The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 18, 1903, Image 8

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    HtyjBHtHfir 2.-tbf
Tm 'tat
Stock and poultry have few
troubles which aro not bowel and
livor irregularities. IJol,y
t t.f irvl- inil l'ouUrv Mcdi-
cin'o it a bowel and liver remedy
for stock. It puts tho organs of
digestion in a irfoct condition.
Prominent American breeders ami
farmer keep their herds and flocks
Jn.nltliv bv civinn them an occn-
and Poultry Medicine in their
food. Any stock raiser may buy a
25-cent half-pound air-tight can
of this medicino from his dealer
and keep his stock in vigorous
health for weeks. Dealers gener
ally keep Ulack-Draught Stock and
Poultry Medicino. If yours docs
not, send 25 cento for a sample
can to tho manufacturers, Tho
Chattanooga Medicino Co., Chat
Unooga, Tenn.
nocimu, CU., Jan. 80, ltoi.
Black-Draught Btook and Ponltrr
Medlolneis tho best I ever tried. Our
took wm '.ooklni bed when yon lent
ma the modlelne and now they are
getting so fine. They are looking
per oent better. ,,
o. r. ....
"lleno" a I'onr Drink.
In a letter to his fathor at Spring
flelil, Mass., Frank Delllngor, a soldier
serving In the I'hlll lines, bitterly de
nounces tho tempo. 'nee pcoplo for
having brought nbout tho abolition of
tho enntren. Deprived of beer and
whisky ninny soldiers ncciistomed to
drink have taken up tho vllo Filipino
drink "beno" ns a substitute. It not
only physically wrecks thoso who
drink It, but In many Instances makes
them pcrtnnncntly Insane. Delllngor
cites cases where soldiers have gone
crazy from Indulging In "bono."
Trine Mm Marriage Knot.
How few of those that talk of tho
"nmrrlngn Knot" realize that the knot
was over anything inoro than n mere
Hew flanks Down (loath.
A fair Idea of southern progress Id
business Is afforded by tho fact thai
In the last six months 127 banks hav
been organised and commenced busi
ness In the southern Btates, Tcxa
heads tha Hat with thirty-four national
banks and five state bank3. Vlrglnln
and Georgia corrfo noxt with twelv
banks each. Another notnhle feature
of recent financial enterprise In the
south has boon tho organization of nu-'
morons loan and trust companies. In
nearly evory southern state local capi
tal has bcon Invested In such concerns,
Advanced fjnrttlnn or Infant.
Fadlsm seems to be as rampant la
the schools of Kansas as It Is some
times alleged to bo In this city. Par-1
ents and guardians In Greenwood
county complain thnt questldns far be
yond reasonable limit nro asked ol
even tho yonngcr children. At a re
cent examination tho following were
among the questions put: "What Is
meant by free trade? Imperialism?
Protection? Kxpanslon? Wrlto brief-(
ly on the following topics, Drcd-Scott
decision, Knnsns-Ncbrnnkn act. Chi-'
cago Chronicle.
Two Uanaas Advertisements.
Hero nro two advertisements which
recently nppeurcd in Kansas papers '
the Chnpman Standnrd and El Doradc
Ilcmilillcnn resnectlvely: "I wIbIi to
HwU I'rnlt Industry.
The year tOOO was nn excellent ycai
for fruit In Switzerland, and u manu
facturing II r m In thu canton of Angus
decided to erect a plnnt for utilizing
Anrlrnt Qnarrte.
Tho stone for the great wall of th
dam across the Nile at Assuan la he
Ing obtained from the quarries o
which the Temples of Phllao are bo
lleved to have been built tho unhnp
py Phllao which, when tho dam li
completed, will bo submerged and part
ly disappear from' sight for the firs
tlmo In Its 3,000 years of exlstenco
The granlto blocks thnt are belli)
quarried for this, tho first great cngl
neerlng achievement of the twcntletl
century, bear tho marks of wedgci
used thirty centuries ago.
