The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 25, 1903, Image 2

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Socialists in Porto Rico Punished
for Bravado
Moil Mmr lint Pull of Atiute of (lorprn-
merit N tln Judge i:qtil to tun
Ocaloii, rtinl Neud 'I It i in t
I'rlMin fur Sit Mouth
KJaiardo (Jiimlc anil (.ejnltifll (liilllut,
two Kan .Iiih.ii, Porto Uico, feudalists,
who enUi In a roccnl itieutln : of tho
Aniorlian federation of lalior, vreput
on trial Tuesday for hiHiiltl g tho
American Hag anil threatening tho llfo
of Governor Hunt Tlirlr apt ches
teamed with abuse of ttit government,
)m of tlio prisoners was unused of
advlitlng I ho workmen, upon the re
turn of Governor Hunt on October 1
from tint United States, to pantile, tar
rying hl'n'k lings ami bv make demands
iion tin1 government It theso de
mands won icfiiHcd, the speaker ndd
wl, the alleriuitivt of hilling Governor
H'ntt ri'iiuilih'il. The other orator wua
wild to have declared that tho Antcr
Ichii (lug wjs a ran lit only to cover
riH(alh hihI criminals Tho accused
vehemently denied I ho tiiaiges. They
were Irli'il before Justin Kopcl, con
victed of nii.ittiilstlc conduct, and sen
tenced (o Ki months In pilsou.
Iiistiui Kopel says the ling la high
er I han IhtT law and anarchists need
never oxpoct any mercy In hlu (ourt.
Tho ciwtn his established a precodent
lit- i I'm In Itlcau olililat warning that
attacks on the Hug and government
must hloj Tho Americans and loal
I'oilo Jtlutim am Juhllaut, while the
MM'lallftlrt an angry at the decision.
Tin convicted men will appeal from
the Judgment, claiming that Justlco
Kopel had no jurlKdlutlon, as Micro Is
no law coveting the offeuso The In
terest lit the case Irt Intense.
Kvtlnt Amir I'lmtfi Willi n eed Cor
rnollnc The nnual report of Rrlgndlcr-Gen-ernl
William A. Kobbe. commanding
tho department of Dakota, was made
public recently, llo a)s that unusual
Interest was takcm In tho eourso of
plOtrieal training which extends
throughout Uie yoar OHlcers hae
tmou Infinitely encouraged in providing
um pursuing courses of Instruction by
considering that with the organisation
of a general staff these will not, as
low frciiueutly liappeuwl, fall Into clts
nUv. Post schools for enlisted men
and for chlldien, says Oeuernl Kobbe,
h.ivo been maintained and progress In
all caaea lia been good and satlsfac
rury. An a tulo, the dUilpllite of tho
com maud h,m been good and with ovl-
denco of sternly Improvement
General Kobbe expresses the opinion
Mint an Improvement In discipline
would follow a proper ihango In tho
method of Ismtlug uulfntm clothing,
which he s.ts Ih dlreitly leaponslble
for many Irrogularitiea The report
ociys that under tho present sybtem
the great majority of tho men nccumu
lalo clothing and with many It be
comes an article, of baiter and sale,
not only among themselves, but with
clviliaiiK in tho vicinity of tho posts.
General Kobbu tirgos that uniform
clothing shall bo tho pro'ierty of the
United Slates as arms, etc., now are;
that It shall bo cattily ldentlllable and
Hit mlo or purchase be made a felony
by law.
