Hi in iwr ww wvmi'ur ! iww wiwwwiiwiii jiim THE CHIEF HBI) CLOUD, NEBRASKA. PUBLISHED BVEUY KIUDAV. V. C. 1'iiAnns, Editor. "TOM" MADISON'S CAREER IS ENDED raasfs: t.tsj ;.7ffin:zi3E laarearaaisaaai H BETTER HALF writ Mm.ih )ililWIW 3MJrvdaMBlMllSTB'jMUwlMi IWUK t t H SUllsCniPTIOS IIATKS. One jror... lis months ...1100 ... 50 nterod at tno pout office t ltod Cloud. Neb.M oondclaiamall mattot. AUVKIVTISHNH KATE8: Furnished on application. TELEPHONE, SEVEN - TWO Republican Ticket. For Judge- of tho Supremo Court JOHN D, HAUNES Norfolk For Kegonts of Stato Unlvutilto- CHAKLES S ALLEN Lincoln WA1. O WIHTMOKB Valley For District Judge .1 W. J A ME Hastings For County Treasurer W. H. SKELTON Ditto Hill For County Clerk E. 8. GAMIER Guldo Uock For Short ir EI) AM ACK Garfield For Clerk of District Court THOMAS 11. QUlGGLE..Uosomont For County Judgo A. II KEENEY Cowles Kor County Superintendent MISS ADA SKJELVER Otto For County Assessor RICHARD TURNER Lluo For Coroner DR R F.RAINES Rod Cloud For Snrvoyor JOHN W. TULLEYS. . . .Rod Cloud For Commissioner, Second Disk W. R. ANDERSON Glonwood Dead Body of Triple Murderer Found Wednesday. A Half-Empty Box of Rat Poison and a Bullet Hole in His Head Indicate the Manner in Which He Ended His Own Life. I What has bocomo of tbo Good Roads association? Sir Thomas Lipton lias declared his intention of again challenging for the America's cup. Such porsovoranco as Sir Shomas has shown deserves success. Tho football season at tho universi ties has opened and from now until after tho holidays football will occupy tho principal place in tho news col umns of the dailies. It will bo news to many poisons that Nebraska is teeming with peat bogs, and that if the right kind of efforts - wore put forth tho coal trust would -, soon be knocked in tho head, at least so far as Nebraska Is concerned. Peat is tho principal fuel of Ireland, Hol land aud other European countries, and as it is much cheaper than coal it would be a godsend to tho trust-ridden people of tho west. "Thomas Quisle of Knscinont, re publican candidate for dork of tho district court, is in every way well qualified to till the position to which ho aspires. Mr. (niggle is at present postmaster at Hosemont, and, coining from a neighborhood which has not been represented at the county seat for a long time, there is no reason why ho should not receive tho solid vote of his party at the November election. To tho residents of tho south part of the county Ed Amack needs no in troduction, but to those who live in thenoith half of tho county a low words will not come amiss. Ed was bora in Iowa thirty-six years ago, and came to Wobster comity in Octobor, 1B8G, anil has resided hero over since. Ho was married in this county, but had tho misfortune to lose his wlfo about two years ago. His daughter, the only child born to this union, lias lived In Iowa with relatives since tho death of her mother. Personally, Ed is very popular among his acquaint ances and Is admired for his courage and other manly qualities, which well lit him for tho otllce of sherltr. He has always been a staunch republican and should receive the hearty support of every republican in tho county, as ho undoubtedly will. Ayers For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak throas, weak lungs, consumption, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Cherry Pectoral Always keep a bottle of It in the house. We have been saylnf this for 60 years, and so have the doctors. -I bv om4 Ayat't Chtrrr Ftttorattn ray family for 4 yn. It U tb txtt mtdlcln In the world,! know, for all tbtoat and lung trouble." Mill. J. K. NoncsoBR, Waltharo, Mail. e.,Mc.. f 1.00. J. c. AVBn CO., All dniKRiiti. for mmimmSmammmim The Lungs On Wednesday tho search for Tom Madison (or "Madson," as the iiitmo is spelled on his clothing), tho man who murdered Mrs Elizabeth Pufiio and her daughter and granddaughter, Mrs Eda Williamson and Miss Mattie Wil liamson, throe weeks ago last Tuesday night, came to an abrupt termination by tho finding of his dead body in a draw on the farm of Mlko Vavricka, about seven miles due north from Red Cloud. About !l o'cb ck Wednesday morn ing Irving