figure of speech. Among tho Uabylo- llcpul)1eftn respectively: "I wish to, """ "'" , T. ' v "."""" Times, and It Is not just clear whethe., KaIKm I
nlnns tying tho knot was part of the tlinnk tho90 who n88lHted 10 In keep-, hL J'jf'';!! g a ' or no tho 'papcr had tho la-l Z&l'u
marriage ceremony. Thuro tho pi lest ng niy roof froni blowing off today. , " Ior lLC mf" , T,nK, anu ,,,av,!, Inugh. Ho was standing in front of s, --4C-X----i
took n thread of the garment of the j. c. Russell." "Wanted Some farm 'leB' ine imKing was accompiisne-i oul(llng ho owns in which there li- -
..... 1 ... . .. ni- nlnnlt'T tlin ullrna nn Irnva wtilnn .1
bride mid nnothor from that of tlie
bridegroom and tied them Into a knot,
which ho gave to the bride, thus sym
bolizing the binding nnture of tho un
iin between herself and her husband.
is a pleasant recreation,
is invigorating and is a
honlthful pastime, and
for n pleasant hour's
amusement nothing is
uioro interesting than a
gamo or two at the : : :
Apex Bouilinq Alleys
w. l. momillan,
Choice Tobaccos and Cigars
Always on Hand.
Wolves In Northern Mlnhlcan.
Wolves are becoming so uumcrous
In tho woods of tho upper peninsula of
Michigan that about as many deer arc
killed by them In tho closed season us
thero are by hunters In tho open sea
son. It Is suggested that the bounty
bo made $2G per head, as men would
then make It a business to kill them
for tho money thero would be In It, and
before long the species would bo prac
tically extinct, ns far as Michigan was
Women Won from Tight Clothing.
In his opening address as presiding
offlcor of tho twelfth annual confer
ence of tho Physical Culturo associa
tion tho other day in Now York Dr.
Dudley Sargent of Harvard declared
his belief thnt "lawn tennis, golf nnd
cycling havo done more to win women
away from tight clothing than nil tho
past century's lecturing and writing."
About ISO delegates from all sections
of tho country applauded the idea.
hands. I will give n dollar a day. three
meals and n custard plo and milk
lunch nt bedtime feather beds Sun
days off and permission to kiss tho
hired girl, for Bomo fnrm hands."
Start GlrU In Unslness.
Mmc. Barbet-Batlfol has bequeathed
an annuity of 10,000 francs ($2,000) to
the city of Paris on condition that it
bo given to tho young unmarried work
ing girl who by virtue of her intelli
gent and good conduct Is capable of
setting up In business and only re
quires tho necessary funds. Tho ap
plicants must bo French. Each year
the prefect of tho Seine will select
what ho considers tho most deserving
by placing tho slices on trays which
wero something like gridirons, om
being placed over another In the ovens
An electric motor was used to warm
the air for the baking.
Jury ticlected by Agreement.
In the district court of Logan coun
ty, Oklahoma, tho Guthrie & Western
Railroad company had a land, suit
against Georgo Cooper. The defend
ant asked that the caso be tried by
seven members of the Masonic order
instead of the usual Jury. Tho -ail-road
attorney, himself a Mason, agreed
and the case was so tried, both par
tics furthering agreeing that no ap
peal should be taken from the vordlct.
Cooper won.
Citrrle Nntlnn In Do lit.
Mrs. Carrie Nation tho other day at
tempted n Joke on Cotonel Anthony
owner of tho Leavenworth. Kan.
paid to be a thirst-cure establishment
Mrs. Nation canio nlong and said
"How's business, colonel renl Ing ant
newspnpor?" The colonel answered
promptly, "Tho Times nro out o
Joint," raised his hat and pnc3cd on.
Borne Timely Health ninte.
Tho house mother may do much
towards preventing tho spread of tu-(
berculosls by insisting that paper
handkerchiefs be used for any ailment
of tho eyo, ear, noso or throat, when
discharges occur from these organs.
Tho handkercblofs should be quickly,
burned. Children should be taught
never to use one another's handker
chiefs any more than they should use
one another's toothbrushes.
Wouldn't this
mace you dry
Tho ice cream and soda water
season is again ut hand. The
time when you want a nice,
cool, refreshing drink from
oar oxoellent fountain or a
dish of cream from our re
frigerators. Our soda fountain is now
open and you may obtain '
drinks at
5C toe and 15c
The Bon Ton
W. S. BENSE, Proprietor.
Women In DrltUh Mall Service.