Nortli flatto (If t New Stlmul
Agrlcultitrit experiments on subjects
peculiar to tho will bo conducted
at. NotUt Platte Tin state uulversity
regents so decided at a recent meet
itig. This Institution will be in fact
a aub-stattou and, will bo established
to make experiments to uncertain pecu
liarities in tho agrlcultttial conditions
in tho western) part of tho state. The
rut poshed by the last legislature re
quired that tho station bo located west
of tho ouo hundredth meridian. Just
aim hard and fust bid was leeched
that of North Platto
North Platte ftirnlshod three sections
or land', tliroo miles south of the city,
mid1 tho cost to tho stato will be ?7,
r.00 Tills laud Is supposed to bo worth
if IT. ,000. Tho station will bo equipped
niixt spiing and its operations will be
limited to oxperlmouts in ugriculturc,
horticulture, and forestry
A l.llit l'rot lii NebnuUa
Tuesday night was the coolest of the
fall. At 'J a. m. tho tomperaturo had
tlropped to 34 degrees, and reports
from over tho central and southern
poitlons of tho statu Indicated a light
trobt that would do rom- damns to
garden stuff, but would probably not
Injure coin In fact Mime authorities
ronlended that a light fioit Is Just
whut tho corn nteds to stop tho
growth of ptalk and leaves nnd hasten
ripening Tho toiuNmtui3 over the
central and eastern portion of tho
Htnte was about tho sumo aa in Imiroln
Tho high mark for vesterday was CO
degrees at 4 p, m , and tho low mark
for tho day prior U 7 p. m. was 44 at
7 u m. Tvvo-hundivdths of t.n inch of
tain fell and Uio prevailing direction
of tho wind was north, although about
midnight It shifted to the west.
Ilor Thrown and Killed
Wlmer Pike, aged 13, son of a promi
nent resident in tho vicinity of DIJou
Hills, S. 1 was lustantly killed by
being thrown from a horse. Himself
mid u rompanlou were enjoying a
horseback ride when the animal rid
den by the unfortunate loy fell upon
hint, crushing out his life. Hla pa
rents had been to Sioux City and were
mturnlng to their home when a nies
Miuger mt them and informed them
of the accident.
Weather lltireau deport t"rot In Some
WeMern C'onntle
Section Director (!. A. Ixivclnnd has
Issued tho following sumnry of the crop
conditions in Nebraska for tho week
ending September 1G:
Tho past week bar. been told, wet
and generally unfavorably for the ag
cultural Interests.
Tho mean dally temperturo has av
eraged 4 degrees below normal In can
torn counties nntl from 0 to I) degrees
In wcfitcrn. On tho lOlh a light frost
occured In tho oxtrcmo western coun
tlefl, but not sunlclcntly suvcn to In
uro vegetation, except in tho extieme
i jrthweet, whore akllllng frost occured
v ith a mlnlinun tempcrtuie of 29 do
j ecs. The last two da of the week
v ro coldest In tho eastern half of tho
i :te, with, minimum tempertures
i M.glng from 3(5 to II degrees. Tho
i ixlmum teperlures were IjoIovt 80
t ,;rci on most tls of tho week.
Tho rainfall hns been heavy In tho
r stern pait of tho state, generally,
Leedlng an Inch and in some platca
exceeding two Indies; In the western
counties it was much lighter ranging
from nothlns to hnlf tin inch. Show
ers occured quite generally In the ens
tern pint of the Male on four of the
seven tlnvH of tho week.
Thrashing and having hnvlng been
rctatded by tho rains and some hay an
hay Imvo been damnged, Tho wet
weather thlt fall makes this work
now much behlmt tho normal stage
of advancement: nt this season of tho
year. In pints of the state a. veiy
largo portion of the hny Is yet to he
secured, while in somo sections the
haying Is nearly completed. Threshing
from shock Is not jet fully tompleted.
Corn has matured rather slowly In
southeastern counties, but has mado
moro satisfactory progicss In northern
and western counties. Some early
planted coin I now bejond Injury
by frost, but nmbh of tho crop needs
two to three weeks' of good weather.
The late planted torn is Just In tho
roastlng-ear stage nnd has eared heav
ily with large, well tilled ears.
Flowing Is well advanced, although
but little wheat has been sown vet,
duo to the wet weather of the past
week. The ground Is still too wet for
seeding in many pat is of tho state.
Potatoes arc being dug in many dis
tricts and tho crop Is gcuctally a short
one; in a few localities a fair to good
crop is reported.
llepreienUtlva McClnr llrlnlli Halt la
Hupruuie Court
John II. MtClny, member of tho late
Nebraska legislature and father of the
Lincoln monument bill which provided
that tho state appropriate $10,000 for
tho erection of a monument in tho
capltol grounds to the memory of the
great emancipator, tho money to be
available when tho city of Lincoln
should have contributed a like amount,
litis (nought suit In the supreme court
to mandamus Govomor Mickey to com
pel him to appoint a commission of
live to select tho silo upon which to
erect tho monument.
