county commissioners, while nomi
nated tyti..i. mrU districts, aro to bo
voted for by tho votors or iAio ontlro
county. This will tend toward making
tho county board of tho sanio political
complexion as tho majority of county
olllcors and Insure harmony in tho
transaction of county business. Mr.
Anderson is perfectly competent to
(HI the olllco to which ho has been
nominated, and thero is no reason why
ho should not rocolvo tho solid voto
of tho republicans of Webster county
In this republican year.
Freedom of Contract.
Tho labor leaders who havo inter
viewed tho president say that ho
makes a clear distinction between an
"open shop" In private business and
an open shop in a government depart
ment. Of cottrso ho does. Tho con
stitution and laws of tho country
guaranteo tho utmost freedom of con
tract to tho citizen. If employers and
employes mutually agree that a shop
shall bo open to none but mombors of
a labor union, It is a matter strictly
between themselves. But with tho
government It Is quite dilforout. All
government olllces and employment
aro open for competition to all Amer
icans who can prove tholr competency
to perform tho duties of such ofllco or
omploymout, and competition under
tho civil sorvico laws for appointments
must not bo confined to any self-con
stituted organization of private citi
zens.' Especially is it inconcolvablo
that any private organization can
usurp tho constitutional authority of
tho oxecutlvo in discharging men from
tho public sorvico. as was attempted
by tho printing trades unions in Wash
ington, when tboy domundod tho dls
chttrgo of Miller, tho bindery fore
man, on tho ground that ho was no
longer a mombor of tho union. Tho
presidon! is not a man who would in
terfere ollicially with the arrango
tnonUj of private employers and em
ployes or olfer them gratuitous ad
vice about open shops or closed shops.
It hat not been tho habit of business
or laboring men in this country to
ask ollioial advlco as to their mutual
But it Is a matter of record that
whou tho anthracite arbitration board
in settling tho disputes between tho
operators and tho minors decided that
tho mines should bo open after profor
once had been given in tho llrst in
stance to tho old hands who were ott
on tho striko, tho operators and tho
unions agreed with tho president's
commission and accepted the settle
ment on those terms.
In New Zealand tho law Is against
an opon shop except in cases where
the union cannot supyly a demand
for hands from their own ranks, but
New Zealand by her labor laws has
definitely abandoned the theory of
freedom of private contract. That is
a theory that was first enunciated by
our forefathers when (hey framed tho
constitution of tho United States. It
Is not likely that It will ever bo over
thrown in this country. When it is
tlio beginning of tho end of personal
freedom in this country will havo ar
rived. However auspicious tho begin
ning of tho departure may soem to tho
laboring man's contention, the end
will bo his uudoing. Freedom of con
tract is a protection to labor that can
not bo surrendered with impunity.
State Journal.
The Blue And The Gray.
The granddaughter of General Grant
Is to marry the son of a rebel brigadier
geueral who fought him on tho battle
field of Shiloh
Rosemary Sartorls, daughter of
Nellie Grant Sartois, is engaged to
marry Lieutenant John Wr'ght, U S
A , son of Brigadier General Madeus
.1 Wright, C S A.
1 hero's an Amorican romance for
Forty-otto years ago or more, that is
to say, itfi Sunday aftornooti, April 0,
IHG'J, the confederate lino at Shiloh
wavored and foil back in retreat
Observing tho despoiato resl tenco of
tho slowly .roireatnig lilies Getteuil
Grant asked who was commanding tho
retreat. Somebody answered, "It's a
Tonnosseo colonel, Wright is his
name.'' Turning to his staff, Gouoral
Grant said: "Some of you aro likely
to meot that fellow Wright in com
mand of a brigado "
Sumo of them did moot Wright at
Chickamauga, when he was in com
mand of a brigade of Tonnosseo
And the son of this gallant confed
erate fighter is worthy of his slro.
Lieutenant Wright ha mado a hril;
lint record in Cuba and tho Philip,
pines and is to bo mapo a cap'-iin
Goneraljprunt could not 1 k down
tho vista rthq years and foto.o that
hlsgrauddaughtor should marry a son
of the Tonnosseo colonel
Wero ho hviug, would h ' silent
man" object to the marriage? No!
Tho great commander who wits' kind
to tho hosts of robelllon at Appomat
tox would strike glad hands with tho
son os his ancient foo.
Who, thou, shall forbid tho bans?
Not tho American people. They
will hall with pleasure tho roal re
union of tho bluo and tho gray.
Tho bluo and tho gray?
Who shall forbid tho bans?
Nerved to Die Effort.
Did you over notico how a woman
wm ulways rlso to tho demand of an
occasion under almost any circum
stances? Llfo and lltoraturo aro rich in tho
recapitulation of tho deods of heroism
performed by tho supposedly woaker
so'x, but If wo cau take any stock in
olthor truth or fiction, women can sum
mon up to tholr uld an oxtraordluaiy
amount of norvo though it may bo
spasmodic -that Is simply astonishing.