The British postal service finds em
ploymont for 34,000 women out ot
167,000 officers, and over 19,000 of these
women are engaged, chiefly In the
provinces, as assistants to postmas
ters. There are not many ranks closod
to women. No fewer than 145 head
postmistresses are to be found In the
provinces, and more than one-third
of the sub-postmastershlps are in
trusted to women.
farta aibeem Heaeet.
Montana's new senator. Parts Gib
sob, is a popular man in Mlmneepolla,
nil! la that city, but failed in tfca pan
le of 1877, owing his employes nearly
110.000. Soon after Gibson went' to
Montana and a decade later returned
to Minneapolis and paid off eyery
cent of his Indebtedness, with inter
est at 7 per cent
Long Trip, oa Saowahoea.
Rt. Rev. Jervo'lB A. Newnham, D.D.,
bishop of the missionary diocese of
Moosonee, on James bay, in the re
mote northwest, arrived In Ottawa re
cently after traveling 900 miles on
snowshoes. He left Moose Fort, the
most northerly post on Hudson's bay,
to go to Ottawa on foot He walked
southward until be reached the Cana
dian Pacific railway, over which be
went to his destination.
France Will Lay Cable.
Tho French government has Just
concluded with that of Morocco a con
vention for tho laying of an exclusive
ly French submarine cable to Tangier,
where hitherto the French havo been
dependent on the British and Spanish
lines, writes a correspondent The
chief inspector of French telegraphs
Is making preliminary arrangement!
for laying the cable which will con
nect Marseilles, Tangier and Oran.
asjakMlty rf Oeeaa KslU
Ocean steamships aowadays are as
regular as tbecaUltoada la carrying the
Host Fnrnlehed the Matches.
An anecdote of an old resident of
Brooklyn Heights, more noted for his
books than his generosity, is given by
the Eagle. Ho had entertained some
men at dinner one Right, and after
the coffee had been drunk be invited
bis guests in the library, and, putting a
box of matches on a table, remarked:
"Gentlemen, there are some matches,
if any of you have any cigars which
you would like to smoke."
Wealthy Have t'uir Children.
An Inquisitive reporter last woel
took n census of a mllo of Fifth ave
nue, New York, embracing tho homei
of mnny very rich men, and found Jusl
fifteen children under the ago of 12
Thero was an average juf one child t'
threo houses. Then tho reporter tram,
ferred his attention to the east sldf
tenement district, whero ho found ir
ono flat house sixty-three children, oi
more than four times the number founJ
In the wholo Fifth avenue mile.
$ As net forth In THE WILD MKDAT.S
ICI'Itl.K TKBATISE, the belt Medical T
T Work of thin or any atfc, entitled JjJ
!tj Tho Sclrncn of Life, or fielf-
X Preservation. jk
tlbrary Edition. Kull Gilt. S70 PP.. .with
2t KntiraTlim anil rrrocrlptloni, only (1, by
i mall, scaled In plain pncltaifo. -.
T It la n tri-inore for KVEUY MAN, 2.
H Young, Mliiaio-AKfil nud Old. rtoE
for It today. Hie .-crct Key to Health. HJ
HanpineM. VWoui MANHOOD and hale V
:h olil ne. Adilrcta
:U Tho I'enhotly Medical Inatltute,
sis Ko. 4 Dulflnch M. (onponltu Itcvcra Ilouir,
3. Ilonton, Ma.). tho oliIt and beat In thla
i! I....:'...'.. ....KH. I, n. I In iCTil Alltlmr Htlll
for moro than Thirty "i rare chief Consultlnu V
Tl'lualrlan to tho Institute, graduate of liar- -r
sprnrd Medical Collide, claaa 18l. Comul.
Htlon bv letter or In penon, 9 to 6. s-,
SBKn& Tl&fo Mannal. a Varie Mecatn S
:C brochure, Klthi:, amledt lnclon e renta fur 3.
;C potm Treats on hxhauated Vitality. 3.
