The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 25, 1903, Image 5

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- "M
White Pine
and Tar
Cough Syrup
Pino troi-s seem to furnish tho
host remedies for Colds, Coughs,
Hoarseness, Soro Throat, Bron
chitis and otiier throat troublos.
Wo mako u syrup of white pine
tar, Unit, in tho opinion of ninny
of our eustom-rs, has never boon
excolled as a family cough euro.
Wo nro willing to sell it with tho
distinct understanding that if it
is not sat I-factory to you, you
can exchange what is left of tho
bottle for any other 25c remedy,
or wo will refund your money
That is a fair proposition. We
know what this syrup will do.
Price 2.")0 per bottle
Chas. L. Cotting
The Druggist.
Pay your taxes now.
Light harness at Joe Fogel's.
Hoy Phelps is oo the sick list.
Stock saddles at Joo Fogel's.
Mrs. Wni, Hauptmann has returned
Mrs. Frank Cowden is visiting in
Miss Nelle Nesbltt is visiting in
J. F. Winters of Lincoln was in town
C. L. Gotting has a good buggy foi
sale cheap.
Hugh Reed of Inavate was in town
E. E. Clary was up from Superior
M. Solomn was down from Kiverton
Mrs. Arneson of Inavale was in town
Mr. Nebiaand mother aio visiting
in Supoiior.
"Sandow" host' for boys, 25c, at F
Newhouso's. .
Miss Edith Palmer is home froni
Washington. s
Tom Mooro of Naponee was in Red
Cloud Sunday.
C. M. Person is recovering from a
sevctu illness.
Thk Ciiikk and the American lioj
one year $1.50.
Dr. M irrison was in Chester Tuei
daj on business.
Now line of Shetland Floss, all shades,
at Nowhoiiso's.
P.J. Cnaucy of Fait fluid, was ii
town Thursday.
Miss Noely of Bladen visited in Rt v.
Cloud this week.
Miss Irene Miner has returned ftoiu
u trip to Denver.
Miss Liuisu Bites visited in Bloom
ington this week.
H. Thomas of Cowles was in towi
tho lirst of tho vveek.
John Zirtman of Hubboll visited
Rod Cloud Monday.
Harry Sowtor wa3 over in Kansas
the first of tho week. '
L.L Garrison of F.lrbury was in
Rod Cloud this week.
Dick Gray of Norton, Kan., was in
Red Cloud yesterday.
I Editor Tnit returned last Friday
from his Colorado trip.
If you want tho best and cheapest
lwrne.18, go to Fogel's.
Wm. Kirk patrick of Guide Rock wa
in the city Wednesday.
Cream white Henrietta. 25o per
ya H, at F. Nowhoiiso's.
See Joo Fogel for nnythiug in the
Imt'nnaa nr antllllHfV lillt.
Miss Mary Peterson has roturtud
f i om a visit in Corn, Kan.
W. II. Ashby of the Blue Hill Leader
was in town last Saturday.
Miss Myrtle Mori ison of Ida Grove,
Iowa, la at home for a visit.
Wo aro headquarters for sale bills
and all kinds of job printing.
D. L. Groat loaves for Chicago Sat
urday, to attend the Centennial.
A. M. Walters of Bluollill was trans
anting business hero Wednesday.
John Balloy and cousin, Mrs. Fair
child, spent Sunday in Burr Oak.
A. H. Koeney and J. H. Fuller of
Cowles were in town Wednesday.
Dr. and Mrs. Moravlllo are home
from a visit in northern Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Dickonson of
Bluo Hill visited in town this week.
Cotting soils Blacklogolds and Black
igino to provont blackleg in cattle.
Mrs. J. S. Dyor has roturned from a
visit with her son Everett in Denver.
Mrs. Joromo Bailey and son Georgo
woro up from Guide Rock Tuesday.
i M B"i Ci ! 'iui"l llm s was
vis t i. fiKMnU in tin iii Tluusduy.
All it til i-t,tU' t'iM'i lemnlning un
paid w 1 b adviiii.i il mi October 1
Mr.s. V. Km Itii returned ft om an
extended viit ;it Wistoru, NcbrusKa.
Mr. and Mr. C E. Nash of Ester
ate in Red Cloud. They may loeato
Miss Grace Andeisou ot Superior
visited in Red Cloud the tlist of tlio
Mrs. Frank Cowden entet tamed in
honor of Hcrbutt Cook the first of the
Mr and Mis. F. C. Dickinson ol
Blue Hill are visiting with Mrs. U.
