' f I J'1 -? i V i:j .'.'.' "I ' The Irrepressible Mnry MncLnno of Montana, "tho 'hoauf from Butte." as Hhc has been dubbed, ngaln apours on "In1 lint surfaces of things," with ln-t-now hook, "My Friend Annnbol Loo" The imlillc will accept this second vol ume In much the same spirit that was accorded Miss MucUne's Initial of. Tort, hut wo are hopeful that thu pub lisher.'?, Herbert S. Stone & Co., Chi oago, will not hazard a third assault, unless this western genius improves her style. Nothing In the new vol umo is more interesting than tho author's description of It. The fol lowing letter was sent to her publish ers early in August: "It is made up of reflections and Im pressions and sketches but 1 hate the words and in reflections are liot reflections, and my impressions nre not Impressions, and my sketches aren't sketches in tho least. The book is not quite :i diary, for It lias no dates, but it's till In the first port-on. it has a tinge of the llrst book, and its a fascinating book, and yet JJAItV M.U'LANH. "It relates to my friend Annabel lyce and me. It is more Annabel Iee than me. 1 take tho part of a foil to my friend Annabel Loc. I take tho part well. It Is particularity effective contrasted with the all-egotistic part I take in the other book. In this one, compared to Annabel Lee, I am tho next thing to nothing. The very next thing to nothing. I do that well. Tls the best thing in tho entire idea. "Tho book in her conversation and Fomo of mine. It Is her Ideas mostly. Sho talks exquisitely well, times, and is even marvelous. I left my friend Annabel Leo In Boston yet bho follows inn here. Not that she ever follows no, hut I travel fre quently to lioston to And her. All the difficulty I have had in writing and rutting out, nud pruning and inking over, is in that my poor, miserable pen cannot always do justice to my friend Annabel Lee. "Tho names of some of the chap ters ure Boston, The Flat Surfaces of Things, Tho Young Books of Trow bridge, When I Went to the Butte High School, Minnie Maddern Flsko. To Fall in l.oo, Relative, A Lutu With no Strings only no one lias the lenst idea what I may have written about them." Annabel Leo referred to above, and nfter whom the book is named, hi a terra cotta and white Japanese statue, but a clay statue is preferable to a "kind devil" in the hands of this "starved-hearted woman, young and nil alone." The same general np pearanco characterizes tho second book, which boars as Its frontispiece a new portrait of the author. The vol ume is dedicated to "Lucy Gray, In Chicago," who is believed to he Ml.ss Lucy Monroe, one of H. S. Stone & Co.'s readers, and to whom is credited tho suggestion of publishing "The Story of Mary MncLaue." What Is, in the opinion of the pub lishers, ono of tho most remarkable historical romances In recent years in Kngllsh, has just been brought out by tho Ivothrop Publishing Company, Boston. It is called "Gorgo," the name of tho heroine, nud is the work' or l'rof. Chnrles K. Gaines of St. Law renco unlvorslty. Canton, N. Y., who holds the chair of Greek In that insti tution. Ho has written a number of clever short stories, hut In this rom anco of Athens, in tho age of Pericles, when tho "glory that was Greece" was at Its height of splendor, he has pro duced a hook of far greater signing ranee. It gives, without a touch of pedantry or heaviness, a wonderfully lvid, attractive picture of a liy-gono civilization and shows tho causes un derlying the downfall of Athens. Great figures like Alclbindcs. Socrates and reticles walk through It and the at mosphere of the time is caught so that tho illusion of reality Is perfect. There is an entrancing love story and plenty of intrigue and fighting told so as to stir tho blood. "Gorgo" Is in every way an exceptional work, ? . H. L. Wilson's novel, "The Lions of tho Lord," was published by tho Ixjtb rop Publishing Company, lloston, in Juno. This Is Mr, Wilson's second novel, his llrst story, "The Spendors," published a year ago, being In Its fifty-fourth thousand and selling hot ter than over. In this new story, i which is described us a tale of tho old West, with Its center of action and Interest In Salt Lake City, tho autlior makes nu entiro departure from his earlier