The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 25, 1903, Image 8

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    F.V.I'":....'.. - -j... i ..Jl
. whiiiiiii ii i iiawmiiiiiiiiMiuwu'i
2325 KpcIpv St.,
CitiCAiio, kh., Oct,, 2, 1002.
I siiffcrpil with fulling and con
gestion of the womb, with eevoro
mini through tho groins. I snf
ferfil Icrrihly nt tho time of men
truattuii. hail blinding hmdachifl
mid rushing of blood to tho brain.
What to try 1 knew not, for it
seemed that I had tried all and
failed, but I had never tried mo
of Cardui, that blewd remedy for
Hick women. I found it pleasant
to takn and won knew that I hud
the riirut medicine. New blood
oeemed to course throuijh myytinj
nnd after uaintf eleven boltlcs I
was n will womnn.
Mrs. Hush is now in perfect
health because tho tool: Wine of
Cardui for menstrual disorder,
bearing down pains and blinding
headaches when all other remedies
failed to bring her relief. Any
sufferer may secure health by tak
ing Wine pf Cardui in her homo.
Tho first bottlu convince tho pa
tient she is ou tho road to health.
For advice- in caies requiring
epocial directions, address, giving
symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory
Department," The Chattanooga
Medicine Co., Chattanooga, lcnfl.
is u pleasant recreation,
is invigorating and is a
healthful pastime, anil
for a pleasant hotir'H
amusement nothing In
tnoro interesting than u
gamo or two nt the : ". :
Apex Bouilinq Alleys
w. l. McMillan,
Choice Tobaocos and Cigars
Always on Hand
Wouldn't this
make you dry
Tho ico cream and soda water
season 1h again at hand Tho
time when you want a nice,
cool, refreshing drink from
our excellent fountain or ft
dish of cream from our re
frigerators. Our soda fountain Is now
open and you may obtain
drinks at
5C 10c and 15c.
The Bon Ton
'W. S. BENSE, Proprietor.
To Cure A Cold In One Day.
Take l.axiitivt) Bi (nun Quinine. Tab
lots. All druggist reditu) thu moiiuv
i! it fall to onto. K. W. (JrovuVaign:.
turo i-t on caoli box. c2m
The Mob's Version.
s- That a knowledge of spelling was
ot the strong point of tho London
pnpulnco 100 years ago is shown In nn
iptsode in that city at the time tho
peace with France was being celebrnt.
ed. M. Otto, tho French ambassador,
.had erected tho words "Peace aiul
Concord" cm a sign before his resi
dence. Tho mob understood that thli
was nulto tho same as "pence and
conquered." It Insisted on tho objec
tionable word being removed. In tho
placo of "concord" "amity" was erect
ed, and, curious to say, tho crowd, un
intelligent enough to think "concord"
meant "conquered," did not think that
"amity" might mean "enmity."
True Greatness.
Truo greatness, flrst of nil, Is a
thins of tho heart. It is all allvo with
robust and generous ithles. It Is
neither behind Its age nor too far be
foro It It is up with Its nee, and
uli end of it only Just so far as to ho
able to lead Its inarch. It cannot
slumber, for activity Is a necessity of
tltu existence. It Is no rcsorvolr, hut a
lountalh. Itoswell D. Hitchcock.
Where Cats Are Valuable.
Owing to a plague of rats aud mice,
cati gcH at 25 a pleco In North Yu
kon Territory.
Ton can bottle up the truth for a
-time, but It eventually pops the cork.
" '
Dla CbatiRM Caaatjr Board.
Tli political complexion of the Bon
coaaty (Illinois) board of supervisors
tru changed by a- game of dice and tho
Republicans now have a majority ot
one. The board was formerly Demo
cratic. From Paituran to Farnii.
Within bIx, years tho New Zealand
government has bought hack of tho
original settlers 321.1G7 acres of land
used for sheep runs, and 1,630 families
hnvo found homes on them,
n iihi iimimmx hwiwwiii H
ttm t.fiKM J.tvl ilif riii-n'iinc llntvi'i
it, 1, cm,- tli,' Wnrpiilli.
v nil tin nwoini' things In the
M'iniil museum the nechhuv present
. M-vcnil .veui-N iign by t'liptuln .lohli
. IMithe of tln t.'nlted States army
-ini's uncquali'il as a monument to
-ii'l'iti cruelty nnd supeistltlon. This
I'.'fl-.lnci' conslHls llrct of nil of n long
iipkMii eoril made by rolling up "
ii-'i strip of Mklu nnd sewing It along
'i border so that throughout Its en
to immth It will measure something
over 1111 Inch In circumference, or about
n third of an Inch In diameter. This
cylinder of buckskin Is covered with
lieiuhvork so that no part of the skin Is
exposed. The beads aru sewed on In
rather tasteful patterns, the colors of
which are white nnd blue. A thin buck
skin string Is attached to either end of
this thick, b.iid IniTtisted cord, b.v
ineanu of which the cylinder Is tied
about the neck of the wciipt.
