1 wrw tv- s$i ft x yn ted Cloud, the Geographical Center of the United States, a Good Place to Live In. - ?'il - 7. :''-"" "ft'f - gS vlgjgEg- . S?.i-i-,- I lK .(B-ia-JVl.5Sr-jiiSr5 rt 1..- rM-M. volume xxxr. RED CLOUD, XKHRASKA, SEl'TEMUBIt 25, UHY.i. XUJLBER 30 Miner j . Bros. BIG STORE 1878 MO sq. ft. THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY (Red Cloud. J18.MH) sq.ft. UKKIj THREE BARGAIN LISTS ,trr,mvrIrr Ladles' Eiderdown Z Dressing Sacqucs and Lounging Robes. All-wool Eiderdown, heavily np- pliqtiod Collar, wool crocheted s edirc. worth 81.25 and 811)0. 91.00 All-wool ripple Eiderdown, heav ily uppllqucd square collar wool crocheted edge through Tfee Semi-Annual Anniversary of the BIG STORE will be celebrated with a series of Spscial Sales, values that UNMATCHABLE. an exceptionally sttecexsfull one lj;iti( thoC-lJ.nla Splrito I Although every sort of Inco Is used at present, the heavier luces are the inot popular The C imp and An tiquo laces nro en reglo on almost every stylo of gown, and on almost every material Heavy Irish lace, either In insertion or allover, is ised for waists, and in tho shop windows display a great variety of cull's, collurs, capes and stoles of Maltese laco Of the fashions more anon from Paris. ' KLAINI3 KOZB. ttfttfetFCCtH are out. Colors, gray, reu, rose and light blue, 1. SO Pull leneth all-wool ripple Eider down, wool crocheted edge c throughout, frocs. girdle and tassels, heuvily appliqued, red and gray, 94.00 It is almost an unheard of event to offer new mer chandise in new and up-to-date pat terns at such cut prices this early in the season. GASH V 11 Of Or ik ...Eye and Eye Glass Care... TO . 1CT lis idiot von out of tho misery and danger of overworked iinnroneilv treated ovosiuht Into tho rest and satisfaction of re stored vision. Wo understand Eves and Eyo Glasses our imul- Jfc; ness to lit tho one to tho other. Wo know the Eyo and Its noedH i. wo know tho dangers that follow In tho wako of defective Eyes and strnltc- oil vision. Our knowledge of tho Eyo and practical oxporleneo in tins- g , fitting of Glasses Is at yrur service. Wo examine your eyes thoroughly, scientillcally: tell you their exact condition, advise you what to do and grant, you tho privilege of doing as you please. v ", JJ." V DKIB9 QOODB. 20 pieces 1.2 l-2c Flanneletts, special at Sc 5 pieces Panama fleeced Waisting, colors red, blue, rose, cream-and white, per yard 20c , 20 pieces yard wide fleeced Unsnmeres, Oc value, nt..l5c 40 pieces of Worsted Dress Uooils, retl, grays, ton, black, blues, etc., goods that wo purchased to sell at.T,10 and 45c. Special price, per yard 27c ? 1,000 yards 10c Ginghams I at 8c We The magnet that attracts these Case lots of remarkable merchandise to our stocks. We have been preparing for many months for these events. have purchased many Case Lots of Ginghams, Out ings, Flannelettes, Hosiery, Calico, Towelings, bought for CASH, especially under price for these great Price-Cutting Events. NOTIONS. Job Pearl Buttons, regular He, at ,1c 1 Dress Shields, per pair 5c , 3 spools Basting Thread 5c Thimbles, each c ' Enameled Wrod Stocking Darner 5o , Mohair Skirt Binding, 5-yard lengths, bunch lOo ' (Much "Rubber Comb lOo Air Coll Knit Washrogs 5c , 12 yards Val. Laces. . .". 5c Talcum Powder, per can 25c ' Vasaline 5, 15, 25o , Extra quality Lambs' wool boles Zoo ' Infants' Combs , . . . 15o , Infants' Brushes 10c 'WA'WWW'''WWWW C fhSvA'V'V We offer nothing that Is not reliable and everything that Is. They are ( the best values that cash can command, and with every transaction we say: "Satisfaction, r money back to your pocket." Latest London Fashions. As tho clown in tho circus says "hero I am again!" I Imvo simply haunted tho West End for the last week, and have come to tho conclusion that while all now modes are old modes, tho modistes havo culled the cholcost, and- the variety is so great that every woman may select her stylo to suit her own individuality, always avoiding "manulshness," which is no longer smart. This is the day of tho truly femi nine. Out door wraps for all occasions, whether they bo long, short, or half lenath. savor of tho elaborate and w- . 