book and presents a graphic picture- of tho humor and tragedy of. Mormon life. "LOVE AND REASON" OLD-TIMC PHILOSOPHY STILL APPLICABLE. Comments From Ancient Newspaper Prove That Human Nature Hat Come Unchanged Through All thi Ages of the Past. (Julte as well applicable to the pres cut age Is a comment on "Love and Benson," taken from nn almost cen tury old newspaper of the Colonies With Its flavor of oldtimeness. this communication -for such it purport! to be shows abundant evidence thnt the primal opinions of human uaturti come unchniiged down through thij nges. ! "In affairs of matrimony." Fays thl? long ago writer, "some people are governed by love alone and some b reason alone. Knch ought to have r Joint concern In these matters thej are handmaids which go along with the few who are so fortunate, as to be among the wise. "lovo looks only to the honeymoon. He Is a near-sighted little mink;' doesn't see two Inches befoie hi! nose, and yet depends altogether upon his eyesight, and thinks lie has a wonderfully clear vision. He Is not able to discover any defects, and thereroro most soberly concludes thero are none. Consequences all lie utterly beyond bis ken you might as well tell him tho moon was made of green cheese ns that matrimony had a dash of trouble In Its composition. All this is the natural consequence of Ills blindness. "Reason is to love what a pair of spectacles Is to a nearsighted man It enables the blind little fellow to look beyond the lair cheek and tho blue eye. beyond the wedding cere iiiony nnd the wedding supper nud the thousand things that cluster round the very Idea of marriage. Ho en able tho boy to look beyond all these, to the domestic fireside, to the kitch en comforts of wedded life, to the lnr der and the ledger, to the pudding and the purses, to tho ways anil means of living, ns well as to the very simple business of loving. '".Marry the lass that has the cow,' was the advice of an old gentleman to a laddie who consulted him on the subject of a choice between a girl with a cow and one thnt had nothing but a pretty face. 'So far as beauty Is concerned, thero is not the differ ence of a cow between any two girls in Christendom.' This is not my notion, however, though thero Is something in it. But marry the girl who will mnnage your domestic con corns to advantage, who is prudent, sensible, economical; get a good dis position; nn accomplished maid with it will bo all tho better, and beauty, If you And it united with all these, will complete the tout ensemble. 'Don't marry for money, merely there Is neither love nor reason in that. It may buy many fine things, hut it won t buy happiness, and with out thnt n man Is a poor creature. Money is no objection, It may be. Indeed, nn Important object, but every other consideration bonds to the point of being matched as well ns paired, when love and reason join hands." HOW HEO TREAT AN ASSAILANT. Law Student's Reply Was Natural, but Not Sanctioned by Blackstone. .lames B. Dill, tho noted lawyer, who ;ias lately made an automobllo journey from New Jersey to the, Rangeley lakes, has always been anj original character. A gentleman who was a fellow student at the New York university law school tells a story illustrating this fact as well as Dill's loarlessncss of method, even In the days of IiIh pupilage, and long before ho hud dreamed of the professional good fortune that has come to him a quarter of a century later. They were members of the class of '78. One day Prof. David It. Jaques, then tho chief instructor, was quizzing and he camo to Dill, to whom he put this question:; "Mr. Dill, suppose ou were walk ing along tho road and a man stopped up and struck you with his list. What legal conditions would arise? What remedies should bo pursued? Whul, iu hhoit, would you do?" "My first step, 1 think, professor," replied the young btudent, "would hu to land him one on the jaw." Had Not Missed It. On a certain occasion, while Thomi as Hill, the artist, was rusticating up" In the Whlto Mountains, ho was com missioned by a wealthy farmer named Perkins to paint tho old homestead, nnd was particularly requested to glvo a largo maple tree standing near the houso a prominent placo In tho pic ture. A lew dnys after