Hanging from the underside of this
necklace nml running throughout Its
entire length arc twelve human lingers
nnd several small "tltut arrowheads of
peculiar shape and workmanship at
tached by buckskin strings. In tho
nilddlo of the necklace depend three
Hiii.'ill medicine bags made of the
tanned hide or skin of human beings.
These bags contain charm stones ami
other paraphernalia of the medicine,
The human lingers, forming the most
consplcn ins feature of the necklace,
are complete, having been cut off be
tween the middle Joint and the knuc
kle. They have been dried In such
manner as to preserve their natural
color, finger nails, etc., and look as
fresh as though they had been re
moved only a few hours.
During tJcneral Crook's campaign
against the Klmix and Cheyenues In
187(1 tho Fourth cavalry and a detach
ment of Indian scouts under Colonel It.
C. Mackenzlu surprised and stormed
tho chief town and principal strong
hold of tho Cheyenues. During or,
rather, nfter this engagement one of
tho Indian scouts, Haptlste Pouvler,
better known as IMg Hat, entered the
lodge of the chief medicine mnn of the
deserted village, and among other
things that the medicine man had over
looked In his hurried flight from the
town the scout found this curious neck
lace. IMg Bat gave tho necklace to
Colonel Ilurke, who later turned It over
to a student of Indian religions and su
perstitions, and he in turn presented It
to the National museum.
Subsequently something of the his
tory of this necklace was learned. The
fingers were those of famous enemies
noted for tbclr superior courage and
bravery whom the Cheycnnes had
killed In battle during their various
wars, while the human skin of which
the medicine bags were made was also
taken from the bodies of enemies elajn
In battle. The neckluce Is very old and
was looked upon by the Cheycnnes nn
thing endowed with miraculous pow
ers. Prior to its capture by Big Bat It
had belonged to a famous medicine
mnn of that tribe, who had never al
lowed any white man to lay eyes on It,
and Its loss put n very sudden and
abrupt end to the Cheyenne war. The
Cheycnnes tried hard to get -It back,
offering a large sum of money and a
great ninny horses for Hh return, but
this was refused, and since then the
Cheyenues have remained at peace
with the whites. Washington Post
Mii-s Minnie ltoyd is visiting with
her parents in Edition, Neb.
Dr. William JJerry is the guest of E.
Mr.. Enior Crone of Red Cloud vis
ited relatives near hern this week.
Hev. I'riestley attended tho Method
ist conference in Linioln.
Mrs. S. Warner has ret m nml from n
visit in Oregon.
Mis Van Wof it returned home St
utility from the Degree of Honor meet
ing nt Holdrege.
Mr nnd Mr?. Harvey Horn, Mr. and
Mi. a. Joseph Htin'er and daughter
left Wednesday evening (or their home
at Long Heach, Cal.
Horn, Saturday, September 11), tu
Mr. and Mis. 1. W. Koland, a ton.
1 Mis Mary Perry visited in Red
Cloud this week.
i Mr?. Cora R'ibinsnn of Hnvelock N
thu guext nf her mother, Mr?. Sha
man, J. ('. Leo has disposed of his lui-i-ness
here and muvid hi family to Su
pitrior Wednesday.
Half Rates to Omaha and Back.
On Ueinbei '2, !, ti, 7 and 8 thu Hitr
lingtou will sell tickets to Onjahn at
out) fare for the round trip fur the AU-Sir-Hen
carnival to be held October 1
to It). This yeaiV carnival, in the niat
tet of attrictinns, will bo larger than
i ever before-. There will oe a great
number of entirely now features,
among which are "Tho Cavo of the
, Wlutis," 'Temple of Music," "Hen
Hur" and "Loop tho Loop." Flower
parade on the afternoon of October 7
A gorgeous electrical parade by the
KnighO of Ak'SnrHenon the evening
of October 8. Don't miss it. For full
particulars hc k the agent.