Tho suit Is a friendly one brought
to test the constitutionality of the law,
at the suggestion of Oovernor Mickey,
who made the stipulation when he
signed tho bill. Tho bill passed both
the house and the senate In regular or
der, but In tho ongrosslng room, by
somo oversight. It was held up and did
not rciclvo cither tho slguattiro of
Speaker Mockett or tho president of
tho senate. McClay dug up tho bill
after tho scblon had adjourned nnd
nt his solicitation (lovetnor Mickey
signed It with tho understanding that
suit would bo biought to test its con
stitutionality before any contiact was
let for tho building of the monument.
A movement Is now on foot to man
damus tho people of Lincoln to com
pel them to donate the J10.000.
Itlc t'oiiiiilr Iururporute
A Trenton, N. J., September 13, dis
patch says: Theso Incorporations were
tllcrl hero today: Tito Ohio Grocery
company, capital $11,230,000, to buy
ami bell at wholesale or retail ull
goods generally dealt in by grocers;
tho Tabard Inn company, capital, $3,
000,000, to carry on the business of
general publishers.
Hark I'm in Lincoln
Nearly two vcars ago W. O John
son went out of tho ofllco of county
clerk of Polk county, sold all his prop
city In Osceola, and went to Lincoln
and engaged In tho grocery business.
Mr. Johnson mado big money there
nnd has gono buck to Osceola and
bought out tho grocery business of
Kdgar Roberts on tho cast bide of the
Stolen Cuttle Iteroterett
The tvventy-ono tattlo stolen, from
V. II Father's pasture near tho Platto
river Tuesday night were found on
tho Jacob Sheror farm, three miles
north of here, says a Wood Hlver, Nob.,
special. The thieves had headed for
tho bluffs and abandoned tho cattle
near da) break. Muddy loads caused
tho delay. There is no clue.
Aseit Mm Injured
O. It. Fisher, of Fairmont, met with
a sovero accident Monday. In going
from his daughter's house to his homo
ho fell, fracturing his hip. In view
of his age and debility (he being about
90 years old) It will probably disable
hint as long as ho may live.
Chicago A petition In bankruptcy
has been Hied' by Held, Henderson &
Co., wholcsalo tea and splco dealers.
Liabilities. $85,000; assets, $40,000.
San Antonio, Tex. Tho dopartmoat
store of Wolf & Marx burned, entail
ing a loss of over $200,000. Scholz's
root garden was also destroyed. The
loss iti partially covered by Insurance.
Baltimore, Md. A Are destroyed the
buildings, plant and stock of the Rasln
Monumental Fertilizer company at
HVrJrfleJd. Loak. 1500.000.
Bulk of Coin Crop Out of Frost's
Natlannl VTrntlirr lltirmir Iti port Not
at All OpIlinUlIc ThrenlihiB '
layeil nu .Viiomit of IIih-hhIv
Molilure Oilier .Nun
A Washington, Sept. lfi, tllspntdi
sajs: The weather bureau's weekly
nop bulletin is:
i'cf)t In Iowa, northern Missouri
and western Nebraska, where excessive
molsttiie has pi evented rapid ripening,
the torn crop has made satisfactory
progress, the hulk of the early planted
over the boiilhein portion of the belt
being practktilly safe fiom host. In
Iowa, not thorn Missouri and eastern
Nebinskn, the advance has been very
slow nnd tiie bulk of tho crop over the
not thorn poitlou of the corn belt will
requite from two to three weeks of
ilpenlng weather. Tho not tiniest por
tion of the com belt hns been thtettt
ened with damage from tecent cold,
the freezing temperattiics oci tiling In
the northern Ilocky mouutnln dlstilcts,
having extended as far eastward ns tho
western portions of Dakota und north
west Nebraska on the 14th and IStli,
hut with the exception of the Dakotas
no serious Injury has icsulted and the
atmospheric conditions now indicate
that the lowest tempernttnes of the
pi eiient cold spoil In the extreme noith
west have been roached. The temper
atures, however, will continue low In
Kansas, Nebraska, eastern Colorado,
Wjomlng and In tho states of the up
per Missouri i alley Tuesday night and
will rise slightly Wednesday night In
the lower Missouri and upper Missis
sippi valleys tho temperntttie ptomlses
to bo somewhat lower Tuesday night.