tho completed picture had been delivered Mr. Hill henid the following dialogue betweeB two rustics In the neighborhood: "I hear that artist fellow has been up nnd drnw-d Perkins's tree." For a moment thero waH a pause, then a drawling voice snld: "Ho has, eh? Well, whero has lt draw'd it to?" Now York Times. A Tight Fit. Au Kpgllshmnn entered a tailor shop in Twenty-third street the other day, and, throwing a package on the coun ter, said: "Theso trousers are a beastly fit; you'll havo to fix 'em. They're tighter than my skin, don't you know." "But that's Impossible! How could they bo?" demurred the tnllor. "Well, I can sit down In my skin, but I cawn't sit down when in tboso blooming breeches i" wns tho wrath ful answer. New York Press, -- " MONUMENT TO LATE PRESIDENT j McKINLEY ERECTED AT TOLEDO i - t tfi -"-.----- --- - - 4- 4P - -- The McKinlcy, monument, which wns unveiled ut ' Toledo, Ohio. Sep tember 14, Is a square column of gray granite hearing the inscription "Wil liam McKlnley" cut on Its face. On the four sides his life history Is brief ly recited. Tho shaft is surmounted s WHERE IS THE RING? Bride Loses It from the Top of the Washington Monument. The wedding ring of a bride Is lost In the grass at tho Washington monu ment at Washington, D. C. It has been sought In vain. Custodian Craig has had tho grass cut to facilitate) the search. A young man and woman creeping About on their hands and knees In the grass attracted much attention. It was ascertained that they wero a newly married couple from Baltimore and were at Washington on their wedding tour. They went up to the top of tho monument, which Is CBS feet high, and took some apples with them. While looking at the city from tho great height they munched the apples. "See how far you enn throw tho core," said the bridegroom. "Oh. you think a girl can't throw, don't you?" was the arch reply of tho brldo as she raised her arm over her head and made tho characteristic feminine sweep. Tho core went sail ing down. As it left her hand the brldo cried out in consternation. Her wedding ring, placed on her finger only a few hours before, had slipped off nnd disappeared. In reply to the bridegroom's promise to buy another ring tho brldo indignantly domandod to know now nny ono could buy a second wedding ring. So tho searcli for tho missing ring was begun. KEY'S POEM NATIONAL ANTHEM. Circumstances Under Which "Star Spangled Banner" Was Written. Francis Scott Key, whose "Star Spangled Banner" has been officially declared the national anthem of the United States, was born in Frederick county, Maryland, August J, 1779. Ho wns the son of an officer in tho Revo lutionary army, and after being grad uated from St. John's college, In 1798, ho became a luwyer. His famous poem was written In 1814, when, as m4Ac& -xrorr ay an agent for the exchange of prisoners sent by Prfsldont Madison, ho saw trom a British vessel tho bombard ment of Baltimore. All night shot and shell rained upon tho city; as tho morning broke, Key looked eagerly through tho smoke to sen whether tho Stars nnd Stripes Btlll lloated above Fort Mcllcnry. Th flag waa there, unharmed, and In exultation Key penned tho woll-kuown lines. Key's .loath occurred at Bi'ltluoro in 1843. A monument to him was uuvelled at Frederick. In 1897. 'iMW HsisBisE9ssssK --y ----------- --" by a heroic bronze statue of the late President weighing 1,801) pounds. The statue Itself Is eight feet high. The monument was erected with the con trlbutlons of 26,000 residents of the city of Toledo and the surrounding country. wvww AROUND EARTH IN FORTY DAYS. Banker Expects to Accomplish Trip In That Time. I. M. Spencer, president of the Cleveland (Ohio) National bank, who, above all things, takes delight ! travel, has tinder contemplntlon nn attempt to go around the world In 40 days. The present record for a com plete Journey around tho world is fifty-four days and seven hours, but Mr. Spencer believes that the long journey can be accomplished In a little over a month. The plans of Mr. Spencer have not) been arranged as to detail, and beford tho dato of departure Is decided upon every effort will be made to get tho route so laid out thnt only the icx pected will prevent delays. Tho pio- poBed globo