Jut onio Vance and wife of Guide
Rock attended tho old sottleis' picnic
Mrs. Hilda Horr and little son ol
Chicago are visiting at the home ol
Alfred Hiulell.
Jake Juskalok of Umaha, tho Graun
M"iterof the A. O U. W. was in tin
city Thursday.
Charles W Kaley returned to Ret'
Cloud Wedensday after an extended
visit in the east.
A large number of Red Cloud pooplt
ittended the A. O. U. W. picnic ai
Cowles yetetday.
Judge Edson was unable to bo at lib
illieu this uiorniug owing to a sligln
mack of illness.
Mrs. Nellie Caster, of Riverton it
visiting with her patents, Mr. aud Mrs.
Jam West this week.
AI Galusha was in Omaha the first ol
the wuok attending the dedication ol
tho A. O. U. W. templo.
Mils Alice Fopo, who has boon teach
ing south of tho lifer, has returned
home owing to sickness.
James Harris and wife of Guide
Rock attended the old Bottlers' picnic
in Red Cloud Wednesday.
Juvenal's Funmakers are billed t
tppear at the opera house next Mon
day and Tuesday evenings.
Robert Adamson and wifo of Cowles
were in Red Cloud Wednesday to at
tend the old settler's picnic
Hirry Goble has returned to North
Platte, Nebraska, after a pleasant visit
with his parents in this city.
Mrs. J. O Lindloy and granddaugh
ter, Miss Liura Ehlers, are visiting
in McCuok and Culbertson.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Zeiss and child
ron of Rivcreoti were tho guests of Mrs.
H. Anderson the first of the week.
Morhart Bios, have n neat immita
)tfn locomotive in their show window,
made from different articles in their
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Newhouse ot
Oakley, Iowix, left for .homo Tueadny
after a short visit with relatives in Red
John and Bertha Sheppard of Guide
Rock have returned home after a short
visit with Mrs. I. B. Hampton am:
Mts O. Hughes and Miss Maboi
Lindoy returned Wednesday fron
Cripple Creek; whore they have beet,"
Mrs. A. Conover retimed Wednes
day from her Hip to Salt Lakn City,
where she accompanied Mrs. Homei
Elmer Kralick and family lef
Wednesday for Platto county, Ne
braskn, where they will make theii
future home.
Miss Beatrix Mizor loftThursdiy for
Chicago, where she goes to resumo hei)
'work as an instructor in tho Chicago
Conservatory Music y
Mel Sherman has returned home
after spending the summmer in the
northwest in the intern of the Cham
pion Binder company.
C. G. Henderson of York, Nob., who
is heie in the interests of the Royal
Highlanders, reports miny accessions
to tho ranks of the order.
Au outbuilding at the home of Geo,
lliulcll caught tiro Tuesday, but tin
blii.e was extinguished before the the
men arrived at the scene.
Hobor Clough of Norton, Kansas,
has-been transferred to tho Ii. & M.
depot here as day operator and Roy
A Cadman was transferred to Holdrcgo.
Protect your cattle against blackltg
by using Blacklegoids. Thoy aro sim
ple, stifo and sure Anyone can use
them. For salo by li. E. Grico, the
Tho local lodgo of tho Knights of
Pythias is increasing its membership
at a rapid rate. There was work in
both the Page and Esquire ranks last
Wednesday night.
Rev. Wm. Hauptmann and Hon.
James Gilham have returned from
South Omaha, where both delivered
addresses at the dedication of ibe sew
A 0. U. W. temple.
There Is" a lurking suspicion that
Tom Madison, Pat Crowe, "Kid"
Curry and the long lost Charley Ross
were mixed up in the Burlington hold
up near St. Joo Tuesday night.
Some unknown person left a partly
eaten ear ot greon corn in a vacant
houso at Lincoln last Saturday and tho
brilliant secret service oflicers of that
city immediately decided that it could
have l)i-i u in- on- i lie t hit n I om Mud!
The Republican rctitril conimtttiu
lint lut Siiuida) ami elected Kd. J
Ovcilug, Ji' , chairman and John W
liilicy. secretary Another meeting
of the committee will lie held next
The "hog editor" seems to bo a little
hn.v in hlsgiamntar. Tho Com. Ad.'s
account of Tuesday's lire was a Mir
pine even to those who aro familiar
with Hnsmor's hnbit ot gotting facts
badly twisted.