Tho latest necessity for u display of
groat and physical nioutal effort arose
in a Colorado town vory rocoutly,
whoro tho ontlro staff of a local paper
was an ostod for displaying too much
sympnthy with striking minors.
Tho nrrost was vory innocently ar
ranged to tuko placo just about tho
tlmo that tho forco wero assembling
for tho llnal round-up, and in spito of
protosts thoy woro dragged from tholr
desks and mauhluos and tho suspen
sion oT tho pupor Boomed Inovltabc
Hut tho authorities rockoued without
tho wives of a couple of tho uton most
' Tho women first started out to wail
and wring their bauds and then thoy
concluded that tho timo to woop had
not yet come, so thoy turned in at tho
ofllco, wrote up some pieces," set tho
typo thomsolvos thoy had loarned
tho ttado as girls and tho paper
came out on tlmo and tho day was
Then thoy went homo and had nor
vous prostration.
Of course, thoy could not havo boon
roal womanly had they not collapsed
after tho work was done
But that's part of tholr make-up you
know. Kansas City World.
The Cuban Treaty.
It may bo that a systematic effort
will bo mado to defeat tho consumma
tion of tho reciprocity treaty at the ex
pected extra session. It is to be hoped
that no such clfort will bo made, at
least in any republican quarter.
No such eirort can bo mado without
the responsibility therefor being defi
nitely llxed. Tho method, of course,
will bo delay, evasion, postponement.
It will bo cloarly understood, never
theless. Tho extra session will prevent any
chauco of success for such tactics. No
doubt that is tho reason tho president
docidod to call an extra session, al
though, of courso, ho cannot court
eously say so, specifically.
Tho republican party will moot its
responsibility as a party in this matter,
and any republicans who aro opposed
to tho treaty should meet tho issuo di
rectly. They havo a right to seok with
in proper ground to express their voius
upon tho party, but thoy should do so
openly. Lincoln Star.
Atchison GtobcSI&hts.
So many pooplo try to begin at the
top, instead of tho bottom
A white vost and an empty pocket
book ttro a poor combination.
A f roo tickot novor improves a man's
roal opinion of a show aftor it's over.
Tho trouble with swallowing a kick,
is that you will havo it to swallow
Somo pooplo don't feel that 25 cents
amounts to anything if you have a dol
lar and a half.
If tho rearrangement of thoschodulo
of unroliablo people, tho tailor is to
pass ahead of tho dressmaker.
It is getting to bo tho case that a
man cau us easily afford a fast horse
us ho cau a son-in-law.
Tho kind of people who lio a string
on tho fingor aro tho kind who novor
remombor why thoy tied it thoro.
Whou a child keeps its dress clean
as long as a half day, a wiso mother
will look at its tongue, and fool its
If you aro to havo fried chicken, it
is perfectly proper for your invitations
to state that ou will "oiitortain with
a chicken ".
Whou a man tolls of what ho has
dono for a friend, ho usually coucluds
his story by saying: "Ho wouldn't do
that much for mo."
So many mon aro to bo marriod in
Topoka this fall who can't afford to
keop a wifo, that thoro is talk of got
ting out Injunctions.
People aro always running up to
children and taking things out of thoir
mouths. But how many things do you
put in your mouth that should not bo
A bargain counter scramble is a tamo
affair in comparison with what hap
pened in Atchison ouo day last wook.
A straugo girl camo to town and want
ed to work out Boing an ontlro stran
gor, she docidod to put an advertise
mont iu tho paper for a place, hoping
for results, within a fow weok. With
in ton minutes aftor tho papor con-
Beekmith, Weseott & Storey
talning hor advertisement was out,
an army of women surrounded hor
boardinghouso. Thoy came from all
directions, hatloss and broathloss, some
in drossing sacquos aud kimonos, and
all waving the papor containing tho
girl's advertisement; all sen anting at
tho tops of tholr voices, offering her
from $4 up for her services, and prom
ising that sho should not have to wash
or iron; tho childron should novor
enter the kitchen; sho should have
every afternoon and evening off, and
all the eompany she wantod. Once in
a whllo some volcos, shriller than the
others, could bo heard shrieking above
tho roar, "I do not offer you a placo,
but a homo." Finally tho girl was
snatched up and taken homo by a
North Fifth st. woman, who has her
shadowed constantly for fear sho will
bo stolen by tho othor womon.
A "Gaily" Proposition.
The voice of the tempter is novor
itill, and the way of the virtuous Is bo
set by innumerable perili.
Tho song of tho fabled siron is not in
it with the song and dance of the din
ner sot demon, who holds out promises
of great rewards.