glrdler Is now in com munication with persons in different part of tho world, and the course oC the journey is being gradually put into shape. As has beon tho case with all per sons who have tried to circle the, world In record time. Mr. Spencer an tlcipntcs tho most dlfllcult pnrt of the whirl will bo through parts of Russln. If ho can nitfko good connections in Russia ho does not see anything in tho way of an accomplishment of thu trip iu forty days. With good luck In the matter of connections it is roughly figured that the trip can he made from Yokohama, Japan, to Moscow, Russia, in eight days; Moscow to Vladivostok, twelve days; Vladivostok to Nlcho, two days;l Nicho, to Yokohama, a half a day; Yo-i kohama to San Francisco, twelve days,! nd San Francisco to Cleveland, four and one-half days. If this schedule can be adhered to tho trip will bo mode In a little over thirty-nine days and alJ recordB badly broken. Former Slaves in Reunion. A most interesting event took place the other evening at Sherwood, the pretty suburban homo of Robert Ix gau at Salem, Va. It was a reunion of tho former slaves of Nathaniel Burwell, grandfather of Mr. Ixigan. At tho close of tho civil wnr Mr. Burwell had on his splendid plantation near Salem, consisting of two thou sand acres, more than a hundred con tented and loyal slaves. About thirty of theso were present at the reunion, the rest having died. The former slaves of Mr. Burwell are noted for their thrift, their hon esty and their unfailing politoncss. They are as loyal to-day to tho family as they wero In tho grnnd old days "'fn de wa" Turned Century; Still Healthy. Wolff Wolssmann of Hobnken, N. J, celebrated his ono hundred and third birthday last week. He had spent the day electioneering down town and on his return homo drank a couple of goblets of wine and smoked n pipe. Smoking, however, ho says does not agrco with him, and ho intends to abandon the habit. He was born at Klshincff, Russin, but left there In 1824 on account of tho persecutions to which hlu race the Jewish were subjected, President's Gift to Smithsonian. President Roosevelt has sent to the Smithsonian Institution a small, stuff ed mouso, which tho president captur ed on his last western trip nnd stuffed and mounted himself. Tho mouso is of an uncommon species and is regard cd as a valunblo addition to tho insti tution's exhibits, yet tho directors, It they had been consulted, might hnv choBon n mountain Hon rampant t DTJclpom; The Michigan Fruit Station. The Michigan experiment station is located at Agricultural College, near Lansing. It has a branch at South I lawn devoted entirely to experiments with fruit. The cause for tho exist "lice of tills branch station tiro the peculiar soli along the shores of Uiko Michigan nud climatic conditions quite unlike other parts of the stnto More over this region Is a famous fruit pro ducing region, and experiments made at Lansing would not bo likely to np ply. fully to the so called fruit-belt. A representative of the Farmers' Re view last week visited this fruit stn (Ion ami found It In a most flourish ing condition. The ofllcer in charge Is Professor T. A. Fnrrnnd, who seems to understand the conditions of his ter ritory most fully. The station is somewlint limited for spaco and has at present only fif teen acres of land, nil of which Is In use. The llrst plnutlngs were made 1 1 years ago. Tho paucity of area has compelled the crowding of some of tho trees beyond what wo bellovo to bo advisable. Professor Farrand has been compelled for this reason to set his plants and trees nearer together than ho would If he had the room he needs. It was noticeable that all the soil was In n high statu of cultivation, the marks of tho wceder teeth being everywhere visible between tho trees. All the fruit trees nro headed low. Tho Professor says thin is tho only sensible way of heading trees. Tho apple, pear, plum and cherry trees branched Just nbovo the soil and one would have difficulty In reaching their trunks, because of tho branches. Wo did not notice a high-headed trco on the place. Professor Farrand snys that peach and pear trees should be set at least 20 feet apait, though on their ground they aro but 1G foot apart. Ab most of these