1 quaint which m evening The sumptuous coat with idv covers her carriago or 'costume partakes of the picturesque or luxurious. Capes, singlo, double and triple porolino shapod, fichu shaped or round, cower tho top of tho arms in both simple and elaborato wrnps. Brown bids fair to hold tho favor it has gained and a brown froidc for Autuir' is an absolutely safe pro- position. As to fabrics, manufactories are 6 & UIWHH ItfbAgi-! lhifllB' surpassing all former efforts in variety and beauty. Through tho courtesy of samo of the English manufacturers I have seen several of tho advancod stylos. Some of the now twoeds and woollens are particularly taking and Nonpareil vol vet dyed by tho celebrated Wor ralls, J. & J. M. spells a fabric of beauty in colorings and toxturo, and tho fact that in it every woman may look her best accounts for its great vogue. Never before so fashionable, velvet is a fashion come to stay. In my Illustration I depict an ex tremely chlo and becoming Nonpareil velvet worn by Miss Mary Mannoring. It is a warm shade of brown, the coat being a Monte Carlo, and trlmmod with ecru vouiso allover laco It Is tho ago of comfort in dross no hoop skirts, no orinolluo or wigan, no bustles, no polntod toos, and tho corsets, in comparsion with thoso formorly worn, nro corsets In name ouly. No one thinks of tho delicato wasp-llko ilguro. Dressmakers hero, as well as In Amorica, aro oudoavnring to bring out tho straight front modes Hoover Divorce Case In Supreme Court The Lincoln Daily Star ban the fol lowing: The brief of Valeria W. Hoover, plaintiff in error, against John S. Hoc ver, defendant in error, hns been tiled in the supreme court. The matter is the appeal of a divorco caso from Blue Hill, Neb. It appears from the record that Mrs. Hoover was engaged in clerk ing In a cigar stand in the Millard hotel in Umana. While there she be came acquainted with Hoover and after a nbort courtship married him. The couple, of which Mr. Hoover is the elder partner, took up their residence t Blue Hill. They were maided Au-, gust 7, 1001. Things moved along well until April 1902, at wbicb time Hoover became ill. Fearing- that. Be was going to die he made a will, making substantial pro vision for Mrs. Hoover. Hoover had 8elvMalchlldro by his Hct wife. Thev leurned of the will and it -vas later re voked. Mrs. Hoover remained with her sick husband until about June 4, 1002, and then went to Omaha to her parents. Soon after Hoover began di vorce proceedings, cbargiog cruelty and habitual drunkenness, according to tho brief of ibo plaintiff in error. Tho hearing of the divorco wns post poned once and on the HdhI day of trial tho defendant in error, her wit nesses and counsel, were prevented from attendeding owing to tho derail ment of an engine attached to their train. Hoover was awarded the do cree prayed for. Mrs. Hoover would liko to have tho decree set aside for this reason and de nies that she was or is a habitual drunkard. The brief contains several extracts from tho testimony in the lower court concerning tho liquor question. Tho plaintiff in error ill logos that the defendant knew that she drank when he married her, and refers to Ids testimony to show that ho was aware of the fact. A portion of the testimony is as follows: "Did you ever drink jth her before y u were married?" "I have uken beer with her " f "How much beer?" "Not very much, because I mver liked it well enough to take much of it." "Did she take much on these visits?" 'She took about all I could buy, I guess. Oh, no; It was just a matter of sociability. We 'would probably drop in some place to got something to eat, and she would drink one and I would take one." "'Jid you ever drink more than one glass with hoi?" "Don't ask mo so foolish questions." "How many glasses did you ever drink with her to one sitting?" "I don't think I over drank more than ono glass to a time. 1 don't think she ever drank more than two." "Did you ever drink any whisky with her?" "We didn't diink whisky. I think on one or two occasions we took a highball or whisky sour, that Is all. I want to tell you all about it, so you will understand it. I bad been in their house quite often and visited them, and I never saw them drink a drop of whisky in tbo house, hero when the old man" Where did you drink tho whisky or beer with her?" "That is a