Wanted Girl for laundry and din
ing room work; wash Monday morning,
iron Tuesday morning, wasli Thursday
and iron Friday; $3 pot- week; board
and toom. Bon Ton Bakery, W. S
Bonse, proprietor.
The Omaha World-Horald of Wednes
day contains a vory Mattering account
of tho address delivered by Rev Wm.
ilaupimaiiu of this city at tho dedl
call mi of tho A. O U. W. templo at
Soutn Omaha Tuesday.
The Mulor Barber College, Omaha,
Nebraska, wants men to learn the
oarber trade. Their free catalogue ex
plains how tlioy toaoh it quickly with
little exponfo. Their offer an excel
lent opportunity. Write them.
The Nebraska Moth (list conforonei
in Lincoln has closed its sessions. Rev
M. P Dixon, who has had charge ol
liu pastorato in Rod Cloud, has bcei
.ransfeired to Tiumbull, Neb. Tin
pulpit in this city will bo fill by Rov
B F. Summers, a brother of tho pre
-out pastor at Inavalo.
Besides the asignuiont of Rev. B. F
Summers to tho pastorato of tho Red
Cloud church, the Lincoln conforenct
of tho M. E.(church made the followlnp
appointments for Webster county:
Bladen, E. L. Wolff; Blue Hill, U. W
Hummell; Cowles, to be supplied;
Guide Rock, supplied by T.C. Fileitlj;
Inavale, W. T. Taylor.
Among those who came over fron
Kansas to join In the man hunt Sat
urday and Sunday were the following
from Lebanon: Frank Hutchison.
John nimsey, Will Kimsoy, Capt
Whiltaker, Androw Fowler, Al Lat
imer, Dr. Colo, John Adams, Elb
Adams, Will Holm, Jim Corbin, Georgi
Felton, Will Comptou, lli Billman.
Metz Burnett, Dlmer Barnett, Ollb
Isom, John Hubor, George Eplcy aud
B 0. Rath.
Tho populists met in county convon
Ion last Siturday and nomiuated tin
following ticket: For treasurer, Geo J
McCrary, Blue Hill; county clerk)
William A. Gatrison, Blue Hill; sheriff,
J. A.McArthur, Red Cloud; c.lork o
listriet court, George Hutchison.
Comes ttio now ,
Cooking Stove
or Range
Now is tho time for tho man of
the ho.usu to keep his promise
mid uottbe wifo a new Unrlaud
Stove. You have needed it for a
Ioiik time so don't put the mat
ter oil any longer.
We Have a Com-
Iplete Line Garland
btoves and Hanges
And nt Prices That Aro Right
Don.t buy a cheap stovo of all
things you do. You will romom
ber the good goods prico is for
gotten. 'SV SavVawd
"fcUfci o Tuvo
'SVtoow Soes
Thoy are tho best tho market
uifords and tho users are the
best judges. Ask thorn.
Como in and look at tho line.
Hardware Co.
Our Neckwear
That new Fall Suit will look
All the new Fall
Sell Shoes Make
M First Door North of Postofflce,
Cowlos; county judge, I. W. Edson,
Oak Creek; superintendent, Elizabeth
Marker, Catherton; county treasurer,
William Crablll, Red Cloud township;
coroner, W. F. Kellogg, Red Cloud;
surveyor, C. I. Laird, Oak Crook; com
mitsioner, Second district, George
Grelg, Blue Hill.
The funeral services of tho vicltims
f Tom Madison's murderous band,
Mrs. Eliza Payne, Mrs. Eda William
son and Miss Mattlo Williamson, weie
Held at tho Oriole school house in
Smith county last Friday afternoon
Rev. Marc j, pastor of tho Congrega-
I church at Cora, Kansas, cun-
uted tho services in the prcMiiiei) ol
1 largo crowd of relatives, sympatblz
lint friends and curiosity sei kct v The
Si-ones atthe viowing of tho tenmiis
were pitiful. Men woro moved to tear.
ind several women fainted at the
'erriblo sight presented to their veiw.
The interment was in the Oriole ceme
tery. .