trees aro twelve years old their branches nro already too close in many Instances. Tho npplo and pear trees are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture on tho formula G-5-G0. with four ounces of Pnrls green added. This Is flvo pounds of llmo, five pounds of copper sulphnto and GO gnl Ions of water, besides tho Paris green mentioned. For penches they spray beforo tho leaves aro open for tho curl leaf, using two pounds of sulphate and CO gallons of water. After the fruit Is set they spray with half strength Bordeaux mixture, or on tho formula G-G-100, iiRlug no Pnrls green. However, Paris green could bo used, If desired. Peaches nre thinned to G nud 8 Inches apart. This Is a more severe thinning than Is followed In many of our orchnrds, whero the breadth of the hand is used as the rule for space between peaches. Tho Professor recommends the Ixmghurst pench as a very good one. Tho tree Is hardy and very productive, but is not as handsome an tho Al berta. It Is moat excellent for can ning. Howovor tho growers of peaches near South Haven are going largely Into Albertas. Kalamazoos and Hnglo Mammoths are most excellent varieties and nro doing well on the station grounds. It is noted that the early peaches aro Inferior in quality. It is the belief of tho director that apple trees nhuuld bo set not less than 35 feet apart. As to tho varieties do ing the best on their grounds ho men tions Jonathan, Grimes. Golden, Stnrk and Yellow Transparent. Ben Davis docs not do well here, ns it can not bo grown to perfection. Applos of this variety do not color up so well in this part of Michigan as they do in southern Illinois and localities on the same parallel. Duchess of Olden berg is doing well. Wagner Is doing well, and nothing Is better than Wealthy. Tho Gieenlng is hardy but It is late In coming into bearing. Gol den russets bear better than Roxbury russets, hut tho day of both of them has gone by, says the director. Tc tovka, a Russian, bears heavily, but Is a poor grower. Among the pears Seckol was doing remarkably well. Tho trees were heavy with fruit and tho slzo was very much better than is usual with this variety. In fact, ono seeing them on tho market would hardly bellovo them to bo Seckelb, So 'much for good care and culture. Tho Burtlotts are proving tho best on tho ground. Tho KelfTer has eomo to stay. Duch ess Is a good lato pear. Flomlsh Beauty is regarded of llttlo or no value for gcnernl cultivation, ns it scabs badly, and tho ordinary grower will not spray It. When thoroughly sprayed It Is all right, as It is a heavy bearer. In-Breeding of Poultry. In time our experiment stations will doubtlCBS take up tho question of In breeding and conduct scries of experi ments to determine just what Its ef fects are on birds. It is not necessar ily a fact that what Is true of ono kind of animal life la true of every other kind, though it may be so. It is probably surest not to do much In breeding. But on tho other hand, there are large brcodirs that claim that In breeding docs not result in tho de terioration of the flock, if caro Is taken in selecting tho most vigorous breed ers. Ono man claims that ho actually in-brod for vigor and increased tho vigor or his flock In that way. In bleeding Is generally reputed to affect tho vigor of a flock first of all. If any of our rcadern havo tried experiments along tills lino wo would llko to hear from them, w. iii jasrrWij:tiitiii3PCLt 'turafl ?& jW&W SCELfe&NY The Feeding riter. The hog is tho clenntM donunllf nnlnial we have and If he h" properly cared for there will no! bo one pni tlcle of droppings or mine In Unit hoghouse, snys John Cowlno. Tiny will set one corner off Into n Mm) of closet nnd tliey will go back and forwnrd to that. Give them .1nct room enough to He down and no more. It Is nn advantage Ic havo your hoghoiiHO divided off Into penp. If you haven't enough ln.gs; lo fill up your hoghoiifio shut oir part of ibo spaco; gte them Just enough room to occupy nnd no more AHor ti have fed them clean the feeding floor. What would you think of your wlfo If she let tho dishes? fct on Ibo table from one morning lo nnolbeiV Hupposo tho supper wns wived on ibo same dishes. You would my lo your self Hint you wUhed you bad