Mutle Cure for Khenniathtu and NetirnUla
MrifrAll)' furre In I to 3djs Its srtlon upon
tliofjuun li rcnmrfcablc Mid uini'rl ii" Ii
itniuvm Rliinre iliersi.te hikI tbu dbeHtelni-
I mcilliilely illtHiieatk. The tin dote Rienllv
eeiifn' in ien umi iiuu. pwm vj ii, n.
Orire, DriiKfl" Itwl ('loud.
Wnnled Yoniig iii-n to tvHre for Roverie
nient o,Hloiik. Fine npcnliUN tu Hlldi'imrt
int'iit. ood mlnrli k, llHplil promotion,
Uxniii'i'atloiiH ii, ii, l'mnenlnrH fiee,
Inlrr ,nle Cur, lint , liiltir llaplds, In.
Omaha Business Men's Association
Corrects a Falss Impression.
Otmilin. .lime H. -An liaiinaMoi tin to
liuw k nn' iit tlimiiKli viulni.t rhiiniii'l.t
tint 1 ttic Ilu-sl n't Men h iiKi,'jtlna, rcci'iit
y 01 u In lliiiulin, Ik ln'iit on crti-lilnc
mil t In- Inlmr union uf thin tit mnlM? nf
lilluii'il In xiiiii' wiiy Willi n mittiHi'ul li'uly
nlhilluily Inimical in nruiiiil.i'il Inlmr. A
btui fini'tit rei'i'iiily ImuciI by the r.iithoilt.v
nf thi' lliiiulin lliiillifMi Mill's nxxiii'liitliiM
tJi'lili'X Dili completi'ly, nml ftiltliur Minus
Unit uVi'li In tlic rlu'i'd tiUTlliiKs ijf llii' iiH
hiii'latlnii (lie Hpfi'i'licH uf hii'IiiIm'Ih Iiiiw nl
uii.vh Im'i'U iiiiii Li it by the limit iricctful
uitltinle tiiuniil th.' hitmrlii iiiiim, unit nut
a uiiiM Iiiik liri'ii .ibl Unit niiiilil Hiifli'i'
fruiii imlillc ii'iiililuii,
'lliii 1 niifi'irNi.v Iji'tuiTii the liibnr Irn !
mm iltnl the hpi-rhll loiimiltlce nf the Hind
neiii A'rn's iimiicbitbiii tbul W111 eallril b.v
(lutein r Mlir-ey lirmiKlit out n eleiii inel
rlllphiill Htilleinrlil uf Hie (nnlll'iii
of llif Iwu bull. .. us x'l'iun li t:i"
Kti'liui ip'ile nim'-l, IVllll'll IllIM llHt lll'l II
lllll.-l lllli'll. It lll'l'll I lllllll'-l III .'i Hi-
ill,illi'i III. 11 tlih cull fen lire nil- liiiinn
of li'iilli, but the e.Mii't iilluiniii'iit nf pul
thins iililnliii'il tliiuiiKh It Mtmiihl iirTnril rem
iditi'l'iihhi H.itlifiii'tliili, ('Mil If liu ililvillice
iih iiniile tuvwiiil iiiljlliutlnn of llii.' illv
Thin eoiifcieiiee hccius omly to Inivc net
tlcil ilciun ti 1111 elTnit nn I lit- i:ut uf linn.
T. J. Atiitiuiiey, thu iitturncy uf t lie Unl
llt'KS .Mcli'M ilMi'lutluM, tu (tit tile lejileMen
tilth i-.H uf Inlmr tu n t f 1 n 1 1 unil eillrll
Hliiti'ini'tit uf the iiiirtltlnii nml iilini uf the
xtl ike tlicu uti In Oiniilm. In llils la seeiiiN
tu tune siii'ici'ili'il M'iy well, HioiikIi ill
timet ciilllntf upnn lilinsolf cxpustulatluii'
f ruin Mr. llel), tile prexlilent uf the l.'i'iitriil
Labor union, ulio luxlxtcil Unit be wiim not
u wltneHM to be rmxx-iiiicHtluiictl, anil tlmt
Mr. Miiliuncy iihciI i-ry buib ternm In iJc
tlnliiK tbclr piiilttuii.