Asboit time ago The Chikf unde
.irrangoments with one M. J Farrel,
f Chicago, to publish tho story of
"Foxy Grandpa" in its issue of Sep
'(inner 18. Tho story is in the nature
f a special advertising scheme and
Mr. Farrell was to have turned in the
copy to this paper along with the cash
or publishing the same. ol
the home merchants agreed to taki
pace in tho "wilto up" and a few went
o far as to pay Fan ell for the utivi
ege. Farrel has disappeared, leavb (,'
a number of debts, and neither coi
for the siriiy nor monov for publishing
tho same has been turned in to tin
iilllce. Thoso who paid in advance an
out tho amount paid to Farrell.
Workmen Picnic Near Cowles.
Tho Cowlos lodgo of tho A. O U W.
gave a picnic at tho grove n mile and
a half south of that placo yesterday,
and invited tho Workmen of tho conn
ty to join in tho festivitios.
Quito a number of mombors of the
ordor responded to tho invitation mid
n gonoral good time was hud
C E Putnam was master of cere
monies, uud ufter a banket lunch was
partaken of, Grand Mastor Workman
Jasknlok of Omaha was introduced
aud delivered an instructive and in
terestiug address on tho benefits, both
social uud llnnuciul, accruing to mom
hers of the ordor.
Rev William llauptmauu and Hon
.Tamos Gilliam of Red Cloud also wen
prosont and dolivorod addresses ai
pmpriato to tho ocbasiou.
Ex Grand Recorder Harbor wa- n
attendance and assisted in euteit..n
ing tho crowd
Among thoso who attended fun
Rod Cloud, besides the speakers, wci
Mr and Mrs. Georgo Warren, Mi in
Mrs. Georgo Hollistor, Mr and Mi
Goorgo Newhouse, Mr. and Mrs Uei K
with, Mr. and Mrs. Galusha, Mr am
Mrs. Ed Garbor, James Abol and Mis
Myra Griffith, Mrs. James Gilliam
Mrs. Joe Fogel, Mrs. Sam Tempi ,
Mrs. James Burden, Miss Elizabeth
Marker, J. B. Stansor, Ed Amuck,
Frank Cowden and Del Turnure.
BMthrfAl RcCllitM.
A C. McCliutock, aged about !'
years, son of J. H. McClintock, of n t
iRivertou, died at MoAliater, lndii.
Territory, last Sunday. He w
stricken with pat
I is of tbp thro a
j last Thin hiIuj,
coiiNeioii-n i
Mi M i ii-t
ubli ku wi i It-
the positi"ii id 'i-
, depot iu this cio t0i
never regaim
oil and favoi
id, baviun helil
t thoB &M
ioug time. Ho
The New Fall Neck Dressinus are now waiting for
you to call. We are showing a superb line of high class
Neckwear this season, in all the new colorings, weaves
and designs the most up-to-date shapes, suitable for
business, afternoon and evening wear. Tecks, Puffs,
l'our-in-Hands, wide and Narrow, Imperials, Squares,
Ascots, Strings, etc., etc.
is Right Up
tame unless you accent it with a fresh tie, 25c to $1.00. (f
Styles in Hats are in. You
Your Feet Feel Glad --$1.50 to $5 $
was a member of tho local lodgo of
Knights of Pythias in this city, having
become a member in HtJ and retained
his membership hero since that tinio.
Mr. McClintocks, remains arrived in
Riverton Tuesday, but the funoral was
delayed until Friday afternoon to
await tho arrival of a slstor from
Seattle, Wach.
Tho Red Cloud K of P. lodgo at
tended th funeral in a body accom
panied by tno Red Cloud band. Tho
funeral was held this afternoon
from the home of Mr. McCilntock's
pireuts near Riverton, and tho Knights
if IMhias biirjiil ritual was ti-od at
1 he grave
M . McCliutock was unman led, and
a latgecitclu of friends and relatives
j 'in in extending sympathy to the
iiorvaved family.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers for week ending Wednes
day, September 23, furnished by J H.
Bailey of Webster County Abstract
Mrs J K Smith et al to 11 C Froy,
wd, lots 10 and 17, block 10,
Guide Rock., 25
11 U Fioy anc wifo to R S Proud
lit, w.d, same
be Grand C Thorno to Stephen
II Benton, wd, lots 1 and 2,
block 12, Bladon 100
;" W Shuck and wife to Oriu
Buchanan, wd, lots 1, 2 and !!,
lock I, Vance's addition to
Guide Kick 1000
iii'i A Wiipurs and hiit-baiid
mi E RSliuror, e'2 h! and w2
-i r. 80 2-10, wd .'. . 21)00
Lincoln Laud Co to Edwin E
Burr, lot 10, block 10, Vance's
addition to Guide Ruck, wd.. i5
Lillio BQtiigglo and husband to
Win J Mosteller, wd, lot 0, blk
G, Rosemont CO
Veronica C Johnson to Frank E
MiClintic, qcd, part nwti sc4
Lincoln Laud Co to Fannie M
Phillips, lots 17 to 21 and 24,
block 18, Railroad addition to
Red Cioud, wd
Total 63110
M irtgiiges Hied, $i,.'550.