Ho is aftor our soul with tho most
attractive of get-rich quick schemes.
All wo havo to do to reap a rich har
vest is to make tho public bolievo a
S2.90 sot of tlishes is worth 810, and
that wo can sell it to them a 85, there
by shearing each victim for a profit of
92 10, betide; securing him as a lifelong
subscriber and friend.
It beats tho "golden lleeco" all hol
low. Ilt'to is the proposition, iu black and
white, addro.-lid to The ClIlKF:
IXIHAXArOLIS, Ixo., Skit , 25, l'.lO.'l.
"CJi'ii-.lonicn:- We are furnishing
thousands of tlio leading uowspiiperr.
of America with dining sets of 2 pieces
which they uso for premiums.
"Wo send you satuplo psgo of news
paper to show how tboy aro used.
This idea will double ouv circulation
ia a very short time. One largo daily
used 40,000 sou. Wo furnish you tho
fllectrotypo of dining set free of all
o large.
"Tlio ware is the fitiest of semi-porcelain,
beautifully decorated in colors
and with gold bind. Tho cost to you
U $-.00 each. They come packed one
set In a box. If jou put out canvass
ers you will sectire'inost of tho people
your man calls oh
"Wo will furnish you any number of
these sots you m iv desire, from one to
a thousand. Try u shipment of one
dozen sots and see how fast thoy will
go. Besides securing a number of new
subscriber.-', you make a handsome pro
lit on all the old ones that take tlio
"H ping to bo favored with an oidoi
wo remain vory respectfully,
School Report.
Roport of DWtriut No. 550 for month
ondiug Oct. 2, 1903: Total number en
rolled during tho month, 25; avorago
daily attendance, 22; number of tardies,
nono. Those neither absent nor tardy
during the month aro: Henry Amack,
Harold Amack, Melvin Amack, May
Taylor, Cora Mefford, Carrio Mefford,
Myrtlo Smith, Willie Ryan, Emmet
Ryan, Maggie Ryan, Dora Throck
morton, Mae Throckmorton.
Dkan S. Smith, Teacher.
Morton L, Hill, of Lebanon, Ind.,uaji; "My
wife bad Inflammatory ItheumatUm In overy
muicle and Jolut; her surTerlne vrai terrible
nud her body and faco were swollen almost bo
yond recognition; bad been In bed air weeks
and had eight hylciaii, but received no
benefit until she irlcd ihe My die euro for
ItheumatUm, it kuvo Immediate relief and
nhc was able to walk about In three dava, I aiq
miro It Bitvnl her lifu." Sold by II, K. Orlce
Druggist, Ked l hi 1 1,
Elsewhere in this paper you will read of the Soldiers'
Monument, and how they propose to raise the money to
erect it. We wish to help them, and in order to do so we
will ive with each cash purchase to the amount of $10.00
11 button and a chance on the lot.
Our FALL GOODS aro ready and we can show you
clothing that has wear-resisting qualities, together with
M)le and fit.
If you trade with us you will be satisfied.
Do you know that it will pay YOU. as
well as US, to buy your Uuildlng Ma
terial and Coal at our yards? Not only
that our prices average lower, or at
least as low, as those of our competit
ors, but because we take especial care
of aud protect all can bo classed as
The Day dh
starta M
Mocha. COFFEE i
vIth your breakfast. It has a flavor that's all
its own you don't get it in any other brand.
.'t is o-.J by all nroctrs In t and a-pound cans only.
Vr.cucd and senhd by us and Guaranteed full weight.
iWI2iLL-r JIKGI1T CO..Boston.
m IVr IVf
: T 1 ; 1 l .1 .
i wave purcnasea ine stocK, fixtures and good will M
of the market formerly owned by E. R. Sherer, and I
by honest treatment hope to retain all old patrons M
secure many new ones. When in need of T?resh or 8
Salt Meats, Game, etc., give
Tiiviisreis rxjMKEsi Co.
tu.ildLlxxs, material, Eto.
Red cloud. - - Nebraska
City Dray and
B.lltf. ROSS, PROP,
Goods Delivered t:o any part of the city.
Oharges as low as the Lowest
Residence 52. Office 119
C.VUTIOf,-Ai guarantee tliat you get i
6 tlioorllnlancleennlnoyiUNKLlNULL8 &
s viwk jxouii ov xnn mrrmn wiibat fi
g pleato observe that tho barrels and pack- i
flM.1 llAA nil?
Trade Stark with tho (our w"w
v. 8
c, Alwanuk (or" Franklin Mills." All lead- 2
6 Worocersaelltt "" g
& Burden
4 - TUT- , . m
. r. . UX
me a trial.
Express Line.
Look llox 83. Guide Rock, Nob.
all kinds of property bought, sold and
exchanged. .
For Sale