In the IllMt jiluce Mr. Miihouey Rtntcil to
tbf cunfurctice (but the IIuiIiicxh Mcii'h hi
Kucbitliiti hail nuMT iitH'xtbiactl the ilnlit uf
tlic biborliiK uiiin to uigntilze In uiiIoiih, nor
dlil they now ipieNtluu the rllitn uf xiieb
unions tu e.Nt, but he wlslieil to cxtubllxh
the cuinll.iiy uf thin by iittccrtnliiltii:
whether the icprcxi'tituthcri of lubor there
plesrnt wutllil iilxu tieknub'il;;e the illit
uf cvlKteiiiv tu imurKiiiili'il labor. Tblx
rlbt utlH theleiipon iiilinltteil by Mr. Hell
nml his nNO(ialis, but they xtuntly iniiln
tuliieil the union inen coulil nut bo oxpeet
ed to tiSMiclatu with ur wurk uloiiKible uf
uununbiii men, They would not deny the
rltfbt uf uuipluyern tu hire iiununbiti men,
but they would liiHlxt that hucIi men ut
onee tnukv application tu voter the union.
Axkcd If thut did nut r exult In fordim ull
employes Into union runki, ttiux lu leullty
drlvliiK out the nonunlou men, the reply
wiih made that they hud no dexlre to cruxli
him, they "uiily wanted tu get huld uf hliu
and tulk tu blui uud inuke u man of
It wmi Anally brought out, however, and
la moxt uueijulvdcal terms, that the reprc
vntatlvcrt uf the labor unions prexent
would never he willing to utibmlt to urlil
tratlun the three nallent poluti of the din
pute: (1) The right of the employer to
hire both union and nonunion men with
out dlicrlnilmtlon; C2) the uxe of the boy.
cott, and (H) the aympatbetlc atrlke. They
IntdiU'd thut theite were tbelr weapom
(and perfectly legitimate weHpouiO In tbelt
warfare against the nonunion man: aa they
pressed It, "warfare ngalnt the tnuu
who rrnlitts the uuwurd ninrch of orgiinlxi'd
labor." It was further maintained .with
coiiHlderable nhow uf effrontery that )n the
InburluK world the majority, l to rub' and
the minority muat eventuully yield. I'lnul
ly Mr. Hell dec-lured, quite hotly, "The
time bun K'iit' by In this community when
the ludlvldtiul baa any t-ry niuti-rlul rlKhti.
On the part of the Ituslucss Men's associa
tion, on tbr other hniid, tin- point wiim cr
clearly niHile that tht'.v do not refuse to
grsit to the unions that umcli houlit for
"reeoKiiltbiu," If hiR'b iecoi;nltb)ii liiiplb's
simply uu iickiiowli-ilKiiii-nt of their Ii-khI
exlHtcuce, or even uti ucreenicnt to nettle
(jni'tt loriM :i(TeitliiK wuk-h and bourn with
the otrk-errt or rouinilttees ii'iiri-Hentlnc
audi unloiiH; but the iiHKoi-latlou, In com
moil with similar liodiea of buslneHs men
In Denver, KniiMiiM City, L'hlnit;o, New
York ami other titles, tinea refute to "ree
ognlse" the uiiIoiik If that rei-oRiiltlon run
be aerompllxhed only by hIkiiIhk routriictH
111 which the employer Is pledged tu em
ploy union men exclusively linil to refuse
aupplb-M, meribiindlve or M-rvlce to liny In
dlxlduul, linn or ctirpnrutlon that limy tie
proiioiiuccd at any time "unfair" by tbt.
The kernel of the whole dispute seems to
He hi this. The union men believe, or pre
tend they believe, that their unions nre In
dunger of disruption If they concede these
principles to their employers. The hitter,
while absolutely refusing to surrender to
such dictatorship, have endeavored to point
uut that there will still be left much for
ort'iiulztd labor tu uccntnplMi In this wnibl
without tryliiK to run on union lines both
the employes' and the eiuployeis' ends uf
the entlrp business of the community.
This position wns voiced recently by n
well Known business mnn ur nmiiliu, ubr.