bard question to answor. I might have drank it at Ed Morris'. Wo didn't go into a whisky shop." Tho brief hn pioeecs 10 chiilo Mr, Hoover for permit tliiR his -vifo to drink and nllee" thai, ho bought the EYE CARE. Waiting and lioplne never bettars ailing vision procrastination Is tha thiol ol Rood eyesight. The change which coma lo the eye are ct- yond the power ol tho individual to remedy president day eye ly. Neslect to clve eves proper and timely care Is responsible lor much ol the trouble. A very little strain upon this delicate structure soon exhausts Its delicate nerve force. Ukan l.a sua llr.i ft.Mihl. tt. M.H nf .... .,. nii.iiiu. ... mil iiwiiui.. utviiiaii ui .dh. t knows there Is need ol help, and stralshway T sets it. Jf Let us aid you to better vision or the preserva- rmn m wnm r.tnk ni. EYES EXAMINED. EYE GLASS CAREU A little way from rlsM Is a sreat way vrrontr rf with eye classes and spectacles. JJJ. We make a study of Individual needs arut & -frames and lenses with exactness. ui Every appliance science has devised Is aJt oar command. ?" Every pair of glasses must precisely tult.tt Jj wearer and us. XI, Each lens, each frame. Is thoroughly InspactttIL jTL. If there Is flaw or blemish it Is discarded. KT Your eye glasses are as Important a jrowr X? eyesight Is Important. Here the skilL too. nu3 2i and the facilities to make them so 2a GLASSES FITTED!. NEWHOUSE BROS. JourAlArc find Ontlcinns. RED CLOUJfr.NML liquor for her after the marriage. The contention that be bought liquor for his wife to avoid having row does not impress the attorneys for the plain tiff in error as strongly as It did Hoo ver. Tho brief jays, in referring to this matter: "Cn anyono read tho following words which fell from his lips aad sy that ho is not guilty of deliberately creating in this girl the appetite ol which he now 1:0111 ph Ins? a " 'It wasn't long after wo got to Blue Hill until she commenced it. bhe wanted it all the tlmo ac.d of course I hud to buy it or havo a row, and jou know how a man feels about having a row with bis wife.' " 'About how long was that?' " 'It wasn't a week." " To what extent did she commence to use at first whisky and strong drinks?" " 'It usually cost me about GO cents a day for whisky and SO cents a day for beer.'" Mr. Hoiver, evidently, from his owu testimony, didn't have any greut crav ing for tho cup. In answer to ques tions as to whether he did not take a nip ocansioually, with his wife, for so ciability, ho explained: "There wasn't sociability on my part; it wis simply 10 keep out of trou ble, that was all " GARFIELD. Mr. Dewey, ihe owner of tho old Munsel farm, is here. He hi movaskft, the house up on the hill and I tar proving l to raako hit tenant: wm comfortable. John Street has sold his t rn io Llewollyn Ring, thejprice beiogHOftt. cash. Miss Pear) Keed is visitlbg wit6hx grandparents this week. Mr. nnd Mrs Ailes wero nortH- o-S? tho river Stmdayt vlsUiugwith K KU-Uecd. Ltowellyn King has sold 80 acrea '&V the southwest quarter of section 127ton his brother, the consideration hetafjc tl.000. Grant Houchin has sold the noptlLw went quarter of section 10 for ll,G0C'r Low Rates West via Burlington Route- 625 to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle. 925 to San Francisco and Los Au gclos. $22.50 to Spokane. $20 to Salt Lake City, Butte h&QS Helena. Proportionately low rates to. bsau dteils of other points, including Bffer Horn Btsin, Wyo , Montana, Ld&W. Waf-hington, Oregon, British Oolucss hia, California, etc. Every day-uaSu3i November U0 Tourist cars dally, tasv California. Personally conducted ?: elusions three times a week. Tourutx. car" diilv to Seattle. Inquire, of njs est Burlington Bouto agent. U. S, SEPARATORS MAKE MORE MONEY !; BY SKIMMING CLEANER S .! j' a X'L 1 tC& 'Mfi&i Wt SAVE MORE MONEY By wearlnK longer with less expense. as thuir usurs alt over the Country are dally proving, thereforo nro tho MOST PROFITABLE TO BUY We hive th following trantftr points i Chlwgo, LaCrotsr, Minnopolls, Omh, Sioux City, Mon- treat, Qube, SherbrooW, l. O., lUmllton, Ont. AJJrtu allltlten lo Mloivi Falli, Vt. Vermont Farm Machine Co., ,,o 'jws Falls, Vt, i wmmmmammmm ' 4 '" i JB3 4'J . 'U I ' ,-S M -ffistr - -r?&sim?KiiKxrt&?tmrBa IWM grr-ra.4 i m.