Harpan, 17 years of age, who was mowing hay on tho James Kmigh iluco,just across tho section lluo to tho south of tho Vavrlcku farm, noticed his dog acting in a pe culiar mannor. After making another round of the field young Harpan no ticed a torrlblo stench, coming from tho north, aud followed his dog Into luto tho draw to investigate tho mat ter. Lying in a shallow holo near tho top of tho bank of tho draw ho found the dead body of a man in the last stages of decomposition. Corouer T. R. Hall of Cowlos was immediately notified, but it was aftor 1 o'clock before tho news reached Red Cloud Sevoral parties from Red Cloud, in cluding Shoritf McArthur and repre sentatives of tho newspapers, immedi ately started for tho scene of tho dis covery of tho corpse All thu.indications lead to the belief that Madison camo to his death by his own hand, having been rendered des perate by tho closo pursuit of tho offi cers aud the thought of tho terrible punishment ho would receive should ho fall into tho hands of tho infuriated neighbors of tho murdered women. Near tho body was found a half-empty box of "Lightning Rat Exterminator," while beneath tho body was lying a six-shot, .'i'2 caliber revolver of tho Wadswortli Forehand pattern, model of 11H)1. One chamber of iho revolver was empty Tho only plausible theory is that Madison first took the poison, and when tho convulslous following the taking uf tho poison catno on ho used tho revolver to end Ills agony. He had apparently placed tho muzzle of tho revolver beneath his chiu on the right side aud fired, the bullet omorglng from his head just In front of tho loft ear. His vest and shirt woro saturated with blood, and tho earth beneath his head was also blood stained, showing that ho had uot moved after firing the fatal shot. From tho very first there was littlo or no doubt that tho body was thar of Tom Madison, although tho features were so black and decomposed that their complete identification was im possible. Tho tlrst person to mako a positive identification of tho body was J. W. Corbet t who lives in tho neighbor- I hood where tho three women woro as I urinated Mr Corbett identified the I double-breasted vest and brown hat found on tho corpso us articles of clothing he hud many times seen worn by Madison Next he identified tho pioniinent, uneven teeth and low, re treating forehead aud Roman nose of tho dead mau as resembling thosoof Madison. Identification was not complete, however, until tho clothing had been cut from tho corpso and closely exam ined. Upou tho inside pocket of tho ooat, which was of dark material, was found a photograph of a Circassian girl which Madison had purchased at tho Sells k Downs show in this city. In tho lining of tho samo pocket was a label bearing the numo of tho mak ers of tho clothing, M Born it Co , C hicago, and on tho label was written Danyactlon of the bowo.o Is necei- in '.ink the uame "T. Madson." Tho ary. Aia riMur wun ycr nm, COftt belonged to a BUlt which Madison had purchased from the Cowdeu-Kaloy Clothing Co. of this city. In another pocket of tho coat was a sample of greon dress goods, while In still an othor pocket were found n number of n2-caliber cartridges In a pocket of tho trousors which ho woro beneath his overalls was found a plug of chew ing tobacco from which only a small portion had been used Mr Harring ton identified tho plug of tobacco as the ono ho had given to Madison. Tho clothing found on tho corpso tallied in nearly overy respect with tho deceptions of that worn by Tom Madison. A dark tailor-mado coat, dark pants with a flue light stripe, u black and whlto chock double-breast-od vest, brown hat, a new leather bolt branded "Perfection," near.y now summer underclothing, blue overalls striped with white, light green socks with a white stripo encircling thorn, aud fairly now shoes The badly decomposed condition of the body made it almost impossible to bo moved without falling to pieces, and indicatod that Madison had boon dead several days. It was two weeks today that Madison was tracked to tho edgo of a cornfield within a few- yards of where his body was found, aftor which all trace of him was lost Ho