said "Where would this son of tiling
lend us. were the anions to win nut In tbelr
strlkeV It would u-Milt In n form of oil
Kin c by. In which the dlctutois would be n
few men slttliiK behind n table In I.ulior
Temple, n little government within the rciv
eminent. Issuing their miiuibites to the
biiklness men, the professional men. th
moneyed men, the statesmen of Nebiaskn,
Not it laborer could tlnd work who did not
belong to n union; nor could be, on the
other bund, belong to a union unless t lint
union xnw tit tu elect him. Nor could nay
employer offer work unless be ngieeil to
abide b.v nil the rules that the union might
create, of the Justin- mid equity of which
the union should be the sole arbiter "
The dully press of liuiiilm bus attempted
to cloud the Issue, lly skillful use nf head
lines nnd Juggling with the fnets these
papers have Kit en oul tile liapiesslnii, for
reasons best known to themselves, that In
niiin.t cases the stilkes hud been won bv
tlift men, ami thut In other Instance the
"scale" hud been signed tip" by the em
players Such defections lime only ue
cur icil turning the smaller establishments
ami have not la any nay affected the gen
nil remit. The tetms on which the tnsi
tiiujoilty of strlUets hate returned to win k
la ilmuliu Indicate u complete surrender of
tbelr demands. Indeed, there hute been
no leruih at all, except Hint the men tako
their places nnd continue their employ
ment us before, wnges not having seemed
to cut much llgure In this altercation. The
Business Men's association has not tieen
Jarred In the least. It Is by all oddi the
mot representative body of employers ever
otten together In Omuba for any purpose,
made up much along the same lines aa the
famous Knights of AkHtr-Ilcn. Ho far it
lias been very ably manned, developing
from day to day greater strength of pnr
pose. and a clearer knowledge f what It Is
ii' out. The luttetlngi are maintained with
i -Hilarity, secrecy and strict attendance
I he leisineaa men of Omaha aoem tu have
dopitd us tliolr working principle the now
famous declaration found In the report uf
the antliruclte coal strike commission, as
"The right to remain at work when nth.
ers have ceased to work, or to engage anew
In work nhte'i ntbors have abandoned, Is
pnrt of the personal liberty of a cltlien
Hint enn never be surrendered, nnd every
Infringement thereof merits, and should re-t-elte,
the atcru denouncement of the
Drug Clerk -Unnecessarily Alarmed
Ovar Demand for Potion.
He entered tho drug store with his
lips set, and a look In his eye that
denoted a determination that waB des
perate. "I want some parls green," he said
hoarsely, "right away! I can't wait.
They shall die this very dny!"
The drug clerk sparred for time as
ho worked his way to the telephone
to call up tho pollco department. "All
right, sir," he said, "but It will take
a fittle while to prepare It."
"Nonsense!" said the man, "I wli:
prepnro It They aro ready to eud
their existence. Give mo tho poi
son!" Tho drug clerk paled and pressed
the button for the porter.
"Yes, yes," he said, "how many
do you intend to kill?"
"About a million!" Tho clerk paled
again. "Heavens," ho exclaimed to
himself, "tho man Is not only a would
be murderer, but a maniac as well!"
Then ho ndded aloud: "Aro you go
ing to annihilate children and women
a8 well?"
"Children nnd women?" said the
desperate man. "Who said anything
about children and women? I'm after ,
the bugs on my tobcs. Is that stuff
ready yet?"
"Pure Fruit Jelly" Said to Be Manu
factured From Old Boots.
France Is not tho only nation that i
knows how to prnctlco economies. (
Scraps nnd shnvlngs of tho iron mills
and forges, onco thought too small for '
consideration, aro now turned Into
writing ink nnd into that beautifui
dyo color, Prussian blue. Fusel oil,
a dangerous poison, becomes oil of
apples or pears, for llavorlng pin
poses. Beggars' rags are turned into
pilots' coats, nnd tho seemingly
worthless sawdust Into newspapers.
Even as the unsavory drainage of
tho cow bams bocomea a bnsls for
tho most fashlonnblo perfumery, and
tho tar waste of our gas works Is
turned Into tho most oxmilsltc aniline
dyes and into pncchnriite, the sweet
est of all substances. Old boot legs,
soles and uppers, bits of harness and
tho hoofs, tendons and llko worthies1
scraps of our butcher shops, chemi
cally treated and colored and flavored
with the products of equally "useless
truck," find their way to the best
tables as "pure fruit Jellies," says a
writer in Popular Mechanic!, Such Is
the American method of Inventive
Subscribe for Tiik Chikk.
Take Lixauve oromo quinine Tablets, js
Seven MMon fccac toM in past 12 months. TblS Signature.
v. -CTtm
Man's Missionon Earth
J As iet forth In THE HOLD MEDAI.
IPltlZK TKEATISK, the belt Medical T
T Work of tbli or any age, entitled T
2 Tho Selene of life, or Self- X
I Preservation,
Library Edition. Full Gilt. 870 PP.. with
Entrravliin nl rreicrlptlom,
HIJ 1,
i mall, sealed in plain pscastie. . .