'" cniTflD'O MftTC KnrJO le" tho I'cabody 3;
CDITOR S NU 1 1 Mcillcal lnstltiito hnaluen ;
V n flxi'rt '. anu 11 win rcmum on. n 3-
ol Inntltutn tim many J;
it. "nston llvraiil. -It
- I jajaBLUH ! ! Illlll I IMlTTSlSMinaaaiaMajM a
iU'urvi 1 Ksc. ruuLtui
Is put up Inulilte pnctcaecu, manufactured
exclusively by the filadUon Midiclno
Co.. Madison, Wis. bells at 35 cents a
package. All others are rank Imitations
and substitutes, don't rMk your health by
taking them. IrltiaENUINli makes sick
Beople Well, Keeps you Well. All Honest
enters sell the genuine.
Slity-Two Year Married.
Near Attica, the other day, when t
neighbors went over to congrntubt
Qrandpap and Grandma McDanlel or
tho sixty-second anniversary of theh
marriage, they found grandpnp out Ir
the field planting com, while grandma
was cleaning up the breakfast cluttet
In the kitchen. When the good fol'i
told grandpnp the object of their visit
he said: "Lordy, lordy, how time does
fly!" Kansas City Journal.
Mlaa. Ha started the ire ee4 mallr They hsre their kaMtaal rates
of speed aad are expected le make the
Get-asaa Mary Bulldlas; Ship.
The German navy department ha:
given several orders for new ships to
private shlshulldias; firms. The Wee-
cr compaay, In Bremen. Is to build
voyage of 8,000 stiles oter'a trackless two small cruisers. Blohm & Von tt
Mystic Cure for lltietiniatlmi and Neuralgia
radically rurei lu 1 to .1 ilaya. Ita action upon
the ajstem la remarkable and m) Merlon It
lenoTca at once thu cauae and the dltciielm
medlalely dlsfvaT. The Qrtt dote greatly
heneflia. lt ceiim and ll.UV. Sold by II. E.
Once, UrujtKlst. lied Cloud.
Wanted Young men to preparo for Rovern
went poslllona. Flno openlimH In all depart
ment, tiood aalarles. Iiapld promotlous,
jUamlnatlona soon. Particular free.
Inter HUte Cor. Inst., Cedar Knplda, la.
Soma Iowa Election Figure. ,
There are few socialists In Iowa, but
Eugene Debs polled 1,643 votes in the
Hawkeyo State last year for president.
Of these S40 were cast In Scott coun
ty, which Includes the city of Daven
port, with a considerable German
population. The vote for Woolley,
Prohibitionist, In Scott county, was C6
oeaaa throush wind aad storm la the
same -number of hours aad Hrlsmtes,
winter and summer, never slowing
down or heaving to, except on the very
rarest occasions.
Hamburg are to build an armored
cruiser. The Howal'dt works, In KU1
also has a small cruiser on hand and
contracts for two more battleships wll.
shortly be given out.
War on Vlaaby Foster.
Anti-vice crusaders in Jersey Ctj
have begun war on flashy theatrical
posters and will make a test c-it
against a local manager. The crs;
will come before Judge Hoos, who l.aj
adopted the unusual method of sum
moning a special Jury, consisting ct
two clergymen, one doctor, a schoo,
principal, an artist, a merchant, u
photographer and a bank cashier.
Pennyroyal, pills
.jr.r-v Original end Only Ueanlne.
gVVjLSAFE. AloiT.rtiutttt Ladle. ik Dninli
iln HED "1 Gald nttltllls bom (tiltl
lib blu. ribbon. Taken otker. lUtnse.
nsagiraaa Mnbstltatlena and lmltA
tlaaa. Boy of jor brngglil. or was 4. la
nupi ior i-arvieniar. 1 fnninniai
ul "lidler rr Ladle," iMr, bj rtw
tarn Mall. 10,000 TmUbubIiIi. $.&lt
B444 SladlMa Mssn, t'UlLA VA.
Clrtnts and bnutlflel Hie hair.
Troniotcs a luxuriant pjuwth.
Never Fails to Itestore Ormy
linlr to Us Youthful Color.
Curef iralp dlt uti a hnlr talllxue.