undoudtedly ended bis life that night '1 ho corpso was a sickening sight to look upou The flesh had turned black, both hands had been eaten off by coyotes or wolves, aud tho entire body was teeming with maggots and insects. When tho clothing was ro moved from tho body both arms hung only by shreds of skin. Undertaker Muutz, who has been in tho business for llfteou years, said tho corpse was in tho worst condition of any ho had ovor handled. Tho pot where tho body was found isonMiko Vavricka's farm, southeast quarter of section '25, Batin township, within a few yards of tho south section line and about -00 yards east from the main road running due north from Red Cloud Many suggestions as to the disposi tion of tho body were advanced, the ono meeting with most favor being that it should be burned whore it lay. Uoth the corouer and shoriff objected to this and it was dually brought to Red Cloud , Tho condition of tho body was such that it could not be kept for auy length of time, aud as no ono ap pea red to claim it, tno corpso was taken to tiro poor farm Wednesday nk'ht and buried There were no sorvices, aud no tears were shed. The coroner's jury, composed of J P Hale, Oscar Doyce, Robert Adam- son, James McIJride, Albert Thomp son and John D. Storey, after examin ing tho corpse and hearing the evi dence, handed in the following ver dict: STATK Of Nr.HRA.SKA, WkIISTKII COI'XTY ) At an inquisition held at tho south west quarter of section '25, township K north, ranso 11 west, in Webster conn ty, on tho !!0th day of September, HWU, by mo, coroner of said county, upon tho body of Tom Madison, lying dead, by tho jurors, whoso names are here unto subscribed, tho said jurors tfpou their oaths do say that ho camo to his death by his own baud, by taking poison and thou by a gunshot killed himself. Ton Madison's ilack Record. Tom Madison, the fiend in human form, for whom the officers and citi zens of two states havo been searching tor over two weeks, is doad at last. If half tho stories told of him are true, he was cortaiuly a very daugorous per bon to be at liberty Tho story of his crimes committed iu Missouri is as re volting as tho crime he committed in iu Kansas, uno story, wmcli comes Bee Should you be fortunate enough to have a better half, will want you to wear a stylish new Suit for fall. SHE'S RIGHT, She takes pride in your appearance. She knows that the chances for success are in favor of the well dressed man, and on Sunday when you go to church with her, or you go out to spend the evening, she wants you to look as good as any other woman's husband. Now, the matter ot expense need not stand in the way. We can fix you up with a stylish, up-to-date, serviceable outfit for a very small amount, say $io, and from that on up to $25 or S30, or as high as you want to go. Our stock is large enough and our prices small enough that you can find what you want at the price you want to pay. We'll be glad to give you visible proof of this if you'll come in. New fall goods arriving daily. kojith, Weseott & Storey nH?nz2iEai acquaintance over in Kansas not a great while ago tho story of his crime iu Missouri, 1 ut it was not l.ellovod at tho time by the person to whom ho told it. Madison made tho boast that about four years niro he had criminally assaulted a little girl, and to cover up tho crime he had murdered the child Boiug closely pursued by tho officers, he lay iu wait for tho shoriff and his deputy, tiring upou them from ambush aud killing both This story has been partially verified and is now believed to be iu tho main a truo one. The Inhumanity shown by Madison in the murder of three defonsless women easily leads one to believo that it was not his first cr 1110 of that nature, aud that ho was 1 apablo of any kind of vil lainy Had he been captured and taken to Smith (Vntoi it is doubtful if he would ever Iiiim- been given a trial The peculiar cm Mint tiun of tho Kansas law is coinli.cne to lynching iu cases of this diameter, for no muiderer has been hung under the laws of that state for several years The law provides that after it murdorer has received tho death penalty ho shall be confined iu the penitentiary, forou