Further delay in threshing of spring
wheat In the bprlng wheat region raat
of the Ilocky mountains has icsulted
from excessive rains und there hits
been considerable damage to wheat In
stack and shock. Delay in thieshing
and Injury to grain aie also teporteil
from Washington, Oregon and Idaho.
Further dctcrlotation in the condition
of cotton is gencraly reported through
out the cotton belt. Shedding mid uist
aro extensive and qultno geneiul oni
plalnts of premature openings aie te
cclved from the central and eastern
districts. The grenter part of tho col
ton belt Is now suffering from thought.
Complaints of picmattire dropping of
applies aro extensive and the general
outlook for this fruit is not Impiovcd.
Favorable repoits are received fiom
southern Katibas and Iowa.
Plowing and fall seeding have made
favorable progress, except In tho lower
Mlhslbslppi valley and southern states,
where the soil Is too thy.
Secretarj-of the Njtj Score nn Kuslgn
for Neellcenre V i
A Washington, Sept. lii. dispatch
sa)s: Secretary Moody has disap
proved the llntllngs in the case of En
sign Wnrd K. Wortman, U. S. N.. who
was tried by court martial and ac
quitted on the charge of "culpable in
efficiency In the performance of duty."
The societaiy has had the findings
under consideration Mine last March.
Wortman on January Hi last olf San
Juan was In charge of tho thlul gun
division on tho Massachusetts. Includ
ing the two 8-lnch guns In tho Mnr
bourd after turiot, when one of them,
during target ptnetlte, exploded, In
Jiiilng nlno enlisted men, till of whom
afterward died. The touit of Inepthy
found Wortman guilty of eiror of judg
ment In giving an ouler to open the
breech of the gun for tho (impose of
returning to electrical firing while the
gun was loaded and the laii)ard was
led out and hooked to tho trigger. The
secretary, however, ordeied a court
martial on the basis of tho court's
llntllngs and Woitnian was acquitted
by this court
Secretary Moody dlfT'n from the
court's. Uniting that thcte wai lusulu
ctent evidence to piove that tho lat.
)ard led out and was hooUel when the
order to open the breech v. as given.
Niumler t'ountr Court Mount) llouil
Itefuted lijr Auditor IVmtnii
Saunders county p-op!o :ti disap
pointed over tho refusal of tho btato
auditor to nccept tho $S3,(00 bonds re
cently voted by the county for n new
court house, owing to tho Illegality ot
the call for the special election, which
Intks ono day of the required twenty
eight that must Intervene between the
day of tlrht publication and thn day of
election The county commissioners
acted upon what they cousldeied good
legal ailvico In drawing up tho tall and
illxlng the dates During the past vvetk
xho board liw been listening to plans
of architects nnd while It was not In
tended to commence vvmk on the new
Miueturo this full, efforts wete being
put rorth to get ever) thing in ieat'1
ness for early spring. Another bond
election will ncicbsatlly havo to bo
held, but whether It will occur at tho
general election In Novcmb'-r or an
other hpeclnl bo called the count) board
hns not et determined.
Stoughton, Mass. Fire ilcstnned
Levi Klttleson's tobacco warehouse, to
gether with Its contents, entailing a
loss of $70,000, partially Insured.
Mil It r ran Kiiirneed
The engagement of MIsb Ruth Bryan,
dnughter of Mr and Mrs. W. J Br) an,
to Mr. W. H. U-avltt, an nrtlst from
Newport, R. I., was announced Wed
nesday evening at n Delta Oamma
party nt the home of Mm. John Fiu
gotald. Mr. Leavitt was called to Lin
coln several months ago to paint MV.