not married that womnn. I would no inoro think of feeding my hogE on a fail ing floor that hnd not been denned Immediately after the lm-t meal than I would of eating my dinner off ibo breakfast dishes without washing 1 linvo done R for thirty yearn. It in u small matter. Wo have n wooden boo made out of u 2x0 three foe I In length; hnvo nn old mv for tho lower edge. This Is wide enough to sweep off three or four feet at a time. If your floor It smooth und If you enn do It Immediately niter feeding you enn elenn it oft its clean as If swept. By having tho floor three feet high on ono fide you can clean It off month after month nnd tho refuso will not pile up on you. No mnttcr how wet or muddy It Is, If yonr hogs nro conllncd In this building their feed la nlwnys clean. Food your hogs corn and water. I wohIi! add a few oats and perhaps u basket or two of raw potatoes once a week, but my mnln Iced would lie torn ami cold water. Cratec for Fruit Packing. In tho gathering of fruit, especially of fruits that bruise easily, Hho poaches, pcarB nnd plurni, II Ih ad visable to havo n Btrongly built righl crntc. Baskets aro quite generally used, nnd wo sco pictures of umn carrying bushel baskets heaped up, holding them by the two liandleH. This Is considered by the beet packerH detrimental to the fruit, which should bo rubbed together as Utile na poMtt blo. Thero is some "give" about nil', baskets, and a basket on tho ground full of apples does not retain Its nho entirely when lifted from tho ground. Tho apples aro pushed together w posito tho handles am) aro shitted moro or less in tho other pnrta ol tho. basket. In a greater degree lmgn cause the bruising of fruit. A two bushol bag Is filled nnd is generally lifted by tho middle. Thin forcen1 tho npples very closely .together lu tho two ends of tho bag, and they, roll bnck again when the bag Is set down. One Michigan packing houso has made a picking crate that will hold a little moro than a bushel. It Is rectangular and composed of slatB. Caro Is taken to havo tho slats on tho bottom close together, no that Ibo fruit will not project below tho ulntn and receive bruises when tho crato Is set down, This crate will largely take the placo of the other receptncleu used In picking nnd doliveriug' fruit. Youna Plfls. Prof. R. S. Shaw Bays thnt in Moo tana young pigs should havo constunt access to forngo groundB In the mini mcr season, and sheltered yards in Ibo winter. When four weeks old they will takc a little sweet Bklm nillh to wliich somo BhortB or middlings may ho gradually added, and laler somo ground wheat. A light grain ration should bo supplied the young growing pig in addition to the forego throughout the forage season bnt may bo entirely cut off as soon as tho iugn reach tho pea or grain stubblo fields. During tho winter season the ehoton should have access to stacked alfalfa, clover, or peas, from which they will secure a largo amount of food. Sugar beets should also bo supplied. Effects of Los6 of Pins. From Farmerb' Review: Our own experience with spring pigs this year was satisfactory. From four bowh ono with her first Utter and two with their second litter wo raised Uilrty threo thrifty pigs. They now averago moro than 100 pounds each, and hnir of this was made from pasture, pait rnpo that wintered. But complaint was quite general this spring of lotm of pigs, even from farmers that caro well for their atock. So, notwith standing tho stimulus of high prices toward increased production, this county will not market more hogs this year than last. P. F. Nye, Elkhart County, Indiana. New Name for Teats. Tho girl who expressed bo ninch sympathy for tho poor farmer because of his cold Job in harvesting his win ter wheat is equal in agricultural knowlcdgo to the one who expressed a desire to see a field of tobacco wben It was just plugging out, But tho damsol who asked which cow gno tho most buttermilk t entitled to tho whole bakery. A girl on her return from the country who waa nsked If sho over saw any ono milk a cow ro pllcd: "Oh, yes, Indeed 1 havo"; it Just tickled mo to death to soo uncle Jerk two of tha faiicetB at' thw uamo time.' Ada Index. k w m i "rj .1 L i A A ipj mwMnfil FFTOprwiyir ?r?rl'jr"iWl BBBBBBBHSSjSBtMBL-JSfl