T It Ii a treasure for EVERY MAN, T
Young, Middle-Aged anil Old. Write
llitppincii. Vigorous MANUUbD and bale
ifc obi Hge. Addrcrt
He The l'eabody Medical Institute,
Ko. 4 Iluinnch ht. (oppoiltn IUvero Uouie, jk
X lloiton. Usui.), the oldest and bett In this J.
X country; eiutillthed In ISO). Author and 1
T for more than Thirty Years chief Consulting X
T lliyslclan to tlio Institute, graduate of llsr. p
vard Medical College, clus 1864. Consul.
ttlon by letter or In person, 9 to o.
bundsy, 10 to 1. , .,
S Know Thysttf Manual, a Varte Mecum
X. brochure, KltKK, scaled i Inclose 6 cents fori
X postnge. Treats on Kxlmusted Vitality. X
3. CniTflD'C UnTC Fr 40 jears the l'eahody X
tUI I UK O NU I b Medical Instltutebas been
a fixed Uct. and !l will remain so. It Is as
standard as American Gold. . . .
1 he l'eaboly Medical Institute has many
J Imlutp-A jat no equan.-"oston Herald.
Don't Be Fooledi
la put up In t bite packages, manufactured
exclusively by the filodlson Medicine
Co., Maillson, Wis. bells ut if, cents a
package. All others arc runk Imitations
and sulxtltuteR, don't rlslc your bealth by
tukln- tiu'in. IttKUUMJIM! mabct tick
pic Well, Keep. j on Well. All lloncat
iters tell tbe Uenulns.
ttOLLISVUU tlUUtl CO, Madison. Wis.
Pennyroyal, pills
-S"tV ...0r,alnil and Onlr tlenulne.
S.&A7aAFK. AlT.r.llbi. I.u.llt.. utliruitlit
rcr uiiiuisr.-tir.ii-n 1'.MUL,NI1
In ItED 1 UoU nialallle bol. e,lw
lib tlu ribbon. Take aa other. HrfeM
wuiinsi nvBsiiiHuaaa uia laiita.
Uaaa. Bsjor ear Uraciltl. ar ta4 4e. la
"?!?J'l. rrUaUra,TaUailU
aa "Raltaf fWrLa4le,atMMr, by n.
SmraMaU. l,OTtaUaMwuij. 8,14 tf
' ui WW caiaaaatcr Ukeaalol C
444 Malltaa turn rMlLA lA.
Tb" ftliuni'8 are tl.i'niigh ImtVfHiing
their Hidilfa and nre now busy digging
potiiiiM-n, which aru not a tfood tield,
thnuith of Bimd qui. liu.
I 77 3
" m M
To Cure a Cold in One Day
You are "Next" at
Oliver SchafTnit's
Barber Shop,
l'litter-Wright liuildiDg
; Scissors Ground,
Razors HonedJ
All kinds of barber work execute?!!
promptly and satisfaction
Red Cloud. Neb.
S'J. LOUIS (mil
all points east unil
anil nil point)
No, 18. PanteiiKor ilnlly for Obcrlln
and St. Fraud brancbex. Ox
ford. McCook. Deliver and all
points wen . B'lO a.m.
So. 14. PatseiiRcr iIhIIj- for St. .Joe,
KitllHHH citj-, Aiotilson. St. r
I.ouIr. Llui'tilii via Wywore
and nil pdliitB east iiiul mitb 210
No 15, Pasienuer, dally. Denver, all
iioltim in Colorado, Utab ami
California . ftiff ,a.
No. 16. Pan.cnKer.dnHy for St Joe.
Kansas city. Atchison, St.
Louis and all points eaht aud
south 0 '60 a.m.
No, 174, Accommodation, dally except
Sutitbiy. ifiiMlntts. Grand !
land. ItlRck Hills mid all
poliitHln the northwest 2:00p.m.
No. 173. Dally except Sunday, Ox.
lord ami Inti'rint'dla'u points i :00 p.ra
i.2iefJlng! dlnlnc, and reclltilns chair rara.
(aeata free) on tbrouuh trains. Tickets sold and
S?.g.l(lBe ,0.hcck,eJ i "y point In tbe United
States or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps or tlokeu
5.?iLon0J dlresk a. Conover, Agent. Red
a!?.u Sebrt 0TJv 'rncls. Qtusral Pasajig er
Agent Omaba. Nebraska
C1nrs and beautifls tha hair.
rrtimuus a hiiiulant rowth.
MTer Tail ta Bestora Oray
fC."".:' w.,f yw.w..
whh acaip aitraars at aur tu.
auc.anatijuut nmntlits
Cores Crip
bl TWO Days.
on every
. ; -.
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