Bryan's portialt. After completing
that work ho remained at the Bryan
homo as a guest and Is now in Lincoln.
Ho speedily succumbed to the charms
of Miss Br) an and the engagement has
been made known.
A (Ireiitrr Arrruco 1 linn liver to II
riniitc.1 In Ttuit State tills lull
D. K. little of Wnllate county, Kan
Fas, made u tour of tho when; counties
of the Sixth congressional district. Ho
says tho farmers theio need men and
teams now as badly as during the rubb
of tho harvest season.
"Col. A. J. nice.' said Mr. Little, "1
the wheat king of Graham county. He
had In li.OOO acres of wheat this year,
and will make $30,000 off the farm. Ho
told mo a few da) ago that ho 'vill bo
able to tiso sixty teams for tho next
sixty tln)s and that he will pay 3.30 a
day and hoard the men nnd teams. Tills
Is about the same wnges that men and
teams made dttilng the harvest. Ha
wants the help to acslst him In har
vesting and plowing for the fall seed
ing. "There am very few farms In that
section of the country which have not
produced between tvvcnty-flvo nnd fifty
bushels of wheat to an acre. Whoro
they have pioilueod a Bmaller nmount
It Is because the hall struck tho crop
or It got loo rlpo before the 'machined
could get hit olt. This is about an
average ntnount of wheat an aero for
the entlro dlhtrht.
"The aiiingo which will be seeded to
wheat this fall will exceed that of last
j car If the farmers can get help enough
to plnnt It. They absolutely can not
get the men and tennis now and many
of them ntc afraid that they will be
ttnnblo to got them this fall. This
shortage of help Is the only thing that
will dccitaso the wheat acreage this
fall. The farmers aro very cnthuslaa
tie over the crops they gathered this
)ear and they uto going to try the
wheat lalslng proposition on a bigger
scale than ever next year. They be
lieve that nil of the land In tho state
will produeo wheat and they aro going
to plant It In western counties where
It has heretofore been thought Impos
sible to ptodticc it. If next year Is ns
good a wheat )ear as this ono Kansas
will greatly extel her former records
as a wheat producing state."
I'lr-t Crwln In County
S. A Koppler, a well known real
dent of Lxiunn county, South Dakota,
has put chased a thrcbhlng machine ami
will enjoy the distinction of operating
the tlrst tktcshlng machlno ever takeu,
to Lyman county. He. will commence
work In the tounty about October 1.
For yents tho residents of the county
have devoted their nttentlon to stock
raising, but this season a great deal
of grain was put In, principally by
new settlers, who have been well re
w aided for their efforts.
lMnifiie Spread!
One hundred case of bubonic plagua
are icported In Tomlo, tho most north
ern and populous suburban district of
Manila. Of these, eighty have had a
fatal termination. Twelve cases, with
nine deaths, aro also reported from
Cebti, in tho province of Vlsayas.
Cholera Is prevalent In all parts of the
islands, the lesult of an absence ot
Knight mill I.adlrn of Honor
The Knights nnd Ladles of Honor
began their fourteenth innual conven
tion Wcdnehdny at Louisville, Ky..
with nn attendance of ono hundred
delegates from nil part of the coun
try. There will be no radical chungeu
in tho geneial laws of tho order, al
though a few minor amendments will
he made to tho constitution.
Philadelphia Tho Tourth congres
sional dlsttlct republican convention
nominated Reuben O. Moon, a promi
nent lawyer, to succeed the late Con
gressman Focrderer.