P'candllJUiat Druinrliis
Reeplnv Kevvre'a Nam- tirm.
Bunker Hill Chapter, Daughters o'
the American Revolution. -has decide.!
Mother ef Fearteea at ae.
It is reported by reliable authority
that there is a woman living in the
mountains of Oconee county, South I to mark the spot from which Paul 1
Carolina, who is 26 years old and has vere started on his historic mldn!i:'i:
fourteen children, all living, and one ride on April 18. 1775, to warn th in
City Prnnd of Crematory.
There was recently opened at Hull,
England, a municipal crematory. It
Is the first Institution of Its kind to
be built and operated by a municipal
undertaking. The mayor of Hull, In
opening the new crematory, spoke ot
it as an Institution of which the city
bad good reason to bo proud.
grandchild. The woman married when
only 11 years old and has enjoyed good
health ever since. Atlanta Constitution.
Half Rates to Omaha and Back.
On Octobor 2, 0, G, 7 and S tho Bur
lington will sell tickets to Omaha nt
onn fare for tho round trip for tho Ak-Btr-Uun
carnival to bo hold Outobor 1
to 10. This Yoar'e carnival, in tho mal
lei of attractions, will bo larger thu
ever beforo. There will 00 a grim
number of entirely now feature
among which aro "l'lin O.tvo of to
Winds," 'Templo of Musla," "Ben
llur" and "Loop tho Loop." Flowei
paradoon thonfiornoon of Octobor 7
A gorguoiH electrical ptrndu by tin
Kniitho of Ak-Sar lien on tho oveninp
of Octuber8. D.ut'i uiiis it. For Inl
partictilRiti auk tho nctMit.
Die Changes Count Hoard.
The political complexion of the Dond
county (Illinois) board of supervisors
-was changed by a gamo of dice and the
Republicans now have a majority of
one. The board was fortnerly Democratic
Kins of Qreee Handles Flow.
A pleasant way of spending some of
the summer months Is that adopted
by the king of Greece. Ho turns farm
er and works as hard as if he wero
a land laborer. He can plow a field,
cut and bind corn in short, keep a
farm going from start to finish, as
though it were his business.
habitants of the towns betwcn Boston
and Concord that the British w -.
coming to destroy their store3 and uu
cttlons of war.
rrnrn I'natutrn to Farms.
Within six years the New Zoaland
government has bought back of the
jrlgtaal settlers 324,167 acres of lead
Htl for sheep runs, and 1,680 families
hav found homes on them.
To Cure A Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bronui Quinine Tab
leu. All druggist refund the tnonov
if it fulls to euro, K. W. Grove's signa
ture is on each box. 25o.
A Kentucky trencher Cotton Picker.
The Rev. William H. Meyers of this
city has recently been granted letters
ot patept on a pneumatic cotton picker
for picking cotton out ot the bolls in
the Held, says the Sturgls Horald. This
is tho only machlno for the purpose in
exlsteuce, and will supply a long folt
want and bo of lnostlmablo value to
both tho lucky Inventor and the cotton
alsers of the south. Mr. MeyerB has
ilready sold a one-fourth Interest in
tils patent to a wealthy mill ownor.
.Us machine, when In oporatlon will
sit on an ordinary farm wagon, and bo
furnished power by a light gasolono
engine, which will pick the cotton
from threo rows at a time as fast as
tho team will walk, and dump tho
picKeu cotton into a second wagon,
which follows Immediately after tho
oue 011 which the machine Is hauled.
Improvised Furnl.nre.
The eia of the rocking chair mado
out of a barrel is happily over, but
many pieces of furniture, which aro
tho outgrowth of special needs are
often satisfactorily developed from
small beginnings. A sot of book
shelves, for exnmplo, with a drawer at
the bottom, waB recently made by a
clever woman from an old fashioned
walnut dresser. The marble top she
bad removed, and the fine oval top
swing glass was taken out ot Its
frame to serve another purpose.
Shelves were fitted In the drawer slides
ot the uppor three drawers, the wood
of these being utilized In the process.