year, at the expiration of which time the governor of he state may llx . tho time of xecution No governor . has yet been elected iu that state who was willing to take the responsibility1 placed upo 1 him by the law, and as a consequence the death penalty is equivalent to life imprisonment vijviaiJkAvfcJfAAAwkviaiaiAviiUiUiUrAUfUixfcjfaiaiUiaiaiaiUikfcAJiAUivfcvkUiAAAAAak. SAY, niSTERI Do you know that It will pay YOU. as well as US, to buy your Building Ma. torial and Coal at ouryards Not only that our prices average lower, or at least as low, as those of our competit ors, but because we tako especial care of and protect all can be classed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. PL ATT & FREES CO. Coal. Lumber. 11t1111l1t1tlfffipMin fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr iThe Day $ For Sale ) Starts dL ) Rightaim f When j You Have a Cup of Robinson. & Burden X Roosevelt's Example. President Kboscw It lu.s -tn a good example to parents by placing his boys in the public sclnol in Washing ton. lie could pay the 'little red school house" no higher compliment. He demonstrates his ti.ith iu our public school system. And his indotsement comes at a time when tho free school system is under the fire of severe criticism. Its critics bay the public school teaches too many fads, that its education does uot educate, etc. Our school system is not what it ought to be. It is not what it will be some day. But with all its faults it is the best educational system of its kind the world has had and Is especi ally adapted to our institutions. Book learning i 4 not all of educa tion. Contact of personalities is an es seutial feature of practical teaching. The boy who rubs against other boys in school and on playground learns some important lessons. Ho learns there are others, lie gets his rough corners rubbed oti'. lie is in a minia ture world. He learns not books only, hut human nature. Ho gets what we call experieiu e. And lie learns to bear himself asa soll-respectlug but law-observing eitien of the school re public. Tho boy who issentto private school or ton tutor lacks these tilings. Tho public school is also a great teacher ofjdemocracy. President Uonso Tolt's boy sits side by side with tho hodcarrior's boy. T! it's as good for Roosvolt's boy as 1 . tho hodcarrior's and especially r for tho govern ment of tho peoplo. The presideut has uot only sot a good example by patronizing tho free school. Incidentally ho administers a doservod rebuke to those parents who do not consider th public schools good enough tor tholr boys. Kansas. City World. WHITE HOUSE grocers &nd COFFEE !" BUTCHER.S. Mocha. with your breakfast. It has a flavor that's all its own you don't get it in any other brand. It is sold by alt grocers in 1 anil 3-pound cans only. Packed and sealed by us and guaranteed full weight. DWINELL' WRIGHT CO., Boston. TELEPHONE No. 4. y ' New Meat Market ! m & I have purchased the stock, fixtures and good will of the market formerly owned by E. R. Sherer, and by honest treatment hope to retain all old patrons secure many new ones. When in need of Fresh or Salt Meats, Game, etc., give me a trial. C. E. HARRINGTON. ffi ' .. (iv.i -;:...'.;.. 7-1 i-S DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAL. VLi51ciiiT.j material, Bto. Red cloud. - - Nebraska Tho Iloldrego Progress has gone' to homo print and tho last issuo of tbnt paper presents a neat and prosperous appearance. The morchants ot Hoi- from urollablo source, is that Madison, drege evidently appreciate the valuo iu a tit of drunken coutldeuce, told an of a good home p:ipr. City Dray and Express Line. B. Jn. ROSS, PROP, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAIS EXPRESSZCO. TELEPHONES, . Office 119 Residence 52. WRE&TLET Is a complete food for Bone, Mus cle, Nerve and Brain. Bold In 3-lb. packages by all leading Grocer. ', Xti!i9iiiiiiiiieiiiiiiSiili?. ISAAC 15. COLVLN REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Look liox S23. Guldo Rock, Neb. Ill kinds of property bought, sold and exchanged. OOLLKCriOb M VB. KU HEA80NAULE f -V8WW vv t &&W&r. 'E 1 x ..,-.. .W . 4 t X"' fvJUi. AV. ..i-.i TtJ-'.l,i..V "' , -jjilr