New York Francis Benque, who
was arrested on tho complaint of tho
federal authorities on a charge of hav
ing written threatening letters to Sec
retary Hay, was committed to tho Man
hattan state asylum, Ward's Island,
he having been pronounced by doctors
to bo not in lull possession of his facul
ties. Decatur. 111. The James MUllken
university opened for the flrit tlmo
with 6C2 btudents. Tho Institution be
gins with buildings, plant and grounds
worth $725,000. Gifts havo been mado
to 't as follows: James Mllllken, of
Decatur, $J70,000; citizens of Decatur,
$100,000. Cumhetland Presbyterian
church of Indiana, Illinois and Iowa,
St. Louis Tho merchants' exchange
decided to make complaint to tho In
terstate commerce commission regard
ing the congestion and delay of freight
In this city ad East St. Louis, 111.,
and also to Invite railroad and ware
house commissions of Illinois and Mhr
Bourl to investigate tho tormlnal con
ditions on both shies of tho river.
Marlon, Intl. The resldenco occupied
by tho Lucabel and Crabtree families
was partially destroyed Thursday
morning by nn explosion of natural
gas Mrs. Hattlo Lucabel and Ora
Crabtree, aged six, wero fatally burned.
The latter's twin sister, nnd Mrs. Wil
liam Crabtree, mother of tho children,
weio alho terribly burned,
Jackbon, Ky, Tho marching and ex
ert Ises of tho Salvation army that Is
touring the tcudal districts brought a
largo crowd front tho mountains to
this city Wednesday, Tho parade and
services Tuesday night attracted largo
crowds, but It was not until Wednes
day that the rural districts turned out
on horboback, in ox carts and all sorts
of vehicles, many albo walklug great
distances. Tho meetings hero aro so
successful that Colonel Holzo has de
cided to lemaln over Thursday.
Ashtabula, O. Tho Canadian patrol
steamer Petrol has confiscated a num
ber of flBh nets belonging to American
fishermen In Lako Erie. It Is sup
posed tho officers of the Petrel do
elded that tho nets were set on the
Canadian sido of tho lines. This, how
ovor, Is denied by tho flshormen.
Atlantic City, N. J. The parade of
tho Sons of Veterans, who aro holding
their national encampmont bore, took
placo Wednesday afternoon. Over a
thousand members and their friends
attended a big camp Uro on Young's
Pier at night. Governor Durbln of
Indiana mado a strong speech against
lynching and mob violence In general.
English People Troubled Over
He and tlio Mlnlntrj Cannot Agree In
Ilejrnrcl In a I'referentlnl Tariff
Oilier Member M117 Alna Unit
Oilier Intcrrntliic Nona
A London, September 17, dispatch
says: King Kdwnid has accepted tho
resignation of Secretaries Chamberlain
Hamilton nnd Chancellor Ritchie.
Tho official announcement of tho res
ignations of Mr. Chamberlain and two
other members of tho cabinet, which
were announced by the Absoclntctl
press eat Her in, the dny. was made Into
tonight at Downing street In the fol
lowing communication:
"Tho following ministers have ten
dered their resignations, which havo
been accepted by the king:
Right Hon. Joseph Chainbeilaln, rcc
rctnry for the colonics.
Right Hon Joseph Chamberlain, of
the exchequer
Lord Qcorgo Hamilton, secretary for
The retirement of Colonial Secretary
Chamborlaln, which (lreclpltates the
most dramatic crisis and tho bitterest
party struggle since his secession from
Mr. Gladstone's homo rule cabinet, was
unknown and unsuspected in London
until the offlclnl announcement was Is
sued lato at night, too late for tho
evening papers. It will only becomo
known to the general public from this
morning's papers.
It Is understood thnt the resigna
tions of somo other members of tho
cabinet aro Imminent nnd that Lord
Bnlfour of Burleigh, secretary for
Scotland, has nttually resigned, al
though the fact has not been formally
given out. Lord Lansdowne, the for
elgu becretaiy, left London last night
for Balmoral, whither Premier Balfour
and his brother aro also expected to
proceed Immediately.