A partition was fitted up from tho bot
tom drawer at halt the depth of the
Wo Tobacco It-lcl In H-ipt
Tobacco raising has been prohlnl'ri
by law In Egypt since 1890. In fact
there Is nothing Egyptian about
"Egyptian cigarettes" except that lhv
are made In Egypt. The tobacco a!!
comes from Turkey, the paper from
Austria, Germany or Italy, and most
of the labor employed is Greek.
Grieved at rebUo-s Mleeoneeptlea.
- The new civil service commissioner,
Mr. Rodenberg of this state, expresses
himself aa much pleased with his Job,
but has a grievance. He finds that la
some way a great many persons hare
acquired the idea that he is a big fat
man, with long whiskers. "All ol
which you can see for yourself If
away off," as he said to a friend the
other day. Chicago Chronicle.
Vast Area of Africa.
Africa has an area ot practically
11,500,000 square miles, something
more than thrice that of the United
States and Its possessions. Twenty
years ago, save for strips of territory
along the coasts, with occasional shal
low indentations into tho interior, It
was in fact as well as In name tho
"dark continent."
Ftjbert Treee from Oreece.
A number of young filbert trees have
been sent to the agricultural depart
ment from Greece. Tho nuU from
.toachlmN Tn'xit In fh'lilhool.
It Is told of Joachim that as a child
be learned the violin of Serwacgyn
skl, konzertmelster at Buda-Pesth.
these trees are the largest and have. Thirty yeais after he heard a violin
the finest flavor of any filberts the de- played, and recognized It as that which
imiuueui una yvi uiotucicu, uuu ev
ery effort Is to be mado to encourage
tholr growing.
Schlatter In the Northwest.
Schlatter, the bogus Messiah and di
vine healer, now registers at a Sioux
Falls hotel as Dr. Charles McLean. He
formerly professed to work miraculous
cures without compensation; now he
claims to have drawn a $15,000 fee
from Richard Croker, the Tammany
leader. Chicago Chronicle.
SCOnS EMULSION isrvu at a
bridge to carry the weakened aad
starved system along until it can fbvd
firm support in ordinary food.
Send for free simple.
SCOTT & KOWNE. Chemists.
409-4 1 Pearl Street, New York.
50c anu pi.oo ) ui tuugjtuia.
The German Wood Snaply.
Germany, although It has 35,000,000
acres of forests excellently managed,
and yielding an Immense revenue, de
mands increasingly greater quantities
his master had used. It was an Am
atl, and he was nblo to buy It for his
own use.
Kplord f.nkes In Thibet,
A letter has reached Denmark from
Dr. Sven Hedln, the Swedish explorer
of northern Thibet, dated Dec. 3, In
which he states that ho explored 3ome
Janitors Objeet to Lampoon.
Cartoonists and comic papers have
bo long and in so many ways lampoon
ed janitors that members of that an
cient guild In New York city have
formed a league with tho purpose,
among others, of removing the mistak
en impression created by funny writers
and artists.
I "Shave?"
You are "Next" at
Oliver Schalf nit's t
Barber Shop,
Basement Potter-Wright Building.,
i Scissors Ground,
Razors 'Honed,?
tagne to Curtail Women's Skirts.
Princess Louise ot Bavaria, wife ot
tho heir presumptive, has formed a
league for the curtailment of the skirts
of women's walking dresses. Tho lead-
of woo. so that for tho last ten years ' large lakes, tho water of which was ,nK Bclety women of Munich havo
. ! sea .a a ........ ' 1tinatl thA loamiA O W n A tltMlrlnn
mo amount. 01 uranor wnicn-u nuys Bo salty that tho instruments wero un
able to .register the amount of saline.
has doubled and its valuo trebled.
New Yark's HalUla- Doan,
A revolution In residence property
Is going on In Now York city. Re
cently the plans filed in one week for
apartment houses and residences called
for an expenditure of $15,822,000, tho
largest total in tho history ot tho city.
joined tuo league and aro
strongly for dress reform.
Djr-Stittfs as Home Industry.
Miss Goodrich, a teacher in a south
ern mountain school, is encouraging
the women in her vicinity to cultlvato
Income In llerlln.