Mortgages lelettHed, 8200,
Tom Madison Mill ut Large.
Although rewards aggregating 800
have been olforod for Ills npprohou
sion, Tom AlmlKoii, the slayer of Mrs.
Payne, Mrs Williauisoii and Miss Wil
liamson, Is still at linerty. Detectives,
ilijodhounds, shorllfs and poshes of
itions have alike heou eluded and
Kipesof capturing tho murderer aro
upldly fading away. Madison's sue
oss in dodging his pursuers is pho
lumeual. He aipears ami disappears
as suddenly as u jack iu-tho-box, and
it m ii imposslblo to lny haud.s ou
hi hi i'Vom nil roports recoivod of his
movements, it appears that ho has
subsisted unduly ou groon corn gath
ered from tho Holds in which ho has
taken refuge.
On Thursday evening of this week
icurred the marriago of Mr. Valon-
le Gurney, son of Charles Gurney,
ud Miss Mary Scott, daughter of
lunry Scott, at tho borne of the bride's
cents, two miles north of Red Cloud,
i (. W. Edson officiating. Both
uug people aro children of pi0.
i -rs, and both woro born in Webster
inty and have llvod bore all of thoir
s. Both havo hosts of friends who
with The Ciiikk in wishing them
easant voyage on tho troublesomo
a of life.
to Now.
pp m
should see them.
Red Cloud, Neb. m
in Adauis'coiinty, May tilth.
For first-class insurance,
call on or address
Morton I.. Hill, of I.etmnon, Inl.,cAyn; "Sly
wife linJ IiilUmmntorv lUieunmllun in every
miucle nml Joint; tier fiifTcrliiR n terrible
nint lier timly nml fuce were nwollcn nlraostlie
) olid rcco;i)Sltoii: had been In bed fix weeks
Hint lind I'Ulit ihrlclaiii, but ncchcil no
beucllt until Klie tried Ibo MyMlc Cure for
Ithcumntlsin. It ro Imuedlatc relief ih!
k amis nble to wnlk about In tbrea ilajk. I nm
miiu It mi) her life." CuldhyH. K. Orlco
DruKKlM, lied Cloud.
Land Buyers' Excursion.
Bargains in pasture and hay land,
improved and unimproved valley and
upland farms in Valley, Greoloy, How
ard aud Sherman counties. Pasturo
and farm lands from 85 to 920 per acre.
From tCOO to 8500 secures an improved
or liver bottom farm.
Excursion will leave Cowles for
Loup City 'luesday, Oct. 0, over B.
& M R. R. Loup City and return,
i 1 17, on this date only. Secure a fatni
now and get landlord rent. Writo fir
particulars to A. II. Koeney, Cowles,
NeD. v
Narrlafte Licenses,
The folio ing licenses to wed havo
been issued by Judgo EdsonT
S'pteinbjr 10 Ernost E. McCtirdy,
nged 22, of Swanton, Neb., and Mhs
Daisy E McCoy, aged 20, of Campboll,
Supt(iniboi"2l J. Riyiinud Hogite,
ago 2., of Glenwood precinct, and Miss
Currio W. Houdiicks, agd!18, of B itiu
precinct. ' ,,
Septembor 2i Oscar Mattisont ago
22, and Miss Miry Borgmau, ago 27,
both of Franklin county. " v .
LINE. v.
Mr. Peters is very low and not ex
pected to recover.
D. J. Helvern of Mammoth Springs,
Ark, and Wm. Van Dyke of Red
Cloud were the gunsts of I. C. Foutz
Mrs. Chris Hansen was helping Mrs.
I. G. Foutz can corn and fruit this
Mrs. Van Danbar visltod with Mr.
Foutz this week.
The United Brethren Sunday school
1 was reorganized Sunday and sent for
j Quarterly and papor for the fourth
qunrtor, Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
preaching at 11.
School in'district 40 is getting along
vep tuooly under tho care of Miss
Mary Molilor.
i.Vjifiiuii!., "m