In tho conservative clubs last night
tho manner In which the crisis was
projected was almost as great a sur
prise as In liberal quarters. Curiosity
centers on the nttltude of tho Duko ot
Devonshire, whoso resignation lias
been fully expected, It was supposed
by some that he would take tho pres
ent opportunity of retiring from poli
tics on tho ground of his advanced
years. As to tho reconstruction of
tho cabinet, no great Interest Is excited,
tho political prophets are already busy
appointing Austen Chamberlain chan
cellor of the exchequer, the Earl of
Sclborno as secretary for the colonics,
etc., because it Is recognized as Im
possible that an appeal to the country
can be much longer delayed nnd tho
general opinion is that In the piesent
shattered condition of the unionist
party the liberals will be returned to
The Associated press learn? definite
ly that Mr. Chamberlain urged his col
leagues to appeal to the country on the
preferential trade Issue. He admitted
that they would be defeated, but main
tained that six months of weak, lib
eral government would put the party
back in power with Improved standing.
I.ute FroiU Were Not of n Corii-Kllllnc
Nil tare
Humboldt, Neb. The frost here did
considerable damage to garden stuff of
a tender nature, but It is not thought
tho corn suffered to any extent. Farm
ers claim that it will prove of benefit
to tho corn by checking the growth
and causing it to mature If wo do get
favorable weather.
Ceresco, Nob. The frosts have done
no perceptible damage to the corn crop
further than to retard Its maturing.
Tho early corn Is m far matured as to
le safo, but perhaps 50 per cent of tho
crop would be ruined by a freeze.
Ot leans, Neb. Corn In this vicinity
is well advanced nnd it is thought it
has sustained very llttlo injury.
Ta)Ior, Neb. Corn Is well matured'
In Loup county and the frost will do
no material damnge.
St. Paul, Neb. Reports of damago
dono by the frost are not so bad as
were at first feared. Me who mado
a personal Investigation agree that at
least CO per cent of tho corn crop will
bo marketable.
May Apply for Stutohood
Tho republicans of the five. counties
comprising the commonwealth of Ha
waii have held conventions to noml
nato candidates for tho vailouB offices,
which aro to bo filled by ballot on No
vember 3, the election being tho first
to bo held under tho new county gov
ernment act. Tho various pVatforms
express approval of the administration
of Governor Dole and recommendations
aro mado that a strong fight bo mado
on the floor of tho national congress
for tho admission ot tho Hawaiian Isl
ands to statehood.
Minister Lelshmnti cables that Tur
koy Is ready to tako up the claims ot
tho United States.
Tho Ficnch foreign ofllce categorical
ly denies thnt Franco Is contemplating
tho conquest of Morocco.
A killing frost destroyed tho ennte
lottpo crop In tho vicinity of Rocky
Ford, Colo. The loss will reach $250,
000. Betty II, one of the most famous
Hereford cows In America, died at the
state fair grounds, Indianapolis, Ind,
Govomor Dockcry of Missouri hns
offered a reward ot $300 for D. J,
Kelley, agent of the baking powder
Tho steamer Alma and tho freight
depot of tho Norfolk & Southern rail
road burned nt Elizabeth City, N, C.
Loss, $ 100,000.
Moses Hart, Louis Brooks nnd
Charles Ronk, employes of tho Swift
Packing company In East St. Louis,
were fatally scalded by falling into a
! vat of boiling water.
Iteiciiiitlnii of Secretary Clinuilierlalu,
Conic h tlouiliihell
The mobt complete consternation
was caused by tho dramntlc announce
ment of Joseph Chamberlain's resig
nation of tho secrctar)shl) of the col
onies, and It prevails among all
classes In the United Kingdom to tho
exclusion of every other topic.
London newspapers are crammctf
with discussions and speculations re
garding the political situation brought;
nbout by tho resignation of Mr. Cham
berlain, Chancellor of tho Exchequer
RRchle nntl Lord George Hamilton,
but no frth development has yet been
announced. Both political parties havo
already commented active ptcparatlomj
for the Doming campaign and tho opin
ion is sought of every matt of promi
nence nt homo and In the colonies
whoso Ideas nto likely to have in
fluence. The opinion of the colonics Is anx
iously canvassed ns being tho most
Important fnclor in tho situation. Sir
Edmund Barton, the premier of the
Australian commonwealth, has de
clared In an interview that he Is"
convinced that Mr. Chamberlain will
ultimately triumph, and that until thnt
triumph Is achieved there will be no
renl union ol the empire.
The Standaid anticipated that Mr.