Of 530,000 persons paying tnxes In
Berlin over 295,000 possess an income
Yinttv0n fKn nnd E7f0 nor annum, nnlv I
43,000 pay on incomes over $750, while! wcather." or "beautiful day," and nine
twelve persons hnvo an Incomo over
Apt to Coaeedr IN
On a nasty day it Is easy to uiako
even the most conscientious person
prevaricate. Just say to them "nlco
iuul.3 anAKftiNiiiji ;
, All kinds of barber work executed J
promptly nnd satisfaction
J guaranteed. J
Red Cloud, Neb.
$250,000, and one person has $500,000.
Hewer (Urea Knglneera Hint.
Enclneers havo takon a hint from
the beaver In building a dam with
an arch facing tho current It Is said
out of every ten of them will thought
lessly reply "yes." Albany Journal.
madder and Indigo, and to use the col- j that they are Indebted to the clam for
the Idea or using a water jei in sinn
ing piles in sand.
ors from them for their weaving in
place ot manufactured dye.
General Kool Is to be appointed mln
lster of war in the Netherlands. This
Salt Lake Is Seceding.
Great Salt lake is beginning to show
the drain upon It due to irrigation,
Is calculated to make the military en- and is receding. A canal to the lake
thuslasm ot the Dutch soldiers hang ' from the headwaters ot the Snake river
around the frost line. Kansas City has been suggested as 1 possible rem-
To Cure a Cold in One Day
tow .uaxauve oromo v&uinine TMets. z (VJfy
Saves MMoa boxes soM la aosc 1 3 months. This fiitrnatirra. ' S
Cures Crif)
fa TWo Days.
This signature.
on every
prvnn pox. 25c
Goes In Unlveraltr of Iowa.
Charles Noble Gregory, associate
dean of tho University of Wisconsin,
has accepted an appointment to tho
place of chancellor of the law school
nt ho llnlvomllv nt Iowa
Quarantine Officer Trans for red.
Dr. John J. Klnyoun, federal quar
antine officer at San Francisco, has
been transferred to tho department of
Dakota headquarters nt St. Paul, Minn.
His bubonic plague hobby goes with
him. Chicago Chronicle.
reoalty for Foasentlns IawsoHs.
One of the laws of Texas Imposes
heavy fine and Imprisonment on law
yers who foment suits against rail
roads and other corporations, or who
advance money to clients to secure
such cases.
81, JOE
Bl. LOUIS and
alt poi7its cast and
and all jwinti
No, 18. Paasonger dally for Oberlln
f nd.8i; ''foiicl" brunches. Ox.
ford. McC'ook, Denver and ail
points west....... . 0:10 a.m.
Passenger dally for St. Joe,
Kansas rtir, .Molilson. St.
fuuiB, L.UICUIII via wymote at
and all points east and south 2'l"m
No IS. Passenger, daily, Denver, all
E .n." lu Colorado, Utah aud
California- mm
No, 14.
16, Passenger, daily for 8t. Joe.
Kansas city. Atchison. 8t!
Louis and all points east and
UUlU -liiiini,.,,,..
0 ftta.ra
Wo urn htadq inrii'in "tor Hale
tuitl nil kinds of job piloting.
Gattlng- Dawn to the Cuticle.
A soap trust Is talked of. Hero cap
ital touches dangerous ground, for the
soap habit Is universally recognized as
one which ought to bo oncouraged and
not suppressed. Washington Star
TukChikk ntd lho Auieiicim Hi
ono year 81.00.
Vo. 174. Accommodation, dally except
land. Ulack lllllt am
points In Hie n irthwum... j ,
Vo. 173. Dully cicrpt Sunday. A'
loriiaiidliitermidlH vponi ..lioop.m
seVufe n.!'!!"15, 1ml ,rc(-'" ,""' "'
.aAaJn n,?M,!,h,ro.ugh ,rMl,"' Ticket.. a.ilil --d
,anrnnfnr,WM.U."1' Mme "ll Ml I li-ai
Agent () in a tin, Nebraska, ,
A '
V "
- "Mr -j- --.,
. TAU rmimfr .. M --.
-' "- - .
i .--.
u .1'
- .
- tft A
-"T oaf n- .jr-fl l
-fc ' T - I. WW