Balfour will have at least four cabinet
seats and two or more undersecretary
ships nt his disposal nnd strongly
urges him to mtiko a clean sweep nt
the discredited ministers nntl appoint
men of lenl ability, oven such men as
Lord Cromer and Lord Miltier, If tho
country would gain thereby.
Tho Pall Mall Gazette aptly sums
tip tho general feeling by describing
the present crisis as the "most extra
ordinary In the whole history of tho
constitutional government," adding
that what will happen next no one can,
forecast with any degree of absolutu
CrrniHii Farmer Nrur Table ltock May
I.oso III Life
Dom Mertes, a prominent German
farmer living four miles north ofj
Table Rock, Neb., was severely injured
by being struck by a south-bound ex
tra train two miles north of town.J
When discovered by the trainmen hoj
was lying across the rail, his feet out
ward, head and bhoulders between tho
rails. Ho slowly ralbed up Just beforet
the engine struck him, sitting on tho'
end of the tie, but had not time evU
dently to get out of the way. Thcj
pilot struck him, Inflicting severe scalp
wounds, leaving long gashes and tear
ing it off in places. Tho cowcatcher!
struck him, breaking his shoulder-!
blade, bruising bis shoulder, hip and
other parts of the Itotly In a terrlblo
way nnd lifted him clear of tho tiack?
His wounds bled freely. Ho was
picked up by tho trainmen, taken to
town in tho caboose and Dr. Wilson,
the company ph)siclan, was httm
Ho complained of severe internal
pains; nil that was passible was dono
lor tho injured man. When his wounds
wero dressed he was removed to the
house of his relative, John Hlllbert, t,r.
Although he Is resting comparative
ly easy, his recovery Fcems to be quite
doubtful. As near ns tan be ascer
tained, he sat dowu on the end of 11
tlo to light his pipe and lest, and as
he waB used to taking a nap after din
ner, he had evidently lallcn asleep.
Ho lb a man forty-five years of age and
has a wife aud several children
Demnnd for Dnniucet for Outrugu In
The Chinese government will make
a claim against the government ot tha
United States on account of the In
juries inflicted by residents of Tono
pah, Nov., upon Chinese lesldentb of
that place September 10. Tho Chinese
minister has telegraphed the Chinese
consul general at San Franclsto to
send him ns many aftldavitb as he tan
secure showing tho names of put sons
Injured nnd the nature of their in
juries, as well as any property loss
thoy might have suffered. These affi
davits will be used as the basis ot
the claim against this government, A
tolegrnm vvns received at the state de
partment fiom the governor of Ne
vada in reply to one sent previously
regarding this attack, saying that he,
has ordered an Immediate Investigation!
and will take every action looking to
tho safety of the Chinese residents of
Touopalt. A copy of this telegram will
be sent to tho Chinese minister for
his Information.
Itepnlr on Maine Completed
Tho now battleship Maine, which hast
been undergoing repairs at Ctamp'si
bhip yards for structural weakness,
which developed under tests of her
heavy guns, left tho works of her
builders Friday nnd protecded to the
Leaguo Island navy )ard. After belna
coaled and piovlbloned she will sail
for Culobrn, West Indies, whero sho
will participate in tho fall maneuvers
of tho Atlantic const squadron.
I'rnud Inquiry
Dlsttlct Judgo Booth Malone, at!
Denver, ordered a grand Jury sum
moned to com one for tho ptuposo of
investigating alleged registration
fiatids and any crimes that may be
committed at the charter election next
Tuesday. Application for the grand
Jury was mado by the charter cam.
pnlgn committee.
Attempt to Kill IluMmuil.
While temporarily deranged from
brooding over the recent death of her
father and mother, Mrs. Maiy Wil
liams, aged seventeen, formerly ot
Chattanooga. Tenn., fired two bhots at
her husband without effect and then
committed sulcldo by sending a bullet
through her heart. Tho shooting oc-i
eurred near Mllford, Utah, whllo tho
cotiplo wero en route from Salt Lako
City to Arizona,
Jack Frost made us an earlier visit
tlian expected.